The Schizophrenia Spectrum

Buch | Softcover
88 Seiten
2017 | 2nd Revised edition
Hogrefe Publishing (Verlag)
978-0-88937-504-8 (ISBN)

Lese- und Medienproben

The Schizophrenia Spectrum - William D. Spaulding, Steven M. Silverstein, Anthony A. Menditto
24,95 inkl. MwSt
The new edition of this acclaimed volume provides a fully updated and comprehensive account of the psychopathology, clinical assessment, and treatment of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, incorporating major developments of the last decade.
An essential reference for assessing and treating people withschizophrenia spectrum disorders - now updated and even morecomprehensive.The new edition of this highly acclaimed volume provides a fullyupdated and comprehensive account of the psychopathology,clinical assessment, and treatment of schizophrenia spectrumdisorders. It emphasizes functional assessment and modernpsychological treatment and rehabilitation methods, which continueto be under-used despite overwhelming evidence that theyimprove outcomes. The compact and easy-to-read text providesboth experienced practitioners and students with an evidencebasedguide incorporating the major developments of the lastdecade: the new diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5, introducing theschizophrenia spectrum and neurodevelopmental disorders, thefurther evolution of recovery as central to treatment andrehabilitation, advances in understanding the psychopathology ofschizophrenia, and the proliferation of psychological andpsychosocial modalities for treatment and rehabilitation.

Will Spaulding, PhD, is a professor of psychology inthe doctoral clinical psychology program of the Universityof Nebraska-Lincoln. His entire career hasbeen devoted understanding and treating seriousmental illness, from psychopathology to treatmentoutcome to mental health services policy and administration.For over 20 years he was the senior psychologistin a state hospital-based psychiatric rehabilitationprogram in Nebraska, and has consulted nationallyand internationally on development of servicesfor people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Steven Silverste, PhD, is Director of Research, andDirector of the Division of Schizophrenia Researchat Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care(UBHC), and Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers -Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He is theformer Chair of the APA's Task Force on SeriousMental Illness, and the 2017 President of the Societyfor Research in Psychopathology. He has over25 years of experience in treating people with seriousmental illness, and has directed inpatient unitsand outpatient programs for this population.Anthony A. Menditto, PhD, is the Director of TreatmentServices at Fulton State Hospital in Missouri.He has spent the past 30 years as a clinician, administrator,researcher, and consultant dedicated toimproving our understanding of serious mental disorders.His work has focused on the implementationand evaluation of evidence-based approaches toassessment and treatment for individuals with seriousmental disorders.

Preface to the Second Edition1 Description1.1 Terminology1.1.1 Schizophrenia as a Mental Health PolicyConstruct1.1.2 Schizophrenia as a Psychiatric Diagnosis1.1.3 Dimensions of the Schizophrenia Spectrum1.1.4 The Medical Model1.1.5 Psychiatric Rehabilitation1.1.6 Recovery1.1.7 Evidence-Based Practice1.2 Definition1.3 Epidemiology1.4 Course and Prognosis1.4.1 Short-Term Outcomes1.4.2 Long-Term Outcomes1.5 Differential Diagnosis1.6 Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions1.6.1 Psychiatric Conditions1.6.2 Medical Conditions1.7 Diagnostic and Other Assessment Procedures2 Theories and Models of the SchizophreniaSpectrum2.1 The Concept of Vulnerability2.2 Genetics2.3 Theories Involving Viruses or Immunopathology2.4 Birth Complications2.5 Neuroanatomy2.6 Neurophysiology2.7 Neurodevelopmental Dimensions2.8 Cognitive Factors2.9 Social Learning Theory2.10 Environmental Factors3 Diagnosis and Treatment Indications3.1 Assessment3.1.1 Neurophysiological and Symptom Assessment3.1.2 Cognitive Assessment3.1.3 Dynamic Assessment3.1.4 Functional Assessment3.2 Treatment Planning3.2.1 Problem-Oriented Treatment Planning3.2.2 The Multimodal Functional Model4 Treatment4.1 Descriptions of Treatment Modalities4.1.1 Rehabilitation Counseling and RelatedModalities4.1.2 Collaborative Psychopharmacology4.1.3 Neurocognitive Therapy4.1.4 Contingency Management4.1.5 Individual Psychotherapy4.1.6 Social Skills Training4.1.7 Problem Solving Skills Training4.1.8 Illness/Wellness Management SkillsTraining4.1.9 Independent Living Skills Training4.1.10 Specialized Integrated Treatment forCo-Occurring Substance Abuse4.1.11 Supported Employment and OccupationalSkills Training4.1.12 Family Therapy4.1.13 Peer Support and Self-Help Groups4.1.14 Acute Treatment, Crisis Intervention, andRelated Services4.1.15 Specialized Models for Service Integrationand Provision4.1.16 Supported Housing4.2 Mechanisms of Action4.2.1 Recovery-Oriented Perspectives4.3 Efficacy and Effectiveness4.4 Variations and Combinations of Methods4.5 Problems in Carrying out the Treatment4.5.1 Research Review and Meta-aAnalysis4.5.2 Mental Health Policy, Funding, and Regulation4.5.3 Education and Training of Practitioners4.5.4 The Economics of the Mental HealthProvider Industry5 Case Vignette6 Further Reading7 References8 Appendix: Tools and Resources

Reihe/Serie Advances in Psychotherapy - Evidence-Based Practice ; Vol. 5
Verlagsort Toronto
Sprache englisch
Maße 177 x 254 mm
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Psychologie Persönlichkeitsstörungen
Medizin / Pharmazie Medizinische Fachgebiete Psychiatrie / Psychotherapie
Schlagworte Psychosis • Schizophrenia • schizophrenia spectrum • Schizophrenie
ISBN-10 0-88937-504-6 / 0889375046
ISBN-13 978-0-88937-504-8 / 9780889375048
Zustand Neuware
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR)
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