Journey Through the Bible -  None, V. Gilbert Beers

Journey Through the Bible

Buch | Softcover
424 Seiten
2021 | 2nd New edition
Lion Books (Verlag)
978-0-7459-8131-4 (ISBN)
22,40 inkl. MwSt
Nearly 250 favourite stories presented with background information in words and pictures. Ideal for new and young Christians.
Now you can journey through the Bible from your living room chair!

Journey through the Bible is a unique resource that approaches the Bible story by story. In these pages you will discover around 250 of our favourite Bible stories presented with background information in word and picture.

This storehouse of authentic material includes these features:

This easy-to-read, visual exploration of the Bible allows you to follow the narrative from Genesis to Revelation. The stories of Scripture will come alive as you travel through Bible lands and times. You will discover how ancient people really lived - the foods they ate, the homes they lived in, the clothes they wore, the work they performed.

Every library - home, church, and school - will want this complete reference work on its shelves. It will enrich children's and youth session preparation, Bible storytelling, family devotions, and Bible study. Journey through the Bible is unparalleled as a user-friendly resource.

Dr Beers has spent a lifetime encouraging readers to delight in the Scritpures through his over 140 books, ranging frrom children's Bibles to reference works. Journey Through The Bible is the product of nine visitsto the Holy Land.

Preface ix
Joseph’s Family Moves
to Egypt
Genesis 45:16–47:31 46
Hebrews Become Slaves
Exodus 1 47
Moses Is Born
Exodus 2:1–10 48
Moses Kills an Egyptian
and Flees to Midian
Exodus 2:11–25 50
The Burning Bush
Exodus 3:1–4:17 52
The Plagues
Exodus 4:18–10:29 54
The Passover
Exodus 11:1–12:50 56
The Exodus
Exodus 12:51–13:16 58
Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 13:17–22; 14 60
Food in the Wilderness
Exodus 15–16; 17:1–7 62
The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20 64
The Golden Calf
Exodus 32 66
The Tabernacle
Exodus 35–36; 39:1–31;
Leviticus 1–9 68
Twelve Spies
Numbers 13–14 70
The Bronze Serpent
Numbers 21:4–9 72
Crossing the Jordan
Joshua 3–4 74
Jericho Captured
Joshua 6 76
Achan’s Sin and the
Conquest of Ai
Joshua 7–8 78
The Sun and Moon Stand
Still at Aijalon
Joshua 10:1–28 80
Gideon’s Call and Tests
Judges 6 82
Gideon’s 300
Judges 7 84
The Birth of Samson
Judges 13 86
Samson the Prisoner
Judges 16:1–31 88
The Story of Ruth
The Book of Ruth 90
The Birth of Samuel
1 Samuel 1:1–20 92
God Speaks to Samuel
1 Samuel 1:21–2:11; 3 94
The Ark Is Captured
1 Samuel 4:1–5:12 96
The Return of the Ark
1 Samuel 6:1–7:2 97
Saul Is Made King
1 Samuel 8–10 98
Saul Sacrifices Wrongly
1 Samuel 13 99
Samuel Anoints David
1 Samuel 16:1–13 100
David Plays for Saul
1 Samuel 16:14–23 102
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17 104
David and Jonathan
1 Samuel 18:1–4 106
Saul Tries to Kill David
1 Samuel 18–19 107
Jonathan Warns David
1 Samuel 20 108
David Runs From Saul
1 Samuel 21–22 109
Abigail Shares Her Food
1 Samuel 25 110
David Spares Saul
1 Samuel 26 111
The Witch of Endor
1 Samuel 28 112
Saul Dies
1 Samuel 31 113
David Becomes King of Judah
2 Samuel 2:1–11 114
David Captures Jerusalem
2 Samuel 5:1–16;
1 Chronicles 11:1–9 116
Genesis 1–2 2
The Fall
Genesis 3 4
Cain and Abel
Genesis 4 6
Noah Builds the Ark
Genesis 6–8 8
The Tower of Babel
Genesis 11:1–9 10
Abraham’s Journeys
Genesis 11:27–12:20 12
Abraham and Lot
Genesis 13:1–13; 14 14
God’s Covenant with Abraham
Genesis 17 15
Abraham Entertains Angels
Genesis 18 16
The Destruction of Sodom
Genesis 19 18
Isaac Is Born
Genesis 21:1–7 20
Hagar and Ishmael Are
Sent Away
Genesis 21:8–21 22
Abraham Offers Isaac
Genesis 22 24
A Bride for Isaac
Genesis 24 26
Esau Sells His Birthright
Genesis 25:29–34 28
Jacob Deceives Isaac
Genesis 27:1–40 30
Jacob’s Ladder
Genesis 27:41–28:22 32
Jacob Meets Rachel
Genesis 29:1–30 34
Joseph’s Cloak
Genesis 37:1–11 36
Joseph Is Sold as a Slave
Genesis 37:12–36 38
Joseph in Potiphar’s House
Genesis 39–40 40
Joseph Becomes Governor
Genesis 41 42
Joseph’s Brothers Buy Grain
Genesis 42–44; 45:1–15 44
The Ark Is Moved
2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles
13; 15:1–16:3 118
David and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 11–12 120
Absalom Rebels
2 Samuel 15–18 122
Araunah’s Threshing Floor
2 Samuel 24 124
Solomon Builds the Temple
1 Kings 5–8;
2 Chronicles 2–7 126
Solomon’s Glory
1 Kings l0; 2 Chronicles
8:17–9:28 128
Solomon Turns from God
1 Kings 11;
2 Chronicles 9:29–30 129
The Kingdom Divides
1 Kings 12:1–24;
14:21–31; 15:6–8;
2 Chronicles 10–11 130
Ravens Feed Elijah
1 Kings 17:1–7 132
The Widow of Zarephath
1 Kings 17:8–16 134
Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
1 Kings 18 136
Elijah and the Still, Small Voice
1 Kings l9:1–18 138
Elijah’s Mantle to Elisha
1 Kings 19:19–21 139
Naboth’s Vineyard
1 Kings 21 140
Elijah Is Taken in a Whirlwind
2 Kings 2 142
Elisha Raises the
Shunammite Boy
2 Kings 4 :8–37 144
Naaman Is Healed
2 Kings 5:1–19 146
Elisha’s Greedy Servant
2 Kings 5:20–27 148
Elisha and the Syrians
2 Kings 6:8–23 150
Jehu Overthrows Jezebel
and Destroys Baal
2 Kings 9–10 152
The Story of Jonah
The Book of Jonah 154
The Story of Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah 156
Israel Taken Into Captivity
2 Kings 17 158
Sennacherib Goes against
2 Kings 18 160
Josiah Repairs the Temple –
The Book of the Law Found
2 Kings 22:1–23:30;
2 Chronicles 34–35 162
The Story of Jeremiah
The Book of Jeremiah 164
Judah Falls, Jerusalem Is
Destroyed and Zedekiah
Is Blinded
2 Kings 24–25;
2 Chronicles 36:5–21 166
Daniel and the King’s Food
Daniel 1 168
The Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3 169
The Handwriting on the Wall
Daniel 5–6 170
The Story of Queen Esther
The Book of Esther 172
Ezra and the People Return
The Book of Ezra 174
Nehemiah Prays for His
Nehemiah 1 176
Nehemiah Builds
Jerusalem’s Walls
Nehemiah 4–7 178
Ezra Reads the Law
Nehemiah 8–10 180
The Story of Job
The Book of Job 182
The Prophets and the
Coming King
Various prophecy books 184
John’s Birth Announced
Luke 1:5–25 186
Jesus’ Birth Announced
Luke 1:26–38 188
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Luke 1:38–56 190
John the Baptist Is Born
Luke 1:57–80 192
Jesus Is Born
Luke 2:1–7 194
Shepherds Worship Jesus
Luke 2:8–20 196
Simeon and Anna Honour Jesus
Luke 2:21–38 198
Wise Men See a Star
Matthew 2:1–8 199
Wise Men Visit Jesus
Matthew 2:9–12 201
The Flight to Egypt
Matthew 2:13–18 202
The Return to Nazareth
Matthew 2:19–23;
Luke 2:39 204
The Carpenter’s Shop
Luke 2:40; Matthew 13:55;
Mark 6:3 205
Jesus and the Teachers
Luke 2:41–52 206
John Preaches in the Wilderness
Matthew 3:1–12; Mark 1:1–8;
Luke 3:1–18 207
Jesus Is Baptized
Matthew 3:13–17; Mark
1:9–11; Luke 3:21–23 208
Jesus Is Tempted
Matthew 4:1–11 209
The Wedding at Cana
John 2:1–11 210
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
John 2:13–22 212
John 2:23–3:21 214
The Woman at the Well
John 4:1–42 215
The Nobleman’s Son Is Healed
John 4:46–54 216
Jesus at the Synagogue
Luke 4:16–31 218
The Miracle of Fish
Luke 5:1–11 219
Jesus Calls Four Disciples
Matthew 4:18–22; Mark
1:16–20 220
At the Capernaum Synagogue
Mark 1:21–28;
Luke 4:31–37 222
Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother–
Matthew 8:14–17; Mark
1:29–34; Luke 4:38–41 224
A Healing Tour of Galilee
Matthew 4:23–25; Mark
1:35–39; Luke 4:42–44 226
Through the Roof to Jesus
Matthew 9:1–8; Mark 2:1–12;
Luke 5:17–26 227
Jesus Calls Matthew
Matthew 9:9; Mark 2:13–14;
Luke 5:27–28 228
A Dinner at Matthew’s House
Matthew 9:10–13; Mark
2:15–17; Luke 5:29–32 230
Wineskins and Patched
Matthew 9:14–17; Mark
2:18–22; Luke 5:33–39 231
At the Pool of Bethesda
John 5:1–47 232
Sabbath in a Wheat Field
Matthew 12:1–8; Mark
2:23–28; Luke 6:1–5 233
The Withered Hand
Matthew 12:9–14; Mark 3:1–6;
Luke 6:6–11 234
Teaching by the Sea
Matthew 12:15–21;
Mark 3:7–12 235
Choosing the Twelve
Mark 3:13–19;
Luke 6:12–16 236
The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5:1–8:1;
Luke 6:17–49 238
A Centurion’s Servant
Matthew 8:5–13;
Luke 7:1–10 240
The Widow of Nain
Luke 7:11–17 241
The Sower and Other Parables
Matthew 13:1–52; Mark
4:1–34; Luke 8:4–18 242
Jesus Stills a Storm
Matthew 8:18, 23–27; Mark
4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25 243
Jesus Heals a Man with Demons
Matthew 8:28–34; Mark
5:1–20; Luke 8:26–39 244
The Fringe of His Garment
Matthew 9:20–22; Mark
5:25–34, Luke 8:43–48 245
Jairus’ Daughter
Matthew 9:18–19, 23–26;
Mark 5:21–24, 35–43;
Luke 8:40–42, 49–56 246
Two by Two
Matthew 9:35–11:1; Mark
6:6–13; Luke 9:1–6 248
John Is Beheaded
Matthew 14:1–12; Mark
6:14–29; Luke 3:19–20,
9:7–9 250
Jesus Feeds 5,000
Matthew 14:13–21; Mark
6:30–44; Luke 9:10–17;
John 6:1–13 252
Jesus Walks on the Sea
Matthew 14:24–33; Mark
6:47–52; John 6:16–21 253
Healing at Gennesaret
Matthew 14:34–36;
Mark 6:53–56 254
The Syro-Phoenician Woman
Matthew 15:21–28;
Mark 7:24–30 255
Jesus Heals a Deaf and
Dumb Man
Matthew 15:29–31;
Mark 7:31–37 256
Jesus Heals at Bethsaida
Matthew 16:5–12; Mark
8:13–26 257
A Visit to Caesarea Philippi
Matthew 16:13–20; Mark
8:27–30; Luke 9:18–21 258
The Transfiguration
Matthew 17:1–8; Mark 9:2–8;
Luke 9:28–36 260
A Fish with Tax Money
Matthew 17:24–27 262
Who Is Greatest?
Matthew 18:1–6; Mark
9:33–37; Luke 9:46–48 264
The Two Debtors
Matthew 18:15–35 265
The Pool of Siloam
John 9:1–41 266
The Good Shepherd
John 10:1–21 268
The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25–37 270
Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38–42 271
Tears for Jerusalem
Luke 13:31–35 272
The Lost Sheep
Luke 15:1–7 274
The Lost Coin
Luke 15:8–10 275
The Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11–32 276
The Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 16:19–31 277
Jesus Raises Lazarus
John 11:1–44 278
Ten Lepers
Luke 17:11–19 280
A Pharisee and a Publican
Luke 18:9–14 281
Jesus and the Children
Matthew 19:13–15; Mark
10:13–16; Luke 18:15–17 282
The Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19:16–30; Mark
10:17–31; Luke 18:18–30 283
The Labourers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20:1–16 284
Blind Bartimaeus
Matthew 20:29–34; Mark
10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43 286
Zaccheus and the Parable
of the Three Servants
Luke 19:1–27 288
Jesus’ Triumphal Entry
into Jerusalem
Matthew 21:1–9; Mark
11:1–10; Luke 19:29–44; John
12:12–19 289
Jesus at the Temple
Matthew 21:10–17; Mark
11:11–19; Luke 19:45–48 290
Give to Caesar
Matthew 22:15–22; Mark
12:13–17; Luke 20:20–26 292
The Widow’s Mite
Mark 12:41–44;
Luke 21:1–4 293
Figs, Lamps, and Sheep
Matthew 24:32–25:46; Mark
13:28–37; Luke 21:29–36 294
Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet
Matthew 26:6–13; Mark
14:3–9; John 12:2–11 296
Thirty Pieces of Silver
Matthew 26:14–16; Mark
14:10–11; Luke 22:3–6 298
The Last Supper
Matthew 26:17–29; Mark
14:12–25; Luke 22:7–20, 24–30;
John 13:1–20 300
Matthew 26:36–56; Mark
14:32–52; Luke 22:39–53; John
18:2–12 304
Jesus on Trial
Matthew 26:57–68; Mark
14:53–65; Luke 22:54, 63–65;
John 18:12–14, 19–24 306
Peter Denies Jesus
Matthew 26:58, 69–75;
Mark 14:54, 66–72; Luke 22:54–
62; John 18:15–18, 25–27 308
Judas Hangs Himself
Matthew 27:3–10; Acts
1:18–19 309
Jesus Is Sent to Pilate
Matthew 27:2, 11–14; Mark
15:1–5; Luke 23:1–5; John
18:28–38 310
Jesus is Sentenced to Death
Matthew 27:15–30; Mark
15:6–19; Luke 23:6–25; John
18:39–19:5 312
The Way of the Cross
Matthew 27:31–34; Mark
15:20–23; Luke 23:26–33; John
19:16–17 314
The Day Jesus Died
Matthew 27:27–56; Mark
15:16–41; Luke 23:26–49; John
19:14–30 316
Women Visit Jesus’ Tomb
Matthew 27:57–68; Mark
15:42–16:8; Luke 23:50–24:3;
John 19:31–20:8 318
Peter and John Visit
Jesus’ Tomb
Luke 24:11–12;
John 20:2–10 320
Mary Magdalene
Mark 16:9–11;
John 20:11–18 321
The Road to Emmaus
Mark 16:12–13;
Luke 24:13–35 322
Doubting Thomas
Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36–43;
John 20:19–31 324
The Miracle of Fish
John 21 326
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Mark 16:19–20; Luke 24:50–53;
Acts 1:9–12 328
Acts 2 330
Peter and John Heal
a Lame Man
Acts 3 332
Peter and John before
the Council
Acts 4:1–31 333
The Believers
Acts 4:32–5:16 334
The Seven Deacons
Acts 6:1–7 336
Stephen Is Killed
Acts 6:8–7:60 338
Philip and the Ethiopian
Acts 8:26–40 339
Saul Becomes Paul
Acts 9:1–22 340
Saul Escapes
Acts 9:23–31 342
Acts 9:36–42 343
Acts 9:43–10:48 344
Christians at Antioch
Acts 11 346
Peter in Prison
Acts 12:1–23 348
Paul’s First Missionary Journey
Acts 13:1–3 350
Paul’s Journey Begins
Acts 13:4–52 352
Mistaken for Gods
Acts 14 354
Paul’s Second Missionary
Acts 15:36–41 356
The Macedonian Call
Acts 16:1–10 358
Timothy’s Family and Home
Acts 16:1–4; 2 Timothy 1:5 360
Lydia Becomes a Believer
Acts 16:11–15 362
The Philippian Prison
Acts 16:16–40 364
Paul at Thessalonica
Acts 17:1–9 366
The Bereans Accept Paul
Acts 17:10–14 367
Paul at Mars Hill
Acts 17:16–34 368
Paul at Corinth
Acts 18:1–4 370
Gallio Judges Paul at Corinth
Acts 18:5–17 372
Books of Evil Are Burned
Acts 19:17–20 374
Diana of the Ephesians
Acts 19:23–41 376
Acts 20:6–12 378
Paul Is Arrested
Acts 21:17–23:35 380
Paul Before Felix and Festus
Acts 24:1–25:12 382
Paul Before King Agrippa
Acts 25:13–26:32 383
Paul’s Journey Toward Rome
Acts 27:1–8 384
Paul’s Shipwreck
Acts 27:27–28:10 386
Paul at Rome
Acts 28:11–31 388
The Book of Philemon 390
The Seven Churches
The Book of Revelation 392

Sprache englisch
Maße 170 x 246 mm
Themenwelt Schulbuch / Wörterbuch
Religion / Theologie Christentum Kirchengeschichte
ISBN-10 0-7459-8131-3 / 0745981313
ISBN-13 978-0-7459-8131-4 / 9780745981314
Zustand Neuware
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