Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers (eBook)
XLVII, 956 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-030-02568-7 (ISBN)
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses, and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complementing the Academy's flagship journals, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review. Volumes are edited by leading scholars and practitioners across a wide range of subject areas in marketing science.
2018 Academy of Marketing Science® World Marketing Congress 5
AMS Officers (2018–2020) 6
AMS Board of Governors (2018–2020) 7
2018 AMS World Marketing Congress: Co-Chairs 8
2018 AMS World Marketing Congress: Tracks and Track Chairs 9
2018 AMS World Marketing Congress: Reviewers 12
Preface 16
Acknowledgments 18
Contents 20
Examining the Impact of Provocation in Green Advertising on Consumers’ Attitudes and Perceptions 43
Introduction 43
The Conceptual Framework 44
Green Advertising 44
Conceptual Model and Research Hypothesis 46
Method and Results 50
Discussion 51
Conclusion 52
References 53
Blink: Advertising in a Multi-Media Environment: An Abstract 55
Sensory Imagery in the Context of Beverage Advertising: How the Senses Affect Product Design and Attitude: An Abstract 57
Value Expressive Advertising and Innovation Acceptance in Healthcare: An Abstract 58
Exploring the Reciprocal Relationship between Brand Identity and Brand Image in a Context of Co-Creation: An Abstract 60
Co-Creation and Media Business: The Value Creation in a Brand Licensing Case: An Abstract 62
Special Session: Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organization (NPO and NGO) Marketing: Examination of Multicultural Perspectives: An Abstract 64
Cross-Cultural Examination of Arts Sector Governmental Policies and Development of Standardized Economic Analyses: An Abstract 66
Co-Production and Social Service Providers’ Performance: Parental Satisfaction with Childcare Markets: An Abstract 68
Connecting with Consumers in Subsistence Marketplaces: An Abstract 70
Advancing Mission-Based Metrics: An Abstract 72
The Effects of the Mobile Technology on Overall Tourist Experience: The Case of Augmented Reality Used During a Visit of Chambord Castle: An Abstract 73
Big Consumer Behavior Data and their Analytics: Some Challenges and Solutions 75
Introduction 75
Variety and Volume Challenges of Big Consumer Behavior Data 77
Big Data Calculation Velocity with MapReduce and Spark 80
MapReduce Calculations on the Analyzed Datasets 80
Apache Spark, an Enhanced MapReduce 82
Predicting Consumer Ratings from Amazon Reviews Using Spark 83
Conclusion and Discussions 85
Appendix 86
References 87
Web Personalization Experience: Value Creation or Value Destruction? An Abstract 89
IoT’s Consumer Acceptance: A New Perspective: An Abstract 91
New Dimensions of Postpurchase Behavior in the Service Environment: Consumer Behavior Toward Uber after Consumer Ratings: An Abstract 93
Improving Targeting by Taking Long-Term Relationships into Account 94
Introduction 94
Relevance and Definition of Direct Marketing 94
Control of Direct Marketing Campaigns, Taking Targeting into Account 96
Delimitation from Existing Research Approaches 97
Empirical Investigation of the Advantages of Behavioral Data 99
Description of the Data Set 99
Methodological Foundations for the Empirical Investigation 101
Empirical Results of the Application of Path Analyses 101
Evaluation of the Economic Advantages of Considering Behavioral Data 102
Limitations and Further Research 105
References 105
Managing the Bright and Dark Sides of Humorous Response in Service Recovery: An Abstract 107
Do Variety Seekers Rely on Information for their Food Choice? The Role of Type of Novelty of Food: An Abstract 108
Meanings and Values in the Purchase of a Brand New Car: Study with Brazilian Customers 109
Introduction 109
Literature Review 111
Evolution of Consumption Theory: From Price to Meaning 111
Consumption Typology 111
Satisfaction 112
Research Design 114
Findings 115
Final Remarks 117
Appendix 118
References 118
Measuring Comprehensive Typology of Positioning Strategies: An Abstract 120
Think Twice before Typing: Does Recall Message Strategy Affect Firm Valuation? An Abstract 122
Value Network Segmentation: A Three-Factor Model 123
Introduction 123
Value 124
Customer 126
Co-creating a Network of Value 127
Need Recognition and the Co-creation of Value 127
Co-creation of Value in Information Search 128
Co-creation of Value in Alternative Evaluation 128
Co-creation of Value in Production 129
Co-creation of Value in Purchase and Use 129
Co-creation of Value in Redemption 130
Value Network Segmentation 130
Conclusion 133
References 133
Sustainable Innovation: An Adaptive Capabilities Approach to Understanding its Antecedents and Consequences: An Abstract 136
Examining the Relationship between Market Orientation and Service Innovation: Fit as Matching Perspective 137
Introduction 137
Theoretical Background 138
Service Innovation 138
Market Orientation 139
Hypothesis Development 140
Research Methodology 140
Results 141
Discussion 142
References 143
Effect of Service Firm’s Sustainability Orientation on New Service Development Competence and Performance: An Abstract 145
Unravelling the Challenges and Opportunities of Social Innovation across Market Boundaries through Images of Dress: An Abstract 147
Driving Sustainable Shopping by Utilizing In-Store Smartphone Messaging: A Reexamination of Regulatory Focus Theory: An Abstract 148
Redefining Generational Cohorts Based on Touchpoint Exposure in Italy and Japan: An Abstract 150
How Trust, Knowledge Integration, and Team Sensemaking Capability Influence NPD Success: The Mediating Role of Team Members’ Creativity: An Abstract 152
The Impact of Friendship on Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: An Abstract 153
The Impact of Organization Agility, Organization Flexibility, and Environmental Volatility on Radical and Incremental Innovation Performance: An Abstract 155
A Meta-Analytical Review on the Effects of In-Game Advertising on Consumers’ Attitudes: An Abstract 156
Comparing Advertising Effectiveness: Successful versus Attractive Male Spokesperson: An Abstract 158
Misconceptions of Branding Behavior in the Retail Sector: A Delphi Study: An Abstract 159
Investigating Political Brands in Non-Party Political Environments: Post-Electoral Reform in Guernsey: An Abstract 161
How Much Change is too Much? The Impact of Perceived Technological Change onto Sales Force Technology Acceptance: An Abstract 163
The Role of Mindfulness in Consumers’ Experiences of Food Well-Being: An Abstract 165
Importance of Ethics and Sustainability in the Fashion Industry: An Abstract 167
Understanding the Relationship and Persuasion Mechanisms between Social Media Influencers and their Followers: An Abstract 169
Web Personalization: Experience, Antecedents, and Consequences: An Abstract 171
Why do I Follow Fashion Bloggers? Insights from Jordanian Consumers: An Abstract 173
Movie Piracy in Emerging Economies: I Want to be Innovative, and I Know How to Explain My Bad Behaviour: An Abstract 175
Implications of Consumer Animosity for Marketing Strategy: An Abstract 177
An Abstract: When and How do Chief Marketing Officers Drive Firm Performance? CMO Characteristics, Managerial Marketing Capability, and Firm Value Creation 178
Social Enterprise Legitimacy in a Hostile Market 180
Introduction 181
Theoretical Background 182
Research Context 183
Research Design and Data Analysis 184
Findings 186
Pragmatic and Moral Legitimacy Feedback 186
Discussion and Conclusion 188
References 190
Corporate Greed and its Effect on Customer Satisfaction, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputation among Customers: An Abstract 193
Fusing Complex Big Data Sets to Understand Consumer’s Online Relationships that Create In-Store Retail Bonding: An Abstract 194
Consumer Pleasure or Guilt: Luxury Fashion Brand Addiction and Social Media Marketing: An Abstract 195
Building Relationships through Stimulating Brand Experiences: The Role of Self-Expansion, Brand Identification, and Self-Esteem 196
Introduction 197
Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses 197
Brand Experience and its Five Dimensions 197
Luxury Brand Consumption 198
Luxury Consumption and Young Adults 198
Mediating Influence of Self-Expansion 199
Impact of Brand Identification 200
Moderating Effect of Self-Esteem 200
Research Design 201
Sample 201
Operational Measure of Constructs 202
Discriminant and Convergent Validity of Constructs with Reflective Indicators 202
Test of Common-Method Variance 204
Testing the Structural Model 205
Findings 205
General Discussion 207
Limitations and Future Research 208
References 208
Micro-Blog Marketing of Luxury Consumption: The Role of Micro-Blog Contents and Envy in Purchase Intention: An Abstract 211
Limited-Quantity Scarcity Messages for Luxury Brands: Consider Customers in Cognitive and Emotional Consumption: An Abstract 213
I or We: The Persuasive Effects of Typeface Shapes: An Abstract 215
Participatory Impact Assessments from a Relationship Marketing Perspective: How to Balance Latent and Manifest Consulting Functions? 217
Introduction 218
Theoretical Analysis of Stakeholders’ Motivation to Exercise Latent Consulting Functions 219
Case-Based Analysis of an Exemplary Impact Assessment Process 222
Implications for Conceptualizing the Impact Assessment Process 226
Conclusion 228
References 228
“The Others”: The Cultural and Consumer Profile of Expatriates: An Abstract 230
Influencing Customer Experience by Activating Relationship Norms 232
Introduction 233
The Influence of Relational Models on Customer Experience 233
Activating or Influencing Relationship Norms in a Customer-Supplier Environment 235
Study 1: Activation of Relationship Norms with CS and MP Images 236
Method 236
Results 238
Replication of Study 1 238
Study 2: Activation of Relationship Norms to Influence Switch Intention 239
Method 240
Measures 241
Results 242
Discussion 244
References 245
Trade Fairs, Trade Shows, and Exhibitions: A Literature Review: An Abstract 247
Conceptualising and Operationalising Respect in Consumer-Brand Relationships: An Abstract 248
Construing Loyalty through Perceived Quality and Brand Identification: The Mediating Role of Brand Trust and Brand Relationship Closeness: An Abstract 250
Service Brand Orientation and Firm Performance: The Moderating Effects of Relationship Marketing Orientation and Customer Orientation 252
Introduction 252
Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 253
Direct Effect Hypothesis 254
Complementary Effects Hypotheses 254
Customer Orientation (CO) 255
Relationship Marketing Orientation (RMO) 256
Research Methodology 257
Sample and Data Collection 257
Constructs, Measures, and Controls 257
Results and Analyses 258
Preliminary Analysis 258
Measure Validations 259
Common Method Bias 260
Tests of Hypotheses 260
Discussions and Conclusions 262
Theoretical and Managerial Implications 263
Limitations and Future Research Avenues 264
Appendix: Measures for the Study 264
References 266
Eye-Tracking Research Special Session (Part 1): How to Influence In-Store Buying Decisions? An Abstract 270
Visual Attention in Virtual Reality Settings: An Abstract 272
Antecedents and Consequents of the Anchoring Effect in Store Brand vs. National Brand Context: An Abstract 274
Enhancing Brand Commitment through Social Responsibility Associations: A Two-Path Moderated Model 276
Introduction 277
Theoretical Background 277
Material and Method 279
Results 279
Discussion 281
Managerial Implications 282
Limitations and Research Avenues 283
References 284
Creating My Own Story: Maximizers, a Different Route to Information Evaluation: An Abstract 287
First Impressions: The Impact of Graphic Syllabi on Student Attitudes: An Abstract 288
The Consequences of Consumer Ethnocentrism upon Product Perceptions within Emerging Markets: The Case of Mexico: An Abstract 290
Acculturation of Indian Immigrants to the United States: Technology as a Coping Mechanism: An Abstract 292
Traditionscapes in Emerging Markets: An Abstract 294
New Perspectives on Justifying Customer Citizenship: An Abstract 296
An Abstract: Mission Statements as Marketing Messages: A Comparative Content Analysis 298
An Abstract: Intuitive versus Analytical Delight: How Customers Process Delightful Consumption Experiences 300
Marketing Strategy Implications of Employee Brand Engagement: Optimism and Commonality: An Abstract 301
Agency Theory in Marketing: An Abstract 302
A Model of Post-Installation Seller-Buyer Interactions in Technology-Based Industrial Markets: An Abstract 303
The Institutional Pressures in the Post-Adoption Use of Social Media: An Abstract 305
Customer Participation in New Product Development: The Crucial Role of a Firm’s Absorptive Capacity: An Abstract 307
Influences of User Experience on Consumer Perception: A Study on “Autonomous Driving” 309
Introduction 309
Research Approach and Methodology 310
Results 313
Discussion and Recommendations 316
Limitations and Further Research 317
Appendix 318
References 319
Don’t Confuse Me! The Effect of Self-Construal on the Relationship between Context Visual Complexity and Enjoyment 321
Introduction 321
Background 323
Context Visual Complexity 324
Processing Fluency 325
Perceived Control 325
Moderating Role of Self-Construal 326
Methodology and Results 327
Study 1: Mediating Effect of Processing Fluency and Perceived Control on the Relationship Between Context Visual Complexity and Enjoyment 327
Discussion 328
Study 2: Moderating Effect of Self-Construal on the Mediating Role of Processing Fluency and Perceived Control 329
Discussion 331
Theoretical and Managerial Contribution 331
References 332
Shopper’s Experience of Digital Mall Signage as Atmospheric Stimuli: An Abstract 335
Special Session: Putting Knowledge into Action: An Abstract about Implementing Project-Based Learning across Marketing Courses and University Campuses 337
What am I Going to Eat Here? Food Tensions of Immigrants in a Cosmopolitan City 339
Introduction 339
General Conceptual Framework 341
Methodology 343
Building the Postassimilation Identity 344
Culture Based on Cooking Affiliation 345
Enlargement of the Zone 346
Food Métissage 348
Discussion and Conclusion 349
References 351
Consumers Who Collaborate with the Firm, but Against Each Other: An Abstract 353
A Comparison of Organizational Sustainability Initiatives through Time in Public and Private Sectors: An Abstract 355
Brand Equity, Country of Origin Effect, and Internationalization: An Abstract 357
Beyond Country-of-Origin: An Empirical Study on the Factors that Affect American Consumers’ Attitude and Purchasing Intentions: An Abstract 359
Special Session: Measurement Invariance and Innovation in Cross-Cultural Research: Revisiting Validity in an Interconnected World: An Abstract 361
French Households and Fish Consumption: What Characterizes Households that Should be Targeted to Increase Fish Consumption: An Abstract 363
Destination Image Change in Tourist Subgroups: Evidence from Uzbekistan: An Abstract 365
Consumer Ability to Determine Actual Quality and Level of Education: An Abstract 367
Can Anyone Write a Survey? Coping with the Digital Disruption of the Marketing Research Industry in the Classroom: An Abstract 369
Investigating Corporate Brand Values in Higher Education: An Abstract 371
A Critical Assessment of Skills and Knowledge for Entry-Level Marketing Jobs: A Delphi Study: An Abstract 373
Insights into the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: Evidence from Brazil: An Abstract 374
Ecotourism Perspective: The Case of Armenia: An Abstract 376
A Meta-Approach to Assessing Research Methodologies in Bottom of the Pyramid Markets: An Abstract 378
The Benefits of Unrelated Brand Corporate Social Responsibility: An Abstract 380
Targeted Dysfunctionality: A Systematic Review and Conceptualization: An Abstract 382
An Application of Co-Production Concept to the US Legal System: Lessons from Marketing: An Abstract 384
Exploring the Customer Satisfaction-Store Loyalty Relationship during an Economic Crisis: An Abstract 386
How can Stimuli and Emotions Help Increase Brand Advocacy 388
Introduction 388
Theoretical Background 389
Methodology 389
Results 390
Conclusions and Implications 393
References 394
Shopping Behavior Influences on Perceived Value and Store Satisfaction: An Abstract 396
Ethical Sales Leadership and Salesperson Performance: The Intervening Influence of Worthiness of being Followed: An Abstract 398
Bias in the Hiring Process of Professional Salespeople: The Effects of Gender, Ethnicity, and Religion 400
Introduction 400
Background 401
Gender Bias 401
Ethnic Bias 401
Research Hypotheses 402
Research Methodology 403
Data Collection 404
Results 404
Conclusion 405
References 405
The Customer Compromise and ComproScore: Toward a New Concept and Metric to Assess Customer Satisfaction, Buying Process, and Loyalty: An Abstract 406
Are Loyalty Programmes Shams? A Study Assessing How Loyalty Programmes can Create Loyalty to the Company Rather than to the Program: An Abstract 408
Customer Responses to the Point Management Strategy in the Occurrence of Customer Demotion: An Abstract 409
How Cities can Attract Highly Skilled Workers as Residents: The Impact of City Brand Benefits on Highly Skilled, Potential Residents’ City Brand Attitudes: An Abstract 410
Decoding Archetypal Images of Motherhood in Magazine Advertisements 411
Introduction 412
Visual Consumption and Identity Construction 412
Icons, Iconography and Archetypes in Visual Consumption 413
Motherhood in Consumer Research 414
Methods 416
Results and Discussions 418
Contemporary Family Archetypal Advertisements 418
Modern Couple Archetypal Advertisements 418
Mother-Infant Unity Archetypal Advertisements 419
Independent-Athletic Mother Archetypal Advertisements 419
Dependent-Divine Mother Archetypal Advertisements 420
Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Practice 420
References 421
Do as I Say (because I’m Similar to You): Gender Similarity, Message Framing, and the Decision to Save for Retirement: An Abstract 424
How Gender Identity Affects Consumer Behavior: Overview and Future Research: An Abstract 426
Emotional Aspects of Marketing: Theory and Methods: An Abstract 428
Attraction and Compromise Effects in Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis: No-Choice Options as a Remedy: An Abstract 430
Eye-Tracking Research Special Session (Part 2): How to Design Attention-Grabbing Communications? An Abstract 432
Does Social Media Communication Style Influence Online Consumer Experience and Behavior?: An Abstract 433
An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents of Product Innovation Strategy and New Product Performance in Export Ventures: An Abstract 434
Patterns of Competition in Emerging Industries from the Automobile to the Personal Computer: An Abstract 436
A Practice-Based Exploration of Individual Philanthropy in Contemporary Arts and Crafts: An Abstract 438
The Impact of Past Deeds on Prosocial Behaviors: The Case of Charitable Giving: An Abstract 440
An Abstract: From Thinking Green to Planned Green Purchasing Behaviors: A Cross-National Study of American and Korean Millennials 442
Abetting or Thwarting: The Mediating Role of Subjective Enablers and Constraints in the Pro-Environmental Attitude-Behavior Relationship: An Abstract 444
Special Session: An Abstract on Consumer Interactions with Automated Technologies 446
The Relationship of Market-Oriented Culture, Internal-Market Orientation, Service Climate, and Customer-Oriented Service Behavior: Cross-Cultural Study of F& B Industry in Taiwan, China, and the United States: An Abstract
Creating Customer Value through Multichannel Service Delivery: A Study of the French Insurance Market: An Abstract 449
Do University Choices Affect CEO Turnover and Company Performance? 451
Introduction 451
Theoretical Background and Hypotheses 452
Methodology 453
Results and Conclusion 455
References 456
How can a Brand Successfully Extend in a Premium Market when Collaborating with a High-End Retailer? An Abstract 458
Evaluating Managerial Drivers and Barriers to the Implementation of In-Store Technology in Fashion Retailing: An Abstract 460
Fashion Brand and Retailer Collaborations: An Effective Strategy to Favorably Change Consumers’ Brand Evaluations: An Abstract 462
University Social Augmenters Brand Equity: Do University Social Augmenters Possess Brand Characteristics? An Abstract 464
Financial Brand Valuation: A Semiotic Approach to Link Marketing and Finance 466
Introduction 467
Brand and Trademark 468
Trademark Influence 470
Risk Influence 470
Marketing Brand Valuation 471
Marketing Information for Financial Brand Valuation 474
Financial Brand Valuation 475
Conclusion 476
Appendix 1: McDonald’s Associations: Inquiry to a Convenience Sample of 133 People, Performed in Brazil and Portugal (2016) 477
Appendix 2: McDonald’s Associations: The Differential Response of Preference (?p) and use (?u) and the Influence of Trademark (?™) and Risk (M?) 478
References 478
Special Session: An Abstract on “Marketing Techniques to Assist Public Sectors in Engaging Customers to Meet Societal and Individual Disasters Crisis Need and Beyond” 480
G2G Marketing from Crisis to Resolution: Marketing for when the Government must Target the Government: An Abstract 482
Rapid Assessment of Customer Marketplace in Disaster Settings through Machine Learning, Geospatial Information, and Social Media Text Mining: An Abstract 484
Faith in God versus Faith in Wealth: Belief in a Higher Spiritual Power as a Determiner of Quality of Financial Life: An Abstract 486
Online Gaming and Maladaptive Behavior: An Abstract 488
How Important is the “Time Horizon”?: An Investigation of Financial Well-Being: An Abstract 490
Leveraging a Sustainable Supply Chain Orientation in Marketing Communication 491
Introduction 492
Key Concepts Related to Sustainability Communication 492
The Sustainability Supply Chain Orientation Model 493
Research Methodology 495
Findings 496
The Warrior 496
The Coach 496
The Visionary 497
The Athlete 498
The SSC Guru 498
Discussion 499
Conclusion 500
References 501
Consumers’ Attitude and Intention to Purchase toward Bio-Based Products: An Abstract 503
The Role for Academics to Play in Advancing Sustainability Integration in Marketing Education and Research: An Abstract 505
Toward Adolescents’ Digital Identity Profiles: A Comparison between Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis 506
Introduction 506
Conceptual Framework 507
Identity and Consumer Behavior 507
The Digital Identity 508
Identity and Adolescents 509
Methodology 510
Qualitative Study 510
Quantitative Study 510
Results 511
Qualitative Study: From Content Analysis to Profiles on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum 511
Results of Quantitative Study: From Digital Identity Scale to Digital Identity Profiles 513
Discussions, Limitations, and Areas of Research 515
Limitations 517
Future Researches 517
References 517
Investigating the Tech-Savvy Consumer: An Abstract 520
The Cognitive Structure of Online Brand Choice: An Exploratory Study 522
Introduction 523
Literature Review 524
Online Brand Equity and Its Sources 524
Brand Awareness 524
Brand Association 525
Brand Trust 525
Brand Loyalty 526
Research Questions 526
Methodology 527
Results and Analysis 528
Discussion 531
Conclusion 533
References 534
Do Consumers’ Ethical Judgments Matter for Purchase Intentions in Online Gray Markets? The Mediating Role of Trust: An Abstract 536
Cheap vs. Substantive CSR Talk among Global Retailers: An Abstract 538
The Influence of Internal CSR Initiatives on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors of Employees: An Abstract 540
Accommodation Market Labels and Customers Reviews: An Abstract 541
What Makes Digital Content Influential? A Comparison of Celebrities and Influencers: An Abstract 543
Antecedents of Consumer Ethical Decision-Making: A Multidimensional Analysis of Emotions, Moral Intensity, Moral Philosophies, Personal Norms, and Intrinsic Religiosity 544
Introduction 545
Background 546
Ethical Decision-Making 546
Methods 548
Measures 548
Results and Discussion 549
Conclusions and Implications 550
References 550
The Relationship between Worldview and Moral Recognition in Business: Examining Patterns of Ethical Acceptability: An Abstract 554
Is there Room for Socially Oriented Anti-Consumption? Conceptualization and Questions for the Development of the Field: An Abstract 556
Incongruity between Judgment and Action in Business Student Ethics: Multinational Research: An Abstract 558
Crowdfunding Practices for Social Projects: An Experiment of Co-Creation 560
Introduction 560
Theoretical Background 562
Crowdfunding 562
Co-Creation of Values 563
Research Method and Instrument 564
Data Analysis 565
Discussion and Conclusion 567
References 568
Mission-Based/Non-Financial Performance Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations: Policy and Practice: An Abstract 570
Responsible Consumption during Crisis: Consumer Impulsiveness and Purchase Behavior in Emerging Markets: An Abstract 572
Evaluating Customer Special Requests 574
Introduction 574
Literature Review 575
Method 576
Conceptualization of Evaluative Criteria of Special Request Scale 576
Generation of Scale Items 576
Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity Framework 577
Scale Reliability and Factor Structure 578
Scale Convergent Validity 579
Applications of Special Request Scale 579
References 580
Managing Customer-to-Customer Interaction in Group Service Encounters: An Abstract 581
Ambient Scent’s Effects in Sensory Service Marketing: An Abstract 583
Suitability of Green Dwellings as Residential Options in Times of Recession: The Role of Perceived Value, Benefits, and Barriers 585
Introduction 585
Literature Review 586
Research Method 588
Data Collection, Procedure, and Sample 588
Measures 589
Data Analysis and Results 589
Discussion 592
References 592
An Assessment of the Relationships between Attitudes toward Patriotism, Environmentalism, and the Purchase of Organic Apparel in US Consumers: An Abstract 595
Communal Narcissists “Go Green” to Enhance their Social Status: An Abstract 597
“Sharing is Caring”: About Personal Values Driving Environmentally Friendly Behavior 599
Introduction 599
Theoretical Background 600
Research Questions and Hypotheses 602
Research Methodology 602
Pretest 603
Main Study 603
Results 604
Conclusion and Limitations 607
References 608
Simplified Nutritional Labels Reduce Calorie of Purchases in a Cafeteria: An Abstract 610
When Indulgence Gets the Best of You: The Unexpected Consequences of Prepayment: An Abstract 612
Does Satisfaction Mediate the Relationship between Quality Constructs in Ongoing Supplier Relationships? An Abstract 614
An Approach on Place Attachment, Involvement and Behavioural Intentions in Iberian Marketing Contexts: The Case of Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion: An Abstract 616
Increasing Awareness and Reputation of Merck S.A. Portugal through Employee Advocacy 617
Introduction 618
Literature Review 618
Merck S.A. Portugal 623
Employees as Brand Ambassadors at Merck 623
Hypothesis Formulation and Conceptual Model for Merck Case 625
Methodology 627
Results 627
Discussion and Findings 628
Actions Taken for Merck Portugal 628
Conclusions and Future Research 629
References 630
Sustainability Marketing Strategies: How Self-Efficacy and Controllability can Stimulate Pro-Environmental Behaviors for Individuals: An Abstract 632
Relevance of Digital Marketing Skills for Marketers: An Abstract 634
Toward an Understanding of the Antecedents of E-Marketing Orientation: The Role of the Fit 635
Introduction 636
Literature Review 637
E-Marketing Orientation 637
Market Orientation 639
IT Adoption Strategy 639
Research Methodology 640
Hypothesis Development 640
The Measurement Items 641
Sampling and Data Collection 641
Data Analysis and Results 642
Sample Characteristics 642
Hypothesis Testing 642
Conclusion and Implications 643
Theoretical Implication 643
Practical Implication 643
References 644
Interfirm Trust between Emerging Markets: Chinese Firms in Africa: An Abstract 647
Sub-Saharan African Culture and Entrepreneurial Activities: A Ghanaian Perspective: An Abstract 648
The Making of the Zou Chuqu Strategy at the Marketing Level: An Abstract 650
The Effect of Narrative Believability on Persuasiveness and Purchase Intention: An Abstract 652
When Social Networks Express Concerns about Information Privacy: Users’ Perception, Attitudes, and Trust: An Abstract 653
Developing Trust among Chinese Social Media Users through Experience: An Abstract 655
Market Turbulence as Moderator between Customer Orientation and Firm Performance: An Abstract 657
The Differences between Internationalization of SMEs with Brand Names and those without Brand Names: An Abstract 659
Understanding Involvement of Luxury Gift Givers: An Abstract 661
Sustainable Luxury: The Effect of Luxury Consumption Motivations on Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies: An Abstract 663
Social Media Engagement with Luxury Brands: An Exploratory Study: An Abstract 664
Face-Saving, Materialistic, and Ethical Values as Related to Chinese Consumers’ Attitudes of Counterfeit Fashion Goods: An Abstract 666
The Role of the Mexican Executive Women: The Impact of Personal Branding and the Influence of the Erotic Capital as a Secondary Brand Association: An Abstract 668
Activating Multiple Facets of the Self: How Self-Concept and Brand Personality can Influence Self-Brand Connections: An Abstract 669
The Underdog Effect in the Context of Brand Management: An Abstract 671
Special Session: Cultural Identity and Adaptation in Global Marketplaces: Methodological, Conceptual, and Empirical Insights: An Abstract 673
Brand Emotions: Establishing the Emotional Lexicon in Failed Consumer Relationships: An Abstract 675
Shopping Therapy? Entertainment and Social Interaction’s Role in Shopping Satisfaction: An Abstract 677
Fear of Crime, Consumption, and Culture: An Abstract 678
Conceptual Model of Destination Branding: An Integrative Approach 679
Introduction 679
Literature Review and Hypotheses 680
Conceptual Model 683
Research Methods 684
Primary Data Collection 684
Scales Used 685
Data Analysis 686
Study Findings 686
Analysis of Reliability and Validity of the Measurement Model (Outer Model) 686
Measurement of the Structural Model (Inner Model) 687
Discussion and Conclusions 689
Theoretical and Managerial Implications 689
Limitations and Future Studies 691
References 691
Segmenting Visitors to New Zealand: An Activity-Based Typology: An Abstract 694
An Abstract: Does Communicating Destination Safety Matter? 696
Country-of-Origin Ecological Image: Dimensions of the Construct and their Impacts on Consumers’ Evaluation of Eco-Products: An Abstract 698
When Innovative Ways of Reducing Food Waste Meet Eating Culture in University Canteens: An Abstract 700
The Impact of Deployment of Armed Soldiers in the City of Jerusalem on Fear of Tourists 702
Introduction 702
The Reasons for Deployment of Armed Guards from the Perspective of Cognitive Biases 703
The Effect of Armed Guard’s Presence on Subjective Risk Perception 704
Differences in Subjective Risk Perception in General Population: Role of Gender, Chronic Anxiety and/or Chronic Depression, Familiarity with the Environment, and Media Influences 705
Methodology 707
Results 709
Discussion 711
Conclusion 711
References 712
How do Interpersonal Factors Influence the B2B Relationship Quality? An Abstract 714
OEM Pressure to Innovate and Buyer-Supplier Relationship: An Abstract 716
Customer Trustworthiness on Supplier Long-Term Orientation in Supplier-Customer Relationships: An Abstract 718
A Meta-Analysis of Power in Buyer-Seller Relationships: An Abstract 720
Online Brand Communities: When Consumers are Negatively Engaged 722
Introduction 722
Theoretical Background 723
Methodology 725
Results 725
Discussion and Implications 726
Conclusions 728
References 728
Understanding Software Developers’ Coping Responses to Negative Online Reviews: An Abstract 730
Intervening Failure Attribution Perceptions and NWOM with Online Service Recovery Actions: An Abstract 732
Market Orientation and Poverty Reduction: A Study of Rural Small Businesses in Ghana: An Abstract 733
Turkish Manufacturing Firms’ Export Market Orientation, Marketing Capabilities, and Export Performance: An Abstract 735
Stimulating Decision-Making Behavior and International Marketing Performance: An Abstract 737
Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intention toward Gray Market Goods 739
Introduction 739
Literature Review 740
Price Consciousness 741
Risk Averseness 741
Price-Quality Inferences 742
Ethical Judgment 743
Consumer Innovativeness 744
Product Category Involvement 744
Social Factors 745
Methodology 746
Findings 748
Discussion 749
Conclusion 751
References 752
Antecedents of Export Performance: The Role of Institutional and Resource-Based Factors: An Abstract 755
Consumer Perception in the Probability of Buying Luxury Brands: An Abstract 757
Cobranding between Fast Fashion Brands and Luxury Brands: A Case Study Approach 758
Introduction 758
Literature Review 759
Fast Fashion 759
Luxury Brands 760
Cobranding in the Fashion Industry 760
Brand Personality 761
Methodology 762
Brands Selection 762
Conceptual Model and Hypotheses Development 762
Sampling Procedure 764
Discussion of Results 764
Conclusions 768
Further Research 770
References 770
Perceptual Discrepancies between Purchasers and Non-Purchasers of Mass Customized Fashion Products: Lessons Learned from a US Generation Z Consumer Perspective: An Abstract 772
Employer Brand Love: The Key for Attracting and Retaining Talent: An Abstract 774
The Dynamic Nature of Brand Experience 776
Introduction 777
Customer Experiences 778
Touchpoints and Experiences 780
Brands and Experiences 782
Conclusion and Implications 784
References 785
How do Emotions Influence Brand Attachment? The Mediation Role of Brand Authenticity: An Abstract 787
Special Session: Understanding the Customer Experience: An Abstract 788
How does the Difficulty of Recalling Past Experiences Influence Consumption Desire? An Abstract 790
Customer Experience Posting an Online Review and eWOM Intent: An Abstract 792
Homo-Sapiens Visiting Museums: How Evolution Shapes Aesthetic Experiences: An Abstract 794
Understanding the Flat-Sharing Experience: Spatial Ambivalence of the Collaborative Consumption: An Abstract 796
Even if You Wrong Me, I May Still Like You: Consumer Dishonesty in Case of Feeling Befooled 798
Introduct?on 798
Background 799
Consumer Ethics 799
Rationalization of Dishonest Behavior 800
The Strengthening Effect of Situational Ambiguity on Dishonesty 801
Equity Theory and a Need for Compensation 802
The Emotional Outcome of Dishonesty: Guilt 804
Methodology and Results 805
D?scuss?on and Conclus?ons 806
References 808
Place Attachment in a Post-Earthquake Scenario: Some Preliminary Findings: An Abstract 811
Business Attire Fashion or Appropriateness: What Should Marketers Emphasize? An Abstract 812
Live Music and Consumers’ Attitudes: An Abstract 814
Monitoring the Experiential Content of a Touristic Service: An Abstract 815
The Effect of Product Knowledge on the Relational Importance of the Product Attributes of Wine: An Abstract 817
A Dual-Process Perspective of Consumer Responses in Virtual Service Environments: An Abstract 819
Toward a Valence Model for Fit in Cause-Related Marketing: An Abstract 821
The Impact of Firm Size and Gratitude on the Effectiveness of Cause Marketing Campaigns: An Abstract 823
Examining Sales Promotion Theory in a Cause-Related Marketing Setting: An Abstract 825
A Comparison of the Histories of the Development of Incremental and Radical Innovations: A View from Pharma-Biotech: An Abstract 827
Implicit Self-Theories for the Effects of Envy Types on Unique Product Choice: An Abstract 829
The Role of Lean Innovation Capability in Resource-Limited Innovation: Concept, Measurement, and Consequences: An Abstract 830
The Impact of Opportunism and Conflict on Non-Economic and Economic Satisfaction in Business Relationships: An Abstract 832
Interactions with Existing and Potential Customers: The Role of Physical and Virtual Trade Fairs: An Abstract 833
Patients’ Adoption of E-Consultation: The Role of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, and Risk Aversion: An Abstract 834
Social Media Usage, FOMO, and Conspicuous Consumption: An Exploratory Study: An Abstract 836
Restraint on Black Friday: An Investigation into Consumer Motivations for Participating in “Buy Nothing Day”: An Abstract 838
Multicultural Marketing Campaigns: Reaching the US Hispanic Market on Digital Media: An Abstract 839
A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Resource Misuse and Value (Co) destruction: An Abstract 841
A Framework on the Impact of Protectionist Discourse on Cross-Border Consumption: Is Trump to be Blamed? An Abstract 843
I am Open to Eat What is in Front of Me in the Host Country: A Comprehension of Expatriates’ Acculturation: An Abstract 845
Understanding Collaborative Consumption: A Three-Country Study: An Abstract 847
Sex-Appealing Clothing: Attitudes and Preferences of Young Women in their Ovulation Cycle: An Abstract 849
Decoding Typicality in Apparel Products: An Abstract 850
An Exploration of the Combined Impact of Ethical Climate and Work Locus of Control on Job Performance and Turnover Intentions: An Abstract 852
How Workplace Isolation Impacts Performance: An Abstract 853
CSR and Sales Performance: Examining Mediating and Moderating Processes: An Abstract 855
Special Session: Brands through our Senses: An Abstract 856
Branding Places: Developing a Sensorial Brand Identity Model: An Abstract 858
Store Atmospherics: An Abstract 859
Discussing Recent Research on Sensory Communication in Marketing: An Abstract 860
Enhancing Sensory Branding in Luxury through Visual Design: An Abstract 861
Smartphones Uses to Discover a Touristic Destination and its Consequences on Tourism Experience: An Abstract 863
The Effects of Customer-Based Online Reputation on WOM and WPP: The Mediating Role of BRQ: An Abstract 865
An Exploratory Study on Children’s Word-of-Mouth Communication 867
Introduction 867
Background 868
Methodology 870
Results and Discussion 870
Discussion 872
Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Practice 873
References 874
How to Reach Early Adopters? An Empirical Analysis of Early Adopters’ Internet Usage Behavior: An Abstract 876
Investigating the Dual Role of Price on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Hedonic versus Utilitarian Products: An Abstract 878
The Pricier the Merrier: How the Law of Demand Informs Value-Based Pricing: An Abstract 880
Precision of Gains and Losses Affect Seller Credibility and Product Perceptions: An Abstract 881
Communicating Social Price Reasons does not Always Benefit a Firm: Role of Individualism on Socially Related Price Increase Justification: An Abstract 883
For Me, My Parents Come First: Role and Religious Identity in Consumer Bank Choice in Pakistan: An Abstract 885
Cross-Cultural Validation of the Moral Spectrum of Corporate Sustainability from Perfect to Imperfect Duty: An Abstract 887
The Relationship between Trustworthiness, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: Study on Insurance Market 889
Introduction 889
Literature Review 890
Research Design 893
Findings 894
Final Remarks 897
References 898
Comparing Sustainability Initiatives in Private and Public Healthcare Sectors: An Abstract 900
Nostalgia’s Restorative Role at Times of Brand Crisis: An Abstract 902
Augmented Attributions: The Role of Perceived Effort in the Formation of Consumer Motive Attributions: An Abstract 903
Customer Engagement on Facebook: A Classification of Brand Fans: An Abstract 904
Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on Social Networking Sites: An Abstract 906
Member Lock-In and Knowledge Break-Out in SNS Groups: Integrating the “Pull-In,” “Push-Back,” and “Mooring” Effects: An Abstract 907
Retailing in the Digital Age: Surviving Mobile App Failure: An Abstract 908
Multi-User Virtual Reality Technology as Means to Engage Global Consumers: An Abstract 910
Customer Engagement in Social Network Brand Communities: Drivers and Impact on Brand Loyalty 912
Introduction 912
Theoretical Background 913
Research Methodology 915
Results and Discussion 916
Conclusions and Implications for Theory and Practice 918
References 920
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 1.4.2019 |
Reihe/Serie | Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science | Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science |
Zusatzinfo | XLVII, 956 p. 62 illus., 17 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Marketing / Vertrieb |
Schlagworte | Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) • AMS World Marketing Congress (WMC) • Consumer Behavior • Customer loyalty • Customer Satisfaction • Global Customers • marketing innovation • Social Media Marketing |
ISBN-10 | 3-030-02568-3 / 3030025683 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-030-02568-7 / 9783030025687 |
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