Information Security and Privacy -

Information Security and Privacy

4th Australasian Conference, ACISP'99, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, April 7-9, 1999, Proceedings
Buch | Softcover
XII, 332 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-540-65756-9 (ISBN)
53,49 inkl. MwSt
The4thAustralasianConferenceonInformationSecurityandPrivacywasheld attheUniversityofWollongong,Australia. Theconferencewassponsoredby theCentreforComputerSecurityResearch,UniversityofWollongong,andthe AustralianComputerSociety. Theaimoftheconferencewastobringtogether peopleworkingindi erentareasofcomputer,communication,andinformation securityfromuniversities,industry,andgovernmentinstitutions. Theconference gavetheparticipantsanopportunitytodiscussthelatestdevelopmentsinthe quicklygrowingareaofinformationsecurityandprivacy. Theprogramcommitteeaccepted26papersfrom53submitted. Fromthose accepted, thirteen papers were from Australia, two each from Belgium and China,andoneeachfromAustria,Belarus,France,India,Japan,Korea,Sin- pore,theUSA,andYugoslavia. Conferencesessionscoveredthefollowingtopics: accesscontrolandsecuritymodels,networksecurity,Booleanfunctions,group communication,cryptanalysis,keymanagementsystems,electroniccommerce, signatureschemes,RSAcryptosystems,andoddsandends. We would like to thank the members of the program committee who - nerouslyspenttheirtimereadingandevaluatingthepapers. Wewouldalsolike tothankmembersoftheorganisingcommitteeand,inparticular,ChrisCh- nes,HosseinGhodosi,MarcGysin,Tiang-BingXia,Cheng-XinQu,SanYeow Lee,YejingWang,Hua-XiongWang,Chih-HungLi,WillySusilo,ChintanShah, Je reyHorton,andGhulamRasoolChaudhryfortheircontinuousandtireless e ortinorganisingtheconference. Finally,wewouldliketothanktheauthorsof allthesubmittedpapers,especiallytheacceptedones,andalltheparticipants whomadetheconferenceasuccessfulevent. February1999 JosefPieprzyk ReiSafavi-Naini JenniferSeberry FOURTHAUSTRALASIANCONFERENCE ONINFORMATIONSECURITY ANDPRIVACY ACISP 99 Sponsoredby CenterforComputerSecurityResearch UniversityofWollongong,Australia and AustralianComputerSociety GeneralChair: JenniferSeberry UniversityofWollongong ProgramCo-Chairs: JosefPieprzyk UniversityofWollongong ReiSafavi-Naini UniversityofWollongong ProgramCommittee: ColinBoyd QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Australia LawrieBrown AustralianDefenceForceAcademy,Australia BillCaelli QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Australia EdDawson QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Australia CunshengDing NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore DieterGollmann MicrosoftResearch,UK YongfeiHan Gemplus,Singapore ThomasHardjono BayNetworks,US ErlandJonsson ChalmersUniversity,Sweden SveinKnapskog UniversityofTrondheim,Norway KeithMartin KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Belgium CathyMeadows NavalResearchLaboratory,US KaisaNyberg NokiaResearchCenter,Finland Choon-SikPark ElectronicsandTelecommunicationResearchInstitute,Korea DingyiPei AcademiaSinica,China SteveRoberts WithamPtyLtd,Australia ConferenceOrganization VII GregRose Qualcomm,Australia RaviSandhu GeorgeMasonUniversity,US Sta ordTavares Queen sUniversity,Canada VijayVaradharajan WesternSydneyUniversity,Australia YuliangZheng MonashUniversity,Australia Referees N. Asokan ZhangJiang DingyiPei YunBai ErlandJonsson JosefPieprzyk SimonBlackburn SveinKnapskog VincentRijmen ColinBoyd HuLei SteveRoberts LawrieBrown LeszekMaciaszek GregRose BillCaelli KeithMartin ReiSafavi-Naini EdDawson CathyMeadows RaviSandhu CunshengDing BillMillan RajanShankaran GaryGaskell QiMing Sta ordTavares JanuszGetta Sang-JaeMoon VijayVaradharajan DieterGollmann YiMu Kapaleeswaran MarcGysin KennyNguyen Viswanathan YongfeiHan KaisaNyberg ChuanWu ThomasHardjono Choon-SikPark YuliangZheng. TableofContents BooleanFunctions BooleanFunctionDesignUsingHillClimbingMethods WilliamMillan,AndrewClark,andEdDawson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EnumerationofCorrelationImmuneBooleanFunctions SubhamoyMaitraandPalashSarkar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 OntheSymmetricPropertyofHomogeneousBooleanFunctions ChengxinQu,JenniferSeberry,andJosefPieprzyk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 KeyManagement PubliclyVeri ableKeyEscrowwithLimitedTimeSpan KapaliViswanathan,ColinBoyd,andEdDawson. . . . .

Boolean Functions.- Boolean Function Design Using Hill Climbing Methods.- Enumeration of Correlation Immune Boolean Functions.- On the Symmetric Property of Homogeneous Boolean Functions.- Key Management.- Publicly Verifiable Key Escrow with Limited Time Span.- Accelerating Key Establishment Protocols for Mobile Communication.- Conference Key Agreement from Secret Sharing.- Cryptanalysis.- On m-Permutation Protection Scheme against Modification Attack.- Inversion Attack and Branching.- Signatures.- Fail-Stop Threshold Signature Schemes Based on Elliptic Curves.- Divertible Zero-Knowledge Proof of Polynomial Relations and Blind Group Signature.- Repudiation of Cheating and Non-repudiation of Zhang's Proxy Signature Schemes.- RSA Cryptosystems.- On the Security of an RSA Based Encryption Scheme.- Generalised Cycling Attacks on RSA and Strong RSA Primes.- RSA Acceleration with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.- Group Cryptography.- Changing Thresholds in the Absence of Secure Channels.- A Self-Certified Group-Oriented Cryptosystem without a Combiner.- Network Security.- Companion Viruses and the Macintosh: Threats and Countermeasures.- An Implementation of a Secure Version of NFS Including RBAC.- Electronic Commerce.- Group Signatures and Their Relevance to Privacy-Protecting Offline Electronic Cash Systems.- Effient Electronic Cash Using Batch Signatures.- Evolution of Fair Non-repudiation with TTP.- Access Control.- Authorization in Object Oriented Databases.- An Analysis of Access Control Models.- Odds and Ends.- Efficient Identity Based Parameter Selection for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems.- Characterization of Optimal Authentication Codes with Arbitration.- A Functional Cryptosystem Using a Group Action.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 17.3.1999
Reihe/Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Zusatzinfo XII, 332 p.
Verlagsort Berlin
Sprache englisch
Maße 155 x 233 mm
Gewicht 440 g
Themenwelt Informatik Theorie / Studium Kryptologie
Schlagworte Algorithm analysis and problem complexity • boolean function • cryptography • Cryptology • Data Security • Datenschutz • Datensicherung • Digital Signatures • Electronic Commerce • Elektronischer Markt • Hardcover, Softcover / Informatik, EDV/Informatik • HC/Informatik, EDV/Informatik • Information Security • Kryptologie • privacy
ISBN-10 3-540-65756-8 / 3540657568
ISBN-13 978-3-540-65756-9 / 9783540657569
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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