Functional Neurobiology of Aging (eBook)
960 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-052558-7 (ISBN)
Key Features
* Organized by function, making it easy to find and understand the material
* Addresses impairments both associated with diseases and not associated with diseases
* Written by leading researchers in the field
* Most comprehensive source of information on the neurobiology of aging
Some well-known age-related neurological diseases include Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, deafness, and blindness. Even more common are the problems of aging which are not due to disease but to more subtle impairments in neurobiological systems, including impairments in vision, memory loss, muscle weakening, and loss of reproductive functions, changes in body weight, and sleeplessness. As the average age of our society increases, diseases of aging continue to become more common, and conditions associated with aging need more attention by doctors and researchers. In 1991, patients over the age of 65 saw their doctors an average of eight times per year. Research funding is provided by the Neuroscience and Neuropsychology of Aging (NNA) Program, which is run by the National Institute on Aging. This book offers a comprehensive overview of all topics related to functional impairments which are related to the aging brain and nervous system. It is organized according to four general functions: movement, senses, memory, and neuroendocrine regulation. Written by the leading researchers in the field, this comprehensive work addresses both impairments associated with diseases and not associated with diseases, making it easier to understand the mechanisms involved. Functional Neurobiology of Aging is an important reference for professionals and students involved in aging research, as well as physicians who need to recognize and understand age-related impairments. - Organized by function, making it easy to find and understand the material- Addresses impairments both associated with diseases and not associated with diseases- Written by leading researchers in the field- Most comprehensive source of information on the neurobiology of aging
Front Cover 1
Functional Neurobiology of Aging 4
Contents 6
Contributors 22
Foreword 26
Preface 28
SECTION I: Overview 30
A. Introduction to Concepts in Aging Research 30
Chapter 1. Age-Specific Rates of Neurological Disease 32
I. Introduction 32
II. Age-Specific Rates 32
III. Age-Specific Rates of Neurological Disease 32
IV. Age-Specific Rates and Mortality Dynamics 33
V. Commentary 38
References 39
Chapter 2. Nature versus Nurture in the Aging Brain 42
I. Introduction 42
II. Genotype, Environment, and General Health 43
III. Motor Systems 43
IV. Cognitive Function 45
V. Genotype Influences Cumulative Effect of Environment 46
VI. Summary 46
References 47
Chapter 3. Neurochemistry of Receptor Dynamics in the Aging Brain 50
I. Introduction 50
II. Receptor Density and Function 50
III. Receptor Turnover 52
IV. Receptor/Effector Coupling Processes 53
V. Neuromodulatory Regulation of Receptors 53
VI. Future Directions 54
References 54
B. Epidemiology of Neural Aging 30
Chapter 4. Demography and Epidemiology of Age-Associated Neuronal Impairment 60
I. Introduction 60
II. Stroke 61
III. The Dementias: Age-Associated Cognitive Impairment 64
IV. Age-Associated Sensory-Motor Impairments 68
V. Conclusion 75
References 75
SECTION II: Memory: Neocortical and Hippocampal Functions 80
A. Neuropsychology of Human Aging 80
Chapter 5. Memory Changes with Aging and Dementia 82
I. The Concept of Different Memory Functions 82
II. Aging and Cognition 82
III. Primary and Secondary Memory 82
IV. Implicit and Explicit Memory 84
V. Episodic and Semantic Memory 84
VI. Declarative versus Procedural Memory 84
VII. Other Age-Related Changes in Cognition 85
VIII. Cognitive Changes in Dementia 86
Refrence 90
B. Histology of Age-Related Cortical Changes in Humans 80
Chapter 6 . Types of Age-Related Brain Lesions and Relationship to Neuropathologic Diagnostic Systems of Alzheimer’s Disease 94
I. Introduction 94
II. Histopathological Changes 94
III. Neuropathological Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease 99
References 102
Chapter 7. Morphological Changes in Human Cerebral Cortex during Normal Aging 106
I. Histopathological Changes in Cerebral Cortex in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Aging 106
II. Neuronal Loss in Normal Aging and AD 107
III. Dynamic Neuronal Changes during Aging and AD 109
IV. Neuronal Loss and Early Markers of Neuronal Degeneration 109
V. Synapse Loss 110
VI. Conclusion 111
References 111
Chapter 8. Longevity and Brain Aging: The Paradigm of Centenarians 114
I. Introduction 114
II. Epidemiological Data 114
III. Dementia in the Oldest-Old 115
IV. Neuropathological Changes in the Oldest-Old: Relationship to AD 115
V. Patterns of Neuronal Loss in the Centenarian Brain 117
VI. Conclusions 119
References 120
C. Alzheimer’s Disease 80
Chapter 9. Regional and Laminar Patterns of Selective Neuronal Vulnerability in Alzheimer’s Disease 124
I. Lesion Types and Distribution in Alzheimer’s Disease 124
II. Alzheimer’s Disease Affects Specific Elements of Cortical Circuits 126
III. Morphologic and Molecular Correlates of Neuronal Vulnerability 129
IV. Factors Conferring Resistance to the Degenerative Process 132
V. A Synthetic Neuronal Phenotype of Vulnerability and Resistance 134
References 135
Chapter 10. Patterns of Cortical Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease: Subgroups, Subtypes, and Implications for Staging Strategies 140
I. Introduction 140
II. Neurofibrillary Degeneration, Clinical Symptoms, and Neurodegeneration 141
III. Linear Model of Neurodegeneration: Temporal Cortex 141
IV. Neurodegeneration and NFT in Temporal Cortex 142
V. Posterior Cingulate Cortex: Functions and Contributions to AD Symptoms 144
VI. Linear Model of Neurodegeneration in Posterior Cingulate Cortex 145
VII. Multivariate Models of Cognitive Function: Clinical Subgroups 146
VIII. Clinicopathological Subgroups 147
IX. The Subtypes Hypothesis 147
X. Multivariate Analysis of Neuron Losses and the Concept of Neuropathological Subtypes 148
XI. NFT Are Weakly Related to Neurodegeneration 149
XII. Early Changes in Posterior Cingulate Cortex 150
XIII. Amyloid Peptides and Neurodegeneration 152
XIV. Early Dysexecutive Syndrome and Frontotemporal Neurodegeneration 152
XV. Free Radical Damage and Neurodegeneration in the Absence of NFT 153
XVI. Theories of Staging in the Context of Subgroups and Subtypes 153
XVII. The Model Matters 155
References 156
D. Non-Alzheimer Age-Associated Dementing Disorders 80
Chapter 11. Vascular Dementia 160
I. Dementia of Vascular Origin: An Evolving Concept 160
II. Epidemiology 160
III. Neuropsychological Profile of VaD 162
IV. Clinical Criteria 163
V. Neuroimaging 166
VI. Treatment Strategies in Vascular Dementia 166
VII. Conclusion 167
References 167
Chapter 12. Frontotemporal Dementias: From Classification Problems to Pathogenetic Uncertainties 174
I. Diagnosis of FTD: Epidemiological and Clinical Considerations 174
II. Morphological Basis of FTD 175
III. Conclusions 180
Chapter 13. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Degeneration 184
I. Introduction 184
II. Clinical Features 185
III. Neuropathology 186
IV. Tau Biochemistry 194
V. Genetics 195
References 196
Chapter 14. Neurobiology of Disorders with Lewy Bodies 202
I. Introduction 202
II. Nosology of Disorders with Lewy Bodies 203
III. Neuropathology of Disorders with Lewy Bodies 204
IV. Contribution of Alzheimer’s Pathology to Disorders with Lewy Bodies 205
V. a-Synuclein in Lewy Body Disease 206
VI. a-Synuclein as a Genetic Risk Factor for Parkinson’s Disease 206
VII. Modulators of a-Synuclein Aggregation in Lewy Body Disease 207
References 208
Chapter 15. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/ Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex of Guam 212
I. Introduction 212
II. Clinical Features 213
III. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis of Guam (or the Marianas Form of ALS) 214
IV. Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex of Guam 214
V. Marianas Dementia 214
VI. Neuropathologic Features 214
VII. Microscopic Features 215
VIII. b-Amyloid Accumulation in ALS/ Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex of Guam 218
IX. Hirano Bodies (Eosinophilic Rod-like Inclusions) 218
X. Granulovacuolar Degeneration 219
XI. Other Features 219
XII. Neuropathologic Studies of Neurologically Intact Guamanian Chamorros 220
XIII. Epidemiology 221
XIV. Overlap between ALS and Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex of Guam: One Disorder or Two? 222
XV. Other Foci of ALS/Parkinsonism- Dementia Complex 223
XVI. Etiologic Concepts 224
XVII. Genetic Factors 224
XVIII. Migration Studies of Chamorros 225
XIX. Environmental Agents 225
XX. Cycad 226
XXI. Toxic Metals 226
XXII. General Comments 227
References 228
E. In Vivo Imaging of Aging Brain 80
Chapter 16. Brain Energy Metabolism: Cellular Aspects and Relevance to Functional Brain Imaging 232
I. Energy Metabolism and Blood Flow 232
II. Coupling and Functional Imaging 233
III. Cellular Mechanism of Brain Energy Metabolism 233
IV. Relevance to Functional Brain Imaging 235
V. Brain Energy Metabolism and Aging 235
References 236
Chapter 17. Functional Imaging in Cognitively Intact Aged People 240
I. Introduction 240
II. Cognitive Changes and Spared Functions in Healthy Elderly 240
III. Brain Areas Involved in Cognition in Young Adults 242
IV. Age-Related Differences in Brain Activation during Nonmemory Tasks 244
V. Age-Related Differences in Brain Activation during Memory Tasks 245
VI. Common Age-Related Differences in Brain Activation across Studies 248
VII. Conclusions and Future Directions 251
References 251
Chapter 18. Functional Brain Studies of the Neurometabolic Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease 256
I. Introduction 256
II. Metabolic Correlates of Neural Activity in the Brain 256
III. Cerebral Glucose Metabolism and Blood- Flow Studies in Alzheimer’s Disease 257
References 268
F. Biochemical Correlates of Memory Impairments 80
Chapter 19. Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Systems in the Primate Central Nervous System: Anatomy, Connectivity, Neurochemistry, Aging, Dementia, and Experimental Therapeutics 272
I. Introduction 272
II. Embryogenesis of Magnocellular Basal Forebrain 273
III. Embryogenesis of the Cholinergic Basal Forebrain in Monkey 273
IV. Embryogenesis of the Cholinergic Basal Forebrain in Humans 274
V. Anatomy of Adult Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Subgroups 275
VI. Anatomy of Thalamic and Brain Stem Cholinergic Subgroups 277
VII. Other Cholinergic Regions 278
VIII. Neurotrophin Receptor Expression and Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Neurons 279
IX. m2 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Neurons within the Primate Cholinergic Basal Forebrain 283
X. Relationship of Noncholinergic to ChAT-Containing Neurons within the Primate Cholinergic Basal Forebrain 285
XI. Trajectory of Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Fiber Systems in Primates 290
XII. Connectivity of the Primate Cholinergic Basal Forebrain 291
XIII. Pathology of Cholinergic Systems in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 293
XIV. Apolipoprotein E Genetics and Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Degeneration 298
XV. Cytoskeletal Abnormalities within the Cholinergic Basal Forebrain in AD 298
XVI. NGF and the Cholinergic Basal Forebrain in Alzheimer’s Disease 298
XVII. Cholinergic Basal Forebrain and Experimental Therapeutics 299
XVIII. Estrogen as a Treatment for Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Changes in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 305
References 305
Chapter 20. Glutamate Receptors in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 312
I. Introduction 312
II. Overview of the Glutamate Receptors 313
III. Glutamate Receptors in the Aging Rodent Brain 314
IV. Glutamate Receptors in Alzheimer’s Disease 324
V. Current Topics of Glutamate Toxicity in Alzheimer’s Disease 334
VI. Summary 337
References 338
Chapter 21. Tau Phosphorylation 344
I. Introduction 344
II. Tau Proteins 344
III. Tau Phosphorylation and Pathology 347
IV. Abnormal Tau Phosphorylation as a Biochemical Marker 351
V. Factors That Modulate Tau Phosphorylation 355
VI. Tau Phosphorylation as Peripheral Marker 356
VII. Concluding Remarks 356
References 356
G. Hereditary Basis of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias 80
Chapter 22. Etiology, Genetics, and Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease 362
I. Amyloid Hypothesis 362
II. Genetic Contributions to the Etiology of AD 363
III. Pathogenesis 367
IV. Therapeutic Strategies 370
V. Summary 370
References 370
H. Nonhereditary Mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease 80
Chapter 23. Inflammation, Free Radicals, Glycation, Metabolism and Apoptosis, and Heavy Metals 378
I. Roles of Cytokines and Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease 378
II. Free Radicals and the Pathogenesis of AD 381
III. Glycation in Aging and AD 384
IV. Signaling and Apoptosis in AD 386
V. Metals and Pathophysiology of AD 390
References 394
I. Rodent Models of Age-Related Memory Impairments 80
Chapter 24. Rodent Models of Age-Related Memory Impairments 402
I. Introduction 402
II. Classical Conditioning 403
III. Operant Conditioning 404
IV. Instrumental Conditioning 405
V. Conclusions and Caveats 411
References 411
Chapter 25. Genetically Engineered Models of Human Age-Related Neurogenerative Diseases 416
I. Introduction 416
II. Alzheimer’s Disease 417
III. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 425
IV. Conclusion 428
V. Addendum 428
References 429
J. Nonhuman Primate and Other Vertebrate Models of Brain Aging 80
Chapter 26. Cognitive Aging in Nonhuman Primates 436
I. Introduction 436
II. Visual Recognition Memory 437
III. Spatial Memory 439
IV. Stimulus-Reward Associative Learning 441
V. Relational Memory 442
VI. Attention and Executive Function 444
VII. Integration/conclusions about Neuropsychological Profile of Aged Nonhuman Primates 444
References 446
Chapter 27. Brain Aging in Strepsirhine Primates 450
I. Introduction 450
II. Cognitive Function during Aging in Mouse Lemurs 450
III. Age-Related Cerebral Atrophy and Neuronal Alterations in Mouse Lemurs 454
IV. Amyloid Deposits, Amyloid Angiopathy, and Cytoskeletal Alterations 454
V. Neurochemical Alterations 456
VI. Iron Accumulation 456
VII. Lipofuscin: Another Marker of Aging Unrelated to Iron Deposits 457
VIII. Manipulation of Aging: Changes in Photoperiodic Cycle 459
IX. Summary and Conclusions 459
References 459
Chapter 28. Age-Related Morphologic Alterations in the Brain of Old World and New World Anthropoid Monkeys 464
I. Introduction 464
II. Age-Associated Deposition of Amyloid in the Monkey Brain 465
III. Neurofibrillary Changes in Old Monkeys 467
IV. Age-Related Ultrastructural Alterations in the Macaque Monkey Cerebral Cortex 467
V. Neuron and Synapse Numbers in the Central Nervous System of Old Macaque Monkeys 468
VI. Neuronal Alterations and Loss in Subcortical Systems in Aged Macaque Monkeys 470
VII. Age-Related Cognitive Deficits in Monkeys Involve subtle Morphological and Molecular Changes 470
References 472
Chapter 29. The Study of Brain Aging in Great Apes 476
I. The Great Apes 476
II. Brain Evolution 477
III. History 477
IV. Communication 478
V. Tool Use and Culture 479
VI. Self-Awareness 479
VII. Maps, Math, and Models 479
VIII. Nervous System and Aging 480
IX. Entorhinal Cortex 480
X. Senile Plaques and Neurofibrillary Tangles 480
XI. Unique Neurons in Anterior Cingulate Cortex 481
XII. The Future of Ape Research 481
References 482
Chapter 30. Neurobiological Models of Aging in the Dog and Other Vertebrate Species 486
I. Introduction 486
II. Cognitive Function and Aging in the Dog 457 486
III. Neuropathology in Aging Dogs 489
IV. Functional Neurobiology of Aging in the Dog 492
V. Aging Cats: Behavior and Neuropathology 492
VI . Neuropathology of Aging Sheep, Goats, Bears, Wolverines, Camels, and Birds 493
VII. Summary 493
References 494
K. Interventions 80
Chapter 31 . Estrogens and Alzheimer’s Disease 498
I. Introduction 498
II. Estrogen Effects on Cognition and AD 498
III. Clinical Trials of Estrogen Treatment 499
IV. Summary 500
References 500
Chapter 32. Cholinergic Treatments of Alzheimer’s Disease 504
I. Introduction 504
II. Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors 504
III. Cholinergic Agonists 508
IV. Cholinergic Agonists with Nicotinic Affinity 510
V. Summary 510
References 510
Chapter 33. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Therapies in Alzheimer’s Disease 516
I. Introduction 516
II. The Inflammatory Hypothesis of AD 516
III. Cyclooxygenase and Brain Inflammation 517
IV. Oxidative Stress and AD 517
V. Specific Interventions 518
VI. Conclusion 519
References 519
SECTION III: Senses: Sensory Cortices and Primary Afferent Functions 522
A. Vision 522
Chapter 34. The Retina in Aging and in Alzheimer’s Disease 524
I. Changes in the Retina 524
II. Summary 525
References 525
Chapter 35. Pathogenesis of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy 528
I. Introduction 528
II. The Optic Nerve Head as the Site of Glaucomatous Damage 529
III. Mechanisms of Optic Nerve Damage 535
IV. Experimental Studies Relevant to Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy 536
V. Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration in Glaucoma 538
References 539
Chapter 36. Color Vision, Object Recognition, and Spatial Localization in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 546
I. Introduction 546
II. Color Discrimination 547
III. Object Discrimination and Recognition 549
IV. Spatial Localization 551
V. Comparison of Object and Spatial Function 553
VI. Clinical Relevance of Impaired Vision and Visual Cognition 554
References 555
B. Hearing 522
Chapter 37. Anatomical and Neurochemical Bases of Presbycusis 560
I. Introduction 560
II. Inner Ear 560
III. Central Auditory System: Peripherally Induced Changes 567
IV. Central Auditory System: Aging Brain 570
V. Overview and Future Directions 574
References 574
Chapter 38. Age, Noise, and Ototoxic Agents 578
I. Introduction 578
II. The Cochlea and Cochlear Presbycusis 578
III. Age-Related Hearing Loss 584
IV. Acoustic Trauma and Age-Related Hearing Loss 584
V. Ototoxicity and Aging 587
VI. Summary 589
References 589
Chapter 39. Auditory Temporal Processing during Aging 594
I. Themes and Specific Aims of Presbycusis Research Program 594
II. Neurobiology of Temporal Processing: Human Subjects 594
III. Neurobiology of Temporal Processing: Animal Models 600
IV. Summary and Future Directions 606
References 607
Chapter 40. Neurophysiological Manifestations of Aging in the Peripheral and Central Auditory Nervous System 610
I. Introduction 610
II. Animal Models of Presbycusis 610
III. Single Neuron Studies 611
IV. Effects of Aging on Auditory Evoked Potentials 617
V. Conclusions 622
References 623
Chapter 41. Genetics and Age-Related Hearing Loss 626
I. Introduction 626
II. Genetic Mutations and Disease 626
III. Classification of Genetic Hearing Impairment 626
IV. Mapping and Sequencing Genes 627
V. Clues for Presbycusis Genes 627
VI. Interactions between Genetic Background and Environment 630
VII. Looking to the Future 631
VIII. Conclusions 631
References 631
Chapter 42. Animal Models of Presbycusis and the Aging Auditory System 634
I. Introduction 634
II. Research Considerations in Choosing Animal Models 634
III. Methods for Evaluating the Functioning Auditory System in Animals 635
IV. The Animal Models 637
V. Some Topics Best Studied with Animal Models 645
VI. Evaluation of the Animal Models and Relationship to Humans 646
References 646
Chapter 43. The Development of Animal Models for the Study of Presbycusis: Building a Behavioral Link between Perception and Physiology 652
I. The Need for Animal Models of the Presbycusic Listener 652
II. Evidence for Attenuation and Distortion as Sensory Bases of Presbycusis 653
III. The Development of Animal Models to Study Attenuation 654
IV. An Animal Model for Studying Distortion 658
V. Conclusions and Thoughts for the Future 661
References 661
Chapter 44. Rehabilitation for Presbycusis 664
I. Introduction 664
II. Aural Rehabilitation in the (Near?) Future 664
III. Audiologic Rehabilitation: The Need 668
References 673
C. Chemical Senses 522
Chapter 45. Olfaction and Gustation in Normal Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease 676
I. Introduction 676
II. Olfactory and Gustatory System Anatomy 676
III. Age-Related Alterations in Olfactory and Gustatory Function 677
IV. Changes in Olfaction and Gustation in Alzheimer’s Disease 681
V. Causes of Changes in Chemosensory Function in Aging and in Alzheimer’s Disease 681
VI . Summary and Conclusions 684
References 684
SECTION IV: Locomotion: Basal Ganglia and Muscular Functions 688
A. Functional Impairments in Humans 688
Chapter 46. Aging Effects on Muscle Properties and Human Performance 690
I. Introduction 690
II. Strength Changes with Age 690
III. Endurance Performance and Age 695
IV. Conclusions 699
References 700
Chapter 47. Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms and Age Dependency 704
I. Epidemiology of Parkinson’s Disease 704
II. Symptoms 705
III. Pathologic Findings 707
IV. Other Movement Disorders in Elderly Patients 708
V. Changes in Gait with Normal Aging 711
VI. Subclassification of Parkinson’s Disease 712
VII. Brain Metabolism in Aging and Parkinson’s Disease 713
References 714
B. Pathology and Biochemistry of Aging and Disease of Basal Ganglia 688
Chapter 48. The Basal Ganglia Dopaminergic Systems in Normal Aging and Parkinson’s Disease 718
I. Overview 718
II. Organization of the Presynaptic Dopaminergic System and Striatal Territories 719
III. Aging and the Presynaptic Dopaminergic System 720
IV. Striatal Circuits and Dopamine Receptors 723
V. Dopamine Receptor Contributions to Parkinsonism 725
VI. Conclusions 730
References 731
Chapter 49. Huntington’s Disease 740
I. Introduction 740
II. Neuropathological Features and Motor Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease 740
III. Mutant Huntingtin Protein in Huntington’s Disease 741
IV. Huntingtin Aggregates: Toxic, Protective, or Inert? 743
V. Putative Mechanisms of Cell Death 744
VI . State of the Art Approaches: Animal Models Provide Insights into Disease Etiology 746
VII. Conclusions 750
References 750
C. Animal Models 688
Chapter 50. Biochemical and Anatomical Changes - in Basal Ganglia of Aging Animals 756
I. Introduction 756
II. Morphological Changes 757
III. Functional Changes 759
IV. Conclusions 762
References 762
SECTION V: Homeostasis: Hypothalamus and Related Systems 766
A. Reproduction and the Aging Brain 766
Chapter 51 . Male Sexual Behavior during Aging 768
I. Introduction 768
II. Normal Physiology of Sexual Function 769
III. Erectile Dysfunction and Aging 771
IV. Libido and Aging 773
V. Alterations in Emission, Ejaculation, and Orgasm with Aging 774
VI. Summary 774
References 774
Chapter 52. Sexual Behavior in Aging Women 778
I. Introduction 778
II. Methodological Issues 778
III. Sexual Functioning 779
IV. Hot Flashes 782
V. Mood 783
VI. Conclusions 786
References 787
Chapter 53. Factors Influencing the Onset of Female Reproductive Senescence 790
I. Introduction 790
II. Female Rodents as a Model of Reproductive Aging 790
III. Factors Influencing the Onset of Reproductive Senescence in Rodents 793
IV. Conclusions 795
References 795
Chapter 54. Female Sexuality during Aging 798
I. Sexuality Research with Age as the Major Variable 798
II. Sexuality Research with Menopause as the Major Variable 800
III. Research on Hormone Replacement Therapy and Sexuality 802
IV. Summary and Conclusions 806
References 806
Chapter 55. Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Gene Expression in Postmenopausal Women 810
I. Introduction 810
II. Control of the Reproductive Cycle through Reciprocal Interactions between Ovarian Secretions, Pituitary Gonadotrophs, and the GnRH Pulse Generator in the Medial Basal Hypothalamus 810
III. The Perimenopausal Period Is Characterized by an Accelerated Loss of Ovarian Follicles and a Selective Rise in FSH Secretion 811
IV. The Postmenopausal State Is Characterized by Profound Estrogen Deficiency and Gonadotropin Hypersecretion 812
V. Anatomy of GnRH Neurons in the Primate Hypothalamus and Basal Forebrain 812
VI. Gene Expression Is Increased in a Subpopulation of GnRH Neurons in the Medial Basal Hypothalamus of Postmenopausal Women 813
VII. Postmenopausal Hypertrophy of Neurons Expressing Estrogen Receptor mRNA in the Human Infundibular Nucleus 814
VIII. Hypertrophy and Increased Gene Expression of Neurons Expressing Substance P, Neurokinin B, and Estrogen Receptor mRNA in the Infundibular Nucleus of Postmenopausal Women 814
IX. Long-Term Gonadectomy Results in Increased Neurokinin B Gene Expression in the Arcuate Nucleus of Both Male and Female Rats 816
X. Opioid Peptides Provide an Inhibitory Influence on the Regulation of Gonadotropin Secretion in the Macaque Monkey 816
XI. Menopause Is Associated with a Decline in the Number of Neurons Expressing Proopiomelanocortin mRNA in the Human Infundibular Nucleus 817
XII. Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Gene Expression in a Primate Model of Menopause 817
XIII. Summary 818
References 819
Chapter 56. Neuroendocrine Aspects of Female Reproductive Aging 824
I. Introduction 824
II. Changes in the Pattern of Gonadotropin Secretion Occur during Middle Age 825
III. Age-Related Changes in GnRH Neurons 826
IV. Age-Related Changes in Afferent Inputs to GnRH Neurons 827
V. Summary 830
References 831
Chapter 57. Hypothalamic Changes Relevant to Reproduction in Aging Male Rodents 836
I. Introduction 836
II. The GnRH Neuronal System 838
III. Modulation of GnRH Neuronal Activity by Other Neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides 844
IV. Experimental Approaches to “Reversal” of Age-Related Hypothalamic Reproductive Dysfunction 850
V. Conclusion 852
References 852
B. Metabolism and the Aging Brain 766
Chapter 58. Regulation of Energy Intake in Old Age 858
I. Introduction 858
II. Biobehavioral and Social Determinants of Energy Regulation in Older Adults 858
III. Impaired Regulation of Food Intake in Older Adults 861
IV. Mechanisms Underlying the Decreased Ability to Regulate Food Intake in Old Age 862
V. Summary 864
References 864
Chapter 59. Thermoregulation during Aging 868
I. Introduction 868
II. Thermoregulation in Elderly Humans 868
III. Cold-Induced Thermoregulatory Responses in Laboratory Rodents 872
IV. Senescence and Thermoregulation in Rats 879
V. Conclusions and Future Directions 880
References 881
C. Biological Rhythms and the Aging Brain 766
Chapter 60. Sleep and Hormonal Rhythms in Humans 884
I. Mechanisms Subserving Sleep and Hormonal Rhythms 884
II. Sleep 885
III. Hormones Primarily Controlled by Sleep-Wake Homeostasis: Prolactin and Growth Hormone 886
IV. Thyrotropin: A Hormone Controlled by Both Sleep-Wake Homeostasis and Circadian Timing 890
V. Hormones Primarily Controlled by the Circadian Clock 891
VI. Conclusion 894
References 894
Chapter 61. Circadian Rhythms and Sleep in Aging Rodents 898
I. General Introduction 898
II. Effects of Aging on Circadian Rhythmicity 899
III. Effects of Aging on Sleep 904
References 908
D. Glucocorticoid Secretion and the Aging Brain 766
Chapter 62. Glucocorticoids and the Aging Brain: Cause or Consequence? 912
I. Introduction 912
II. Normal Physiology 913
III. Aging 915
IV. Corticosteroid Exposure and Hippocampal Damage 920
V. Concluding Remarks 925
References 925
Chapter 63. Growth Hormone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, and the Aging Brain 936
I. Introduction 936
II. Overview 936
III. Growth Hormone, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, and Aging 938
IV. Memory and Age 941
V. Cerebrovasculature and Age 942
VI. Neuronal Structure, Neurotransmission, and Age 944
VII. Conclusions 947
References 948
E. Autonomic Nervous System and the Aging Brain 766
Chapter 64. The Aged Sympathetic Nervous System 958
I. Basal Sympathetic Activity in Human Aging 958
II. Sympathetic Dysregulation in the Older Subject 959
III. Mechanisms of Cellular Aging in Sympathetic Neurons 960
References 966
Appendix. Basic Genetic Concepts 970
I. Chromosomes and Genes 970
II. DNA and RNA Are Long Chains of Nucleotides 970
III. Each Gene Codes for a Specific Polypeptide 970
IV. Proteins Are the End Product of Gene Expression 971
V. Gene Mutations Can Take Many Forms 973
VI. Mitochondria 974
References 975
Index 976
Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin.
Ty W. Abel(781)
Department of Pathology, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tuscon, Arizona 85724
Paul S. Aisen(487)
Department of Neurology, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20007
Gene E. Alexander(227)
Arizona Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
John M. Allman(421)
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125
Nicole D. Anderson(211)
The Gerry & Nancy Pencer Brain Tumor Centre, Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2M9
David M. Armstrong(283)
Lankenau Medical Research Center, Jefferson Health System, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096
Department of Pathology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology, Thomas Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Nancy E. Avis(749)
Department of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157
Mark G. Baxter(407)
Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
M. Flint Beal(711)
Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York 10021
Constantin Bouras(65, 85, 131, 145)
Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neuropsychiatry, University Hospitals of Geneva, Belle-Idée, CH-1225 Geneva, Switzerland
Susan E. Browne(711)
Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, New York 10021
Luc Buée(315)
INSERM U422, F-59045 Lille Cedex, France
Department of Communication Disorders and Sciences and Otolaryngology, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214
Thierry Bussière(77)
Kastor Neurobiology of Aging Laboratories and Fishberg Research Center for Neurobiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
Christine K. Cassel(31)
The Henry L. Schwartz Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
Kevin E. Conley(661)
Departments of Radiology, Physiology and Biophysics, and Bioengineering, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington 98195
Georges Copinschi(855)
Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Carl W. Cotman(457)
Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697
Tim Cowen(927)
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, United Kingdom
Alice Cronin-Golomb(517)
Department of Psychology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215
E. Ron De Kloet(883)
Division of Medical Pharmacology, LACDR, Leiden University, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
André Delacourte(315)
INSERM U422, F-59045 Lille Cedex, France
Marc Dhenain(421)
Institut Curie, INSERM U350, Centre Universitaire, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Dennis W. Dickson(155)
Department of Pathology, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Dalian Ding(549)
Center for Hearing and Deafness, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214
Richard L. Doty(647)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
Huiling Duan(435)
Neurobiology of Aging Laboratories and Fishberg Research Center for Neurobiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
Ann Clock Eddins(549)
Center for Hearing and Deafness, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214
Kirsten Ek(31)
The Henry L. Schwartz Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
Joseph M. Erwin(447)
Division of Neurobiology, Behavior, and Genetics, Bioqual, Inc., Rockville, Maryland 20850
S.A. Eshuis(675)
Department of Neurology, University Hospital of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands
D. Robert Frisina(565)
International Center for Hearing and Speech Research, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York 14623
Robert D. Frisina, Jr. (531, 565)
Departments of Surgery, Neurobiology & Anatomy, and Biomedical Engineering, Otolaryngology Division, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York 14642
Maura L. Furey(227)
Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 21224
A.M. Gabaldón(839)
Departments of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, University of California, Davis, Davis, California 95616
Patrick J. Gannon(447)
Department of Otolaryngology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
Greg A. Gerhardt(727)
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology and Neurology, Center for Sensor Technology, Morris K. Udall Parkinson’s Disease Research Center of Excellence, University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky 40536
Panteleimon Giannakopoulos(65, 85, 131, 145)
Department of Psychiatry, Clinic of Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospitals of Geneva, Belle-Idée, CH-1225 Geneva, Switzerland
Emmanuel P. Gilissen(421)
Department of Anatomical Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Medical School WITS 2050, Parktown 2193, Johannesburg, South Africa
Michael Godschalk(739)
Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia 23249
Department of Geriatrics, Clinic of Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospitals of Geneva, Belle-Idée, CH-1225 Geneva, Switzerland
Cheryl L. Grady(211)
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, North York, Ontario, Canada M6A 2E1
David A. Gruenewald(807)
Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98108
Mario Guazzelli(227)
Departments of Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Neurobiology, and Biotechnologies, University of Pisa Medical School, I-56126 Pisa, Italy
Lawrence Hansen(173)
Departments of Neurosciences and Pathology, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, La Jolla, California 92093
Philip D. Harvey(53)
Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, 10029
Nicholas P. Hays(829)
Energy Metabolism Laboratory, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts 02111
Elizabeth Head(457)
Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697
Meleik A. Hebert(727)
Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Donald Henderson(549)
Center for Hearing and Deafness, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14214
M. Rosario Hernandez(499)
Departments of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
François R. Herrmann(85)
Department of Geriatrics, University Hospitals of Geneva, Belle-Idée, CH-1225 Geneva, Switzerland
Patrick R. Hof(65, 77, 85, 95, 111, 131, 145, 435, 447)
Kastor Neurobiology of Aging Laboratories, Fishberg Research Center for Neurobiology and Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York 10029
B.A. Horwitz(839)
Departments of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, University of...
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 11.1.2001 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Medizin / Pharmazie ► Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Geriatrie |
Medizin / Pharmazie ► Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Neurologie | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Humanbiologie | |
Naturwissenschaften ► Biologie ► Zoologie | |
ISBN-10 | 0-08-052558-X / 008052558X |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-08-052558-7 / 9780080525587 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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