Pearson eText Biology - Colleen Belk, Virginia Maier

Pearson eText Biology

Science for Life with Physiology -- Access Card
688 Seiten
2018 | 6th edition
Pearson (Hersteller)
978-0-13-521409-1 (ISBN)
55,95 inkl. MwSt
Biology: Science for Life weaves a compelling storyline throughout each chapter, grabbing your attention with current high-interest topics such as genetic testing, global warming and the Zika virus. With this approach, you'll learn the relevant biological principles behind each story and how science can help answer complex questions.

New and updated stories in the 6th Edition make biology concepts relevant and interesting by connecting them to stories you see in the news and decisions you make every day. And with The Big Question feature, you'll practice using data to critically evaluate information. Even if you don't plan to become a practicing biologist, you'll develop critical thinking skills you can use in making decisions about issues that affect your own life, including personal, social and ecological issues. 

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About our authors Colleen Belk and Virginia Borden Maier collaborated on teaching biology to nonmajors for over a decade at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. This collaboration has continued for an additional decade through Virginia's move to St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York, and has been enhanced by their differing but complementary areas of expertise. In addition to the nonmajors course, Colleen Belk  teaches general biology for majors, genetics, cell biology, and molecular biology courses. Virginia Borden Maier  teaches general biology for majors, evolutionary biology, zoology, plant biology, ecology, and conservation biology courses. After several somewhat painful attempts at teaching the breadth of biology to non-majors in a single semester, the two authors came to the conclusion that they needed to find a better way. They realized that their students were more engaged when they understood how biology directly affected their lives. Colleen and Virginia began to structure their lectures around stories they knew would interest students. When they began letting the story drive the science, they immediately noticed a difference in student engagement and willingness to work harder at learning biology. Not only has this approach increased student understanding, but it has also increased the authors' enjoyment in teaching the course, presenting students with fascinating stories infused with biological concepts is simply a lot more fun.

Biology: Science for Life, 6th Edition is available in 2 versions:

Biology: Science for Life with Physiology contains Chapters 1-26
Biology: Science for Life contains Chapters 1-17

Can Science Cure the Common Cold?

Introduction to the Scientific Method
1.1 The Process of Science
The Nature of Hypotheses
Scientific Theories The Logic of Hypothesis Tests
1.2 Hypothesis Testing
The Experimental Method
Controlled Experiments
Minimizing Bias in Experimental Design
Using Correlation to Test Hypotheses
1.3 Understanding Statistics
Statistical Tests Can Tell Us
Factors that Influence Statistical Significance
What Statistical Tests Cannot Tell Us
1.4 Evaluating Scientific Information
Primary Sources
Information from Anecdote
Science in the News
Understanding Science from Secondary Sources
Is There a Cure for the Common Cold?
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: How do I know what to believe?


Science Fiction, Bad Science, and Pseudoscience

2.1 A Definition of Lif
2.2 The Properties of Water
The Structure of Water
Water Is a Good Solvent
Water Facilitates Chemical Reactions
Water Moderates Temperature
The Drinking-Water Hypothesis Requires More Substantiation
2.3 Chemistry for Biology Students
Chemical Bonds
The Bermuda Triangle Revisited
2.4 Biological Macromolecules
Nucleic Acids
Dietary Macromolecules and Behavior
2.5 An Introduction to Evolutionary Theory
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Does balanced reporting help us draw more accurate conclusions?

Nutrients and Membrane Transport

3.1 Nutrients
3.2 Cell Structure
Plasma Membrane
Subcellular Structures
3.3 Transport Across Membranes
Passive Transport: Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion, and Osmosis
Active Transport: Pumping Substances across the Membrane
Exocytosis and Endocytosis: Movement of Large Molecules across the Membrane
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should I routinely use detox products?

Body Weight and Health

Enzymes, Metabolism, and Cellular Respiration
4.1 Enzymes and Metabolism
4.2 Cellular Respiration
Structure and Function of ATP
Cellular Respiration
Stages of Cellular Respiration
Metabolism of Other Nutrients
Metabolism without Oxygen: Anaerobic Respiration and Fermentation
4.3 Body Weight and Health
Body Mass Index
Underweight Is Unhealthy
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: How unhealthy is anorexia?

Life in the Greenhouse

Photosynthesis and Climate Change
5.1 The Greenhouse Effect
Earth Is a Greenhouse
Water, Heat, and Temperature
5.2 The Flow of Carbon
5.3 Can Photosynthesis Slow Down Global Climate Change?
Chloroplasts: The Site of Photosynthesis
The Process of Photosynthesis
5.4 How High Temperatures Might Reduce Photosynthesis
5.5 How We Can Slow Global Climate Change
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should global warming be kept below 4°C?

UNIT 2: Genetics


DNA Synthesis and Mitosis
6.1 What Is Cancer?
Tumors Can Be Cancerous
Risk Factors for Cancer
6.2 Passing Genes and Chromosomes to Daughter Cells
Genes and Chromosomes
DNA Replication
6.3 The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
6.4 Cancer Prevention, Detection, and Treatment
Tumor Suppressors Help Prevent Cancer
Cancer Detection
Cancer Treatment
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Can I prevent myself from getting cancer?


Meiosis and Human Reproduction
7.1 Producing Sperm and Eggs: Meiosis
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
7.2 Problems with Meiosis and Lowered Fertility
7.3 Bringing Sperm and Egg Together
Male Reproductive Anatomy
Female Reproductive Anatomy
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION Does marijuana use impair fertility?

Does Testing Save Lives?

Mendelian Genetics
8.1 The Inheritance of Traits
Genes and Chromosomes
Producing Diversity in Offspring
8.2 Basic Mendelian Genetics: When the Role of Genes Is Clear
Genotype and Phenotype
Genetic Diseases in Humans
Using Punnett Squares to Predict Offspring Genotypes
8.3 Extensions of Mendelian Genetics
8.4 Sex and Inheritance
Sex Determination and X-Linkage
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should there be universal screening for killer diseases?

Biology of Wrongful Convictions

Complex Genetic Traits, Heritability, and DNA Profiling
9.1 Eyewitness Testimony and Complex Genetic Traits
Polygenic Traits
Quantitative Traits
9.2 Genes, Criminality, and Implicit Bias
Studying Nature versus Nurture
The Use and Misuse of Heritability
Implicit Bias
9.3 Positive Identification
DNA Profiling
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should the death penalty be abolished in the United States?

Genetically Modified Organisms

Gene Expression, Mutation, Stem Cells, and Cloning
10.1 Protein Synthesis and Gene Expression
From Gene to Protein
Gene Expression
10.2 Producing Recombinant Proteins
Cloning a Gene Using Bacteria
FDA Regulations
10.3 Genetically Modified Plants and Animals
Modifying Crop Plants
Modifying Animals
Gene Editing Using CRISPR in Plants and Animals
10.4 Genetically Modified Humans
Stem Cells
Gene Therapy
Gene Editing in Humans
Cloning Humans
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should anti-GMO activists give up the fight?

UNIT 3: Evolution

Where Did We Come From?

The Evidence for Evolution
11.1 What Is Evolution?
The Process of Evolution
The Theory of Evolution
11.2 Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution
Early Views of Evolution
The Voyage of the Beagle
Developing the Hypothesis of Common Descent
Alternative Ideas on the Origins and Relationships among Organisms
11.3 Examining the Evidence for Common Descent
Linnaean Classification
Anatomical Homology
Developmental Homologies
Molecular Homology
The Fossil Record
11.4 Are Alternatives to the Theory of Evolution Equally Valid?
Weighing the Alternatives
The Best Scientific Explanation for the Diversity of Life
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should high school biology teachers be required to "teach the controversy"?

An Evolving Enemy

Natural Selection
12.1 Return of a Killer
What Is Tuberculosis?
Treatment- and Treatment Failure
12.2 Natural Selection Causes Evolution
Darwin's Observations
Darwin's Inference: Natural Selection Causes Evolution
Testing Natural Selection
12.3 Natural Selection Since Darwin
The Modern Synthesis
The Subtleties of Natural Selection
Patterns of Selection
12.4 Natural Selection and Human Health
Tuberculosis Fits Darwin's Observations
Selecting for Drug Resistance
Stopping Drug Resistance
Can Natural Selection Save Us from Superbugs?
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should I stop purchasing meats that are raised using antibiotics?

Understanding Race

Speciation and Macroevolution
13.1 What Is a Species?
The Biological Species Concept
Isolation and Divergence of Gene Pools
The Evolution of Reproductive Isolation
13.2 Are Human Races Biological?
The History of Human Races
The Morphological Species Concept
Modern Humans: A History
Genetic Evidence of Divergence
Human Races Are Not Isolated Biological Groups
Human Races Have Never Been Truly Isolated
13.3 Why Human Groups Differ
Natural Selection
Convergent Evolution
Genetic Drift
Sexual Selection
Assortative Mating
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Are affirmative action policies that favor black students applying for college admission good public policy?

The Greatest Species on Earth?

Biodiversity and Classification
14.1 Biological Classification
How Many Species Exist?
Domains of Life
14.2 The Diversity of Life
The Domains Bacteria and Archaea
The Origin of the Domain Eukarya
The Protista
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Not Quite Living: Viruses
14.3 Learning about Species
Reconstructing Evolutionary History
The Greatest Species on Earth
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should lab mice and rats have the same rights as other nonhuman animals?

UNIT 4: Ecology

Is the Human Population Too Large?

Population Ecology
15.1 Population Growth
Population Structure
Exponential Population Growth
The Demographic Transition
15.2 Limits to Population Growth
Carrying Capacity and Logistic Growth
Earth's Carrying Capacity for Humans
15.3 The Future of the Human Population
A Possible Population Crash?
Avoiding Disaster
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should the international community continue to provide food aid to populations experiencing food crises?

Conserving Biodiversity

Community and Ecosystem Ecology
16.1 The Sixth Extinction
Measuring Extinction Rates
Causes of Extinction
16.2 The Consequences of Extinction
Loss of Resources
Predation, Mutualism, and Competition
Energy and Chemical Flows
Psychological Effects
16.3 Saving Species
Protecting Habitat
Small Populations Are Vulnerable
Conservation Genetics
Protecting Biodiversity versus Meeting Human Needs
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Is wind power good or bad for birds?

The Human Footprint

Climate and Biomes
17.1 Climate Determines Habitability
Global Temperature and Precipitation Patterns
Local Influences on Climate
17.2 Terrestrial Biomes and the Human Footprint
Forests and Shrublands
17.3 Aquatic Biomes and the Human Footprint
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Can my actions make a difference on global environmental issues?

UNIT 5: Animal Structure and Function

Organ Donation

Tissues and Organs
18.1 Tissues
Epithelial Tissue
Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Nervous Tissue
Tissue Donation
18.2 Organs and Organ Systems
18.3 Regulating the Internal Environment
Negative Feedback
Positive Feedback
Growing and Printing Replacement Organs
Organ Donation Saves Lives
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should kidney donors be financially compensated?

Binge Drinking

The Digestive and Urinary Systems
19.1 The Digestive System
Mechanical and Chemical Breakdown of Food
Absorption of Digested Foods
Regulation of Digestive Secretions
19.2 Removing Toxins from the Body: The Urinary System
Kidney Structure and Function
Engaging Safely with Alcohol
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Does alcohol make men more likely to commit sexual assault?

Clearing the Air

Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems
20.1 Effects of Smoke on the Respiratory System
What Happens When You Take a Breath?
Gas Exchange
The Role of Hemoglobin in Gas Exchange
Smoke Particles and Lung Function
20.2 Spreading the Effects of Smoke: The Cardiovascular System
Structure of the Cardiovascular System
Movement of Materials through the Cardiovascular System
Smoke and Cardiovascular Disease
The Precautionary Principle in Public Health
Sounds Right, But Is It?
The Big Question: Should marijuana be legalized?

Vaccination: Protection and Prevention or Peril?

Immune System, Bacteria, Viruses, and Other Pathogens
21.1 Infectious Agents
Eukaryotic Pathogens
21.2 The Body's Response to Infection: The Immune System
First Line of Defense: Skin and Mucous Membranes
Second Line of Defense: Phagocytes and Macrophages, Inflammation, Defensive Proteins, and Fever
Third Line of Defense: Lymphocytes
Cell-Mediated and Antibody-Mediated Immunity
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Why are females vaccinated against human papilloma virus more often than males?

Human Sex Differences

Endocrine, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems
22.1 The Endocrine System
Endocrine Glands
22.2 The Skeletal System
Bone Structure and Remodeling
Sex Differences in Bone Structure
22.3 The Muscular System
Muscle Structure and Contraction
Muscle Interaction with Bones
Sex Differences in Muscle
22.4 Other Biology-Based Sex Differences
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Is sex selection an acceptable practice?

Zika in Pregnancy

Developmental Biology, Menstruation, Birth Control, and Pregnancy
23.1 Early Development
Embryonic Development
Development of the Brain When Zika Is Present
23.2 Avoiding or Delaying Pregnancy
The Menstrual Cycle
Birth Control Methods
23.3 Pregnancy and Childbirth
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: When does human life begin?

Study Drugs: Brain Boost or Brain Drain?

Brain Structure and Function
24.1 The Nervous System
Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
The Senses
Amphetamines Effects
24.2 The Human Brain
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Cerebellum and Brain Stem
24.3 Neurons
Neuron Structure and Function
Nonmedical Use of ADD Medications
Consequences of Using Nonprescribed ADD Medications
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Is drug addiction a disease of the brain?

UNIT 6: Plant Biology

Feeding the World

Plant Structure and Growth
25.1 Plants as Food
The Evolution of Agriculture: Food Plant Diversity
Plant Structure
Plant Reproduction
25.2 Plant Growth Requirements
How Plants Grow
Maximizing Plant Growth: Water, Nutrients, and Pest Control
Designing Better Plants: Hybrids and Genetic Engineering
25.3 The Future of Agriculture
Modern Agriculture Causes Environmental Damage
How to Reduce the Damage
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION Should I purchase organically grown foods?

Growing a Green Thumb

Plant Physiology
26.1 The Right Plant for the Place: Water Relations
Adaptations That Affect Transpiration
Water Inside Plant Cells
26.2 A Beautiful Garden: Translocation and Photoperiodism
Translocation of Sugars and Nutrients
Managing Translocation
26.3 Pleasing Forms: Tropisms and Hormones
We Are All Gardeners
Sounds Right, But Is It?
THE BIG QUESTION: Should I rip out my lawn?

Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Biologie
ISBN-10 0-13-521409-2 / 0135214092
ISBN-13 978-0-13-521409-1 / 9780135214091
Zustand Neuware
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