Marketing Ethics -

Marketing Ethics

2096 Seiten
SAGE Publications Ltd
978-1-4462-0810-6 (ISBN)
1.179,95 inkl. MwSt
This four-volume set focuses on understanding marketing ethics from a management perspective, with an introduction that provides an overview of the literature included in the set as well as identifying directions for future research.
The burgeoning field of marketing ethics looks at the moral issues and controversies surrounding marketing theory and practice. This four-volume set focuses on understanding marketing ethics from a management perspective, including articles that: provide ways of thinking about marketing ethics; offer a descriptive account of how marketers make decisions with ethical content; present normative guidance for marketing decision-making; and address specific ethical issues in marketing practice.

The editors′ introduction provides an overview of the literature included in the set as well as identifying directions for future research.

Volume One: Foundations of Marketing Ethics provides a conceptualization of the field, including some of the earliest contributions on the topic.

Volume Two: Positive Marketing Ethics looks at how managers make ethical marketing decisions.

Volume Three: Normative Marketing Ethics focuses on normative marketing ethics, which is primarily concerned with the prescriptive considerations of how marketers should make decisions with ethical content.

Volume Four: Ethical Issues in Marketing addresses the effects and possible solutions to the major ethical issues arising in the practice of marketing, both at the micro/firm level and at the more macro/systemic level.

A Model for Ethics in Marketing - Robert Bartels
Business and Marketing Ethics as Professional Ethics: Concepts, Approaches and Typologies - Johannes Brinkmann
Marketing Managers: Caught in the Middle - E. Raymond Corey
Would You Want Your Daughter to Marry a Marketing Man? - Richard N. Farmer
Nature and Scope of Marketing Ethics - O. C. Ferrell
A Contingency Framework for Understanding Ethical Decision Making in Marketing - O. C. Ferrell and Larry Gresham
Ethical and Legal Foundations of Relational Marketing Exchanges - Gregory T. Gundlach and Patrick E. Murphy
A General Theory of Marketing Ethics - Shelby D. Hunt and Scott Vitell
Fostering Ethical Marketing Decisions - Gene R. Laczniak and Patrick E. Murphy
The Growing Responsibilities of Marketing - Robert J. Lavidge
The Dangers of Social Responsibility - Theodore Levitt
Ethics in Marketing: Problems and Prospects - T. R. Martin
Marketing Ethics: A Review with Implications for Managers, Educators and Researchers - Patrick Murphy and Gene R. Laczniak
Research on Marketing Ethics: A Systematic Review of the Literature - Alexander Nill and John A. Schibrowsky
The Depth Approach - Vance Packard
What are the Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Marketing Executives? - James M. Patterson
Social Responsibility, Ethics and Marketing Strategy: Closing the Gap between Concept and Application - Donald Robin and Eric Reidenbach
Half a Century of Marketing Ethics: Shifting Perspectives and Emerging Trends - Bodo Schlegelmilch and Magdalena Oberseder
Laying Foundations for an Emerging Field: A Commentary on Shelby Hunt′s Research on Marketing Ethics - N. Smith
Some Thoughts on the Nature of Ethics in Marketing - J. Howard Westing
Marketing Ethics-An Overview - Paul Whysall
Judgments of Marketing Professionals about Ethical Issues in Marketing Research: A Replication and Extension - Ishmael P. Akaah and Edward A. Riordan
Supervising Unethical Salesforce Behavior - Joseph A. Bellizzi
Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Examination - Lawrence B. Chonko and Shelby D. Hunt
How Advertising Practitioners View Ethics: Moral Muteness, Moral Myopia, and Moral Imagination - Minette E. Drumwright and Patrick E. Murphy
Ethical Behavior and Bureaucratic Structure in Marketing Research Organizations - O. C. Ferrell and Steven J. Skinner
Marketing and Machiavellianism - Shelby D. Hunt and Lawrence B. Chonko
Ethical Problems of Marketing Researchers - Shelby D. Hunt, Lawrence B. Chonko, and James B. Wilcox
Corporate Ethical Values and Organizational Commitment in Marketing - Shelby D. Hunt, Van R. Wood, and Lawrence B. Chonko
An Empirical Investigation of a General Theory of Marketing Ethics - Michael A. Mayo and Lawrence J. Marks
Consumer Responses to Socially Questionable Corporate Behavior: An Empirical Test - Kenneth E. Miller and Frederick D. Sturdivant
An Application and Extension of a Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Selected Marketing Practices and Marketing Groups - Eric R. Reidenbach, Donald P. Robin, and Lyndon Dawson
Control System and Task Environment Effects on Ethical Judgment: An Exploratory Study of Industrial Salespeople - Diana C. Robertson and Erin Anderson
Institutionalization of Ethics and its Consequences: A Survey of Marketing Professionals - Anusorn Singhapakdi and Scott J. Vitell
Antecedents, consequences, and mediating effects of perceived moral intensity and personal moral philosophies - A. Singhapakdi, SJ Vitell, and G.R. Franke
Does Doing Good Always Lead to Doing Better? Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility - Sen, Sankar and C.B. Bhattacharya,
Ethics and Target Marketing: The Role of Product Harm and Consumer Vulnerability - N. Craig Smith and Elizabeth Cooper-Martin
Societal Marketing and Morality - Andrew Crane and John Desmond
Persuasive Advertising, Autonomy, and the Creation of Desire - Roger Crisp
Social Contracts and Marketing Ethics - Thomas Dunfee, N. Craig Smith, and William T. Ross, Jr.,
A Synthesis of Ethical Decision Models for Marketing - O. C. Ferrell, Larry G. Gresham and John Fraedrich
Cognitive Moral Development and Marketing - Jerry R. Goolsby and Shelby D. Hunt
Frameworks for Analyzing Marketing Ethics - Gene R. Laczniak
Normative Perspectives for Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing - Gene R. Laczniak and Patrick E. Murphy
Distributive Justice: Pressing Questions, Emerging Directions, and the Promise of Rawlsian Analysis - Gene R. Laczniak and Patrick E. Murphy
Exonerating Unethical Marketing Behaviors: A Diagnostic Framework - Oswald Mascarenhas
Character and Virtue Ethics in International Marketing: An Agenda for Managers, Researchers and Educators - P. E. Murphy
Global Marketing Ethics: A Communicative Approach - Alexander Nill
A Paradigm for Development and Promulgation of a Global Code of Marketing Ethics - Kumar C. Rallapalli
Searching for a Place to Stand: Toward a Workable Ethical Philosophy for Marketing - Donald P. Robin and R. Eric Reidenbach
Ethical Guidelines for Marketing Practice: A Reply to Gaski and Some Observations on the Role of Normative Marketing Ethics - N. Craig Smith
Marketing Strategies for the Ethics Era - N. Craig Smith
A Contextualist Proposal for the Conceptualization and Study of Marketing Ethics - Craig Thompson
Ethical Theory, Societal Expectations and Marketing Practices - Clarence C. Walton
The Image of Advertising Truth: Is Being Truthful Enough? - Boris W. Becker
Marketing, Ethics, and Morality - George G. Brenkert
Marketing to Inner-City Blacks: PowerMaster and Moral Responsibility - George G. Brenkert
Consumer Online Privacy: Legal and Ethical Issues - Eve Caudill and Patrick E. Murphy
Company Advertising with a Social Dimension: The Role of Noneconomic Criteria - Minette E. Drumwright
A Method for Evaluating the Ethics of Fear Appeals - Charles R. Duke et al
A Framework for Personal Selling and Sales Management Ethical Decision Making - O. C. Ferrell, Mark W. Johnston and Linda Ferrell
Marketing and the Notion of Well-Being - Paul Gibbs
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall What′s Unfair in the Reflections on Advertising? - Morris B. Holbrook
Deception in marketing research: Ethical, Methodological, and Disciplinary Implications - Allan J. Kimmel and N. Craig Smith
What Consumerism Means for Marketers - Phillip Kotler
The Morality (?) of Advertising - Theodore Levitt
Ethics in Personal Selling and Sales Management: A Review of the Literature Focusing on Empirical Findings and Conceptual Foundations - Nicholas McClaren
An Ethical Basis for Relationship Marketing: A Virtue Ethics Perspective - P. E. Murphy, G. R. Laczniak and G. Wood,
The Distorted Mirror: Reflections on the Unintended Consequences of Advertising - Richard W. Pollay
Here′s the Beef: Factors, Determinants, and Segments in Consumer Criticism of Advertising - Richard W. Pollay and Banwari Mittal
Ethical Issues in Marketing Strategy and Implementation - John A. Quelch and N. Craig Smith
Marketing to the Poor: An Integrative Justice Model for Engaging Impoverished Market Segments - Nicholas J. C. Santos and Gene R. Laczniak
Ethics and Public Policy Implications of Research on Consumer Well-Being - M. Joseph Sirgy
Ethics in Marketing Research: Their Practical Relevance - Alice M. Tybout and Gerald Zaltman
The role of religiosity in business and consumer ethics: A review of the literature - S. J. Vitell
Marketing with Integrity: Ethics and the Service-Dominant Logic for Marketing - Abela and Murphy
′Says Who?!′ How the Source of Price Information and Affect Influence Perceived Price (Un)fairness - Margaret C. Campbell
Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives, - C. B. Bhattacharya and Sankar Sen
The Biasing Health Halos of Fast Food Restaurant Health Claims: Lower Calorie Estimates and Higher Side-Dish Consumption Intentions - Pierre Chandon and Brian Wansink,
Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices - Daniel G. Goldstein et al
How Mainstream Consumers Think About Consumer Rights and Responsibilities - Paul C. Henry
Ethical Decisions and Response Mode Compatibility: Weighting of Ethical Attributes in Consideration Sets Formed by Excluding Versus Including Product Alternatives - Julie R. Irwin and Rebecca W. Naylor
Why We Boycott: Consumer Motivations for Boycott Participation - Jill Gabrielle Klein, N. Craig Smith and Andrew John
Ethical Beliefs and Information Asymmetries in Supplier Relationships - Kelly D. Martin and Jean L. Johnson
Commercializing Social Interaction: The Ethics of Stealth Marketing - Kelly D. Martin, and N. Craig Smith
The Dishonesty of Honest People: A Theory of Self-Concept Maintenance - Nina Mazar, On Amir and Dan Ariely
Moral Identity and Judgments of Charitable Behaviors, - Americus Reed, Karl Aquino and Eric Levy
Placebo Effects of Marketing Actions: Consumers May Get What They Pay For - Baba Shiv, Ziv Carmon, and Dan Ariely
Marketing′s Consequences: Stakeholder Marketing and Supply Chain Corporate Social Responsibility - N. Craig Smith, Guido Palazzo and C. B. Bhattacharaya
Consumer ethics research: Review, synthesis and suggestions for the future - S. J. Vitell

Erscheint lt. Verlag 14.9.2012
Reihe/Serie SAGE Library in Marketing
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 3840 g
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management Marketing / Vertrieb
Wirtschaft Betriebswirtschaft / Management Unternehmensführung / Management
ISBN-10 1-4462-0810-9 / 1446208109
ISBN-13 978-1-4462-0810-6 / 9781446208106
Zustand Neuware
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