The Challenges Of South-south Cooperation - Breda Pavlic, Raul R Uranga, Boris Cizelj, Marjan Svetlicic

The Challenges Of South-south Cooperation

Buch | Softcover
455 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-0-367-30613-7 (ISBN)
36,15 inkl. MwSt
This book examines the theoretical underpinnings and practical aspects of economic and technical cooperation among developing countries, with particular attention to the conceptualization of possible joint investments and their financing.
The process of economi c coopera t i on among devel oping countrie s ha s come a l ong way s i nce the ea rl y 1960s . A l ong s i de the movement f rom the e s tab l i s hment of reg i onal and subreg i on a l i n tegration and cooperati on g rou p i ngs to the e l aborati on of concepts and a pproaches for g l obal and i nterreg i onal coopera t i on ( such a s , for exampl e , the scheme for a gl oba l sys tem of trade preferences a mong deve l o p ing countries ) , there has b een a n exten s ion of the scope of coopera t i on , ori g ina l l y focused on trade , to other a rea s , i ncl u d ing moneta ry a n d f i nan c i a l ma tters , produ c t ion , ma rketing , and s o on . Today , the proce s s of economic cooperation among deve l o p ing countri es occu p i e s an i mportan t pl ace i n the economi c s t rategies a n d pol ic ies of devel o p i n g countrie s and , in recent years , wit h the marked deteri o ration in the wo rl d economi c s i tu a t io n and the wea ken i ng of i n ternat i onal cooperati on for deve l opmen t , it has acqu ired even grea ter importa nce and u rgency . I n deed , i n v iew of the pro s pects for the worl d economy for th e comi n g yea rs , i t h a s b ecome an i mpera t i ve i f the devel oping cou n t ries a re going to b e abl e to env i sage the transformation of their economies and the g rowth ra tes th ey need .

Pavlic, Breda; Uranga, Raul R; Cizelj, Boris ; Svetlicic, Marjan

Foreword /Gamani Corea -- Aaknowledgments -- Introduction -- PART 1 INTERNAL ASPECTS General Approach -- PART 2 EXTERNAL ASPECTS -- PART 3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions and Recommendations.

Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 140 x 212 mm
Gewicht 535 g
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Soziologie
ISBN-10 0-367-30613-1 / 0367306131
ISBN-13 978-0-367-30613-7 / 9780367306137
Zustand Neuware
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