Recent Trends in Materials and Devices (eBook)
XXVII, 547 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-29096-6 (ISBN)
Preface 6
Contents 9
Contributors 16
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials 27
1 Thermal Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Tungsten Oxide-Based Nanomaterials via Raman Spectroscopy 28
Abstract 28
1 Introduction 28
2 SWCNT Experimental Details 29
3 WO3 Experimental Details 30
4 Carbon Nanotube Results 31
5 WO3 Results 31
6 Conclusions 32
Acknowledgments 32
References 33
2 Carbon: The Soul of Future Nanoelectronics 34
Abstract 34
1 Introduction 34
2 NEADF 36
3 Drift Response 37
4 Ballistic Transmission 40
5 Magnetotransport 42
6 Conclusions 45
References 45
3 Antireflection Properties of Multi-crystalline Black Silicon with Acid Textured Surfaces Using Two Step Metal Assisted Chemical Etching 47
Abstract 47
1 Introduction 47
2 Experimental Details 48
3 Results and Discussions 49
4 Conclusions 51
References 52
4 Enhanced Removal of Cationic Dye Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution Using Nanocellulose Prepared from Agricultural Waste Sugarcane Bagasse 53
Abstract 53
1 Introduction 53
2 Experimental Details 54
2.1 Chemical and Reagents 54
2.2 Preparation of Nanocellulose 55
2.3 Characterization 55
2.4 Sorption Studies 55
2.5 Regeneration Studies 55
3 Results and Discussions 56
4 Conclusions 60
References 60
5 A Review on Thermophysical Properties of Nanoparticle-Enhanced Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage 61
Abstract 61
1 Introduction 61
2 Classification of PCMs 62
3 Nanoparticle-Enhanced PCMs 64
4 Effects on Thermophysical Properties Due to Nano Particle Dispersion in PCMs 68
5 Conclusions 69
Acknowledgments 70
References 70
6 Multiphysics Analysis of Heat Transfer in Gate All Around (GAA) Silicon Nanowire Transistor: Material Perspective 72
Abstract 72
1 Introduction 72
2 Device Design and Analysis 73
3 Results and Discussion 74
4 Conclusion 77
References 78
7 Surface Engineering of Colloidal Quantum Dots for Organic and Biocompatible Solution-Processable Materials 79
Abstract 79
1 Introduction 79
2 Experimental Details 80
3 Results and Discussions 80
4 Conclusions 85
References 85
8 Optical and Structural Properties of Silica Nanoparticles Using Material Design Software: MedeA 86
Abstract 86
1 Introduction 86
2 Experimental Details 87
3 Result and Discussion 89
3.1 X-Ray Diffraction Technique 89
3.2 Band Structure 89
3.3 Optical Spectra 90
3.4 Density of State 92
4 Conclusion 93
Acknowledgments 93
References 93
9 Stability Studies of Colloidal Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots: Humidity-Induced Photoluminescence Enhancement 94
Abstract 94
1 Introduction 94
2 Experimental Details 95
3 Results and Discussion 95
4 Conclusions 100
References 100
10 Structural and Morphological Characterization of Transition Metal (Fe, Co) Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles 101
Abstract 101
1 Introduction 101
2 Experimental 102
2.1 Materials 102
2.2 Methods 102
3 Results and Discussion 103
4 Conclusions 108
References 108
11 Morphological, Optical and Thermal Properties of (TiO2)x Embedded (PVC/PE)1?x (Where x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) Blend Nanocomposites 109
Abstract 109
1 Introduction 109
2 Materials Used and Experimental Procedure 111
2.1 Materials Used 111
2.2 Preparation of Samples 111
2.3 Characterization Techniques 111
3 Results and Discussion 112
3.1 FESEM Analysis 112
3.2 EDS Analysis 112
3.3 FTIR Analysis 113
3.4 UV-Visible Spectroscopic Analysis 114
3.5 TGA Analysis 119
4 Conclusions 120
Acknowledgments 120
References 120
12 Effect of Annealing on Structural and Optical Properties of Graphene Nanoballs 121
Abstract 121
1 Introduction 121
2 Experimental Details 122
3 Results and Discussion 122
4 Conclusions 125
References 125
13 Synthesis of NaNbO3 Nanorods as a Photoanode Material for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 126
Abstract 126
1 Introduction 126
2 Experimental Details 127
3 Results and Discussion 127
4 Conclusions 128
References 128
14 Effect of Dopant Concentration on Structural and Optical Properties of Cu Doped SnO2 129
Abstract 129
1 Introduction 129
2 Experimental Details 130
3 Results and Discussion 132
4 Conclusions 135
References 135
15 Synthesis of Graphene by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) Method 136
Abstract 136
1 Introduction 136
2 Experimental Details 137
3 Results and Discussion 138
3.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy 138
3.2 Raman Spectroscopy 138
3.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 139
4 Conclusion 140
Acknowledgments 140
References 140
16 Controlling the Morphology of ZnO Nanostructures During Growth Process 141
Abstract 141
1 Introduction 141
2 Experimental Details 142
3 Results and Discussion 142
4 Conclusions 144
Acknowledgments 144
References 144
17 Synthesis of Lithium Doped Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle by the Co-precipitation Method 146
Abstract 146
1 Introduction 146
2 Experimental 147
3 Synthesis Procedure 148
4 Characterization 148
4.1 X-ray Diffraction 148
4.2 UV-Visible Spectroscopy 149
4.3 FTIR Technique 149
5 Result and Discussion 149
6 UV-Visible Spectroscopy 150
7 FTIR Technique 151
8 Conclusion 152
Acknowledgments 152
References 152
18 Structural, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Bi25FeO40 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method 153
Abstract 153
1 Introduction 153
2 Experimental 154
3 Results and Discussion 154
4 Conclusions 157
References 157
19 Optical Properties of (Fe2O3)1?x/(Cr2O3)x (Where x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) Nanocomposites 158
Abstract 158
1 Historical Background and Introduction 158
2 Experimental Methodology 160
3 Results and Discussion 160
4 Conclusion and Future Scope 167
Acknowledgments 167
References 167
20 Preparation and Characterization of Thin Film Prepared by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Stabilized Polythiophene 169
Abstract 169
1 Introduction 169
2 Experimental 170
2.1 Material Used 170
2.2 Synthesis of Polythiophene Nanoparticles 170
2.2.1 Synthesis Process 171
2.3 Preparation of Thin Film by Spin Coating Method 172
2.4 Characterization 172
3 Result and Discussion 172
4 Conclusion 174
References 174
21 Effect of Copper Doping on Physical Properties of Cadmium Oxide Thin Films 175
Abstract 175
1 Introduction 175
2 Experimental Details 176
3 Results and Discussion 177
4 Conclusion 179
Acknowledgments 179
References 179
22 Design of Fly Ash Based Core Shell Composites as Heat Reflective Coatings for Sustainable Buildings 180
Abstract 180
1 Introduction 180
2 Experimental Details 182
2.1 Materials 182
2.2 Methods 182
2.2.1 Treatment of Fly Ash 182
2.2.2 Insitu Preparation 182
2.2.3 Ex Situ Preparation 183
3 Results and Discussion 183
4 Conclusions 186
References 186
23 Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Doped Cobalt Oxide (Co3O4) by Co-precipitation Method 187
Abstract 187
1 Introduction 187
2 Experimental Details 188
3 Characterization 190
3.1 X-ray Diffraction 190
3.2 FTIR Technique 190
4 Results and Discussion 190
4.1 X-ray Diffraction 190
4.2 FTIR 191
5 Conclusion 192
Acknowledgments 192
References 192
24 Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Persuaded Optimization of the Thermodynamic, Electrical and Electro-optical Characteristics of a Room Temperature Liquid Crystal Display Material “4-Pentyl-4?cyanobiphenyl” 194
Abstract 194
1 Introduction 194
2 Experimental Details 195
3 Results and Discussion 195
4 Conclusions 197
References 197
25 Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis Route Based on Microalgae 199
Abstract 199
1 Introduction 199
2 Experimental Methodology 201
3 Results and Discussion 202
4 Conclusion and Future Scope 204
Acknowledgments 205
References 205
26 Effect of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation on the Structural and Optical Properties of CdO Thin Films 207
Abstract 207
1 Introduction 207
2 Experimental Details 208
3 Results and Discussion 209
4 Conclusions 210
References 211
27 Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of Transition Metal Doped ZnO Nanoparticles 212
Abstract 212
1 Introduction 212
2 Experimental Details 213
3 Results and Discussion 213
3.1 X-ray Analysis 213
3.2 Optical Properties 213
3.3 SEM Analysis 213
3.4 FT-IR Studies 214
4 Conclusions 216
References 217
28 Synthesis and Characterization of Cadmium Doped ZnO Nanoparticles 218
Abstract 218
1 Introduction 218
2 Experimental Details 219
3 Characterization Techniques 219
4 Results and Discussion 220
4.1 Structural Properties 220
4.2 Optical Properties 220
4.3 Vibrational Analysis 221
5 Conclusions 222
References 222
29 Synthesis and Characterization of Yttrium Doped Zinc Sulphide Nanoparticles 223
Abstract 223
1 Introduction 223
2 Experimental Details 224
3 Results and Discussion 224
3.1 Structural Properties 224
3.2 Optical Studies 225
3.3 Morphological Studies 227
4 Conclusions 227
References 228
30 Optimization of Microwave Synthesized Carbon Coated Nano LiFePO4 Active Cathode Material Composition for Li-Ion Batteries 229
Abstract 229
1 Introduction 229
2 Experimental 230
3 Results and Discussion 231
4 Conclusion 233
Acknowledgments 233
References 233
31 Unusual Photocatalytic Activity of Cr-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles 235
Abstract 235
1 Introduction 235
2 Experimental Details 237
2.1 Aqueous Solution Hydrolysis Route 237
2.2 Cr-Doping 237
3 Results and Discussion 237
4 Conclusion 240
References 240
Optoelectronics 241
32 Structural and Optical Properties of Single Crystalline Cerium Doped ZnO Thin Films 242
Abstract 242
1 Introduction 242
2 Experimental Details 243
3 Results and Discussion 243
3.1 Structural Properties (XRD) 243
3.2 Optical Properties 244
4 Conclusions 246
Acknowledgments 246
References 246
33 Calculation of Valence Band Structure of GaSb1?xBix Using Valence Band Anticrossing Model in the Dilute Bi Regime 247
Abstract 247
1 Introduction 247
2 Mathematical Modelling 248
3 Results and Discussion 249
4 Conclusions 251
References 251
34 Effect of Bismuth Incorporation on the Growth Kinetics and Valence Band Structure for InP1?xBix Grown Using Liquid Phase Epitaxy 253
Abstract 253
1 Introduction 253
2 Mathematical Modelling 254
3 Results and Discussion 256
4 Conclusions 259
References 259
35 Design and Analysis of Efficient Metal Clad Optical Waveguide Polarizer 260
Abstract 260
1 Introduction 260
2 Results and Discussion 261
3 Conclusions 263
References 263
36 Effect of Substrate on Surface Plasmon Resonance of PLD Grown Silver Nanoparticles 264
Abstract 264
1 Introduction 264
2 Experimental Details 265
3 Results and Discussion 266
4 Conclusions 268
Acknowledgments 268
References 268
Photovoltaics and Energy Storage 269
37 Study of Growth of Silver Nanoparticles as Plasmonic Layer on pc-Si Wafer to Enhance the Efficiency of Solar Cells 270
Abstract 270
1 Introduction 271
2 Experimental Methodology 271
3 Results and Discussion 272
4 Conclusion 276
Acknowledgments 276
References 276
38 Growth of Graded SixNy ARC Films to Enhance the Efficiency of Multi-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Applicable in High Volume Production 277
Abstract 277
1 Introduction 278
2 Theory 279
2.1 Texturization of Front Surface 279
2.2 Antireflection Coating (ARC) 279
3 Experimental Details 282
3.1 Description of PECVD System 282
3.2 Description of the Fabrication Steps of Silicon Solar Cells in Industry Scale 284
3.3 Simulation Conditions 285
4 Results and Discussion 286
4.1 Experimental Results 286
4.2 Simulation Results 287
5 Conclusions 289
Acknowledgements 290
References 290
39 Theoretical Analysis of Surface Plasmonic Ag Nanoparticles Embedded in C-, Pc-, a-Si Thin-Film Solar Cell, Using Mie Scattering 292
Abstract 292
1 Introduction 292
1.1 Role of Plasmon’s in Improving Efficiency of Solar cell 293
2 Experimental Methodology 295
2.1 MIE Scattering 295
2.2 MIE PLOT 295
3 Results and Discussion 296
4 Conclusion 298
Acknowledgments 298
References 299
40 Effect of Blocking Layer on the Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells 300
Abstract 300
1 Introduction 301
2 Experimental Methodology 301
3 Results and Discussion 302
4 Conclusion 303
Acknowledgments 304
References 304
41 ZnO Layer onto Si Surface by Continuous Spray Pyrolysis Reactor for Solar Cell Efficiency Enhancement 305
Abstract 305
1 Introduction 305
2 Experimental Section 307
3 Results and Discussion 309
3.1 XRD Study 309
3.2 SEM Study 309
3.3 Reflectance Study 309
3.4 I-V Measurment 310
4 Conclusions 311
References 311
42 Effect of Plasmonic Enhancement of Light Absorption on the Efficiency of Polymer Solar Cell 312
Abstract 312
1 Introduction 312
2 Experimental 313
3 Results and Discussion 314
4 Conclusions 314
References 314
43 Efficiency Enhancement in Thin Film GaAs Solar Cell Using Photonic Crystals as Reflection and Diffraction Gratings for Light Trapping 315
Abstract 315
1 Introduction 315
2 Design of the Structure 316
3 Results and Discussion 317
4 Conclusion 318
References 319
44 Annealing Free, High Quality CVD Graphene Growth and Transfer 320
Abstract 320
1 Introduction 320
2 Experimental Details 321
3 Results and Discussion 323
4 Conclusions 324
Acknowledgments 324
References 325
45 Compositional Optimization of Photovoltaic Grade Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Films Synthesized by Colloidal Route 326
Abstract 326
1 Introduction 326
2 Experiment Detail 328
3 Results and Discussion 329
4 Conclusions 332
References 332
46 Optical Optimization of Solar Cells Having Extremely Thin SnS Layer on ZnO Nanowires 334
Abstract 334
1 Introduction 334
2 Theory 335
3 Fabrication of SnS/ZnO Nanowires 336
4 Results and Discussion 337
5 Conclusions 339
References 340
47 Development of Novel Cathode Materials Based on MWCNT for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices 341
Abstract 341
1 Introduction 342
1.1 Basics of Lithium Ion Batteries 343
1.2 Carbon Nano Tubes 343
2 Experimental 344
2.1 Synthesis of Li2MnFeSiO4 344
2.2 Synthesis of Li2MnFeSiO4/MWCNT 344
2.3 Lithium Half-Cell Fabrication 345
2.4 Material Characterization 345
3 Results and Discussion 346
3.1 FESEM Analysis 346
3.2 A.C Impedance Spectroscopy 348
4 Conclusion and Future Scope 348
References 349
Sensors 350
48 Sensitivity Enhancement of Lossy Mode Resonance Sensor with Addition of Dielectric Layer 351
Abstract 351
1 Introduction 351
2 Lossy Modes Supported by ITO Film 352
3 Structure and Analysis Method 352
4 Results and Discussion 352
5 Conclusions 354
References 354
49 Assessment of Dual Dielectric P-MOSFET as Cumulative Gamma Dose Sensor 355
Abstract 355
1 Introduction 355
2 Theory 356
3 Experimental Details 358
4 Results and Discussion 359
5 Conclusions 361
Acknowledgments 361
References 361
Polymeric Materials 362
50 Structural and Electrical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposite Films 363
Abstract 363
1 Historical Background 363
2 Introduction 364
2.1 Advantage of Solid Electrolyte 366
3 Experimental Work 367
3.1 Material and Material Method 367
4 Experimental Techniques 368
5 Result and Discussion 369
5.1 SEM Analysis 369
5.2 Electrical Conductivity 369
5.3 FTIR 372
5.4 Electrochemical Stability 374
6 Conclusions 376
Acknowledgments 377
References 377
51 Dielectric Study of Polymer Nanocomposite Films for Energy Storage Applications 378
Abstract 378
1 Introduction 378
2 Experimental Section 380
2.1 Material Characterization 381
3 Results and Discussion 381
3.1 Study of Electrical Property 381
3.2 Summary and Conclusion 384
Acknowledgments 384
References 385
52 Correlation of Microscopic Interaction with Electrical Conductivity in Polymer Separator of Energy Storage Devices 386
Abstract 386
1 Historical Background and Introduction 386
2 Experimental Work 389
2.1 Materials 389
2.2 Preparation of Polymer Electrolyte 389
3 Experimental Technique 389
3.1 FTIR Spectroscopy 389
3.2 Impedance/Dielectric Analysis 390
4 Result and Discussion 391
4.1 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Analysis 391
5 Conductivity 393
6 Conclusions 394
Acknowledgments 395
References 395
53 Improved Electrical and Thermal Properties of TETA Functionalized NGPs/Epoxy Nanocomposites 396
Abstract 396
1 Introduction 396
2 Experimental Details 397
2.1 Materials and Characterization 397
2.2 Acid Treatment of NGPs 398
2.3 TETA Modification of NGPs 398
2.4 Preparation of TETA-NGPs/DGEBA Composites 398
3 Results and Discussion 399
3.1 Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) 399
3.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 400
3.3 Electrical Conductivity 400
3.4 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) 402
4 Conclusions 403
References 403
54 Polypropylene/Glass Fiber Composites for Low Cost Orthotic Aid 404
Abstract 404
1 Introduction 405
2 Experimental Details 406
2.1 Materials 406
2.2 Polypropylene-Glass Fiber (PP-GF) Composite Preparation 406
2.3 Materials Characterization 406
2.4 Mechanical Properties 407
3 Results and Discussion 407
3.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 407
3.2 Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) 407
3.3 Mechanical Properties 409
3.3.1 Tensile Strength 410
3.3.2 Tensile Modulus 410
3.3.3 Impact Strength 411
3.3.4 Elongation at Break:Thermoformability 411
4 Conclusions 412
References 413
Semiconductor Materials and Devices 414
55 Photothermoelectric and Photoconducting Properties of Layer-by-Layer Deposited Nanocrystalline PbS Films 415
Abstract 415
1 Introduction 415
2 Experimental 416
3 Results and Discussion 416
4 Conclusion 420
Acknowledgments 420
References 420
56 Synthesis and Properties of Inorganic Organic Chloride Based Perovskite 421
Abstract 421
1 Introduction 421
2 Experimental Methodology 422
3 Results and Discussion 423
4 Conclusion and Future Scope 424
Acknowledgments 425
References 425
57 Design, Simulation and Analysis of 4 × 1 Mux at 90 nm CMOS Technology 426
Abstract 426
1 Introduction 426
2 Parameters Analyzed 427
2.1 Power Analysis 427
2.2 Delay Analysis 428
2.3 Power Delay Product Analysis 428
3 Logic Styles 428
3.1 Cmos/Cmos+ 428
3.2 Cascode Voltage Switch Logic 429
3.3 Cascode Voltage Switch Logic 429
3.4 Dynamic Circuits 430
4 Simulation and Analysis 430
4.1 Simulation Environment 430
4.2 Schematics 430
4.3 Performance Analysis 431
4.4 Results and Discussion 432
5 Conclusion 444
References 444
Smart Materials 445
58 Clean Energy Harvester Using Rare Earth Magnet and Ferro-Fluid 446
Abstract 446
1 Introduction 446
2 Experimental Details 447
3 Results and Discussion 448
4 Conclusions 449
References 449
59 Temperature Attuned Charge and Strain Co-mediated Giant Magnetoelectric (M-E) Coupling for Non-volatile Memory Device Applications 450
Abstract 450
1 Introduction 450
2 Experimental 451
3 Results and Discussion 451
4 Conclusions 453
References 453
60 Fly Ash Based Zeolite as an Anti-corrosive Pigment in Paints 454
Abstract 454
1 Introduction 454
2 Experimental Details 455
3 Results and Discussion 456
4 Conclusion 458
References 459
61 Effect of Temperature and Ferro-Fluid on Rotation of Rare Earth Magnet Used for Clean Energy Generation 460
Abstract 460
1 Introduction 460
2 Experimental Details 461
3 Results and Discussion 461
4 Conclusions 463
References 463
62 Microstructures, Mechanical Properties and Strengthening Mechanisms of cast Cu–Al Alloys Processed by Cryorolling 464
Abstract 464
1 Introduction 464
2 Experimental Details 465
3 Results and Discussion 465
4 Conclusions 467
References 467
63 Investigation of Capping-Ligand Effect on Colloidal CIGSe Nanocrystals Prepared via Colloidal Route for Thin Film Solar Cell Applications 468
Abstract 468
1 Introduction 468
2 Experiment Detail 469
3 Results and Discussion 469
4 Conclusions 472
References 472
64 Comparative Studies on Chalcopyrite CIGSe Nanocrystals Prepared via Two Different Ligand Systems 473
Abstract 473
1 Introduction 473
2 Experimental Details 474
3 Results and Discussions 474
4 Conclusions 478
References 479
65 Optical and Thermo-Dynamical Properties of Twist Grain Boundary Phases in Liquid Crystals 480
Abstract 480
1 Introduction 480
2 Experimental 482
3 Results and Discussion 482
3.1 Features of CN Thermograms 482
3.2 Features of EBBA Thermograms 484
3.3 Features of CN 10 Thermograms 485
3.4 Features of CN 20 Thermograms 487
3.5 Features of CN 30 Thermograms 487
3.6 Features of CN 70 Thermograms 488
4 Conclusion 489
Acknowledgments 489
References 489
66 Solvent Effect on Electronic Transitions, Homo Lumo Analysis of 2,6-Dichloro-3-Nitro Pyridine Under Hartee-Fock and Density Functional Theory 491
Abstract 491
1 Introduction 491
2 Experimental Details 492
3 Computational Details 492
4 Results and Discussion 493
4.1 Electronic Spectra 493
4.2 Solvent Effect 496
4.3 Homo-Lumo Analysis 497
4.4 Mulliken Charges 498
5 Conclusion 498
References 498
Emerging Technologies 500
67 A Novel Design of Fractal Antenna: Effect of Different Dielectric Substrate Materials 501
Abstract 501
1 Introduction 501
2 Antenna Design and Structure 502
2.1 Properties of the Materials 502
3 Results and Discussion 503
4 Conclusions 506
References 506
68 Dielectric Behaviour of Pure and Dye Doped Nematic Liquid Crystal E-24 507
Abstract 507
1 Introduction 507
2 Experimental Details 508
3 Result and Discussion 508
4 Conclusion 512
References 513
69 Study of Varying Tubes in Carbon Nanotube FET Based Inverter 514
Abstract 514
1 Introduction 514
2 Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors 515
3 Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Based Inverters 517
4 Results and Discussion 519
5 Conclusions 521
Acknowledgments 521
References 521
Index 522
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 20.10.2016 |
Reihe/Serie | Springer Proceedings in Physics | Springer Proceedings in Physics |
Zusatzinfo | XXVII, 547 p. 315 illus., 226 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Naturwissenschaften ► Physik / Astronomie ► Atom- / Kern- / Molekularphysik |
Technik ► Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | ICRTMD 2015 • MEMS and Sensors • Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials • optoelectronics • Photovoltaic and Energy Storage • Polymeric Materials • Semiconductor Materials and Devices |
ISBN-10 | 3-319-29096-7 / 3319290967 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-319-29096-6 / 9783319290966 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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