Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification -  Thomas Allen Jefferson,  Robert L. Pitman,  Marc A. Webber

Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Identification (eBook)

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2011 | 1. Auflage
592 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-055784-7 (ISBN)
62,95 inkl. MwSt
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With coverage on all the marine mammals of the world, authors Jefferson, Webber, and Pitman have created a user-friendly guide to identify marine mammals alive in nature (at sea or on the beach), dead specimens in hand, and also to identify marine mammals based on features of the skull. This handy guide provides marine biologists and interested lay people with detailed descriptions of diagnostic features, illustrations of external appearance, beautiful photographs, dichotomous keys, and more. Full color illustrations and vivid photographs of every living marine mammal species are incorporated, as well as comprehendible maps showing a range of information. For readers who desire further consultation, authors have included a list of literature references at the end of each species account. For an enhanced understanding of habitation, this guide also includes recognizable geographic forms described separately with colorful paintings and photographs. All of these essential tools provided make Marine Mammals of the World the most detailed and authoritative guide available!

* Contains superb photographs of every species of marine mammal for accurate identification
* Authors' collective experience adds up to 80 years, and have seen nearly all of the species and distinctive geographic forms described in the guide
* Provides the most detailed and anatomically accurate illustrations currently available
* Special emphasis is placed on the identification of species in problem groups, such as the beaked whales, long-beaked oceanic dolphin, and southern fur seals
* Includes a detailed list of sources for more information at the back of the book.
With coverage on all the marine mammals of the world, authors Jefferson, Webber, and Pitman have created a user-friendly guide to identify marine mammals alive in nature (at sea or on the beach), dead specimens "e;in hand?, and also to identify marine mammals based on features of the skull. This handy guide provides marine biologists and interested lay people with detailed descriptions of diagnostic features, illustrations of external appearance, beautiful photographs, dichotomous keys, and more. Full color illustrations and vivid photographs of every living marine mammal species are incorporated, as well as comprehendible maps showing a range of information. For readers who desire further consultation, authors have included a list of literature references at the end of each species account. For an enhanced understanding of habitation, this guide also includes recognizable geographic forms described separately with colorful paintings and photographs. All of these essential tools provided make Marine Mammals of the World the most detailed and authoritative guide available!* Contains superb photographs of every species of marine mammal for accurate identification * Authors' collective experience adds up to 80 years, and have seen nearly all of the species and distinctive geographic forms described in the guide * Provides the most detailed and anatomically accurate illustrations currently available * Special emphasis is placed on the identification of species in "e;problem groups,? such as the beaked whales, long-beaked oceanic dolphin, and southern fur seals * Includes a detailed list of sources for more information at the back of the book.

Front Cover 1
Marine Mammals of the World: A Comprehensive Guide to their Identification 4
Copyringt Page 5
Contents 6
Preface and Acknowledgments 12
Chapter 1. Introduction 14
The Need for This Guide 14
Marine Mammal Identification and How to Use This Guide 15
Notes on the Format of the Species Accounts 17
Notes on the Dichotomous Keys 19
Request for Feedback from Users 19
Chapter 2. Basic Marine Mammal Biology 20
What is a Marine Mammal? 20
Types of Marine Mammals 20
Evolutionary History 24
Zoogeography, Distribution, and Migration 24
Anatomy and Physiology 25
Life History and Reproduction 26
Feeding Ecology 26
Predation/Parasites/Disease 27
Behavior and Social Organization 27
Strandings 28
Exploitation and Conservation 28
Chapter 3. Taxonomic Groupings Above the Species Level 30
Order Cetacea—Whales, dolphins, and porpoises 30
Suborder Mysticeti—Baleen whales 30
Family Balaenidae—Right and bowhead whales 31
Family Neobalaenidae—Pygmy right whale 31
Family Balaenopteridae—Rorquals 31
Family Eschrichtiidae—Gray whale 31
Suborder Odontoceti—Toothed whales 31
Family Physeteridae—Sperm whale 31
Family Kogiidae—Pygmy and dwarf sperm whales 32
Family Monodontidae—Narwhal and beluga whale 32
Family Ziphiidae—Beaked whales 32
Family Delphinidae—Marine dolphins 32
Family Phocoenidae—Porpoises 32
Family Platanistidae—South Asian river dolphin 32
Family Iniidae—Boto 33
Family Lipotidae—Baiji 33
Family Pontoporiidae—Franciscana 33
Order Sirenia—Manatees and dugongs 33
Family Trichechidae—Manatees 33
Family Dugongidae—Dugong 33
Order Carnivora—Carnivorous mammals (including pinnipeds, marine otters, and polar bears) 33
Family Mustelidae—Otters 33
Family Ursidae—Bears 33
Suborder Pinnipedia—Seals, sea lions, and walruses 34
Family Otariidae—Eared seals 34
Family Odobenidae—Walrus 34
Family Phocidae—True seals 34
Chapter 4. Cetacean Species Accounts 36
Mysticeti Baleen whales 36
North Atlantic right whale—Eubalaena glacialis 41
North Pacific right whale—Eubalaena japonica 44
Southern right whale—Eubalaena australis 47
Bowhead whale—Balaena mysticetus 51
Pygmy right whale—Caperea marginata 54
Blue whale—Balaenoptera musculus 56
Fin whale—Balaenoptera physalus 60
Sei whale—Balaenoptera borealis 64
Bryde's whale—Balaenoptera brydei and/or B. edeni 67
Omura's whale—Balaenoptera cf. B. omurai 70
Common minke whale—Balaenoptera acutorostrata 72
Antarctic minke whale—Balaenoptera bonaerensis 76
Humpback whale—Megaptera novaeangliae 79
Gray whale—Eschrichtius robustus 83
Odontoceti Tootbed whales 87
Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus 87
Pygmy sperm whale—Kogia breviceps 92
Dwarf sperm whale—Kogia sima 95
Narwhal—Monodon monoceros 98
Beluga whale—Delphinapterus leucas 102
Baird's beaked whale—Berardius bairdii 106
Arnoux's beaked whale—Berardius arnuxii 109
Cuvier's beaked whale—Ziphius cavirostris 111
Northern bottlenose whale—Hyperoodon ampullatus 115
Southern bottlenose whale—Hyperoodon planifrons 118
Shepherd's beaked whale—Tasmacetus shepherdi 121
Note on Beaked Whales of the Genus Mesoplodon 123
Blainville's beaked whale—Mesoplodon densirostris 125
Gray's beaked whale—Mesoplodon grayi 129
Odontoceti Tootbed whales 132
Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale—Mesoplodon ginkgodens 132
Hector's beaked whale—Mesoplodon hectori 134
Perrin's beaked whale—Mesoplodon perrini 136
Hubbs' beaked whale—Mesoplodon carlhubbsi 138
Pygmy beaked whale—Mesoplodon peruvianus 140
Sowerby's beaked whale—Mesoplodon bidens 143
Gervais' beaked whale—Mesoplodon europaeus 145
True's beaked whale—Mesoplodon mirus 148
Strap-toothed beaked whale—Mesoplodon layardii 152
Andrews' beaked whale—Mesoplodon bowdoini 155
Stejneger's beaked whale—Mesoplodon stejnegeri 157
Spade-toothed beaked whale—Mesoplodon traversii 161
Longman's beaked whale—Indopacetus pacificus 163
Irrawaddy dolphin—Orcaella brevirostris 166
Australian snubfin dolphin—Orcaella heinsohni 169
Killer whale—Orcinus orca 171
Long-finned pilot whale—Globicephala melas 177
Short-finned pilot whale—Globicephala macrorhynchus 180
False killer whale—Pseudorca crassidens 184
Pygmy killer whale—Feresa attenuata 187
Melon-headed whale—Peponocephala electra 190
Tucuxi—Sotalia fluviatilis 193
Costero—Sotalia guianensis 195
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin—Sousa chinensis 198
Atlantic humpback dolphin—Sousa teuszii 202
Rough-toothed dolphin—Steno bredanensis 204
Pacific white-sided dolphin—Lagenorhynchus obliquidens 207
Dusky dolphin—Lagenorhynchus obscurus 211
White-beaked dolphin—Lagenorhynchus albirostris 214
Atlantic white-sided dolphin—Lagenorhynchus acutus 217
Hourglass dolphin—Lagenorhynchus cruciger 220
Peale's dolphin—Lagenorhynchus australis 223
Risso's dolphin—Grampus griseus 226
Common bottlenose dolphin—Tursiops truncatus 229
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin—Tursiops aduncus 234
Pantropical spotted dolphin—Stenella attenuata 237
Atlantic spotted dolphin—Stenella frontalis 241
Spinner dolphin—Stenella longirostris 245
Clymene dolphin—Stenella clymene 251
Striped dolphin—Stenella coeruleoalba 254
Short-beaked common dolphin—Delphinus delphis 258
Long-beaked common dolphin—Delphinus capensis 262
Fraser's dolphin—Lagenodelphis hosei 266
Northern right whale dolphin—Lissodelphis borealis 270
Southern right whale dolphin—Lissodelphis peronii 273
Commerson's dolphin—Cephalorhynchus commersonii 275
Heaviside's dolphin—Cephalorhynchus heavisidii 278
Hector's dolphin—Cephalorhynchus hectori 281
Chilean dolphin—Cephalorhynchus eutropia 284
Dall's porpoise—Phocoenoides dalli 287
Harbor porpoise—Phocoena phocoena 291
Spectacled porpoise—Phocoena dioptrica 295
Burmeister's porpoise—Phocoena spinipinnis 299
Vaquita—Phocoena sinus 301
Finless porpoise—Neophocaena phocaenoides 303
South Asian river dolphin—Platanista gangetica 307
Boto—Inia geoffrensis 310
Baiji—Lipotes vexillifer 313
Franciscana—Pontoporia blainvillei 316
Chapter 5. Pinniped Species Accounts 320
Otariidae Eared seals 321
Steller sea lion—Eumetopias jubatus 321
California sea lion—Zalophus californianus 325
Japanese sea lion—Zalophus japonicus 330
Galapagos sea lion—Zalophus wollebaeki 332
South American sea lion—Otaria flavescens 336
Australian sea lion—Neophoca cinerea 340
New Zealand sea lion—Phocarctos hookeri 344
Northern fur seal—Callorhinus ursinus 348
Note on Hybrid Southern Hemisphere Fur Seals Genus Arctocephalus 353
Guadalupe fur seal—Arctocephalus townsendi 355
Juan Fernandez fur seal—Arctocephalus philippii 359
Galapagos fur seal— Arctocephalus galapagoensis 363
South American fur seal—Arctocephalus australis 367
New Zealand fur seal— Arctocephalus forsteri 371
Subantarctic fur seal— Arctocephalus tropicalis 375
Antarctic fur seal—Arctocephalus gazella 379
South African and Australian fur seals—Arctocephalus pusillus 384
Odobenidae Walrus 389
Walrus—Odobenus rosmarus 389
Phocidae True seals 393
Harbor seal—Phoca vitulina 393
Spotted seal—Phoca largha 397
Ringed seal—Pusa hispida 401
Baikal seal—Pusa sibirica 405
Caspian seal—Pusa caspica 407
Harp seal—Pagophilus groenlandicus 410
Ribbon seal—Histriophoca fasciata 414
Gray seal—Halichoerus grypus 417
Bearded seal—Erignathus barbatus 421
Hooded seal—Cystophora cristata 425
Mediterranean monk seal—Monachus monachus 428
Hawaiian monk seal—Monachus schauinslandi 432
Northern elephant seal—Mirounga angustirostris 436
Southern elephant seal—Mirounga leonina 440
Crabeater seal—Lobodon carcinophaga 444
Ross seal—Ommatophoca rossii 448
Leopard seal—Hydrurga leptonyx 451
Weddell seal—Leptonychotes weddellii 455
Chapter 6. Sirenian and Other Species Accounts 460
Sirenia Manatees & Dugongs
West Indian manatee—Trichechus manatus 461
Amazonian manatee—Trichechus inunguis 464
West African manatee—Trichechus senegalensis 467
Dugong—Dugong dugon 469
Carnivora Otters & Polar bear
Sea otter—Enhydra lutris 472
Marine otter—Lontra felina 475
Polar bear—Ursus maritimus 478
Chapter 7. Extinct Species Accounts 482
West Indian monk seal—Monachus tropicalis 483
Steller's sea cow—Hydrodamalis gigas 485
Chapter 8. Dichotomous Identification Keys 488
A. Key to Identification of Cetaceans of the World, based on External Appearance 488
B. Key to Identification of Cetaceans of the World, based on Skulll Morphology 513
C. Key to Identification of Pinnipeds of the World, based on External Appearance 532
D. Key to Identification of Pinnipeds of the World, based on Skull Morphology 542
E. Key to Identification of Sirenians of the World, based on External Appearance and Distribution 549
F. Key to Identification of Sirenians of the World, based on Skull Morphology 550
Chapter 9. Summaries of Characters for Similar Species 552
Chapter 10. Glossary of Technical Terms 556
Chapter 11. References 562
Chapter 12. Index 582
Pinniped Morphology 587
Cetacean Morphology and Coloration 589

Erscheint lt. Verlag 29.8.2011
Illustrationen Brett Jarrett
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Naturwissenschaften Biologie Limnologie / Meeresbiologie
Naturwissenschaften Geowissenschaften Geophysik
Naturwissenschaften Physik / Astronomie
ISBN-10 0-08-055784-8 / 0080557848
ISBN-13 978-0-08-055784-7 / 9780080557847
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