Nineteenth-Century Interiors -

Nineteenth-Century Interiors

Volume I: Theories and Discourses Around the Home

Clive Edwards (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
616 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-1-032-26915-3 (ISBN)
143,40 inkl. MwSt
This volume of primary source materials documents the nature of the home and the theories and discussions around the concept. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of art history.
This volume of primary source materials documents the nature of the home and the theories and discussions around the concept. It examines the class divisions that become evident with the ostentatious lifestyles of political and society hostesses at the peak, whilst middle-class housing often in suburbia, seemed to have created a separation of home and work, arguably suggesting men and women lived in separate spheres. Working-class interiors, often seen the eyes of middle-class observers, were at the bottom of the hierarchy and often reflected concerns of social inequality and misery. The documents also address the process of purchasing and decorating a home, advice on decoration and home management, the nature of taste and comfort, and the symbolic roles of the home as an anchor in society. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students and scholars of art history.

Clive Edwards is Professor Emeritus of Design History at Loughborough University.

Volume 1. Theories, Discourses and Advice around the Home

Part 1. Aesthetics and Beauty

1. Ebenezer Trotman, ‘Some Remarks on Architectural Design, as Affecting the Inferior Arts Connected with Building’, Architectural Magazine, January 1835, pp. 3-7

2. William Morris, ‘Making the Best of It’, A Paper read before the Trades Guild of Learning and the Birmingham Society of Artists, in W. Morris, Hopes and fears for art: Five lectures, (London: Ellis & White. 1879), Extract, pp. 130-38

3. R. W. Arne, ‘Art in Domestic Matters; or Æsthetics in the House’, The Ladies’ Treasury: An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Literature, 1 January 1881, pp. 20-21,

and 1 April 1881, pp. 215-6

4. Maria O. Dewing, Beauty in the Household (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882), pp.1-10

5. Maria O. Dewing, Beauty in the Household (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1882), pp. 39-50

6. Robert W. Edis. ‘Principles of Interior Decoration’, in Murphy, S. F. 1883). Our Homes and how to make them Healthy. [Papers on sanitary subjects.] Edited by S.F. Murphy, (London: Cassell & Co., 1883), pp. 319-324

Part 2. Taste

7. Shirley Hibberd, ‘Homes of Taste’, Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste; and Recreations for Town Folk in the Study and Imitation of Nature (London: Driffield 1856), pp. 1-8

8. [Anon], ‘Mr. Eastlake on Taste’, Building News, 19 March (1869), pp. 260-1

9. [Anon], ‘Principles of Good Taste in Furniture’, Cassell’s Household Guide, 1869, Vol 3, pp. 75-9

10. Edward E. Salisbury, Principles of Domestic Taste: A Lecture delivered in the Yale School of the Fine Arts, Reprinted from the New Englander, April (1877), pp. 5-7

11. [Anon], ‘Principles of Good Taste in Furniture and Decoration’, Englishwoman’s Domestic Magazine, 1:5, 10 Jan.1880), pp. 65+

12. Elsie De Wolfe, ‘Suitability, Simplicity and Proportion’, The House in Good Taste, (New York: The Century Co.1913), pp. 17-26

13. George L. Hunter, ‘Good and Bad Furniture’, Home furnishing: Facts and figures about Furniture, Carpets and Rugs, Lamps and Lighting Fixtures, Wall Papers, Window Shades and Draperies, Tapestries, Etc. (New York: J. Lane, 1913), pp. 17-23

Part 3. Decorating advice

14. Thomas Sheraton, ‘Furnish’ The Cabinet Dictionary (London: W. Smith, 1803). Pp. 215-9

15. Humphrey Repton, & J. C. Loudon, The Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture of the late Humphrey Repton, esq., (London: Printed for the editor,1840), pp. 455-61

16. [Anon], ‘Hints for the Decoration and Furnishing of Dwellings’, Journal of Design and Manufactures, Vol 2, 1849-50, pp. 17-22

17. M. B. H., Home Truths for Home Peace, or "Muddle" Defeated, A Practical Inquiry Into what Chiefly Mars or Makes the Comfort of Domestic Life. Especially Addressed to Young Housewives by M. B. H., (London: Longman Brown, 1854), pp. 61-67

18. Joseph Beavington Atkinson, ‘The Arts in the Household; Or, Decorative Art Applied To Domestic Uses’, Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 105:641, 1869, pp. 361-366

19. Joseph Beavington Atkinson, ‘Interior Decoration of the House’ ‘The Influence Of Art in Daily Life’, Good Words, 21, January (1880), pp. 418-42

20. J. Moyr. Smith, Ornamental Interiors Ancient & Modern (London: Crosby Lockwood and Co. 1887), pp.76-87

21. John A. Heaton, ‘Decoration of the House’, Beauty and Art (London: Heinemann 1897), pp. 91-100

22. Martha Cutler, ‘What to Avoid in House-furnishing’, Harper’s Bazaar, 41, May 1907, pp. 484-488

Part 4. Cleanliness & Housekeeping

23. Catherine E. Beecher, ‘On the Care of Parlours', The Treatise on Domestic Economy for the use of Young Ladies… (New York: Harper Bros., 1846), pp. 302-306

24. Eliza Leslie, Miss Leslie’s Lady’s House-Book: A Manual of Domestic Economy, Containing Approved Directions for Washing, Dress-Making, Millinery, (Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan, successor to A. Hart, late Carey & Hart. 1850), pp. 336-343

25. Samuel W. Richards, ‘The Influence of Order, Method, and Cleanliness, in Factories and Workshops, upon the Homes of the Industrial Population of Large Towns’, Journal of the Society of Arts, 25, 1876, pp. 893-8

26. Florence Caddy, Household Organization, (London: Chapman & Hall, 1877), pp. 155-175

27. Mrs [Mary] Haweis, The Art of Housekeeping: A Bridal Garland, (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1889), pp. 79-86

28. Spencer Sills, Common-Sense Homes: A Practical Book for Everybody upon the Essential Equipment and Treatment of the Home (London: Cassell. 1912), pp. 1-7

Part 5. Comfort

29. Max Schlesinger & O. Wenckstern, Saunterings in and about London (London: N. Cooke, 1853), pp. 6-10

30. Henry Mayhew, ‘Home is Home be it Never So Homely’, in C. J. Shrewsbury, Meliora: or Better Times to Come, (London: Parker and Son, 1853), pp. 258-264

31. [Anon], ‘Our Household Goods’, Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art, 18, 458, (1864), pp.178-180

32. Robert Kerr, The Gentleman’s House: Or, How to plan English residences, from the parsonage to the palace; with tables of accommodation and cost, and a series of selected plans (London: J. Murray, 1865), pp. 69- 71

33. Hippolyte Taine, Notes on England (London: Strahan & Co., 1872), pp. 181-183

34. Samuel Smiles, Thrift (London: J. Murray, 1875), pp. 359-362

Part 6. Domesticity

35. James A. Froude, The Nemesis of Fait, (London: Chapman, 1849), pp.102-4

36. Joseph Watts Lethbridge, ‘The Home Paradise’, The Englishwoman’s Review: A Journal of Woman’s Work, no. 45, 22 May1858, pp. 629-30

37. Eliza Cook, ‘Three Hundred Pounds a Year’, The Poetical Works of Eliza Cook (London: F. Warne, c. 1872), pp. 601-3

38. Annie. S. Swan, ‘The Ideal Home’, Courtship and Marriage: And the Gentle art of Home-making (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1893), pp. 56-64

39. Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley, Shelter and Clothing: A Textbook of the Household Arts (New York: Macmillan Co., c.1913), pp. 1-5

Part 7. Gender and Identity

40. [Anon], ‘Decorating Art as an Employment for Ladies’, The Ladies’ Treasury: An Illustrated Magazine of Entertaining Literature, 1 December 1874, pp. 291+

41. Jacob von Falke, ‘Women’s Aesthetic Mission’, Art in the House: Historical, Critical, and Æsthetical Studies on the Decoration and Furnishing of the Dwelling (Boston: L. Prang & Co. 1879), pp. 330-6

42. Lewis F. Day, ‘How to Decorate a Room’, Magazine of Art, 1881, pp.182-6

43. Frances Power Cobbe, The Duties of Women: A Course of Lectures Authorized ed. (Boston, Mass.: G. H. Ellis. 1882), 136-148 [Extracts]

44. [Anon], ‘Relations of Interior Decoration with Costume and Complexion’, The Art Amateur, 10, 1, 1883, pp. 13-16

45. [Anon], ‘Women and Men: Women as Household Decorators’, Harper’s Bazaar, 19, 27 February 1886, p.138

46. J. Moyr. Smith, Ornamental Interiors Ancient & Modern (London: Crosby Lockwood. 1887), pp. 76-80

47, Mary Temple Bayard, ‘How to Beautify a Home’, The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, 111, 1894, pp. 168-172

48. Candace Wheeler, ‘Interior Decoration as a Profession for Women’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 26, 3, 1895, pp. 87

49. Mrs O. B. Bunce, ‘Mrs. Kate Collins the Artist-Decorator’, The Decorator and Furnisher, 30, 4, 1897, pp. 102–104

50. Marquise de Fontenoy, ‘The Beautiful Woman’s Home’, in Eve’s Glossary: [The guide-book of a "mondaine"] (Chicago: H.S. Stone. 1897), pp. 175-183

51. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Home, its Work and Influence (London: William Heinemann, 1904), pp. 143-60

52. Averil Furniss, Dorothy Sanderson and Marion Phillips, ‘The Views of the Woman in the Home’, The Working Woman’s House (London: The Swarthmore Press Ltd. 1919), pp. 9-21

Part 8. Role of Architects, Designers and Decorators

53. [Anon], ‘The Architect versus the Cabinet Maker and Others’, The Fine Arts Journal, 13 February 1847, p. 228

54. Mrs Martha J. Loftie, ‘Doing Up One’s House’, Social Twitters (London: Macmillan, 1879), pp. 33-9

55. Lewis F. Day, ‘The Relation of the Architect to the Decorator’, British Architect, 16 March 1883, pp.125-6

56. Charles F. A. Voysey, ‘The Aims and Conditions of the Modern Decorator’, The Journal of Decorative Art, 15, 1895, pp. 82-90

57. ‘Crace Company’, Wyman's Commercial Encyclopædia of Leading Manufacturers of Great Britain (London: Wyman, 1888), pp. 144-46

Part 9. Role of Retailers and purchasing practices

58. M. B. H., Home Truths for Home Peace, or "Muddle" Defeated, A Practical Inquiry into what Chiefly Mars or Makes the Comfort of Domestic Life. Especially Addressed to Young Housewives (London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1854), 6th Edition, pp. 78-85

59. John V. Hood, ‘An Art Room’, The Connoisseur, 2, 2, 1887, pp. 80–5

60. R. Riordan, ‘A Visit to Bailey, Banks & Biddle’s Art Rooms’, The Connoisseur, 3, 2, 1888, pp. 61–73

61. John H. Cardwell, Two Centuries of Soho: Its Institutions, Firms, and Amusements (London: Truslove and Hanson, 1898), pp. 188-96

62. Lewis F. Day, ‘Decoration by Correspondence’, The Art Journal, 55,1893, pp. 85-8

63. Jane Ellen Panton, ‘Parlours’, Suburban Residences and how to Circumvent Them (London: Ward & Downey, 1896), pp. 128-58

64. John H. Elder-Duncan, ‘Hints to Purchasers’, The House Beautiful and Useful: Being Practical Suggestions on Furnishing and Decoration (London: Cassell, 1907), pp. 221-4

65. Walter S. Sparrow, Hints on House Furnishing (London: Eveleigh Nash, 1909), pp. 29-39

Part 10. Spiritual Matters

66. Jesse E. Dow, ‘The Happy Home’, The Ladies’ Cabinet of Fashion, Music and Romance, 1 March 1840, pp.184+

67. George. G. Scott, Remarks on Secular & Domestic Architecture, Present & Future (London; J. Murray, 1857), pp. 140-3

68. [Anon], ‘Luxury in House Decoration’, Saturday Review, 7 September (1878), pp. 307-8

69. James R. Miller, ‘The Ethics of Home Decoration’, Week-day Religion, (Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1880). pp. 265-74

70. Laura C. Holloway, The Hearthstone, or Life at Home: A Household Manual Containing Hints and Helps for Home Making: Home Furnishing; Decoration; Amusements ... Together with a Complete Cookery Book (Chicago: L.P. Miller. 1887). pp. 25-35



Zusatzinfo 33 Halftones, black and white
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 1280 g
Themenwelt Kunst / Musik / Theater Kunstgeschichte / Kunststile
Naturwissenschaften Biologie Ökologie / Naturschutz
Technik Architektur
ISBN-10 1-032-26915-4 / 1032269154
ISBN-13 978-1-032-26915-3 / 9781032269153
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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