Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court

Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court


Carl Heymanns (Verlag)
225-200002383-3 (EAN)
10,92 inkl. MwSt
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It is expected that in June 2023 the Unified Patent Court will become operational and unitary patents will be available for filing.
This book provides an overview of the unitary patent system and offers additional strategic considerations, especially regarding the questions:

• Should an "opt-out" be filed for existing European patents or not?
• Should the Unified Patent Court be invoked?
• How should proceedings before the Unified Patent Court be approached?
• How do I defend myself if I am attacked?

It is a valuable aid for all those active in the field of patent protection in Europe, since, unlike a commentary, it provides comprehensive and concrete considerations from a strategic point of view and derives concrete proposals for action from them.
In addition, several chapters of the book are devoted to the enforcement of judgments of the Unified Patent Court as well as to the comparison between the Unified Patent Court and the patent jurisdiction of the member states. For this purpose, well-known guest authors could be won.

• Consideration of all relevant amendments to the law
• Overview of national regulations in China, Korea, Japan and the USA
• Appendix with relevant legal texts

Prof. Dr. Aloys Hüttermann is a patent attorney in Düsseldorf, co-editor of the planned commentary on the unitary patent system and known as a specialist in this field through numerous lectures.

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