Marketing Strategy -

Marketing Strategy

John Cadogan (Herausgeber)

2456 Seiten
SAGE Publications Ltd
978-1-84860-117-8 (ISBN)
1.369,95 inkl. MwSt
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This reference collection presents an up-to date picture of marketing strategy that reflects the historical origins and evolution of marketing strategy thought, and current and emerging themes within the marketing strategy literature.
In marketing, globally, new challenges are emerging which strategic marketers must face. Researchers are driven to understand and explain the marketing strategy landscape, and to develop tools and instruments that can help marketers shape, implement and control marketing strategies. This concentration on marketing strategy issues by marketing academics, and the resulting escalation in articles published, means that interested readers approaching the literature are faced with a monumental task. The sheer scale of the literature is the problem; it is too diverse, too fragmented, too vast.

Marketing Strategy sets about correcting this problem. First, the volumes impose an order on the burgeoning marketing strategy literature. In doing so, core thematic topics, and new and emerging areas of interest are represented, and the resulting structure of the major work reflects the new emerging marketing strategy landscape. Second, the volumes contain articles that provide a balanced perspective on the topics covered and allow readers to see how the various aspects of marketing strategy are all interconnected.

Volume 1: Marketing Strategy′s Conceptual Foundations: Market Orientation, the Cornerstone of Strategic Marketing Thought

Volume 2: Marketing Strategy Processes and Tools

Volume 3: Marketing-Mix Strategies - Product Strategy and Promotion Strategy

Volume 4: Marketing-Mix Strategies - Distribution Strategy and Pricing Strategy

Volume 5: Marketing Strategy Organization, Implementation and Control

Volume 6: Evolving and Emerging Issues in Marketing Strategy

This reference collection presents an up-to date picture of marketing strategy, one that reflects the historical origins and evolution of marketing strategy thought, and current and emerging themes within the marketing strategy literature.

John W. Cadogan is Chair of Marketing at Loughborough University Business School, UK. He researches issues in marketing strategy, international marketing and sales, and has published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Strategic Marketing, International Marketing Review and the European Journal of Marketing, amongst others. He is Co-Editor of the International Marketing Review, and sits on the editorial review boards of Industrial Marketing Management and Business Research (BuR). His research has been recognized with various prizes and awards, including several "best paper" awards presented by professional associations such the UK Academy of Marketing, the European Marketing Academy, and the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy. He was also a recipient of a Chartered Institute of Marketing Award for Meritorious Research in 2000, a highly commended paper award from the journal Managing Service Quality in 2002, and the 2004 Douglas C. Mackay Outstanding Paper Award in International Entrepreneurship by the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.

What is Marketing? The Marketing Concept and Market Orientation
I. The Marketing Concept: Early History
Making the Marketing Concept Work - A.P. Felton
The Marketing Concept: What it is and what it is not - F. Houston
II. Marketing-Driven Strategy: From Marketing Concept to Market Orientation
A Synthesis of Contemporary Market Orientation Perspectives - B.A. Lafferty and G.T.M. Hult
Multiple Perspectives on Market Orientation′s Domain Specification: Implications for theory development and knowledge accumulation - J.W. Cadogan
Market Orientation, the Cornerstone of Strategic Marketing Thought
III. Market-Orientation and Strategy Response
Competitive Strategy in the Market-Focused Business - S.F. Slater and J.C. Narver
Market Orientation and the Marketing Strategy Process - R. Tadepelli and R.A. Avila
Market Orientation and Market Strategy Profiling: An empirical test of environment-behavior-action coalignment and its performance implications - C.B. Dobni and G. Luffman
IV. Market-Orientation and Strategic Type
Strategic Types, Market Orientation, and the Balance between Adaptability an Adaptation - B.A. Lukas
The Effects of Strategy Type on the Market Orientation-Performance Relationship - K. Matsuno and J.T. Mentzer
V. Market-Oriented Strategies: Meta Analyses
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Market Orientation and Business Performance: Evidence from five continents - C.R. Cano, F.A. Carrillat and F. Jaramillo
Market Orientation and Performance: A meta-analysis and cross-national comparisons - P.D. Ellis
New Perspective on Market Orientation
VI. Market-Driven Versus Market Driving
Market-Driven Versus Driving Markets - B. Jaworski, A.K. Kohli and A. Sahay
From Market Driven to Market Driving - N.L. Kumar, L. Scheer and P. Kotler
VII. Market Orientation and Other Strategic Orientations
Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is innovation a missing link - J.K. Han, N. Kim and R.J. Srivastava
Does Market Orientation Matter? A test of the relationship between positional advantages and performance - G.T.M. Hult, and D.J. Ketchen, Jr.
VIII. Developing a Market Orientation
Developing a Market Orientation: An organizational strategy perspective - R.W. Ruekert
Barriers to Developing Market Orientation - L.C. Harris
Factors Facilitating and Impeding the Development of Export Market-Oriented Behavior: A study of Hong Kong manufacturing exporters - J.W. Cadogan, C.C. Cui, R.E. Morgan and V.M. Story
Strategic Marketing Planning
I. Marketing Strategy and Planning
An Understanding of Marketing Strategy - G.E. Greenley
The Anatomy of Strategic Marketing Planning - D. Brownlie
An Overview of Marketing Strategy and Planning - George M. Zinkhan and Arun Pereira
II. Models of the Marketing Strategy Process
Organisational Context and Behavioural Problems as Determinants of the Effectiveness of the Strategic Marketing Planning Process - N.F. Piercy and N.A. Morgan
Governance Value Analysis and Marketing Strategy - M. Ghosh and G. John
III. Strategy Initiation and Formation
Tracing Emergent Processes in Marketing Strategy Formation - M.D. Hutt, P.H. Reingen and J.R. Ronchetto, Jr.
Initiating Strategic Planning - L.C. Harris and E. Ogbonna
IV. Strategic Resources and Marketing Capabilities
The Capabilities and Performance Advantages of Market-Driven Firms - D.W. Vorhies, M. Harker and C.P. Rao
Market-Focused Resources, Competitive Positioning and Firm Performance - G. Hooley, G. Greenley, J. Fahy and J. Cadogan
Organizational Antecedents of Second-Order Competencies - E. Danneels
Analyzing Market Opportunities, Market Evolution and Portfolio Tools
V. Strategic Marketing Environment
Strategic Windows - D.F. Abell
Controlling the Uncontrollable: Managing your market environment - P.R.T. Varadarajan, T. Clark and W.M. Pride
Generating Competitive Intelligence in Organizations - B.J. Jaworski, D.J. MacInnis and A.K. Kohli
VI. The Product Life Cycle and Product Portfolio
The Lifecycle Concept Revisited: Aid of albatross - G.J. Hooley
Portfolio Analysis and the Product Life Cycle - H.C. Barksdale, and C.E. Harris, Jr.
Determining the Appropriate Depth and Breadth of a Firm′s Product Portfolio - R. Bordley
VIII. Segmentation
Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies - W.R. Smith
Benefit Segmentation: A useful tool for financial investment services - T.Z. Chang and S-J. Chen
Development of a Taxonomy of Strategic Market Segmentation: A framework for bridging the implementation gap between normative segmentation and business practice - K. Sausen, T. Tomczak and A. Herrmann
Product Strategy
I. Product Line Strategy
Proactive and Reactive Product Line Strategies: Asymmetries between market leaders and followers - V. Shankar
Consumer Attitude toward Brand Extensions: An integrative model and research propositions - S. Czellar
II. New Product Strategy
New Products: The factors that drive success - R.G. Cooper
Organizing for Radical Product Innovation: The overlooked role of willingness to cannibalize - R.K. Chandy and G.J. Tellis
III. Order of Market Entry
First to Market, First to Fail? Real Causes of Enduring Market Leadership - G.J. Tellis and P.N. Golder
Pioneers and Followers: Competitive tactics, environment, and firm growth - J.G. Covin, D.P. Slevin and M.B. Helley
Brand and Service Strategy
IV. Brand Strategy
Building Customer-Based Brand Equity - K.L. Keller
Strategic Brand Concept and Brand Architecture Strategy - A Proposed Model - A. Strebinger
Measuring and Managing the Essence of a Brand Personality - J. van Rekom, G. Jacobs and P.W.J. Verlegh
V. Service Strategy
Service Strategies within the Manufacturing Sector: Benefits, costs and partnership - V. Mathieu
Six Strategies for Competing through Service: An agenda for future research - R.N. Bolton, D. Grewal and M. Levy
A Conceptual Framework for the Development of a Service Delivery Strategy for Industrial Systems and Products - R. Kumar and U. Kumar
VI. Services Dominant Logic and Branding
From Goods to Service(s): Divergences and Convergences of Logics - S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch
The Service Brand and the Service-Dominant Logic: Missing fundamental premise or the need for stronger theory? - R.J. Brodie, M.S. Glynn and V. Little
VII. Strategic Implications of Service Quality
Communication and Control Processes in the Delivery of Service Quality - V.A. Zeithaml
Service Quality, Profitability, and the Economic Worth of Customers: What we know and what we need to learn - V.A. Zeithaml
Promotion Strategy
VIIIAdvertising Strategy
Creative Strategy: A management perspective - C.F. Frazer
Market Valuation Models of the Effect of Advertising and Promotional Spending: A review and meta-analysis - M.P. Conchar, M.R. Crask and G.M. Zinkhan
Internet Advertising Strategy Alignment - M-C. Boudreau and R.T. Watson
IX. Sales Promotion
Sales Promotions as Strategic Communication: The case of Singapore - C.W. Lee
The Effect of Sales Promotion on Post-Promotion Brand Preference: A meta-analysis - D. DelVecchio, D.H. Henard and T.H. Freling
A Strategic Perspective on Sales Promotions - B. Gelb, D. Andrews and S.K. Lam
X. The Strategic Role of Sales
Marketing and Sales: Strategic alignment and functional implementation - W.M. Strahle, R.L. Spiro and F. Acito
The Role of Strategic Selling in the Company Turnaround Process - M. Harker and D. Harker
The Strategic Role of the Salesforce in Developing Customer Satisfaction across the Relationship Lifecycle - S.D. Jap
Distribution Strategy
I. Organization and Management Issues
Make-or-Buy Decisions - E. Anderson and B.A. Weitz
Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution - G.L. Frazier
II. Channel Dynamics, Cooperation and Conflict
Strategic Integration in Industrial Distribution Channels: Managing the Interfirm Relationship as a Strategic Asset - J.L. Johnson
Multichannel Marketing: Mindset and program development - B.D. Weinberg, S. Parise and P.J. Guinan
Satisfaction in International Marketing Channels: A local channel member perspective - C. Schmitz and T. Wagner
III. Retail Strategy
A Distribution Services Approach for Developing Effective Competitive Strategies against ′′Big Box′′ Retailers - C.S. Barber and B.C. Tietje
Building and Sustaining Profitable Customer Loyalty for the 21st Century - V. Kumar and D. Shah
A Guide to Developing and Managing a Well-Integrated Multi-Channel Retail Strategy - B. Berman and S. Thelen
IV. Relationship Strategy
Conceptualising Business Relationships - A. Dubois and H. Håkansson
Understanding Relationship Marketing Outcomes: An Integration of Relational Benefits and Relationship Quality - T. Hennig-Thurau, K.P. Gwinner and D.D. Gremler
Interfirm Monitoring, Social Contracts, and Relationship Outcomes - J.B. Heide, K.H. Wathne and A.I. Rokkan
Pricing Strategy
V. Pricing Theory and Practice
Industrial Pricing: Theory and managerial practice - P.M. Noble and T.S. Gruca
Pricing Decisions and the Neoclassical Theory of the Firm - M.R. Lucas
Towards Value-Based Pricing-an Integrative Framework for Decision Making - A. Hinterhuber
VI. The Strategic Role of Price
Buyers′ Subjective Perceptions of Price - K. Monroe
Image Communicated by the Use of 99 Endings in Advertised Prices - R.M. Schindler and T.M. Kibarian
The Price-Perceived Quality Relationship: A meta-analytic review and assessment of its determinants - F. Völckner and J. Hofmann
VII. Pricing Strategy
An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Retailer Pricing Strategy - V. Shankar and R.N. Bolton
Intraorganizational Influences on Business-to-Business Pricing Strategies: A political economy perspective - R.A. Lancioni
Successful New Product Pricing Practices: A contingency approach - P. Ingenbleek, M. Debruyne, R.T. Frambach and T.M.M. Verhallen
I. The Organization of Marketing Activities
The Organization of Marketing Activities: A contingency theory of structure and performance - R.W. Ruekert, O.C. Walker, Jr. and K.J. Roering
Organizing Marketing in Industrial High-Tech Firms: The role of internal marketing relationships - K. Möller and A. Rajala
II. Strategy-Environment-Fit
Strategic Types, Distinctive Marketing Competencies and Organizational Performance: A multiple measures-based study - J.S. Conant, M.P. Mokwa and P.R. Varadarajan
The Performance Implications of Fit among Business Strategy, Marketing Organization Structure, and Strategic Behavior - E.M. Olson, S.F. Slater, and G.T.M. Hult
III. Interfunctional Conflict and Power
Dysfunctional Behavior and Management Control: An empirical study of marketing managers - B.J. Jaworski, S.M. Young
The Quality and Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy: Effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict in intraorganizational relationships - A. Menon, S.G. Bharadwaj and R. Howell
Marketing′s Influence Tactics in New Product Development: A study of high technology firms in China - K. Atuahene-Gima and H. Li
IV. Functional Alignment / Integration
Shared Organizational Values: Measurement and impact upon strategic marketing implementation - G.J. Badovick and S.E. Beatty
Should Marketing be Cross-Functional? Conceptual Development and International Empirical Evidence - H. Krohmer, C. Homburg and J.P. Workman
Differential Effects of the Primary Forms of Cross Functional Integration on Product Development Cycle Time - J.D. Sherman, W.E. Souder and S.A. Jenssen
V. Strategic Flexibility
Capabilities for Strategic Flexibility: A cognitive content framework - I.A. Combe and G.E. Greenley
Market Orientation, Strategic Flexibility, and Performance: Implications for service providers - R.G. Javalgi, T.W. Whipple, A.K. Ghosh and R.B. Young
Strategic Flexibility, Rigidity and Barriers to the Development of Absorptive Capacity in Business Markets: Themes and research perspectives - P. Matthyssens, P. Pauwels and K. Vandenbempt
VII. Implementation
Managing Marketing Implementation - T.V. Bonoma and V.L. Crittenden
Marketing Strategy Development Styles, Implementation Capability, and Firm Performance: Investigating the curvilinear impact of multiple strategy-making styles - J.C. White, J.S. Conant and R. Echambadi
In Pursuit of the "Ideal Approach" to Successful Marketing Strategy Implementation - E.R. Thorpe and R.E. Morgan
VI. Internal Marketing Strategies
Broadening the Market Orientation: An added focus on internal customers - I. Mohr-Jackson
The Impact of Internal Marketing Efforts in Distribution Service Operations - S.B. Keller, D.F. Lynch, A.E. Ellinger, J. Ozment and R. Calantone
The Notion of Internal Market Orientation and Employee Job Satisfaction: Some preliminary evidence - S. Gounaris
I. Marketing Productivity
Marketing Productivity: Issues and analysis - J.N. Sheth and R.S. Sisodia
Marketing Productivity, Marketing Audits, and Systems for Marketing Performance Assessment: Integrating multiple perspectives - N.A. Morgan, B.H. Clark and R. Gooner
II. Marketing Metrics
Return on Marketing: Using customer equity to focus marketing strategy - Roland T. Rust, Katherine N. Lemon and Valerie A. Zeithaml
Measurement of Return on Marketing Investment: A conceptual framework and the future of marketing metrics - S.H. Seggie, E. Cavusgil and S.E. Phelan
III. Global Marketing Strategy
Strategic Global Marketing: Lessons from the Japanese - S. Jatusripitak, L. Fahey and P. Kotler
A Framework for Analysis of Strategy Development in Globalizing Markets - C.A. Solberg.
Development of Archetypes of International Marketing Strategy - L.K.S. Lim, F. Acito and A. Rusetski
IV. Alliances
Understanding Alliances: A Review of international aspects in strategic marketing - J.D. Townsend
Requirements for Successful Marketing Alliances - M.K. Rich
How to Manage a Portfolio of Alliances - W.H. Hoffman
V. Networks
Conceptualization of Strategy in Business Networks: An assessment - T-Y. Eng
Networks and Competitive Advantage: A synthesis and extension - K.G. Pillai
Strategic Marketing Plans and Collaborative Networks - M.F. Neves
VI. Corporate Social Responsibility
The Boundaries of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility - G.P. Lantos
Doing Better at Doing Good: When, why and how consumers respond to corporate social initiatives - C.B. Bhattacharya and A. Sen
VII. E-Marketing
Marketing Strategy and the Internet: An organizing framework - P.R. Varadarajan and M.S. Yadav
Introducing E-MARKPLAN: A practical methodology to plan e-Marketing activities - S. Krishnamurthy
Is e-Marketing Coming of Age? An Examination of the Penetration of e-Marketing and Firm Performance - R.J. Brodie, H. Winklhofer, N.E. Coviello and W.J. Johnston
VIII. Marketing Strategy Theory and Research in the New Millennia
Marketing Strategy: An assessment of the state of the field and outlook - P.R. Varadarajan and S. Jayachandran
Charting New Directions for Marketing - G.S. Day and D.B. Montgomery

Erscheint lt. Verlag 23.4.2009
Reihe/Serie SAGE Library in Marketing
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 4790 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management Marketing / Vertrieb
ISBN-10 1-84860-117-4 / 1848601174
ISBN-13 978-1-84860-117-8 / 9781848601178
Zustand Neuware
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