MOOCs and Open Education Around the World -

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

Buch | Hardcover
398 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-1-138-80740-2 (ISBN)
205,75 inkl. MwSt
As new digital forms of formal and informal learning proliferate, there is an increasing need to better understand how people in different regions of the world are implementing massive open online courses (MOOCs) and other forms of open educational resources (OERs). Educators, researchers, politicians, and numerous other stakeholders want to grasp what the outcomes of these initiatives are and how they can be improved. Ongoing e-learning developments related to both technology and pedagogy have pushed institutions and organizations to grapple with issues of accreditation, credentialing, quality standards, innovative assessment, and learner motivation and attrition, among other areas of concern.

In response, MOOCs and Open Education Around the World explores and illuminates unique implementations of MOOCs and open education across regions and nations. The book also focuses on the various opportunities as well as the dilemmas presented in this rapidly evolving age of technology-enabled learning. What are the different delivery formats, interaction possibilities, assessment schemes, and business models? What are the key controversies or issues that must be discussed and addressed? This edited collection explains MOOCs and open education trends and issues in a variety of contexts, shares key research findings, and provides practical suggestions and recommendations for the near future.

Curtis J. Bonk is Professor of Instructional Systems Technology at Indiana University, USA, and President of CourseShare. Mimi Miyoung Lee is Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Houston, USA. Thomas C. Reeves is Professor Emeritus of Learning, Design, and Technology at The University of Georgia, USA. Thomas H. Reynolds is Professor of Teacher Education at National University, USA.

Foreword #1: The Role of MOOCs in the Future of Education, George Siemens, University of Texas Arlington, USA

Foreword #2: Open(ing up) Education for All…Boosted by MOOCs?, Fred Mulder, UNESCO/ICDE Chair in Open Educational Resources at the Open University of the Netherlands

Preface: Actions Leading to "MOOCs and Open Education Around the World," Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University, USA, Mimi Miyoung Lee, University of Houston, USA, Thomas C. Reeves, The University of Georgia, USA, and Thomas H. Reynolds, National University, USA

PART ONE. MOOCs and Open Education: Historical and Critical Reflections

1. The MOOC Misstep and the Open Education Infrastructure, David Wiley, Co-founder and Chief Academic Officer, Lumen Learning, USA

2. The Single Canon: MOOCs and Academic Colonization, Karen Head, The Georgia Tech Institute of Technology, USA

3. MOOCs and Open Education in Japan: A Case of the Open University of Japan, Kumiko Aoki, The Open University of Japan

PART TWO. Open Education Opportunities Now and On the Horizon

4. MOOCs, MERLOT, and Open Educational Services, Gerard L. Hanley, Executive Director, MERLOT and Assistant Vice Chancellor, California State University, Office of the Chancellor, USA

5. Enabling Open Education: A Feasibility Protocol for Australian Higher Education, Carina Bossu, University of Tasmania, Australia, David Bull, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, and Mark Brown, Dublin City University, Ireland

6. Open Education at the University of Cape Town, Laura Czerniewicz, Glenda Cox, Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams, and Michelle Willmers, University of Cape Town, South Africa

PART THREE. Researching and Evaluating Notions of MOOCs and Openness

7. Strange Bedfellows?!: What can MOOCs learn from Distance Education?, Markus Deimann, Alexander Lipka, and Theo Bastiaens, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

8. MOOCs Downunder: Insights from the Open2Study Experience, Maggie Hartnett, ‪Massey University, New Zealand, Mark Brown, Dublin City University, Ireland, Amy Wilson, Massey University, New Zealand‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

9. Reflections of an early MOOC provider: Achievements and Future Directions, Jeff Haywood, Amy Woodgate, and David Dewhurst, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

PART FOUR. Thoughts on the Quality of MOOCs and OER

10. AMP: A Tool for Characterizing the Pedagogical Approaches of MOOCs, Karen Swan, Scott Day, Leonard Bogle, and Traci van Prooyen, University of Illinois Springfield, USA

11. Quality Assurance for Open Educational Resources: What’s the Difference?, Sanjaya Mishra, Commonwealth of Learning, New Delhi, India, and Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, BC, Canada

12. MOOCs for Opening Up Education and the OpenupEd Initiative, Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair in Open Educational Resources at the Open University of the Netherlands, Darco Jansen, European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), The Netherlands

PART FIVE. Designing Innovative Courses, Programs, and Models of Instruction

13. Unbundling Higher Education and the Georgia Tech Online M.S. in Computer Science: A Chronicle, Richard DeMillo, The Georgia Tech Institute of Technology, USA

14. Creating a Temporary Spontaneous Mini-Ecosystem through a MOOC, Paul Kim, Stanford University, USA and Charlie Chung, Class Central, USA

15. Learning about MOOCs by Talking to Students, Chuck Severance, University of Michigan, USA

16. The Collaborative Design and Development of MOOCs for Teacher Professional Development, Bernard Robin, and Sara McNeil, University of Houston, USA

17. Feminist Alternatives to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): The Inception of the Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC), Erika M Behrmann, Bowling Green State University, USA, Radhika Gajjala, Bowling Green State University, USA, Elizabeth Losh, University of California, San Diego, USA, T.L. Cowan, The New School, USA, Penelope Boyer, San Antonio, TX, USA, Jasmine Rault, The New School, USA, Laura Wexler, Yale University, USA, CL Cole, University of Illinois, USA

PART SIX. MOOCs and Open Education in the Developing World

18. Changing the Tune: MOOCs for Human Development? – A Case Study, Balaji Venkataraman and Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, BC, Canada

19. Harnessing the Power of Open Learning to Share Global Prosperity and Eradicate Poverty, Sheila Jagannathan, World Bank, Washington DC, USA

20. The Glocalization of MOOCs in Southeast Asia, Zoraini Wati Abas, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional – The Sampoerna University, Jakarta, Indonesia

21. Situating MOOCs in the Developing World Context: The Philippines Case Study, Melinda dela Pena Bandalaria and Grace Javier Alfonso, University of the Philippines Open University, the Philippines

22. OER and MOOCs in Africa: The AVU Experience, Griff Richards, Athabasca University, Canada; Bakary Diallo, African Virtual University, Nairobi, Kenya

PART SEVEN. MOOC and Open Learning Alternatives in Corporate Settings

23. Open Learning in the Corporate Setting, Elliot Masie, The Learning CONSORTIUM @ The MASIE Center, USA

24. ALISON: A New World of Free Certified Learning, Mike Feerick, CEO & Founder, ALISON, Ireland

25. Alternative Models of MOOCs, Ray Schroeder, Vickie Cook, Carrie Levin, and Michele Gribbins, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA

PART EIGHT. Future Glimpses and Open Options

26. The Learning Future: Personalised Learning in an Open World. Michael Keppell, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

27. Peer2Peer and Open Pedagogy of MOOCs to Support the Knowledge Commons, Rita Kop, Yorkville University, New Brunswick, Canada, Hélène Fournier, National Research Council Canada

28. MOOCs 2030: A Future for Massive Open Learning, Rebecca Ferguson, The Open University, UK, Mike Sharples, The Open University, UK, and Russell Beale, University of Birmingham, UK

29. Open Options: Recapping this Book with Eyes on the Future, Thomas H. Reynolds, National University, USA, Thomas C. Reeves, The University of Georgia, USA, Mimi Miyoung Lee, University of Houston, USA, and Curtis J. Bonk, Indiana University, USA


Zusatzinfo 8 Tables, black and white; 105 Illustrations, black and white
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 152 x 229 mm
Gewicht 657 g
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Pädagogik Erwachsenenbildung
ISBN-10 1-138-80740-0 / 1138807400
ISBN-13 978-1-138-80740-2 / 9781138807402
Zustand Neuware
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