Social Science Methods in Health Research -

Social Science Methods in Health Research

1960 Seiten
Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd
978-93-86062-01-7 (ISBN)
1.419,95 inkl. MwSt
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This work is a comprehensive repository of social science methods in health research, which aims to facilitate related inquiry and possible consequent health improvements.

The six-volume Social Science Methods in Health Research set comprehensively addresses research methods used in social science for the health sector. The six volumes are illustrative and indicative of the range of social science methods in health research. It is ordered in large part according to the scope of the research questions covering the micro-, meso-, and mega-levels of health research.
The first three volumes, Foundations, Basic Science and Clinical Research focuses mainly on micro- and meso-level studies. Volume 1 centres on the foundations of social science research, including history, ethics, and more. Volume 2 addresses the use of social science methods in basic biomedical studies involving humans and other animals, while Volume 3, the last volume provides insight into the importance of using social science methods in clinical research.

Volumes 4-6,  cover Organizations, Systems and Public Health Research, and address research methods that can be used to study health related issues in broad contexts, mainly at the mega-level. Volume 4 addresses methodological issues particular to studying health care organizations and how those organizations can be studied using methods from the social sciences including case studies, leadership research, and more. Volume 5 explores how social science methods can be used to study health care systems (across and beyond health care organizations), including policy studies, systems research, and more. Volume 6, the final volume focuses on social science methods in public health research, including population research, social determinants studies, and more.

Abraham (Rami) Rudnick is a certified psychiatrist and a PhD-trained philosopher. He is the Vice President of Research at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and the Chief Scientist of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute, as well as a Professor of Psychiatry at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. He is also an Adjunct Research Professor at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences and a member of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, both at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. He is a Canadian Certified Physician Executive and a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner. Dr. Rudnick is a Senior Editor of the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health and the founder of the Canadian Unit of the International Network of a UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. He is a recipient of the pioneer award in recovery research granted by Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)/Réadaptation Psychosociale (RPS) Canada, a recipient of the Michael Smith research award granted by the Schizophrenia Society of Canada, and a Distinguished Fellow of the European Society for Person Centered Healthcare as well the Chair of its Mental Health Special Interest Group. FEATURED PUBLICATIONS: Rudnick A, Roe D (eds). Serious Mental Illness: Person-Centered Approached. London: Radcliffe, 2011. Rudnick A (ed). Bioethics in the 21st Century. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech (open access), 2011. Rudnick A (ed). Recovery of People with Mental Illness: Philosophical and Related Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Cheryl Forchuk is a Distinguished University Professor and Associate Director of Nursing Research at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, with a cross appointment to the Department of Psychiatry, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario. She is a Scientist and Assistant Director at Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario. Dr. Forchuk is also currently Group Leader, Mental Health/Health Outcomes Research. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Windsor. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Toronto with a clinical specialty in mental health-psychiatric nursing and her PhD from the college of nursing at Wayne State. Dr. Forchuk has published on many topics in relation to mental health and mental illness, including: therapeutic relationships, transitional discharge, housing/homelessness, peer support, poverty and nursing theory. She has published a book through Sage on Peplau’s interpersonal theory of nursing, and a book through Canadian Scholar’s Press on housing and homeless issues for psychiatric survivors. Her current research includes exploring issues related to poverty and social inclusion for psychiatric survivors, housing/homeless issues, the implementation of the Transitional Discharge Model for the transition from hospital to community, and the use of new technologies to improve mental health, including addiction, services.

VOLUME 1: FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS - Josephine MacIntosh, Cheryl Forchuk and Abraham Rudnick
Section I – Foundations
Lab Experiments are a Major Source of Knowledge in the Social Sciences - Armin Falk and James J Heckman
Nature’s Experiments and Natural Experiments in the Social Sciences - Mary S Morgan
Generalization in Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Myths and Strategies - Denise F Polit and Cheryl Tatano Beck
A Philosophical Analysis of the General Methodology of Qualitative Research: A Critical Rationalist Perspective - Abraham Rudnick
Thick Description: Toward an Interpretative Theory of Culture - Clifford Geertz
Action Research and Minority Problems - Kurt Lewin
Section II - Research planning
Participatory Action Research: Considerations for Ethical Review - Nazilla Khanlou and Elizabeth Peter
Ethical Challenges for the Social Sciences on the Threshold of the 21st Century - Hebe Vessuri
Doing Participant Observation in a Psychiatric Hospital - Research Ethics Resumed - Christine Oeye, Anne Karen Bjelland, and Aina Skorpen
Changing Constructions of Informed Consent: Qualitative Research and Complex Social Worlds - Tina Miller and Mary Boulton
Validity and Reliability in Social Science Research - Ellen A Drost
Qualitative Research Sample Design and Sample Size: Resolving and Unresolved Issues and Inferential Imperatives - Robert T. Trotter II
Sampling in Qualitative Research: Rationale, Issue, and Methods - Mark R Luborsky and Robert L Rubinstein
Mixed Methods Sampling - Charles Teddlie and Fen Yu
Section III - Applications
The Focus Groups in Social Research: Advantages and Disadvantages - Ivana Acocella
How Many Interviews are Enough?: An Experiment with Data Saturation and Variability - Greg Guest, Arwen Bunce and Laura Johnson
VOLUME 2: SOCIAL SCIENCE METHODS IN BASIC BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH - Josephine MacIntosh, Cheryl Forchuk and Abraham Rudnick
Section I – Ethical factors
Other-consciousness and the Use of Animals as Illustrated in Medical Experiments - Abraham Rudnick
Ethical and Methodological Standards for Laboratory and Medical Biological Rhythm Research - Francesco Portaluppi, Yvan Touitou, and Michael H Smolensky
Section II - Biological methods for assessing behaviour
The Importance of Race and Ethnic Background in Biomedical Research and Clinical Practice - Esteban Gonzalez Burchard, Elad Ziv, Natasha Coyle, Scarlett Lin Gomez, Hua Tang, Andrew J. Karter, Joanna L. Mountain, Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, Dean Sheppard, and Neil Risch
Neuroeconomics: A Bridge for Translational Research - Carla Sharp, John Monterosso, and P. Read Montague
Mouse Testing Methods in Psychoneuroimmunology: An Overview of How to Measure Sickness, Depressive
Anxietal, Cognitive, and Physical Activity Behaviors - Jason M York, Neil A. Blevins, Tracy Baynard, and Gregory G Freund
The Need for a Cognitive Neuroscience of Naturalistic Social Cognition - Jamil Zaki and Kevin Ochsner
Multilevel Integrative Analyses of Human Behavior: Social Neuroscience and the Complementing Nature of Social and Biological Approaches - John T Cacioppo, Gary G Berntson, John F Sheridan, and Martha K McClintock
Section III – Alternative forms of knowledge
Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Science: Methods and Applications - Henry P Huntington
Unfair Pay and Health - Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Ingo Menrath, Pablo Emilio Verde, and Johannes Siegrist
Section I - Evaluation of research
Conceptual Framework for Behavioral and Social Science in HIV Vaccine Clinical Research - Chuen-Yen Lau, Edith M. Swann, Sagri Singh, Zuhayr Kafaar, Helen I Meissner, and James P Stansbury
Translating Basic Behavioral and Social Science Research to Clinical Application: The EVOLVE Mixed Methods Approach - Janey C Peterson, Susan Czajkowski, Mary E. Charlson, Alissa R. Link, Martin T. Wells, Alice M. Isen, Carol A. Mancuso, John P. Allegrante, Carla Boutin-Foster, Gbenga Ogedegbe, and Jared B Jobe
Randomized Controlled Trials: Design and Implementation for Community-Based Psychosocial Interventions - Phyllis Solomon, Mary M. Cavanaugh and Jeffrey Draine
Evaluating Non-randomized Intervention Studies - Jonathan J Deeks, Jac Dinnes, Roberto D’Amico, Amanda J. Sowden, Charlotte Sakarovitch, Fujian Song, Mark Petticrew, and Douglas G. Altman
Evaluative Criteria for Qualitative Research in Health Care: Controversies and Recommendations - Deborah Cohen and Benjamin Crabtree
Methods to Improve Recruitment to Randomized Controlled Trials: Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - Shaun Treweek, Pauline Lockhart, Marie Pitkethly, Jonathan A. Cook, Monica Kjeldstrøm, Marit Johansen, Taina K. Taskila, Frank M. Sullivan, Sue Wilson, Catherine Jackson, Ritu Jones, and Elizabeth D. Mitchell
Section II - Measurement
Standards for Validating Health Measures: Definition and Content - John E. Ware
Methodological Approaches for Assessing Response Shift in Longitudinal Health-related Quality-of-Life Research - Carolyn E. Schwartz and Mirjam A.G. Sprangers
Fidelity Criteria: Development, Measurement, and Evaluation - Carol T. Mowbray, Mark C. Holter, Gregory B. Teague, and Deborah Bybee
Section III - Data analysis
From Concepts, Theory and Evidence of Heterogeneity of Treatment Effects to Methodological Approaches: A Primer - Richard J. Willke, Zhiyuan Zheng, Prasan Subedi, Rikard Althin, and C. Daniel Mullins
Qualitative Content Analysis in Nursing Research: Concepts, Procedures, and Measurements of Trustworthiness - Ulla Hallgren Graneheim and Berit Lundman
Challenges and Solutions During Analysis in a Longitudinal Narrative Case Study - Charlotte Whiffin, Chris Bailey, Caroline Ellis-Hill, and Nikki Jarrett
Methods for the Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Systematic Reviews - James Thomas and Angela Harden
Section IV - Other methods and knowledge exchange
Arts-based Methods in Health Research: A Systematic Review of the Literature - Kimberly Diane Fraser and Fatima al Sayah
Internet Trials: Participant Experiences and Perspectives - Erin Mathieu, Alexandra Barratt, Stacy M. Carter, and Gro Jamtvedt
Section I – Introduction to health services research
Origins of Health Services Research - Thomas McCarthy and Kerr L. White
Health Services Research: An Evolving Definition of the Field - Kathleen N. Lohr and Donald M. Steinwachs
Section II – Qualitative Methods
Qualitative Data Analysis for Health Services Research: Developing Taxonomy, Themes, and Theory - Elizabeth H. Bradley, Leslie A. Curry and Kelly J. Devers
Institutional Ethnography and Experience as Data - Marie L. Campbell
Towards a New Paradigm in Health Research and Practice? Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care - Graham P. Martin, Sarah McNicol and Sarah Chew
Section III – Quantitative Methods
Measurement of Organizational Culture and Climate in Healthcare - Robyn R. M. Gershon, Patricia Stone, Suzanne Bakken and Elaine Larson
The Quantitative Measurement of Organizational Culture in Health Care: A Review of the Available Instruments - Tim Scott, Russell Mannion, Huw Davies and Martin Marshall
Nurses’ Reports on Hospital Care in Five Countries - Linda H. Aiken, Sean P. Clarke, Douglas M. Sloane, Julie A. Sochalski, Reinhard Busse, Heather Clarke, Phyllis Giovannetti, Jennifer Hunt, Anne Marie Rafferty and Judith Shamian
Who is at Greatest Risk for Receiving Poor-quality Health Care? - Steven M. Asch, Eve A. Kerr, Joan Keesey, John L. Adams, Claude M. Setodji, Shaista Malik and Elizabeth A. McGlynn
Section IV – Mixed Methods
Methodological Reporting in Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Health Services Research Articles - Jennifer P. Wisdom, Mary A. Cavaleri, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Carla A. Green
The Medical Home Transformation in the Veterans Health Administration: An Evaluation of Early Changes in Primary Care Delivery - Rachel M. Werner, Anne Canamucio, Judy A. Shea and Gala True
Section V – Participatory and Action Research in Health Organizations
How can Action Research Apply to Health Services? - Brian Morrison and Richard Lilford
Evaluating a Community-Partnered Cancer Clinical Trials Pilot Intervention with African American Communities - Melissa A. Green, Margo Michaels, Natasha Blakeney, Adebowale A. Odulana, Malika Roman Isler, Alan Richmond, Debra G. Long, William S. Robinson, Yhenneko J. Taylor and Giselle Corbie-Smith
Section VI – Systematic Reviews
Towards Systematic Reviews that Inform Health Care Management and Policy-making - John Lavis, Huw Davies, Andy Oxman, Jean-Louis Denis, Karen Golden-Biddle and Ewan Ferlie
Diffusion of Innovations in Service Organizations: Systematic Review and Recommendations - Trisha Greenhalgh, Glenn Robert, Fraser Macfarlane, Paul Bate and Olivia Kyriakidou
Section I – Policy Studies
Pathways to the Use of Health Services Research in Policy - Marsha Gold
Emergency Contraception Over-the-counter: The Medical and Legal Imperatives - David A. Grimes, Elizabeth G. Raymond and Bonnie Scott Jones
Section II – Medical Geography
Place and Health: Towards a Reformed Medical Geography - Robin A. Kearns
Our Sense of Snow: The Myth of John Snow in Medical Geography - Kari S. McLeod
Section III – Participatory Methods in Health Systems Research
Community-based Participatory Research Contributions to Intervention Research: The Intersection of Science and Practice to Improve Health Equity - Nina Wallerstein and Bonnie Duran
Feminist Participatory Action Research: Methodological and Ethical Issues - Bev Gatenby and Maria Humphries
Section IV – Methods Used to Study Global and National Health Systems
The Global Health System: Actors, Norms, and Expectations in Transition - Nicole A. Szlezák, Barry R. Bloom, Dean T. Jamison, Gerald T. Keusch, Catherine M. Michaud, Suerie Moon and William C. Clark
The Global Health System: Strengthening National Health Systems as the Next Step for Global Progress - Julio Frenk
The Global Health System: Linking Knowledge with Action—Learning from Malaria - Gerald T. Keusch, Wen L. Kilama, Suerie Moon, Nicole A. Szlezák and Catherine M. Michaud
The Global Health System: Lessons for a Stronger Institutional Framework - Suerie Moon, Nicole A. Szlezák, Catherine M. Michaud, Dean T. Jamison, Gerald T. Keusch, William C. Clark and Barry R. Bloom
Does Free Care Improve Adults’ Health? Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial - Robert H. Brook, John E. Ware Jr., William H. Rogers, Emmett B. Keeler, Allyson R. Davies, Cathy A. Donald, George A. Goldberg, Kathleen Lohr, Patricia C. Masthay and Joseph P. Newhouse
The Impact of Rural Mutual Health Care on Health Status: Evaluation of a Social Experiment in Rural China - Hong Wang, Winnie Yip, Licheng Zhang and William C. Hsiao
Healthcare Systems—An International Review: An Overview - Norbert Lameire, Preben Joffe and M. Wiedemann
Section V – Scoping Studies
Scoping Studies: Advancing the Methodology - Danielle Levac, Heather Colquhoun and Kelly K. O’Brien
Hospital-based Nurse Practitioner Poles and Interprofessional Practice: A Scoping Review Christina Hurlock-Chorostecki, Chery Forchuk, Carole Orchard, Mary van Soeren and Scott Reeves
Section VI – Collaborative Approaches
An Evaluation of the London Community Addiction Response Strategy (London CARES): Facilitating Service Integration through Collaborative Best Practices - Cheryl Forchuk, Jan Richardson, Grant Martin, Laura Warner, Abe Oudshoorn, Wafa′a Ta′an and Rick Csiernik
Exploring Perceived Barriers, Drivers, Impacts and the Need for Evaluation of Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research: A Modifi ed Delphi Study - Darlene Snape, Jamie Kirkham, Nicky Britten, Katherine Froggatt, Felix Gradinger, Fiona Lobban, Jennie Popay, Katrina Wyatt and Ann Jacoby
Section I – Participatory Methods in Public Health Research
Review of Community-based Research: Assessing Partnership Approaches to Improve Public Health - Barbara A. Israel, Amy J. Schulz, Edith A. Parker and Adam B. Becker
A Measure of Community Members’ Perceptions of the Impacts of Research Partnerships in Health and Social Services - Gillian King, Michelle Servais, Marilyn Kertoy, Jacqueline Specht, Melissa Currie, Peter Rosenbaum, Mary Law, Cheryl Forchuk, Heather Chalmers and Teena Willoughby
Section II – Multilevel Analysis
Multilevel Analysis in Public Health Research - Ana V. Diez-Roux
Multilevel Analyses of Neighbourhood Socioeconomic Context and Health Outcomes: A Critical Review - Kate E. Pickett and Michelle Pearl
Section III – Big Data
The Inevitable Application of Big Data to Health Care - Travis B. Murdoch and Allan S. Detsky
Big Data Meets Public Health - Muin J. Khoury and John P. Ioannidis
Mobile Phones and Malaria: Modeling Human and Parasite Travel - Amy Wesolowski, Nathan Eagle, Andrew J. Tatem, David L. Smith, Abdisalan M. Noor, Robert W. Snow and Caroline O. Buckee
Section IV – Measuring the Effect of Social Class, Race and Gender on Health
Measuring Social Class in US Public Health Research: Concepts, Methodologies, and Guidelines - Nancy Krieger, David R. Williams and Nancy E. Moss
Socioeconomic Inequalities in Morbidity and Mortality in Western Europe - Johan P. Mackenbach, Anton E Kunst, Adriënne E. J. M. Cavelaars, Feikje Groenhof, José J. M. Geurts
Working Group on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health
Socioeconomic Status in Health Research: One Size Does Not Fit All - Paula A. Braveman, Catherine Cubbin, Susan Egerter, Sekia Chideya, Kristen S. Marchi, Marilyn Metzler and Samuel Posner
Experiences of Discrimination: Validity and Reliability of a Self-report Measure for Population Health Research on Racism and Health - Nancy Krieger, Kevin Smith, Deepa Naishadham, Cathy Hartman, and Elizabeth M. Barbeau
Mothers with Mental Illness Experiencing Homelessness: A Critical Analysis - Sarah Benbow, Cheryl Forchuk and Susan L. Ray
Section V – Historical Account of Public Health
Florence Nightingale on Public Health Nursing - Lois A. Monteiro
Section VI – Translational Research in Public Health
Why Don′t We See More Translation of Health Promotion Research to Practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition - Russell E. Glasgow, Edward Lichtenstein and Alfred C. Marcus
Lost in Knowledge Translation: Time for a Map? - Ian D. Graham, Jo Logan, Margaret B. Harrison, Sharon E. Straus, Jacqueline Tetroe, Wenda Caswell and Nicole Robinson
Health Research Funding Agencies′ Support and Promotion of Knowledge Translation: An International Study - Jacqueline M. Tetroe, Ian D. Graham, Robbie Foy, Nicole Robinson, Martin P. Eccles, Michel Wensing, Pierre Durieux, France Légaré, Camilla Palmhøj Nielson, Armita Adily, Jeanette E. Ward, Cassandra Porter, Beverley Shea and Jeremy M. Grimshaw

Reihe/Serie Fundamentals of Applied Research
Verlagsort New Delhi
Sprache englisch
Maße 158 x 241 mm
Gewicht 4280 g
Themenwelt Studium Querschnittsbereiche Prävention / Gesundheitsförderung
Sozialwissenschaften Soziologie Empirische Sozialforschung
ISBN-10 93-86062-01-1 / 9386062011
ISBN-13 978-93-86062-01-7 / 9789386062017
Zustand Neuware
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