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Birder's Conservation Handbook

100 North American Birds at Risk
Buch | Hardcover
464 Seiten
Princeton University Press (Verlag)
978-0-691-12322-6 (ISBN)
84,80 inkl. MwSt
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A resource on the status of North America's most threatened birds and what people can do to help protect them. It helps birders and researchers understand the threats while providing actions to protect birds and their habitats. It also presents at-a-glance species accounts that cover North America's one hundred most at-risk birds.
Until now there has been no single, comprehensive resource on the status of North America's most threatened birds and what people can do to help protect them. "Birder's Conservation Handbook" is the only book of its kind, written specifically to help birders and researchers understand the threats while providing actions to protect birds and their habitats. Jeffrey Wells has distilled vast amounts of essential information into a single easy-to-use volume-required reading for anyone who loves birds and wants to ensure they are protected. At-a-glance species accounts cover in detail North America's one hundred most at-risk birds; each account is beautifully illustrated by today's top bird artists. The text includes status, distribution, ecology, threats, conservation actions and needs, and references. A distribution map accompanies each entry. Chapters discuss birds as indicators of environmental health, the state of North American bird populations, major conservation issues, and initiatives now underway to improve the health of North America's birds. "Birder's Conservation Handbook" is an indispensable resource for birdwatchers, researchers, naturalists, and conservationists.
Reading it will inspire you to become an active steward of our birds and the habitats we share. This is a comprehensive guide to North America's one hundred most at-risk birds and how to protect them. It is compact and easy to use, with beautiful illustrations and data organized for convenient, at-a-glance reference. It has detailed species accounts, including distribution maps, practical advice on conservation, information on leading conservation agencies, and resources.

Jeffrey V. Wells is senior scientist for the Boreal Songbird Initiative, visiting fellow at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and former director of bird conservation for the National Audubon Society. A nationally acclaimed bird expert and conservation biologist, he is widely published in both academic and popular settings and is the author of "Important Bird Areas in New York State".

Foreword by John W. Fitzpatrick ix Acknowledgments xi Scope and Purpose 1 Birds as Indicators 5 The State of North American Bird Populations 9 Major Conservation Issues Affecting North America's Birds 18 The State of Bird Conservation in North America and Beyond 33 What You Can Do 42 Species Accounts Emperor Goose (Chen canagica) 47 Brant (Branta bernicla) 49 Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) 53 American Black Duck (Anas rubripes) 56 Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula) 59 Steller's Eider (Polysticta stelleri) 62 Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) 65 Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) 68 Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus minimus) 72 "Blue" Grouse, including Dusky (Dendragapus obscurus) and Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus) 75 Greater Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) 79 Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) 83 Montezuma Quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) 86 Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii) 89 Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) 91 Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) 94 Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) 96 Bermuda Petrel (Pterodroma cahow) 99 Black-capped Petrel (Pterodroma hasitata) 102 Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) 104 Black-vented Shearwater (Puffinus opisthomelas) 106 Ashy Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma homochroa)108 Black Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma melania) 110 Least Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma microsoma)113 Red-faced Cormorant (Phalacrocorax urile) 116 California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) 118 Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) 121 Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) 125 Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis) 129 Whooping Crane (Grus americana) 133 American Golden-Plover (Pluvialis dominica) 137 Pacific Golden-Plover (Pluvialis fulva) 142 Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) 145 Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) 149 Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) 154 Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis) 159 Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) 163 Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis) 169 Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) 172 Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) 176 Surfbird (Aphriza virgata) 180 Red Knot (Calidris canutus) 183 Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) 188 Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus) 193 American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) 199 Wilson's Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) 203 Heermann's Gull (Larus heermanni) 208 Red-legged Kittiwake (Rissa brevirostris) 211 Elegant Tern (Thalasseus elegans) 214 Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) 217 Kittlitz's Murrelet (Brachyramphus brevirostris) 221 Xantus's Murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus) 224 Craveri's Murrelet (Synthliboramphus craveri) 227 White-crowned Pigeon (Patagioenas leucocephala) 229 Green Parakeet (Aratinga holochlora) 232 Thick-billed Parrot (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) 236 Red-crowned Parrot (Amazona viridigenalis) 240 Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) 244 Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) 248 Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) 251 Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) 255 Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) 259 Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) 262 Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) 267 Black-capped Vireo (Vireo atricapillus) 271 Gray Vireo (Vireo vicinior) 274 Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) 277 Island Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma insularis) 280 Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) 282 Brown-headed Nuthatch (Sitta pusilla) 284 California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica) 287 Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) 290 Bendire's Thrasher (Toxostoma bendirei) 293 Sprague's Pipit (Anthus spragueii) 296 Bachman's Warbler (Vermivora bachmanii) 299 Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) 303 Virginia's Warbler (Vermivora virginiae) 306 Colima Warbler (Vermivora crissalis) 308 Lucy's Warbler (Vermivora luciae) 310 Golden-cheeked Warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia) 312 Grace's Warbler (Dendroica graciae) 315 Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) 318 Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor) 321 Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea) 325 Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) 329 Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotaria citrea) 333 Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) 337 Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) 341 Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus) 344 Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis) 347 Bachman's Sparrow (Aimophila aestivalis) 352 Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri) 355 Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) 359 Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) 362 Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus) 366 Harris's Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula) 369 McKay's Bunting (Plectrophenax hyperboreus) 373 Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) 375 Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor) 378 Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) 381 Appendix I. North American Birds of Conservation Concern Listed by Different Agencies and Organizations 385 Appendix II. Hawaiian Birds of Conservation Concern and Extinct Species 421 Appendix III. Mexican Government Official List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Bird Species 424 Appendix IV. Agencies and Organizations Involved in Bird Conservation 431 Illustration Credits 437 Index 439

Erscheint lt. Verlag 21.10.2007
Zusatzinfo 100 Maps
Verlagsort New Jersey
Sprache englisch
Maße 178 x 254 mm
Gewicht 1162 g
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Biologie Ökologie / Naturschutz
Naturwissenschaften Biologie Zoologie
ISBN-10 0-691-12322-5 / 0691123225
ISBN-13 978-0-691-12322-6 / 9780691123226
Zustand Neuware
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