Chapter 5
Spirit and Mind
What is the reason for the existence of man? It is obvious man exists because the supreme power exists. The supreme power is in all things and with all things, yet it is none of them specifically. Nothing exists outside of it. There is no in or out, it's just isness. It is existence and nonexistence. It is every concept imaginable and unimaginable. It is the power whose center is nowhere, and circumference is everywhere. Everything is the concept they term God. It is everything. All things that are in him or it move and have there being. Nothing can exist outside of it. Everything operates inside its perimeters.
Man cannot fall. If he could, where would he fall where God was not already? Men cannot separate from God because that would imply that he could subtract God making men more powerful than God who could not then remain whole but be less without man? Therefore, if men fell or rose, God did too. As man unfolds so does his God.
Is it possible for God to divide itself and remain whole? A circle divided into two parts is still whole because the parts combined make one unit. Though those two parts can never separate from the whole, they can function and operate within it. Since God or it is awareness, these parts can also become aware of their location, circumstance, and functions. Because it has a will and it is its will, through its will all have been acknowledged and divided. All objects have a free will to be or not to be. As God divided itself, so did all things become divided in themselves and even one to another. Creation can never be unless there is division, contrarieties, opposites, and diversity being the principal result. Since all the parts acting in God are God and with God none can ever be lost. They can only be modified. And so, in opposites creation begins.
•Positive – Negative
•Active – Passive
•Proton – Electron
•Heaven – Earth
•Ying – Yan
•Male – Female
•Light – Darkness
•Life – Death
•Sun – Moon
Since all division must be reconciled at some point. Awareness became a mediator between the whole and the divided parts of God. Consciousness was bestowed in or to the parts to reason, realizing when enough is enough thus amplifying the application of mathematics which calculated the distance from one extreme to the other or revealing the distance of one ideal to another thus creating time.
There was never a time when man was not. Time came about when God divided itself. At that time, creation began. Time is the pendulum that springs between opposite poles. If creation was a point or beginning, so will time then begin towards its opposite which is destruction or end. Time was there when life began and will be there when it ends as the mediator between poles. Man as a product of creation or division in time became manifested, unconscious of where he came from but conscious of himself possessing the ability to choose (free will) internally knowing and longing for something long forgotten; of knowledge of who or what he was and is, which must be remembered by progressing forward. As in divinity, he can know all but by being in the opposite matter, he must look to the divine. All dualities are for the sake of man’s existence in body and form giving intensity to experience.
Intensity is created by tension, which is friction, which is motion, thus compelling men to act. There is no soul, nor spirit. We just are. God just is. We are God, and God is us. “I am that I am” in the absolute. In the relative we are soul, spirit, and body. We occupy temporarily, relative matter. Man, the manifestation of duality, must come to consciousness by recognizing and reconciling all dualities in himself or herself and others so that he may realize that he is the divine who has become parts. After collecting those parts or fragments he is formed into a whole called full consciousness, awareness, or God.
Man must collect the fragmented thoughts that occupy the Kingdom of his mind, examined them, and dispose of those useless ones by keeping them bound. Man, through mind has the right (by will) to their station and experience. Each pole of the opposites is a manifested result of creation. Man must collect their substance and distinguish the useful from the useless. Therefore, man came into being when creation and all things material did (the entire Universe).
Men is mind and mind is empty, void and without form. It is space waiting to be filled. Mind is the bubble, The Alchemist. All is mind and mind is all. God is mind, man is mind, man is God dividing itself for the sake of experience and to create. Faith, loyalty, pride, and courage attracted a heart. Balance, equality, justice, temperance, and strength attracted kidneys. Aspiration, inspiration, intelligence, and wisdom attracted lungs. Will, character, and conduct attracted a spine, etc. as well as other things in the form of men that are too long to expose for this lesson. Another book indeed.!! The mind cannot know a thing without being exposed to it. Why? Because it is empty, void, and without form/shape. It, like God, just is. It is God, but man too. In man, it must be filled with experience through its senses. In God, it is filled by the absolute. To experience itself for herself mind must search for the elements that stand in contrast one to another (Fire to water, earth to air -- Mix and match them -- Fire to air, water to earth, squaring, opposing, combining, and reconciling them). Fire symbolizes passion. Water symbolizes emotion and feelings. Air symbolizes thought or intelligence. Earth as matter symbolizes manifestation and fabrications
Before manifesting into matter man (Mind) is trained by the master who is himself. The father teaches the son. God teaches itself the whole of all its separate parts thus forming and constructing them into an orderly system becoming the supreme mathematician, master builder, master architect, and supreme overseer. Mind, the son, is perfect, innocent, and free. Because mind is the architect, to build it must deal with equations, proportions, and arithmetic. After building the perfect structure, a grand edifice, everything was good but to experience it mind would need a form to operate in form.
The elements properly combined give form a vehicle for mind to enter. A brain subject to electrical generation provided sensation for the mind. Mind upon entering matter gave it a body with the four elements so that it may feel it's work, taste it, hear it, see it, and smell it. Mind, who was there at the beginning of the world, was now in it and about to be slain by the anomalies of the senses. Mind entered matter. No. Man did not fall. Man/Mind came into the body and through sensations desired to stay in matter to figure out balance. In matter the divided parts of God appeared in the diversity of objects and now mind could experience God who is all of existence.
The senses give the mind the ability to remember each experience from its area. He, God, Mind could smell an orange, taste it, touch it, see it, and hear it peel. He could record it into memory as pleasurable or painful. Before then, he could not call anything because he couldn't recall. No stamp or impression had been made to tabulate for the science of experience. Mind found that he could laugh, cry, love, and fear. There are those who, as slices of mind on the journey of expression, chose to stay in bodies because they liked sensation. In sensation is where mind was slain, lost, and overtaken by the devil of the five senses, the Great Goat, who selfishly exalted himself.
The mind only looks for God, it’s true self, when it is in an unpleasant experience. It wants to escape and return to emptiness, freedom, and thus may seek transformation in form or death to find peace. When the mind is in pleasantness, it seeks to set up infinite camp there in the pursuit of happiness looking for near endless joy. This too is the seeking of the real self, God in a form of illusionary escape. It is not until the mind is empty, formless, and void that it will return to its original state of peace. If the mind is the creator, he or it has the design or blueprint on how to stay in or become any form. Therefore, it is possible and a fact that it can reincarnate in the reshaping of dissolved matter eternally. This for mind has become a never ending dream. Only when it is awakened can the dream end. Mind is the Alpha and Omega of all experiences.
Mind is a builder. Sometimes it creates elaborate schemes for other parts of itself to awaken such as religious institutions, fraternities, and cults. It also creates political structures, justice, governments, and societies to demonstrate and in commemoration to the things he longs for in himself (peace). The problem is that in matter there is no peace for mind. With peace comes war. The contradictions he sees are reflections of his creative endeavor. Through his will. he directs his power to constructing good and destroying evil or vice versa. He is lost in the illusions. The more he/mind invests in them the more elaborate this labyrinth becomes. He, in a sense,...