Mobilities -


Critical Concepts in Built Environment Series. 3 volumes

Ole B. Jensen (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
1858 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-1-138-02119-8 (ISBN)
1.659,95 inkl. MwSt
The world is on the move. This is a widespread understanding by many inhabitants of contemporary society across the Globe. But what does it actually mean?

During over one decade the 'mobilities turn' within the social sciences have provided a new set of insights into the repercussions of mobilities to social networks, personal identities, and our relationship to the built environment. The omnipresence of mobilities within everyday life, high politics, technology, and tourism (to mention but a few) all point to a key insight harnessed by the 'mobilities turn'.

Namely that mobilities is much more than simple movements of people, goods, and information from A to B. This new title creates a state-of-the-art reference work for all students and scholars with an interest in the 'mobilities turn' and its contributions to a deeper understanding of the contemporary and mobile world. The entries chosen all are amongst the most creative and thought provoking of this diverse field.

The selection covers diverse topics such as theories, concepts, methods, and approaches as well as exploring various modes of mobilities and the relationship to everyday life practices.

The pieces also cover the 'politics of mobilities' from local urban planning schemes to geopolitical issues of refugees and environmental degradation. The spaces and territories marked by mobilities as well as the sites marked by the bypassing of such are explored.

Moreover, the architectural and technological dimensions to infrastructures and sites of mobilities will be included alongside issues of power, social exclusion, consumption, surveillance and mobilities history, to mention some of the many themes covered by this reference work of the best previously published material.

The focus is on the academic contributions to this understanding by primarily focusing on works and publications in the aftermath of the seminal book and landmark text 'Sociology Beyond Societies. Mobilities for the 21th Century' by John Urry (Routledge, 2000) which in many ways have worked as the starting point for the 'mobilities turn'.

Ole B. Jensen is Professor in the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology at the University of Aalborg, Denmark. He is the co-author of Making European Space (with Tim Richardson, Routledge) and has published extensively on mobility research in the journals Mobilities, Culture and Space, and Urban Studies. His book, Staging Mobilities, was published in February 2013 (Routledge).

VOLUME I: Foundations, Theories, and Methods

1. Foundations and Overviews

1. Georg Simmel,’Bridge and Door’, Theory, Culture & Society, 1994, 11, 5, 5–10.

2. Henri Lefebvre, ‘Seen from the Window’, in E. Kofman and E. Lebas (eds.), Writings on Cities: Henri Lefebvre (Blackwell, 1996), pp. 219–27.

3. Doreen Massey, ‘A Global Sense of Place’, Marxism Today, June 1991, 24–9.

4. Rob Shields, ‘Flow as a New Paradigm’, Space and Culture, 1997, 1, 1, 1–7.

5. Kevin Hannam, Mimi Sheller, and John Urry, ‘Mobilities, Immobilities and Moorings’, Mobilities, 2006, 1, 1, 1–22.

6. Phillip Vannini, ‘Mobile Cultures: From the Sociology of Transportation to the Study of Mobilities’, Sociology Compass, 2010, 4/2, 111–21.

7. Nigel Thrift, ‘Driving in the City’, Theory, Culture & Society, 2004, 21, 4/5, 41–59.

2. Theories and Concepts

8. John Urry, ‘Mobile Sociology’, British Journal of Sociology, 2010, 61, 347–66.

9. Tim Cresswell, ‘The Metaphysics of Fixity and Flow’, On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World (Routledge, 2006), pp. 25–56.

10. Vincent Kaufman, Manfred Max Bergman and Dominique Joye, ‘Motility: Mobility as Capital’, International journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2004, 28, 4, 745–56.

11. Tim Ingold, ‘Point Line, Counterpoint’ and ‘Against Space’, Being Alive: Essays on Movement, Knowledge and Description (Routledge, 2011), pp. 76–89, 145–56.

12. Manuel Castells, ‘Urban Sociology in the Twenty-First Century’, Cidades: Communidades e Territorios, 2002, 5, 9–19.

13. Tim Cresswell, ‘Towards a Politics of Mobility’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2010, 28, 17–31.

14. Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, ‘Structural Stories’, Mobility and Daily Life: Between Freedom and Unfreedom (Ashgate, 2009), pp. 33–60.

3. Methods and Approaches

15. Monika Büscher and John Urry, ‘Mobile Methods and the Empirical’, European Journal of Social Theory, 2009, 12, 1, 99–116.

16. Paul McIlvenny, ‘Vélomobile Formations-in-Action: Biking and Talking Together’, Space & Culture, 2014, 17, 2, 137–56.

17. Jonas Larsen, ‘Practices and Flows of Digital Photography: An Ethnographic Framework’, Mobilities, 2008, 3, 1, 141–60.

18. Paola Jirón, ‘On Becoming "la sombre/the shadow"’, in M. Büscher, J. Urry, and K. Witchger (eds.), Mobile Methods (Routledge, 2011), pp. 37–53.

19. Phil Jones and James Evans, ‘The Spatial Transcript: Analysing Mobilities through Qualitative GIS’, Area, 2012, 44, 1, 92–9.

20. Magarethe Kusenbach, ‘Street Phenomenology: The Go-Along as Ethnographic Research Tool’, Ethnography, 2003, 4, 455–85.

21. Carlo Ratti, Dennis Frenchman, Richardo Maria Pulselli, and Sarah Williams, ‘Mobile Landscapes: Using Location Data from Cell Phones of Urban Analysis?’, Environment & Planning B: Planning and Design, 2006, 33, 727–48.

VOLUME II: Everyday Practices, Cultures, and Territories

4. Everyday Practices and Cultures

22. David Bissell, ‘Passenger Mobilities: Affective Atmospheres and the Sociality of Public Transport’, Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, 2010, 28, 2, 270–89.

23. Tim Edensor, ‘M6 Junction 16–19: Defamiliarizing the Mundane Roadscape’, Space & Culture, 2003, 6, 151–68.

24. Ole B. Jensen, ‘Negotiation in Motion: Unpacking a Geography of Mobility’, Space and Culture, 2010, 13, 4, 389-402.

25. Jim Conley, ‘A Sociology of Traffic: Driving, Cycling, Walking’, in P. Vannini, L. Budd, O. B. Jensen, C. Fisker, and P. Jirón (eds.), Technologies of Mobility in the Americas (Peter Lang, 2012), pp. 219–36.

26. Melissa Butcher, ‘Cultures of Commuting: The Mobile Negotiation of Space and Subjectivity on Delhi's Metro’, Mobilities, 2011, 6, 2, 237–54.

27. Phillip Vannini, ‘Mind the Gap: The Tempo Rubato of Dwelling in Lineups’, Mobilities, 2011, 6, 2, 273–99.

28. Shanaz Huq-Hussain and Umme Habiba, ‘Gendered Experiences of Mobility: Travel Behavior of Middle-Class Women in Dhaka City’, Transfers, 2013, 3, 3, 79–98.

5. Territories and Migrations

29. Dimitris Dalakoglu, ‘The Road: An Ethnography of the Albanian-Greek Cross-Border Motorway’, American Ethnologist, 2010, 37, 1, 132–49.

30. Daniel P. S. Goh, ‘Walking the Global City: The Politics of Rhythm and Memory in Singapore’, Space & Culture, 2013, 17, 1, 16–28.

31. Noel B. Salazar, ‘Towards an Anthropology of Cultural Mobilities’, Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 2010, 1, 53–68.

32. Paul Basu and Simon Coleman, ‘Migrant Worlds, Material Cultures’, Mobilities, 2008, 3, 3, 313–30.

33. Zlatko Skrbis, ‘Transnational Families: Theorizing Migration, Emotion and Belonging’, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2009, 29, 3, 231–46.

34. Deirdre Mckay, ‘"Sending Dollars Shows Feelings": Emotions and Economies in Filipino Migration’, Mobilities, 2007, 2, 2, 175–94.

35. Matthew Hayes, ‘Moving South: The Economic Motives and Structural Context of North America’s Emigrants in Cuenca, Ecuador’, Mobilities, 2014.

6. Modes of Moving

36. Phillip Pinch and Suzanne Reimer, ‘Moto-Mobilities: Geographies of the Motorcycle and Motorcyclists’, Mobilities,2010, 7, 3, 439–57.

37. Mimi Sheller, ‘Automotive Emotions: Feeling the Car’, Theory, Culture & Society, 2004, 21, 4/5, 221–42.

38. Claus Lassen, ‘Aeromobility and Work’, Environment and Planning A, 2006, 38, 301–12.

39. Orvar Löfgren, ‘Motion and Emotion: Learning to be a Railway Traveller’, Mobilities, 2008, 3, 3, 331–51.

40. Michael W. Pesses, ‘Automobility, Velomobility, American Mobility: An Exploration of the Bicycle Tour’, Mobilities, 2010, 5, 1–23.

41. David Pinder, ‘Errand Path: The Poetics and Politics of Walking’, Environment & Planning D: Society & Space, 2011, 29, 672–92.

42. Gopa Samanta Sumita Roy, ‘Mobility in the Margins. Hand-Pulled Rickshaws in Kolkata’, Transfers, 2013, 3, 3, 62–78.

VOLUME III: Design, Technologies, and the Environment

7. Design and Architecture

43. Alexandra Weilman, Daniel Normark and Eric Laurier, ‘Managing Walking Together: The Challenge of Revolving Doors’, Space & Culture, 2014, 17, 2, 122–36.

44. David L. Prytherch, ‘Legal Geographies: Codifying the Right-of-Way Statutory Geographies of Urban Mobility and the Street’, Urban Geography, 2012, 33, 2, 295–314.

45. Peter Merrimann, ‘A New Look at the English Landscape: Landscape Architecture, Movement and the Aesthetics of Motorways in Early Post-War Britain’, Cultural Geographies, 2006, 13, 1, 78–105.

46. Peter Adey, ‘Airports for Children: Mobility, Design and the Construction of an Airport Education’, Built Environment, 2007, 33, 4, 417–29.

47. Muhammad M. Ishaque and Robert B. Noland, ‘Making Roads Safe for Pedestrians or Keeping Them Out of the Way?’, Journal of Transport History, 2006, 27, 1, 115–37.

48. Taku Fujiyama and Nick Tyler, ‘Bidirectional Collision-Avoidance Behaviour of Pedestrians on Stairs’, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2009, 36, 128–48.

49. Roger L. Mackett, Kamalasudhan Achuthan and Helena Titheridge, ‘AMELIA: Making Streets More Accessible for People with Mobility Difficulties’, Urban Design International, 2008, 13, 80–9.

8. Technologies and Infrastructures

50. Stephen Graham, ‘FlowCity: Networked Mobilities and the Contemporary Metropolis’, Journal of Urban Technology, 2002, 9, 1, 1–20.

51. Moshe Givoni, ‘Development and Impact of the Modern High-Speed Train: A Review’, Transport Reviews, 2006, 26, 5, 593–611.

52. Adriana de Souza e Silva, ‘From Cyber to Hybrid: Mobile Technologies as Interfaces of Hybrid Spaces’, Space & Culture, 2002, 3, 261–77.

53. Rich Ling and Heather A. Horst, ‘Mobile Communication in the Global South’, New Media & Society, 2011, 13, 363–74.

54. Jo Vergunst, ‘Technology and Technique in a Useful Ethnography of Movement’, Mobilities,2011, 6, 2, 203–19.

55. Judy Wajcman, ‘Life in the Fast Lane? Towards a Sociology of Technology and Time’, British Journal of Sociology, 2008, 59, 1, 59–77.

56. Matthew Heins, ‘Globalizing the Nation-State: The Shipping Container and American Infrastructure’, Mobilities, 2014.

9. Environment and Sustainability

57. George Martin, ‘Global Motorization, Social Ecology and China’, Area, 2007, 39, 1, 66–73.

58. Peter Cox, ‘The Role of Human Powered Vehicles in Sustainable Mobility’, Built Environment, 2008, 34, 2, 140–60.

59. David Banister, ‘The Sustainable Mobility Paradigm’, Transport Policy, 2008, 15, 73–80.

60. Susan Hanson, ‘Gender and Mobility: New Approaches for Informing Sustainability’, Gender, Place & Culture, 2010, 17, 1, 5–22.

61. Cotten Seiler, ‘Welcoming China to Modernity: US Fantasies of Chinese Automobility’, Public Culture,2012, 24, 2, 357–84.

62. Randall Crane and Lisa A. Scweitzer, ‘Transport and Sustainability: The Role of the Built Environment’, Built Environment, 2003, 29, 3, 238–52.

63. Petter Næss, ‘Residential Location, Travel, and Energy Use in the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area’, Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2010, 3, 3, 27–59.

VOLUME IV: Power, Politics, and Tourism

10. Power and Inequalities

64. Alison Mountz, ‘Specters at the Port of Entry: Understanding State Mobilities through an Ontology of Exclusion’, Mobilities, 2011, 6, 3, 317–34.

65. Rachel Silvey, ‘Power, Difference and Mobility: Feminist Advances in Migration Studies’, Progress in Human Geography, 2004, 28, 4, 1–17.

66. Farha Ghannam, ‘Mobility, Liminality and Embodiment in Urban Egypt’, American Ethnologist, 2011, 38, 4, 790-800.

67. Caren Kaplan, ‘Mobility and War: The Cosmic View of US "Air Power"’, Environment & Planning A, 2006, 38, 395–407.

68. Noel Cass, Elisabeth Shove and John Urry, ‘Social Exclusion, Mobility and Access’, Sociological Review, 2005, 53, 3, 539–55.

69. Peter Adey, ‘Facing Airport Security: Affect, Politics and the Pre-emptive Securitisation of the Mobile Body’, Environment and Planning D: Society & Space, 2009, 27, 274–95.

70. Alison J. Williams, ‘Enabling Persistent Presence? Performing the Embodied Geopolitics of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Assemblage’, Political Geography, 2011, 30, 381–90.

11. Planning and Politics

71. Mette Olesen and Claus Lassen, ‘Restricted Mobilities: Access to, and Activities in, Public and Private Spaces’, International Planning Studies, 2012, 17, 3, 215–32.

72. Rachel Aldred, ‘"On the Outside": Constructing Cycling Citizenship’, Social & Cultural Geography, 2010, 11, 1, 35–52.

73. Jason W. Patton, ‘A Pedestrian World: Competing Rationalities and the Calculation of Transportation Changes’, Environment and Planning A, 2007, 39, 928–44.

74. Anne-Marie Fortier, ‘The Politics of Scaling, Timing and Embodying: Re-Thinking the "New Europe"’, 2006, Mobilities, 1, 313–31.

75. Brenda Chalfin, ‘Sovereigns and Citizens in Close Encounter: Airport Anthropology and Customs Regimes in Neoliberal Ghana’, American Ethnologist, 2008, 35, 4, 519–38.

76. Konrad Miciukiewicz and Geoff Vigar, ‘Mobility and Social Cohesion in the Splintered City: Challenging Technocratic Transport Research and Policy-Making Practices’, Urban Studies, 2012, 49, 9, 1941–57.

77. Sven Kesselring, ‘Corporate Mobilities Regimes: Mobility, Power and the Socio-Geographical Structurations of Mobile Work’, Mobilities, 2014.

12. Tourism and Leisure

78. Chris McMorran, ‘Mobilities Amid the Production of Fixities: Labor in a Japanese Inn’, Mobilities, 2013.

79. Adrian Frankling and Mike Crang, ‘The Trouble with Tourism and Travel Theory’, Tourist Studies, 2001, 1, 1, 5–22.

80. Tim Edensor, ‘Mundane Mobilities, Performances and Spaces of Tourism’, Social & Cultural Geography, 2007, 8, 2, 199–214.

81. Allison Hui, ‘Moving with Practices: The Discontinuous, Rhythmic and Material Mobilities of Leisure’, Social & Cultural Geography, 2013, 14, 8, 888–907.

82. Michael Haldrup and Jonas Larsen, ‘Material Cultures of Tourism’, Leisure Studies, 2006, 25, 3, 275–89.

83. Jennie Germann Molz, ‘Social Networking Technologies and the Moral Economy of Alternative Tourism: The Case of’, Annals of Tourism Research, 2013, 43, 210–30.

84. Scott Cohen, Tara Duncan, and Maria Thulemark, ‘Lifestyle Mobilities: The Crossroads of Travel, Leisure and Migration’, Mobilities, 2013.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 8.6.2015
Reihe/Serie Critical Concepts in Built Environment
Zusatzinfo 80 black & white illustrations, 35 black & white tables
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 156 x 234 mm
Gewicht 3379 g
Einbandart gebunden
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Geowissenschaften Geografie / Kartografie
Sozialwissenschaften Soziologie
Technik Architektur
ISBN-10 1-138-02119-9 / 1138021199
ISBN-13 978-1-138-02119-8 / 9781138021198
Zustand Neuware
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