Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications (eBook)
593 Seiten
978-3-642-14831-6 (ISBN)
Preface 5
Organization 7
Table of Contents 11
Neural Networks 19
Complex Functional Network Hebbian-Type Learning Algorithm and Convergence 19
Introduction 19
Complex Value Functional Networks 20
Complex Value Functional Network Learning Algorithm 22
Conclusions 25
References 25
A New Intelligent Control Strategy of High-Voltage Power Supply for ECRH Based on CMAC Neural Network 26
Introduction 26
State Space Model of ECRH System 27
Inverse Model Learning Control for ECRH on CMAC 29
Simulation 31
Conclusions 32
References 32
Self-configuration Using Artificial Neural Networks 34
Introduction 34
Related Work 35
ANN Based Self-configuration Approach 36
Case Study: Autonomic Fire Forest Application 37
Conclusion and Future Work 38
References 38
Evolutionary Learning and Genetic Algorithms 40
An Improvement of AdaBoost for Face Detection with Random Forests 40
Introduction 40
Basic Concepts of Algorithm 41
AdaBoost Algorithm 41
Random Forests Algorithm 42
AdaBoost Method for Face Detection Based on Random Forests 43
Experimental Results and Analysis 44
Conclusions 46
References 47
Hybrid Good Point Set Evolutionary Strategy for Constrained Optimization 48
Introduction 48
Our Mechanisms and Algorithms 49
PSO Operator 49
Good Point Set (GPS):[3][4] 50
GPS Operator 51
Mutation Operator 54
Select Next Generation 54
Empirical Study 54
Conclusion 56
References 57
Research of Modified Quantum Genetic Algorithm and It’s Application in Collision Detection 58
Introduction 58
Proposed Algorithm 59
Related Definitions 59
Algorithm Description 61
Simulation Experiment 63
Conclusion 64
References 64
Granular Computing and Rough Sets 66
A New Method of Attribute Reduction and Prediction in Fuzzy Decision System 66
Introduction 66
Construction of Fuzzy Rough Approximation Operators 66
Example 69
References 70
Particle Swarm Optimization and Niche Technology 71
Development of Automatic Code Generation Tool for Condensation Algorithm 71
Introduction 71
Application of CONDENSATION for the Multiple Target Tracking 73
Program Structures 75
Generation of Gaussian Distribution 77
Generation of Filter Code Bloks 77
Experiment Result 77
Conclusions 78
References 78
Swarm Intelligence and Optimization 79
A New Hybrid Multi-objective Pareto Archive PSO Algorithm for a Classic Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Ready Times 79
Introduction 79
Proposed Model 80
Index 80
Parameters 81
Variables 81
Proposed Mathematical Model 81
Proposed Pareto Archive PSO 82
Solution Representation 82
Initialization 82
Update the Pareto Archive 83
Improvement by VNS 83
Update the Position of Particles 83
Experimental Results 84
Algorithm Assumptions 84
Comparative Results 85
Conclusion 86
References 86
Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Sequencing and Scheduling a Cellular Manufacturing System 87
Introduction 87
Mathematical Model 88
Indices 88
Parameters 88
Decision Variables 88
Minimizing Makespan and Intra-cellular Movement 89
Minimizing Tardiness Cost 90
Pareto Frontier Concepts 90
Particle Swarm Optimization for Multi-objective Problems 90
Comparison Metrics 91
Conclusion 92
References 93
A Hybrid PSO Algorithm with Transposon for Multiobjective Optimization 94
Introduction 94
Particle Swarm Optimization 95
Multiojective Optimization and the Concept of Domiance 95
A Hybrid PSO with Transposon 96
Transposon Operation 96
The Details of a Hybrid PSO with Transposon 96
Experiment Results and Discussion 98
Test Functions and Performance Metrics 98
Parameters Selection 98
Results and Discussion 99
Conclusion 101
References 102
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation 103
Joint Multichannel Blind Speech Separation and Dereverberation: A Real-Time Algorithmic Implementation 103
Introduction 103
Problem Formulation 104
The Multichannel Blind Speech Separation and Dereverberation Algorithm 105
MIMO Blind System Identification 105
Speech Separation Stage 105
Speech Dereverberation Stage 105
Real-Time Algorithm Implementation 107
Computer Simulations 108
Conclusions 110
References 111
An Efficient Pairwise Kurtosis Optimization Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis 112
Introduction 112
Pairwise Optimization of the Kurtosis-Sum 113
Pairwise Kurtosis Optimization Algorithm 115
Computation Complexity and Simulation 117
Conclusions 119
References 119
Combinatorial and Numerical Optimization 120
The Mechanical Behavior of the Double Piece of Tape Spring 120
Introduction 120
Model of the Hinge and Simulation Techniques 121
FEA Analysis and Results 124
Experiment for Measuring Bend Moment of the Hinge 126
Deployable Experiment of the Tape Spring 126
Fold Experiment of the Tape Spring 126
Conclusion 127
References 127
Systems Biology and Computational Biology 129
Cancer Immunoprevention: What Can We Learn from in Silico Models? 129
Introduction 129
The Model 131
Tuning and Validation 133
The Problem of Schedule 134
Conclusions 135
References 135
Oscillatory Dynamics of Double Negative Feedback Loop Motif by MicroRNAs 137
Introduction 137
Mathematical Model of The Double Negative Feedback Loop Involving Small RNAs 137
Oscilatory Dynamics Induced by Time Delay and Hill Coeffiecient $n$ 138
Discussion 141
References 141
Neural Computing and Optimization 142
Neural Network Approach for Greenery Warranty Systems 142
Introduction 142
Background 143
Greenery Warranty Claims Architecture 143
Two-Attribute Warranty Policy 143
Warranty Function Approximation 144
Case Study Example 145
Conclusions 147
References 147
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 148
Comprehensive Evaluation of Effects of Naomaitong and Rhubarb Aglycone Combined with Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation on Brain in Rats with Cerebral Ischemia Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process 148
Introduction 148
Application Steps 149
Establishing Hierarchy Model 149
Constructing of Comparison Matrix in Pair (Means Judging Matrix) 149
Calculating Vector and Testing the Consistency 150
Calculating the Combined Weight Vectors and Conducting Consistency Test 150
Calculation and Results 150
To Construct the Model of Hierarchical Structure 151
To Construct the Paired Comparison Matrix (Judging Matrix) 152
To Calculate the Combined Weight Vectors and Testing Consistency 152
To Calculate the Results 153
Discussion 154
References 155
Aggregating and Weighting Expert Knowledge in Group Decision Making 156
Introduction 156
Related Work 157
Weighting Expert Opinions Scheme for Decision Making Procedure 158
Sort the Alternatives and Assign a Score 158
Calculate the Euclidean Distance 158
Aggregate the Expert Opinions 158
A Case Study 159
Conclusion and Future Work 163
References 164
A New Heuristic Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Rough Sets 165
Introduction 165
Preliminaries 166
The New Algorithm 167
Experiment 169
Conclusions 170
References 171
Developing a Procedure to Obtain Knowledge of Optimum Solutions in a Travelling Salesman Problem 172
Introduction 172
Proposed Algorithm 173
Business Understanding 173
Data Understanding 173
Data Preparation 174
Modeling 174
Evaluation 175
Conclusion and Future Research 176
References 177
Trajectory Simplification and Classification for Moving Object with Road-Constraint 178
Introduction 178
Problem Formulations and Motivation 179
Exclude Useless Trajectories Based on Temporal Filterer 180
Simplified Single Trajectory 181
The TRI Algorithm: An Easier and More Practical Method 181
Experiment 183
Computational Complexity 183
Experimental Results 184
Conclusions and Future Work 185
References 186
Training a Pac-Man Player with Minimum Domain Knowledge and Basic Rationality 187
Introduction 187
Game Modeling 190
Experiments 192
Discussion 193
Conclusion 194
References 194
Hybrid Self-Organizing Map and Neural Network Clustering Analysis for Technology Professionals Turnover Rate Forecasting 196
Introduction 196
Procedure for Paper Submission 197
Turnover Trend 197
Data Mining and Clustering Analysis Method 198
Methodology 198
Data Preprocessing 199
Sample Dealing and Cluster Analysis 199
SOM Clustering Process 199
Neural Network Clustering Method 200
Analysis Results 200
SOM Clustering Result 200
SOM+BPN Clustering Result 202
Conclusions 202
References 203
Ensemble Methods 204
A Study of Strength and Correlation in Random Forests 204
Introduction 204
The Forest-RI Algorithm 205
Strength and Correlation 205
Tree Selection 206
Datasets Used 207
Experimental Protocol 207
Results and Discussion 208
Conclusion 209
References 209
Machine Learning Theory and Methods 210
A Comparison Study of Conditional Random Fields Toolkits 210
Introduction 210
Conditional Random Fields 211
Training Methods 211
Introduction of Each Toolkit 212
crf++ 212
crfsgd 212
flexcrf 212
crfsuite 213
mallet 213
Experiment and Discussion 213
Experiment Content 213
Experiment Settings 213
Experiment Results 214
Conclusion 215
References 216
Robot Reinforcement Learning Based on Learning Classifier System 218
Introduction 218
Background Materials 219
Reinforcement Learning (RL) 219
Learning Classifier System (LCS) 219
Reinforcement Learning Design 221
Encoding of Operating Message and Rules 221
Fitness Function Design 221
Experiments and Simulation 222
Conclusions 224
References 224
Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics 226
Research of Marker Gene Selection for Tumor Classfication Based on Decision Forests 226
Background 226
Methods and Principles 227
Decision Forests 227
ReliefF, SAM and PCA 227
Results and Analysis 228
Data Sets 228
Data Pre-processing 228
Results and Analysis 228
Conclusion 230
References 230
Reverse Engineered Gene Networks Reveal Markers Predicting the Outcome of Breast Cancer 232
Introduction 232
Materials and Methods 233
Datasets 233
Mode of Action by Network Identification (MNI) 233
Results 234
Classification Performance 234
Survival Analysis 235
Discussion 235
Conclusions 237
References 238
New Tools for Expression Alternative Splicing Validation 240
Introduction 240
Methods 241
Identification of Alternatively Spliced Transcripts 242
Method of Validation and Expression of Splicing Events Predicted 242
Extraction of Skipping Event 243
Mapping Reads on Exon Junctions of Put Ative Skipping Events 244
Validate Putative Skipping Events 245
Results 246
Conclusions 247
References 248
Intelligent Computing in Computational Biology and Drug Design 250
Application for Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in Migration of Mobile Agent 250
Introduction 250
Related Tasks 251
Algorithm Implement 251
ABC Theory 251
Application in TAP 252
Algorithm Description 253
Experiment and Validation 254
Conclusion 255
References 256
Computational Genomics and Proteomics 257
A Novel Tool for Assisted In-silico Cloning and Sequence Editing in Molecular Biology 257
Introduction 257
Biosoft Features 258
Software Review 258
Software Design 259
Use Case 261
Conclusions 262
References 263
Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing 264
A New Method Using Table to Sparse Representation in Pairs of Bases with Matching Pursuits 264
Introduction and Background 264
New Method of MP Algorithm 266
Experiments and Conclusion 267
References 267
Intelligent Computing in Pattern Recognition 268
Palmprint Recognition Method Using WTA-ICA Based on 2DPCA 268
Introduction 268
The 2DPCA Algorithm 269
The WTA-ICA Algorithm 270
The Object Function Based on $l^{/infty}$ 270
Updating the Weights 270
Performing 2DPCA Based WTA-ICA 272
Experimental Results 272
Conclusions 274
References 274
Study of TCM Diagnosis of Syndromes of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on Dynamic Fuzzy Kohonen Network 276
Introduction 276
Materials and Methods 277
Research Subjects 277
Case Selection 277
Data Management 278
Results 278
General Information 278
Test on the Model’s Rationality Based on Fisher-Iris Data 278
Establishing Diagnostic Model of Common Syndromes of AECOPD 280
Testing Result 281
Discussion 281
Modeling Design 281
Setting of Model Conversion Rules [6-9] 281
Selection of the Main and Secondary Symptoms 282
Model Testing 282
References 282
Classification and Characteristics of TCM Syndromes of Chronic Respiratory Failure Based on Self-adaptive Fuzzy Inference System 284
Introduction 284
Subjects and Methods 285
Survey Subjects 285
Case Selection 285
Survey Content 285
Survey Methods 285
Data Management and Statistical Analysis Methods 286
Results 286
General Information 286
Establishing Diagnostic Model of Common Syndromes of CRF 286
Test Results 288
Discussion 288
References 290
Implementation of the Pattern Matching System to Detect Flip Chip PCB Defects 291
Introduction 291
MAD Pattern Matching 292
PCB Pattern Matching IP System Design 293
Experiments and Results 294
Experimental Environments 294
Camera Link IP Simulation 295
Parallel Processing MAD Pattern Matching IP Simulation 295
Experimental Results 296
Pattern Matching IP Synthesis Result 296
Conclusion 297
References 298
JPEG Steganalysis Using Estimated Image and Markov Model 299
Introduction 299
Feature Extraction for Steganalysis 300
The Estimated Image 300
Markov Model 302
SVM 303
Experimental Results 304
Conclusion 305
References 305
Applications of Two-Dimensional Heteroscedastic Discriminant Analysis in Face Recognition 306
Introduction 306
Presented Approach 307
2DLDA Approach 307
2DHDA Approach 308
Likelihood Interpretation of 2DHDA 309
Nearest Neighbor Classifier 310
Experiments 310
References 313
Intelligent Computing in Image Processing 314
Multimodal Image Fusion Algorithm Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Particle Swarm Optimization 314
Introduction 314
Overview of the DTCWT Based Image Fusion Scheme 315
Framework of Image Fusion Scheme Based on DTCWT 315
Fusion Rules 316
Proposed Fusion Method with DTCWT and PSO 316
Image Segmentation 317
Proposed Fusion Rule with PSO 317
Experimental Results 318
Conclusions 320
References 321
An Adaptive Method for Lane Marking Detection Based on HSI Color Model 322
Introduction 322
Advantage of HSI Color Model in Lane Detection 323
Lane Marking Detection Algorithms 324
Preprocessing Step 324
Lane-Marking Detection 325
Experiments and Results 326
Comparing Proposed Algorithm with Other Methods Using RGB Color Model 326
Comparing Proposed Algorithm with the Same Scheme Using Classical HSI Color Model 327
Other Results 327
Conclusions 328
References 329
An Image Data Hiding Method Using Pixel-Based JND Model 330
Introduction 330
The Proposed Data Hiding Algorithm 331
The Hiding Algorithm 331
The Extracting Algorithm 334
Simulation Results 334
Discussions 336
Conclusions 336
References 337
Intelligent Computing Applications Based on Eye Gaze: Their Role in Medical Image Interpretation 338
Introduction 338
Medical Image Interpretation and Visual Attention 339
Visual Search Behaviour 339
An Intelligent Gaze-Based Computing Approach 340
New Proposal 341
Experimental Investigation 342
Conclusions 342
References 342
Intelligent Computing in Communication and Computer Networks 344
A Sequential Test Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Using Fuzzy Logic for Cognitive Radio Networks 344
Introduction 344
Spectrum Sensing and Energy Detection 345
Spectrum Sensing 345
Energy Detection 345
Proposed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme 346
Local Estimation of the LU’s Signal Presence Possibility 346
Sequential Test Based Data Fusion at the FC 348
Simulation Results 348
Conclusions 351
References 351
Solving Base Station Subsystem Assignment Problem in Mobile Communication Networks Using Hybridized Heuristic Algorithm 352
Introduction 352
Integer Program Formulation 354
Algorithm Description 355
Reassignment 356
Neighborhood Redistribution Move 357
Acceptance Probability 357
Local Search 358
Results 358
Conclusion 359
References 359
A Sequential Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme Based on Dempster Shafer Theory of Evidence 361
Introduction 361
System Description 362
Local Spectrum Sensing 362
Energy Detection 363
The Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence 363
The Proposed Sequential CSS Scheme Based on Evidence Theory 364
Basic Probability Assignment Estimation 364
Sequential Reporting and Data Fusion 366
Simulation Results 366
Conclusions 368
References 368
High Resolution Direction Finding of Multiple Coherent Signals 369
Introduction 369
Spatial Spectral Estimation[3] 370
Then Method of Circular Transposition 371
The Simulation Results 372
Conclusion 374
References 374
Extract and Maintain the Most Helpful Wavelet Coefficients for Continuous K-Nearest Neighbor Queries in Stream Processing 376
Introduction 376
K-Skyline: Wavelet Coefficients for CKNN Query over Distributed Streams 377
Wavelet Decomposition on K-Skyline Wavelet Transformation 377
W-Skyline Algorithm 379
Performance Evaluation 379
Discussion and Results 379
Conclusion 381
References 381
A Neural Network-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Systems 382
Introduction 382
Local Decision 383
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme with NN 384
Initialization and MLP Decision 385
Updating the Set of Training Samples and MLP Learning 385
Simulation and Results 386
Conclusions 388
References 388
Intelligent Computing in Robotics 390
Comparison of the Observability Indices for Robot Calibration considering Joint Stiffness Parameters 390
Introduction 390
Joint Stiffness Included Calibration Model and Observability Index 391
Joint Stiffness Included Calibration Model 391
Observability Indices 392
Evaluation of the Observability Indices 393
A 2-Link Planar Robot 393
Genetic Algorithm in Matlab Software 394
2-Link Planar Robot Calibration Simulation 395
Result Analysis 395
Conclusions 396
References 397
Appendix 398
Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision 399
Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gestures 399
Introduction 399
Hand Segmentation 401
Feature Extraction 402
Gesture Classification-The Results 402
Conclusions and Future Work 403
References 403
Smart Wheelchair Navigation Based on User’s Gaze on Destination 405
Introduction 405
Wheelchair System 407
Human Head Orientation Tracking 408
Goal Area Tracking 408
Obstacle Avoidance 409
Experimental Results 410
Conclusion and Future Work 412
References 412
Entrance Detection of Building Component Based on Multiple Cues 413
Introduction 413
Surface and Wall Region Detection in Building 415
Window Detection 416
Noise Rejection and Line Segment 417
Noise Rejection 417
Line Segment 418
Assumption of Entrance Model 418
Model of Candidate Line 418
Model Parameters 419
Likelihood Computation 420
Evaluation of Likelihood for Line 420
Evaluation of Likelihood for Color 421
Experimental Results 421
Conclusion 423
References 423
Intelligent Prediction and Time Series Analysis 425
Developing an Evolutionary Neural Network Model for Stock Index Forecasting 425
Introduction 425
Methodology 427
Variables Selection by Stepwise Regression Analysis 427
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) 427
Genetic Algorithm 428
The Proposed Evolutionary Neural Networks 429
Empirical Results 430
Constructing BPNN and ENN Model for TEPIX Forecasting 430
Performance Analysis of ENN Model 432
Conclusions 432
References 433
A Tower-Shadow Model for Wind Turbines Using a Wavelet-Prony Method 434
Introduction 434
Discrete Wavelet Transform and Prony Method 435
Wind Farm Oscillations 437
Wind Farm Dynamic Model 439
Conclusion 441
References 442
Special Session on New Hand-Based Biometric Methods 443
Contrast Enhancement and Metrics for Biometric Vein Pattern Recognition 443
Introduction 443
Image Enhancement 444
Contrast Metrics 446
PIFS Contrast Enhancement Metric 446
Weighted-Level Framework Contrast 446
Michelson Contrast 447
Local Michelson Contrast 447
RMS Contrast 447
Experiments 448
Contrast Enhancement Results 449
Conclusions 451
Future Work 452
References 452
Feature Extraction Method for Contactless Palmprint Biometrics 453
Introduction and Motivation 453
Region of Interest Extraction 454
Three-Value Base Functions 455
Methods for Generating Mask Functions 457
Random Masks 457
Manually Selected Features 457
Eigen-Palms Extraction 458
Results 459
Conclusions 459
References 460
Special Session on Theories and Applications in Advanced Intelligent Computing 461
Numerical Analysis for Stochastic Investment System with Poisson Jumps 461
Introduction 461
Preliminaries and Approximation 462
The Main Results 464
One Example 470
References 470
Quantum Collapsing Median Filter 472
Introduction 472
Quantum State 473
Structural Elements of Quantum Superposition State 474
Definition and Formation of Quantum Measurement Operator 474
Experimental Results 476
Conclusions 478
References 479
An Impulse C Application in the LDPC Decoding Algorithm 480
Introduction 480
Impulse C Programming Model 481
The Design of LDPC Decoder 482
Impulse C Programming 482
Optimization and Hardware Generation 482
Desktop Simulation 483
Results 484
Conclusion 485
References 485
Research on Algorithm of Parallel Garbage Collection Based on LISP 2 for Multi-core System 487
Introduction 487
Parallel Copying GC Algorithm Based on LISP 2 488
Classical LISP 2 Algorithm 488
Parallel Copying GC Compactor Base on LISP2 489
Analysis and Measurements 493
Summary 494
References 494
Study on Anode Effect Prediction of Aluminium Reduction Applying Wavelet Packet Transform 495
Introduction 495
A Cell Resistance Signal Pre-processing 496
Wavelet Packet Analysis for the Cell Resistance Signal 497
Wavelet Packet Analysis 497
Research on the Cell Resistance by Wavelet Packet 498
Eigen Vector Extraction from the Resistance Signal 500
Conclusion 501
References 501
Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Based on EMD-Approximate Entropy and LS-SVM 503
Introduction 503
Basic Principle 504
EMD-Approximate Entropy Method Principle 504
LS-SVM Recognition Algorithm 505
Fault Diagnosis Based on EMD Approximate Entropy and LS-SVM 506
The Feature Extraction of Fault Signal 506
LS-SVM Recognition Network 508
Simulation Verification 508
Training Sample 508
Test Results 509
Conclusion 509
References 510
Study of Applications Based on Measurement Technology in the Future Smart Grid 511
Introduction 511
Intellectualized Measurement Technology 511
The Application of Measurement Technology in the Future Smart Grid 512
Smart Meters 513
Communication Network 514
Measured Data Management System (MDMS) 514
The Future Direction of the Research in Measurement Technology of Smart Grid 514
Conclusion 515
References 515
Palm Line Extraction Using FRIT 517
Introduction 517
Basic Principle 518
Continuous-Time Ridgelet Transform 518
Finite Ridgelet Transformation and the Converse 520
Application of Finite Ridgelet Transform in Palm-Line Feature Extraction 521
Experimental Results and Analysis 521
Conclusion 523
References 523
Fast ICA for Multi-speaker Recognition System 525
Introduction 525
Principle of Independent Component Analysis Algorithm 526
Design of Multi-speaker Recognition Model 527
Mixed Speech Separation Based on Fast ICA Algorithm 527
Feature Extraction 528
Recognition Model of RBF Neural Network 528
Simulation Experiment 529
Conclusion 530
References 531
Variable Universe Adaptive Fuzzy-PI Compound Control Applied in Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Energy Generation System 532
Introduction 532
The Characteristics of PV Modules and MPPT Control 533
PV Generation Systems Constitutes 533
The Design of Variable Universee Fuzzy-PI Compound Controller 534
Proposed Control Strategy 534
Design of the Variable Universee Adaptive Fuzzy Controller 535
Design of Proportional-Integral Controller 536
System Simulation Results 536
Conclusions 537
References 537
Integrated and Automated Dielectric Measurement System at Millimeter Wavelengths 538
Introduction 538
Measurement Principle of Open Resonator Technique 539
Automatic Measurement System and Configuration of Hardware 541
Configuration and Function of the Software System 541
Several Key Problems Solved in Our Design 541
Measurement of Quartz Crystal Sample 543
Conclusion 543
References 544
Special Session on Search Based Software Engineering 545
Software Security Testing of Web Applications Based on SSD 545
Introduction 545
Background 546
What Is a SSD in Web Applications? 546
Why Could We Test Software Based on SSD? 547
Model of Software Security Testing Based on SSD 549
Ctritical Technology of the Test Model 549
Typical SSD Classification Module 549
SSD Detection and Classification Module 549
SSD Test Behavior Formalization Module 549
Software Security Test Cases Generation Module 550
Case Study: M$^{3}$TR Security Testing 550
Analysis of Software under Test 550
Experiments Result Analysis 550
Conclusion 551
References 552
Special Session on Bio-inspired Computing and Applications 553
A Review of Bacterial Foraging Optimization Part I: Background and Development 553
Introduction 553
Background 554
General Formulation 555
Parameters Improvement 557
Hybrids 558
Conclusions 559
References 560
A Review of Bacterial Foraging Optimization Part II: Applications and Challenges 562
Introduction 562
Applications 563
Challenges 565
Information Exchange 565
Modeling Theories 565
Biological Characteristics 566
Application Areas 566
Conclusions 566
References 567
Liquidity Risk Portfolio Optimization Using Swarm Intelligence 569
Introduction 569
The Improved Model—Liquidity Risk Portfolio Optimization 570
Description of the Swarm Intelligence 571
Illustrative Examples 572
Experimental Results 573
Conclusions 575
References 576
Special Session on Advance in Dimensionality Reduction Methods and Its Applications 577
Dimension Reduction with Semi-supervised Pairwise Covariance-Preserving Projection 577
Introduction 577
Review of Pairwise Covariance-Preserving Projection Method 578
Semi-supervised PCPM 579
The Object Function 579
The SPCPM Algorithm 580
Experiments 581
Conclusion 582
References 583
Special Session on Recent Advances in Medical Informatics 584
Analysis of Impact Factors in Acupuncture for Patients with Migraine------Doubts on Prof. Andrew J Vickers’ Conclusion 584
Introduction 584
Treating Pain by Category and Measures 585
Participants 585
Headache Degree Score 585
Treatment 585
Efficacy Assessment 586
Factor Analysis (FA) 586
Experiments and Results 587
Conclusions 589
References 589
Author Index 591
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 1.1.2010 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Informatik ► Grafik / Design ► Digitale Bildverarbeitung |
Informatik ► Theorie / Studium ► Künstliche Intelligenz / Robotik | |
ISBN-10 | 3-642-14831-X / 364214831X |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-642-14831-6 / 9783642148316 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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