Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health - Robert A. Fjeld, Timothy A. DeVol, Nicole E. Martinez

Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health

Buch | Hardcover
528 Seiten
2023 | 2nd edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc (Verlag)
978-1-119-67532-7 (ISBN)
174,62 inkl. MwSt
QUANTITATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ANALYSIS FOR HUMAN HEALTH An updated edition of the foundational guide to environmental risk analysis

Environmental risk analysis is a systematic process essential for the evaluation, management, and communication of the human health risk posed by the release of contaminants to the environment. Performed correctly, risk analysis is an essential tool in the protection of the public from the health hazards posed by chemical and radioactive contaminants. Cultivating the quantitative skills required to perform risk analysis competently is a critical need.

Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health meets this need with a thorough, comprehensive coverage of the fundamental knowledge necessary to assess environmental impacts on human health. It introduces readers to a robust methodology for analyzing environmental risk, as well as to the fundamental principles of uncertainty analysis and the pertinent environmental regulations. Now updated to reflect the latest research and new cutting-edge methodologies, this is an essential contribution to the practice of environmental risk analysis.

Readers of the second edition of Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health will also find:

Detailed treatment of source and release characterization, contaminant migration, exposure assessment, and more
New coverage of computer-based analytical methods
A new chapter of case studies providing actual, real-world examples of environmental risk assessments

Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health is must-have for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in civil engineering, environmental engineering, and environmental science, as well as for risk analysis practitioners in industry, environmental consultants, and regulators.

Robert A. Fjeld, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor and Dempsey Chair of Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Clemson University, USA. He is a pioneering researcher of quantitative human health risk assessment and the author of numerous related publications. Timothy A. DeVol, PhD, CHP, is Toshiba Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of the Nuclear Environmental Engineering Sciences and Radioactive Waste Management Center at Clemson University. His research interests are on radioactive material detection and environmental health physics. Nicole E. Martinez, PhD, CHP, is an Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, Clemson University with a Joint Faculty Appointment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Her research focuses on dosimetric modeling and the transport and effects of environmental contaminants.

List of Variables with Common Example Units xvii

Preface to Second Edition xxvii

Preface to First Edition xxix

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Risk Analysis 2

1.2 Risk 4

1.3 Contaminants in the Environment 8

1.4 Uses of Environmental Risk Assessment 9

1.5 Risk Assessment Process 13

1.5.1 Problem Statement 13

1.5.2 System Description 14

1.5.3 Risk Calculation 14

1.5.4 Integration and Iteration 18

References 19

Additional Reading 20

Problems 21

2 Fundamental Aspects of Environmental Modeling 23

2.1 Introduction 23

2.2 Modeling Process 24

2.2.1 Model Development 24

2.2.2 Modeling Assurance 28

2.2.3 Environmental Modeling in Phases 30

2.3 Physical and Mathematical Basis for Risk Assessment Models 31

2.3.1 Mass Balances 31

2.3.2 Simple Models 40

2.4 Contaminant Transport Equation 47

2.4.1 Transport Processes 48

2.4.2 Derivation of the Contaminant Transport Equation 49

2.4.3 Zero-dimensional Solutions of the Contaminant Transport Equation 52

References 58

Additional Reading 59

Problems 59

3 Release Assessment 64

3.1 Introduction 64

3.2 Conceptual Model 65

3.3 Contaminant Identification 66

3.4 Emission-Rate Quantification 72

3.4.1 Release Probability 74

3.4.2 Contaminant Emission Rate 79

References 83

Additional Reading 84

Problems 84

4 Environmental Transport Theory 87

4.1 Introduction 87

4.2 One-Dimensional Solutions of the Contaminant Transport Equation 89

4.2.1 One-dimensional Advection 89

4.2.2 One-dimensional Advection and Dispersion 95

4.3 Three-Dimensional Contaminant Transport 99

4.4 Advanced Solution Methods 100

4.4.1 Numerical Techniques 100

4.4.2 Superposition Integral 101

References 103

Additional Reading 104

Problems 104

5 Surface Water Transport 107

5.1 Introduction 107

5.2 Types of Surface Water Bodies 109

5.2.1 Rivers and Streams 109

5.2.2 Lakes 111

5.2.3 Reservoirs on Rivers 111

5.2.4 Estuaries 111

5.2.5 Oceans 111

5.3 Sorption 112

5.3.1 Distribution Coefficient 112

5.3.2 Fraction Sorbed 116

5.3.3 Inclusion of Sorption in Transport Models 117

5.4 Transport Modeling 119

5.4.1 Lakes 119

5.4.2 Rivers and Streams 123

References 128

Additional Reading 129

Problems 129

6 Groundwater Transport 132

6.1 Introduction 132

6.2 Subsurface Characterization 134

6.3 Saturated Flow in Porous Media 135

6.3.1 Groundwater Speed and Direction 135

6.3.2 Porosity and Hydraulic Conductivity 138

6.3.3 Dispersion 138

6.4 Sorption 143

6.5 Subsurface Contaminant Transport Modeling 144

6.5.1 Linear Equilibrium Model of Subsurface Contaminant Transport 144

6.5.2 Saturated-Zone Transport Solutions 148

6.6 Other Considerations in Groundwater Transport 153

6.6.1 Vadose Zone Transport 153

6.6.2 Colloidal Transport 155

6.6.3 Transformations 155

6.6.4 NonAqueous-Phase Liquids 156

References 158

Additional Reading 159

Problems 159

7 Atmospheric Transport 163

7.1 Introduction 163

7.2 Atmospheric Dispersion 164

7.3 Atmospheric Transport Models 168

7.3.1 Constant Emission Rate: Gaussian Plume Model 168

7.3.2 Long-Term Averages 175

7.3.3 Infinite Line Source 179

7.3.4 Instantaneous Emission: Gaussian Puff Model 179

7.4 Other Considerations 180

7.4.1 Effective Release Height and Plume Rise 180

7.4.2 Building Wake 181

7.4.3 Release with Inversion Aloft 182

7.4.4 Nonconservative Processes 184

References 186

Additional Reading 187

Problems 187

8 Food Chain Transport 191

8.1 Introduction 191

8.2 Concentration in Soil 195

8.2.1 Conceptual Model 195

8.2.2 Atmospheric Deposition 197

8.2.3 Irrigation Deposition 197

8.2.4 Atmospheric Resuspension 198

8.3 Concentration in Vegetation 199

8.4 Concentration in Animals 204

References 206

Additional Reading 207

Problems 207

9 Exposure Assessment 210

9.1 Introduction 210

9.2 Dose 212

9.2.1 Chemical Dose 212

9.2.2 Radiological Dose 214

9.3 Contaminant Intake 215

9.3.1 Inhalation 216

9.3.2 Ingestion 216

9.3.3 Dermal Absorption 218

9.4 Dose Calculations 220

9.4.1 Chemical Dose Calculations 220

9.4.2 Radiological Dose Calculations 222

References 227

Additional Reading 228

Problems 228

10 Basic Human Toxicology 230

10.1 Introduction 230

10.2 Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 231

10.2.1 Cellular Anatomy and Physiology 232

10.2.2 Cellular Mechanisms of Toxicity 237

10.2.3 Major Organ Systems 239

10.3 Mechanisms and Effects of Toxicity 250

10.3.1 Systemic Effects 250

10.3.2 Carcinogenic Effects 252

10.3.3 Teratogenic Effects 256

10.3.4 Hereditary Effects 258

References 259

Problems 261

11 Dose–Response and Risk Characterization 263

11.1 Introduction 263

11.2 Biological Basis of Dose–Response Modeling 264

11.3 Elements of Quantitative Dose–Response Analysis 266

11.3.1 Factors Affecting Toxicity 266

11.3.2 Quantification of Responses 272

11.3.3 Sources of Dose–Response Data 274

11.4 Dose–Response Modeling 279

11.4.1 Animal-to-Human Extrapolation 280

11.4.2 Dose–response models and high- to low-dose extrapolation 283

11.5 Risk Characterization 287

11.5.1 Margin of Exposure 287

11.5.2 Cancer Slope Factors and Unit Risk 289

11.6 Regulatory Implementation 290

11.6.1 The Benchmark Dose (BMD) Approach 291

11.6.2 Deterministic (Noncancer) Endpoints 293

11.6.3 Stochastic (Non-threshold) Endpoints 299

References 305

Additional Reading 308

Problems 308

12 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses 311

12.1 Introduction 311

12.2 Types and Sources of Uncertainty 312

12.2.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Considerations 312

12.2.2 Sources of Uncertainty 313

12.2.3 Types of Uncertainty 314

12.3 Statistics Fundamentals 317

12.3.1 Random Variables and Distribution Functions 317

12.3.2 Characterization of PDFs 319

12.3.3 Determination of Distributions 320

12.4 Uncertainty Propagation 324

12.4.1 Sensitivity Analysis 325

12.4.2 Methods for Uncertainty Propagation 327

References 340

Problems 343

13 Screening and Computational Resources 348

13.1 Introduction 348

13.2 Screening Tools 349

13.2.1 COMPLY/COMPLY-R 349

13.2.2 DandD 350

13.2.3 Groundwater Transport Calculator 350

13.2.4 RSL and RML 350

13.2.5 RAIS PRG Calculators 351

13.2.6 RAIS Risk Calculators 351

13.2.7 SERAFM 351

13.3 Surface Water Transport 352

13.3.1 BASINS 352

13.3.2 EFDC 352

13.3.3 LADTAP II 353

13.3.4 QUAL2K 353

13.3.5 WASP 354

13.3.6 SMS 13 354

13.4 Groundwater Transport 354


13.4.2 EPACMTP 355

13.4.3 GMS 355

13.4.4 HELP 355

13.4.5 MODFLOW 6 356

13.4.6 PORFLOW 356

13.4.7 STOMP 357

13.4.8 TOUGHREACT 357

13.5 Atmospheric Transport 357

13.5.1 AERMOD 358

13.5.2 ALOHA 358

13.5.3 CTDMPLUS 359

13.5.4 HOTSPOT 359

13.5.5 HYSPLIT 359

13.5.6 PAVAN 360

13.5.7 RASCAL 360

13.5.8 XOQDOQ 360

13.6 Food Chain Transport 361

13.6.1 BASS 361

13.6.2 CAP-88 PC 361

13.6.3 GASPAR II 362

13.6.4 MILDOS 4 362

13.7 Transport, Exposure, and Consequence Assessment Tools 363

13.7.1 CalTOX 363

13.7.2 FRAMES-2.0 363

13.7.3 GENII 364

13.7.4 GOLDSIM 364

13.7.5 MEPAS 364

13.7.6 RESRAD 365

13.7.7 Risk Analyst 366

13.8 Geochemical Speciation Modeling 367

13.8.1 GWB 367

13.8.2 MINEQL+ 368


13.8.4 PHREEQC 368

13.9 Uncertainty 369

13.10 Other Useful Computational Resources 370

13.10.1 RESRAD-BUILD 370

13.10.2 SADA 370

13.10.3 VSP 370

13.10.4 BMDS 370

References 370

14 Case Studies 376

14.1 Introduction 376

14.2 PFAS 376

14.2.1 Background 377

14.2.2 Wilbur Earl Tenant’s Farm (EPA 2001, Bilott 2019) 377

14.2.3 Parkersburg and EPA (EPA 2001, Bilott 2019) 378

14.2.4 Epilogue 379

14.3 Arsenic in Drinking Water 380

14.3.1 Introduction 380

14.3.2 Risk Calculation 381

14.3.3 Risk Assessment 381

14.4 MCHM 382

14.4.1 Background 382

14.4.2 Calculation of MCHM Concentration 383

14.4.3 Epilogue 386

14.5 Releases from Rocky Flats 387

14.5.1 Introduction 388

14.5.2 1957 Plutonium Fire Basic Risk Assessment 388

14.5.3 Rocky Flats Comprehensive Risk Assessment 390

14.5.4 Comparisons for 1957 Plutonium Fire 391

14.5.5 Epilogue 393

References 393

Problems 395

15 Ethics, Stakeholder Involvement, and Risk Communication 396

15.1 Introduction 396

15.2 Ethics 397

15.2.1 Overview 397

15.2.2 Ethical Theories 397

15.2.3 Environmental Ethics 398

15.3 Stakeholder Involvement 400

15.3.1 Motivation 400

15.3.2 Potential Benefits and Detriments 401

15.3.3 Scope of Stakeholder Involvement 403

15.3.4 Legal Basis and Requirements 405

15.3.5 Methods and Approaches 405

15.4 Risk Communication 410

15.4.1 Scientific Basis 411

15.4.2 Practical Considerations 416

15.4.3 Unresolved Issues 417

References 418

Problems 422

16 Environmental Risk Management 423

16.1 Introduction 423

16.2 Risk Management Process 423

16.3 Risk Management Methods 424

16.3.1 Approaches to Risk Management 424

16.3.2 Fundamentals of Decision Analysis 426

16.3.3 Methods for Decision Analysis Under Certainty 433

16.3.4 Methods for Decision Analysis Under Risk 438

References 441

Problems 442

17 Environmental Laws and Regulations 444

17.1 Introduction 444

17.2 General Legal and Regulatory Structure for Environmental Protection 444

17.2.1 U.S. Governmental Structure 444

17.2.2 Regulatory Hierarchy 445

17.3 Major Federal Environmental Laws and Regulations 446

17.3.1 National Environmental Policy Act 447

17.3.2 CERCLA and SARA 449

17.3.3 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 452

17.3.4 Toxic Substances Control Act 453

17.3.5 Clean Air Act 454

17.3.6 Clean Water Act 456

17.4 CERCLA Process 457

17.4.1 Remedial Actions Under CERCLA 457

17.4.2 Risk Assessment in the RI/FS Process 458

17.5 Additional Regulations 459

References 460

Problems 461

Appendix A Mathematical Tools 462

A. 1 Special Functions 462

A.1. 1 Dirac Delta Function 462

A.1. 2 Heaviside Unit Step Function 463

A.1. 3 Error Function and Complementary Error Function 463

A.1. 4 Gamma Function 464

A. 2 Laplace Transforms 465

A.2. 1 Definitions and Notation 465

A.2. 2 Basic Transforms and Properties 466

A.2. 3 Solution of Differential Equations with Laplace Transforms 467

A. 3 Exact Solutions to the One-Dimensional Contaminant Transport Equation 470

References 473

Additional Reading 474

Appendix B Degradation and Decay Parameters 475

Index 477 

Verlagsort New York
Sprache englisch
Maße 185 x 259 mm
Gewicht 1066 g
Themenwelt Medizin / Pharmazie Medizinische Fachgebiete Arbeits- / Sozial- / Umweltmedizin
Studium Querschnittsbereiche Klinische Umweltmedizin
Naturwissenschaften Chemie
ISBN-10 1-119-67532-4 / 1119675324
ISBN-13 978-1-119-67532-7 / 9781119675327
Zustand Neuware
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