FPGA Prototyping by SystemVerilog Examples - Pong P. Chu

FPGA Prototyping by SystemVerilog Examples

Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS SoC Edition


Buch | Hardcover
656 Seiten
2018 | 2nd edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-119-28266-2 (ISBN)
115,51 inkl. MwSt
A hands-on introduction to FPGA prototyping and SoC design

This is the successor edition of the popular FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples text. It follows the same “learning-by-doing” approach to teach the fundamentals and practices of HDL synthesis and FPGA prototyping. The new edition uses a coherent series of examples to demonstrate the process to develop sophisticated digital circuits and IP (intellectual property) cores, integrate them into an SoC (system on a chip) framework, realize the system on an FPGA prototyping board, and verify the hardware and software operation. The examples start with simple gate-level circuits, progress gradually through the RT (register transfer) level modules, and lead to a functional embedded system with custom I/O peripherals and hardware accelerators. Although it is an introductory text, the examples are developed in a rigorous manner, and the derivations follow the strict design guidelines and coding practices used for large, complex digital systems.

The book is completely updated and uses the SystemVerilog language, which “absorbs” the Verilog language. It presents the hardware design in the SoC context and introduces the hardware-software co-design concept. Instead of treating examples as isolated entities, the book integrates them into a single coherent SoC platform that allows readers to explore both hardware and software “programmability” and develop complex and interesting embedded system projects. The new edition:

Adds four general-purpose IP cores, which are multi-channel PWM (pulse width modulation) controller, I2C controller, SPI controller, and XADC (Xilinx analog-to-digital converter) controller.
Introduces a music synthesizer constructed with a DDFS (direct digital frequency synthesis) module and an ADSR (attack-decay-sustain-release) envelope generator.
Expands the original video controller into a complete stream based video subsystem that incorporates a video synchronization circuit, a test-pattern generator, an OSD (on-screen display) controller, a sprite generator, and a frame buffer.
Provides a detailed discussion on blocking and nonblocking statements and coding styles.
Describes basic concepts of software-hardware co-design with Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS soft-core processor.
Provides an overview of bus interconnect and interface circuit.
Presents basic embedded system software development.
Suggests additional modules and peripherals for interesting and challenging projects.

FPGA Prototyping by SystemVerilog Examples makes a natural companion text for introductory and advanced digital design courses and embedded system courses. It also serves as an ideal self-teaching guide for practicing engineers who wish to learn more about this emerging area of interest.

PONG P. CHU, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. He has taught undergraduate and graduate digital systems and computer architecture courses for more than two decades, and has received multiple instructional grants from the National Science Foundation.

Preface xxvii

Acknowledgments xxxiii


1 Gate-Level Combinational Circuit 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.1.1 Brief history of Verilog and SystemVerilog 1

1.1.2 Book coverage 2

1.2 General description 3

1.3 Basic lexical elements and data types 4

1.3.1 Lexical elements 4

1.3.2 Data types used in the book 5

1.3.3 Number representation 6

1.3.4 Operators 7

1.4 Program skeleton 7

1.4.1 Port declaration 7

1.4.2 Signal declaration 8

1.4.3 Program body 8

1.4.4 Concurrent semantics 9

1.4.5 Another example 10

1.5 Structural description 10

1.6 Top-level signal mapping 13

1.7 Testbench 14

1.8 Bibliographic notes 16

1.9 Suggested experiments 16

1.9.1 Code for gate-level greater-than circuit 17

1.9.2 Code for gate-level binary decoder 17

2 Overview of FPGA and EDA Software 19

2.1 FPGA 19

2.1.1 Overview of a general FPGA device 19

2.1.2 Overview of the Xilinx Artix-7 devices 20

2.2 Overview of the Digilent Nexys 4 DDR board 21

2.3 Development flow 22

2.4 Xilinx Vivado Design Suite 24

2.5 Bibliographic notes 24

2.6 Suggested experiments 24

2.6.1 Gate-level greater-than circuit 24

2.6.2 Gate-level binary decoder 26

3 RT-Level Combinational Circuit 29

3.1 Operators 29

3.1.1 Arithmetic operators 31

3.1.2 Shift operators 31

3.1.3 Relational and equality operators 32

3.1.4 Bitwise, reduction, and logical operators 32

3.1.5 Concatenation and replication operators 33

3.1.6 Conditional operators 34

3.1.7 Operator precedence 35

3.1.8 Expression bit-length adjustment 35

3.1.9 Synthesis of z and x values 36

3.2 Always block for a combinational circuit 38

3.2.1 Overview of always block 39

3.2.2 Procedural assignment 40

3.2.3 Conceptual examples 40

3.3 Coding guidelines 43

3.4 If statement 43

3.4.1 Syntax 43

3.4.2 Examples 44

3.5 Case statement 45

3.5.1 Syntax 45

3.5.2 Examples 46

3.5.3 The casez and casex statements 47

3.5.4 Full case and parallel case 48

3.6 Routing structure of conditional control constructs 49

3.6.1 Priority routing network 49

3.6.2 Multiplexing network 51

3.7 Additional coding guidelines for an always block 52

3.7.1 Common errors in combinational circuit codes 52

3.7.2 Guidelines 56

3.8 Parameter and constant 56

3.8.1 Constant 56

3.8.2 Parameter 58

3.9 Replicated structure 59

3.9.1 Generate-for statement 59

3.9.2 Procedural-for statement 60

3.9.3 Example 60

3.10 Design examples 62

3.10.1 Hexadecimal digit to seven-segment LED decoder 62

3.10.2 Sign-magnitude adder 65

3.10.3 Barrel shifter 68

3.10.4 Simplified floating-point adder 69

3.11 Bibliographic notes 73

3.12 Suggested experiments 73

3.12.1 Multi-function barrel shifter 73

3.12.2 Parameterized barrel shifter 74

3.12.3 Dual-priority encoder 74

3.12.4 BCD incrementor 74

3.12.5 Floating-point greater-than circuit 74

3.12.6 Floating-point and signed integer conversion circuit 74

3.12.7 Enhanced floating-point adder 75

4 Regular Sequential Circuit 77

4.1 Introduction 77

4.1.1 D FF and register 78

4.1.2 Basic block system 78

4.1.3 Code development 79

4.1.4 Sequential circuit coding guidelines and style 79

4.2 HDL code of the FF and register 80

4.2.1 D FF 80

4.2.2 Register 85

4.3 Simple design examples 85

4.3.1 Shift register 85

4.3.2 Binary counter and variant 87

4.4 Testbench for sequential circuits 89

4.5 Case study 93

4.5.1 LED time-multiplexing circuit 93

4.5.2 Stopwatch 101

4.6 Timing and clocking 104

4.6.1 Timing of FF 104

4.6.2 Maximum operating frequency 104

4.6.3 Clock tree 107

4.6.4 GALS system and CDC 107

4.7 Bibliographic notes 108

4.8 Suggested experiments 108

4.8.1 Programmable square wave generator 108

4.8.2 PWM and LED dimmer 108

4.8.3 Rotating square circuit 109

4.8.4 Heartbeat circuit 109

4.8.5 Rotating LED banner circuit 109

4.8.6 Enhanced stopwatch 110

5 FSM 111

5.1 Introduction 111

5.1.1 Mealy and Moore outputs 112

5.1.2 FSM representation 112

5.2 FSM code development 115

5.2.1 Enumerated data type and state assignment 115

5.2.2 Multi-segment code 116

5.2.3 Two-segment code 117

5.3 Design examples 118

5.3.1 Rising-edge detector 118

5.3.2 Debouncing circuit 123

5.3.3 Testing circuit 126

5.4 Bibliographic notes 128

5.5 Suggested experiments 128

5.5.1 Dual-edge detector 128

5.5.2 Early detection debouncing circuit 128

5.5.3 Parking lot occupancy counter 129

6 FSMD 131

6.1 Introduction 131

6.1.1 Single RT operation 132

6.1.2 ASMD chart 132

6.1.3 Decision box with a register 134

6.2 Code development of an FSMD 137

6.2.1 Debouncing circuit based on RT methodology 137

6.2.2 Code with explicit data path components 137

6.2.3 Code with implicit data path components 140

6.2.4 Comparison 142

6.3 Design examples 144

6.3.1 Fibonacci number circuit 144

6.3.2 Division circuit 147

6.3.3 Binary-to-BCD conversion circuit 150

6.3.4 Period counter 153

6.3.5 Accurate low-frequency counter 156

6.4 Bibliographic notes 159

6.5 Suggested experiments 159

6.5.1 Early detection debouncing circuit 159

6.5.2 BCD-to-binary conversion circuit 160

6.5.3 Fibonacci circuit with BCD I/O: design approach 1 160

6.5.4 Fibonacci circuit with BCD I/O: design approach 2 160

6.5.5 Auto-scaled low-frequency counter 161

6.5.6 Reaction timer 161

6.5.7 Babbage difference engine emulation circuit 162

7 RAM and Buffer of FPGA 165

7.1 Embedded memory of FPGA device 165

7.1.1 Memory of an Artix device 166

7.1.2 Memory available in the Nexys 4 DDR board 166

7.2 General description for a RAM-like component 167

7.2.1 Register file 167

7.2.2 Dynamic array indexing operation 169

7.2.3 Key aspects of a RAM module 170

7.2.4 Genuine ROM 171

7.3 FIFO buffer 173

7.3.1 FIFO read configuration 174

7.3.2 Circular queue implementation 175

7.4 HDL templates for memory inference 178

7.4.1 Methods to incorporate memory modules 178

7.4.2 Synchronous dual-port RAM 179

7.4.3 “Simple” synchronous dual-port RAM 180

7.4.4 Synchronous single-port RAM 181

7.4.5 Synchronous ROM 182

7.4.6 BRAM-based FIFO buffer 183

7.4.7 Design considerations 183

7.5 Overview of memory controller 184

7.6 Bibliographic notes 185

7.7 Suggested experiments 186

7.7.1 ROM-based sign-magnitude adder 186

7.7.2 ROM-based temperature conversion 186

7.7.3 FIFO with data width conversion 186

7.7.4 Standard FIFO to FWFT FIFO conversion circuit 187

7.7.5 FIFO buffer with extended status 187

7.7.6 Stack 187

8 Selected Topics of SystemVerilog 189

8.1 Timing model 189

8.1.1 Concurrent constructs 190

8.1.2 Assignment statement 190

8.1.3 Basic model 190

8.1.4 Blocking versus nonblocking assignment 192

8.2 Coding guidelines revisited 194

8.2.1 “Single variable assignment” guideline 195

8.2.2 “Blocking assignment for combinational circuit” guideline 195

8.2.3 “Nonblocking assignment for register” guideline 197

8.3 Alternative coding style 198

8.3.1 First coding style revisited 198

8.3.2 Sequential circuit with mixed blocking and nonblocking assignments 199

8.3.3 Combined coding style 201

8.3.4 Summary 206

8.4 Data types 206

8.4.1 The net and variable types 206

8.4.2 The logic data type 207

8.4.3 Limitation of the logic data type 208

8.4.4 New data types in SystemVerilog 208

8.5 Use of the signed data type 209

8.5.1 Overview 209

8.5.2 Signed number conversion 210

8.6 Bibliographic notes 211

8.7 Suggested experiments 211

8.7.1 Shift register with blocking and nonblocking assignments 211

8.7.2 Alternative coding style for the BCD counter 212

8.7.3 Alternative coding style for the FIFO buffer 212

8.7.4 Alternative coding style for the Fibonacci circuit 212

8.7.5 Dual-mode comparator 212


9 Overview of Embedded SoC Systems 215

9.1 Embedded SoC 215

9.1.1 Overview of embedded systems 215

9.1.2 FPGA-based SoC 216

9.1.3 IP cores 216

9.2 Development flow of the embedded SoC 217

9.2.1 Hardware–software partition 217

9.2.2 Hardware development flow 217

9.2.3 Software development flow 219

9.2.4 Physical implementation and test 219

9.2.5 Custom IP core development 219

9.3 FPro SoC Platform 220

9.3.1 Motivations 220

9.3.2 Platform hardware organization 221

9.3.3 Platform software organization 223

9.3.4 Modified development flow 224

9.4 Adaptation on the Digilent Nexys 4 DDR board 224

9.5 Portability 226

9.5.1 Processor Module and Bridge 226

9.5.2 MMIO subsystem 227

9.5.3 Video subsystem 227

9.6 Organization 228

9.7 Bibliographic notes 228

10 Bare Metal System Software Development 231

10.1 Bare metal system development overview 231

10.1.1 Desktop-like system versus bare metal system 231

10.1.2 Basic embedded program architecture 232

10.2 Memory-mapped I/O 233

10.2.1 Overview 233

10.2.2 Memory alignment 234

10.2.3 I/O register map 234

10.2.4 I/O address space of the FPro system 234

10.3 Direct I/O Register Access 235

10.3.1 Review of C pointer 235

10.3.2 C pointer for I/O register 236

10.4 Robust I/O register access 237

10.4.1 chu_io_map.h and chu_io_map.svh 237

10.4.2 inttypes.h 238

10.4.3 chu_io_rw.h 239

10.5 Techniques for low-level I/O operations 241

10.5.1 Bit manipulation 241

10.5.2 Packing and unpacking 242

10.6 Device Drivers 243

10.6.1 Overview 243

10.6.2 GPO and GPI drivers 243

10.6.3 Timer driver 245

10.6.4 UART driver 247

10.7 FPro utility routines and directory structure 248

10.7.1 Minimal hardware requirements 248

10.7.2 Utility routines 248

10.7.3 Directory structure 251

10.8 Test program 252

10.8.1 IP core verification routine 252

10.8.2 Programming with limited memory 252

10.8.3 Test function integration 252

10.8.4 Test program for the vanilla FPro system 253

10.8.5 Implementation 254

10.9 Bibliographic notes 255

10.10 Suggested experiments 255

10.10.1 Chasing LEDs 255

10.10.2 Collision LEDs 256

10.10.3 Pulse width modulation 256

10.10.4 System time display 256

11 FPro Bus Protocol and MMIO Slot Specification 257

11.1 FPro bus 257

11.1.1 Overview of the bus 257

11.1.2 SoC interconnect 258

11.1.3 FPro bus protocol specification 259

11.2 Interface with the bus 260

11.2.1 Introduction 260

11.2.2 Write interface and decoding 261

11.2.3 Read interface and multiplexing 263

11.2.4 FIFO buffer as an I/O register 264

11.2.5 Timing consideration 265

11.3 MMIO I/O core 266

11.3.1 MMIO slot interface specification 266

11.3.2 Basic MMIO I/O core construction 268

11.3.3 GPO and GPI cores 269

11.4 Timer core development 270

11.4.1 Custom logic 270

11.4.2 Register map 271

11.4.3 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 271

11.5 MMIO controller 272

11.5.1 chu_io_map.svh file 273

11.5.2 HDL code 273

11.5.3 Vanilla MMIO subsystem 275

11.6 MCS I/O bus and bridge 278

11.6.1 Overview of Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS 278

11.6.2 MicroBlaze MCS I/O bus 278

11.6.3 MCS-to-FPro bridge 279

11.7 Vanilla FPro system construction 281

11.8 Bibliographic notes 282

11.9 Suggested experiments 283

11.9.1 FPro bus with a byte-lane enable signal 283

11.9.2 Seven-segment control with a GPO core 283

11.9.3 GPIO core 283

11.9.4 Blinking-LED core 284

11.9.5 Timer core with a programmable period 284

11.9.6 Timer core with a run-once mode 284

12 UART Core 287

12.1 Introduction 287

12.1.1 Overview of serial communication 287

12.1.2 Overview of the UART 288

12.1.3 Oversampling procedure 288

12.2 UART construction 289

12.2.1 Conceptual design 289

12.2.2 Baud rate generator 290

12.2.3 UART receiver 291

12.2.4 UART transmitter 293

12.2.5 Top-level HDL code 295

12.3 UART core development 296

12.3.1 Register map 296

12.3.2 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 297

12.4 UART driver 298

12.4.1 Class definition 299

12.4.2 Basic methods 300

12.4.3 ASCII code 301

12.4.4 Display methods 303

12.4.5 Test 305

12.5 Additional project ideas 305

12.5.1 Original serial port 305

12.5.2 Emulated serial port 305

12.5.3 Direct connection 306

12.5.4 USB-to-UART adaptor 306

12.5.5 Wireless adaptor 307

12.6 Bibliographic notes 308

12.7 Suggested experiments 308

12.7.1 UART-controlled chasing LEDs 308

12.7.2 Alternative read configuration 308

12.7.3 UART controller with a parity bit 308

12.7.4 UART core with an error status 309

12.7.5 Configurable UART core 309

12.7.6 UART core with automatic baud rate detection 309

12.7.7 UART core with enhanced automatic baud rate detection 310

12.7.8 UART core with an automatic baud rate and a parity detection circuit 310


13 Xilinx XADC Core 313

13.1 Overview of XADC 313

13.1.1 Block diagram 313

13.1.2 Configuration 314

13.2 XADC core development 315

13.2.1 XADC instantiation 315

13.2.2 Basic wrapping circuit design 316

13.2.3 Register map 318

13.2.4 HDL code 318

13.3 XADC core device driver 320

13.3.1 Class definition 320

13.3.2 Class implementation 321

13.3.3 Testing for the XADC core 322

13.4 Sampler FPro system 323

13.4.1 Testing procedure of an FPro core 323

13.4.2 System configuration 323

13.4.3 Hardware derivation 324

13.4.4 Software verification program 331

13.5 Additional project ideas 332

13.6 Bibliographic notes 333

13.7 Suggested experiments 333

13.7.1 Real-time voltage display 333

13.7.2 Potentiometer-controlled chasing LEDs 333

13.7.3 Potentiometer-controlled LED dimmer 333

13.7.4 Enhanced wrapping circuit: part I 333

13.7.5 Enhanced wrapping circuit: part II 333

14 Pulse Width Modulation Core 335

14.1 Introduction 335

14.1.1 PWM as analog output 335

14.1.2 Main characteristics 336

14.2 PWM design 336

14.2.1 Basic design 336

14.2.2 Enhanced design 337

14.3 PWM core development 339

14.3.1 Register map 339

14.3.2 Wrapped PWM circuit 340

14.4 PWM driver 341

14.4.1 Class definition 341

14.4.2 Class implementation 342

14.5 Testing 343

14.6 Project ideas 343

14.7 Suggested experiments 345

14.7.1 Police dash light 345

14.7.2 Rainbow night light 345

14.7.3 Enhanced PWM core: part I 345

14.7.4 Enhanced PWM core: part II 346

14.7.5 Enhanced GPIO core 346

14.7.6 Servo motor driver 346

15 Debouncing Core and LED-Mux Core 347

15.1 Debouncing Core 347

15.1.1 Multi-bit debouncing circuit 347

15.1.2 Register map and the slot wrapping circuit 350

15.1.3 Driver 351

15.1.4 Test 352

15.2 LED-mux core 352

15.2.1 Eight-digit seven-segment LED display multiplexing circuit 352

15.2.2 Register map and the slot wrapping circuit 354

15.2.3 Driver 355

15.2.4 Test 358

15.3 Project ideas 358

15.4 Suggested experiments 360

15.4.1 Area comparison of two debouncing circuits 360

15.4.2 Enhanced debouncing core: part I 360

15.4.3 Enhanced debouncing core: part II 360

15.4.4 Rotating square pattern revisited 360

15.4.5 Heartbeat pattern revisited 360

15.4.6 Stopwatch 360

15.4.7 Enhanced LED-mux core 361

16 SPI Core 363

16.1 Overview 363

16.1.1 Conceptual architecture 364

16.1.2 Multiple-device configuration 364

16.1.3 Basic timing 366

16.1.4 Operation modes 367

16.1.5 Undefined aspects 368

16.2 SPI controller 369

16.2.1 Basic design 369

16.2.2 FSMD construction 370

16.2.3 HDL implementation 370

16.3 SPI core development 374

16.3.1 Register map 374

16.3.2 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 374

16.4 SPI driver 376

16.4.1 Class definition 376

16.4.2 Class implementation 377

16.5 Test 378

16.5.1 ADXL362 accelerometer 378

16.5.2 Test program 380

16.6 Project ideas 381

16.6.1 SD card 381

16.6.2 TFT LCD module 382

16.7 Bibliographic notes 382

16.8 Suggested experiments 382

16.8.1 Inclination sensing 382

16.8.2 “Tapping” detection 382

16.8.3 ADXL362 C++ class 383

16.8.4 Enhanced SPI controller: part I 383

16.8.5 Enhanced SPI controller: part II 383

16.8.6 “Automatic-read” ADXL362 wrapper: part I 383

16.8.7 “Automatic-read” ADXL362 wrapper: part II 384

16.8.8 Flash memory access 384

16.8.9 SPI slave controller: part I 384

16.8.10 SPI slave controller: part II 385

17 I2C Core 387

17.1 Overview 387

17.1.1 Electrical characteristics 388

17.1.2 Basic bus protocol 388

17.1.3 Basic timing 389

17.1.4 Additional features 390

17.2 I2C controller 391

17.2.1 Basic design 391

17.2.2 Conceptual FSMD construction 391

17.2.3 Output control logic 394

17.2.4 I2C bus clock generation 394

17.2.5 HDL implementation 395

17.3 I2C core development 400

17.3.1 Register map 400

17.3.2 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 400

17.4 I2C driver 401

17.4.1 Class definition 401

17.4.2 Class implementation 402

17.5 Test 405

17.5.1 ADT7420 temperature sensor 405

17.5.2 Test program 406

17.6 Project idea 406

17.7 Bibliographic notes 407

17.8 Suggested experiments 407

17.8.1 Thermometer 407

17.8.2 ADT7420 C++ class 407

17.8.3 Enhanced I2C core 408

17.8.4 “Automatic-read” ADT7420 wrapper 408

17.8.5 I2C slave controller: part I 408

17.8.6 I2C slave controller: part II 408

18 PS2 Core 409

18.1 Introduction 409

18.1.1 PS2-device-to-host communication protocol and timing 410

18.1.2 Host-to-PS2-device communication protocol and timing 410

18.2 PS2 controller 411

18.2.1 Conceptual design 411

18.2.2 PS2 receiving subsystem 411

18.2.3 PS2 transmitting subsystem 415

18.2.4 Complete PS2 system 419

18.3 PS2 core development 420

18.3.1 Register map 420

18.3.2 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 421

18.4 PS2 driver 422

18.4.1 Class definition 422

18.4.2 Lower layer methods 422

18.4.3 PS2 initialization routine 423

18.4.4 Keyboard routine 425

18.4.5 Mouse routine 428

18.5 Test 430

18.6 Bibliographic notes 431

18.7 Suggested experiments 431

18.7.1 PS2 receiving subsystem with watchdog timer 431

18.7.2 Keyboard-controlled LED flashing circuit 432

18.7.3 Enhanced keyboard driver routine: part I 432

18.7.4 Enhanced keyboard driver routine: part II 432

18.7.5 Remote-mode mouse driver 432

18.7.6 Scroll-wheel mouse driver 432

19 Sound I: DDFS Core 433

19.1 Introduction 433

19.2 Design and implementation 434

19.2.1 Direct synthesis of a digital waveform 434

19.2.2 Direct synthesis of an unmodulated analog waveform 435

19.2.3 Direct synthesis of a modulated analog waveform 436

19.3 Fixed-point arithmetic 437

19.4 DDFS construction 438

19.5 DAC (digital-to-analog converter) 440

19.5.1 Conceptual design 440

19.5.2 HDL implementation 441

19.6 DDFS core development 442

19.6.1 Register map 442

19.6.2 Wrapping circuit for the slot interface 443

19.7 DDFS driver 444

19.7.1 Class definition 444

19.7.2 Class implementation 445

19.8 Test 447

19.9 Bibliographic notes 448

19.10 Suggested experiments 448

19.10.1 Quadrature phase carrier generation 448

19.10.2 Reduced-size phase-to-amplitude lookup table 448

19.10.3 Additive harmonic synthesis 449

19.10.4 Simple function generator 449

19.10.5 Arbitrary waveform generator 449

19.10.6 Sample-based synthesis 449

20 Sound II: ADSR Core 451

20.1 Introduction 451

20.2 ADSR envelope generator 452

20.2.1 Conceptual FSMD design 453

20.2.2 ASMD chart 453

20.2.3 HDL implementation 455

20.3 ADSR core development 457

20.3.1 Register map 457

20.3.2 Wrapped ADSR circuit 458

20.4 ADSR driver 460

20.4.1 Class definition 460

20.4.2 Configuration methods 461

20.4.3 calc note freq() method 463

20.4.4 play note() method 465

20.5 Test 465

20.6 Project idea 466

20.7 Bibliographic notes 467

20.8 Suggested experiments 467

20.8.1 RTTTL music player 467

20.8.2 ADSR envelope testing 467

20.8.3 Pushbutton piano 467

20.8.4 Keyboard piano 468

20.8.5 Keyboard recorder 468

20.8.6 Real-time mode ADSR generator 468

20.8.7 Real-time mode pushbutton piano 468

20.8.8 Merged DDFS and ADSR core 468

20.8.9 ADSR core with an automatic play FIFO buffer 468

20.8.10 ADSR core for frequency modulation 468


21 Introduction to the Video System 471

21.1 Introduction to a video display 471

21.1.1 Conceptual video display 471

21.1.2 VGA interface 472

21.2 Stream interface 473

21.2.1 Random-access interface versus stream interface 473

21.2.2 Flow control of the stream interface 473

21.3 VGA synchronization 475

21.3.1 Basic operation of a CRT monitor 475

21.3.2 Horizontal synchronization 476

21.3.3 Vertical synchronization 478

21.3.4 Pixel clock rate 479

21.3.5 VGA synchronization circuit 480

21.4 Bar test-pattern generator 483

21.5 Color-to-grayscale conversion circuit 485

21.6 Demo video system 486

21.7 Advanced video standards 488

21.8 Bibliographic notes 489

21.9 Suggested experiments 489

21.9.1 Horizontal bar test-pattern generator 489

21.9.2 Color channel selection circuit 489

21.9.3 Enhanced color-to-grayscale conversion circuit 489

21.9.4 Square test-pattern generator: part I 489

21.9.5 Square test-pattern generator: part II 489

21.9.6 Square test-pattern generator: part III 490

21.9.7 Square test-pattern generator: part IV 490

22 FPro Video Subsystem 491

22.1 Organization of the video subsystem 491

22.1.1 Overview 491

22.1.2 Video controller 493

22.1.3 HDL of the video controller 494

22.2 FPro video IP core 495

22.2.1 Basic functionality 495

22.2.2 Blending operation 496

22.2.3 Core architecture 498

22.2.4 Alternative core partition 500

22.3 Example video cores 500

22.3.1 Bar test-pattern generator core 500

22.3.2 Color-to-grayscale conversion core 503

22.3.3 “Dummy” core 504

22.4 FPro video synchronization core 504

22.4.1 Line buffer 505

22.4.2 Enhanced video synchronization circuit 508

22.4.3 HDL code 511

22.5 Daisy video subsystem 512

22.5.1 Subsystem overview 512

22.5.2 Interface to the video synchronization core 513

22.5.3 HDL code 513

22.5.4 Timing and performance considerations 517

22.6 Vanilla daisy FPro system 517

22.6.1 Clock management core 518

22.6.2 Updated chu_io_map.svh 519

22.6.3 HDL code 519

22.7 Video driver and test program 521

22.7.1 Updated chu_io_map.h and chu_io_rw.h files 521

22.7.2 GPV core driver 522

22.7.3 Test program 523

22.8 Bibliographic notes 524

22.9 Suggested experiments 525

22.9.1 Color channel selection core 525

22.9.2 Enhanced color-to-grayscale conversion core 525

22.9.3 Square test-pattern generator core 525

22.9.4 Alpha blending circuit 525

22.9.5 “Highlight” core 525

22.9.6 SVGA synchronization core 526

22.9.7 Configurable video synchronization core 526

22.9.8 Pipelined video subsystem 526

23 Sprite Core 527

23.1 Introduction 527

23.2 Basic design 528

23.2.1 Sprite RAM 528

23.2.2 In-region comparison circuit 529

23.3 Mouse pointer core 530

23.3.1 Pointer sprite RAM 530

23.3.2 Pixel generation circuit 531

23.3.3 Top-level design 532

23.4 “Ghost” character core 534

23.4.1 Multiple images and animation 534

23.4.2 Overview of the palette scheme 535

23.4.3 Ghost sprite RAM and the palette circuit 535

23.4.4 Animation timing circuit 537

23.4.5 Pixel generation circuit 537

23.4.6 Top-level design 540

23.5 Sprite core driver and test program 541

23.5.1 Sprite core driver 541

23.5.2 Test program 543

23.6 Bibliographic notes 544

23.7 Suggested experiments 544

23.7.1 Mouse pointer control with PS2 core 544

23.7.2 Emulated ghost core 544

23.7.3 Palette circuit for the mouse pointer sprite 544

23.7.4 Sprite scaling circuit 544

23.7.5 Portrait mode display 545

23.7.6 Multiple-object generation 545

23.7.7 Animation speed control 545

23.7.8 Imitated blinking LED: part I 545

23.7.9 Imitated blinking LED: part II 545

23.7.10 Imitated blinking LED: part III 546

24 On-Screen-Display Core 547

24.1 Introduction to tile graphics 547

24.2 Basic OSD design 549

24.2.1 Text-mode display 549

24.2.2 Font ROM 550

24.2.3 Tile RAM 550

24.2.4 Basic organization 551

24.3 OSD core 552

24.3.1 Font ROM 552

24.3.2 Pixel generation circuit 553

24.3.3 Top-level design 555

24.4 OSD core driver and test program 557

24.4.1 OSD core driver 557

24.4.2 Testing program 558

24.5 Bibliographic notes 559

24.6 Suggested experiments 559

24.6.1 Rotating banner 559

24.6.2 Text console 559

24.6.3 Underline for the cursor 559

24.6.4 Portrait-mode display 560

24.6.5 Font scaling circuit: part I 560

24.6.6 Font scaling circuit: part II 560

24.6.7 Extended font 560

24.6.8 Tile-based ghost core 560

25 VGA Frame Buffer Core 561

25.1 Overview 561

25.2 Frame buffer core 562

25.2.1 FPGA memory consideration 562

25.2.2 Video memory module 562

25.2.3 Address translation 563

25.2.4 Pixel generation circuit 564

25.2.5 Register map 566

25.2.6 Top-level HDL code 566

25.3 Driver and test program 567

25.3.1 Frame buffer core driver 567

25.3.2 Geometrical modeling 568

25.3.3 Test program 570

25.4 Project ideas 570

25.5 Bibliographic notes 572

25.6 Suggested experiments 572

25.6.1 Virtual prototyping board panel 572

25.6.2 Virtual analog wall clock 572

25.6.3 Geometrical model functions 572

25.6.4 Simulated “Etch a Sketch” toy 572

25.6.5 Frame buffer core with 3-bit color depth 573

25.6.6 Frame buffer core with 1-bit color depth 573

25.6.7 QVGA frame buffer core 573

25.6.8 Line drawing hardware accelerator 573

25.6.9 Bidirectional frame buffer access: part I 573

25.6.10 Bidirectional frame buffer access: part II 573


26 What’s Next 577

References 581

Appendix A: Tutorials 585

A.1 Overview of Xilinx Vivado IDE 585

A.2 Short tutorial on Vivado hardware development 589

A.2.1 Create a design project 590

A.2.2 Add or create Xilinx IP core instances 591

A.2.3 Add or create HDL design files 591

A.2.4 Add a constraint file 592

A.2.5 Perform synthesis, implementation, and bitstream generation 593

A.2.6 Program an FPGA device 593

A.3 Short tutorial on Vivado simulation 594

A.3.1 Add or create HDL testbench 596

A.3.2 Perform initial simulation 596

A.3.3 Customize waveform display 597

A.4 Tutorial on IP instantiation 597

A.4.1 Dual-clock FIFO core via HDL templates 598

A.4.2 IP Catalog utility 599

A.4.3 Generate a MicroBlaze MCS component 600

A.4.4 XADC IP core 601

A.4.5 Clock management IP core 602

A.5 Short tutorial on FPro system development 604

A.5.1 Derive FPro system hardware 605

A.5.2 Export hardware configuration 605

A.5.3 Derive software 605

A.5.4 Embed elf file into FPGA’s memory module and regenerate bitstream 608

A.5.5 Set up the terminal emulator program 610

A.5.6 Program an FPGA device 610

A.6 Bibliographic notes 611

Topic Index 613

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 183 x 257 mm
Gewicht 1520 g
Themenwelt Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Theorie / Studium
Technik Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik
ISBN-10 1-119-28266-7 / 1119282667
ISBN-13 978-1-119-28266-2 / 9781119282662
Zustand Neuware
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