MRI of the Brain, Head, Neck and Spine
Kluwer Academic Publishers (Verlag)
978-0-89838-957-9 (ISBN)
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All the MR images in this book were made with a 'first-generation', unsophisticated Teslacon I, 0.6 T, superconducting magnet system. Hopefully, they will reflect the quality of the machine. Some people will agree with me that it is sad that investments in expensive health care systems are subject to the whims of those who are mainly interested in satisfying their stockholders.
1. Introduction.- 1.1 Introduction.- 1.2 Basic principles of MRI.- 2. Technical Considerations.- 2.1 Pulse sequences.- 5. MRI cisternography.- 6. Tissue differentiation, same slice, different techniques, IR, SE, SE with Gd-DTPA.- 7. Tissue differentiation in complex pathology.- 8. 'Anatomical' sequence, short TR, short TE.- 9. Application of 'anatomical' sequence.- 2.2. Artefacts.- 10. Artefacts (1).- 11. Artefacts (2).- 12. Artefacts (3).- 2.3. Functional studies.- 13. Functional studies on MRI systems.- 2.4. Flow related phenomenons.- 14. Signal void in aqueduct.- 15, 16. Flow-void in aqueduct; NPH.- 17. Flow-void in aqueduct; hydrocephalus in infants.- 18. CSF flow obstruction.- 19. Arteriovenous malformation.- 20. Flow phenomena, carotid artery.- 2.5. Surface coils.- 21, 22, 23. Surface coils (1).- 24. Surface coils (2).- 25. Surface coils (3), coronal and oblique images.- 26. Surface coils (4), orbit, oblique sagittal views.- 3. Special Procedures.- 3.1. Sellar and parasellar regions.- 27. Empty sella.- 28, 29. Pituitary adenomas.- 30. Chromophobe adenoma.- 31. Parasellar lesion.- 32. Parasellar lesion.- 3.2. Mesencephalon, region pineal gland.- 33. Pinealoma.- 3.3. Pontocerebellar cisterns.- 34. Coronal T2W, thin section series.- 35. Pontocerebellar cistern: T2W images; MRI cisternography.- 36, 37. Acustic neurinomas.- 38. Acustic neurinoma.- 4. Intracranial Tumours.- 4.1. Diagnostic problems.- 4.2. Cerebral tumours.- 39. Localization; intraventricular meningeoma.- 40. Cyst or solid?.- 41. Oligodendroglioma; large linear calcifications.- 42. Low grade glioma.- 43. Malignant glioma.- 44. Malignant glioma, patchy enhancement.- 45. Multifocal astrocytoma.- 46. Posterior fossa tumour.- 4.3. Extracerebral tumours.- 47. Medulloblastoma.- 48. Suprasellar lesion, craniopharyngeoma.- 49. Parasellar meningeoma.- 4.4. High SI lesions in pons and mesencephalon.- 50. Intrapontine haematoma; glioma.- 51. Intrapontine haemorrhage, dd. dermoid cyst.- 52. Same patient as in 51; follow-up.- 53. Dermoid cyst.- 54. Same patient as in 53; follow-up.- 4.5. Metastases.- 55. Metastases and Gd-DTPA.- 56. Metastasis of adenocarcinoma with haemorrhage.- 57. Tissue characterization; adenocystic carcinoma, metastasis.- 4.6. Gliomatosis cerebri.- 58. Multifocal astrocytoma or gliomatosis cerebri.- 59. Gliomatosis diffusa.- 60. Gliomatosis diffusa.- 61. Gliomatosis diffusa.- 62. Vasculitis simulating gliomatosis diffusa.- 63. Gliomatosis diffusa.- 64. Gliomatosis diffusa; cerebellar involvement.- 65. Gliomatosis diffusa.- 5. Spinal Lesions.- 5.1. Spondylarthrotic and disc related disease.- 66. Spondylarthrotic and disc related disease.- 67. Spondylarthrotic and disc related disease.- 68, 69. Myelopathy due to compression.- 70. Herniated disc L5-S1.- 71. Postoperative lumbar spine.- 5.2. Orthopedic problems.- 72. Orthopedic problems.- 73. Orthopedic problems.- 5.3. Spinal tumours.- 5.3.1. Intramedullary tumours.- 74. Intramedullary tumour, lipoma/dermoid.- 75. Intramedullary tumour.- 76. Cystic tumour, craniovertebral region.- 77. Intramedullary tumour and syrinx.- 78. Intramedullary tumour (metastasis).- 79. Intramedullary tumour and cysts.- 80. Recurrent intramedullary astrocytoma Gd-DTPA.- 81. Intramedullary tumour, ependymoma with calcifications.- 82. Whole cord spinal tumour, astrocytoma, grade 2, recurrence.- 83. Intramedullary tumour, astrocytoma grade 1.- 84. Intradural dermoid cyst and lipoma.- 85. Cystic ependymoma (post-operative).- 86. Intramedullary tumour without and with Gd-DTPA.- 87. Mutiple lesions; intramedullary tumour.- 5.3.2. Vascular malformations.- 88. Intramedullary lesion. Cryptic angioma?.- 89. Intramedullary arteriovenous malformation.- 5.3.3 Extramedullary and extradural lesions.- 90. Meningeoma at the C1 level.- 91. Osteochondroma of posterior arch.- 92. Extradural expanding lesion, Schwannoma.- 93. Post-laminectomy Th 1-2 for metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the breast.- 94. Metastasis of breast carcinoma.- 95. Giant cell tumour in sacrum.- 96. Extramedullary compression. Non Hodgkin lymphoma.- 97. Extradural lesion with cord compression. Osteoporosis of vertebral column.- 5.3.4. Congenital malformations, Myelodysplasia.- 98. Chiari I+, syrinx.- 99. Chiari I and syringomyelia.- 100. Spondylolysis and listhesis.- 101. Tethered cord, lipoma, syrinx.- 102. Tethered cord, intra-extradural lipoma.- 103. Tethered cord, hydronephrosis.- 104. Myelodysplasia; diastematomyelia.- 105. Myelodysplasia; diastematomyelia.- 106. Sacral cyst.- 6. Contrast Agents.- 107. Virus infection.- 108. Metastatic disease.- 109. Metastatic disease.- 110. Low grade astrocytoma.- 111. Glioma, grade 3; postoperative, postradiotherapy.- 112. Glioblastoma multiforme, distinction between tumour/oedema.- 113. Cystic or solid lesion.- 114. Meningeoma of the foramen magnum.- 115. Tentorium meningeoma.- 116. Intramedullary tumour.- 117. Recurrent spinal meningeoma.- 118. Intramedullary tumour.- 119. Intra- or extramedullary lesion with arachnoiditis.- 120. Intramedullary lesion in Wegener's disease.- 121. Same patient as in 120, follow-up after treatment.- 7. Infections.- 7.1. General.- 122. Neurocysticercosis.- 123. Viral encephalitis.- 124. Tuberculoma with partial epileptic seizures.- 125. Tuberculous meningitis.- 126. Postencephalitic changes; herpes simplex encephalitis.- 127. Empyema, infectious sinus thrombosis, infarctions.- 128. Septicaemia, meningoencephalitis.- 129. Transverse myelitis.- 7.2. AIDS encephalopathy.- 130. AIDS related disease.- 131. AIDS dementia-complex; encephalitis.- 132. AIDS encephalopathy.- 133. AIDS encephalopathy.- 134. AIDS encephalitis.- 135. AIDS dementia-complex.- 8. Vascular Lesions.- 8.1. Cerebral infarctions.- 136. Infarction or astrocytoma.- 137. Middle cerebral artery infarction.- 138. Multiple infarctions.- 139. Anterior cerebral artery infarction; lymphoma; haemorrhage.- 140. Anterior cerebral artery infarction; recurrent artery of Heubner infarction.- 141. Old deep middle cerebral artery infarction.- 142, 143. Border zone infarctions.- 144, 145. Border zone infarction; dd. MS.- 146. Border zone infarction.- 147. Old infarction of middle cerebral artery (MCA); recent infarction of the basilar artery territory.- 8.2. Cryptic angiomas.- 148. Cryptic angiomas.- 149. Cryptic angiomas; multiple echoes.- 150, 151. Cryptic angiomas.- 8.3. AVM's, aneurysms, intracerebral haemorrhage.- 152. Arteriovenous malformation.- 153. Basilar artery aneurysm or suprasellar tumour.- 154. Intracerebral haematoma.- 8.4. Deep white matter infarctions, Binswanger's disease, Multi infarct dementia.- 155. Psychiatric syndrome and white matter abnormalities.- 156. Binswanger's disease?.- 157. Multi-infarct dementia.- 158. Binswanger's disease.- 159. Binswanger's disease; Fe++ in basal ganglia.- 9. White Matter Disorders-Myelination.- 9.1. De- and dysmyelination.- 160. Adrenoleukodystrophy.- 161. Fukuyama's disease; congenital musclular dystrophy, leukodystrophy.- 162. Leukodystrophy post-irradiation.- 9.2. Multiple sclerosis.- 163. Multiple sclerosis.- 164. Multiple sclerosis, multiple echoes.- 165. Multiple sclerosis?.- 166. Multiple sclerosis.- 167. Multiple sclerosis. Cervical cord lesions.- 168. Multiple sclerosis. Acute hemiparesis Gd DTPA.- 169. Multiple sclerosis (and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus).- 170. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia.- 9.3. Toxic encephalopathy.- 171. Toxic encephalopathy.- 172. Toxic encephalopathy.- 173. Toxic encephalopathy.- 174. Toxic (allergic) encephalopathy.- 175. Toxic encephalopathy after heroin.- 176. Toxic encephalopathy.- 177. Alcohol abuse.- 9.4. Myelination.- 178. Standard series.- 179. Myelination at 6 weeks in IR.- 180a, b. Myelination at 3 months, IR and SE.- 181a. Myelination at 6 months, IR.- 181b. Myelination at 8 months, IR.- 181c. Myelination at 8 months, SE, TE 30.- 181d. Myelination at 6 months, TE 120.- 182. Myelination at 9 months, IR.- 183a. Myelination at 18 months, IR.- 183b, 184. Myelination at 18 months, SE.- 185. Myelination at 2 years,, IR.- 186a, b. Congenital malformation. Myelination in accordance with age.- 187a. Microcephaly, partial holoprosencephaly. Myelination.- 187b, c. Microcephaly, partial holoprosencephaly. Myelination.- 188. Hypomyelination, Pelizaeus Merzbacher's disease.- 189. Hydrocephalus, retrocerebellar cyst, delayed myelination (?).- 190. Hydrocephalus and retarded myelination.- 191. Mental retardation, physically handicapped.- 192. Pelizaeus Merzbacher.- 193. Pelizaeus Merzbacher.- 194. Metachromatic leukodystrophy.- 10. Congenital Anomalies.- 195. Total vermis aplasia, hydrocephalus, abnormal optic chiasm.- 196. Schizencephaly.- 197. Encephaloclastic schizencephaly.- 198. Lissencephaly, pachygyria.- 199. Multiple congenital malformations; periventricular leukomalacia.- 200. Holoprosencephaly.- 201. Hemimegencephaly.- 202. Hemimegencephaly.- 203. Bourneville-Pringle's disease, tuberous sclerosis.- 204. Unclassifiable. Congenital hydrocephalus?.- 205. Agenesis of corpus callosum. Cerebellar infarction.- 206. Arachnoid cyst.- 207. Periventricular leukomalacia.- 208. Periventricular leukomalacia.- 209. Post encephalitic remains.- 210. Chiari II malformation.- 211. Congenital muscle dystrophy and leukodystrophy (Fukuyama).- 212. Corpus callosum agenesis. Plexus papilloma.- 213. Lipoma of the corpus callosum.- 11. Lesions of the Head and Neck.- 214. Adenocystic tumour nasopharynx.- 215. Follow-up after cytostatic treatment of adenocystic tumour of the nasopharynx.- 216. Adenocarcinoma of nasopharynx.- 217. Tumour of the palatum.- 218. Tumour of the palatum.- 219. Parotid gland disease.- 220. Tumour os temporale; metastasis in skull.- 221. Cyst in the neck region.- 222. Pleomorph adenoma of submandibular gland.- 223. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the neck.- 224. Palatum tumour.- 225. Clivus chordoma? Grawitz tumour metastasis?.- 226. Chordoma.- 227. Chordoma.- 12. Laryngeal Cancer.- 228. Hypopharyngeal tumour.- 229. Small supraglottic tumour with lymphatic spread.- 230. Small glottic tumour.- 13. Orbital and Ocular Lesions.- 231. Retinoblastoma.- 232. Melanotic melanoma.- 233. Amelanotic melanoma.- 234. Optic glioma.- 235. Carcinoma of the lacrimal gland.- 236, 237. Reduced size of eye: persistent hyperplastic vitreous; post-radiotherapy.- 238, 239, 240,241. Various lesions.- 242. Aplasia of orbital roof.- 243. Coloboma of the eye.- 244. Outer ridge meningeoma.- 14. Temporomandibular Joint.- 245. Anterior luxation with reduction.- 246. Rotational dislocation.- 15. Trauma.- 247. Chronic subdural haematoma.- 248. Bilateral subdural haematomas; tentorial herniation.- 249. Haemorrhagic contusions.- 16. Epilepsy.- 250. Fronto-opercular gliosis with calcification and retraction.- 251. Low-grade astrocytoma; no progression in two years.- 252. Peri-insular gliosis.- 253. Refractory partial epilepsy; gliosis of the temporal lobe.- 254. Partial complex epilepsy; temporal lobe atrophy.- 17. Postoperative Conditions.- 255. Haemochromatosis and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus.- 256. Postoperative control paranasal squamous cell carcinoma.- 257. Oligodendroglioma postoperative.- 258. Non Hodgkin lymphoma in pre-existent intraventricular cyst.- 259. Intramedullary haemangioblastoma with syrinx.- 260. Spinal syrinx after compression.- 18. Gradient Echoes.- 261. Gradient echoes.- 262. Gradient echoes.- Acknowledgements.- References.
Reihe/Serie | Series in Radiology ; 14 |
Zusatzinfo | 340 black & white illustrations, biography |
Sprache | englisch |
Maße | 200 x 260 mm |
Gewicht | 1560 g |
Themenwelt | Medizinische Fachgebiete ► Radiologie / Bildgebende Verfahren ► Kernspintomographie (MRT) |
ISBN-10 | 0-89838-957-7 / 0898389577 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-89838-957-9 / 9780898389579 |
Zustand | Neuware |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
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