Encyclopedia of Critical Political Science -

Encyclopedia of Critical Political Science

Clyde W. Barrow (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
812 Seiten
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd (Verlag)
978-1-80037-590-1 (ISBN)
369,95 inkl. MwSt
An indispensable and exemplary reference work, this Encyclopedia adeptly navigates the multidisciplinary field of critical political science, providing a comprehensive overview of the methods, approaches, concepts, scholars and journals that have come to influence the discipline’s development over the last six decades.

Consisting of authoritative contributions from an array of eminent academics, the Encyclopedia highlights scholarship that is often overlooked by the political science discipline and explores the theories behind, and the goals of, the field. It delves deep into historical and conceptual dimensions and engages with a diverse variety of theoretical perspectives including Marxist, post-Marxist, post-modernist, feminist, ecologist, pluralist, anarchist and communist.

Both stimulating and innovative, this timely Encyclopedia will be a fundamental resource for academics, researchers, and students in the fields of critical political science, international politics, international relations, politics and public policy, political economy, political theory and gender politics.

Key Features:

Critical perspectives on core debates

Written in an engaging and reflective style

Accessible explanations of central concepts

Over 250 entries written by leading scholars and researchers

International and interdisciplinary analysis of the field’s development

Edited by Clyde W. Barrow, Professor of Political Science, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, US


Alphabetical list of entries xiii
List of editors, editorial advisors
and contributors xxii
Preface xlvi
What is critical political science? 1
Clyde W. Barrow

1 Critique of pluralism 19
Clyde W. Barrow
2 Power structure analysis 25
Joseph G. Peschek
3 Critique of positivism and
the post-behavioral revolution 30
Josh Berkenpas
4 Critical theory 35
Bradley J. Macdonald
5 Ideology critique 40
Joshua Simon
6 Disciplinary history 46
Emily Hauptmann
7 Analytical Marxism 52
Roberto Veneziani
8 Black Marxism 57
Azaan W. Akbar
9 Historical Marxism 62
Bryan D. Palmer
10 Institutional Marxism 68
Stephen Maher and Scott
M. Aquanno
11 Latino politics and Marxism 74
Gilberto Garcia and
Rodolfo D. Torres
12 Open Marxism 82
Ana Cecilia Dinerstein,
Frederick Harry Pitts, and
Patrizia Zanoni
13 Quantitative Marxism 88
John Paul Dunne
14 Structural Marxism 93
Geoffrey Pfeifer
15 Structural-functional
Marxism 98
Rafael Khachaturian
16 Systems-analytic Marxism 103
Clyde W. Barrow

17 What is the state? 110
Clyde W. Barrow
18 Marxist theories of the state I 112
Rafael Khachaturian
19 Marxist theories of
the state II 120
Clyde W. Barrow
20 Transnational state 126
Joel Z. Garrod
21 Feminist theory and the state 131
Gillian Youngs
22 Theories of imperialism
and empire 136
Emanuele Saccarelli and Latha
23 World-systems analysis 141
Gregory P. Williams
24 Critical political economy 146
Angela Wigger
25 Global studies 152
Amentahru Wahlrab
26 Critical border studies 157
Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson
27 Critical pedagogy 162
William W. Sokoloff
28 Critical university studies 167
Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn
29 Critique of intellectuals 172
Russell Jacoby
30 Critical legal studies 178
Paul J. Baumgardner
31 Feminist critiques of
political science 183
Mary E. Hawkesworth
32 Critical race theory 191
Adolphus Belk, Jr.
33 Latinx politics 199
Julio Orellana
34 Ecology and environmental theory 205
Timothy W. Luke
35 Intersectionality 210
Jennifer Leigh Disney
36 Social movements analysis 217
Anthony R. DiMaggio
37 Autoethnography 222
Sanford F. Schram
38 Genealogy 227
Michael Lipscomb
39 Thorstein Veblen’s critical
social theory 232
Scott R. Bowman
40 Critical media studies 237
Brian L. Ott and Robert L. Mack
41 Critical film studies 242
Michael Wayne
42 Literary criticism I 247
David Anshen
43 Literary criticism II 253
Philip Goldstein
44 Science fiction 261
George A. Gonzalez
45 Art 266
Mark Mattern
46 Music 271
Nancy S. Love
47 Capitalism, nature, socialism 278
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro
48 Critical Sociology 281
David Fasenfest
49 democracy 285
Olivier Ruchet
50 Hypatia: A Journal of
Feminist Philosophy 288
Bonnie Mann and Brooke Burns
51 International Feminist
Journal of Politics 293
Kathleen B. Jones and
Gillian Youngs
52 Monthly Review 296
Victor Wallis
53 New Political Science:
a journal of politics & culture 299
Clyde W. Barrow and Jocelyn
M. Boryzcka
54 Review of Radical Political
Economics 303
Michael Keaney
55 Science & Society 307
Leandros Savvides
56 Signs: journal of women in
culture and society 309
Mary E. Hawkesworth
57 Socialism and Democracy 313
Victor Wallis
58 Socialist Register 317
Greg Albo and Alan Zuege
59 Socialist revolution/review 320
Michael Scipioni
60 Strategies: A Journal of
Theory, Culture, and Politics 321
Bradley J. Macdonald
61 Studies in Political
Economy: A Socialist Review 323
Rianne Mahon and Donald Swartz
62 Academic repression 328
Clyde W. Barrow
63 Alienation 330
Ruth Porter Groff
64 Anarchism 333
Todd May
65 Antifascism 335
Stanislav Vysotsky
66 Capitalist class 337
Kevin Funk
67 Class 339
Berch Berberoglu
68 Colonialism 341
Asma Abbas
69 Commodity fetishism 343
Julie E. Dowsett
70 Communism 345
Jake Lin
71 Community self-defense 347
scott crow
72 Contradiction 350
Bryant William Sculos
73 Corporate liberalism 352
Scott R. Bowman
74 Corporate power 354
Stan Luger
75 Council communism 356
Marcel Marius van der Linden
76 Economic crisis 359
Mindy Peden
77 Fiscal crisis 361
Mindy Peden
78 Legitimation crisis 362
Mindy Peden
79 Motivation crisis 364
Clyde W. Barrow
80 Rationality crisis 366
Clyde W. Barrow
81 Cultural imperialism 369
Stacy Maddern
82 Private debt 372
G. Andrew Gonzalez
83 Public debt 374
Daniel Bin
84 Student debt 377
Robert E. Kirsch
85 Deliberative democracy 380
Stephanie Burkhalter
86 Digital democracy 383
Petros Iosifidis
87 Economic democracy 385
Mark Kaswan
88 Participatory democracy 387
Clement Fatovic
89 Populist democracy 389
Tracy L. R. Lightcap
90 Radical democracy 391
Michael Scipioni
91 Dependency theory 393
James Parisot
92 Direct action 395
Billie Murray
93 Diversity of tactics 397
Benjamin Abrams
94 Domination 400
William Clare Roberts
95 Dual power 402
Mark D. Steinberg
96 Environmental justice 404
David N. Pellow
97 Ethnicity 406
Natasha Altema-McNeely
98 Exploitation 408
Mark D. Wood
99 Financialization 410
Michael Keaney
100 Gender 412
Katie Temple
101 General strike 414
Robert Ovetz
102 Hegemony 416
Massimo Modonesi
103 Ideology 418
Nancy S. Love
104 Immigration 421
Carla Angulo-Pasel
105 Indigenous movements 423
Michael Lerma
106 Inequality 425
Tom Malleson
107 Internal colonialism 429
Pedro Gonsalves de Alcântara
108 Investment theory of party
competition 431
Joseph G. Peschek
109 Lumpenproletariat 433
Clyde W. Barrow
110 Marriage equality 435
Claire Snyder-Hall
111 Mass strike 437
Peter Hudis
112 Migration 439
Carla Angulo-Pasel
113 Mode of production 441
Joel Z. Garrod
114 Mutual aid 444
scott crow
115 Nation and nationalism 446
Berch Berberoglu
116 Neo-colonialism 448
Michael Keaney
117 Objectification 450
Willow Verkerk
118 Petit bourgeoisie 452
Katherine E. Young
119 Policy-planning organizations 454
Joseph G. Peschek
120 Postcolonialism 456
Michael Keaney
121 Post-Marxism 458
Clyde W. Barrow
122 Postmodernism 460
Stephen R.C. Hicks
123 Poststructuralism 462
Sarah Marie Wiebe
124 Poverty 464
Stephen Pimpare
125 Proletariat 466
Dave Beech
126 Racialization 469
Christopher Kyriakides and
Beatrice Anane-Bediakoh
127 Reification 471
Mary E. Witlacil
128 Ruling class 474
Jokubas Salyga
129 Socialism 477
Bryant William Sculos
130 Surplus value 480
Dean Snyder
131 Syndicalism 482
Stacy Maddern
132 Vanguard 484
Alan Shandro
133 Althusser, Louis 487
Isaac Kamola
134 Amin, Samir 489
Prabhat Patnaik
135 Anderson, Perry 491
Gregory P. Williams
136 Aronowitz, Stanley 493
Jason Kosnoski
137 Ashcraft, Richard E. 495
William L. Niemi and Clyde W.
138 Baran, Paul 498
Dean Snyder
139 Barber, Benjamin 500
Clement Fatovic
140 Barrow, Clyde W. 502
William L. Niemi
141 Bay, Christian 504
Hamideh Sedhgi
142 Berg, John 507
William F. Grover
143 Block, Fred 509
Mathieu Charbonneau
144 Boggs, Carl 511
Carl Boggs
145 Bookchin, Murray 514
Maddy Koch
146 Bronner, Stephen Eric 516
Manfred B. Steger
147 Carver, Terrell 518
Bradley J. Macdonald
148 Castells, Manuel 520
Melisa Ross
149 Chomsky, Noam 522
Joseph G. Peschek
150 Cleaver, Harry 524
Robert Ovetz
151 Cloward, Richard A. 527
Michael Anthony Lewis
152 Connolly, William E. 529
Bradley J. Macdonald
153 Davis, Angela Y. 531
Bryant William Sculos
154 Debord, Guy 534
Gabriele Schimmenti
155 Deleuze, Gilles 535
Andrew Johnson
156 Domhoff, G. William 537
Joseph G. Peschek
157 Du Bois, W.E.B. 539
Lucien Ferguson
158 Ehrenberg, John 541
John Ehrenberg
159 Eisenstein, Zillah 543
Olga Patricia Velásquez Ocampo
160 Enloe, Cynthia 545
Vanessa Gauthier Vela
161 Frantz, Fanon 547
Irene Gendzier
162 Federici, Silvia 549
Jeta Mulaj
163 Ferguson, Kathy E. 551
Sofía Pérez Gil
164 Foucault, Michel 553
Clement Fatovic
165 Fraser, Nancy 555
Jason Kosnoski
166 Freire, Paulo 557
Melisa Ross
167 Galbraith, John Kenneth 559
Michael Keaney
168 Garvey, Marcus 561
Stacy Maddern
169 Gindin, Sam 563
Greg Albo and Alan Zuege
170 Gorz, André 566
Paolo Murrone
171 Gouldner, Alvin 568
James J. Chriss
172 Grant, Judith 570
Judith Grant
173 Green, Philip 572
Laura Green
174 Guattari, Félix 574
C.L. Welker
175 Habermas, Jürgen 576
Nancy S. Love
176 Hall, Stuart 578
Andrew Johnson
177 Harrington, Michael 580
Peter Dreier
178 Hartsock, Nancy C.M. 583
Augusta Nannerini
179 Harvey, David 585
Dean Snyder
180 Hawkesworth, Mary 587
Jennifer Leigh Disney
181 hooks, bell 590
Olivia Atkinson
182 Jacoby, Russell 592
Joseph G. Peschek
183 Jameson, Fredric 595
Jelle Versieren
184 Jessop, Bob 597
Umut Özsu
185 Katsiaficas, George 600
Victor Wallis
186 Kesselman, Mark 602
Kenton Worcester
187 Kolko, Gabriel 604
Eli Cook
188 Laclau, Ernesto 606
Melisa Ross
189 Lefebvre, Henri 608
Alex Farrington
190 Love, Nancy S. 610
Chad Lavin
191 Luke, Timothy W. 612
Sarah M. Surak
192 Lustig, R. Jeffrey 614
Mark B. Brown
193 Lyotard, Jean-François 616
Kiff Bamford
194 Macdonald, Bradley J. 618
Clyde W. Barrow
195 MacKinnon, Catharine A. 620
Julie E. Dowsett
196 Macpherson, C.B. 622
Phillip Hansen
197 Magdoff, Harry 624
Stacy Maddern
198 Marcuse, Herbert 626
Robert E. Kirsch
199 McConnell, Grant 629
G. William Domhoff
200 McCoy, Charles A. 632
Clyde W. Barrow
201 Miliband, Ralph 634
William F. Grover
202 Mills, C. Wright 636
A. Javier Treviño
203 Mills, Charles W. 638
Taylor Rogers
204 Mouffe, Chantal 640
Melisa Ross
205 Newton, Huey P. 642
Omari L. Dyson
206 Nkrumah, Kwame 644
Jeffrey S. Ahlman
207 O’Connor, James 646
Michael Keaney
208 Ollman, Bertell 648
Clyde W. Barrow
209 Olson, Laura Katz 651
Michael Stein
210 Panitch, Leo V. 653
Greg Albo and Alan Zuege
211 Parenti, Michael 656
Dusten R. Pettengill
212 Pateman, Carole 658
Mark Kaswan
213 Peschek, Joseph G. 660
William F. Grover
214 Petchesky, Rosalind 662
Manal A. Jamal
215 Peterson, V. Spike 664
Meredith Reid Sarkees
216 Petras, James 667
Henry Veltmeyer
217 Piven, Frances Fox 669
Margaret Groarke
218 Polanyi, Karl 671
David J. Plante
219 Poulantzas, Nicos 673
Jacinta Gorriti
220 Reed, Jr., Adolph L. 675
Daniel T. Kirsch
221 Reinaga, Fausto 677
Ximena Cordova
222 Rensenbrink, John 679
Clyde W. Barrow
223 Robinson, Cedric J. 681
William L. Niemi
224 Robinson, William I. 682
Michael Keaney
225 Roelofs, H. Mark 684
Clyde W. Barrow
226 Roelofs, Joan 686
Joan Roelofs
227 Sarkees, Meredith Reid 688
Nancy E. McGlen
228 Schram, Sanford 690
Roni Strier and Guy Feldman
229 Sedghi, Hamideh 692
Sofía Pérez Gil
230 Singer, J. David 694
Meredith Reid Sarkees
231 Skinner, Quentin 696
Kari Palonen
232 Snyder-Hall, Claire 698
Claire Snyder-Hall
233 Steger, Manfred 700
Isaac Kamola
234 Surkin, Marvin 702
Marvin Surkin
235 Sweezy, Paul M. 704
Ludo Cuyvers
236 Therborn, Göran 707
Jelle Versieren
237 Torres, Rodolfo D. 709
Christopher Kyriakides
238 Ture, Kwame 711
Beatrice Anane-Bediakoh
239 Wallerstein, Immanuel 713
Gregory P. Williams
240 Wallis, Victor 716
Chris Agee
241 West, Cornel 718
Mark D. Wood
242 Williams, Raymond 720
Joseph G. Peschek
243 Williams, William Appleman 722
James Parisot
244 Wolin, Sheldon 724
Olivier Ruchet
245 Wright, Erik Olin 726
Göran Therborn
246 Young, Iris Marion 728
Juliana Santos de Carvalho
247 Zeitlin, Maurice 730
Victor Wallis
248 Zinn, Howard 732
Alix L. Olson

Reihe/Serie Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series
Verlagsort Cheltenham
Sprache englisch
Maße 169 x 244 mm
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Systeme
Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Theorie
Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Vergleichende Politikwissenschaften
ISBN-10 1-80037-590-5 / 1800375905
ISBN-13 978-1-80037-590-1 / 9781800375901
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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