Advances in Materials Processing (eBook)
XVIII, 1313 Seiten
Springer Singapore (Verlag)
978-981-13-0107-0 (ISBN)
This proceedings volume gathers selected papers presented at the Chinese Materials Conference 2017 (CMC2017), held in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, China, on July 06-12, 2017.
This book covers a wide range of material surface science, advanced preparation and processing technologies of materials, high purity materials, silicon purification technology, solidification science and technology, performance and structure safety of petroleum tubular goods and equipment materials, materials genomes, materials simulation, computation and design.
The Chinese Materials Conference (CMC) is the most important serial conference of the Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS) and has been held each year since the early 1990s. The 2017 installment included 37 Symposia covering four fields: Advances in energy and environmental materials; High performance structural materials; Fundamental research on materials; and Advanced functional materials. More than 5500 participants attended the congress, and the organizers received more than 700 technical papers. Based on the recommendations of symposium organizers and after peer reviewing, 490 papers have been included in the present proceedings, which showcase the latest original research results in the field of materials, achieved by more than 300 research groups at various universities and research institutes.
This proceedings volume gathers selected papers presented at the Chinese Materials Conference 2017 (CMC2017), held in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, China, on July 06-12, 2017.This book covers a wide range of material surface science, advanced preparation and processing technologies of materials, high purity materials, silicon purification technology, solidification science and technology, performance and structure safety of petroleum tubular goods and equipment materials, materials genomes, materials simulation, computation and design. The Chinese Materials Conference (CMC) is the most important serial conference of the Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS) and has been held each year since the early 1990s. The 2017 installment included 37 Symposia covering four fields: Advances in energy and environmental materials; High performance structural materials; Fundamental research on materials; and Advanced functional materials. More than 5500 participants attended the congress, and the organizers received more than 700 technical papers. Based on the recommendations of symposium organizers and after peer reviewing, 490 papers have been included in the present proceedings, which showcase the latest original research results in the field of materials, achieved by more than 300 research groups at various universities and research institutes.
Preface 6
Contents 7
1 Plasma Nitriding of 2024 Al Alloy Deposited with Ti Film: Effects of N2–H2 Ratio on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties 19
Abstract 19
Introduction 20
Experimental Details 21
Materials 21
Coating Process 21
Characterization 21
Results and Discussions 22
Microstructure Evolution 22
Mechanical Properties 25
Summary 30
Acknowledgements 30
References 30
2 Microstructure and Welding Performance of Sn–Ag–Cu Material 32
Abstract 32
Introduction 32
Experimental Procedure 33
Results and Discussion 33
Microstructure of the Alloy 33
Welding Performance 35
Summary 36
Acknowledgements 36
References 36
3 Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of 6063 Aluminum in Surface Modification Using ?-Aminopropyl Triethoxysilane 38
Abstract 38
Introduction 39
Experimental Methods 40
Results and Discussion 40
Summary 43
Acknowledgements 43
References 43
4 Effect of Dual-Sided Laser Peening Modes on Residual Stress Distribution of Aero-engine Titanium Blades 45
Abstract 45
Introduction 46
Laser Shock Peening Process 47
Finite Element Modeling 47
Material Model 47
Pressure Model 48
Solution Procedure 49
Results and Discussion 50
Residual Stress Distribution on the LSP-Treated Surface 50
Residual Stress Distribution Along Depth 52
Mechanism of Dual-Sided Laser Peening Modes on Residual Stress Distribution Along Depth 53
Conclusion 59
Acknowledgements 59
References 60
5 Preparation and Wear Behavior of Enamel Coating on Ti–6Al–4V ELI Titanium Alloy 62
Abstract 62
Introduction 63
Experimental Materials and Methods 64
Experimental Materials 64
Preparation of Enamel Coating 64
Characterization of Enamel Coating 65
Results and Discussion 66
The Surface Tridimensional Morphology of Enamel Coating 66
Cross Sectional Morphology of the Coating 67
Adhesion Strength of the Coating 68
Friction Behavior of the Coating 69
Wear Resistance of the Coating 70
Conclusions 72
Acknowledgements 73
References 73
6 Effect of Fiber Content on Surface Performance of Potassium Titanate Whiskers and Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Phenolic Composites 75
Abstract 75
Introduction 76
Experimental Details 77
Materials and Sample Preparation 77
Measurement of Physical Properties 78
Friction and Wear Test 78
Results 79
Physical and Mechanical Properties 79
Tribological Behavior 79
Worn Surface and Wear Debris Analysis 83
Conclusion 87
References 87
7 Influence of Surface Buffer Layer Thickness and Deposition Rate on the Release Rate of Silver Ions in Ag–TiOx Nanocomposites 89
Abstract 89
Introduction 89
Experimental 91
Results and Discussion 91
Different Thickness Barrier Deposition with Moderate Rate (5 nm/min) 91
Different Thickness Barrier Deposition with High Rate (20 nm/min) 92
Summary 94
Acknowledgements 94
References 95
8 Analysis on the Major Environmental Factors Affecting the Weather Resistance of Polyester Coating 96
Abstract 96
Introduction 97
Test Procedure 98
Specimen Preparation 98
Test Sites 98
Test Method 98
Color Aberration 98
Glossiness 99
Experiment Result Analysis 99
Color Aberration Analysis 101
Glossiness Analysis 104
Summary 106
References 107
9 Structural Analysis and Optical Properties of Sol-gel Derived CuCoMnOx Spinel Composite Oxide Coatings 108
Abstract 108
Introduction 108
Experimental 110
Coatings Deposition 110
Structural Analysis and Optical Properties 110
Results 111
XRD Analysis 111
SEM Analysis 112
FT-IR Analysis 112
Optical Properties 113
Thermal Shock Resistance and Corrosion Resistance 114
Discussion 114
Conclusions 115
Acknowledgements 115
References 115
10 Effect of Cooling Rate on Solidification Structure of Zinc–Aluminum–Magnesium Alloy 117
Abstract 117
Introduction 118
Experiments 118
Results and Discussion 119
X-Ray Diffraction Pattern Analysis 119
Microstructure and Phase Structure 121
Electrochemical Behaviors 123
Conclusions 124
References 124
11 Effect of Nanosecond Pulse Laser Shock Peening on the Microstructure and Performance of Welded Joint of 316L Stainless Steel 125
Abstract 125
Introduction 126
Experiment Materials and Scheme 127
Experiment Materials 127
The Laser Shock Parameters of the Specimen 127
Experiment Methods 128
Experimental Results and Analysis 128
Residual Stress Analysis 128
Phase Structure Analysis 130
Microstructure Analysis 130
Weld Seam 130
Heat Affected Zone 132
Matrix Zone 133
TEM Analysis 134
Summary 135
Acknowledgements 136
References 136
12 The Effect of Mechanical Shot Blasting in Producing the Surface Ultrafined Grain Layer on Large-Size Titanium Plate 138
Abstract 138
Introduction 138
Experimental Details 139
Results and Discussion 140
The Effects of the Various MSB Durations 140
The Effects of the Various MSB Speed 142
Conclusions 144
References 145
13 Research on Influence of Abrasive Particles on Lubricating Performance of the Emulsion for Cold Rolling Strip 146
Abstract 146
Introduction 147
Materials and Experimental Methods 147
The Strips and Emulsion 147
Wetting Ability Test 147
Cold Rolling Experiment 148
Results and Discussion 149
Wetting Ability of Emulsions 149
The Tribological Properties of Emulsions 149
Lubricating Properties of the Emulsions 152
Conclusions 153
References 154
14 Properties of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites by Ultrasonic Welding 155
Abstract 155
Introduction 155
Experimental Materials 157
Experimental Procedure 157
Electroless Copper Plating of Multi-wall CNTs 157
Copper Foil Surface Pretreatment 158
Preparation of Multi-walled CNTs Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites by Ultrasonic Welding 158
Results and Discussion 159
Tensile Test 159
Microstructural Examinations 160
Analysis of Reinforced Mechanism 163
Conclusions 165
Acknowledgements 166
References 166
15 Effect of Print Method Based on SLM Technology on the Microstructure and Property of 316L Stainless Steel 167
Abstract 167
Introduction 168
Experimental 168
Results and Discussion 170
Summary 173
Acknowledgements 173
References 173
16 Precipitation Behavior of 1.3%Si Non-oriented Silicon Steels During Strip Casting Process 175
Abstract 175
Introduction 176
Materials and Experimental Procedure 177
Results 178
Precipitates during Strip Casting 178
Distributions of Precipitates through Thickness Direction 180
Discussion 180
Conclusions 182
Acknowledgements 182
References 182
17 Influence of Initial Microstructure on the Hot Working Flow Stress of ZK60 Mg Alloy 184
Abstract 184
Introduction 185
Experimental Procedure 185
Results and Discussions 186
Summary 189
Acknowledgements 189
References 190
18 Effects of Post-welded Heat Treated on the AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Joint Welded by Automatic TIG Welding 191
Abstract 191
Introduction 192
Experimental Procedures 192
Results and Discussion 193
Conclusion 196
Acknowledgements 196
References 196
19 High Temperature Hot Deformation Behavior and Constitutive Model Construction of High Quality 51CrV4 Spring Steel 198
Abstract 198
Introduction 199
Experimental Procedures 199
Results and Discussion 200
Stress-Strain Behaviors 200
Thermal Deformation Activation Energy and Constitutive Equation 202
Summary 205
Acknowledgements 206
References 206
20 Effect of Process Parameters on the Interface Microstructure and Thickness of Silver Cladding Copper Wires Prepared by Core-Cladding Continuous Casting 207
Abstract 207
Introduction 208
Material and Experimental Procedures 209
Results and Discussion 210
Effect of the Casting Speed on the Interface Microstructure 210
Effect of the Ag Casting Temperature on the Interface Microstructure 214
Effect of the Casting Speed on the Interface Thickness 215
Effect of the Ag Casting Temperature on the Interface Thickness 218
Interface Formation Mechanism 220
Conclusions 220
Acknowledgements 221
References 221
21 Modelling and Analysis of the Relationship Between Process Parameters and Cross Section Geometry of Tin Single Tracks in Liquid Metal Flow Rapid Cooling Additive Manufacturing 222
Abstract 222
Introduction 223
Experimental Equipment and Methods 223
Experimental Equipment 223
Experimental Methods 224
Results and Discussion 225
Fit of Tin Single Tracks Cross Section Geometry 226
Relationship Model Between Process Parameters and Cross Section Geometry of Tin Single Tracks 229
Effect of Process Parameters on the Cross Section Geometry of Tin Single Tracks 231
Conclusions 232
Acknowledgements 232
References 232
22 Dependence of Microstructure, Relative Density and Hardness of 18Ni-300 Maraging Steel Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting on the Energy Density 234
Abstract 234
Introduction 235
Experimental Procedure 236
Material and Equipment 236
Processing Parameters 237
Test Methods 238
Results and Discussion 239
Relative Density 239
Hardness 240
Microstructure 241
Aging Heat-Treatment 242
Conclusions 245
Acknowledgements 246
References 246
23 Influence Law of Process Parameters on the Continuity and Dimensional Uniformity of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Single Tracks Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting 247
Abstract 247
Introduction 248
Material and Experimental Procedures 249
Results and Discussion 250
Continuity of Single Pass Forming Part 250
Dimensional Uniformity of Single Pass Forming Part 255
Conclusions 258
Acknowledgements 258
References 258
24 Void Evolution Law and Its Control in Steel Ingot Forging 260
Abstract 260
Introduction 260
Experimental Materials and Method 261
Experimental Materials 261
Experimental Method 261
Results and Discussion 265
Void Evolution During Z Direction Forging 265
Void Evolution During X Direction Forging 266
Comparison of Cavity Evolution 268
Results of Industrial Forging Test 269
Conclusions 270
References 270
25 Comparison of the High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Ti–6Al–4V Produced Respectively by EBM and Hot-Rolling 271
Abstract 271
Introduction 272
Materials and Methods 272
Results and Analysis 273
Summary and Conclusions 278
References 278
26 Microstructure and Texture of Hot Rolled Plate and Finished Product in Fe–3%Si Common Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel 280
Abstract 280
Introduction 280
Materials and Experimental Procedure 281
Results and Discussion 282
Microstructure and Texture of the Hot Rolled Plate 282
Macrostructure and Texture of Finished Product 284
Conclusions 285
Acknowledgements 286
References 286
27 Effect and Mechanism of Cold-Hot Roll Bonding Process on Interfacial Bonding Properties of Aluminum/Steel Laminated Composite Plate 287
Abstract 287
Introduction 288
Material and Experimental Procedures 289
Results and Discussion 291
Effect of Cold Rolling Reduction on Interfacial Bonding Properties at Hot Rolling Temperature of 500 °C 291
Effect of Hot Rolling Reduction on Interfacial Bonding Properties at Hot Rolling Temperature of 400 °C 294
Effect of Hot Rolling Reduction on Interfacial Bonding Properties at Hot Rolling Temperature of 500 °C 296
Effect of Hot Rolling Reduction on Interfacial Bonding Properties at Hot Rolling Temperature of 600 °C 299
Effect of Hot Rolling Temperature on Interfacial Bonding Properties 303
Conclusions 304
Acknowledgements 305
References 305
28 Analysis of Large Inclusions in the Working Layer of Centrifugally Cast High-Chromium Steel Composite Roll 306
Abstract 306
Introduction 307
Experimental Material and Method 307
Results and Discussions 308
The Morphology, Chemical Composition of Large Inclusions 308
The Morphology and Chemical Composition of Na-Bentonite 310
Brief Summary 310
Preventive Measures 311
Improving the Fireproof System 311
Promoting Floatation of Inclusions 311
Conclusions 313
References 313
29 Optimization of 6005 Aluminum Alloy Components 314
Abstract 314
Introduction 315
Experimental Procedure 315
Results and Discussion 316
Analysis of As-Casting Microstructure and Properties 316
Performance Analysis of Extruded Alloy After Heat Treatment 317
Phase Analysis 319
Summary 321
Acknowledgements 321
References 321
30 Role of Annealing Time in Thin-Gauge Non-oriented Silicon Steels Processed by Strip Casting 323
Abstract 323
Introduction 324
Materials and Experimental Procedure 325
Results and Discussion 325
Microstructure 325
Texture 326
Magnetic Properties 330
Conclusions 331
Acknowledgements 332
References 332
31 Temperature Distribution Laws During Selective Laser Melting Process of Nickel Base Alloy GH4169 333
Abstract 333
Introduction 334
Computational Models 334
Results and Discussion 336
The Temperature Distribution of Single Line Scan 336
The Temperature Variation of Laser Beam Center During Single Layer Scanning Process 339
The Temperature Distribution Laws in Multi Layer Scanning Process 340
Conclusions 340
Acknowledgements 341
References 341
32 Microstructure, Residual Stress and Corrosion Resistance in Electrodeposited Copper Foils 342
Abstract 342
Introduction 342
Experimental 343
Results and Discussion 344
Conclusions 347
Acknowledgements 347
References 347
33 Effect of Co Addition on Microstructure and Properties of Cu–Ni–Si Alloy 349
Abstract 349
Introduction 350
Experimental 350
Results and Discussion 351
Microstructure 351
Mechanical and Electronic Properties 353
Effects of Co Addition on Mechanical Properties 354
Effects of Co Addition on Electrical Conductivity 355
Conclusions 355
Acknowledgements 356
References 356
34 Effect of Controlled Rolling and Cooling on Microstructure and Properties of Cold Heading Steel Containing Boron and Titanium 357
Abstract 357
Introduction 358
Experimental Material and Procedure 358
Results and Discussion 359
Mechanical Properties 359
Microstructure 360
Discussion 361
Conclusions 362
References 362
35 Preparation of TiAl Based Metallic Fibers 363
Abstract 363
Introduction 364
Experimental 365
Results 365
Discussion 367
Conclusions 372
References 373
36 Microstructure and Microhardness of a Laser Additive Forming Repaired Steam Turbine Blade 374
Abstract 374
Introduction 375
Materials and Methods 375
Results and Discussion 376
Conclusions 379
Acknowledgements 380
References 380
37 Regeneration Technology of Coated Sand for Selective Laser Sintering 381
Abstract 381
Introduction 382
Experimental Materials 382
Experimental Produces 382
Raw Material 382
Old Sand Regeneration 383
Reclaimed Sand Coated 384
Samples Preparation 384
Performance Testing 385
Result Analysis 386
Microstructure 386
Performance of the SLS Reclaimed Coated Sand and SLS Coated Sand 386
The Morphology of Fracture Surface 387
Conclusions 389
Acknowledgements 389
References 389
38 Technic Study on Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Tools Dry Cutting Harden GCr15 Based on the Finite Element Analysis and the Orthogonal Experiment 390
Abstract 390
Introduction 391
Experimental Equipments and Method 392
Finite Element Analysis of Cutting Tools 393
Relationship Between Cutting Parameters and Workpiece Roughness 395
Discuss on Cutting Tool’s Flank Wear 396
Conclusions 397
Acknowledgements 397
References 397
39 Microstructures and Tensile Behaviors of Stainless Steel Clad Plate 398
Abstract 398
Introduction 399
Experimental Procedures 399
Results and Discussions 400
Summaries 404
Acknowledgements 404
References 405
40 Transformation Behavior During Isothermal Partitioning Process in Micro-alloyed Q& P Steel
Abstract 406
Introduction 407
Materials and Experimental Procedure 407
Results and Discussion 409
Microstructure Observation and Elements Distribution Measurement 409
Dilatation Measurement and Transformation Analysis 411
Conclusions 413
Acknowledgements 413
References 413
41 Effects of Heat Treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Tubes for Rivet Parts 415
Abstract 415
Introduction 416
Experimental Method 417
Results and Discussion 419
Conclusion 424
References 425
42 Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 309L/E5015 Fusion Zone of Bimetal Lined Pipe Weld 426
Abstract 426
Introduction 427
Experimental Material and Procedures 428
Results and Discussion 429
Microstructure 429
Analysis of Chemical Components 429
Impact Test 431
Impact Fracture Appearance 431
Analysis of Hardness 433
Conclusions 435
References 435
43 Efficient Water-Based Rust Inhibitor for Surface Treatment of Iron and Steel 436
Abstract 436
Introduction 436
Experimental 437
Apparatus 437
Materials 437
Reagents 437
Sample Retreatment Process 437
Preparation of Anti-rust Agent 438
Antirust Performance Evaluation 439
Results and Discussions 439
Distribution of Water-Based Rust Inhibitor 439
Tafel Polarization Performance 441
Anti-rust Film Microstructure Observation 441
Anti-rust Test Results and Mechanism 442
Conclusion 442
References 443
44 Effects of Fiber Laser Welding Speeds on Microstructures and Properties of E36 Steel Butt Joints 444
Abstract 444
Introduction 445
Experimental Procedures 445
Material 445
Laser Welding Process 446
Morphologic Observation 446
Measurement of Mechanical Properties 446
Measurement of Corrosion Properties 447
Results and Discussion 447
Macrographs of Weld Joints 447
Microstructure of Weld Butt Joints at Different Welding Speeds 447
Mechanical Properties of Butt Joints at Different Welding Speeds 449
Corrosion Properties of Weld Butt Joints 451
Conclusion 452
References 452
45 Preparation and Mechanical Properties of 42CrMo/40CrNiMo Dissimilar Steel Joints Prepared by Diffusion Bonding 454
Abstract 454
Introduction 455
Experimental Procedures 456
Results and Discussion 456
Microstructure Characterization of 42CrMo/40CrNiMo Joints 456
Mechanical Properties of 42CrMo/40CrNiMo Joints 461
Fracture Analysis of 42CrMo/40CrNiMo Joints 464
Summary 466
Acknowledgements 466
References 467
46 Effect of Cold Drawing on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 410 Martensite Stainless Steel Wire 468
Abstract 468
Introduction 469
Experimental 469
Experimental Materials 469
Experimental Methods 470
Results and Discussions 470
OM Observation 470
Mechanical Properties 472
Work Hardening Mechanism 473
Conclusions 475
References 475
47 Microstructural Properties and Hardening Mechanism of Explosion Hardening of Mn13Cr2 Steel Surface 477
Abstract 477
Introduction 478
Experiment 478
Results and Discussions 479
Mechanical Properties 479
Microstructural Characteristics 480
Conclusions 483
References 483
48 Effects of Solution Temperature on Microstructure and Properties ofFe–Mn–Al–C Ferrite-Based Steel 485
Abstract 485
Introduction 486
Experimental 486
Results and Discussions 487
Microstructure Evolution 487
Mechanical Properties 490
Element Partition and Austenite Formation 490
Conclusions 492
References 493
49 Interfacial Peel Strength and Microstructure of Titanium/Aluminium Foil Manufactured by Ultrasonic Consolidation Process 494
Abstract 494
Introduction 495
Materials and Experimental Methods 496
Results and Discussion 498
Conclusions 504
References 505
50 Deep Densification of ZrB2 by Hot Pressing 506
Abstract 506
Introduction 506
Experimental Procedure 507
Results and Discussion 510
Composition and Morphology of the Prepared ZrB2 Powder 510
Composition and Section Morphology of the Hot Pressing Products 512
Composition and Section Morphology of the Hot Pressing Products with M–ZrB2 Powder Addition 513
TEM Analysis of Different Density of the Sintered Products 514
Conclusion 515
References 515
51 Effect of Welding Thermal Cycle on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of A7N01-T5 Aluminum Alloy 517
Abstract 517
Introduction 518
Materials and Experimental Procedures 519
Results and Discussion 521
Microstructure Morphology 521
Mechanical Properties of Base Metal and Thermal Simulated Specimens 526
Electrochemical Characterization 526
Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves 526
EIS Characterization 527
OPC 528
Conclusions 529
References 530
52 Experimental Investigation of Selective Laser Melting AlSi10Mg Alloy 531
Abstract 531
Introduction 532
Experimental Procedure 533
Results and Discussion 534
Analysis of AlSi10 Mg Alloy Powders 534
Morphology and Performance Analysis of SLM forming AlSi10Mg 535
Conclusion 537
References 537
53 Corrosion Behavior Evolution of A7N01 Aluminum Alloys with Different Heat Treatments in the IGC Solution 539
Abstract 539
Introduction 540
Experimental 540
Material and Heat Treatments 540
Immersion Test 541
The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Test 541
Results and Discussion 542
Microstructure Morphology 542
Analysis of the Immersion Test in IGC Solution 543
Analysis of the EIS Test 543
Conclusion 554
References 554
54 Microstructures of Conventionally As-Cast Mg–Zn–Y Alloys 556
Abstract 556
Introduction 557
Experimental 557
Results and Discussion 558
Summary 568
Acknowledgements 568
References 568
55 Influence of Process Parameters by Enclosed Cooling Slope Channel on Microstructures of Semi-solid ZCuSn10P1 Alloy 570
Abstract 570
Introduction 571
Experimental 572
Materials 572
Fabrication of the Semi-solid ZCuSn10P1 Alloy Slurry 572
Results and Discussion 573
Influence of Pouring Temperature on Microstructure of the ZCuSn10P1 Semi-solid Slurry 574
Influence of Pouring Length on Microstructure of the ZCuSn10P1 Semi-solid Slurry 576
Influence of Tin Segregation in Primary ?-Cu Phase by ECSC 579
Conclusions 580
Acknowledgements 580
References 581
56 Metal Flow Law of Variable Diameter Metal Wire During Die Drawing 582
Abstract 582
Introduction 583
Finite Element Simulation Experiments 584
Basic Assumption 584
Experimental Material 584
Geometric Model 584
Simulation Parameters 586
Results and Discussion 586
Metal Flow Law 586
Effect of Dimensional Fluctuation Degree and Deformation Amount on the Flow Velocity at the Die Entry 589
Variation of the Wire Diameter 590
Conclusions 593
Acknowledgements 593
References 593
57 Dielectric and Impedance Studies on (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-Based Ceramics 595
Abstract 595
Introduction 595
Experimental Procedure 596
Results and Discussion 596
Conclusions 604
References 604
58 Solidification Structure of Metastable Immiscible Cu–Fe Alloy Under Different Cooling Rates 606
Abstract 606
Introduction 606
Experimental 607
Results and Discussion 608
Summary 611
Acknowledgements 612
References 612
59 Microstructure and Properties of Nickel-Based Superalloy Prepared by Two-Phase Zone Directional Solidification 613
Abstract 613
Introduction 614
Material and Experimental Procedures 614
Results and Discussion 617
Effect of the Withdrawing Speed on the Microstructure of GH4738 Prepared by TZDS 617
Microstructure Characteristics of GH4738 Nickel-Based Superalloy Prepared by TZDS 617
Microstructure Quantification and Change Law of GH4738 Nickel-Based Superalloy Prepared by TZDS 620
Number of Columnar Crystals 621
Columnar Grain Size 622
Branch Number of Columnar Crystal 622
Effect of the Withdrawing Speed on the Mechanical Property of GH4738 Prepared by TZDS 623
Conclusions 624
Acknowledgements 624
References 625
60 Rheological Stress Behavior of B10 Copper-Nickel Alloy During Hot Deformation Process 626
Abstract 626
Introduction 626
Experimental 627
Results and Discussion 628
True Stress-Strain Curve of B10 Alloy 628
Establishment of Constitutive Equation 631
Conclusion 636
Acknowledgements 636
References 636
61 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Clad Steel Plates by Cold Rolling and Annealing Heat Treatment 638
Abstract 638
Introduction 639
Experimental Procedures 640
Results and Discussions 642
Summaries 646
Acknowledgements 647
References 647
62 Analysis of Stripe Defects on the Cold Rolled Aluminum Strip Surface 649
Abstract 649
Introduction 650
Experiments 650
Experiment Materials 650
Surface Topographic Analysis 651
Results and Discussion 651
Macroscopic Analysis 651
Surface Roughness 651
SEM Topography and Elemental Analysis 652
Conclusions 654
References 654
63 Effect of Multi-pass Submerged Friction Stir Processing on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of AZ61 Magnesium Plate 655
Abstract 655
Introduction 656
Experimental Procedures 656
Results and Discussion 657
Macrostructure 657
Microstructure 658
Room-Temperature Mechanical Properties 659
Conclusions 661
Acknowledgements 661
References 661
64 Effect of Rolling Process on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of 50W800 Electrical Steel 662
Abstract 662
Introduction 663
Test Materials and Methods 663
Test Results and Analysis 664
Microstructure 664
Finished Board Texture 666
Magnetic Properties 667
Conclusions 668
Acknowledgements 668
References 668
65 Evaluation on the Dimensional Stability of Filled and Un-Filled Models of Investment Casting Pattern Materials 670
Abstract 670
Introduction 671
Experimental 672
Instruments and Materials 672
Experimental Conditions 672
Test Conditions 672
Results and Discussion 672
Pattern Material Model 672
Filled Pattern Materials 673
Un-Filled Pattern Materials 674
Pictures of Filled Pattern Material Models 676
Conclusion 676
References 677
66 Relationship of Oil Composition and Lubricating Characteristics in Cold Rolling Aluminum Strips 678
Abstract 678
Introduction 679
Experimental 679
Results and Discussion 680
Summary 684
References 684
67 Finite Element Simulation for Hot Continuous-Rolled TC4 Alloy Seamless Pipe 685
Abstract 685
Introduction 686
Modeling 686
Finite Element Model Parameter of Equipment 686
Thermal-Mechanical Coupling Method 687
Deformation Condition 688
Result and Discussion 690
Influence of Start Rolling Temperature and Rolling Speed on Rolling Pressure 690
Temperature, Stress and Strain Fields 692
Sizes and Shapes of Semi-finished Pipe 693
Conclusion 695
Acknowledgements 695
References 695
68 Vibration Effects on Weld Bead Characteristic of FV520B Stainless Steel Remanufactured with Surfacing Deposition Technology 697
Abstract 697
Introduction 698
Experimental Design and Method 698
Experimental Conditions 698
Experimental Scheme 699
Results and Discussion 701
Experimental Results 701
Discussion 702
Conclusions 703
Acknowledgements 704
References 704
69 Evolution of Oxide Structures of Low-Alloy Steel Surface During Short-Time Oxidation at High Temperature 705
Abstract 705
Introduction 706
Materials and Methods 706
Results and Discussions 707
Surface Morphology and Blistering of Scale 707
Cross Section of Scale Structure 709
Thickness and Proportion of Oxides 711
Summary 713
References 714
70 Joining 304 Stainless Steel and TC4 Alloy Using Ag Foil Interlayer by Plasma Activated Sintering 715
Abstract 715
Introduction 715
Experimental Procedures 716
Results and Discussion 717
Microstructure Characterization 717
Shear Properties 718
Fracture Analysis 719
Bonding Process Analysis 719
Conclusions 721
Acknowledgements 721
References 721
71 Resistance Spot Welding Process and Properties of Hot Dip Galvanized DP590 High Strength Steel 723
Abstract 723
Introduction 723
Experimental Procedures 724
Results and Discussion 725
Microstructure 725
Tensile Properties 726
Process Window 727
Conclusions 728
Acknowledgements 728
References 729
72 Surface Integrity of Nickel-Base Superalloy Materials by Electric Hot Machining 730
Abstract 730
Introduction 731
Equipment and Condition 731
Experiment and Discussion 732
Surface Roughness Experimental of Nickel-Base Superalloy Materials 733
Hardening Experiment of Nickel-Base Superalloy Materials 735
Residual Stress Experiment of Nickel-Base Superalloy Materials 737
Conclusions 737
Acknowledgements 737
References 738
73 Analysis of the Spring-Back Properties of the TRIP/TWIP Steel Containing 0.035% RE 739
Abstract 739
Introduction 740
Experimental Materials and Methods 740
Experimental Materials 740
Experimental Methods 741
Results and Discussion 743
Conclusions 745
References 745
74 Polishing on Cubic Boron Nitride Abrasive Materials of Bearing Hollow Roller 747
Abstract 747
Introduction 747
Experiments and Equipment 749
Results and Discussion 750
Conclusions and Prospect 752
Acknowledgements 753
References 753
75 Preparation of Large Size Monolayer MoS2 by a Two-Step Heating Process by CVD 754
Abstract 754
Introduction 754
Experimental Methods 755
Results and Discussions 756
Conclusions 759
Acknowledgements 760
References 760
76 Influences of Initial Composition and Solid Back Diffusion on the Solidification Path of Al–Fe–Si Alloys 762
Abstract 762
Introduction 763
Descriptions of Model 763
Simulation Results and Analyze 764
Summary 768
Acknowledgements 768
References 768
77 Influence of Mold Temperature on Microstructure and Shrinkage Porosity of the A357 Alloys in Gravity Die Casting 770
Abstract 770
Introduction 771
Alloy Preparation, Test Methods and ProCAST Simulation 771
Experimental Results and Analysis 772
Influence of the Mold Temperature on Microstructure 772
Influence of the Mold Temperature on Shrinkage Porosity 774
Conclusion 777
Acknowledgements 778
References 778
78 Solidification Behavior and Mechanical Property of a Highly Undercooled Al–Si Alloys 779
Abstract 779
Introduction 779
Experimental 780
Results and Disscusion 780
Microstructure Evolution 780
Nucleation Rate 782
Microhardness 783
Conclusions 785
Acknowledgements 785
References 785
79 Different Interfaces of Primary Transition and Eutectic Transition 787
Abstract 787
Introduction 787
Experiments 788
Result and Discussion 788
Conclusions 792
Acknowledgements 793
References 793
80 Application of CAFÉ Method on Microstructure Simulation of Semi-solid Al–7%Si Alloy 794
Abstract 794
Introduction 795
Setting of Simulation Parameters 796
Governing Equations and Numerical Algorithm 798
Nucleation Model 798
Growth Model 799
Results and Discussions 799
Conclusions 801
Acknowledgements 802
References 802
81 Effects of Cooling Rate and Grain Refiner on Semi-solid Rheocasting Slurries of Al–Zn–Mg Alloy 803
Abstract 803
Introduction 804
Experimental Procedures 805
Results and Discussion 807
Cooling Rate 807
Grain Refiner 809
Conclusions 810
Acknowledgements 810
References 810
82 Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of 584 mm 7055 Alloy Billet by Direct Chill Casting Under Annular Electromagnetic Stirring Coupled with Intercooling 812
Abstract 812
Introduction 813
Experiment 813
Results and Discussion 815
Conclusion 818
Acknowledgements 818
References 818
83 Effects of Al–Ti–B–RE Grain Refiner on Microstructure of A357 Alloy 820
Abstract 820
Introduction 821
Experimental 821
Results and Discussion 822
Microstructure of Al–5Ti–1B–1RE Master Alloy 822
Al–5Ti–1B–1RE Refining Effect 822
Analysis and Discussion 823
Conclusion 825
References 825
84 Effect of Cobalt on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Invar Alloy 827
Abstract 827
Introduction 828
Experimental Procedures 828
Results and Discussion 829
Effect of Cobalt on the Formation of Precipitates and Dislocations 829
The Evolution of Microstructure of Invar Alloy 831
CTE and the Microhardness 833
Summaries 834
Acknowledgements 835
References 835
85 Effect of Melt Treatment on Fe-Rich Phase in Al–25Si–2Fe–2Mn Alloy 837
Abstract 837
Introduction 838
Experimental 839
Results and Discussion 841
Effect of Electromagnetic Stirring on Microstructure of Al–25Si–2Fe–2Mn Alloys 841
Effect of Cooling Slope on Microstructure of Al–25Si–2Fe–2Mn Alloys 844
Effect of Spray Deposition on Microstructure of Al–25Si–2Fe–2Mn Alloys 846
The Mechanism Analysis for the Fe-Rich Phases During Melt Treatment Process 848
Conclusions 850
Acknowledgements 850
References 851
86 An Overview of Phase Diagram and Thermodynamic Parameters of Pt–Au–Sn System 852
Abstract 852
Introduction 853
Pt–Sn System 854
Gibbs Free Energy of Pure Components 854
Thermodynamics Model of Liquid Phase 855
The Thermodynamic Model of Solid Phase (Pt) 855
Thermodynamics Model of Intermediate Phase 855
The Optimized and Calculated Thermodynamic Parameters 856
Au–Sn System 857
Pt–Au System 858
Pt–Au–Sn System 859
Summary 861
Acknowledgements 862
References 862
87 Failure Mechanisms of Ti–Al3Ti Metal-Intermetallic Laminate Composites 864
Abstract 864
Introduction 864
Experimental Procedure 865
Material Fabrication 865
Three-Point Bending Test 865
High Impact Test 866
Materials Models 867
Results and Discussion 870
Microstructure of Ti–Al3Ti MIL Composites 870
Three-Point Bending Curves 871
Damage Evaluation 872
Conclusion 873
Acknowledgements 874
References 874
88 Microstructures and Properties of High Performance Cast Irons Applied in Automobile Flywheels 876
Abstract 876
Introduction 877
Experimental 877
Results and Discussion 880
Conclusions 886
Acknowledgements 887
References 887
89 P110T Casing Material’s Relation of Creep and Relaxation for the Sealing Surface of Premium Connection in High Temperature Gas Well 888
Abstract 888
Introduction 889
Experimental Material Tests 891
Experimental Apparatus and Procedure 891
Experimental Result 891
Material Characterization 893
Creep Strain Rate 893
Interrelation of the Stress Relaxation and Creep 896
Stress Relaxation Analysis 898
Conclusions 899
Acknowledgements 900
References 900
90 Aluminum Alloy Pipe Design and Mechanical Property Analysis 901
Abstract 901
Introduction 901
Experimental 903
Theoretical Analysis—The Length of Drill Pipes 903
Calculation of the Length of Drill Pipes 903
Torsional Properties of Drill Pipes 905
Result and Discussion 906
Aluminum Alloy Pipe Length Design 906
Friction 909
Conclusions 909
Acknowledgements 910
References 910
91 Experimental Validation of Constraint Effects on Toughness Test of Pipeline Girth Welds 911
Abstract 911
Introduction 912
Modern Constraint Theories 913
T-Stress as a Constraint Parameter 913
Q-Stress as a Constraint Parameter 913
Other Constraint Parameters 913
Materials and Experimental Procedure 914
Materials 914
Experimental Procedure 914
Results and Discussion 915
Conclusions 918
References 918
92 Material Identification and Safety Evaluation of Defective 15Cr1Mo1V Steel 920
Abstract 920
Introduction 920
Material Performance Evaluation 921
Chemical Analysis 921
Room Temperature and High Temperature Mechanical Properties 922
Hardness Testing 922
Impact Performance Test 923
Metallographic Examination 923
Oxide SEM Analysis 923
Remaining Life Assessment 925
Fatigue Fracture Assessment 926
Creep Fatigue Interaction Assessment 927
Conclusions 929
References 930
93 Permeation Characteristic and Mechanism of CO2 in High Density Polyethylene 931
Abstract 931
Introduction 932
Experimental Procedure 933
Results 933
Permeability Coefficient of CO2 in HDPE 933
Performance Analysis of the Penetrated Sample 934
Microstructure Analysis 934
Composition Analysis 935
Thermal Resistance Analysis 936
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of CO2 Permeation in HDPE 937
Modeling and Diffusion Process Simulation 937
Simulation Results 938
Discuss of the Diffusion Mechanism 939
Summary 940
References 940
94 Dropout Failure Analysis for Long Round Thread Connection at Mill End 942
Abstract 942
Introduction 943
Macroscopic Examination 943
Geometric Measurement 944
Material Test 945
Finite Element Simulation 948
Comprehensive Analysis 950
Conclusions 951
References 951
95 Coupling Effect of Transient Temperature-Pressure on Casing String During Volume Fracturing in Shale Gas Wells 952
Abstract 952
Introduction 953
Wellbore Temperature Field Model During Fracturing 953
Numerical Simulation 955
Finite Element Modeling and Meshing 955
Geometry and Mechanics Parameters 957
Results and Discussion 957
Changes of Wellbore Temperature During Volume Fracturing 957
Coupling Effect of Transient Temperature-Pressure on Casing Stress 959
Under the Condition of Integrated Cement Sheath 960
Under the Condition of Casing Eccentricity 962
Under the Condition of the Deficiency of Cement Sheath 963
Conclusion 965
Acknowledgements 966
References 966
96 Application of Titanium Alloy Tubing in HPHT Gas Wells to Reduce Vibration and Buckling 968
Abstract 968
Introduction 969
Tubing String Failure Analysis 970
Fluid-Structure Coupling Vibration of Tubing String 971
Fluid-Structure Coupling Vibration Model 971
Finite Element Simulation 973
Buckling Analysis of Tubing String 976
Tubing String Buckling Model 976
Finite Element Simulation 979
Conclusions 980
Acknowledgements 980
97 Stress Analysis of Tubing Thread of the Gas Seal Test in Deep Gas Well 982
Abstract 982
Introduction 983
Results and Discussion 984
Failure Analysis of Threaded Joint 984
Case Analysis 984
Von Mises Yield Criterion 984
Finite Element Analysis of Tubing Thread 986
Mechanical Model of Tubing Thread 986
Stress Analysis of Tubing Thread Under Different Pressures 988
Measures to Prevent Plastic Damage of Tubing Thread 992
Stress Analysis of Tubing Thread After Optimizing Inspection Pressure 992
Improvement of Gas Seal Inspection Pressure Scheme 993
Summary 994
References 994
98 Assessment Methods for the Dented Pipe of Grade X80 996
Abstract 996
Introduction 997
Definition of the Dents 997
Burst Strength of the Plain Dents 998
Summary of the Assessment of the Dents 998
Depth Based Criterion for Plain Dents 998
Strain Based Criterion for Plain Dents 1000
Fatigue Life of the Plain Dents 1002
The Fitness of the Assessment Methods for Steel of Grade X80 1002
Conclusions 1004
References 1004
99 Influence of Cement Defection on Casing Stress Under Cyclic Loading During Multi-stage Hydro-Fracturing 1006
Abstract 1006
Introduction 1007
Model Establishment 1008
Heat Transfer Coefficient Model 1008
Transient Thermal-Pressure Coupling Model 1009
Cement Conditions 1010
Parameters Setting 1011
Basic Parameters 1011
Casing Plastic Harden Parameter 1011
Hydraulic Fracturing Pressure 1013
Model Validation 1014
Results Analysis 1015
Heat Transfer Coefficient 1015
Effect of Pump Rate 1016
Transient Temperature 1016
Casing Stress and Strain 1016
Effect of Fluid Temperature 1017
Transient Temperature 1017
Casing Stress and Strain 1018
Effect of Cement Channel Angle 1018
Transient Temperature 1018
Casing Stress and Strain 1019
Conclusions 1019
Acknowledgements 1020
References 1020
100 Simulation Analysis of the Strain Behaviour of X80 Girth Weld Joint 1022
Abstract 1022
Introduction 1023
Theoretical Model 1023
Finite Element Model 1024
Basic Assumption 1024
Modeling 1024
Set of Parameters 1025
Analysis of the Simulation Results 1026
Characterization of the Fracture Parameters 1026
Analysis of the Simulation Results 1028
Conclusion 1030
References 1030
101 Toughness Scatter About FCAW-S Girth Weld for X80 Pipeline Steel 1031
Abstract 1031
Introduction 1031
Experimental 1032
Results 1034
Thermal-Cycle Curves 1034
Transformation Temperature 1034
Charpy Impact Toughness 1034
Microstructure 1035
MA Constituent 1037
Discussions 1037
Conclusions 1039
References 1039
102 Graphene Modified Epoxy Coating Tubing Applied in the Water Injection Wells 1041
Abstract 1041
Introduction 1042
Materials and Experimental 1043
Results and Discussion 1045
Summary 1048
Acknowledgements 1048
References 1048
103 Corrosion Behavior of Ni–P Alloy Coated Carbon Steel Tubing in Water Injection Wells 1049
Abstract 1049
Introduction 1050
Experimental Procedure 1051
Results 1051
Morphologies 1051
Compositions 1051
Metallographic Analysis 1051
Corrosion Products 1053
Discussion 1054
Failure Analysis of the Ni–P Coating 1054
Corrosion Mechanism of the N80 Tubing 1055
Conclusions 1056
Acknowledgements 1056
References 1057
104 Ultrafast Precipitation Kinetics in an Ultrafine-Grained Al–Cu Alloy Used for Oil Drill Pipes 1058
Abstract 1058
Introduction 1059
Experimental Procedures 1059
Material Preparation and Heat Treatments 1059
Microstructural Characterizations 1060
Results and Discussions 1060
Deformation Structures 1060
Precipitation Behaviors 1060
Modeling of Precipitation Thermodynamic/Kinetics 1063
Conclusions 1065
Acknowledgements 1066
References 1066
105 Creep Behavior and Mechanism of Casing in Thermal Well Under Cyclic Steam Stimulation at Medium Temperature 1068
Abstract 1068
Introduction 1069
Experimental Procedure 1070
Results 1070
Discussion 1073
Summary 1076
Acknowledgements 1076
References 1077
106 Evaluating the Compatibility of PA11 Pipe with Oil Field Media Based on Tensile Tests 1078
Abstract 1078
Introduction 1079
Experiment 1081
Specimens 1081
Exposure 1082
Tensile Test 1083
Result and Discussion 1084
Conclusions 1087
Acknowledgements 1088
References 1088
107 Impact Fracture Behavior of Large-Diameter X80 Line Pipes 1090
Abstract 1090
Introduction 1091
Experimental Procedure 1091
Results 1092
Microstructure 1092
Impact Fracture Properties 1093
Discussion 1094
Influence of Testing Temperature on the Impact Fracture Properties 1094
Thickness Effect on Impact Fracture Properties 1095
Conclusion 1096
Acknowledgements 1097
References 1097
108 Hydrostatic Experimental Study and Failure Mechanism of Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipes Used for Oilfields 1098
Abstract 1098
Introduction 1099
Experiment 1099
Selection of Samples 1099
Experimental Procedures 1100
Results and Analysis 1102
Hydrostatic Pressure Residual Strength Test Results 1102
Analysis of the Pipe Damage Mechanism 1103
Conclusion 1105
Acknowledgements 1105
References 1105
109 Girth Welding on Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects in China 1107
Abstract 1107
Introduction 1107
Development of Girth Welding 1108
Development of Automatic Welding in China 1109
Major Technical Difficulties of High Grade Line Pipe Girth Welding 1111
Joints Strength and Toughness Matching Due to Increasing Strength and Wide Range of Actual Strength of the Steel Pipe 1112
Decreasing Weldability of Girth-Welded Joints Due to Increasing Alloying Elements and the Wide Range of the Actual Alloy 1112
Significant Softening of HAZ Due to Steel Grain Refining 1113
Root Welding—The Key to Control Welding Quality and Construction Efficiency 1113
Application of Girth Welding on High Grade Pipeline 1116
Combined Semi-automatic Welding of “Gas Shielded Solid Wire or Metal Powder Cored Wire?+?Self-Shielded Flux Cored Wire” (PGMAW?+?FCAW-S) 1116
Manual Welding of Low Hydrogen Electrode (SMAW) 1117
Combined Automatic Welding of “Internal Welding?+?Single-Torch External Welding?+?Double-Torches Welding” 1117
Combined Automatic Welding of “Internal Welding?+?Single-Torch External Welding” 1117
Combined Welding of “Gas Shielded Solid Wire or Metal Powder Cored Wire Semi-automatic Welding?+?Single-Torch Automatic Welding with Gas Shielded Flux Cored Wire” (GMAW) 1117
Conclusions 1118
References 1118
110 Cigarette Butts Water Extracts as Corrosion Inhibitor in Oil Field Acidizing Fracture Using Different Metal Chlorides Intensifiers 1119
Abstract 1119
Introduction 1119
Experimental 1120
Results and Discussion 1121
Weight Loss and Polarization Results 1121
Impedance 1121
EN Results 1125
SEM 1127
Conclusion 1128
References 1128
111 Prospect and Latest Development of Pipeline Integrity Management in China 1130
Abstract 1130
Introduction 1131
Development Overview of Pipeline Integrity Management 1131
Foreign Research Progress 1131
Domestic Research Progress 1132
Advances in Pipeline Integrity Management 1133
Pipeline Integrity Assessment Theory System 1133
Pipeline Three-Axis High-Definition Magnetic Leakage Detection Device 1134
Multi-channel High-Precision Deformation Detection Device and Pipeline Strain Monitoring System 1135
Risk Assessment and Control of Pipeline Level Upgrade 1135
Station Security Technology 1136
Pipeline Corrosion Control 1139
Gas Storage Security Technology 1140
Integrity Management Information Platform Technology 1140
Development of Big Data Technology Industry 1141
Quality Analysis of Pipeline Data Based on Big Data Analysis 1141
Research on Third Party Damage Early Warning Technology Based on Large Position Data 1142
Technology of Geological Disaster Flood Forecast Based on Big Data 1142
Leakage, Early Warning Signal Time Series Model-Data Mining 1143
Big Data Analysis Model in Pipeline Detection 1143
Analysis of Big Data of Pipeline Weld 1144
Pipe Corrosion Risk Data Model—Cluster Analysis Model 1145
Pipeline Emergency Decision-Making and Support Based on Big Data 1147
Summary 1147
Acknowledgements 1148
References 1148
112 Sulfate Reducting Bacteria Corrosion Component Study of N80 Steel in Simulating Oilfield Produced Water 1150
Abstract 1150
Introduction 1150
Experimental 1151
SRB Isolation 1151
Materials 1151
Results and Discussion 1153
SRB Isolation 1153
Weight Loss and Polarization 1153
Corrosion Morphology 1155
Conclusion 1155
References 1157
113 Application of Grain Boundary Diffusion Method into High-Throughput Synthesis Materials Chip for Sintered Nd–Fe–B Magnets 1158
Abstract 1158
Introduction 1159
Summarization of Grain Boundary Diffusion Method for Sintered Nd–Fe–B 1159
Distribution of Heavy Rare Earth Elements in Grain Boundary Diffusion 1161
Grain Microstructures After Grain Boundary Diffusion 1163
High-Throughput Synthesis of Sintered Nd–Fe–B Chips 1166
Conclusion 1168
Acknowledgements 1168
References 1168
114 Structures and Properties of Near-Rapidly Solidified Fe–12Mn–9Al–1.2C Dual-Phase Lightweight Steel Containing 3 wt% Ni 1170
Abstract 1170
Introduction 1171
Experimental Procedures 1172
Results and Discussion 1172
Structure and Properties 1172
Thermal Stability Analysis of Strips 1174
Discussion 1176
Conclusions 1178
Acknowledgements 1178
References 1179
115 Constitutive Model of Wrought Superalloy GH4066 in Hot Deformation Process 1180
Abstract 1180
Introduction 1180
Material and Experimental Procedures 1181
Results and Discussion 1183
Constitutive Equation Modeling 1184
Summary 1189
Acknowledgements 1190
References 1190
116 Gradient Speed Control Method to Reduce the Residual Stress on a Turbine Disk in Forging Process 1192
Abstract 1192
Introduction 1193
Simulation of the Forging Process for the Turbine Disks 1193
Forging Process Analysis 1195
Relationship Between the Gradient Velocity and Residual Stress 1196
Summary 1198
References 1198
117 Microstructure Evolution in Solidified Al–Si Hypereutectic Alloys Under the Impact of an Electric Current Pulse 1199
Abstract 1199
Introduction 1200
Experimental 1200
Results and Discussion 1201
Primary Silicon Structure 1201
Eutectic Silicon and Complex Regular Structure 1203
Conclusions 1204
Acknowledgements 1204
References 1205
118 First-Principles Calculations, Thermodynamic Calculations and Kinetic Calculations of Ultra High Strength Aluminum Alloys of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Zr 1207
Abstract 1207
Introduction 1207
Methodology 1208
Results and Discussion 1210
First-Principles Calculations 1210
Thermodynamic Calculations 1210
Kinetic Calculations 1213
Conclusions 1214
Acknowledgements 1215
References 1215
119 Thermodynamic Description of the Al–Mg–Y System 1217
Abstract 1217
Introduction 1217
Thermodynamic Descriptions 1218
Solution Phases 1218
Intermetallic Compounds 1219
Optimization Procedure 1222
Results and Discussion 1223
Summary 1225
Acknowledgements 1226
References 1226
120 Finite Element Simulation of Hot Spinning for GH4169 Superalloy Thin-Walled Shell 1227
Abstract 1227
Introduction 1228
The Finite Element Simulation of Hot Spinning 1229
Establishment of the FE Model 1229
Some Necessary Parameters for FE Modeling 1230
Result and Discussion 1232
The Influence of Process Parameters on Spinning 1232
Effects of Roller Feed Rate on Spinning 1233
Effects of Roller Working Radius on Spinning 1233
Determination of Processing Parameters and Multipass Spinning Simulation Results 1234
Conclusions 1237
Acknowledgements 1238
References 1238
121 First-Principles Study of Au-Doping Effects in Hg1?xCdxTe (x?=?0.25, 0.5, 0.75) 1240
Abstract 1240
Introduction 1241
Models and Methods 1242
Results and Discussion 1243
Atomic Relaxations 1243
Bonding Mechanism 1243
Band Structures and Densities of States 1246
Summary 1249
Acknowledgements 1250
References 1250
122 Preparation and Numerical Simulation of Structural Parameters of Ni–Fe Bimetallic Porous Anode Support for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 1252
Abstract 1252
Introduction 1253
Experimental 1254
Methodology 1254
Model Formulation 1254
Physical Parameters 1255
Momentum Transfer Process 1256
Mass Transfer Process 1257
Heat Transfer Process 1257
Chemical Reactions Process 1258
Electrochemical Reaction Process 1259
Model Validation Analysis 1261
Results and Discussion 1261
Conclusions 1263
Acknowledgements 1263
References 1263
123 Thermodynamic Calculation of Phase Diagrams for the Rare Earth Binary Alloys: RE–Nd (RE?=?La, Ce, Pr, Y) Systems 1265
Abstract 1265
Introduction 1265
Thermodynamic Models 1266
Intermetallic Compounds 1267
Thermodynamic Calculation 1267
La–Nd System 1267
Ce–Nd System 1268
Pr–Nd System 1269
Y–La System 1269
Y–Ce System 1270
Conclusions 1272
Acknowledgements 1272
References 1272
124 Erratum to: Effect of Process Parameters on the Interface Microstructure and Thickness of Silver Cladding Copper Wires Prepared by Core-Cladding Continuous Casting 1274
Erratum to:& #6
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 17.4.2018 |
Reihe/Serie | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering | Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering |
Zusatzinfo | XVIII, 1313 p. 839 illus., 534 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Singapore |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Chemie ► Anorganische Chemie |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Wirtschaft | |
Schlagworte | Advanced Preparation and Processing Technologies of Materials • Chinese Materials Conference • CMC 2017 • High Purity Materials • Materials Simulation, Computation and Design • Petroleum Tubular Goods and Equipment Materials • Solidification Science and Technology |
ISBN-10 | 981-13-0107-7 / 9811301077 |
ISBN-13 | 978-981-13-0107-0 / 9789811301070 |
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