Christian and Critical English Language Educators in Dialogue -

Christian and Critical English Language Educators in Dialogue

Pedagogical and Ethical Dilemmas
Buch | Softcover
326 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-0-415-50467-6 (ISBN)
67,30 inkl. MwSt
This volume critically examines how English language teaching professionals wrestle with ideological, pedagogical, and spiritual dilemmas as they seek to understand the place of faith in education.
The legacy of English teaching and Christian missionaries is a flashpoint within the field of English language teaching. This critical examination of the place of Christianity in the field is unique in presenting the voices of TESOL professionals from a wide range of religious and spiritual perspectives. About half identify themselves as "Christian" while the others identify themselves as Buddhist, atheist, spiritualist, and variations of these and other faiths.

What is common for all the authors is their belief that values have an important place in the classroom. What they disagree on is whether and how spiritual values should find expression in learning and teaching. This volume dramatizes how scholars in the profession wrestle with ideological, pedagogical, and spiritual dilemmas as they seek to understand the place of faith in education. To sustain this conversation, the book is structured dialogically.

Each section includes a set of position chapters in which authors explain their views of faith/pedagogy integration, a set of chapters by authors responding to these positions while articulating their own views on the subject, and discussion questions to engage readers in comparing the positions of all the authors, reflecting on their own experiences and values, and advancing the dialogue in fresh and personal directions.

Mary Shepard Wong is Associate Professor and Director of the graduate Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Field-based Programs at Azusa Pacific University. She is past chair of the Christian Educators in TESOL Caucus (2004-2005). Suresh Canagarajah is Kirby Professor of Language Learning at Pennsylvania State University. He is the editor of the journal TESOL Quarterly.

Table of Contents: Foreword Earl Stevick with Carolyn Kristjansson Preface Contributors’ Spiritual Identification Statements 1. Introduction Can We Talk? Finding a Platform for Dialogue among Values-based Professionals in Post-Positivist Education,Suresh Canagarajah Part I. Setting the Tone: Dialogue and Discourse 2. Nonjudgmental Steps on a Road to Understanding,Julian Edge 3. Is Dialogue Possible? Challenges to Evangelicals and NonEvangelicals in English Language Teaching,Bill Johnston 4. The Neutrality Myth vs. Religious Reductionism: The Mediation between Missionary Language Agencies and their Secular Critics,Michael Chamberlain 5. A Survey of Christian English Language Teachers in Countries that Monitor Religious Activity,Karen Asenavage Responses 6. Is Dialogue Possible? Anti-intellectualism, Relativism, Politics and Linguistic Ideologies,Alastair Pennycook 7. Dialogue and Discourse,Robert Phillipson 8. Questioning religious ideals and intentionalities: Staving off religious arrogance and bigotry in ELT,Vaidehi Ramanathan 9. TBA:, William Eggington Discussion Questions Part II. Ideological and Hegemonic Dilemmas Chapters 10. Deconstructing/Reconstructing the Missionary English Teacher Identity,Mary Shepard Wong 11. English and Education in Anglophone Africa: Historical and Current Realities,Sinfree Makoni Sibusisiwe Dube 12. Confronting the Empire: Language Teachers as Charitable Guests,Myrrl Byler 13. Christian English Teacher’s Presence: Reflecting Constantine or Christ,James Stabler-Havener Responses 14. A Former Missionary Kid Responds,Stephanie Vandrick 15. Caught between poststructuralist relativism and materialism or liberal and critical multiculturalism?,Manka Varghese 16.The English language and the Word of God,Zoltan Dornyei Discussion Questions Part III. Pedagogical Dilemmas Chapters 17. The Courage to Teach as a Non-native teacher: The Confession of a Christian Teacher,John Liang 18. English Teachers, Language Learning, and the Issue of Power,Don Snow 19. Christian Witness and Respect for Persons,Brad Baurain 20. Classroom Guidelines for Teachers with Convictions,Kitty Purgason Responses 21. The Pedagogical Dilemmas of Faith in ELT: A Spirited Response,Brian Morgan 22. Power and Change in ELT:Thoughts from a Fellow Traveler,Dana Ferris 23. Reconsidering Roadside Assistance: The problem with Christian approaches to teaching the English language,Terry Osborn Discussion Questions Part IV. Spiritual Dilemmas Chapters 24. Spiritual Dimensions in Language Teaching: A Personal Reflection,Ryuko Kubota 25. Spiritual Lessons from a Language Teacher,Chris Bradley 26. The Spiritual Ecology of Second Language Pedagogy,David I. Smith 27. Truth in Teaching English,Richard Robison Responses 28. Imperatives, Dilemmas, and Conundrums in Spiritual Dimensions of ELT: H. Douglas Brown 29. Additive Perspective on Religion or Growing Hearts with Wisdom--Ahmar Mahboob 30. A Question of Priorities,Andy Curtis 31. TBA –Mary Ann Christison Discussion Questions Conclusion

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