Biomimetics - Bharat Bhushan


Bioinspired Hierarchical-Structured Surfaces for Green Science and Technology


Buch | Hardcover
XXIX, 977 Seiten
2018 | 3. Third Edition 2018
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-71675-6 (ISBN)
320,99 inkl. MwSt

This book presents an overview of the general field of biomimetics and biologically inspired, hierarchically structured surfaces.  It deals with various examples of biomimetics, which include surfaces with roughness-induced super-phobicity/philicity, self-cleaning, antifouling, low drag, low/high/reversible adhesion, drag reduction in fluid flow, reversible adhesion, surfaces with high hardness and mechanical toughness, vivid colors produced structurally without color pigments, self-healing, water harvesting and purification, and insect locomotion and stinging.  The focus in the book is on the Lotus Effect, Salvinia Effect, Rose Petal Effect, Superoleophobic/philic Surfaces, Shark Skin and Skimmer Bird Effect, Rice Leaf and Butterfly Wing Effect, Gecko Adhesion, Insects Locomotion and Stinging, Self-healing Materials, Nacre, Structural Coloration, and Nanofabrication.  This is the first book of this kind on bioinspired surfaces, and the third edition represents a significant expansion from the previous two editions.

Dr. Bharat Bhushan is an Ohio Eminent Scholar and The Howard D. Winbigler Professor in the College of Engineering, and the Director of the Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLB2) and affiliated faculty in John Glenn College of Public Affairs at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. In 2013-14, he served as an ASME/AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, House Committee on Science, Space & Technology, United States Congress, Washington, DC. He holds two M.S., a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering/mechanics, an MBA, and two honorary and two semi-honorary doctorates. His research interests include fundamental studies with a focus on scanning probe techniques in the interdisciplinary areas of bio/nanotribology, bio/nanomechanics and bio/nanomaterials characterization and applications to bio/nanotechnology, and biomimetics. He has authored 8 scientific books, 90+ handbook chapters, 800+ scientific papers (h index-76+; ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science since 2007 and in Biology and Biochemistry since 2013; ISI Top 5% Cited Authors for Journals in Chemistry since 2011), and 60+ scientific reports. He has also edited 50+ books and holds 20 U.S. and foreign patents. He is co-editor of Springer NanoScience and Technology Series and Microsystem Technologies, and member of editorial board of PNAS. He has organized various international conferences and workshops. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and international fellowships including the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize for Senior Scientists, Max Planck Foundation Research Award for Outstanding Foreign Scientists, Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Life Achievement Tribology Award, and Institution of Chemical Engineers (UK) Global Award. His research was listed as the top ten science stories of 2015. He is a member of various professional societies, including the International Academy of Engineering (Russia). He has previously worked for various research labs including IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA. He has held visiting professorship at University of California at Berkeley, University of Cambridge, UK, Technical University Vienna, Austria, University of Paris, Orsay, ETH Zurich, EPFL Lausanne, Univ. of Southampton, UK, Univ. of Kragujevac, Serbia, Tsinghua Univ., China, Harbin Inst., China, and KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.

lt;p>Chapter 1.  Introduction (Revised)

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Biodiversity

1.3. Lessons from Nature

1.4. Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers

1.5. Biomimetics in Art and Architecture - Bioarchitecture

1.6. Industrial Significance

1.7. Research Objective and Approach

1.8. Organization of the Book

Chapter 2.  Roughness-Induced Superliquiphilic/phobic Surfaces:  Lessons from Nature (Revised)

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Wetting States

2.3. Applications

2.4. Natural Superhydrophobic, Self-Cleaning, Low Adhesion/Drag Reduction Surfaces with Antifouling

2.5. Natural Superhydrophobic and High Adhesion Surfaces

2.6. Natural Superoleophobic Self-Cleaning and Low Drag Surfaces with Antifouling

2.7. Closure

Chapter 3.  Modeling of Contact Angle for a Liquid in Contact with a Rough Surface for Various Wetting Regimes (Revised)

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Contact Angle Definition

3.3. Homogenous and Heterogeneous Interfaces and the Wenzel, Cassie-Baxter and Cassie Equations

3.3.1. Limitations of the Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter Equations

3.3.2. Range of Applicability of the Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter Equations

3.4. Contact Angle Hysteresis

3.5. Stability of a Composite Interface and Role of Hierarchical Structure with Convex Surfaces

3.6. The Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel Wetting Regime Transition

3.7. Closure

Chapter 4.  Lotus Effect Surfaces in Nature (Revised)

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Plant Leaves

4.3. Characterization of Superhydrophobic and Hydrophilic Leaf Surfaces

4.3.1. Experimental Techniques

4.32. SEM Micrographs

4.3.3. Contact Angle Measurements

4.3.4. Surface Characterization Using an Optical Profiler

4.3.5. Surface Characterization, Adhesion, and Friction Using an AFM

4.3.6. Role of the Hierarchical Roughness

4.3.7. Summary 

4.4. Various Self-cleaning Approaches

4.4.1. Comparison between Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surface Approaches for Self-cleaning

4.4.2. Summary

4.5. Closure

Chapter 5.  Fabrication Techniques used for Superliquiphilic/phobic Structures (Revised)

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Roughening to Create One-Level Structure

5.3. Coatings to Create One-Level Structures

5.4. Methods to Create Two-Level (Hierarchical) Structures

5.5. Etching Techniques for Attachment of Coatings

5.6. Closure

Chapter 6.  Strategies of Micro-, Nano- and Hierarchically Structured Lotus-like Surfaces (Revised)

6.1. Introduction

6.2. Experimental Techniques

6.2.1. Contact Angle, Surface Roughness, and Adhesion

6.2.2. Droplet Evaporation Studies

6.2.3. Bouncing Droplet Studies

6.2.4. Vibrating Droplet Studies

6.2.5. Microdroplet Condensation and Evaporation Studies using ESEM

6.2.6. Generation of Submicron Droplets

6.3. Micro- and Nanopatterned Polymers

6.3.1. Contact Angle

6.3.2. Effect of Submicron Droplet on Contact Angle

6.3.3. Adhesive Force

6.3.4. Summary

6.4. Micropatterned Si Surfaces

6.4.1. Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel Transition Criteria

6.4.2. Effect of Pitch Value on the Transition

6.4.3. Observation of Transition during the Droplet Evaporation

6.4.4. Another Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel Transition for Different Series

6.4.5. Contact Angle Hysteresis and Wetting/Dewetting Asymmetry

6.4.6. Contact Angle Measurements During Condensation and Evaporation of Microdroplets on Micropatterned Surfaces

6.4.7. Observation of Transition during the Bouncing Droplet

6.4.8. Summary

6.5. Ideal Surfaces with Hierarchical Structure

6.6. Hierarchically Structured Surfaces with Wax Platelets and Tubules using Nature's Route

6.6.1. Effect of Nanostructures with Various Wax Platelet Crystal Densities on Superhydrophobicity

6.6.2. Effect of Hierarchical Structure with Wax Platelets on the Superhydrophobicity

6.6.3. Effect of Hierarchical Structure with Wax Tubules on Superhydrophobicity

6.6.4. Self-Cleaning Efficiency of Hierarchically Structured Surfaces

6.6.5. Observation of Transition during the Bouncing Droplet

6.6.6. Observation of Transition during the Vibrating Droplet

6.6.7. Measurement of Fluid Drag Reduction

6.6.8. Summary

Chapter 7.  Fabrication and Characterization of Mechanically Durable Superhydrophobic Surfaces (Revised)

7.1. Introduction

7.2. Experimental Techniques

7.2.1. Waterfall/Jet Tests

7.2.2. Wear and Friction Tests

7.2.3. Transmittance Measurements

7.3. CNT Composites

7.4. Nanoparticle Composites with Hierarchical Structure

7.5. Nanoparticle Composites for Optical Transparency

7.6. Deep Reactive Ion Etched Surfaces for Optical Transparency

7.7. Superhydrophobic Paper Surfaces

7.8. Closure

Chapter 8.  Fabrication and Characterization of Micropatterned Structures Inspired by Salvinia Molesta

8.1. Introduction

8.2. Characterization of Leaves and Fabrication of Inspired Structural Surfaces

8.3. Measurement of Contact Angle and Adhesion

8.3.1. Observation of Pinning and Contact Angle

8.3.2. Adhesion

8.4. Closure

Chapter 9.  Characterization of Rose Petals and Fabrication and Characterization of Superhydrophobic Surfaces with High and Low Adhesion

9.1. Introduction

9.2. Characterization of Two Kinds of Rose Petals and Their Underlying Mechanisms

9.3. Fabrication of Surfaces with High and Low Adhesion for Understanding of Rose Petal Effect

9.4. Fabrication of Mechanically Durable, Superhydrophobic Surfaces with High Adhesion

9.4.1. Samples with Hydrophilic ZnO Nanoparticles (Before ODP Modification)

9.4.2. Samples with Hydrophobic ZnO Nanoparticles (After ODP Modification)

9.4.3. Wear Resistance in AFM Wear Experiment

9.5. Closure

Chapter 10.  Modeling and Strategies of Superoleophobic/philic Surfaces (Revised)

10.1. Introduction

10.2. Strategies to Achieve Superoleophobicity in Air

10.2.1. Fluorination Techniques

10.2.2. Re-entrant Geometry

10.3. Model to Predict Oleophobic/philic Nature of Surfaces

10.4. Validation of Oleophobicity/philicity Model for Oil Droplets in Air and Water

10.4.1. Experimental Techniques

10.4.2. Fabrication of Oleophobic/philic Surfaces

10.4.3. Characterization of Oleophobic/philic Surfaces

10.4.4. Summary

Chapter 11.  Fabrication and Characterization of Superoleophilic/phobic Surfaces (Revised)

11.1. Introduction

11.2. Nanoparticle Composite Coatings for Superliquiphilicity/phobicity

11.2.1. Experimental Details

11.2.2. Results and Discussion

11.2.3. Summary

11.3. Nanoparticle Composite Coatings for Superliquiphilicity and Superliquiphobicity Using Layer-by-Layer Technique

11.3.1. Experimental Details

11.3.2. Results and discussion

11.3.3. Summary

11.4. Superoleophobic Polymer Surfaces

11.4.1. Experimental Details

11.4.2. Results and Discussion

11.4.3. Summary

11.5. Superoleophobic Aluminum Surfaces

11.2.1. Experimental Details

11.2.2. Results and Discussion

11.2.3. Summary

11.6. Closure

Chapter 12.  Shark-Skin Surface for Fluid-Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow (Revised)

12.1. Introduction

12.2. Fluid Drag Reduction

12.2.1. Mechanisms of Fluid Drag

12.2.2. Shark Skin

12.3. Fluid Flow Modeling

12.3.1. Riblet Geometry Models

12.3.2. Results and Discussion

12.3.3. Summary

12.4. Experimental Studies

12.4.1. Flow Visualization Studies

12.4.2. Riblet Geometries and Configurations

12.4.3. Riblet Fabrication

12.4.4. Riblet Scale-up Fabrication

12.4.5. Drag Measurement Techniques

12.4.6. Riblet Results and Discussion

12.4.7. Summary

12.5. Application of Riblets for Drag Reduction and Antifouling

12.6. Closure

Chapter 13.  Black Skimmer Surfaces for Fluid-Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow (New)

13.1. Introduction

13.2. Fluid Flow Modeling

13.3. Experimental Studies

13.4. Closure

Chapter 14.  Rice Leaf and Butterfly Wing Effect

14.1. Introduction

14.2. Inspiration from Living Nature

14.2.1. Ambient Species - Lotus Effect

14.2.2. Aquatic Species - Shark Skin and Fish Scales Effect

14.2.3. Ambient Species - Rice Leaf and Butterfly Wing Effect

14.3. Sample Fabrication

14.3.1. Actual Sample Replicas

14.3.2. Rice Leaf Inspired Surfaces

14.4. Pressure Drop Measurement Technique

14.5. Results and Discussion

14.5.1. Surface Characterization

14.5.2. Pressure Drop Measurements

14.5.3. Wettability

14.5.4. Drag Reduction Models

14.6. Closure

Chapter 15.  Bio- and Inorganic Fouling (Revised)

15.1. Introduction

15.2. Fields Susceptible to Fouling

15.3. Biofouling and Inorganic Fouling Formation Mechanisms

15.3.1. Biofouling Formation

15.3.2. Inorganic Fouling Formation

15.3.3. Surface Factors

15.4. Antifouling Strategies from Living Nature

15.5. Antifouling: Current Prevention and Cleaning Techniques

15.5.1. Prevention Techniques

15.5.2. Self-cleaning Surfaces and Cleaning Techniques

15.6. Bioinspired Rice Leaf Surfaces for Antifouling

15.6.1. Fabrication of Micropatterned Samples

15.6.2. Anti-biofouling Measurements

15.6.3. Anti-inorganic Fouling Measurements

15.6.4. Results and Discussion

15.6.5. Anti-biofouling and Anti-inorganic Fouling Mechanisms

15.7. Closure

Chapter 16.  Gecko Adhesion

16.1. Introduction

16.2. Hairy Attachment Systems

16.3. Tokay Gecko

16.3.1. Construction of Tokay Gecko

16.3.2. Adhesion Enhancement by Division of Contacts and Multilevel Hierarchical Structure

16.3.3. Peeling

16.3.4. Self-Cleaning

16.4. Attachment Mechanisms

16.4.1. van der Waals Forces

16.4.2. Capillary Forces

16.5. Adhesion Measurements and Data

16.5.1. Adhesion under Ambient Conditions

16.5.2. Effects of Temperature

16.5.3. Effects of Humidity

16.5.4. Effects of Hydrophobicity

16.6. Adhesion Modeling of Fibrillar Structures

16.6.1. Single Spring Contact Analysis

16.6.2. The Multi-Level Hierarchical Spring Analysis

16.6.3. Adhesion Results of the Multi-level Hierarchical Spring Model

16.6.4. Capillary Effects

16.7. Adhesion Data Base of Fibrillar Structures

16.7.1. Fiber Model

16.7.2. Single Fiber Contact Analysis

16.7.3. Constraints

16.7.4. Numerical Simulation

16.7.5. Results and Discussion

16.8. Fabrication of Gecko Skin-Inspired Structures

16.8.1. Single Level Roughness Structures

16.8.2. Multi-Level Hierarchical Structures

16.9. Closure

Chapter 17.  Structure and Mechanical Properties of Nacre

17.1. Introduction 

17.2. Hierarchical Structure

17.2.1. Columnar and Sheet Structure

17.2.2. Mineral Bridges

17.2.3. Polygonal Nanograins

17.2.4. Inter-tile Toughening Mechanism

17.3. Mechanical Properties

17.4. Bioinspired Structures

17.5. Closure

Chapter 18.  Structural Coloration

18.1. Introduction 

18.2. Physical Mechanisms of Structural Colors

18.2.1. Film Interference

18.2.2. Diffraction Gratings

18.2.3. Scattering

18.2.4. Photonic Crystals

18.2.5. Coloration Changes

18.3. Lessons from Living Nature

18.3.1. Film interference

18.3.2. Diffraction Grating

18.3.3. Scattering

18.3.4. Photonic Crystals

18.3.5. Coloration Changes

18.4. Bioinspired Fabrication and Applications

18.5. Closure

Chapter 19.  Self-Healing Materials (NEW)

            19.1 xxxxxx

19.2 xxxxxx

19.3 xxxxxx

Chapter 20. Structures for Water Harvesting

20.1 xxxxxx

20.2 xxxxxx

20.3 xxxxxx

Chapter 21.  Outlook (Revised)

Appendix A. Gas Nanobubbles and Fluid Slip in Liquiphobic Surfaces

Subject Index (to be prepared by production staff)

Bio and Photograph of Author 

Reihe/Serie Springer Series in Materials Science
Zusatzinfo XXIX, 977 p. 523 illus., 301 illus. in color.
Verlagsort Cham
Sprache englisch
Maße 155 x 235 mm
Gewicht 1670 g
Themenwelt Technik Maschinenbau
Schlagworte Biomimetics inspired surfaces • Butterfly wing effect • Characterization of rose petals • gecko feet • Green science and technology • Hierarchical structures surfaces • Lotus effect • Properties of Nacre and structural coloration • self-cleaning • Shark Skin Effect • Superhydrophobic Surfaces • Superoleophobicity self cleaning • Superomniphobic surfaces
ISBN-10 3-319-71675-1 / 3319716751
ISBN-13 978-3-319-71675-6 / 9783319716756
Zustand Neuware
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