Chapter 2
Round Up the Usual Suspects
Identify Your Target Audience
Why Is It Important to Identify Your Target Audience?
If you do not know who your target audience is, then you are not going to know if your product or service meets their specific desires. More importantly, you are not going to make any sales. You have to narrow down your audience to make sure you are targeting the right person, who is more than likely going to click on your ad and purchase what you have to offer.
You need to define what your target audience is to make sure you are creating the right content for their needs. This will also give you a better understanding of your audience, and allow you to connect to them based on their needs. When you have a target audience, you will increase your conversions because you are providing a service or product to someone who wants it.
We instinctively want to target as many people as possible because, in our minds, the more people that see our offer, the more sales we are going to get. You need to consider your budget. If you try to target people who are not interested in your offer, you are just going to waste money. By focusing on potential customers who are already showing interest, your budget will be much more cost effective and will directly target people who are more likely to click on your ad. This allows you to create a focused campaign that will meet the needs of a specific group of people. This method is called market segmentation.
How does it work? Let’s use Facebook as an example. When you look at your Facebook feed, you might have noticed the ads change depending on what you have been searching for in your search engine. For example, you might be spending hours online researching how to lose weight, and then, all of a sudden, all your Facebook ads in your feed are about how you can lose weight. That is when you know you have been targeted by market segmentation. This is a very powerful tool because this allows you to find potential customers who have already been looking at what you are offering. In the end, this method is how you will generate sales.
Not everyone in your target audience will buy from you. You can reach 20,000 people on Facebook and only have 250 opt-in to receive your emails. Out of that, you might get 1 or 2 sales, if you are lucky. It is probably the right audience, but it is not the right time for them to buy from you. If they opted in to your email, you can continue marketing to them in hopes one of them will buy later on.
Another thing to keep in mind, when you are targeting a specific audience, make sure you are using the right media outlet and the right demographics. If you want to place an ad in a magazine, and you are targeting stay-at-home moms, then you do not want your media outlet to be a magazine about bodybuilding.
Creating a Customer Avatar’s Demographics and Interests
You need to define your Target Audience. To do this, you need to create a customer avatar. This will give you a better picture of whom you are targeting. You will need to know their demographics and interests to make sure your product is getting in front of the right people.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to identify your target audience:
•Create a name for your avatar.
•What is their gender?
•Where do they live?
•What is their age?
•What generation are they? (baby boomer, gen x, millennial)
•What is their relationship status? (married, single)
•What type of education do they have?
•What is their work status? (employed, full-time, part-time, retired, laid off)
•What is their annual income?
•Are they a homeowner, renter, living with someone else, or other?
•What is their family size?
•Do they have any interests in the business field?
•What do they do for entertainment? (movies, etc.)
•Are they into fitness and wellness? If so, what do they like to do?
•What is their favorite food, and what do they like to drink most often?
•What are their hobbies?
•What types of sports do they like?
It is important to narrow down your customer avatar by demographics and interests to make sure the message you are sending out is something that resonates with them. This helps you exclude anyone who is not interested in your product, so you don’t waste your money on someone who is not going to buy from you.
Creating a Customer Avatar’s Behaviors
Aside from demographics and interests, you will need to know the behaviors and overall general concerns of your customer’s avatar.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself in order to identify your target audience:
•Do they donate to charities?
•Do they have any financial assets? (investments or insurance)
•How do they like spending money? (cash, credit cards, bank cards)
•Do they travel? (1–2x a year, often, not at all)
•What is their purchasing behavior? (What do they buy?)
•Reason they would purchase from you?
•How much are they willing to spend?
•What are their concerns in regards to your product and/or service?
•What happened in the past that led them to the point of trying something new?
•How do they feel about what has happened to them that led them to this point?
•What would your product and/or service matter to this person?
•How can your product and/or service solve a need?
•How does your product and/or service make their lives better?
•What is going through their mind before they purchase product and/or service?
Behaviors will tell you their spending habits and if they are more or less likely to buy something. Figuring out what could be stopping your avatar from buying your product will help you in answering those questions and explaining that your product or service is the answer they have been waiting for. Your avatar can evolve over time, depending on the products you are promoting.
When someone is on the verge of making a purchase, they may have some reservations about it. Figure out the top reasons that someone would be hesitant to buy your product, and then list the benefits of how your product can help them.
Your avatar is the key to targeting, engaging, and attracting the right audience in order to convert them into your customer. It might seem silly to you, but giving your avatar a name helps you identify with them. You can even give them a face to show they are a real person. Someone out there is your ideal avatar. By answering the right questions, you can not only identify them, but find where they are so you can target them and make a sale.
Getting Help Building Your Avatar and Finding Your Target Audience
If you are struggling with figuring out your customer’s avatar, or where to find your target audience, you have a few options.
Alexa is a great program for demographics. You can find out not only the gender, age, and ethnicity of your visitors, but you can find out their education level and income. Just type in the URL of the website you want to look at, and click find.
Social Media sites also drill down and give you the specifics of your visitors, and if they clicked on your link or just read your ad. Facebook has really good stats on the age and gender of someone who engaged in your ad. They also have ways that you can retarget that audience who did show an interest but didn’t follow through with your call to action. Because Facebook is constantly changing, you will have to stay up to date on their reports, but as far as social media platforms go, Facebook definitely knows how to get the right target audience to your offer, based on their interests.
If you started running ads on social media, or you have a website up and running, you can look at the data.
Google Analytics will help you determine the location and interests of your visitors, along with age group and gender....