4th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (eBook)
XLV, 835 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-030-31866-6 (ISBN)
This book gathers the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, held on September 18-21, 2019, in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. It continues the tradition of the previous conference proceedings, thus reporting on both fundamental and applied research at the interface between nanotechnologies and biomedical engineering. Topics include: developments in bio-micro/nanotechnologies and devices; biomedical signal processing; biomedical imaging; biomaterials for biomedical applications; biomimetics; bioinformatics and e-health, and advances in a number of related areas. The book offers a timely snapshot of cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and developments in the field of biomedical and nano-engineering.
Preface 6
4th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering ICNBME-2019, September 18–21, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 7
Committees 8
Conference Chairs 8
International Advisory Committee 8
International Program Committee 9
Organizing Committee 10
Reviewers List 10
Plenary Speakers Abstracts 11
New Areas of Research and Applications for GaN 12
Recent Progress of Cold Cathodes: Volcano-Structured Field Emitters and GOS Tunneling Cathodes 14
Macromolecular Nanovectors for Gene Delivery 16
Nanosensors: Current Status and Perspectives 17
Complex Nanostructured Materials 19
Topology- and Geometry-Induced Properties of Advanced Nanoarchitectures 20
From Transplantation to Organ and Tissue Biofabrication 22
Engineered Microbots for Biomedical Applications 23
Exploiting the Versatility of Nanostructured Transistors for Biosensing Applications 24
Polysaccharide (Nano) Composites 26
Contents 27
Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials 38
1 3D-Printed Sensor Array of Semiconducting Oxides 39
Abstract 39
1 Introduction 39
2 Experimental 39
3 Results and Discussion 40
4 Conclusions 42
Acknowledgements 42
References 42
2 Broad-Band Spectroscopy of Nanoconfined Water Molecules 43
Abstract 43
1 Introduction 43
2 Experimental Details 44
3 Results and Discussion 44
4 Conclusions 46
Conflict of Interest 46
References 46
3 Superposition States of the Two-Dimensional Magnetoexcitons with Dirac Cone Dispersion Law and Quantum Interference Effects in Optical Transitions 48
Abstract 48
1 Introduction 48
2 Optical Quantum Transitions from the Ground State of the Crystal to the Superposition Magnetoexciton States. The Interference Effects 49
3 Conclusions 51
Conflict of Interest 52
References 52
4 Superconductivity and Weak Ferromagnetism in Inclination Bicrystal Interfaces of Bismuth and Antimony 53
Abstract 53
1 Results and Discussion 53
1.1 Bi Inclination Interfaces 53
1.2 Sb Inclination Interfaces 54
2 Conclusions 55
Conflict of Interest 56
References 56
5 Unusual Size Dependence of Acoustic Properties in Layered Nanostructures 57
Abstract 57
1 Introduction 57
2 Surface Adapted Basis Set 57
3 Properties of the Solutions 58
4 Conclusions 60
Acknowledgements 61
References 61
6 Features of Radiative Recombination of Iron-Doped Gallium Antimonide 62
Abstract 62
1 Introduction 62
2 Experimental Results and Their Discussions 62
3 Conclusions 65
Conflict of Interest 65
References 65
7 Spin Crossover in Iron(II) Complexes with Mixed Nitrogen-Sulfur Coordination: DFT Modeling 66
Abstract 66
1 Introduction 66
2 Computational Details 66
3 Results and Discussion 67
4 Conclusions 68
Acknowledgements 68
References 68
8 Change in Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Nitride Thin Films by Substrate Temperature 70
Abstract 70
1 Introduction 70
2 Materials and Methods 70
3 Results and Discussion 71
4 Conclusions 73
Acknowledgements 74
References 74
9 Modeling of Charge Transfer Induced Spin Transition in a Linear {FeCoFe} Complex 75
Abstract 75
1 Introduction 75
2 Model 75
3 Analysis of the Experimental Data 76
4 Conclusions 77
Conflict of Interest 77
References 77
10 Mössbauer Effect in 57Fe-Doped Gallium Antimonide 79
Abstract 79
1 Introduction 79
2 Discussion of Experimental Results 80
3 Conclusions 83
Conflict of Interest 83
References 83
11 ZnO Nanometric Layers Used in Photovoltaic Cells 84
Abstract 84
1 Introduction 84
2 Experiment 85
3 Results And Interpretation 85
4 Conclusions 87
Acknowledgements 87
References 87
12 Resistivity Response to Stress and Strain of a Flexible Bi2Te3 Based Thermoelectric Material 88
Abstract 88
1 Introduction 88
2 Experimental 88
3 Results and Discussion 89
4 Conclusions 91
Acknowledgements 91
References 91
13 “True” Dose Rate Effect of the ELDRS Conversion Model 92
Abstract 92
1 Introduction 92
2 Hydrogen-Electron Model (H-e Model) 93
3 ELDRS Conversion Model 93
4 Physical Mechanism of True and Time Dependent Effect 94
5 Conclusions 95
References 95
14 Modeling of the Valence Tautomeric Transformation in Heterometallic [Cr-Dhbq-Co] Molecules 97
Abstract 97
1 Introduction 97
2 The Model 98
3 Results 99
4 Conclusions 99
Acknowledgements 100
References 100
15 Fabrication and Application of TEM-Compatible Sample Grids for Ex Situ Electrical Probing 101
Abstract 101
1 Introduction 101
2 Preparation of Functional TEM-Grids 102
2.1 Materials and Possibilities 102
2.2 Shadow Mask 102
2.3 Lithography 102
2.4 Gas Injection Source (GIS) 103
3 Example Measurement 103
3.1 Methods 103
3.2 Results and Discussion 103
4 Conclusions 104
Acknowledgements 104
References 104
16 Refractive Index in the Region of Excitonic Resonances in TlGaSe2 Crystals 105
Abstract 105
1 Introduction 105
2 Experimental Methods 105
3 Experimental Results and Discussion 105
4 Conclusions 107
References 107
17 Optical Activity in Mn Doped As2S3 Glasses 108
Abstract 108
1 Introduction 108
2 Experimental Methods 108
3 Experimental Results and Discussions 109
4 Conclusions 111
Conflict of Interest 111
References 111
18 Electrical Properties of Thermal Annealed in Vacuum Spray Deposited Al-Doped ZnO Thin Films 112
Abstract 112
1 Introduction 112
2 Experimental Details 112
3 Results and Discussion 113
4 Conclusions 116
Acknowledgements 116
References 116
19 Growth of P-GaN on Silicon Substrates with ZnO Buffer Layers 117
Abstract 117
1 Introduction 117
2 Experiment 118
3 Results and Discussion 119
4 Conclusion 120
Acknowledgements 120
References 120
20 TEM and Electrochemical Investigation of Different Morphology Silicon Anodes 121
Abstract 121
1 Introduction 121
2 Materials and Method 122
3 Results and Discussion 122
4 Conclusions 124
Conflict of Interest 124
References 124
21 Adsorption of Lead Ions on Carbonaceous Sorbents of Nutshell Obtained from Secondary Raw Material 125
Abstract 125
1 Introduction 125
2 Materials and Methods 125
3 Results and Discussion 126
4 Conclusion 127
Conflict of Interest 128
References 128
22 Structural and Photoluminescence Properties of Nanoparticles Formed by Laser Ablation of Porous Silicon in Ethanol and Liquid Nitrogen 129
Abstract 129
1 Introduction 129
2 Materials and Methods 130
3 Results and Discussion 130
4 Conclusions 131
Acknowledgements 131
References 131
23 Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties of Zn1?xMgxO Thin Films Obtained by Spin Coating and Aerosol Deposition Method 133
Abstract 133
1 Introduction 133
2 Technology of ZnMgo Thin Films Preparation 133
3 Study of Morphological Properties 134
4 Study of Electrical and Photoelectrical Properties 136
5 Conclusions 137
Acknowledgements 137
References 137
24 Peculiarities of Surface Relief Grating Formation in Nanomultilayer Structures Based on As2S3–Se Chalcogenide Glasses 138
Abstract 138
1 Introduction 138
2 Materials and Methods 138
3 Results and Discussion 139
4 Conclusions 141
Acknowledgements 142
References 142
25 Near-Edge Optical Properties of Layered Tin Sulfide (Selenide) Crystals 143
Abstract 143
1 Introduction 143
2 Experimental Methods 143
3 Experimental Results and Discussions 144
4 Conclusions 146
Acknowledgements 146
References 146
26 Nanostructured Organic Crystals as Prospective Thermoelectric Materials for Infrared Sensors 147
Abstract 147
1 Introduction 147
2 The Physical Model of TTT2I3 148
3 Transport Properties 148
4 Numerical Results 149
5 Conclusions 150
Acknowledgement 150
References 150
27 Effects of Green Silver Nanoparticles on CCl4 Injured Albino Rats’ Liver 152
Abstract 152
1 Introduction 152
2 Materials and Methods 152
2.1 Extracts Preparation and Detection of Antiradical Activity 152
2.2 Green Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis 152
2.3 Experimental Procedure 152
2.4 Histological Examination 153
2.5 Biochemical Analysis 153
2.6 Statistical Analysis 153
3 Results 153
3.1 Total Antiradical Activity of O. araratum Extracts 153
3.2 AgNPs Synthesis 153
3.3 Histological Examination 153
3.4 Biochemical Analysis 154
4 Discussions 154
Conflict of Interest 155
References 155
28 Luminescent Properties on ZnO:Cr Nanocrystals and Thin Layers 157
Abstract 157
1 Introduction 157
2 Experimental 157
3 Results and Discussion 158
4 Conclusions 160
Acknowledgements 160
References 160
29 Evaluation of Stimulatory, Antifungal and Thermo-Resistant Action of Aqueous Dispersions of Nanoparticles on Seeds of Parental Forms and Reciprocal Hybrids of Winter Wheat 161
Abstract 161
1 Introduction 161
2 Materials and Methods 162
3 Results and Discussions 162
3.1 Methodological Experiment 162
3.2 Evaluation of the Stimulatory, Antifungal and Thermo-Resistant Action of Aqueous Dispersions of Nanoparticles on Seeds of Parental Forms and Winter Wheat Hybrids 163
3.3 Evaluation of the Thermo-Resistant Effect of Aqueous Dispersions with Nanoparticles on Seeds of Parental Forms and Hybrids of Winter Wheat 163
3.4 Effect of Pre-sowing Treatment of Triticale Seeds with Water Dispersion of Silver Nanoparticles on the Productivity of Plants in Field Conditions 164
4 Conclusions 164
Conflict of Interest 165
References 165
30 Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue with Composite Nanocrystalline TiO2+ Diatomite 166
Abstract 166
1 Introduction 166
2 Experimental 167
2.1 Materials and Chemicals 167
2.2 Preparation of TiO2/Diatomite Composite 167
2.3 Material Characterization 167
3 Results and Discussion 168
3.1 Photocatalytic Activity of DDT 168
3.2 Effect of Initial Concentration of Dye 168
3.3 Effect of pH Value of the Solution on the Photo-Degradation 168
3.4 Effect of DDT Doze on the Photo-Degradation of MB 169
4 Conclusions 169
Conflict of Interest 169
References 169
31 Micromechanical Properties and Plastic Deformation Features of the Pb1?xYbxTe Ternary Semiconductors 171
Abstract 171
1 Introduction 171
2 Experimental 171
3 Results and Discussion 172
4 Conclusions 175
Acknowledgements 175
References 175
32 Quantum Interferences with Equidistant Three-Level Quantum Wells 176
Abstract 176
1 Introduction 176
2 The Model 177
3 Results and Discussions 179
4 Conclusions 179
Conflict of Interest 179
References 179
33 Luminescence Properties of a Novel Eu3+ Dinuclear Coordination Compound 181
Abstract 181
1 Introduction 181
2 Methods for Characterisation of the Complex 181
3 Photoluminescence Spectra and Discussion 182
4 Conclusions 184
Conflict of Interest 184
References 184
34 Me-ZnP2 Diodes Sensible to Optical Gyration 186
Abstract 186
1 Introduction 186
2 Experimental Method 186
3 Experimental Results and Discussions 187
4 Conclusions 189
Conflict of Interest 189
References 190
35 Applications of Chalcogenides as Electron Transport Layers and Doping Materials in Perovskite Solar Cells 191
Abstract 191
1 Introduction 191
2 Experimental Details 191
3 Discussions 192
4 Conclusions 192
Conflict of Interest 193
References 193
36 Applications of Chalcogenides as Hole Transport Layers and Dopants in Perovskite Solar Cells 195
Abstract 195
1 Introduction 195
2 Experimental Details 195
3 Discussions 196
4 Conclusions 197
Conflict of Interest 197
References 198
37 The Influence of the External Magnetic Field on the Electronic Density of States of Quasi-1D System in the Mixed Phase of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave 199
Abstract 199
1 Introduction 199
2 Hamiltonian of the System and Main Definitions 200
3 The Calculation of the Electronic Density of States 201
4 Numerical Calculation and Discussion of Results 201
5 Conclusions 202
Conflict of Interest 203
References 203
38 Elastic Coupling at Epitaxial Multiferroic Interfaces: In Situ X-Ray Studies of Electric Field Induced Strain 204
Abstract 204
1 Introduction 204
2 Experimental Setup 205
3 Results and Discussion 206
4 Conclusions 208
Acknowledgements 208
References 208
39 Investigation of the Electrochemical Properties of Lithium–Sulfur Cells with Sulfur Electrodes Based on Carbon Inverted Opals 209
Abstract 209
1 Introduction 209
2 Experimental 210
2.1 Synthesis of Carbon Material C-IOP-160-8 210
2.2 Characterization of the Obtained Materials 210
3 Results and Discussion 210
4 Conclusions 212
Acknowledgements 212
References 212
40 Peierls Structural Transition in Organic Crystals of TTT2I3 with Intermediate Carrier Concentration 214
Abstract 214
1 Introduction 214
2 The Physical Model of the Crystal 215
3 Results and Discussion 216
4 Conclusions 216
Acknowledgements 217
References 217
41 GaN-Based 2D and 3D Architectures for Electronic Applications 218
Abstract 218
1 Introduction 218
2 Results And Discussions 218
2.1 Memristors 218
2.2 Pressure Sensors 219
3 Conclusions 220
Acknowledgements 220
References 221
42 The Structure and Chemical Composition of Ga2O3 Oxide Prepared by Annealing of Ga2Se3 Crystals 222
Abstract 222
1 Introduction 222
2 Materials and Methods 222
3 Results and Discussion 223
4 Conclusions 226
Conflict of Interest 226
References 226
43 The Use of Metal Oxide Semiconductors for THz Spectroscopy of Biological Applications 227
Abstract 227
1 Introduction 227
2 THz Spectroscopy of Biological Applications 228
2.1 Nucleic Acids 228
2.2 Amino Acids and Peptides 228
2.3 Proteins 228
2.4 Cancer Detection 229
3 THz Sources Based on Zinc Oxide Materials 229
3.1 ZnO-Based THz QCLs 229
3.2 ZnO-Based THz RTDs 229
4 Conclusions 230
Conflict of Interest 230
References 230
44 ZnO-Based Quantum Structures for Terahertz Sources 232
Abstract 232
1 Introduction 232
2 THz Sources Based on Zinc Oxide Materials 233
2.1 ZnO-Based THz QCLs 233
2.2 ZnO-Based THz RTDs 234
3 Conclusions 235
Acknowledgements 235
References 235
45 Surface Modification of PVDF Copolymer Nanofiber by Chitosan/Ag(NP)/Nanosilica Composite 237
Abstract 237
1 Introduction 237
2 Eksperimental Section 238
2.1 Materials 238
2.2 Preparation of Chitosan/Ag(NP)/Nanosilica Solution 238
2.3 Preparation of Coating PVDF Copolymer Nanofiber 238
2.4 Characterization 238
3 Result and Discussion 238
3.1 Synthesis of Chitosan/Ag(NP)/Nanosilica Solution 238
3.2 Morphology 239
3.3 Spectrum Analysis of ATR-FTIR 239
3.4 Water Contact Angle 239
4 Conclusions 240
Acknowledgements 241
References 241
46 Recent Progress in GaN-Based Devices for Terahertz Technology 243
Abstract 243
1 Introduction 243
2 Growth, Crystal Structure and Basic Properties of Iii-Nitrides 244
3 GaN-Based THz Quantum Cascade Lasers 244
4 Gan-Based THz Resonant Tunneling Diodes 245
5 GaN-Based THz Gunn Diodes 246
6 Conclusions 246
Acknowledgements 246
References 246
47 Silanized Citric Acid Capped Magnetic Nanoparticles and Influence on Chlorophylls 248
Abstract 248
1 Introduction 248
2 Experimental 248
3 Results and Discussion 249
4 Conclusions 251
Acknowledgements 251
References 251
48 Enhancement in Conductivity and Photoresponse of Ga Doped ZnO Nanofibers 253
Abstract 253
1 Introduction 253
2 Database and Methods 253
3 Results 254
4 Conclusions 255
Acknowledgements 256
References 256
49 Luminescence of ?-Ga2O3 Nanoforms Obtained by Oxidation of GaSe Doped with Eu 257
Abstract 257
1 Introduction 257
2 Materials and Methods 257
3 Results and Discussion 258
4 Conclusion 260
Conflict of Interest 261
References 261
50 Sensorial and Local Reflectivity Properties of the Columnar ZnO:Eu Films 262
Abstract 262
1 Introduction 262
2 Experimental 263
3 Results and Discussion 263
4 Conclusions 265
Conflict of Interest 265
References 265
51 Effects of Heat Treatment on Palladium-Doped Zinc Oxide on Sensory Selectivity 267
Abstract 267
1 Introduction 267
2 Experimental 267
3 Conclusions 270
Acknowledgements 270
References 270
52 Mechanical and Wetting Properties of Three-Dimensional Flexible Tetrapodal ZnO Networks ALD-Coated with Al2O3 271
Abstract 271
1 Introduction 271
2 Materials and Methods 271
2.1 Sample Preparation 271
2.2 SEM/EDX 272
2.3 Compression Tests 272
2.4 Contact Angle (CA) Measurements 272
3 Results and Discussion 272
3.1 SEM/EDX 272
3.2 Compression Tests 273
3.3 Contact Angle (CA) Measurements 274
4 Conclusion 275
Conflict of Interest 275
References 275
53 Polarization Holographic Recording on Photosensitive Polymers 276
Abstract 276
1 Introduction 276
2 Materials and Methods 277
3 Results and Discussion 278
4 Conclusions 280
Conflict of Interest 281
References 281
54 QDs Doped Azopolymer for Direct Holographic Recording 282
Abstract 282
1 Introduction 282
2 Materials and Methods 283
3 Results and Discussion 284
4 Conclusions 285
Conflict of Interest 285
References 285
55 Radiative Recombination of Bound Excitons in MoSe2:I2 Layered Crystals 286
Abstract 286
1 Introduction 286
2 Experimental Results 287
3 Discussion 288
4 Conclusion 289
Conflict of Interest 289
References 289
56 Acetone Sensing Properties of Nanostructured Copper Oxide Films on Glass Substrate 291
Abstract 291
1 Introduction 291
2 Experimental 291
2.1 Synthesis of CuO/Cu2O Nanostructured Films via a Chemical Synthesis Method 291
2.2 Characterization 292
3 Results 292
3.1 Morphological Characterization 292
3.2 Gas Sensing Properties 292
4 Proposed Mechanism 294
5 Conclusions 295
Conflict of Interest 295
References 295
57 Influence of the Growth Temperature on the Properties of the Transparent and Conductive NiO Thin Films Obtained by RF Magnetron Sputtering 297
Abstract 297
1 Introduction 297
2 Experiment 297
3 Results and Discussion 298
3.1 Optical Properties 298
3.2 Electrical Properties 298
3.3 Structure and Composition of the Films 298
4 Conclusions 299
Acknowledgements 300
References 301
Plasmonics and Metamaterials 302
58 Active Spectral Absorption Control in a Tunable Liquid Crystal/Metamaterial Structure by Polarization Plane Rotation 303
Abstract 303
1 Introduction 303
2 Model Design Considerations 304
2.1 Model Description 304
2.2 Simulation Description 304
3 Results and Discussions 305
3.1 Reference Cell Results 305
3.2 Liquid Crystal—Metamaterial Results 305
4 Conclusions 307
Acknowledgements 307
References 307
59 Spectral Investigation of Surface Plasmon Resonance Bands of Silver Nanoparticles Capped with Gallic Acid 308
Abstract 308
1 Introduction 308
2 Experimental 308
2.1 Materials and Methods 308
2.2 AgNP Prepared by Reduction with Gallic Acid at High Temperature and at Room Temperature 309
2.3 AgNP Photochemical Synthesis with Gallic Acid 309
3 Results and Discussion 309
4 Conclusions 311
Acknowledgements 312
References 312
Bio-micro/nano Technologies and Devices 313
60 Cathodoluminescent UV Sources for Biomedical Applications 314
Abstract 314
1 Introduction 314
2 Experiment 315
3 Conclusions 317
Conflict of Interest 318
References 318
61 European Terahertz Technology for Environmental Monitoring and Bio-friendly Imaging 319
Abstract 319
1 Introduction 319
2 Properties of THz Waves and Applications 319
3 Passive Receiver Technology for Space THz-Applications 320
3.1 Direct Detection Receivers (DDR) 320
3.2 Heterodyne Receivers 321
4 Active THz Detection/Imaging 321
4.1 High-Power Multipliers 322
4.2 300 GHz Transceiver System 323
5 Conclusions 323
Conflict of Interest 323
References 323
62 Synthesis and Characterization of Self-assembled Submicron Particles Based on Biotinylated N-palmitoyl Chitosan 324
Abstract 324
1 Introduction 324
2 Materials and Methods 324
2.1 Materials 324
2.2 Methods 324
2.2.1 Synthesis of Self-assembled Particles 324
2.2.2 Self-assembled Particles Characterization 325
2.2.3 In Vitro Drug Release Studies 325
3 Results and Discussions 325
3.1 Preparation of Self-assembled Particles 325
3.2 Characterization of Self-assembled Particles 325
3.2.1 FT-IR Spectroscopy 325
3.2.2 Size and Surface Charge of Self-assembled Particles 326
3.3 In Vitro Drug Release Study 326
4 Conclusions 327
Conflict of Interest 327
References 327
Biomaterials for Medical Applications 329
63 A Novel Nanocomposite (SR/HA/-nZnO) Material for Medical Application 330
Abstract 330
1 Introduction 330
2 Experimental 330
2.1 Preparation Hydroxyapatite Powder 331
2.2 Preparation of N-ZnO Powder 331
2.3 Preparation of Nanocomposite Material 331
3 Results and Discussion 332
3.1 XRD Diffraction 332
3.2 FTIR Spectrum 333
3.3 SEM Result 333
3.4 Mechanical Properties 335
3.5 Antibacterial Tests 336
4 Conclusion 337
Conflict of Interest 337
References 337
64 Influence of MW Irradiation on the Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan Composite Structure and Drug Release Kinetics 339
Abstract 339
1 Introduction 339
2 Materials and Methods 340
2.1 Materials 340
2.2 Preparation of the Composite Materials 340
2.2.1 Preparation of CS-HA Gel 340
2.2.2 Preparation of the HA-CS Beads 340
2.2.3 Preparation of the Drug Loaded HA-CS Beads 340
2.3 Investigation Methods 340
2.3.1 XRD Analysis 340
2.3.2 Swelling and Liquid Retention Ability Measurement 340
2.3.3 HPLC Analysis 340
3 Results and Discussion 341
3.1 XRD Analysis 341
3.2 Swelling and Water Retention Ability Studies 341
3.3 HPLC Analysis 341
4 Conclusions 343
Conflict of Interest 343
References 343
65 Improvement of the Antibacterial Activity of Benzylpenicillin in Combination with Green Silver Nanoparticles Against Staphylococcus aureus 345
Abstract 345
1 Introduction 345
2 Methods and Materials 346
2.1 Characterization of Nanoparticles 346
2.2 Bacterial Strain, Cultivation Conditions and Determination of Growth 346
2.3 Determination of Colony-Forming Activity by Serial Dilution 346
2.4 Molecular Modeling of Benzylpenicillin with PBP2a Protein 346
2.5 Statistical Analysis of Results 347
3 Results 347
3.1 Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Without Extract and Stabilized by O. araratum Extract on the Growth of S. aureus Using the Disk-Diffusion Method 347
3.2 Effects of AgNPs Dispersed in Peptone and Stabilized in the Extract on the Growth of S. aureus Colonies 347
3.3 Study of the Effect of Benzylpenicillin Separately and in Combination with AgNPs on the Growth of S. aureus Using the Disk-Diffusion Method 347
3.4 The Effect of Benzylpenicillin With/Without AgNPs on the Growth of S. aureus Colonies 348
3.5 Molecular Docking of Benzylpenicillin with PBP2A 348
4 Conclusions 348
Conflict of Interest 348
References 348
66 Functionalization of Flavonoids (Quercetin) to Chitosan Matrix and Determination of Antioxidant Activity of Obtained Bio-composites 350
Abstract 350
1 Introduction 350
2 Materials and Methods 351
2.1 Materials 351
2.2 Functionalization of Quercetin on Chitosan 351
2.3 Determination of Antioxidant Activities 351
3 Results and Discussions 351
3.1 Antioxidant Activities 351
3.2 Determination of Prolongation Effect and Maximum Amount of Quercetin Grafted to Chitosan 352
3.3 Physico-Chemical Characterization (FTIR) 353
4 Conclusions 353
Acknowledgements 354
References 354
67 Molecular Docking of Compounds Modulating Amyloid Peptide Aggregation Schemes 355
Abstract 355
1 Introduction 355
2 Materials and Methods 356
3 Results 356
3.1 Docking Analysis for Ligands with 12A?9–40 356
3.2 Docking Analysis for CUR, ART, DHA and DDHA with BACE1 357
4 Discussion 359
5 Conclusions 359
Acknowledgements 359
References 360
68 Use of the Auto Osteomatrix Forte Graft in Total Tympanomastoid Dissection 361
Abstract 361
1 Introduction 361
2 Materials and Methods 362
3 Results 363
4 Discussion 363
5 Conclusions 364
Conflict of Interest 364
References 365
69 Composite Metamaterials for Biological Decontamination of Fluids 366
Abstract 366
1 Introduction 366
2 Packing Method 367
3 Statistical Estimation of Number of Colonia Antil and After Decontamination 369
4 Conclusions 370
Acknowledgements 370
References 370
70 Study of a Customized Implant in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 371
Abstract 371
1 Introduction 371
2 Experimental Part 372
3 Conclusions 375
Conflict of Interest 375
References 375
71 Hydrogels Based on Collagen and Dextran for Bioartificial Tissues 377
Abstract 377
1 Introduction 377
2 Materials and Methods 378
2.1 Materials 378
2.2 Methods 378
3 Results and Discussions 379
4 Conclusions 380
Conflict of Interest 381
References 381
Biomimetics and Sensors 382
72 Microelectronic Pyroelectric Measuring Transducers 383
Abstract 383
1 Introduction 383
2 Analysis of Microelectronic Pyroelectric Measuring Transducers 383
3 Conclusions 386
Conflict of Interest 386
References 387
73 Ionizing Radiation Dose Sensor Based on n-channel MOSFET 388
Abstract 388
1 Introduction 388
2 Experimental 388
2.1 The Structure of Sensors and Circuitries 388
2.2 The Experimental Results 389
3 The Interpretation and Processing of Experimental Data 389
3.1 Modeling of Radiation-Temperature-Electrical Effects 389
3.2 Experimental Data of Model Parameters 391
4 Discussion 392
5 Conclusions 392
Acknowledgements 392
References 392
74 Conductance and Photoconductance of Indium Oxide-Zinc Oxide Composites in the Hydrogen-Containing Atmosphere 394
Abstract 394
1 Introduction 394
2 Materials and Methods 394
3 Results 395
4 Conclusions 397
Acknowledgements 397
References 397
Biomedical Instrumentation 398
75 Visual Control of Human Locomotion 399
Abstract 399
1 Introduction 399
2 Main Part 399
3 Conclusion 404
Conflict of Interest 404
References 404
76 Method for Performance Evaluation of Electrostimulation of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter 405
Abstract 405
1 Introduction 405
2 Materials and Methods 405
2.1 Object for Performance Evaluation 405
2.2 Equipment Used 405
2.3 Procedure for Testing of WPLES Prototype 406
2.4 Evaluation of Electrical Activity and Temperature 406
2.5 Evaluation LES Pressure Alteration 406
3 Discussion 407
Conflict of Interest 408
References 408
77 Profile Forming of Infrared Cabin User’s Biomedical Indicators 409
Abstract 409
1 Introduction 409
2 Device Description 409
3 Profile Forming of User’s Biomedical Indicators of Infrared Cabin 410
4 Conclusions 413
Conflict of Interest 413
References 413
78 The Algorithms Modernization of Temperature and Gas Control Systems of Ion Mobility Spectrometer 414
Abstract 414
1 Introduction 414
2 The Algorithm for Stabilizing the Temperature of the Drift Camera 415
3 Conclusions 417
Conflict of Interest 417
References 417
79 An Optimal Path Planning Proposal for Motion Robots with Specific Constraints Applicable in Biomedical Engineering 419
Abstract 419
1 Introduction 419
2 Material and Method 420
3 Results and Discussion 421
4 Conclusions 422
Conflict of Interest 423
References 423
80 Intelligent System for Monitoring Vital Signs at Patient’s Home 424
Abstract 424
1 Introduction 424
2 Material and Method 424
3 Results and Discussion 428
4 Conclusions 428
References 430
81 Bio-behavioral Aspects of Patients with Ocular Problems with Implications for Optometric Comfort 431
Abstract 431
1 Introduction 431
2 Experimental Setup 432
3 Results and Conclusions 433
Acknowledgements 434
References 435
Biomedical Signal Processing 436
82 Testing the Heart Rate Coherence Function for Detecting and Identifying Atrial Fibrillation 437
Abstract 437
1 Introduction 437
2 Literature Review 437
3 Model of Integral Autocoherence of Non-stationary Process 438
4 Testing Autocoherence Function 439
5 Conclusions 441
Conflict of Interest 441
References 441
83 Dense Array Electroencephalography-Based Electric Source Imaging of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges 443
Abstract 443
1 Introduction 443
2 Materials and Methods 443
2.1 Participants 443
2.2 Dense Array EEG Acquisition 444
2.3 MRI Acquisition 444
2.4 Source Reconstruction 444
3 Results 444
3.1 Participants’ Characteristics 444
3.2 Neuroimaging Results 444
3.3 Source Localization Results 444
4 Discussion 444
5 Conclusions 447
Acknowledgements 448
References 448
84 Cardiorespiratory Coupling: A Review of the Analysis Methods 450
Abstract 450
1 Introduction 450
2 Methods of Analysis 450
2.1 Granger Causality 451
2.2 Entropy 451
2.3 Nonlinear Prediction 452
2.4 Symbolization 452
2.5 Phase Synchronization 453
3 Conclusions 453
Conflict of Interest 454
References 454
85 Recording of the Breathing Pattern in the Test with Controlled Hyperventilation in Subjects with a Borderline Type Personality Disorder 456
Abstract 456
1 Introduction 456
2 Subjects and Methods 457
3 Results and Discussion 458
4 Conclusions 459
Conflict of Interest 460
References 460
86 Encephalographic Signal LabView Processing 461
Abstract 461
1 Introduction 461
2 Signals Acquisition and Treatment 462
3 Labview Signals Treatment 462
4 Conclusions 464
Acknowledgements 464
References 464
87 Multifocal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation—A Novel Paradigm in Migraine Treatment 465
Abstract 465
1 Introduction 465
2 Methods 466
2.1 Study Design 466
2.2 Stimulation Protocol 466
2.3 Safety 466
3 Results 467
4 Conclusions 467
Acknowledgements 467
References 467
Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing 468
88 Remodeling of Cortical Structural Networks in Multiple Sclerosis 469
Abstract 469
1 Introduction 469
2 Materials and Methods 470
2.1 Participants 470
2.2 MRI Dataset Acquisition 470
2.3 Image Processing and Cortical Thickness Reconstruction 470
2.4 Gray Matter Covariance Network Reconstruction 471
2.5 Network Topological Measures 471
2.6 Statistical Analysis 471
3 Results 471
3.1 Participants’ Data 471
3.2 Structural Gray Matter Network Topology 471
4 Discussion 471
5 Conclusions 472
Conflict of Interest 473
References 473
89 Polarization Tomography of Synovial Fluids Polycrystalline Layers 474
Abstract 474
1 Introduction 474
2 Structural-Logical Scheme of Differential Mueller-Matrix Tomography of Polycrystalline Structure of Films of SF 474
3 Differential Diagnosis of Aseptic and Septic Loosening of the Artificial Hip Joint Endoprosthesis Cup by the Method of Mueller-Matrix Reconstruction of LB Size Distributions of Polycrystalline Films of Synovial Fluid of the Knee Joint 474
4 Information Analysis of the Mueler-Matrix Data Reconstruction of the Distributions of the Magnitude of the Circular Birefringence of Polycrystalline Films of SF 477
5 Conclusions 477
Conflict of Interest 478
References 478
90 Differential Muller-Matrix Microscopy of Protein Fractions of Vitreous Preparations in Diagnostics of the Pressure of Death 479
Abstract 479
1 Introduction 479
2 Methods and Results 479
3 Conclusions 482
Conflict of Interest 482
References 482
91 Laser Autofluorescent Microscopy of Histological Sections of Parenchymatous Biological Tissues of the Dead 483
Abstract 483
1 Introduction 483
2 Functional Diagram of Multidimensional Laser Autofluorescence (MLA) Microscopy of Biological Preparations 483
3 Samples 484
4 The Effectiveness of the Differential Diagnosis of the Degree of Blood Loss by Laser Autofluorescence Microscopy 486
5 Conclusions 486
Conflict of Interest 487
References 487
92 Statistical Analysis of Polarization Images of Histological Cuts of Parenchymatic Tissues in Diagnostics of Volume of Blood Loss 488
Abstract 488
1 Introduction 488
2 Functional Diagram of Multidimensional Polarization Microscopy of Biological Preparations 488
3 Objects of Study 488
4 Analysis and Discussion of Experimental Data 489
5 Determination of the Degree of Blood Loss 489
6 Conclusions 491
Conflict of Interest 491
References 491
93 Deep Learning in Processing Medical Images and Calculating the Orbit Volume 493
Abstract 493
1 Introduction 493
2 Experimental Technique 493
2.1 Initial Data 493
2.2 Neural Network Learning 494
2.3 Software Algorithm 494
3 Results and Discussion 495
4 Conclusions 495
Conflict of Interest 495
References 495
94 Sleep-Related Epilepsy Diagnosis: Standard Video-EEG or Video-EEG Telemetry? 497
Abstract 497
1 Introduction 497
2 Materials and Methods 497
2.1 Participants and Video-EEG Acquisition 497
2.2 Statistical Analysis 498
3 Results 498
3.1 Participants’ Characteristics 498
3.2 Diagnostic Value of Video-EEG Telemetry 498
3.3 Clinical Case 499
4 Discussion 499
5 Conclusions 500
Acknowledgements 500
References 500
95 A Real-Time WebGL Rendering Piepeline for MRI Using RayCasting Tranfer Functions 502
Abstract 502
1 Introduction 502
2 Methods 503
2.1 Direct Volume Rendering 503
2.2 Transfer Functions 503
2.3 Previous Work 503
3 Results 504
3.1 Frontend 504
3.2 Backend 504
3.3 MultiPass 504
3.4 Changes in the Pipeline 505
3.5 Performance 506
4 Conclusions 506
Acknowledgements 507
References 507
96 Alterations of Brain Structure Linked to Myoclonic Epilepsy 508
Abstract 508
1 Introduction 508
2 Materials and Methods 508
2.1 Participants 508
2.2 MRI Data Acquisition 509
2.3 MRI Data Processing 509
2.4 Statistical Analysis 509
3 Results 509
3.1 Participants 509
3.2 Cortical Volume Analysis 509
3.3 Subcortical Volumes Analysis 509
4 Discussion 510
5 Conclusions 512
Acknowledgements 512
References 512
Bioinformatics 513
97 Mode of Artemisinins’ Action on Oxidative Stress, Genomic and G-Quadruplex DNA 514
Abstract 514
1 Introduction 514
2 Materials and Methods 515
3 Results 515
3.1 Lipid Peroxidation 515
3.2 Chemiluminescence Analysis 515
3.3 Interaction of Artemisinin with the Genomic DNA of S-180 Cancer Cells 515
3.4 The Interaction of ART, DHA and DDHA with G-Quadruplex Structures of Human Telomere DNA 516
4 Conclusions 517
Acknowledgements 518
References 518
98 Evaluation of the Quercetin Semisynthetic Derivatives Interaction with ABCG2 and Cyclooxygenase-2 520
Abstract 520
1 Introduction 520
2 Research Methods 521
3 Result and Discussion 521
4 Conclusion 522
Conflict of Interest 522
References 522
99 Information Analysis of Biochemical Parameters for Glucose Tolerance Tests 524
Abstract 524
1 Introduction 524
2 Experimental 524
2.1 Medical Significance and Consequences of Diabetes 524
2.2 Dispersion Model of Glucose Tolerance Test Results 525
2.3 Information Analysis of the Dispersion Model of Glycemic Parameters 526
3 Results and Discussions 527
3.1 Correlation Correction of Information Analysis Results 527
3.2 Evaluation of the Information Content of the Parameters of Glucose Tolerance Testing 527
4 Conclusions 528
Conflict of Interest 528
References 528
Medical Physics and Biophysics 529
100 Theoretical Model of Lipid Peroxidation Kinetics for Complexes of Cytochrome c and Cardiolipin with Participation of Antioxidants 530
Abstract 530
1 Introduction 530
2 Theoretical Model, Results and Discussions 531
3 Conclusions 533
Acknowledgements 534
References 534
101 Testing Green Silver Nanoparticles for Genotoxicity, Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity 535
Abstract 535
1 Introduction 535
2 Materials and Methods 536
2.1 Preparation of Plant Extract and Silver Nanoparticles’ (AgNPs) Synthesis 536
2.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of AgNPs 536
2.3 Getting Model of Sarcoma S-180 in Mice 536
2.4 Extraction of Genomic DNA from Sarcoma S-180 Cells and DNA Retardation Method 536
2.5 Method of Spontaneous Chemiluminescent Analysis 536
2.6 The Malonic Dialdehyde (MDA) Formation in the Presence of Thiobarbituric Acid: TBA-Test 537
2.7 Superoxide Dismutase Activity (SOD) by Adrenaline Photo-Oxidation 537
2.8 Statistical Processing of Results 537
3 Results 537
3.1 The Interaction of 50% Ethanol Extract of Basil and Green AgNPs with Genomic DNA of Tumor Cells 537
3.2 Spontaneous Chemiluminescence (SChL) and Lipid Peroxidation (TBA-Test) 538
3.3 SOD Activity of Treated Sarcoma Tissue Homogenate S-180 538
4 Conclusions 538
Conflict of Interest 539
References 539
102 Influence of Polarization on Electron Localization in the Coated Tetramer Nanoclusters Used as Elements of Biorecognition Systems 540
Abstract 540
1 Introduction 540
2 Theoretical Approach 541
3 Results and Discussion 542
4 Conclusions 543
Acknowledgements 544
References 544
103 Use of Physical Methods as an Element of Complex Treatment of Burn Wound Microbiome 545
Abstract 545
1 Introduction 545
2 Materials and Methods 545
3 Research Results and Their Discussion 546
4 Conclusions 546
Conflict of Interest 547
References 547
Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering 548
104 Interaction of Quercetin with LasR of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Mechanistic Insights of the Inhibition of Virulence Through Quorum Sensing 549
Abstract 549
1 Introduction 549
2 Methods 550
2.1 LasR and Quercetin Model 550
2.2 LasR–Quercetin Ligand Blind Docking Experiments 550
2.3 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of LasR–Quercetin Systems 550
3 Results 550
3.1 Docking Analysis of Quercetin with LasR Monomer 550
3.2 Binding Modes of Quercetin 550
3.3 Binding Energy of Quercetin to LasR 551
4 Conclusions 551
Acknowledgements 552
References 552
105 Mechanical and Morphological Characterization of Decellularized Umbilical Vessels as Tissue Engineering Scaffolds 553
Abstract 553
1 Introduction 553
2 Materials and Methods 554
3 Results 555
4 Discussion 556
5 Conclusions 557
Acknowledgements 557
References 557
106 The Procedure of Bone Cells Obtaining, Culture and Identification 558
Abstract 558
1 Introduction 558
2 Materials and Methods 558
2.1 Preparation of Reagents for Isolation, Culture and Preservation of Bone Cells 558
2.2 Isolation and Culture of Cells from Bone Tissue 559
2.3 Identification of Obtained Cells from ChBT 559
3 Results 560
4 Discussions 560
5 Conclusions 561
Conflict of Interest 562
References 562
107 Evaluation of the Endothelial Cell Regenerative Proprieties of the Cornea in the Culture Media. Results and Prospects 563
Abstract 563
1 Introduction 563
2 Experimental Details 564
3 Results and Discussion 564
4 Conclusions 566
Conflict of Interest 567
References 567
108 The Influence of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Upon the Activity of Mesenchymal Stem Cells 568
Abstract 568
1 Introduction 568
2 Experimental 568
2.1 Nanoparticles Synthesis and Characterization 568
2.2 Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolation and Culture 569
2.3 MTT Assay 569
2.4 Cells Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy 569
3 Results and Discussion 569
4 Conclusions 572
Acknowledgements 572
References 572
Clinical Engineering, Health Technology Management and Assessment 573
109 Medical Devices Regulations, Management and Assessment New Trends New Needs
Abstract 574
1 Introduction 574
2 The Three Pillars for Patient Safety 574
2.1 Regulations 575
2.2 Management 576
2.3 Health Technology Assessment HTA 577
3 Future Perspectives 578
4 Conclusions 578
Acknowledgements 578
References 578
110 Assessment of Human Tissue Transplantation Activities in the Republic of Moldova 579
Abstract 579
1 Introduction 579
2 Materials and Methods 580
3 Results 580
4 Conclusions 582
Conflict of Interest 582
References 582
111 Electro-Acoustical Examination in Noninvasive Monitoring as a Basis for Treatment Selection 584
Abstract 584
1 Introduction 584
2 Materials and Methods 585
2.1 Material 585
3 Results and Discussions 585
3.1 Risk Factors (RF) 585
4 Conclusions 587
Acknowledgements 587
References 587
112 Functional and Morphological Correlations in Prolonged Otitis Media in Childhood 589
Abstract 589
1 Introduction 589
2 Materials and Methods 590
2.1 Material 590
2.2 Methods 590
3 Results and Discussions 590
3.1 Noninvasive Examinations 590
3.2 Invasive Examinations 591
4 Discussions 592
5 Conclusions 592
Acknowledgements 592
References 592
113 The Review of Bipolar Ion Mobility Spectrometers 594
Abstract 594
1 Introduction 594
2 The Review of Commercial Two-Polar Spectrometers 595
2.1 IONSCAN 500DT Smiths Detection 595
2.2 DE-Tector Bruker 595
2.3 QS-B220 Implant Science Corporation 595
2.4 Itemiser DX Morpho Detection 595
2.5 The Subtotal of Review 595
3 Installation of Two Drift Chamber in One Spectrometer 596
4 Directions for the Implementation of a Bipolar Spectrometer 597
5 Conclusions 598
Conflict of Interest 598
References 598
114 Assessing the Safety of Using Incubators for Newborns 600
Abstract 600
1 Introduction 600
2 The Level of Endowment of Medical Institutions with Incubators for Newborn 600
3 The Degree of User Training and Its Importance 601
4 Periodic Maintenance 602
5 Conclusions 602
Conflict of Interest 603
References 603
Health Informatics, e-health and Telemedicine 604
115 Creation of Regional Telemedicine Diagnostic and Treatment Complex 605
Abstract 605
1 Introduction 605
2 Features of Cardiovascular Diseases 605
3 Modern Diagnostic Methods for Cardiovascular Diseases 606
4 Concept of Creating a Regional Radiotechnical Telemedical Treatment-Diagnostic Complex 607
5 Practical Implementation of the Regional Telemedical—Treatment-Diagnostic Complex 607
6 Conclusions 608
Conflict of Interest 608
References 608
116 Telemedicine—Advanced Technology at the Service of Society 610
Abstract 610
1 Introduction 610
2 Methodological Aspects and Discussions 611
3 Conclusions 617
Conflict of Interest 617
Biomedical Engineering Education 618
117 Static Analysis of the Human Body Balance Following an Induced Vertigo 619
Abstract 619
1 Introduction 619
2 Methods and Materials 620
3 Results and Discussion 620
4 Conclusion 622
Acknowledgements 622
References 622
Innovation, Development and Interdisciplinary Research 623
118 Voltage Management of a Remote Load 624
Abstract 624
1 Introduction 624
2 Input-Output Conformity of a Two-Port 625
3 Proposed Power Supply System 625
4 Conclusion 627
Acknowledgements 627
References 627
119 Steady-State Behaviors of a Quantum Oscillator Coupled with a Three-Level Emitter 628
Abstract 628
1 Introduction 628
2 Theoretical Framework 628
3 Results and Discussions 630
4 Conclusions 631
Acknowledgements 631
References 631
120 Integration of Cyber Security in Healthcare Equipment 632
Abstract 632
1 Introduction 632
2 Security and Safety in Healthcare 633
3 Conclusions and Recommendations 634
Conflict of Interest 635
References 635
121 Cyber-Physical Systems—Nanomaterial Sensors Based Unmanned Aerial Platforms for Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis (Invited Paper) 636
Abstract 636
1 Introduction 636
2 Cyber-Physical Domain 637
2.1 Synopsis of Cyber-Physical Systems 637
2.2 Connected Communities 637
3 Background Work—CILM-EDS 637
4 Multi-Sensor UAV Sensor Platform 637
4.1 Hyperspectral Imaging 638
4.2 Lidar 638
4.3 Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy 639
4.4 Other Innovative and Disruptive Platforms 639
5 Societal Implications and Path Forward 640
6 Compliance with Ethical Requirements 640
Acknowledgements 640
References 640
122 Bibliometric Analysis of the Nanotechnology Research Area in the Republic of Moldova 641
Abstract 641
1 Introduction 641
2 Objectives 642
3 Methodology 642
4 Results 642
5 Conclusions 644
Acknowledgements 644
References 644
123 Qualitative Method to Control Toxic Impurities in Drinking Water 646
Abstract 646
1 Introduction 646
2 Principles of Method 646
3 Samples 647
3.1 Fuzilade-super (MCL sim 3 × 10?7 mol/l) 647
3.2 Illoxan (MCL?sim?3 × 10?7 mol/l) 648
3.3 Zollon (MCL?sim?10?8 mol/l) 649
4 Conclusions 649
Conflict of Interest 649
References 649
124 The Cathepsin D as a Potential Biomarker for Survival Rate in Polytrauma. Pilot Research 651
Abstract 651
1 Introduction 651
2 Materials and Methods 652
3 Results 652
4 Discussions and Conclusions 653
Conflict of Interest 653
References 653
125 Comparative Study of the p-CdS/n-CdTe Photovoltaic Devices with Depleted Intrinsic Layer 654
Abstract 654
1 Introduction 654
2 Fabrication and Characterization Techniques 654
3 Results and Discussion 655
3.1 Current-Voltage Characteristics 655
3.2 Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics 656
3.3 Photo-Response Spectral Distribution Characteristics 657
4 Conclusions 658
Acknowledgements 658
References 658
126 Synthesis and Biological Properties of the Novel Coordination Compound with Rhodanine-3-Acetic Acid 659
Abstract 659
1 Introduction 659
2 Experimental 659
2.1 Materials and Methods 659
2.2 Synthesis of [Zn(5,5?-Rda-Rda)(dmf)2(H2O)2]n (1) 660
2.3 NMR-Spectra 660
2.4 X-ray Crystallography 660
2.5 Antibacterial Activity 660
3 Results and Discussion 660
3.1 NMR Data 660
3.2 Crystal Structure 660
3.3 Antimicrobial Activity 661
4 Conclusions 662
Conflict of Interest 662
References 662
127 Phenomena of Radiative Recombination in Single Crystals of Cadmium Thiogallate with Cadmium (CdGa2S4:Cd) or Sulfur (CdGa2S4:S) Excess 664
Abstract 664
1 Introduction 664
2 Results and Discussion 665
3 Conclusions 667
Conflict of Interest 667
References 667
128 Design and Evaluation of a Low Cost Electrical Muscle Stimulator (EMS) with Biopac 669
Abstract 669
1 Introduction 669
2 Methods and Materials 670
3 Results and Discussion 671
4 Conclusions 672
Acknowledgements 673
References 673
129 Development of the High-Resolution Scintillator Type Imager Using Si GRID Structures 674
Abstract 674
1 Introduction 674
2 The Samples and Methods 675
3 The Spatial Resolution of the Scintillator Type Imager Using Si GRID Structures 675
4 Conclusions 676
Acknowledgements 677
References 677
130 Packing Conditions of Optical Separated CsI:Tl Scintillator by Silicon Collimator 678
Abstract 678
1 Introduction 678
2 Device Design 679
3 Experimental 679
3.1 Filling Silicon Collimator with CsI:Tl 679
3.2 Packing Conditions 679
3.3 Scintillation 679
4 Result and Discussion 680
5 Conclusions 681
Acknowledgements 681
References 681
131 Study on Ferroelectric Thin Film Capacitor for AC-Coupled CdTe X-ray Detector 683
Abstract 683
1 Introduction 683
2 Experimental 684
2.1 Influence of Coupling Capacitance on Radiation Spectrum 684
2.2 Deposition of BaTiO3 684
2.3 Trial Manufacture of BaTiO3 Thin Film Capacitor 684
3 Result and Discussion 684
3.1 Influence of Coupling Capacitance on Radiation Spectrum 684
3.2 Electrode Design of X-ray Imager 684
3.3 Crystalline Evaluation by X-ray Diffraction 684
3.4 Evaluation of BaTiO3 Thin Film Capacitors 686
4 Conclusions 686
Conflict of Interest 686
References 686
132 Aluminium-BSF Versus PERC Solar Cells: Study of Rear Side Passivation Quality and Diffusion Length 687
Abstract 687
1 Introduction 687
2 Multicrystalline Al-BSF Solar Cells 687
3 Cello Photo-Impedance-Spectroscopy 687
3.1 Set-up and Measurement Details 687
3.2 Data Preparation and Fit 688
4 Results and Discussion 688
5 Importance and Outlook 688
Conflict of Interest 688
References 690
133 Smart Device for Therapeutic Hypothermia 691
Abstract 691
1 Introduction 691
2 Methods 691
3 Circuits 692
4 Fuzzy Logic Algorithm and Control [20–24] 693
5 Conclusions 694
Acknowledgements 694
References 694
134 Make Innovation Happen: Scientific and Statistic Tools to Accelerate the Way Toward Technology Readiness Level TRL 9—A Deployed Application 696
Abstract 696
1 Introduction 696
2 Principles and Strategies of Experimentation 697
2.1 Experiments and Kind of Inputs 697
2.2 Robust Design 697
2.3 Basic Principles of Experimental Design 697
2.4 Strategies of Experimentation 698
3 Implemented Experiments and Results 698
4 Discussions 700
5 Conclusions 701
Conflict of Interest 701
References 701
135 Investigation into Interlayer Water Structure in Na+- and Ca2+-Montmorillonite: A Molecular Dynamics Study 702
Abstract 702
1 Introduction 702
2 Methodology 702
3 Results and Disscussion 703
3.1 Swelling and Hydration Energetics 703
3.2 Interlayer Structure of Hydrated Montmorillonites 704
3.3 Dynamics of the Interlayer 705
4 Conclusions 705
Acknowledgements 706
References 706
136 A Positioning Mechanism Based on MEMS-INS/GPS and ANFIS Data Fusion for Urban Life Mobility Improvement 707
Abstract 707
1 Introduction 707
2 MEMS-INS/GPS Data Fusion Mechanism 708
3 The Evaluation of the MEMS-INS/GPS Unit Based on ANFIS with Experimental Data 708
4 The ANFIS 709
5 System Training and Evaluation Results 710
6 Conclusions 710
Conflict of Interest 713
References 713
137 Scattering Indicatrix for Absorbing Porous Medium with Dark Modes 714
Abstract 714
1 Introduction 714
2 Results and Discussions 714
3 Conclusions 716
Acknowledgements 717
References 717
138 Static Versus Novel Dynamic Biofouling-Testing of Fouling-Release Coatings for Marine Applications: Pros and Cons 718
Abstract 718
1 Introduction 718
2 Materials and Methods 719
2.1 Materials and Sample Preparation 719
2.2 Static Biofouling Test Setup 719
2.3 Dynamic Biofouling-Test Setup 719
3 Results and Discussion 720
4 Conclusions 721
Acknowledgements 721
References 722
139 Comparison the Marginal Fit of Metal Coping Cast Made Through Different Methods 723
Abstract 723
1 Introduction 723
2 Materials and Methods 724
3 Results 725
4 Discussions 725
5 Conclusions 726
Conflict of Interest 726
References 726
140 Synthesis of New Zinc Phthalocyanine with Block Copolymers in Nanomedicine Applications 727
Abstract 727
1 Introduction 727
2 Synthesis of a Polymer Analogue of Poly-N-Vinylpyrrolidone-Acrylic Chloride-PcZn 727
3 Spectral Studies: IR, Visible Spectrum 728
4 The Process of Dissolving in Water 729
5 Conclusions 729
Acknowledgements 729
References 730
141 Portable Campimeter to Evaluate Visual Field Modifications of Subjects with Low Vision State 731
Abstract 731
1 Introduction 731
2 Experimental Setup 732
2.1 The Constructive Principle of the Portable Campimeter 732
2.2 Experimental Construction of Campimeter (Perimeter) 732
3 Results 733
4 Conclusions 735
Acknowledgements 735
References 735
142 Nanotechnological Aspects at Electro-activation of Secondary Dairy Products 736
Abstract 736
1 Introduction 736
2 Materials and Methods 737
3 Experimentals 738
4 Conclusions 739
Acknowledgements 739
References 740
Nuclear and Radiation Safety and Security 741
143 Evaluation of Radiation Hardness of the Bipolar Devices in the Space Conditions 742
Abstract 742
1 Introduction 742
2 Evaluation of Radiation Hardness of LM111 Voltage Comparator at Variable Irradiation Temperature Paper 742
3 Conclusions 744
Conflict of Interest 744
References 744
144 Integral Estimate of LSI Radiation Hardness as a Fuzzy Number of Multiplicity of Nodes 746
Abstract 746
1 Introduction 746
2 Modeling Environment 746
3 Conclusion 748
Conflict of Interest 749
References 749
145 Revision of the Curriculum on Nuclear Safety and Security in the Light of Recent International Recommendations 750
Abstract 750
1 Introduction 750
2 International Trends 751
3 Curriculum on Nuclear Safety and Security 752
4 Conclusions 753
Acknowledgements 753
References 754
146 National Nuclear Security Support Centre and Non-proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction 755
Abstract 755
Acknowledgements 758
References 758
147 Li2B4O7 for Thermoluminescent Dosimetry: A New Life of an Old Material 760
Abstract 760
1 Introduction 760
2 Materials and Methods 760
3 Results and Discussion 761
3.1 Uniformity of Impurity Distribution 761
3.2 Effect of Mg Co-doping on LTB:Mn Properties 761
4 Conclusions 762
Acknowledgements 762
References 762
Author Index 764
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 17.9.2019 |
Reihe/Serie | IFMBE Proceedings | IFMBE Proceedings |
Zusatzinfo | XLV, 835 p. 630 illus., 470 illus. in color. |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Medizin / Pharmazie |
Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie | |
Technik ► Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik | |
Schlagworte | Antioxidant Activities of Biocomposites • Applications of Silicon Nanoparticles • Biocompatibility of Hydrogels • Characterization of Nanoarchitectures • Characterization of Nanofibers • Contrasting Agents for Bioimaging • Development of Nanosensors • ICNBME 2019 • Medical applications of terahertz radiation • Metal oxide semiconductors • Methods for synthesis of nanomaterials • Nanomaterials Applications in Medicine • Optical Devices for Biomedical Applications • Optoelectronic Sensors in Medical Applications • semiconductor nanodevices • Telemedicine in Disease Diagnostics • Thermoelectric materials • Thermoluminescent Materials • Topological Properties of Nanostructures |
ISBN-10 | 3-030-31866-4 / 3030318664 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-030-31866-6 / 9783030318666 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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