Sustainable Tourism -

Sustainable Tourism

2064 Seiten
978-0-415-43714-1 (ISBN)
1.039,95 inkl. MwSt
Edited by two leading scholars in the field, this new title in the Routledge Major Works series, Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences, is a four-volume collection of canonical and cutting-edge research in sustainable tourism.

The origins of sustainable tourism as a topic of serious academic interest are comparatively recent. The subject is largely a postwar development which began to unfold in the 1960s, initially in the USA and Europe. With the continuing growth in concern about the grave impacts of tourism on the environment, society, and cultures, the subject area has continued to evolve internationally from a number of other disciplines and cognate areas—most notably environmental studies and geography, economics, and sociology, but also planning and management—and there has been a corresponding growth in sustainable-tourism scholarship. Sustainable tourism is now a vibrant and dynamic field of study and research, and the sheer scale of the growth in its output makes this collection especially timely. A wide range of social-science journals have published material about sustainable tourism and this new Routledge Major Work makes available foundational pieces of scholarship—as well as cutting-edge research—from these disparate, and sometimes less accessible sources, as well as from the leading UK, European, and North American tourism journals, and from other publications, some of which are no longer in print.

As well as bringing together the key studies and journal articles that have shaped serious thought about sustainable tourism, the collection will be welcomed as the first mapping of an area that to date has lacked an interdisciplinary synthesis. The thematic organization of the collection, together with the editors’ introductions and their commentaries on the collected texts, help to make sense of the wide range of approaches, theories, and concepts that have informed sustainable tourism, and review the history of the subject and the rise of its identity and research agenda. Sustainable Tourism is an essential collection, destined to be valued as a vital research resource by all scholars and students of the subject.

Volume I: Development and Understanding of the Sustainable Tourism Concept

General Introduction

Introduction to Volume I

Part 1: Evolution of Sustainability

1. D. Pepper, ‘Modern Roots of Ecocentrism’, Modern Environmentalism: An Introduction (London: Routledge, 1996), pp. 168–237.

2. M. Redclift, ‘The Meaning of Sustainable Development’, Geoforum, 23, 3, 1992, pp. 395–403.

3. G. O. Carvalho, ‘Sustainable Development: Is it Achievable Within the Existing International Political Economy Context?’, Sustainable Development, 9, 1, 2001, pp. 61–73.

4. J. Robinson, ‘Squaring the Circle? Some Thoughts on the Idea of Sustainable Development’, Ecological Economics, 48, 4, 2004, pp. 369–84.

5. World Summit on Sustainable Development, ‘The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development’, Environmental Policy and Law, 32, 5, 2002, pp. 234–6.

Part 2: Precursors of the Sustainable Tourism Concept

6. C. Zierer, ‘Tourism and Recreation in the West’, Geographical Review, 42, 1952, pp. 462–81.

7. E. Mishan, The Costs of Economic Growth (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969), pp. 140–3.

8. G. Budowski, ‘Tourism and Environmental Conservation: Conflict, Co-Existence or Symbiosis?’, Environmental Conservation, 3, 1, 1976, pp. 27–31.

9. M. Romeril, ‘Tourism and the Environment: Accord or Discord?’, Tourism Management, 10, 3, 1989, pp. 204–8.

10. B. Farrell and D. Runyan, ‘Ecology and Tourism’, Annals of Tourism Research, 18, l, 1991, pp. 26–40.

11. J. Krippendorf, ‘About the Concept of a Balanced Tourist Development’, The Holidaymakers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1987), pp. 115–24.

12. S. J. Page and R. Dowling, ‘Tourism and the Environment’, Ecotourism (Harlow: Pearson, 2002), pp. 35–54.

Part 3: Defining and Conceptualizing Sustainable Tourism

13. UN-WTO, Sustainable Development of Tourism Conceptual Definition ( (2004)

14. J. Saarinen, ‘Traditions of Sustainability in Tourism Studies’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33, 4, 2006, pp. 1121–40.

15. J. Clarke, ‘A Framework of Approaches to Sustainable Tourism’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5, 3, 1997, pp. 224–33.

16. M. Mowforth and I. Munt, ‘Tourism and Sustainability’, Tourism and Sustainability: Development and New Tourism in the Third World (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 80–114.

17. A. Hardy, R. J. S. Beeton, and L. Pearson, ‘Sustainable Tourism: An Overview of the Concept and its Position in Relation to Conceptualisations of Tourism’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10, 6, 2002, pp. 475–96.

18. C. Hunter, ‘Sustainable Tourism as an Adaptive Paradigm’, Annals of Tourism Research, 24, 4, 1997, pp. 850–67.

19. T. G. Acott, H. L. La Trobe, and S. H. Howard, ‘An Evaluation of Deep Ecotourism and Shallow Ecotourism’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 6, 3, 1998, pp. 238–53.

20. H. Briassoulis, ‘Sustainable Tourism and the Question of the Commons’, Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 4, 2002, pp. 1065–85.

21. H. Muller, ‘The Thorny Path to Sustainable Tourism Development’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2, 3, 1994, pp. 131–6.

22. G. Wall, ‘Sustainable Tourism: Unsustainable Development’, in S. Wahab and J. J. Pigram (eds.), Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability (London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 33–49.

23. B. Garrod and A. Fyall, ‘Beyond the Rhetoric of Sustainable Tourism?’, Tourism Management, 19, 3, 1998, pp. 199–212.

24. B. Wheeller, ‘Tourism’s Troubled Times: Responsible Tourism is Not the Answer’, Tourism Management, 12, 2, 1991, pp. 91–6.

25. Z. Liu, ‘Sustainable Tourism Development: A Critique’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11, 6, 2003, pp. 459–75.

Volume II: The Impacts of Tourism

Introduction to Volume II

Part 4: Environmental Perspectives

26. E. Cohen, ‘The Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment’, Annals of Tourism Research, 5, 2, 1978, pp. 215–37.

27. C. Hunter and H. Green, ‘The Environmental Impacts of Tourism’, Tourism and the Environment: A Sustainable Relationship? (London: Routledge, 1995), pp. 10–51

28. R. W. Butler, ‘Tourism and the Environment: A Geographical Perspective’, Tourism Geographies, 2, 3, 2000, pp. 337–58.

29. J. Pollard and R. D. Rodriguez, ‘Tourism and Torremolinos: Recession or Reaction to Environment?’, Tourism Management, 14, 4, 1993, pp. 247–58.

30. I. Kavallinis and A. Pizam, ‘The Environmental Impacts of Tourism: Whose Responsibility is it Anyway? The Case Study of Mykonos’, Journal of Travel Research, 33, 2, 1994, pp. 26–32.

31. D. Sun and D. Walsh, ‘Review of Studies on Environmental Impacts of Recreation and Tourism in Australia’, Journal of Environmental Management, 5, 4, 1998, pp. 323–38.

32. S. Gossling, ‘Global Environmental Consequences of Tourism’, Global Environment Change, 12, 4, 2002, pp. 283–302.

33. D. Weaver and L. Lawton, ‘Twenty Years On: Contemporary Ecotourism Research’, Tourism Management (forthcoming, 2007)

34. M. Orams, ‘The Impacts of Marine Tourism’, Marine Tourism: Development, Impacts and Management (London: Routledge, 1999), pp. 56–70.

Part 5: Social and Cultural Perspectives

35. R. W. Butler, ‘The Social Implications of Tourist Developments’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2, 2, 1974, pp. 100–11.

36. N. Douglas and N. Douglas, ‘Social and Cultural Impact of Tourism in the South Pacific’, in C. M. Hall and S. J. Page (eds.), Tourism in the Pacific: Issues and Cases (London: Thomson, 1996), pp. 49–64.

37. G. V. Doxey, ‘A Causation Theory of Visitor-Resident Irritants: Methodology and Research Inferences’ (paper given at San Diego, California, The Travel Research Association Conference No. 6, TTRA, 1975), pp. 195–8.

38. A. Pizam, ‘Tourism’s Impacts: The Social Costs to the Destination Community as Perceived by its Residents’, Journal of Travel Research, 16, 1, 1978, pp. 8–12.

39. J. Ap and J. L. Crompton, ‘Residents’ Strategies for Responding to Tourism Impacts’, Journal of Travel Research, 32, 1, 1993, pp. 47–50.

40. S. J. Page and G. Lawton, ‘The Impact of Urban Tourism on Destination Communities: Implications for Community Tourism Planning in Auckland’, in C. M. Hall, J. Jenkins, and G. Kearsley (eds.), Tourism Planning and Policy in Australia and New Zealand: Cases, Issues and Practice (Roseville: McGraw Hill Australia, 1997), pp. 209–26.

41. J. Connell, ‘What’s the Story in Balamory? The Impacts of a Children’s TV Programme on Small Tourism Enterprises on the Isle of Mull, Scotland’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13, 3, 2005, pp. 228–55.

42. B. McKercher, ‘Some Fundamental Truths About Tourism: Understanding Tourism’s Social and Environmental Impacts’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1, 1, 1993, pp. 6–16.

Part 6: Economic, Political, and Developing World Perspectives

43. L. Turner, ‘The International Division of Leisure: Tourism and the Third World’, World Development, 4, 3, 1976, pp. 253–60.

44. E. De Kadt, ‘Politics, Planning and Control’, in E. De Kadt (ed.), Tourism: Passport to Development (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), pp. 18–33.

45. S. G. Britton, ‘The Political Economy of Tourism in the Third World’, Annals of Tourism Research, 9, 3, 1982, pp. 331–58.

46. W. R. Fleming and L. Toepper ‘Economic Impact Studies: Relating the Positive and Negative Impacts to Tourism Development’, Journal of Travel Research, 29, 1, 1990, pp. 35–42.

47. N. Vanhove, ‘Mass Tourism: Benefits and Costs’, in S. Wahab and J. J. Pigram (eds.), Tourism, Development and Growth: The Challenge of Sustainability (London: Routledge, 1997), pp. 50–77.

Volume III: The Application of Sustainable Tourism Principles to Practice

Introduction to Volume III

Part 7: Sustainable Tourism Destination Development

48. A. P. Russo, ‘The "Vicious Circle" of Tourism Development in Heritage Cities’, Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 1, 2002, pp. 165–82.

49. E. Cater, ‘Tourism in the Yunnan Great Rivers National Parks System Project: Prospects for Sustainability’, Tourism Geographies, 2, 4, 2000, pp. 472–89.

50. I. Sindiga, ‘Alternative Tourism and Sustainable Development in Kenya’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 7, 2, 1999, pp. 108–27.

51. C. Tosun, ‘Challenges of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Developing World: The Case of Turkey’, Tourism Management, 22, 2001, pp. 289–303.

52. T. Dorji, ‘Sustainability of Tourism in Bhutan’, Journal of Bhutan Studies, 3, 1, 2001, pp. 84–104.

53. J. F. Vera Rebollo and J. A. Ivars Baidal, ‘Measuring Sustainability in a Mass Tourist Destination: Pressures, Perceptions and Policy Responses in Torrevieja, Spain’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11, 2 & 3, 2003, pp. 181–203.

Part 8: Developments in the Tourism Industry

54. J. J. Pigram, ‘Best Practice Environmental Management and the Tourism Industry’, Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2, 1996, pp. 261–71.

55. J. De Burgos-Jimenez et al., ‘Planning and Control of Environmental Performance in Hotels’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10, 3, 2002, pp. 207–21.

56. S. Carey, Y. Gountas, and D. Gilbert, ‘Tour Operators and Destination Sustainability’, Tourism Management, 18, 7, 1997, pp. 425–31.

57. J. K. Lynes and D. Dredge, ‘Going Green: Motivations for Environmental Commitment in the Airline Industry: A Case Study of Scandinavian Airlines’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 14, 2, 2006, pp. 116–38.

58. S. Berry and A. Ladkin, ‘Sustainable Tourism: A Regional Perspective’, Tourism Management, 18, 7, 1997, pp. 433–40.

59. K. Hobson and S. Essex, ‘Sustainable Tourism: A View From Accommodation Businesses’, Service Industries Journal, 21, 4, 2001, pp. 133–46.

60. H. Dewhurst and R. Thomas, ‘Encouraging Sustainable Business Practices in a Non-Regulatory Environment: A Case Study of Small Tourism Firms in a UK National Park’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11, 5, 2003, pp. 383–403.

Part 9: The Sustainable Tourist?

61. G. Miller, ‘Consumerism in Sustainable Tourism: A Survey of UK Consumers’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11, 1, 2003, pp. 17–39.

62. S. Bohler et al., ‘Encouraging Environmentally Sustainable Holiday Travel’, Transportation Research Part A, 40, 2006, pp. 652–70.

Part 10: Community Involvement in Sustainable Tourism

63. P. E. Murphy, ‘Tourism as a Community Industry’, Tourism: A Community Approach (London: Routledge, 1985), pp. 166–76.

64. B. Faulkner, ‘Tourism Development Options in Indonesia and the Case of Agro-Tourism in Central Java’, in E. Laws, B. Faulkner, and G. Moscardo (eds.), Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International Case Studies (London: Routledge, 1998), pp. 202–21.

65. M. Smith and R. Duffy, ‘Ethics and Sustainable Tourism’, The Ethics of Tourism Development (London: Routledge, 2003), pp. 135–59.

Volume IV: Planning and Managing Sustainable Tourism: Policy and Progress

Introduction to Volume IV

Part 11: Planning and Policy for Sustainable Tourism

66. E. Inskeep, ‘Environmental Planning for Tourism’, Annals of Tourism Research, 14, 1, 1987, pp. 118–35.

67. ‘UN-WTO Tourism in the WSSD Final Plan of Implementation’ (

68. P. Dieke, ‘Tourism in the Gambia: Some Issues in Development Policy’, World Development, 21, 2, 1993, pp. 277–89.

69. S. J. Page and K. J. Thorn, ‘Towards Sustainable Tourism Planning in New Zealand: Public Sector Planning Responses’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5, 1, 1997, pp. 59–77.

70. S. J. Page and K. J. Thorn, ‘Towards Sustainable Tourism Development and Planning in New Zealand: The Public Sector Response Revisited’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10, 3, 2002, pp. 222–38.

71. J. Vernon et al., ‘Collaborative Policymaking: Local Sustainable Projects’, Annals of Tourism Research, 32, 2, 2005, pp. 325–45.

72. B. Le Pelley and E. Laws, ‘A Stakeholder-Benefits Approach to Tourism Management in a Historic City Centre: The Canterbury City Centre Initiative’, in E. Laws, B. Faulkner, and G. Moscardo (eds.), Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International Case Studies (London: Routledge, 1998), pp. 70–94.

73. D. A. Fennell and K. Ebert, ‘Tourism and the Precautionary Principle’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 12, 6, 2004, pp. 461–79.

Part 12: Developing Methodologies to Measure and Monitor Tourism Impacts and Progress in Sustainable Tourism

74. S. F. McCool and D. W. Lime, ‘Tourism Carrying Capacity: Tempting Fantasy or Useful Reality?’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 9, 5, 2001, pp. 372–88.

75. B. Faulkner and C. Tideswell, ‘A Framework for Monitoring Community Impacts of Tourism’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5, 1, 1997, pp. 3–28.

76. H. Choi and E. Sirakaya, ‘Measuring Residents’ Attitude Towards Sustainable Tourism: Development of Sustainable Tourism Attitude Scale’, Journal of Travel Research, 43, 4, 2005, pp. 380–94.

77. B. Goodall, ‘Environmental Auditing for Tourism’, in C. Cooper and A. Lockwood (eds.), Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, 4, 1992, pp. 60–74.

78. S. J. Page, ‘Perspectives on the Environmental Impact of the Channel Tunnel on Tourism in the 1990s’, in C. Cooper and A. Lockwood (eds.), Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality Management, 4, 1992, pp. 82–102.

79. B. Goodall and M. Stabler, ‘Environmental Standards and Performance Measurement in Tourism Destination Development’, in D. Hall and G. Richards (eds.), Tourism and Sustainable Community Development (London: Routledge, 2000), pp. 63–82.

80. X. Font, ‘Environmental Certification in Tourism and Hospitality: Progress, Process and Prospects’, Tourism Management, 23, 4, 2002, pp. 197–205.

81. G. Hughes, ‘Environmental Indicators’, Annals of Tourism Research, 29, 2, 2002, pp. 457–77.

82. S. Dymond, ‘Indicators of Sustainable Tourism in New Zealand: A Local Government Perspective’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5, 4, 1997, pp. 279–93.

83. C. Hunter and J. Shaw, ‘The Ecological Footprint as a Key Indicator of Sustainable Tourism’, Tourism Management, 28, 1, 2007, pp. 46–57.

Part 13: Future Directions for Sustainable Tourism

84. B. McKercher, ‘The Unrecognized Threat to Tourism: Can Tourism Survive "Sustainability"?’, Tourism Management, 14, 2, 1993, pp. 131–6.

85. B. Farrell and L. Twining-Ward, ‘Seven Steps Towards Sustainability: Tourism in the Context of New Knowledge’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 13, 2, 2005, pp. 109–22.

86. Future Foundation, ‘Sustainable Tourism in Scotland’ (London: Future Foundation, 2006), pp. 1–37.

87. M. Williamson, ‘Protection of the Space Environment: The First Small Steps’, Advances in Space Research, 34, 11, 2004, pp. 2338–43.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 24.12.2007
Reihe/Serie Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 3980 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft
ISBN-10 0-415-43714-8 / 0415437148
ISBN-13 978-0-415-43714-1 / 9780415437141
Zustand Neuware
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