The History of Actuarial Science - Steven Haberman

The History of Actuarial Science

Steven Haberman (Autor)

3488 Seiten
Pickering & Chatto (Publishers) Ltd
978-1-85196-143-6 (ISBN)
1.029,95 inkl. MwSt
A book which covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-17th century to the early 19th century. There are reprints of the most important treatises, pamphlets, tables and writings which trace the development of the actuarial industry.

Trevor Sibbett is a Senior Actuary at Guardian Royal Exchange Steven Haberman is Professor of Actuarial Science at the City University, London

Volume 1 Domitius Ulpianus, Ulpian's Table (200); Company of Parish Clerks, London's Dreadful Visitation (1657); John Graunt, Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality (1662); Christiaan and Ludwig Huygens, Extracts from Letters (1669); Johan de Witt, Value of Life Annuities (1671); Edmund Halley, An Estimate of the Degrees of the Mortality of Mankind (1693); Nicholas Bernoulli, De Usu Artis Conjectandi in Jure (1709); John Smart, A Letter to George Heathcote re Tables of Bills of Mortality (1737); Nicholas Struyck, Appendix to Introduction to General Geography (1740); Antoine Deparcieux, Table XIII from Essay on the Probabilities of the Duration of Human Life (1746); Thomas Watkins, A Letter to William Brakenridge re the Terms and Period of Human Life (1761) Volume 2 Leonhard Euler, A General Investigation into the Mortality and Multiplication of Human Species (1760); Pehr Wargentin, Mortality in Sweden (1766); Richard Price, Observations in Reversionary Payments (1783); Edward Wigglesworth, A Table shewing the Expectation of Life in the States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire (1793); Joshua Milne, A Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances (1815); Benjamin Gompertz, On the Nature of the Function expressive of the Law of Human Mortality (1825); Thomas Young, A Formula for expressing the Decrement of Human Life (1826); John Finlaison, A Report on Life Annuities (1829); Thomas Rowe Edmonds, Life Tables founded upon the Discovery of a Numerical Law (1832); Francis Corbaux, On the Natural and Mathematical Laws Concerning Population, Vitality, and Mortality (1833); Augustus de Morgan, An Essay on Probabilities (1838); William Makeham, On the law of Mortality and the Construction of Annuity Tables (1859); Ludvig Oppermann, On the Graduation of Life Tables (1870); Wilhelm Lexis, Diagram from the Introduction to the Theory of Population Statistics (1875); Wilhelm Lexis, On the Theory of Mass Distribution in Human Society (1877) Volume 3 Abraham De Moivre, Annuities on Lives (1725); Richard Hayes, A New Method for Valuing of Annuities upon Lives (1727); Abraham De Moivre, The Doctrine of Chances (1738); Thomas Simpson, The Doctrine of Annuities and Reversions (1742); Thomas Simpson, Select Exercises for Young Proficients in the Mathematicks (1752); James Dodson, The Mathematical Repository, Vol. III (1755); Richard Price, Observations on Reversionary Payments (1771) Volume 4 William Dale, Calculations deduced from First Principles (1772); William Dale, Supplement to Calculations of the Value of Annuities (1777); Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, Introduction to the Calculation of Life Annuities (1785); Johannes Nikolaus Tetens, On the Tetens Mortality Curve (1785); Francis Baily, The Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances (1810); Griffith Davies, Tables of Life Contingencies (1825); David Jones, On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments (1843); Augustus de Morgan, On a Property of M. Gompertz's Law of Mortality (1859); August Zillmer, Contributions to the theory of Premium Reserves for Life Insurance Companies (1863); Karl Hattendorf, The Risk with Life Assurance (1869); Wesley Stoker Barker Woolhouse, On an Improved Theory of Annuities and Assurances (1869); Jorgen Pederson Gram, Standard Deviation in the Value of Life Assurances (1889); George King et al., The Universal Notation (1898); George James Lidstone, Changes in Pure Premium Policy-Value (1905); Jorgen Pederson Gram, Professor Thiele as Actuary (1910) Volume 5 Laurens Tonti, Edict of the King for the Creation of the Society of the Royal Tontine (1654); Thomas Wagstaffe, Proposals for Subscriptions of Money (1674); John Hartley, A Letter for a Perpetual Assurance (1706); The Friendly Society, Land Security for establishing a Perpetual Insurance on Lives (1715); James Dodson, First Lectures on Insurance (1756); Edward Rowe Mores, A short Account of the Society for Equitable Assurance on Lives and Survivorships (1762); William Morgan, Surplus Stock of the Equitable Society (1776); William Morgan, The Doctrine of Annuities and Assurances on Lives (1779); Pennsylvania Company, An Address from the President and Directors (1814); Arthur Morgan, First Report of the Select Committee on the Joint Stock Companies (1844); Thomas Bond Sprague, On certain Methods of dividing the Surplus among the Assured in a Life Assurance Company (1858); Sheppard Homans, On the Equitable Distribution of Surplus (1863); James Meikle, An Analysis of the Profits of Life Assurance (1865); Thomas Bond Sprague, A Treatise on Life Assurance Accounts (1874); George Humphreys, On the Practice of the Eagle Company (1864); Charles Ronald Vauldrey Coutts, Bonus Reserve Valuation (1907); Oscar H. Rogers and Arthur Hunter, Numerical Ratings (1919) Volume 6 Alexander Webster, Calculations with the Principles and Data on which they are instituted (1748); Trustees of the Fund, An Account of the rise and Nature of the Fund (1759); Francis Maseres, A Proposal for Establishing Life-Annuities in Parishes (1772); Anonymous, Observations on the Superannuation Fund (1822); Henry William Manly, On the Valuation of Staff Pension Funds (1902); James John M'Lauchlan, The Fundamental Principles of Pension Funds (1909) Volume 7 John Castaing, The Course of the Exchange and Other Things (1698); Stephen Daubuz, Broker's List of Stock Prices (1731); Arthur Hutcheson Bailey, On the Principles on which the Funds of Life Assurance Societies should be Invested (1863); Louis Bachelier, Theory of Speculation (1900); D P Moll, On the Effect of a Rise, or Fall, in Market Values of Securities on the Financial Position and Reserves of a Life Office (1909); Corbyn Morris, An Essay towards illustrating the Science of Insurance (1747); Carl B Bremiker, On the Risk attaching to the Grant of Life Assurances (1859); Filip Lundberg, On the Theory of Reinsurance (1909); Albert H Mowbray, How Extensive a Payroll Exposure is necessary to give a dependable Pure Premium (1914); Albert W. Whitney, The Theory of Experience Rating (1917) Volume 8 Daniel Bernoulli, A new Analysis of the Mortality caused by Smallpox (1760); John Heinrich Lambert, The Mortality of Smallpox in Children (1772); Emmanuel Etienne Duvillard, Analysis and Tables of the Influence of Smallpox on Mortality (1806); Antoine-Augustin Cournot, Exposition of the Theory of Chance and Probability (1843); William Matthew Makeham, On the Law of Mortality (1867); Johannes Karup, Financial Situation of the Gotha Public Servants' and Widows' Society (1893); Thomas Bond Sprague, On the Construction of a Combined Marriage and Mortality Table (1879); L. Gustav Du Pasquier, The Mathematical Theory of Disability Insurance (1912 and 1913) Volume 9 Richard Price, Observations on Reversionary Payments (1792); Highland Society of Scotland, Report on Friendly or Benefit Societies (1824); Bradfield Union Benefit Society, Rules and Tables of Assurance (1836); Gustav Nicholas Hubbard, On the Organisation of Provident Societies (1852); August Wiegand, The Mathematical Basis of Railway Pension Funds (1859); Alfred William Watson, Sickness and Mortality Experience of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity Friendly Society (1903) Volume 10 Charles Brand, Tables of Interest, Discount, Annuities &c.(1780); William Morgan, Appendix to A View of the Rise and Progress of the Equitable Society (1828); Wesley Stoker Barker Woolhouse, Investigation of Mortality in the Indian Army (1839); A Committee of Actuaries, Tables exhibiting the Law of Mortality (1843); Charles Gill, Actuary's Report on the Board of Trustees of Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York (1851); Theodor Wittstein, The Mortality in Companies with successive entering and exiting Members (1862); William Palin Elderton, On a form of Spurious Selection (1906); William Palin Elderton and Richard Clift Fippard, Notes on the Construction of Mortality Tables (1912); Paul Eugen Boehmer, Theory of independent Probabilities (1912); Wesley Stoker Barker Woolhouse, On Interpolation Summation and the Adjustment of Numerical Tables (1865); Seth C. Chandler Jnr, On the Construction of A Graduated Table of Mortality (1873); Erastus L. De Forest, On some Methods of Interpolation (1873); Thomas Bond Sprague, Explanation of a New Formula for Interpolation (1881)

Erscheint lt. Verlag 1.10.1995
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 7438 g
Themenwelt Betriebswirtschaft / Management Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre Versicherungsbetriebslehre
ISBN-10 1-85196-143-7 / 1851961437
ISBN-13 978-1-85196-143-6 / 9781851961436
Zustand Neuware
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