Handbook of Crystallography - Allen G. Jackson

Handbook of Crystallography

For Electron Microscopists and Others
Buch | Softcover
210 Seiten
2011 | Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1991
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
978-1-4612-7776-7 (ISBN)
53,49 inkl. MwSt
This book resulted from a series of frustrations. Analytical electron microscopy requires exactly what its name implies: quantitative information to conduct an analysis. The frustrations arose when I started hunting for specific forms of equations in a form understandable to a non-crystaHographer, for definitions of subtle concepts related to crystallography, for intelligible interpretations of space group symbols and their significance. What I frequently discovered was that such information was buried in a giant tome and couched in terms familiar to crystallographers but not to electron microscopists in general, or it was located in an old reference not available in my library, or it was found in an out-of-print book, or it was in a Russian book no longer available, etc. So to minimize the frustrations, I started a notebook containing the details, particularly after I had found forms of equations useful for quick calculations or equations in a form useful for proving, doing, or extending calculations found in a reference. The resulting notebook grew to a respectable size, requiring some organizing of the contents. Finally, the size became large enough, and has proven useful enough, to produce the notebook as a book.

1. Definitions and Mathematics.- 1.1. Definitions.- 1.2. Vector Operations.- 1.3. Basis Vectors.- 1.4. Miller Indices (Plane Indices).- 1.5. Direction Indices.- 1.6. Permutation of Indices.- 1.7. The Direct Lattice.- 1.8. Fundamentals of the Reciprocal Lattice.- 2. Defining Vectors for Various Crystal Systems.- 2.1. Face-Centered Cubic.- 2.2. Body-Centered Cubic.- 2.3. Hexagonal Close Packed.- 2.4. End-Centered (Base-Centered).- 2.5. Simple Cubic.- 3. Diffraction Pattern Analysis.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Errors in Measurements.- 3.3. Analysis of Patterns.- 3.4. StructureFactor.- 3.5. Ratio Tables.- 4. Packing Fraction and Stacking Sequences.- 4.1. Packing Fraction.- 4.2. Stacking Sequences.- 4.3. Interstitial Positions.- 5. Detailed Equations for Various Crystal Systems.- 5.1. General Equations Applicable to Any System.- 5.2. Cubic System.- 5.3. Tetragonal System.- 5.4. Orthorhombic System.- 5.5. Monoclinic System (b axis unique).- 5.6. Triclinic System.- 5.7. Trigonal System.- 5.8.Hexagonal System.- 6. Conversion Formulas.- 6.1. Introduction.- 6.2. BCC to Orthorhombic.- 6.3. hcp to Orthorhombic.- 6.4. BCC to hcp.- 6.5. FCT to BCT and BCT to FCT Transformation.- 6.6. Monoclinic Nonprimitive to Primitive Transformation.- 6.7. Rhombohedral to HCP.- 6.8. Some Orientation Relationships.- 6.9. Some Ordered Structures.- 7. Slip Systems.- 7.1. Face-Centered Cubic.- 7.2. Body-Centered Cubic.- 7.3. Hexagonal Close Packed.- 7.4. Miscellaneous Definitions.- 8. Projections.- 8.1. Introduction.- 8.2. Direct Lattice Projections.- 8.3. Reciprocal Space Projections.- 8.4. The Stereographic Projection.- 8.5. Grid Projections.- 9. Structure Symbols.- 9.1. Crystal Designations.- 9.2. Strukturbericht Symbols.- 9.3. Pearson Symbols.- 9.4. Symmetry Symbols.- 10. Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction.- 10.1. Introduction.- 10.2. Problems with Obtaining and Interpreting the Patterns.- 10.3. Zero and Higher Order Laue Zones.- 10.4. Lattice Parameter Along the Zone Axis.- 10.5. Higher Order Laue Zone Lines in Diffraction Discs.- 10.6. Symmetry Identification.- 10.7. Thickness Measurement Using Higher Order Laue Zone Lines in a Diffraction Disc.- 10.8. Indexing Holz Patterns.- 10.9. Construction of the Holz Pattern and Identification of Planes in the Holz Ring.- 10.10. Rings in Convergent Beam Diffraction.- 10.11. Interpretation of hcp CBED Ring Patterns.- 11. Miscellaneous Tables and Data.- 11.1. Mendeleev Number and Chemical Scale.- 11.2. Machlin Classification of Some Intermetallics.- 11.3. Schlafli Symbols.- 11.4. Fourier Series and Transforms.- 12. Icosahedral Structures and Patteros.- 12.1. Definitions.- 12.2. Axes.- 12.3. Simple Projection Examples.- 12.4. Diffraction Patterns.- 13. Dislocations.- 13.1. Definitions.- 13.2. Image Contrast of Dislocations.- 13.3. Analysis of Burger’s Vector.- 13.4. Thompson Tetrahedron for Face Centered Cubic.- 13.5. Partials.- 13.6. Twins.- References.

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Daten, Formeln, Übungsaufgaben

von Friedrich W. Küster; Alfred Thiel; Andreas Seubert

Buch | Softcover (2023)
De Gruyter (Verlag)