Choices - Greg M Scott, Katherine Tate, Ronald Weber


An American Government Reader (from Pearson Custom Publishing)
Buch | Softcover
Pearson (Verlag)
978-0-321-08483-5 (ISBN)
30,90 inkl. MwSt
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A supplemental reader for American Government courses, Choices provides more than 350 articles, documents, book excerpts and speeches from which a professor can choose only those readings they want for their unique reader (150 for 2004).

The list of readings includes the best classic pieces as well as current articles representing the breaking issues of today. Each year, the list is revised and expanded to include the most exceptional source material available in American government and politics.

The list of readings is organized into 20 topical areas (Federalism, Media, Presidency, Social Policy, etc.) that correspond to the organization of most introductory survey texts. However, professors can choose their own headings and sequence their reader in whatever way they prefer.

Note: *Denotes articles offering coverage of the 2000 election. FOUNDATIONS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.


Declaration of Independence. Declaration of Rights (France) 1789. A Perilous Path (Canada and the World Backgrounder).

Amar, Second Thoughts (New Republic).

Boyte and Kari, The Rebirth of Citizenship (Commonweal).

Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory.

de Tocqueville, Tyranny of the Majority.

Henry, Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.

Ikenberry, Why Export Democracy? (Wilson Quarterly).

Lipset, Some Social Requisites of Democracy (APSR).

Olson and Mancur, Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development (APSR).

Pericles, Funeral Oration.

Silvert, Reasons for Democracy (Society).

The Economist, Is There a Crisis?

Walzer, Crass Demos (New Republic).

Wilentz, Striving for Democracy (Wilson Quarterly).

The Constitution.

We the People (Scholastic Update). Federalist No. 10. Federalist No. 39. Federalist No. 46. Federalist No. 51. Federalist No. 78. The United States Constitution and Amendments. The Mayflower Compact. Articles of Confederation. Magna Carta 1215. Antifederalist #9. Antifederalist #84.

Beard, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution.

Demarais and McGovern, Discussion of the Iroquois Constitution.

Fletcher, Unsound Constitution (New Republic).

Froehnen, The Rise of Limited Government (The World and I).

Hentoff, The President Who Makes War Against the Constitution (Village Voice).

Hobbes, Social Contract.

Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address.

Locke, State of Nature, State of War.

McDonald, Original Unintentions: The Franchise and the Constitution (Modern Age).

McGinnis, The Original Constitution and Our Origins (Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy).


Clinton, Executive Order 13083 (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents).

Derthick, American Federalism: Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Laycock, Federalism As a Structural Threat to Liberty (Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy).

Massey, The Tao of Federalism (Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy).

Skowronek, Building a New American State.

Storing, What the Anti-Federalists Were For.

Wildavsky, Birthday Cake Federalism.


First Amendment Rights.

Abrams, Look Who's Trashing the First Amendment(Columbia Journalism Review).

Groenewold, Internet Communications: How Free? (UNIX Review's Performance Computing).

McChesney, The New Theology of the First Amendment: Class Privilege Over Democracy (Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine March 1998).

Mill, On Liberty.

Paine, Common Sense.

Ryan, Liberal Anxieties and Liberal Eduation(Liberal Education).

Thoreau, Civil Disobedience.

U.S. Supreme Court, Engel v. Vitale.

U.S. Supreme Court, Lemon v. Kurtzman.

U.S. Supreme Court, Miller v. California.

U.S. Supreme Court, Schenk v. US.

The Extended Bill Of Rights.

Female Liberation Joint Statement.

A. Adams, Letters to John Adams.

Anthony, Woman's Rights to the Suffrage.

Dunbar, Who Is the Enemy?

Heston, Speech to Yale University Political Union.

Lewis, Gideon's Trumpet.

U.S. Supreme Court, Bowers v. Hardwick.

U.S. Supreme Court, Clinton v. Jones.

U.S. Supreme Court, Gideon v. Wainwright.

U.S. Supreme Court, Griswold v Conn.

U.S. Supreme Court, Mapp v. Ohio.

U.S. Supreme Court, McClesky v. Kemp.

U.S. Supreme Court, Miranda v. Arizona.

U.S. Supreme Court, Near v. State of Minnesota.

U.S. Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade.

U.S. Supreme Court, Texas v. Johnson.

Civil Rights.

Dove, Rosa Parks (Time).

King, I Have a Dream Speech.

King, Letter from Birmingham Jail.

Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation.

Maass, The Secrets of Mississippi (New Republic).

Rosenberg, The Hollow Hope.

U.S. Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Education.

U.S. Supreme Court, Civil Rights Cases 1883.

U.S. Supreme Court, Dred Scott v. Sanford.

U.S. Supreme Court, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US.

U.S. Supreme Court, Plessy v. Ferguson.

U.S. Supreme Court, UC v. Bakke.

Umoja, The Ballot and the Bullet (Journal of Black Studies).

United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.

West, Race Matters.

Zirkel, The `N' Word (Phi Delta Kappan).


Political Culture.

Almond and Verba, An Approach to Political Culture.

Fuchs and Taylor, Individual and Social Responsibility.

Hunter, Culture Wars.

Lijphart, Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method (APSR).

Marks, Real Gender Gap in Politics: Men (Christian Science Monitor).

Muller and Seligson, Civic Culture and Democracy: The Question of Causal Relationships (APSR).

Putnam, Bowling Alone.

Wildavsky, Choosing Preferences by Constructing Institutions (APSR).

Wood, Social Capital and Political Culture (American Behavioral Scientist).


Conservatism at Century's End (Policy Review).

Bliese, Conservatism and the Ideology of `Growth'(Modern Age).

Carney and Hawkings, Conservative 'Culture War' Pauses for a Reality Check (CQ Weekly).

Doyle, Liberalism and World Politics (APSR).

Hayden, SDS: Port Huron Statement.

Judis, The Mighty Middle (New Republic).

Lowi, The End of Liberalism.

Marx, Communist Manifesto.

Newman and deZoysa, Communitarianism: The New Panacea? (Sociological Perspectives).

Rusher, Reflections on the Rise of the Right (National Observer).

Saponara, Confronting the Logic of the New Right (Peace Review).

Interest Groups.

Declaration of Kinship and Cooperation Among the Indigenous Peoples and Nations of North America.

ACLU, ACLU Briefing Paper No. 1.

Birnbaum, Washington's Power 25 (Fortune).

Bloomfield, Hot Nights in the City: Global Warming, Sea-Level Rise and the New York Metropolitan Region.

Castelli and Freeman, Twelve Rules for Mixing Religion and Politics (People for the American Way).

Chase, Into Einstein's Lap: Let's Make Higher Education More Accessible (NEA).

Christian Coalition, Stand on: Religious Freedoms (Christian Coalition.

Common Cause, Soft Money: What Is It and Why Is It a Problem?

Eagle Forum, Join Eagle Forum and Phyllis Schlafly: Be Where the Action Is.

Feldt, Providing Leadership in Women's Health (Planned Parenthood).

Heston, Speech to Yale University Political Union (NRA).

Ireland, Data and Demand Show Need for Violence Against Women Act II (NOW).

Kirchhoff, Dollars and Sensitivities: Finessing the Gender Gap (CQ Weekly).

Lambro, Ten Trends That Will Shape American Politics (The World and I).

NORML, Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use.

NRLC, Statements by National Right to Life Committee.

Potok, The Logic of Extremism.

Sierra Club, America's Wilderness Heritage.

Walker, Mobilizing Interest Groups in America:Patrons, Professions and Social Movements.

Welch, The John Birch Society Resolutions.

Political Parties.

Democratic Party Platform, 2000 (Excerpts).

Republican Party Platform, 2000 (Excerpts).

Aldrich, Why Parties?

Broder, The Party's Over.

Carney, GOP Casts a Kinder Eye On 'Huddled Masses'(CQ Weekly).

Gizzi, Splits in the Political Parties (The World and I).

Hosfstadter, Toward A Party System.

Killian, Biting Back (American Spectator).

Ladd, An End to Politics as Usual.

*Magnusson, The Punishing Price of Nader's Passion (Business Week).

*New York Times, Clinton's Comments on the Democratic Party.

Olson, The Logic of Collective Action.

Texiera, Finding the Real Center.

Public Opinion.

Bartels, The Dynamics of Public Choice.

Cannon, Reagan Country, Then and Now (National Review).

Elshtain, Poll Positions (New Republic).

Herek and Capitanio, AIDS Stigma and Sexual Prejudice (American Behavioral Scientist).

Miller and Shanks, The Three Stages in the Political Life of the Citizen.

Page and Shapiro, What Moves Public Opinion? (APSR).

Page and Shapiro, Effects of Public Opinion on Policy (APSR).

Truman, The Alleged Mischiefs of Faction.

Verba, The Big Tilt.

Campaigns And Elections.

*Florida Statute 102.171, The Statute Governing the Contesting of Elections.

*Bush, Gore Try to Stay in Budget.

Birtel, Term-Limits: As the Pledges Come Home to Roost (Campaigns and Elections).

*Bruni, Bush Runs, With a Lexicon of His Own (NYT).

Brunnell, Partisan Bias in U.S. Congressional Elections, 1952-1996 (American Politics Quarterly).

*Bush, Presidential Election Acceptance Speech.

*Bush, A Culture of Achievement (Speech).

*Calmes, McCain Endorses Bush In an Uneasy Alliance (WSJ).

*Carney and Dickerson, The Heart Strategy (Time).

*Chaddock, Congress Convenes at Crossroads (Christian Science Monitor).

*Conti, Bait and Switch (New Republic).

*Dunham, Bush v. McCain, Round Two (Business Week).

Faucheux, The Indirect Approach (Campaigns and Elections).

*Gibbs, What They Think Of Each Other (Time).

*Gore, Presidential Election Concession Speech.

*Gore, Foreign Policy.

*Gore, Drug Tests.

*Hill, Perils of the Electoral College (Christian Science Monitor).

*Loewenberg, The Bush Money Machine (Nation).

*Magnusson, The Punishing Price of Nader's Passion (Business Week).

*Marks, Women's Vote: Elusive Prize in Election 2000 (Christian Science Monitor).

*Marks, No. 1 Election-Year Issue: Voters' Wallets (Christian Science Monitor).

*Milbank, Bill's Believers (New Republic).

*Milbank, What `W' Stands For (New Republic).

Miller et al., Schematic Assessments of Presidential Candidates (APSR).

Novak, Dialing Back The Dollars: The Republicans—And Democrats Too—Are Awash in Soft-Money Contributions (Time).

*O'Beirne, It's the ZIP Code, Stupid (National Review).

Powell, American Voter Turnout in Comparative Perspective (APSR).

*Rosen, Misjudge (New Republic).

Sauerzopf and Swanstrom , The Urban Electorate In Presidential Elections, 1920-1996 (Urban Affairs Review).

Teixeira, Voter Turnout in America: 10 Myths.

*The Economist, World According to Gore.

*The Economist, The Battle For The White House.

*U. S. News and World Report, Who's the Dimmest Dim Bulb?

*U.S. Supreme Court, George W. Bush et al. v. Albert Gore, Jr. et al.

*U.S. Supreme Court, Justices Ginsburg's and Souter's Dissents to Bush v. Gore.

*Wollert and Dwyer, The Hurricane Hillary (Business Week).

News Media.

Bell, Impact of the Global Media Revolution (USA Today Magazine March 1999).

Conti, Bait and Switch (New Republic).

Cook, Governing with the News.

Frank, Beyond the Cringe.

Graber, The 'New' Media and Politics.

Hill, Cyberpolitics: Citizen Activism in the Age of the Internet.

Kinsley, The Great Spin Machine (Time).

McChesney, Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy.

Meacham, What Will Rogers Could Teach the Age of Limbaugh.

Sabato, Feeding Frenzy.

Williams, Hate Radio: Why We Need to Tune into Limbaugh and Stern.

Yeoman, Rethinking the Race Beat (Columbia Journalism Review).



Brunnell, Partisan Bias in U.S. Congressional Elections, 1952-1996 (American Politics Quarterly).

*Chaddock, Congress Convenes at Crossroads (Christian Science Monitor).

Clinton, Letter to Congressional Leaders on Iraq's Compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolutions (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents).

Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan.

CQ Weekly, Policy Dilemmas for Both Clinton, Congress (CQ Weekly).

Fenno, U.S. House Members in Their Constituencies (APSR).

Fenno, Perceptions of the Constituency.

Fiorina, Divided Government.

Kingdon, The Consensus Mode of Decision.

Krehbiel, Information and Legislative Organizations.

Mayhew, Congress: The Electoral Connection.

McLaughlin, Which Governs Better: One House Or Two? (Christian Science Monitor).

Miller and Stokes, Constituency Influence in Congress (APSR).

Mosher, U.S. Congress to United Nations: Curb Population Control Abuses (Human Events).

Polsby, The Institutionalization of the US House of Representatives.

Riordan and Kirchhoff, Women on the Hill: Can They Make a Difference?

Wildavsky, The New Politics of the Budgetary Process.

*Woellert and Dwyer, Then Hurricane Hillary (Business Week).

The Presidency.

Amar, The Unimperial Presidency (New Republic).

Barber, Presidential Character and How to Foresee It.

*Bush, Inaugural Address.

Clinton, Executive Order 13083 (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents).

Conti, Bait and Switch (New Republic).

Corwin, Conceptions of the Office.

*Dunham, Bush v. McCain, Round Two (Business Week).

Hentoff, The President Who Makes War Against the Constitution (Village Voice).

Jones, Perspectives on the Presidency.

Kennedy, Inaugural Address.

Neustadt, The Power to Persuade.

*New York Times, The Clinton Legacy: Striking Strengths, Glaring Shortcomings.

Postrel, The In-Box Presidency (Reason).

Rossiter, The American Presidency.

Skowronek, Rethinking Presidential History.

U.S. Supreme Court, United States v. Nixon.

U.S. Supreme Court, Clinton v. Jones.

*U.S. Supreme Court, George W. Bush et al. v. Albert Gore, Jr. et al.

*U.S. Supreme Court, Justices Ginsburg's and Souter's Dissents to Bush v. Gore.

Washington, Farewell Address.

The Judiciary.

Federalist No. 78.

Abraham, Freedom and the Court.

Abraham, The Supreme Court.

Bork, The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law.

Epstei and Knight, The Choices Justices Make.

Lasser, The Limits of Judicial Power.

O'Brien, Storm Center.

*Rosen, Misjudge.

Segal and Spaeth, The Supreme Court and the Attitudinal Model.

Silverglate and Good, Starr Teachers (Reason).

Slade, That's the IDEA! (World and I).

Spaeth and Segal, Majority Rule or Minority Will: Adherence to Precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court.

U.S. Supreme Court, Marbury v. Madison.

U.S. Supreme Court, McCulloch v. Maryland.

*U.S. Supreme Court, George W. Bush et al. v. Albert Gore, Jr. et al.

*U.S. Supreme Court, Justices Ginsburg's and Souter's Dissents to Bush v. Gore.

The Bureaucracy.

Fesler and Kettl, The Politics of the Administrative Process.

Goodsell, Bureaucracy Despised, Disparaged, and Defended.

Mauk, The Death of Bureaucracy (Public Management).

Meier, Bureaucracy and Democracy: The Case for More Bureaucracy and Less Democracy (Public Administration Review).

Sanders, The Future of Bureaucracy (Records Management Quarterly).

Waldo, Scientific Management and Public Administration.

Wildavsky, The New Politics of the Budgetary Process.

Wilson, Bureaucracy.


Economic Policy.

Becker, Estate Taxes: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone (Business Week).

Domhoff, Who Rules America Now? Power and Politics in the Year 2000.

Greider, The Surplus Fallacy (Rolling Stone).

Lane, Tax Americana (The New Republic).

Nazarian and Dlugy, Winners and Losers (Quill).

Quadagno, The Color of Welfare: How Racism Undermined the War on Poverty.

Reich, Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor Poorer.

Stevenson, Bush to Advocate Private Accounts in Social Security (New York Times).

Tyson, What to Believe About the Budget? A Primer Explores Each Side's Plan (Christian Science Monitor).

Social Policy.

Alter, Bridging the Digital Divide (Newsweek).

Conference of Bishops, Death Penalty.

Carney, Hastert's Gun Control Package Faces Fusillade of Criticism from Both Parties (CQ Weekly).

Carney, GOP Casts a Kinder Eye On 'Huddled Masses'(CQ Weekly).

Dunham, The ABCs of Vouchers and Politics (Business Week).

Feld, The Honest Politician's Guide to Juvenile Justice in the Twenty-First Century (Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science).

Greenberg, Abortion Returns to Haunt US Presidential Campaign (Lancet).

Kiefer, Gun Control Takes Aim at Fall Election (Christian Science Monitor).

Miller, Follow The Money (Time).

Osborne, Healthy Competition (New Republic).

Peterson, A Liberal Case for Vouchers (New Republic).

Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms.

Sunstein, Affirmative Action, Caste, and Cultural Comparisons (Michigan Law Review).

The Economist, Lights Out (The Economist).

Zuckerman, Fighting The War On Crime (U.S. News and World Report).

Foreign Policy.

Allison, Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis (APSR).

Alter, The Overseas Booby Trap (Newsweek).

Clinton, Letter to Congressional Leaders on Iraq's Compliance With United Nations Security Council Resolutions (Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents).

Hecht, Immodest Proposal: Cutting Military Spending (Christian Century).

Isaacs, Missile Defense: It's Back (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).

Keohane and Nye, Power and Interdependence.

Morganthau, A Realist Theory of International Politics.

Mosher, U.S. Congress to United Nations: Curb Population Control Abuses (Human Events).

The Economist, Deals, Bribes, and North Korea.

The Economist, Where Do America's Interests Lie?

Vest, Clinton Bombs Again (Village Voice).

Waltz, Theory of International Politics.

Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars.

Washington, Farewell Address.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 28.10.2000
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Theorie
ISBN-10 0-321-08483-7 / 0321084837
ISBN-13 978-0-321-08483-5 / 9780321084835
Zustand Neuware
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