Atomic Collisions in Solids - Sheldon Datz, B. R. Appleton, C. D. Moak

Atomic Collisions in Solids

Volume 1
Buch | Softcover
478 Seiten
2012 | Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1975
Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
978-1-4684-3119-3 (ISBN)
53,49 inkl. MwSt
Perhaps the most controversiaZ aspect of this voZume is the number (V) assigned to the conference in this series. ActuaZZy, the first conference to be heZd under the titZe '~tomic CoZZisions in SoZids" was heZd at Sussex University in EngZand in 1969 and the second at GausdaZ, Norway in 1971, which wouZd ZogicaZZy make the conference heZd at GatZinburg, Tennessee, U. S. A. in 1973 the third (III). However, the appearance of the proceedings of the 1971 GausdaZ Conference (pubZished by Gordon and Breach) bore the number IV. The reasoning behind this was that, in fact, two pre- vious conferences had been ZargeZy dedicated to the same subject area. The first of these Was at Aarhus, Denmark in 1965 and the second in 1967 was heZd in ChaZk River, Canada. Hence, the number V for the 1973 meeting. ActuaZZy, the conference can easiZy be traced back to Paris, France in 196Z when it went under the coZorfuZ titZe of '~e Bom- bardement Ionique. " In 1962 a smaZZ conference was heZd at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A. at which the discovery of channeZing was first formaZZy annunciated. This was foZZowed by conferences at ChaZk River, Canada in 1963 and at HarweZZ, EngZand in 1964.
More- over, immediateZy foZZowing the ChaZk RiVer conference in 1967 there was a conference on higher energy coZZisions at Brookhaven, New York, U. S. A. Thus, strictly speaking, the Gatlinburg meeting is the tenth (X) in the series.

Stopping Power of Fast Channeled Protons in the Impact Parameter Treatment of Atomic Collisions.- The Z1 Oscillations in Electronic Stopping.- Z13-Dependent Stopping Power and Range Contributions.- Depth Distribution of Damage Due to Ionization.- Investigation on Electronic Stopping Power in Alkali Halides by Means of Color Center Profiles.- Velocity Dependence of the Stopping Power of Channeled Iodine Ions.- Charge State Dependence of Stopping Power for Oxygen Ions Channeled in Silver.- Transmission Energy Loss of Protons Channeled in Thin Silicon Single Crystals at Medium Energy.- A New Method to Determine the Energy Loss of Heavy Ions in Solids.- Threshold Energy for Atomic Displacement in Radiation Damage.- Directional Dependence of the Displacement Energy Threshold for a FCC Metal.- Energy Dissipation by Random Collisions in Compound Target Materials.- On the Application of Boltzmann Transport Equations to Ion Bombardment of Solids.- Indication for an Ionization Damage Process in Light Ion Irradiation Damage in Silicon.- Recoil Implantation of 18O from SiO2 by Heavy Projectiles.- Effects of Lattice Defects on Dechanneling and on Channeled-Particle Distribution.- Computer Simulation of Atomic Collisions in Solids.- The Effect of Straggling in Electronic Stopping on Range Distributions.- Computer Simulation of the Multiple Scattering of High Energy Heavy Ions in Thin Films.- Numerical Simulation of Range and Backscattering for keV Protons Incident on Random Targets.- Computer Studies of Replacement Sequences in Solids Associated with Atomic Displacement Cascades.- Radiation Damage in Transition Metal Hexahalo Complexes: The Application of Atomic Collision Dynamics in Hot Atom Chemistry.- Monte Carlo Simulation of Backscattering Phenomena.- Ion Screening in Solids.- Surf-Riding Electron States: Polarization Charge Density Effects Associated with Heavy Ion Motion in Solids.- Electron Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Single Crystalline Nickel Surfaces Determined through Electron Capture by Scattered Deuterons.- Electron Pick Up by Protons Emerging from Solid Surfaces.- Experimental Neutral Charge Fractions in Proton Beams Emerging from Solids.- Charged Fraction of 5 keV to 150 keV Hydrogen Atoms after Emergence from Different Metal Surfaces.- Charge Neutralization of Medium Energy H and 4He Ions Backscattered from Solid Surfaces. Effects of Surface Cleaning.- Solid Effects on Inner Shell Ionization.- Quasi-Molecular Approach to the Theory of Ion-Atom Collisions.- An Investigation of the Processes Involved in the Production of Non-Characteristic X Rays During Ion Bombardment of Solid Targets.- Observation of the United Carbon-Carbon Atom K-Shell X-Ray Band for Incident Carbon Ion Energies of 30–2500 keV.- Cross Sections for the Production of X Rays from Heavy Ion Collisions at MeV Energies.- De-Excitation of Sulphur L-Shell Vacancies Produced in Ion-Atom Collisions in Solids.- Ion Excitation of Al K X-Ray Spectra.- X-Ray Emission Following Ion Beam and Plasma Excitations.- Application of a Cauchois Spectrometer to Measurement of Ion-Excited Ni K? Satellite Spectra.- Charge State Dependence of Si K X-Ray Production in Solid and Gaseous Targets by 40 MeV Oxygen Ion Impact.- Excitation States of Projectiles Moving through Solids.

Zusatzinfo XV, 478 p.
Verlagsort New York, NY
Sprache englisch
Maße 178 x 254 mm
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Physik / Astronomie Atom- / Kern- / Molekularphysik
ISBN-10 1-4684-3119-6 / 1468431196
ISBN-13 978-1-4684-3119-3 / 9781468431193
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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