An Introduction to Coastal Engineering - Michael Isaacson

An Introduction to Coastal Engineering

Buch | Hardcover
336 Seiten
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-394-25714-0 (ISBN)
109,95 inkl. MwSt
Understand and respond to a changing coastline with this comprehensive reference

Coastal engineering concerns society’s interactions with coastlines and relates, for example, to coastal flooding, beach erosion, seawalls and breakwaters, and the design of marinas. As climate change drives sea level rise, coastal engineering is critical in responding to increased coastal flooding and receding shorelines. The need to develop coastal infrastructure while minimizing environmental impacts makes this a vital field.

An Introduction to Coastal Engineering offers a comprehensive overview of this subject, designed to bridge existing gaps in the general civil engineering literature. Covering all major aspects of coastal engineering, including ocean wave behaviour, structures, sediments, mixing processes, and modelling, the book emphasizes practical solutions and applications for students and practicing engineers alike. Thorough and rigorous, yet highly readable, the book is a must-own tool for developing solutions towards a sustainable coastal future.

An Introduction to Coastal Engineering readers will also find:

Pertinent descriptions of wave theories, wave transformations, and random waves
Detailed discussion of practical solutions, recent advancements in the field, and up-to-date data sources
Worked-through examples and end-of-chapter problems with some written assignments
A spreadsheet appendix containing a set of reference solutions

An Introduction to Coastal Engineering is ideal for students in upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in coastal engineering, practicing coastal engineers, and other engineers engaged in coastal flood protection, waterfront development projects, and the minimization of environmental impacts along shorelines.

Michael Isaacson, Ph.D., P.Eng., is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He has decades of experience teaching coastal engineering and undertaking coastal engineering projects, his publication record includes over 200 papers on coastal engineering topics, and he has served on numerous professional committees and boards.

About the Author xvii

Preface xix

About the Companion Website xxi

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Scope of Coastal Engineering 1

1.2 Outline of Book 1

1.3 Example Projects 3

1.3.1 Coastal Flooding 3

1.3.2 Coastal Structure Design 4

1.3.3 Sediment Transport 4

1.3.4 Marina Design 6

1.4 Evolution of Coastal Engineering and Future Trends 6

2 Regular Waves 9

2.1 Introduction 9

2.2 Boundary Value Problem 10

2.2.1 Assumptions 11

2.2.2 Equations of Motion 11

2.2.3 Boundary Conditions 11

2.2.4 Governing Equations 12

2.3 Linear Wave Theory 13

2.3.1 Governing Equations 13

2.3.2 Solution for Flow Field 14

2.3.3 Depth Parameter 15

2.3.4 Description of Results 16

2.3.5 Linear Dispersion Relation 17

2.4 Wave Energy and Momentum 20

2.5 Waves with a Current 21

2.5.1 Fixed and Moving Reference Frames 22

2.5.2 Solution for Flow Field 22

2.5.3 Dispersion Relation 23

2.6 Extensions to Linear Wave Theory 24

2.6.1 Waves Propagating at An Angle to the X Axis 24

2.6.2 Reference Frame Moving with the Waves 25

2.6.3 Stream Function Representation 26

2.6.4 Complex Representation 26

2.7 Nonlinear Wave Theories 27

2.7.1 Stokes Wave Theories 27

2.7.2 Cnoidal Wave Theories 28

2.7.3 Solitary Wave Theories 28

2.7.4 Numerical Wave Theories 29

Problems 30

3 Wave Transformations 31

3.1 Wave Shoaling 31

3.1.1 Assumptions 32

3.1.2 Shoaling Relations 32

3.2 Wave Refraction 33

3.2.1 Refraction Relations 33

3.2.2 Numerical Modeling of Shoaling and Refraction 36

3.3 Wave Diffraction 39

3.3.1 Boundary Value Problem 39

3.3.2 Example Solutions 41

3.3.3 Straight Semi-Infinite Breakwater – Closed-Form Solution 41

3.3.4 Straight Semi-Infinite Breakwater – Diffraction Diagrams 43

3.3.5 Guidelines and Approximations on the Use of Diffraction Diagrams 43

3.4 Standing Waves 46

3.4.1 Standing Waves at a Wall 46

3.4.2 Standing Waves in a Basin 47

3.5 Wave Reflection 49

3.5.1 Normal Reflection 49

3.5.2 Oblique Reflection 50

3.6 Wave Transmission 51

3.7 Wave Attenuation 52

3.7.1 Forms of Energy Dissipation 52

3.7.2 Friction Factor 53

3.7.3 Attenuation Rate 54

3.8 Waves of Maximum Height 54

3.9 Breaking Waves 55

3.9.1 Forms of Wave Breaking 56

3.9.2 Breaking Wave Height and Depth 56

3.10 Wave Runup 58

3.11 Numerical Models 60

3.11.1 Overview 60

3.11.2 Models Based on the Mild-Slope Equation 60

3.11.3 Models Based on Boussinesq-Type Equations 62

Problems 63

4 Random Waves 65

4.1 Introduction 65

4.2 Probability Distribution of Wave Heights 66

4.3 Wave Spectra 69

4.3.1 One-Dimensional Spectra 69

4.3.2 Transformation of Wave Spectra 70

4.3.3 Directional Wave Spectra 73

4.3.4 Time–Frequency Domain Conversions 75

4.4 Long-Term Variability of Storms 77

4.5 Extreme Value Analysis 77

4.5.1 Overview 77

4.5.2 Exceedance Probabilities 78

4.5.3 Distribution Selection and Fit 78

4.5.4 Return Period and Annual Exceedance Probability 80

4.5.5 Encounter Probability 80

4.6 EVA Alternatives and Extensions 82

4.6.1 Annual Maxima 82

4.6.2 Lower Return Periods 83

4.6.3 Seasonal Conditions 83

4.6.4 Confidence Bands 83

4.7 Annual Wave Conditions 83

4.7.1 Wave Scatter Diagram 83

4.7.2 Long-Term Distribution of Individual Wave Heights 84

4.7.3 Application to Hours Per Year 85

4.7.4 Application to Fatigue Calculations 85

Problems 86

5 Winds 89

5.1 Introduction 89

5.2 Wind Data 89

5.3 Annual Wind Conditions 90

5.4 Design Wind Speeds 91

5.5 Wind Speed Correction Factors 93

5.5.1 Averaging Period 93

5.5.2 Elevation 93

5.5.3 Overland to Overwater Conversion 94

5.5.4 Atmospheric Stability 94

5.6 Hurricanes 95

5.6.1 Tropical Cyclone Categories 95

5.6.2 Saffir–Simpson Scale 96

5.6.3 Wind and Pressure Fields 96

5.6.4 Hurricane Tracks 97

Problems 99

6 Wave Predictions 101

6.1 Introduction 101

6.1.1 General Approaches 101

6.1.2 Wave Generation by Wind 102

6.2 Wave Hindcasting – Simplified Approach 103

6.3 Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting – Numerical Models 107

6.3.1 Spectral Wave Models 107

6.3.2 Extension to Intermediate and Shallow Depths 108

6.3.3 Regional and Global Models 108

6.3.4 Operational Forecasting 110

6.4 Ship Waves 110

6.5 Laboratory-Generated Waves 112

6.5.1 Overview 112

6.5.2 Wavemaker Theory 112

Problems 114

7 Long Waves, Water Levels, and Currents 115

7.1 Long Wave Theories 115

7.1.1 Linearized Long Wave Theory 115

7.1.2 Nonlinear Long Wave Theories 116

7.2 Tides 117

7.2.1 Introduction and Historical Development 117

7.2.2 Glossary 118

7.2.3 Prediction of Tide Levels 119

7.2.4 Vertical Datums 120

7.2.5 Tidal and Bathymetric Data 120

7.2.6 Tidal Bores 121

7.3 Tsunamis 122

7.3.1 Introduction and Examples 122

7.3.2 Tsunami Modeling 125

7.3.3 Tsunami Runup Predictions 126

7.3.4 Tsunami Warning Systems and Emergency Management 127

7.3.5 Landslide-Generated Waves 127

7.4 Long Wave Oscillations 127

7.5 Storm Surge 128

7.5.1 Regional and Local Storm Surge 129

7.5.2 Wind Setup 130

7.5.3 Pressure Setup 132

7.5.4 Long-Term Fluctuations 132

7.5.5 Features of Hurricane Storm Surge 133

7.5.6 Storm Surge Modeling 134

7.6 Wave Setup 134

7.7 Sea Level Rise 136

7.7.1 Sea Level Rise Components 136

7.7.2 Sea Level Rise Measurements 136

7.7.3 Land Uplift/Subsidence 136

7.7.4 Relative Sea Level Rise Projections 137

7.8 Climate Change Impacts 138

7.8.1 Background 138

7.8.2 Arctic Sea Ice Cover 139

7.8.3 Hurricanes 139

7.8.4 Storm Surge and Extreme Waves 140

7.8.5 Implications for Coastal Engineering Practice 140

7.9 Coastal Flood Levels 140

7.9.1 Flood Construction Level 141 Methodology 141 Tide Level and Storm Surge 142 Relative Sea Level Rise 142 Wave Runup 142

7.9.2 Base Flood and Design Flood Elevations 143

7.9.3 Dike Crest Elevation 143

7.9.4 Tsunami Flood Level 143

7.9.5 Probability of Coastal Flooding 144

7.9.6 Consequences of Coastal Flooding 145

7.10 Coastal Currents 147

Problems 148

8 Coastal Structures 151

8.1 Introduction 151

8.1.1 Categories of Structure 151

8.2 Seawalls 153

8.2.1 Linear Wave Theory 153

8.2.2 Miche-Rundgren and Sainflou Methods 154

8.2.3 FEMA Formulation for Plunging Breakers 156

8.2.4 Goda Formulation 156

8.2.5 Related Impermeable Structures 158

8.3 Rubble-Mound Structures 159

8.3.1 Predictions of Armor Stability 161 Hudson Equation 161 Van der Meer Equations 162 Damage Progression 162

8.3.2 Alternate Rubble-Mound Configurations 164

8.3.3 Wave Runup and Overtopping 164 Wave Runup 164 Wave Overtopping 165

8.4 Slender Structures 165

8.4.1 Development of Morison Equation 166

8.4.2 Morison Equation for a Sinusoidal Flow 167

8.4.3 Application to Pipelines and Piles 169

8.4.4 Drag and Inertia Coefficients 172

8.4.5 Lift Force 172

8.4.6 Extensions to the Morison Equation 174

8.5 Large Structures 176

8.5.1 Introduction 176

8.5.2 Vertical Circular Cylinder 176

8.5.3 Other Configurations 179

8.6 Floating Structures 180

8.6.1 Introduction 180

8.6.2 Recap of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom System 180

8.6.3 Added Mass 182

8.6.4 Hydrodynamic Analysis 183

8.6.5 Random Waves 185

8.7 Wave Impact Forces 185

8.8 Floating Breakwaters and Bridges 186

8.8.1 Transmission Coefficient 187

8.8.2 Hydrodynamic Analysis 189

8.8.3 Mooring System Analysis 190 Static Mooring Analysis 191 Dynamic Mooring Analysis 192

8.9 Other Loads 193

8.9.1 Foundation Loads and Stability 193

8.9.2 Earthquake Loads 193

8.9.3 Vessel Impact, Ice Impact, and Debris Loads 194

8.9.4 Wind Loads 195

8.10 Renewable Energy Infrastructure 195

8.10.1 Background and Criteria 195

8.10.2 Wind Energy 196

8.10.3 Wave Energy 196

8.10.4 Tidal Energy 197

8.10.5 Current Turbines 197

8.10.6 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion 198

Problems 198

9 Coastal Processes 201

9.1 Introduction 201

9.2 Coastal Forms 201

9.3 Sediment Properties 205

9.3.1 Sediment Size 205

9.3.2 Cohesive Sediments 206

9.3.3 Sediment Composition and Density 206

9.3.4 Porosity and Bulk Density 206

9.3.5 Fall Velocity 207

9.4 Threshold of Sediment Motion 208

9.4.1 Unidirectional Flow 208

9.4.2 Waves 210

9.5 Beach Characteristics 212

9.6 Sediment Transport Processes 213

9.6.1 Onshore–Offshore Transport 214

9.6.2 Longshore Transport 215

9.6.3 Estimates of Longshore Transport 216

9.6.4 Sediment Sources and Sinks 217

9.6.5 Shoreline Evolution Models 218

9.6.6 Transport of Cohesive Sediments 220

9.7 Bluff Erosion 220

9.8 Scour 221

9.8.1 Scour Depth Predictions 221

9.8.2 Scour Protection 222

9.9 Mitigation of Erosion and Accretion 222

9.9.1 Beach Erosion 222

9.9.2 Sediment Accretion 224

9.9.3 Coastal Entrances 224

9.10 Approaches to Shoreline Protection 224

9.10.1 Coastal Resilience 225

9.10.2 Traditional Methods 225

9.10.3 Nature-Based and Hybrid Methods 226

9.11 Coastal Restoration 228

9.12 Coastal Management 228

Problems 229

10 Mixing Processes 231

10.1 Introduction 231

10.2 Advection–Diffusion Equation 232

10.2.1 One-Dimensional Equation 232

10.2.2 Two- and Three-Dimensional Equations 233

10.3 Solutions to the Advection–Diffusion Equation 233

10.3.1 Diffusion Equation with Instantaneous Point Source 233

10.3.2 Advection–Diffusion Equation with Instantaneous Point Source 234

10.3.3 Effect of a Plane Boundary 235

10.3.4 Spatially Distributed Source 235

10.3.5 Time Varying Point Source 236

10.3.6 Numerical Models 236

10.4 Diffusion and Dispersion Coefficients 238

10.5 Stratified Flows 238

10.6 Mixing in Estuaries 239

10.6.1 Categories of Estuaries 239

10.6.2 Mixing Mechanisms 239

10.7 Estuarine Flushing 240

10.7.1 Flushing Parameters 240

10.7.2 Selected Cases of Flushing 242

10.8 Salinity Intrusion in Estuaries 243

10.9 Turbulent Jets and Plumes 244

10.9.1 Jet and Plume Behavior 244

10.9.2 Diffusers 246

Problems 247

11 Design of Coastal Infrastructure 249

11.1 The Design Process 249

11.2 Accounting for Uncertainty 250

11.2.1 Kinds of Uncertainty 250

11.2.2 General Approach 250

11.2.3 Extensions to the Approach 251

11.3 Selected Design Tools 251

11.3.1 Probability of Failure 251

11.3.2 Risk Assessment and Management 253

11.3.3 Permits and Approvals 255

11.3.4 Decision-Making and Option Selection 256

11.3.5 Optimization Models 256

11.4 Aspects of the Design of Coastal Structures 257

11.4.1 Modes of Failure 257

11.4.2 Design Criteria 257

11.4.3 Design Loads and Load Factors 259

11.4.4 Detailed Design 259

11.5 Design of Harbors and Marinas 261

11.5.1 Design Considerations 261

11.5.2 Acceptable Wave Climate 262

11.5.3 Navigation 263

11.5.4 Ice Cover and Icing 263

11.5.5 Ports 264

Problems 264

12 Coastal Modeling 267

12.1 Overview 267

12.2 Numerical Models 268

12.2.1 Kinds of Models 268

12.2.2 Computational Methods 268

12.3 Model Laws 269

12.3.1 Dimensional Analysis 270

12.3.2 Similarity 270

12.3.3 Defining Relationships and Governing Equations 271

12.3.4 Scale Effects 271

12.3.5 Reynolds Number Disparity 271

12.4 Laboratory Models in Coastal Engineering 271

12.4.1 Short-Wave Models 272

12.4.2 Long-Wave Models 272

12.4.3 Coastal Structures 273

12.4.4 Sediment Transport 273

12.5 Laboratory Facilities 275

12.5.1 Kinds of Facilities 275

12.5.2 Wave Flumes 275

12.5.3 Wave Basins 277

12.6 Wave Generation and Measurement 278

12.6.1 Wave Generator Control 278

12.6.2 Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques 278

12.7 Field Measurements 278

Problems 280

A Reference Solutions 281

B List of Symbols 283

C Physical constants 291

References 293

Index 297

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 191 x 239 mm
Gewicht 612 g
Themenwelt Technik Bauwesen
ISBN-10 1-394-25714-7 / 1394257147
ISBN-13 978-1-394-25714-0 / 9781394257140
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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