Hadron Collider Physics 2002 -

Hadron Collider Physics 2002

Proceedings of the 14th Topical Conference on Hadron Collider Physics, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 29–October 4,2002
Buch | Softcover
XXXIV, 529 Seiten
2012 | 1. Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2003
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-642-62472-8 (ISBN)
69,54 inkl. MwSt

Hadron colliders probe physics at new energy frontiers and search for new particles and forces. In addition, hadron colliders now provide also an environment for precision physics. The present volume collects the results from recently completed runs at major colliders as well as new ideas about collider physics and techniques. It will serve as the main source of reference in the field for many years to come.

Martin Erdmann ist Professor für Experimentalphysik am Physikalischen Institut der RWTH Aachen.

Thomas Müller, Verleger seit 1987, Gründer und Vorstand der TM BöRSENVERLAG AG, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der boerse.de Finanzportal GmbH. Thomas Müller verfasste in den 90er-Jahren zahlreiche Artikel, Reports und Bücher zu den Schwerpunkt-Themen Derivate und technische Analysen.

I Opening Review on Hadron-Collider Physics.- Hadron Colliders, the Standard Model, and Beyond.- 1 What is the Standard Model?.- 2 Hadron Colliders and the Standard Model.- 2.1 Precision electroweak.- 2.2 CKM.- 2.3 Top quark.- 2.4 Higgs boson.- 2.5 QCD.- 3 Beyond the Standard Model.- 3.1 Direct evidence.- 3.2 Indirect evidence.- References.- II Status of the Accelerators and Detectors.- Tevatron Collider Run II Status.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Overview.- 3 Run II Milestones.- 4 Parameters.- 5 Performance to Date.- 6 Accomplishments.- 6.1 Accomplishments: Helix Adjustments.- 6.2 Accomplishments: Antiproton Emittance.- 6.3 Accomplishments: Tevatron Injection Closure.- 7 Outstanding Issues.- 8 Future Prospects.- 9 Reliability.- 10 Summary.- 11 Acknowledgements.- Status of CDF II and Prospects for Run II.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The CDF II Detector and Trigger Upgrades.- 3 Physics Results and Prospects.- 4 Conclusions.- References.- Status of the DØ Detector.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Overview.- 3 Silicon Vertex Detector.- 4 Central Fiber Tracker.- 5 Calorimeters.- 6 Muon Detectors.- 7 Forward Proton Detectors.- 8 Trigger and Data Acquisition.- 9 Conclusions.- References.- III Standard Model Processes: Parton Luminosities, QCD Evolution.- The Proton Structure as Measured at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 NC Cross Sections in the Complete Kinematic Plane.- 3 High-Q2 Measurements.- 4 Charged Current Measurements.- 5 Summary and Outlook.- References.- Global Fits of Parton Distributions.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Parton Uncertainties.- 2.1 Hessian (Error Matrix) approach.- 2.2 Offset method.- 2.3 Statistical approach.- 2.4 Lagrange multiplier method.- 2.5 Results.- 3 Theoretical Errors.- 3.1 Problems in the fit.- 3.2 Types of Theoretical Error, NNLO.- 3.3 Empirical approach.- 4 Conclusions.- References.- Low x Physics at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Formalism and Theory.- 3 Results.- 3.1 Inclusive measurements.- 3.2 Exclusive results.- 4 Summary.- References.- Saturation Effects in Hadronic Cross Sections.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Loop-Loop Correlation Model.- 3 Saturation in Proton-Proton Scattering.- 4 Gluon Saturation.- 5 Conclusion.- References.- IV Standard Model Processes: QCD at High pt.- Progress in NNLO Calculations for Scattering Processes.- 1 Why NNLO Calculations are Important.- 1.1 Renormalisation scale uncertainty.- 1.2 Factorisation scale dependence.- 1.3 Jet algorithms.- 1.4 Transverse momentum of the incoming partons.- 1.5 Power corrections.- 1.6 The shape of the prediction.- 1.7 Parton densities at NNLO.- 2 Recent Progress in the Field.- 3 What Remains to be Done.- References.- Heavy Flavour Production at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 b-production Cross-section.- 2.1 Muon and Jet Cross-section.- 2.2 b-tagging.- 3 J/? Cross-section.- 4 Other Measurements.- References.- Heavy Quark Production at CDF.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Beauty Production at CDF.- 2.1 CDF Run I results.- 2.2 Preliminary results from CDF Run II.- 3 Quarkonia Production at CDF.- 4 Charm Production at CDF.- 4.1 Run I results.- 4.2 Run II charm production cross-sections.- 5 Conclusion.- References.- Heavy Quark Production at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Open Charm Production.- 3 Charmonium.- 4 Beauty Production.- 5 Summary.- References.- Theoretical Developments on Hard QCD Processes at Colliders.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Heavy Quarks.- 2.1 Total Cross Sections.- 2.2 Transverse Momentum Distributions.- 2.3 Top Quark Spin Correlations.- 3 Jets.- 3.1 Jet Definitions.- 3.2 Precision Jet Physics.- 3.3 Multiparton Processes.- 4 Photons and Massive Gauge Bosons.- 4.1 Isolated Photons.- 4.2 Photon Pairs.- 4.3 Vector Boson and Higgs Production.- 4.4 Transverse Momentum Distributions.- 5 Conclusions and Outlook.- References.- Jet Production at CDF.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Inclusive Jet Production.- 3 Three-jet Production.- 4 Study of Jet Shapes in Run 2.- 5 Study of the Underlying Event.- 6 Study of W+Njet Production.- References.- Jet Algorithms at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Measurement of Jets.- 3 Run I Cone Algorithm.- 4 Run I kT Algorithm and Comparisons.- 5 Run II.- 6 Acknowledgments.- References.- Jet Physics at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Photoproduction of Jets.- 2.1 The Internal Structure of the Photon.- 2.2 Multijet Photoproduction.- 2.3 Inclusive Jet Photoproduction.- 3 Jet Physics in DIS.- 3.1 Jet Cross Sections at Low Q2 and at Forward Angles.- 3.2 Multijet Production in DIS.- 3.3 Precise Tests of QCD from Jet Production in DIS.- 4 Conclusions.- References.- Global Photon Summary.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Prompt photon production at the Tevatron.- 2.1 Run I results.- 2.2 Run II prospects.- 3 Prompt photon production at HERA.- 3.1 Inclusive photoproduction of prompt photons.- 3.2 Photoproduction of prompt photon and jets.- 3.3 Prompt photons in deep inelastic scattering.- 4 Current issues in photon production.- 5 Summary.- References.- Hadron Production in Hadron-Hadron and Lepton-Hadron Collisions.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Determination of the FFs.- 3 Global Analysis of Collider Data.- 4 Inclusive B-Meson Production.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- V Standard Model Processes: QCD: Diffractive Processes.- Measurements of Diffractive Processes at HERA Aharon Levy.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Kinematics of Diffractive Scattering.- 3 Diffraction as Soft or Hard Process.- 4 Inclusive Diffraction.- 5 Exclusive Vector Mesons.- 6 Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS).- References.- Diffractive Physics at DØ.- 1 Diffractive Processes.- 2 The DØ Detector.- 3 Hard Single Diffraction: Diffractive W and Z.- 4 Comparison of W,Z Diffractive Data to Models.- 5 Hard Single Diffraction: Dijets.- 6 HSD and Models.- 7 Present and Future Prospects for Diffractive Physics at DO Run II.- References.- Measurements of Diffractive Processes at CDF.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Hard diffraction.- 2.1 Rapidity gap results.- 2.2 Leading antiproton results.- 3 Double-gap soft diffraction.- 4 Data and results.- References.- Selected topics in Rapidity Gap Physics.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Hard diffraction.- 2.1 Central higgs production.- 3 Dipole models.- 4 Rapidity gaps at high-t.- 4.1 Vector mesons.- 4.2 Gaps between jets.- 5 Summary.- References.- VI Standard Model Processes: Heavy-Ion Collisions.- Recent Results from STAR.- 1 The Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider.- 2 The STAR Experiment.- 3 Measurements of Anisotropic Flow.- 4 Jets in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions.- 5 Ultra-Peripheral Heavy-Ion Collisions.- 6 Conclusions and Outlook.- References.- VII Standard Model Processes: Heavy Flavour, CKM and CP-Violation.- Beauty and Charm Physics at CDF, First Results and Perspectives.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Leptonic sample.- 3 Hadronic sample.- 4 Beauty and Charm perspectives.- References.- Prospects for B Lifetimes, Oscillations and CP Violation at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Run II DØ Detector.- 3 The DØ Beauty Physics Program.- 3.1 Average B Lifetime.- 3.2 sB0Mixing.- 3.3 CP Violation.- 3.4 b?0Lifetime.- Conclusions.- References.- Impact of Bottom-Quark Measurements on our Knowledge of the Standard Model.- 1 Introduction.- 2 CP Violation in B Decays.- 2.1 Weak Decays.- 2.2 Unitarity Triangles.- 2.3 Main Strategies.- 3 Benchmark Decay Modes of B± and Bd Mesons.- 3.1 B ? ?K.- 3.2 B ? J /?K.- 3.3 B ? ØK.- 3.4 B???.- 4 "El Dorado" for Hadron Colliders: B5-Meson System.- 4.1 General Features.- 4.2 Benchmark Decay Modes of Bs Mesons.- 4.3 The Bs ? K+K-, Bd ? ?+?- System.- 5 Comments on Rare B Decays.- 6 Conclusions and Outlook.- References.- VIII Standard Model Processes: W, Z-Bosons, Electroweak Parameters.- Electroweak Physics Prospects for CDF in Run II.- 1 Introduction.- 2 W/Z Production Cross Sections.- References.- Measurement of the Z and W Boson Production Cross.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Detector.- 3 Data Selection.- 4 Detector Simulation and Acceptance.- 5 Results.- 6 Future Plans.- References.- Associated Hadroproduction of Charmonia and Electroweak Bosons.- 1 Analytic Results.- 2 Numerical Results.- 3 Conclusions.- References.- Review of Potential for Precision Electroweak Studies at the LHC.- 1 Introduction.- 1.1 EW Precision measurements: past and future.- 2 Precision EW measurements at LHC.- 2.1 Production cross sections and detectors parameters.- 2.2 Top Mass measurement at the LHC.- 2.3 W Mass measurement at the LHC.- 2.4 $$ {sin ^{2}}theta _{{eff}}^{l} $$ measurement at the LHC.- 3 Conclusion.- References.- IX Standard Model Processes: Top Quark.- Top Quark Physics at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Run I Results.- 3 Run IIa Results.- 4 Run IIa and IIb Expectations.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- Top Quark Physics with CDF.- 1 The CDF II Upgrade.- 2 The Top Physics Program of CDF.- 2.1 $$toverline t $$ Cross Section.- 2.2 Top Mass Measurement.- 2.3 Physics with $$toverline t $$ Events.- 3 Single Top Quark Production.- 4 Search for FCNC in the Top Sector.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- The Top Quark: Experimental Roots and Branches of Theory.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Experimental Roots.- 2.1 Mass.- 2.2 Top Width and Decays.- 2.3 Pair Production.- 2.4 Spin Correlations.- 3 Branches of Theory.- 3.1 Light Neutral Higgs in MSSM.- 3.2 Charged Higgs.- 3.3 Sfermion Masses.- 3.4 Extra EW Gauge Bosons.- 3.5 New Top Strong Interactions.- 4 Summary.- References.- X Searches for New Phenomena: Higgs.- Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders.- 1 Higgs mass limits and bounds.- 2 Higgs production modes.- 2.1 Higgs Strahlung.- 2.2 Weak Boson Fusion (WBF).- 2.3 $$toverline t H$$.- 3 Gluon fusion.- 3.1 Total rate at NNLO.- 3.2 Distributions.- 3.3 Higgs pair production.- 4 MSSM.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- Higgs Searches and Prospects at CDF.- 1 Introduction.- 2 SM Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders.- 2.1 CDF Run I searches for the light SM Higgs.- 2.2 l?$$ bbar{b} $$ channel.- 2.3 ll $$ bbar{b} $$ channel.- 2.4 qq $$ bbar{b} $$ channel.- 2.5 ??$$ bbar{b} $$ channel.- 2.6 Summary of the Run I SM Higgs Searches and Projections for Run II.- 3 CDF Searches for MSSM Higgs Bosons.- 3.1 Search for the Neutral MSSM Higgs.- 3.2 Search for the Charged Higgs.- 3.3 MSSM and Detection of the ?-leptons.- 4 Summary.- References.- Prospects for Higgs Bosons at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Run 2 DØ Detector.- 3 Run 2 Expectations.- 3.1 SM Higgs Production at the Tevatron.- 3.2 MSSM Higgs Production at the Tevatron.- 3.3 Review of Results from the SUSY-Higgs Workshop.- 4 Current Status of DØ.- 4.1 Lepton Identification.- 4.2 b-jet Tagging.- 4.3 Summary of MC Simulation Studies at DØ.- References.- Prospects of Higgs Physics at the LHC.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Running Conditions and Physics Analysis.- 3 The Search for the SM Higgs Boson.- 3.1 Recent Progress in SM Higgs Searches.- 4 Recent Progress in MSSM Higgs Searches.- 5 Conclusions.- References.- XI Searches for New Phenomena: Alternative Symmetry Breaking Mechanisms, SUSY, Extra.- Dimensions, Anomalous Couplings, Leptoquarks and Compositness Isolated Lepton Signatures at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Multi-lepton Events.- 2.1 Multi-electron Events in HI.- 2.2 Multi-electron Events in ZEUS.- 2.3 Discussion.- 3 Events with an Isolated Lepton and Missing PT.- 4 Isolated ? Events in ZEUS.- 5 Conclusion.- References.- Searches for New Particles/Phenomena at CDF.- 1 Overview.- 2 Searches for New Gauge Bosons.- 3 Large Extra Dimensions.- 4 Search for Long-Lived Heavy Charged Particles.- 5 Leptoquark Searches.- 6 New Physics with Inclusive Lepton and Photon Final States.- 7 Search for Gluinos and Scalar Quarks.- 8 Scalar Top Quark Searches.- 8.1 R-Parity Conserving Stop Decay.- 8.2 R-Parity Violating Stop Decay.- References.- Searches and Expected Signatures at DØ.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Search for Large Extra Dimensions.- 2.1 Dielectron and Diphoton Channels.- 2.2 Dimuon Channel.- 3 Search for RPV SUSY in Trilepton Channels.- 4 GMSB SUSY in Di-Photon Events.- 5 Search for Leptoquarks in the Dielectron Channel.- 6 Search for Squarks and Gluinos in Jets + Events.- 7 Conclusions.- Searches and Discovery Prospects at HERA.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Leptoquarks in Minimal Models.- 3 Contact Interactions.- 4 Leptoquarks in Generic Models.- 5 Lepton Flavour Violation.- 6 R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry.- 7 Extra Dimensions.- 8 Doubly Charged Higgs.- 9 Anomalous Top Couplings.- References.- Supersymmetry at the LHC: Searches, Discovery Windows, and Expected Signatures.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Trigger Strategies.- 3 mSUGRA.- 3.1 Inclusive Searches.- 3.2 Exclusive Sparticle Reconstruction.- 4 GMSB.- References.- Searches, Discovery Windows, and Expected Signatures of New Phenomena at ATLAS and CMS.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Compositeness.- 3 Excited Quarks.- 4 Technicolor.- 5 Leptoquarks.- 6 New Gauge Bosons.- 7 Majorana Neutrinos.- 8 Monopoles.- 9 Extra Dimensions.- 10 Black Holes.- 11 Lepton Flavor Violation.- 12 Conclusions.- References.- XII Tools and Techniques for Physics Analysis: Luminosity Determination in Hadron-Hadron Collisions, Event Generators, New Developments in Analysis Techniques.- Luminosity Determination at the Tevatron.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Reference processes.- 2.1 Inelastic $$ pbar{p} $$ scattering.- 2.2 W-production.- 3 Luminosity monitoring in Run II.- 3.1 CDF luminosity monitor.- 3.2 DØ luminosity monitor.- 4 Methods of luminosity measurement.- 4.1 Counting of empty bunch crossings.- 4.2 Counting of hits.- 4.3 Counting of particles by the CDF luminosity monitor.- 5 Uncertainties of luminosity measurement.- 6 Luminosity cross-check with the W-production.- 7 Conclusion.- 8 Acknowledgments.- References.- Luminosity Measurement at the LHC.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Luminosity from Machine Parameters.- 2.1 Machine Instrumentation.- 3 Luminosity Measurement in the Experiments.- 3.1 CMS-TOTEM.- 3.2 ATLAS.- 3.3 LHCb.- 3.4 ALICE.- 4 Conclusion.- References.- Precision Parton Luminosities at the LHC.- 1 Measuring Cross Sections at the LHC.- 2 W and Z Production, a Well Known Reference Reaction.- 3 Constraining Gluons and Heavy Quarks at the LHC.- 4 What Remains to be Demonstrated?.- References.- Event Generators - New Developments.- 1 Introduction: event generators.- 1.1 An event generator for e+e¯-collisions.- 1.2 Additional complications in pp¯ collisions.- 2 Matrix elements and parton showers.- 2.1 Matrix element corrections.- 2.2 Matching LO matrix elements with parton showers.- 2.3 Matching parton showers with NLO matrix elements.- 3 Development of Herwig++.- 3.1 New parton shower variables.- 3.2 Multiscale shower.- 3.3 Status of the program.- References.- HERA Event Generators for the Low Mass Region.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Processes Involving Low Mass Hadronisation.- 3 Hadronisation Models.- 3.1 DIFFVM.- 3.2 EPSOFT.- 3.3 SOPHIA.- 4 Summary.- References.- Optimal Use of Information for Measuring Mt in Lepton+jets tt¯ Events.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Measurement of Mt.- 3 Conclusion.- References.- Multivariate Analysis Techniques for Final State Reconstruction.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Probability Density Estimation Techniques.- 3 The PDE-RS Method.- 3.1 The Range-Search Algorithm.- 3.2 Properties of PDE-RS and Comparison with NNs.- 3.3 Time Consumption and Dependence on Box-Size.- 3.4 An Application: Instanton-Induced Processes at HERA.- 4 Conclusions.- 5 Acknowledgement.- References.- Jet Algorithms: a Mini-Review.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Requirements on jet algorithms.- 3 Clustering algorithms for e+e¯.- 4 Jet algorithms for ep and pp¯ collisions.- 4.1 Differences between e+e¯ and hadron collisions.- 4.2 The cone algorithm.- 4.3 The modified JADE algorithm.- 4.4 The k algorithm.- 4.5 The longitudinally invariant k algorithm.- 5 Differences between algorithms.- 5.1 Exclusive algorithms.- 5.2 Inclusive jet algorithms.- 6 Experimental situation.- References.- CDF ? Triggers, Analysis and Other Developments.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Run II Trigger System and Tau Triggers.- 3 Finding Taus: W ? ?? First Result.- 4 Fast Derivatives: Backwards Differentiation.- References.- User Oriented Design in High Energy Physics Applications: Physics Analysis Expert.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Tradition.- 3 Multiple Interpretations of an Event.- 4 Command Syntax.- 5 Excluding/Re-Including Physics Objects.- 6 Detector Reconstruction.- 7 Relation to Other Packages.- 8 Progress.- References.- XIII Future Colliders.- Why We Need Both the LHC and an e+e¯ Linear Collider.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Higgs Physics.- 3 Supersymmetry (SUSY).- 3.1 SUSY Higgs Sector.- 3.2 SUSY Partners.- 4 The Top Quark.- 5 Conclusion.- References.- XIV Summary Talk.- Summary and Highlights of the Conference.- 1 Introduction.- 2 Our Tools.- 2.1 Accelerators and Detectors.- 2.2 Luminosity Measurement.- 2.3 Computing and Analysis.- 2.4 Simulation.- 2.5 Proton Structure.- 2.6 Theoretical Progress.- 3 Our Physics.- 3.1 QCD.- 3.2 CKM Physics.- 3.3 Electroweak Physics.- 3.4 The Top Quark.- 3.5 The Higgs Boson.- 3.6 Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model.- 4 Our Future.- References.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 13.10.2012
Zusatzinfo XXXIV, 529 p.
Verlagsort Berlin
Sprache englisch
Maße 155 x 235 mm
Gewicht 848 g
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Physik / Astronomie Atom- / Kern- / Molekularphysik
Naturwissenschaften Physik / Astronomie Hochenergiephysik / Teilchenphysik
Schlagworte cross section • hadron colliders • high-energy particle physics • LHC • Measurement
ISBN-10 3-642-62472-3 / 3642624723
ISBN-13 978-3-642-62472-8 / 9783642624728
Zustand Neuware
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