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Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials (eBook)

Proceedings of the 14th International Zeolite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 25-30th April 2004
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2004 | 1. Auflage
1158 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-096083-8 (ISBN)
131,00 inkl. MwSt
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Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials
Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials

Cover 1
Foreword 5
Preface 7
14th IZC Scientific Committee 8
Organising Committees 9
Table of Contents 11
Toward the Rational Design and Synthesis of Inorganic Microporous and Related Materials 35
Abstract 35
Introduction 35
Design of Zeolitic Frameworks by Computational Methods 35
Design of Zeolite Frameworks with Defined Pore Geometry through Constrained assembly of Atoms 36
Prediction of Zeolite Structures through Automated Assembly of Secondary Building Units (AASBU Method) 38
Approches Toward the Rational Synthesis of Target Materials 39
Template-Aided Synthetic Approach 39
Designing Templates for the Synthesis of Microporous Solids Using de Novo Molecular Design Methods 39
Predicting the Templating Ability of Organic Amines for the Synthesis of Microporous Aluminophosphates 40
Chirality Transfer from Guest Chiral Metal Complexes to Host Inorganic Open-Frameworks 41
Charge-Density Matching of the Guest Template and the Host Framework 42
Building Block Approach 42
Assembly of 3D Open-Frameworks Using ID Chain Building Units 43
Building-up Principle from Low Dimensional Structures to Higher Dimensional Metal Phosphates 43
Synthesis of D4MR-Containing Zeolites by the Isomorphic Incorporation of Ge Atoms into Siliceous Zeolite Frameworks 44
Rational Synthesis of Mlcroporous Materials by KDD Method 45
Conclusions 45
Acknowledgement 46
References 46
Mesoporous Metal Oxides with Improved Atomic Ordering in the Pore Walls 48
Abstract 48
Introduction 48
Post-Synthesis Treatment of Assembled Mesostructures 48
Mesostructured Alumina 48
Mesostructured Titania 49
Mesostructured Zirconia 50
Mesostructured Niobium, Tantalum, Tin, and Tin-Indium Oxides 50
Mesostructured Aluminosilicates Assembled from Protozeolitic Nanoclusters (Zeolite Seeds) 50
Carbon Occlusion and Carbon Nanocasting 53
Nanosized Mesoporous Zeolites 53
Other Nanosized Metal Oxides 54
Summary 56
Acknowledgments 56
References 56
Towards a Rationalization of Zeolite and Zeolitic Materials Synthesis 59
Abstract 59
Introduction 59
Mechanism of Formation 59
Zeolite Stability: Prediction of the Structure Formed when there are Several Zeolites Competing 61
Role of Organic SDA 62
Synthesis in Fluoride Media 65
Detecting Effect of Framework Atoms other than Si 66
Influence of TIII and TII Atoms 66
Influence of Ge: A Potential Directing Effect 66
An Example about Directing the Synthesis of Zeolites 68
Synthesis of Low Framework Density Materials: Towards the Synthesis of Extralarge Pore Molecular Sieves 68
Other Zeolite Synthesis Developments 69
Conclusions 71
References 71
The Art of Zeolite Structure Analysis 75
Abstract 75
Introduction 75
How are New Zeolite Framework Structures Determined? 75
Powder Diffraction 76
Direct Methods 76
Focus 78
Simulated Annealing 79
Texture Method 79
Electron Crystallography 80
Where are the Problems in Zeolite Structure Analysis? 81
Data Collection 81
Indexing 81
Symmetry 81
Structure Completion 82
Structure Refinement 82
Conclusions 83
Acknowledgements 83
References 83
Molecular Modelling in Zeolite Catalysis 86
Abstract 86
References 86
Zeolite Catalysts for the Production of Chemical Commodities: BTX Derivatives 87
Introduction 87
Styrene 87
Nylon 89
Urethanes 91
Polyesters 94
Others 96
Conclusion 97
Acknowledgements 97
References 97
Zeolite Effects in the Sustainable and Green Synthesis of Intermediates and Fine Chemicals 100
Abstract 100
Introduction and Scope 100
Quantification of Environmental Performances 100
"Greening" with Zeolite-Based Technology 101
Recent Chemistry in Zeolites with Environmental Impact 103
Quantified Competitive Adsorption 103
Benign Esterification Chemistry 104
Zeolite-Based Friedel-Crafts Chemistry 104
Zeolites for One-Pot Reactions 105
The Omnipresence of Zeolite Beta as Catalyst for Green Chemistry 105
Heck Chemistry 105
Ship-In-A-Bottle Approach 106
Specificity in Zeolite Encapsulation of Complexes 106
Leaching from Transition Metal Substituted Molecular Sieves 109
Zeolite Immobilized Beteropoly Acids 109
Lewis Acid Sites in Zeolites 110
References 111
Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials as Advanced Functional Material 114
Abstract 114
Introduction 114
Separation Function 114
Zeolite Membranes for Shape-Selective Mass Separation 114
Zeolite Membranes in Membrane Reactors 117
Optical Switching of the Gas Permeation through a Zeolite Membrane 117
Critical Evaluation of Current Membrane Research 118
Electric/Electronic Function 119
Ionic Conductivity in Zeolites for Gas Sensing 119
Conducting Guests in Hosts with Channel and Cavity Structure 120
Critical Valuation of Current Research on Zeolite Base Materials with Electric/Electronic Function 121
Optical Function 121
Zeolite Based Micro-Laser 122
Optical Sensing of Reducing/Oxidizing Gas Mixtures by Nano-Structured and Molecular Sieve Hosted Metal Oxides 123
Critical Evaluation of Current Research on Optical Applications of Modified Zeolites 125
Acknowledgment 125
References 125
Preparation and Characterization of Low-k Mesoporous Silica Films 128
Abstract 128
Introduction 128
Experimental 129
Preparation of Porous Silica Films 129
Characterization 129
Results and Discussion 130
Dielectric Properties and Post Treatments 130
Film Properties 131
Film Structures 133
Conclusion 135
References 135
A New Synthesis Method for Zeolites 136
Abstract 136
Introduction 136
Experimental 138
Results and Discussion 138
Conclusions 142
Acknowledgements 142
References 142
Template Design for High-Silica Zeotypes: A Case Study of Zeolite Nes Synthesis Using a Designed Template 144
Abstract 144
Introduction 144
Experimental 145
Synthesis and Characterisation 145
Modelling 145
Results and Discussion 145
NES and EUO Synthesis 145
Structural Perspective 146
Template Location 146
Modelled/Designed Templates 147
Binding Energies 148
Previous Work Using Bis-Pyrrolidium Templates 149
NES Synthesis Using the Designed Template 149
Conclusion 151
Acknowledgements 151
References 151
UZM-4: A Stable Si-Rich Form of the BPH Framework Type 152
Abstract 152
Introduction 152
Experimental 152
Synthesis 152
Characterization 153
Microreactor Testing 153
Results and Discussion 153
UZM-4 Synthesis and Structure 153
UZM-4M Synthesis and Structure 155
Ion Exchange 156
Adsorption 157
Post-Treatment of AFS-Prepared Samples 157
Heptane Cracking 158
Conclusions 159
Acknowledgements 159
References 159
SSZ-53 and SSZ-59: Two Novel Extra-Large Pore Zeolites 160
Abstract 160
Introduction 160
Synthesis 161
Adsorption in SSZ-53 and SSZ-59 161
Catalysis Measurements 162
Analysis of X-Ray Diffraction Data 162
Relationships between SSZ-53 and SSZ-59 Frameworks 164
Guest-Host Interactions 165
Conclusions 165
Acknowledgements 166
References 166
The Preparation of Modular Porous Solids from Zeolite-Like Building Blocks 167
Abstract 167
Introduction 167
Results and Discussion 168
Concluding Remarks 171
Experimental 171
Synthesis 171
Acknowledgement 172
References 172
European Facilities for the Study of Zeolite Formation on the International Space Station 173
Abstract 173
Introduction 173
Silicalite-1 and Zeogrid Formation Via MFI Type Nanoslab Assembly 174
Sounding Rocket Experiments 174
First Zeolite Synthesis Experiments on the ISS 175
Zeogrid 176
Nanoslab 177
Future Zeolite Experiments on the ISS with PCDF 178
Conlclusions 179
Acknowledgments 180
References 180
Zeolite Crystal Growth on the International Space Station 181
Abstract 181
Introduction 181
Experimental 181
Results and Discussion 182
Zeolite L (ISS Missions 8A and 9A Samples) 183
Zeolite Beta (ISS Mission 8A Samples) 184
Zeolite ZK-5 (ISS Mission 8A Samples) 185
Conclusions 187
Acknowledgement 188
References 188
Microwave Zeolite Syntheses: Acceleration by Overheating 189
Abstract 189
Introduction 189
Temperature Measurement 189
Experimental Section 190
Results and Discussion 191
Center Controlled Multi-Mode MW Heating 191
Periphery Controlled Multi-Mode MW Heating 194
Single Mode MW Heating and Conventional Heating 195
Conclusions 195
References 196
Colloidal Molecular Sieves: Model System for Kinetic Study of Crystal Growth Process 197
Abstract 197
Introduction 197
Experimental 197
Results and Discussion 198
Conclusion 203
Acknowledgements 203
References 203
A Novel Screening Approach Utilizing Combinatorial Methods in the Ethyltrimethylammonium Template System 205
Abstract 205
Introduction 205
Experimental 206
Results and Discussion 206
UZM-4 208
UZM-8 209
UZM-15 209
UZM-17 212
Low Si/Al Ratio Trends 212
Summary 212
References 213
Synergy between Microwave Irradiation and Promoter Addition about Synthesis of Nanosized TPA-Silicalite-1 214
Abstract 214
Introduction 214
Experimental Section 214
Results and Discussion 215
Conclusion 217
References 217
Fast and Efficient Synthesis of Zeolites under High Pressures 218
Abstract 218
Keywords 218
Introduction 218
Experimental 218
Results and Discussion 219
Acknowledgements 222
References 222
Synthesis and Characterization of the Nanocrystalline Zeolite ZSM-35 223
Abstract 223
Introduction 223
Experimental 223
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline ZSM-35 223
Characterization 224
Results and Discussion 224
Conclusions 227
Acknowledgement 228
References 228
Characterization and Morphological Control of Beta Zeolite Synthesized in a Fluoride Medium 229
Abstract 229
Introduction 229
Experimental 230
Synthesis 230
Characterizations 230
Results and Discussion 231
Structural Characterization of Beta Zeolites 231
Surface -OH Relative Coverage 233
Morphological Control 234
Conclusions 235
References 236
Synthesis and Characterization of MCM-22 and MCM-49 Zeolites 237
Abstract 237
Introduction 237
Experimental 237
Synthesis 237
Characterization 238
Results and Discussion 238
Zeolites Prepared in Presence of Potassium Ions 240
I3C CP/MAS, 27Al MAS and 29Si CP/MAS NMR Studies 241
Conclusions 243
Acknowledgments 243
References 243
Synthesis of Zeolite EMT and its Application in Alkylation of Isobutane with Butenes 245
Abstract 245
Introduction 245
Experimental 245
Results and Discussion 246
Synthesis and Characteristic of Zeolite EMT with Aid of Auxiliary Agents 246
Catalytic Performances 247
Characterizing of the Catalysts 247
Activity and Stability of Catalysts 248
Changes of Products Distribution with TOS 248
Conclusion 250
Acknowledgment 250
References 250
Improving the Si/Al Ratio of Zeolite Omega by Boron Adulteration 251
Abstract 251
Introduction 251
Experimental 251
Result and Discussion 252
Synthesis of Zeolite Omega 252
Characterization of Zeolite Omega 253
Conclusion 256
Acknowledgement 256
References 256
Direct Synthesis of High-Silica Mordenite and its Thermal Stability 258
Abstract 258
Introduction 258
Experimental 258
Synthesis of High-Silica MOR Zeolite 258
Characterization 259
Evaluation of Thermal Stability 259
Results and Discussion 259
Effect of Aluminum Source 260
Effect of NaF Addition in the Course of Crystallization Process 262
Thermal Stability 264
Conclusions 265
References 266
Dependence of Synthesis Parameters on Physicochemical Properties and Catalytic Performance of K-LTL Zeolites 267
Abstract 267
Introduction 267
Experimental 267
Materials 267
Methods 268
Results and Discussion 268
Effect of Gel Composition 268
Molar Sio/AI2O3 Ratio 268
Molar H2O/K2O Ratio 269
Molar K2O/SiO2 Ratio 269
Effect of Silica Source Material 269
Effect of Crystallization Temperature 269
Catalytic Performance in n-Hexane Aromatisation 272
Conclusion 274
References 274
Nanosized Beta Zeolites and their Composites as Catalysts for Acylation and Alkane Isomerization 275
Abstract 275
Introduction 275
Experimental 275
Preparation 275
Nanocrystalline Zeolite Beta 275
Nanocrystalline Zeolite Beta/AI2O3 Composites 276
Pd-Loaded Zeolite Beta 276
Characterization 276
Catalytic Tests 277
Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene (2MN) 277
Isomerization of n-Octane 277
Results 277
Nanosized Zeolite Beta 277
XRD Analysis 277
TEM Studies 278
Nanosized Zeolite Beta Composites 278
XRD Analysis 278
Distribution of Zeolite Betat within the Composites 279
Surface Area and Pore Volume of the Composites 279
Acidity of the Composites 279
Catalytic Performance 280
Acylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene 280
n-Octane Isomerization 281
Discussion 282
Acknowledgement 283
References 283
Dibenzyldimethylammonium Cation as a Novel Structure Directing Agent for the Spontaneous Nucleation of All-Silica Zeolite Beta 285
Abstract 285
Introduction 285
Experimental 285
Results and Discussion 286
Conclusions 291
Acknowledgment 291
References 291
An Study of Cyclohexylpyrrolidine-Derived Quaternary Organic Cations as Structure Directing Agents for Synthesis of Zeolites 293
Abstract 293
Introduction 293
Experimental 294
Synthesis of Organic Structure Directing Agents 294
Results and Discussion 295
Effect of the Synthesis Conditions 295
Effect of the Size and Shape of the SDA during Synthesis of Zeolites 297
Synthesis of Zeolites Employing Diquaternary Cations as SDAs 299
Acknowledgements 301
References 301
Azonia-Spiro Compounds as Structure Directing Agents: A Computational Study 303
Abstract 303
Introduction 303
Experimental 304
Synthesis 304
Azonia-Spiro Compounds 304
Zeolites 304
Computational Details 305
Results and Discussion 307
Zeolite Synthesis 307
Computational Results 308
Conclusions 309
References 310
Recent Developments in the Use of Hexamethonium Salts as Structure Directing Agents in Zeolite Synthesis 311
Abstract 311
Introduction 311
Syntheses with Organic Precursors of Hexamethonium in Hydroxyde Media 311
Experimental Section 311
Result and Discussion 312
Synthesis in Fluoride Media 313
Experimental Section 313
Results and Discussion 313
Conclusion 316
References 316
The Effect of Potassium and Calcium on the Formation and Structure of Cancrinite 317
Abstract 317
Introduction 317
Experimental 318
Results 318
Potassium Systems 318
Powder X-Ray Diffraction 318
EDAX Analysis 319
Calcium Systems 320
Discussion 321
Conclusions 322
Acknowledgement 322
References 322
Zeolites Synthesis in the System N(CH3)(C2H5)3F-SiO2-H2O 323
Abstract 323
Introduction 323
Experimental 323
Preparation of Silica Gel 323
Zeolites Syntheses 323
Sample Characterization 323
Results and Discussion 324
RUB-36 324
ZSM-5 325
Nonasil 326
ZSM-12 327
AST 327
Conclusions 328
Acknowledgements 328
References 328
Towards Understanding the Energetics and Topology of Zeolites: A Polyhedral Approach 329
Abstract 329
Introduction 329
Frameworks and Tillings 329
Tiles and Faces 331
Face-Size Distribution and Cage Energetics 331
Implications for Zeolites 333
Conclusions 334
References 335
Design of Zeolite Frameworks with Cross-Linked Channels through Constrained Assembly of Atoms 336
Abstract 336
Introduction 336
Computational Methodology 336
Results and Discussion 337
Conclusion 343
Acknowledgement 344
References 344
Growth Mechanisms of Silicalite-1 345
Abstract 345
Introduction 345
Experimental 346
Growth Model 347
Results and Discussion 347
Growth Experiments 347
Critical Coagulation Concentration 349
Model Predictions 349
Interparticle Forces in Zeolite Growth 350
Conclusions 351
Acknowledgement 352
References 352
Mechanism of Ti(IV) Incorporation onto the Zeolite Framework Probed With XAFS 353
Abstract 353
Introduction 353
Experimental Section 353
Results and Discussion 354
Conclusion 360
Acknowledgement 360
References 360
Study of ETS-10 Crystallization in the Presence of TAABR Salts 362
Abstract 362
Introduction 362
Experimental 363
Results and Discussion 363
Conclusion 369
Acknowledgment 369
References 369
Effect of Stirring on the Selective Synthesis of Mel or Ton Zeolites in the Presence of 1,8-Diaminooctane 371
Abstract 371
Introduction 371
Experimental 371
Results and Discussion 372
Conclusions 375
References 376
In Situ Waxs-Saxs Synchrotron Study of the Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth in Linde Type-a Zeolite (LTA) 377
Abstract 377
Introduction 377
Experimental 378
Material Synthesis 378
Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction 378
Results and Discussion 378
Conclusions 382
Acknowledgements 382
References 384
Experimental Charge Density Matching Approach to Zeolite Synthesis 386
Abstract 386
Introduction 386
Experimental 387
Results and Discussion 387
Charge Density Mismatch Reaction Mixtures 387
Experimental Charge Density Matching 389
Template Cooperation - UZM-9 392
Deconvolution of Synthetic Variables and Flexibility 392
CDM Solutions and Template Cooperation 393
Conclusion 393
Acknowledgement 394
References 394
Formation of Mesophase Surfactant-Templated Silica Thin Films from Acidic Solutions 395
Abstract 395
Introduction 395
Experimental 395
Results and Discussion 396
CTAB Templated Films 396
Pluronic® P123 Templated Films 399
Conclusion 401
Acknowledgements 401
References 401
Fabrication of a New Mesostructured Silica Prepared by Double Replications from a MCM-48 Silica 402
Abstract 402
Introduction 402
Experimental Section 403
Synthesis of MCM-48 Silica Host 403
Synthesis of CM48T-C Template 403
Synthesis of HUM-1 Silica 403
Results and Discussion 403
Conclusions 406
Acknowledgment 407
References 407
Modelling and Experiment Towards the Design of Mesoporous Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Adsorbents 408
Abstract 408
Introduction 408
Experimental Methods 409
Synthesis of Phenyl-Functionalised SBA-2 Type Material 409
Synthesis of Phenyl Functionalised MCM-41 Type Material 409
Characterisation 409
Computational Methods 409
Simulation of the Synthesis 409
Simulation of Adsorption 411
Results and Discussion 411
Characterisation of Phenyl-Functionalised Materials 411
Simulations 413
Conclusions 415
Acknowledgement 415
References 415
Preparation of Ordered Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Using Carbon Mesoporous Materials as Template 416
Abstract 416
Introduction 416
Experimental 416
Results and Discussion 417
Conclusions 421
Acknowledgement 421
References 421
HRTEM Imaging of Mesoporous Phase Transition from Hexagonal P6mm to CUBIC Ia 3d Symmetry 422
Abstract 422
Introduction 422
Experimental 423
Characterisation 423
Results and Discussion 423
Conclusions 429
Acknowledgements 429
References 429
Hierarchically Ordered Porous Silica Composites: Ordering on Three Different Lengths with Three Dimensional Pore Inter-Connectivity 430
Abstract 430
Introduction 430
Experimental Section 431
Results and Discussion 432
Conclusions 437
References 437
Electrospun Molecular Sieve Fibers and Composites 438
Abstract 438
Introduction 438
Experimental 439
Results and Discussion 439
Mixed Metal Oxides 443
Conclusion 445
Acknowledgments 445
References 445
Synthesis of MCM-41 Materials in the Presence of Cetylpyridinium Surfactant 446
Abstract 446
Introduction 446
Experimental 447
Results and Discussion 447
Conclusions 452
References 452
Synthesis and Characterization of MCM-41 with Different Si/Al Molar Ratios and Different Silicon Sources 454
Abstract 454
Introduction 454
Experimental Section 454
Results 455
EDXRA Data 455
X-Ray Diffraction 455
Adsorption Isotherms 457
Pore Size Distribution 458
Conclusions 460
Acknowledgments 460
References 460
Alkali-Resistance of MCM-41 Mesoporous Molecular Sieves Containing Various T (Al, Si, Nb) Elements 461
Abstract 461
Introduction 461
Experimental 461
Samples Preparation 461
Characterisation Techniques 462
X-Ray Diffraction 462
N2 Adsorption/Desorption 462
UV- VIS Spectroscopy 462
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 462
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Study 462
Results and Discussion 462
Conclusions 467
Acknowledgement 467
References 467
A Comparative Study of Literature Methods of Introducing Acidity into MCM-41 468
Abstract 468
Introduction 468
Experimental 468
Results 469
Discussion 472
Acknowledgements 474
References 474
Effect of Surface Modifications on the Adsorption and Hydrothermal Stability of MCM-41 Material 475
Abstract 475
Introduction 475
Experimental 475
Synthesis 475
Surface Modifications and Hydrothermal Treatment 476
Characterizations 476
Results and Discussion 476
Adsorption Comparison 476
Improvement of Surface Hydrophobicity 477
Removal of Surface Hydroxyls by Fluorination 477
Removal of Surface Hydroxyls by Silylation 478
Removal of Surface Hydroxyls by Alkoxylation 479
Variation of Textural Properties and Hydrophobicity 479
Hydrothermal Stability of Modified Materials 480
Fluorinated M1 480
Silylated M1 and Carbonized SM1 480
Conclusions 482
References 482
Keggin Anions Promoted Synthesis of Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials 483
Abstract 483
Introduction 483
Experimental 484
Synthesis of Si-MCM-41 and Si-MCM-48 484
Synthesis of Zeolite Na-Y (Faujasite) 484
Synthesis of Silicalite-1 484
Synthesis of Ferrierite 485
Characterization 485
Results and Discussions 485
Proposed Nucleation Mechanism 488
Conclusion 489
Acknowledgements 489
References 489
New Templating Approach for Synthesis of Si-MCM-48 and Al-MCM-48 490
Abstract 490
Introduction 490
Experimental Section 491
Results and Discussion 491
Conclusion 494
Acknowledgment 494
References 494
Efficient Synthesis of High-Quality MCM-48 Silicas through Mixed Surfactants and pH Adjustment Route 496
Abstract 496
Introduction 496
Experimental 497
Preparation 497
Characterization 497
Results and Discussion 498
XRD Studies 498
Nitrogen Sorption Analysis 498
Thermal Studies 499
29Si MAS NMR 500
pH Adjustment 501
Conclusion 501
References 501
A New Synthesis Route of the Tridirectional 12 Ring Channel Zeolite ITQ-7 503
Abstract 503
Introduction 503
Experimental 504
Synthesis of the Organic Structure Directing Agents 504
Synthesis of ITQ-7 Zeolites 505
Computational Methods 505
Results and Discussion 506
Synthesis and Computational Studies 506
Characterisation of ITQ-7 Zeolites 507
Acknowledgements 510
References 510
Understanding the Growth Mechanism in SBA-1 Synthesis 511
Abstract 511
Introduction 511
17O NMR 512
Energy Dispersive XRD 514
14N NMR 516
29Si MAS NMR 516
Events in SBA-1 Formation 517
References 518
Transformation of Hexagonal Mesoporous Materials into Zeolytically Ordered Structure: Dry Gel Transformation 519
Abstract 519
Introduction 519
Experimental 520
Synthesis of MCM-41 520
Transformation of MCM-41 by Dry Gel Conversion (SAC Method) 520
Characterization 521
Results and Discussion 521
XRD Analysis 521
Pure Silica MCM-41 521
Parent TPAOH-MCM-41 522
DGC Conversion 522
BET Analysis 524
Nitrogen Physisorption Isotherm 524
Pore Size Distribution 525
Ft-IR Spectroscopy 526
Microscope Analysis 526
Conclusions 527
Acknowledgement 527
References 527
Hofmeister Anion Effects on the Formation of Mesoporous Silica Using CTEABr as the Pore-Directing Agent 528
Abstract 528
Introduction 528
Experimental Section 529
Results and Discussion 529
Acknowledgment 532
References 532
Preparation of Mesoporous Silica using Low Cost Green Reactants 533
Abstract 533
Introduction 533
Experimental 534
Synthesis 534
Characterization 534
Results and Discussion 535
Conclusions 539
References 539
Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica by Using Anionic Surfactant 541
Abstract 541
Introduction 541
Experimental 542
Syntheses of AMS 542
Characterizations of AMS 542
Results and Discussion 542
Conditions for the Formation of the Silica-micelle Composite AMS 542
Removal of the Surfactant from As-Synthesized AMS 544
Structural Features of Calcined and Surfactant-Extracted AMS 546
Conclusions 548
References 548
Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica with Novel Structures using Rigid Bolaform Ammonium Surfactants 550
Abstract 550
Introduction 550
Experimental Section 550
Chemicals 550
Synthesis 551
Post-Synthesis Treatment 551
Characterization 551
Results and Discussion 551
Conclusion 554
References 554
Quiescent Non-Ionic Surfactant Assembly of Mesoporous Materials under Basic Conditions 555
Abstract 555
Introduction 555
Experimental Part 556
Materials 556
Synthetic Procedures 556
Characterization 556
Results and Discussion 557
Synthetic Parameters 557
Characterization 559
Conclusions 562
Acknowledgements 562
References 562
Phase Transformation of Amorphous SBA-15 Pore Walls into Microporous MFI Structure 563
Abstract 563
Introduction 563
Experimental 564
Results and Discussions 564
Mesoporous SBA-15 564
Transformation of Mesoporous SBA-15 567
SBA-15 Transformed in the Presence of Hydroxyl Anions 567
SBA-15 Transformed in the Presence of Fluoride Anions 568
Isomerisation of m-xylene 569
Conclusions 570
Acknowledgements 570
References 570
Two-Step Route to Acid AIMSU-X Mesostructures Templated by Neutral TX-100 572
Abstract 572
Introduction 572
Experimental 572
Materials and Methods 572
Characterization 573
Results and Discussion 573
Conclusion 576
References 576
Structural and Textural Evolution of Bimodal Mesopore Silica Xerogels during Aging and Drying 577
Abstract 577
Introduction 577
Experimental Section 578
Synthesis 578
Characterization 578
Results 578
Effect of Aging Conditions 578
Effect of Drying Conditions 580
Discussion 582
Conclusions 582
Acknowledgement 583
References 583
Adaptation of Silanol Groups in Mesoporous Silica to be Silylated and their Evaluation by FTIR 584
Abstract 584
Introduction 584
Experimental Section 585
Reactants 585
Synthesis of the SBA 16-Type Mesoporous Material (D Material) 585
Post - Synthesis Treatments 585
Silylation 585
Characterization 585
Characterization of Silylated Samples by FTIR 586
Results and Discussion 586
Physicochemical Characteristics 586
Characterization of Silylated Samples 587
Conclusions 588
Acknowledgments 588
References 588
Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas Spheres: Novel Synthesis and Characterisation 590
Abstract 590
Introduction 590
Experimental 590
Results and Discussion 591
Conclusions 593
Acknowledgements 593
References 593
Synthesis of Micron-Sized Particles of Mesoporous Silica from Tri-Block Surfactants in Presence of Fluoride, Usable as Stationary Phase in HPLC 595
Abstract 595
Introduction 595
Experimental 595
Reactants 595
Synthesis Procedure 596
Preparation of the Materials for HPLC 596
Characterization of the Materials 596
Microscopy 596
Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms 596
X-Ray Diffraction 596
NMR Spectrometry 596
HPLC Measurements 596
Results and Discussion 597
Structural Characteristics 597
Macroscopic Morphology (Shape and Size) 598
Surfactant /TEOS Molar Ratio 599
Synthesis Temperature 599
Synthesis Acidity 599
Number of Heating Steps 599
Presence of Fluoride Anions 599
Chromatographic Evaluation 599
Characterization of the Materials for Reverse Chromatography 599
Evaluation of the Materials as Reverse HPLC Phases 600
Evaluation of the Materials as Normal HPLC Phases 601
Conclusions 601
Acknowledgments 602
References 602
TiO2 Loaded Mesoporous Silica Fiber for the Photocatalytic Application 603
Abstract 603
Introduction 603
Experimental 604
Preparation of Mesoporous Silica Fiber 604
Impregnation of TiO2 in the Mesoporous Silica Fiber 604
Characterizations 604
Results and Discussions 605
Conclusions 608
Acknowledgements 608
References 608
Dual Templating Function of Equisetum Arvense in the Preparation of Zeolite Macrostructures 610
Abstract 610
Introduction 610
Experimental 611
Results and Discussion 612
Conclusions 614
Acknowledgements 614
References 614
Synthesis of Crack-Free Silica Monoliths with Cubic Mesostructures by a Fast Evaporation Process 615
Abstract 615
Introduction 615
Experimental Section 615
Results and Discussion 616
Conclusion 619
Acknowledgement 619
References 619
Hydrothermal Transformation of Porous Glass Beads into Porous Glass Beads Containing Zeolite Beta (BEA) 620
Abstract 620
Introduction 620
Experimental 621
Materials 621
Hydrothermal Transformation of Porous Glass Beads into Porous Glass Beads Containing Zeolite Beta 622
Characterisation 622
Results nad Discussion 622
Conclusions 626
Acknowledgements 626
References 626
Simulation of the Formation of Thin Zeolite Coatings by Direct Synthesis from Clear Solutions 628
Abstract 628
Introduction 628
Theoretical 628
Results and Discussion 630
Conclusions 633
References 633
Quality Enhancement of NaA Zeolite Membranes 634
Abstract 634
Introduction 634
Experimental 635
Preparation 635
Characterization and Permeation Measurements 635
Results and Discussion 636
Influence of UV-Radiation on Nucleation of Zeolite 4A on a Model TiO2 (001) Surface 636
Characterisation of Zeolite 4A Membranes Synthesized on TrumemTM Porous Supports 638
Conclusion 640
References 641
A Compact ZSM-5 Membrane Prepared without Structure-Directing Agent 642
Abstract 642
Introduction 642
Experimental 642
Membrane Preparation 642
Characterization 643
Results and Discussion 644
ZSM-5 Membrane Prepared with an SDA-free Gel 644
ZSM-5 Membrane Prepared with an SDA-free Clear Solution 645
Conclusions 646
References 647
Silicalite-1 Membranes with Small Crystal Size 648
Abstract 648
Introduction 648
Experimental 648
Membrane Preparation 648
Characterization and Evaluation 649
Results and Discussion 649
Scanning Electron Microscope 649
Single Gas Permeation Measurement 651
Porosimetry 652
Separation Experiments 653
Conclusion 653
References 653
Pushing the Limits on C5/C6 Hydroisomerization Utilizing Membrane Reactor Technology 654
Abstract 654
Introduction 654
Experimental 655
Materials 655
Characterization of the Supported MFI Zeolite Membranes 655
Membrane Reactor Test Unit 656
Determination of Membrane Reactor Performance 656
Results and Discussion 657
Morphology and Nature of the Prepared Silicalite-1 Membranes 657
Gas Permeation and Butane Isomer Selectivities 657
Membrane Reactor Performance 657
Influence of n-C6 and Sweep Flow through the Membrane 657
Influence of Pressure Differential Across the Membrane 658
Influence of Temperature on Flux through Membrane 658
Influence of Temperature on Selectivity of Membrane 658
Influence of Pressure Differential on Selectivity and Permeation Fraction of Mixture 659
Combined Separation and Reaction Performance 659
Feasibility of Industrial Application 660
Conclusions 661
Acknowledgement 661
References 661
Factors Affecting the Performance of MFI Membranes 662
Abstract 662
Introduction 662
Experimental 662
Results and Discussion 663
Effect of Film Thickness on Membrane Quality 663
Preferred Orientation 663
Calcination Rate 665
Film Thickness and Support Properties 666
Quality Criteria 667
Porosimetry as a Tool to Predict Membrane Quality 667
Conclusions 668
References 668
Chemical and Mechanical Supported Crystallization (CMSC) of MFI-Type Zeolite on Different Reactive Substrate Materials 669
Abstract 669
Introduction 669
Experimental 670
Preparation of Substrate Materials 670
Crystallization 670
Characterization 670
Results and Discussion 671
Polymer Derived Ceramic Foams 671
Ceramic Tapes 672
Aluminium Tapes 673
Conclusions 675
References 675
ZSM-5 Crystalization of Preformed Amorphous Aluminosilicate Beads 676
Abstract 676
Introduction 676
Experimental Section 676
Results and Discussion 677
Conclusions 681
Acknowledgements 681
References 681
Mesoporous Me-AIPO-5 Spheres Prepared using Cation-Exchange Resins as Templates 682
Abstract 682
Introduction 682
Experimental Section 683
Results and Discussion 683
Conclusions 687
Acknowledgements 688
References 688
Searching for Clear Solution Compositions by using the Substrate Heating Method 689
Abstract 689
Introduction 689
Experimental 689
Results and Discussion 690
Conclusions 692
References 692
Microfabricated Zeolite Micromembranes 693
Abstract 693
Introduction 693
Experiments 694
Results and Discussion 694
Gas Permeation and Separation 695
Proton Transport 696
Acknowledgement 697
References 697
ZSM-5 Structured Catalysts Coated with Silicalite-1 699
Abstract 699
Introduction 699
Experimental Section 700
Results and Discussion 700
General Characterization 700
Catalytic Evaluation 702
Conclusions 705
Acknowledgements 705
References 705
Defect-Free Zeolite Thin Film Membranes for H2 Purification and Co2 Separation 708
Abstract 708
Introduction 708
Experimental 708
Gases 708
Permeation Measurements 709
Characterization Techniques 709
Membrane Synthesis 709
Results and Discussion 710
Conclusion 711
Acknowledgements 712
References 712
Silicalite-1 Membranes Prepared Via One-Step in Situ Seeding 713
Abstract 713
Introduction 713
Experimental 714
Membrane Preparation 714
Characterisation 714
Results and Discussion 715
In Situ Seeding 715
Membrane Synthesis 715
Single Gas Permeation Results 717
Conclusions 718
Acknowledgements 718
References 719
Accurate Measurement of the Thermal Expansion of MFI Zeolite Membranes by in situ HTXRPD 721
Abstract 721
Introduction 721
Experimental Section 722
Results and Discussion 722
Conclusions 727
Acknowledgements 727
References 727
Molecular Sieving Overlayer Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silica using Molecule as Template on Metal Oxide Surface 728
Abstract 728
Introduction 728
Experimental 729
Results and Discussion 730
Shape Selective Adsorption 730
Shape Selective Oxidation Catalysis 733
Conclusion 734
Acknowledgement 734
References 734
Structural Properties Of LTA Films Assembled from Aluminosilicate Clear Solutions and Dense Gels: A Gid X-Ray Study 735
Abstract 735
Introduction 735
Experimental 736
Results and Discussion 737
Crystal Growth of LTA-Type Zeolite in Clear Solution and Dense Gel Systems 737
Formation of LTA Films Via Seeded Approach from Aluminosilicate Clear Solutions and Gels 738
Conclusions 741
Acknowledgements 741
References 741
Size and Morphological Control of All-Silica Zeolite Beta 743
Abstract 743
Introduction 743
Experimental 744
Results and Discussion 744
Conclusions 747
Acknowledgements 747
References 747
Combinatorial Hydrothermal Synthesis of Titanium Zinc Silicates 749
Abstract 749
Introduction 749
Experimental 750
Combinatorial Synthesis of Zinc Silicates and Titanium Zinc Silicates 750
Characterisation 751
Results and Discussion 751
Synthesis in the Presence of Potassium 751
Synthesis of Zinc Silicates in the Presence of Sodium 752
Synthesis of Titanium Zinc Silicates in the Presence of Sodium 754
Conclusion 756
Acknowledgment 756
References 756
Synthesis and Structures of New Silicogermanates 757
Abstract 757
Introduction 757
Experimental Section 757
Results and Discussion 759
SU-9 759
SU-10 759
Structure Comparison of SU-9 and SU-10 760
SU-11 761
Conclusions 762
Acknowledgement 763
References 763
Microporous Titanosilicate Synthesized with Vanadium 764
Abstract 764
Introduction 764
Experimental 764
Results and Discussion 764
Kinetics Characterization 765
Multinuclear NMR Characterization 767
EDX Characterization 768
Morphological Characterization 769
Conclusion 770
References 770
Synthesis, Characterisation and Catalytic Studies of ZSM-5 and TS-1 Prepared by a New Method 772
Abstract 772
Introduction 772
Experimental 773
Results and Discussion 773
Acknowledgements 776
References 776
Synthesis of Titanosilicate ETS-4 Utilizing Organic Precursors 777
Abstract 777
Introduction 777
Experimental 778
Results and Discussion 779
Conclusions 782
Acknowledgement 783
References 783
Synthesis of Microporous Titanosilicates ETS-10 and AM-2 Using Ti2(SO 4)3 784
Abstract 784
Introduction 784
Experimental 784
Results and Discussion 785
Conclusion 789
Acknowledgements 789
References 789
Hydrothemal Synthesis of Zeolite-Like Zirconogermanates by the Use of Organic Amines 790
Abstract 790
Introduction 790
Experimental Section 791
Results and Discussion 792
Synthesis and Chemical Compositions 792
Structure Description 792
Characteristics of the Four Zirconogemanates 794
Acknowledgement 794
References 794
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Sized Copper-Silicate with MEL Structure 796
Abstract 796
Introduction 796
Experimental 796
Materials 796
Synthesis 796
Characterization 797
Results and Discussion 797
XRD and XRF 797
TEM 798
Framework IR 798
ESR 799
NH3-TPD 799
TG-DTA 800
Conclusion 800
Acknowledgement 800
References 800
Novel Strategies Towards Mesoporous Titania and Titania-Silicate Composites 803
Abstract 803
Introduction 803
Experimental 804
Synthesis 804
Method 1 804
Method 2 804
Characterization 804
Method 1 - Mesoporous Titania 805
Method 2 - Titania-Silicate Composites 807
Conclusion 810
Acknowledgment 810
References 810
Synthesis of Manganese Doped II/VI Semiconductor Quantum Wires within Mesoporous Silica Matrices with Different Pore Diameters 811
Abstract 811
Introduction 811
Experimental Section 812
Synthesis of Pristine MCM-41 Silica 812
Synthesis of Pristine SBA-15 Silica 812
Synthesis of the Nanostructured Host-Guest Compounds 812
Results and Discussion 812
Conclusions 817
Acknowledgements 817
References 818
Influence of Synthesis Routes on the State of Fe-Species in SBA-15 Mesoporous Materials 819
Abstract 819
Introduction 819
Experimental Section 820
Chemical Reagents 820
Synthesis of Fe Containing SBA-15 Mesoporous Materials 820
Direct Synthesis 820
Grafting on SBA-15 Materials 820
Sample Characterization 820
Catalytic Tests 820
Results and Discussion 821
Macroscopic Characterization 821
Mesoscopic Ordering of Fe-SBA-15 Materials 821
XRD Patterns 821
TEM Measurements 822
Nature and Environment of Fe Species 822
Mossbauer Measurements 822
Activity and Stability in Catalytic Tests 825
Conclusions 826
Acknowledgements 826
References 826
Synthesis and Characterization of Spherical Mesoporous MCM-41 Materials Containing Transition Metals 827
Abstract 827
Introduction 827
Experimental 828
Results and Discussion 829
Conclusions 833
Acknowledgement 833
References 833
Acidic and Redox Behavior of Iron Substituted Spherical Mesoporous MCM-41 Silicates 834
Abstract 834
Introduction 834
Experimental 834
Results and Discussion 835
Conclusions 840
Acknowledgement 840
References 840
Gold Catalysts Supported on Fe- and Co-MCM-41 841
Abstract 841
Introduction 841
Experimental 841
Results and Discussion 842
HRTEM and XRD Studies 842
BET Studies 845
Catalytic Activity Studies 845
Conclusions 846
References 847
Direct Synthesis of Pt Nanoparticles-Containing MCM-41 Using Surfactant Stabilized Pt Nanoparticles 848
Abstract 848
Introduction 848
Experimental 848
Preparation of Surfactant Stabilized Pt Nanoparticles and Pt Nanoparticles-Containing MCM-41 848
Characterization 849
Results and Discussion 849
Preparation of Surfactant Stabilized Pt Nanoparticles 849
Preparation of Pt/MCM-41 Using Surfactant Stabilized Pt Nanopartieles before Gel Filtration 850
Preparation of Pt/MCM-41 Using Surfactant Stabilized Pt Nanoparticles after Gel Filtration 852
Conclusions 853
References 854
Effect of Support Pore Size on the Structural and Catalytic Properties of Iron and Cobalt Oxides Modified SBA-1, SBA-15, MCM-41 and MCM-48 Silica Materials 855
Abstract 855
Introduction 855
Experimental 855
Results and Discussion 856
Textural Characterization 856
TPR Measurements 858
Catalytic Test 859
Conclusion 860
Acknowledgements 860
References 861
Synthesis and Characterisation of Multi-Element (Nb, V, Mo) MCM-41 Molecular Sieves 862
Abstract 862
Introduction 862
Experimental 862
Catalyst Preparation 862
Characterisation Techniques 863
Results and Discussion 863
Conclusions 868
Acknowledgements 868
References 868
Enhancement of Thermal and Hydrothermal Stability of MCM-41 by TiO2 Deposition 870
Abstract 870
Introduction 870
Experimental 871
Preparation of Materials 871
Characterization 871
Results and Discussion 871
Crystalline Phase Transformation of TiO2 871
Improvement of Thermal Stability 872
Improvement of Hydrothermal Stability 874
Effect of TiO2 Loading on Mesoporous Structure 875
Conclusions 875
References 876
Synthesis of MCM-58: Incorporation of Aluminum and Iron into Framework Positions 877
Abstract 877
Introduction 877
Experimental 877
Results and Discussion 878
Conclusions 882
Acknowledgement 883
References 883
Incorporation of Tin into Mesoporous Silica SBA-15 Molecular Sieves 884
Abstract 884
Introduction 884
Experimental 885
Results and Discussion 885
Conclusions 890
Acknowledgement 890
References 890
Attempts on Preparing Mesoporous Basic Material MgO/SBA-15 892
Abstract 892
Introduction 892
Experimental 893
Sample 893
Characterization 893
Results and Discussion 894
Conclusion 899
Acknowledgements 899
References 899
The Effect of Silica Source on the Properties of Chromium Containing Mesoporous Materials 900
Abstract 900
Introduction 900
Experimental 901
Results and Discussion 902
Conclusions 906
Acknowledgement 906
References 906
Intercalation of [Pt(NH3)4]2+ Ions into the Layered Sodium Silicate, Na-Magadiite 910
Abstract 910
Introduction 910
Experimental 910
Results and Discussion 910
Conclusion 911
References 911
Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized in Zeolites UTD-1, UTD-18 and UTD-12 913
Abstract 913
Introduction 913
Experimental 914
Results and Discussion 914
SWCNT in UTD-1 914
SWCNT in UTD-18 917
SWCNT in UTD-12 918
Acknowledgments 919
References 919
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes with Tailor Made Diameter in the Channels of Micelle-Templated Silicas 921
Abstract 921
Introduction 921
Experimental 922
Results and Discussion 922
Conclusion 925
Acknowledgements 925
References 926
Synthetic Control of Nanostructured Carbons Templated by Mesoporous SBA-15 Silica 927
Abstract 927
Introduction 927
Experimental Section 927
Synthesis of the Silica Templates 927
Synthesis of the Carbon Replicas 928
Results and Discussion 928
Conclusions 932
Acknowledgment 933
References 933
HRTEM of Negative Replicas of Mesoporous Silica 934
Abstract 934
Introduction 934
Experimental Section 934
Results and Discussion 935
Acknowledgements 940
References 940
Silver Nanowires: Inclusion in and Extrusion from Mesoporous Supports 941
Abstract 941
Introduction 941
Experimental 941
Results and Discussion 942
The '1:1 Reactions' 942
XRD 942
TEM 943
The '1:2 and 1:5 Reactions' 944
XRD 944
TEM 945
Conclusions 947
References 947
Nanoporous Arrays of Metal Sulfides Templated by Mesoporous Silica 949
Abstract 949
Introduction 949
Experimental Section 950
Preparation of Metal Sulfides 950
Characterization 950
Results and Discussion 950
Structural Properties 950
One-Step Impregnation Procedure 950
Two-Step Impregnation Procedure 953
Optical Properties 953
Conclusions 954
References 954
A One-Step Synthesis of Monolithic Silica/Block Copolymer/Metal Sulfide Composites with Ordered Mesostructure 956
Abstract 956
Introduction 956
Experimental Section 956
Results and Disscussion 957
Conclusion 959
Acknowledgement 959
References 960
Crystallization of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Niobium and Tantalum Mixed Oxide 961
Abstract 961
Introduction 961
Experimental 961
Results and Discussion 962
Acknowledgement 967
References 967
Synthesis and Structure of Two New Fluorogallophosphates Built from a Novel Connection Scheme of [2134] Pentacyclic Units 968
Abstract 968
Introduction 968
Experimental Section 968
Synthesis 968
Characterization 968
Results and Discussion 969
Synthesis and Crystal Morphology 969
Thermogravimetric and Chemical Analyses, Thermal Stability 971
Structure Determination 971
Structure Description 972
31P MAS NMR Spectroscopy 974
I3C and 19F MAS NMR Spectroscopies (Spectra not Shown) 975
Conclusion 975
Acknowledgements 975
References 975
Synthesis of SAPO-34 From the Lamellar ALPO-Kanemite 976
Abstract 976
Introduction 976
Experimental Part 977
Results and Discussion 978
Acknowledgements 980
References 980
Use of N, N-Diisopropylethylamine for Faster Synthesis of AlPO-5 and MgAPO-5 Molecular Sieves and their Characterization 981
Abstract 981
Introduction 981
Experimental 982
Results and Discussion 983
Conclusions 987
Acknowledgement 987
References 987
Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Properties of SAPO-11, -31 and -41 Molecular Sieves 988
Abstract 988
Introduction 988
Experimental 989
Results and Discussion 989
Conclusions 993
Acknowledgements 994
References 994
Synthesis of Single Crystals of Aluminophosphate-Based Molecular Sieves 995
Abstract 995
Introduction 995
Experimental 996
Results and Discussion 996
Conclusion 1001
Acknowledgments 1001
References 1002
Aluminophosphates Templated by Metal-Amine Complexes as Catalyst Precursors 1003
Abstract 1003
Introduction 1003
Experimental 1004
Synthesis and Characterisation of as-Prepared Materials 1004
Calcination and Characterisation of Calcined Materials 1005
Catalytic Measurements on the Conversion of n-Butane 1006
Results and Discussion 1006
Synthesis 1006
Calcination 1007
Catalysis 1009
References 1010
Synthesizing Large Single Crystals of Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieves from a Novel Route 1011
Abstract 1011
Introduction 1011
Experimental 1011
Synthesis 1011
Characterization 1012
Structure Determination 1012
Results and Discussion 1012
Acknowledgements 1016
References 1016
Studies on an Intermediate Phase Al5P5O20(OH)2.C6H18N2.3H2O and its Transformation to AlPO-HDA 1017
Abstract 1017
Introduction 1017
Experimental Section 1017
Synthesis of AIPO-HDA and the Isolation of Intermediate Phase AlPO-M1 1017
Study on the Crystallization of AlPO-HDA 1018
Characterization 1018
Results and Discussion 1018
The Synthesis of AlPO-HDA 1018
The Isolation of Intermediate Phase AlPO-M1 1019
Study on the Crystallization of AlPO-HDA 1020
Conclusions 1023
Acknowledgement 1023
References 1023
Structure Directing Role of Cyclic Amines Containing an Aromatic Ring in the Synthesis of AlPOs and SAPOs 1024
Abstract 1024
Introduction 1024
Experimental 1024
Results and Discussion 1025
AIPO4 Materials 1025
SAPOs Materials 1028
Conclusions 1029
Acknowledgments 1029
References 1030
New Structure-Directing Agents for the Specific Production of One-Dimensional Pore Mapos 1031
Abstract 1031
Introduction 1031
Experimental 1032
Results and Discussion 1033
Alternative SDAs for the Production of MAPO-36 1033
Synthesis of MAPO-39 1035
Conclusions 1036
Acknowledgements 1037
References 1037
The Application of Combinatorial Approach in the Hydrothermal Syntheses of Open-Framework Zinc Phosphates 1038
Abstract 1038
Introduction 1038
Experimental Section 1038
Results and Discussion 1039
Conclusions 1043
Acknowledgement 1044
References 1044
Synthesis and Structure of a New Three-Dimentional Open-Framework Zinc Phosphate with 12-Membered Ring Channels 1045
Abstract 1045
Introduction 1045
Experimental Section 1045
Synthesis 1045
Characterization 1045
Structural Determination 1046
Result and Discussion 1046
Conclusion 1049
Acknowledgement 1049
References 1050
Modification of Zincophosphate Sodalite with Silicon 1051
Abstract 1051
Introduction 1051
Experimental 1052
Results and Discussion 1053
Conclusions 1058
References 1058
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite-Like Iron and Zinc Phosphates and its Application in the Methanol Conversion 1059
Abstract 1059
Introduction 1059
Experimental 1060
Synthesis and Characterization 1060
Catalytic Activity 1060
Results and Discussion 1060
Synthesis and Characterization of Samples 1060
Catalytic Activity 1062
Conclusion 1065
References 1065
Hydrothermal Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Behavior of a New Zirconium Phosphate Fluoride 1066
Abstract 1066
Introduction 1066
Experimental 1066
Synthesis 1066
Characterization 1067
Results and Discussion 1067
Synthesis 1067
Characterization 1067
Conclusions 1069
Acknowledgments 1069
References 1069
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Two Organically Templated Trivalent Metal-Containing Zirconium Phosphates 1070
Abstract 1070
Introduction 1070
Experimental 1070
Synthesis 1070
Characterization 1071
Results and Discussion 1071
Synthesis 1071
Characterization 1071
Conclusions 1074
Acknowledgments 1074
References 1074
Mesostructured Titanium-Aluminium Mixed Oxides Synthesized Using Non-Ionic Surfactants 1080
Abstract 1080
Introduction 1080
Experimental 1080
Results and Discussion 1081
Conclusions 1084
Acknowledgements 1084
References 1084
General Synthesis of Ordered Stable Nonsiliceous Mesoporous Solids Via "Acid-Base Pairs" 1085
Abstract 1085
Introduction 1085
Experimental 1085
Synthesis 1085
Characterization 1086
Results and Discussion 1086
Conclusions 1090
References 1091
Molecular Design of Layered Zirconium Phosphonates for Fuel Cell Applications 1092
Abstract 1092
Introduction 1092
Experimental Methods 1093
Preparation of Zirconium Phosphonates 1093
Characterization of Zirconium Phosphonates 1093
Results and Discussion 1094
Preparation of Zirconium Phosphates and their Ion-Conductivity 1094
Preparation of Single and Composite Zirconium Phosphonates and their Ion-Conductivity 1096
Conclusion 1098
References 1098
Thermally Stable Mesoporous Zirconia Synthesized Using Triethanolamine: Effects of Synthesis Parameters 1099
Abstract 1099
Introduction 1099
Experimental 1100
Sample Preparation 1100
Characterization 1100
Results and Discussion 1101
Effect of Aging Temperature 1101
Effect of Mixing Temperature 1102
Effect of the Apparent pH of the Solution 1103
Effect of Calcination Temperature (Tcalcination) 1104
Conclusions 1104
Acknowledgements 1106
References 1106
One-Step Synthesis of Large Pore Mesoporous Metallo-Aluminophosphates under Nonaqueous Media 1107
Abstract 1107
Introduction 1107
Experimental 1108
Synthesis 1108
Characterization 1108
Results and Discussion 1108
References 1112
Hydrothemal Synthesis of New Hybrid Large Open-Framework Indium Phosphate-Oxalates 1114
Abstract 1114
Introduction 1114
Experimental Section 1114
Results and Discussion 1116
Synthesis and Initial Characterization 1116
Structure Description 1116
Conclusion 1119
Acknowledgement 1119
References 1119
Synthesis and Characterization of a Family Of Lamellar Manganese Phosphates 1122
Abstract 1122
Introduction 1122
Experimental Section 1122
Characterization 1122
Results and Discussion 1122
Synthesis of MnPO-Ln 1122
Composition of MnPO-Ln 1123
Characterization of MnPO-Ln 1123
Thermal Properties 1124
Magnetic Properties 1125
Conclusion 1125
References 1126
Recent Developments in the Synthesis of the Microporous Semiconductor SBC-1 1127
Abstract 1127
Introduction 1127
Experimental Section 1128
Results and Discussion 1129
Effects of Reagent Concentration in Autoclave 1129
Effects of Synthesis Time and Temperature 1130
Effects of Molar Ratios of Antimony and Tellurium, and Liquid Reagents in the Synthesis Mixture 1131
Effects of Amount of Propylamine in the Synthesis Mixture 1132
Effects of Amount of Potassium Hydroxide Solution in Synthesis Mixture 1133
Conclusions 1133
Acknowledgements 1133
References 1134
Synthesis and Functionalization of Mesoporous Zirconium (IV) Phosphate-Phenylphosphonate with Small Mesopores 1135
Abstract 1135
Introduction 1135
Experimental Section 1136
Materials 1136
Synthesis 1136
Characterization 1136
Catalysis Test 1137
Results and Discussion 1137
Preparation of MPZ-x Samples 1137
Functionalization of MPZ-x Samples 1139
Acidity and Catalytic Activity 1141
Conclusions 1141
Acknowledgements 1142
References 1142
Synthesis and Characterization of Microporous Layered Zirconium Phenylphosphonate 1143
Abstract 1143
Introduction 1143
Experimental 1143
Preparation of Catalyst 1143
Characterization of Samples 1144
Results and Discussion 1144
Conclusions 1148
Acknowledgement 1148
References 1148

Erscheint lt. Verlag 1.12.2005
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Wirtschaft Volkswirtschaftslehre Mikroökonomie
ISBN-10 0-08-096083-9 / 0080960839
ISBN-13 978-0-08-096083-8 / 9780080960838
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