Parasitic Protozoa

Parasitic Protozoa (eBook)

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2012 | 2. Auflage
328 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-092414-4 (ISBN)
225,00 inkl. MwSt
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Updated and much expanded, the Second Edition of Parasitic Protozoa is designed to be useful to physicians, veterinarians, and research scientists concerned with diseases caused by protozoa in man, and in domestic and wild animals including fish, mollusks and insects, as well as the more commonly considered vertebrate animals. Each section contains information on disease pathogens, treatment, diagnosis, and epidemiology of the diseases caused by the various protozoans. The book is not limited to these medically-oriented subjects, but treats taxonomy, morphology, and metabolism of the organisms in such a way as to be of interest to scientists and graduate students working in the field of protozoology. The entire edition, published in ten volumes, is arranged so that subjects of common interest occupy individual volumes.
Updated and much expanded, the Second Edition of Parasitic Protozoa is designed to be useful to physicians, veterinarians, and research scientists concerned with diseases caused by protozoa in man, and in domestic and wild animals including fish, mollusks and insects, as well as the more commonly considered vertebrate animals. Each section contains information on disease pathogens, treatment, diagnosis, and epidemiology of the diseases caused by the various protozoans. The book is not limited to these medically-oriented subjects, but treats taxonomy, morphology, and metabolism of the organisms in such a way as to be of interest to scientists and graduate students working in the field of protozoology. The entire edition, published in ten volumes, is arranged so that subjects of common interest occupy individual volumes.

Front Cover 1
Parastitic Protozoa, Volume 8 4
Copyright Page 5
Table of Contents 6
Contributors 14
Preface to the Second Edition 16
Preface to the First Edition 18
Chapter 1. Flagellate Parasites of Fish 20
I. Introduction 20
II. Cryptobia 21
III. Trypanosoma 41
IV. Ichthyobodo 59
V. Hexamita 59
VI. Parasitic Dinoflagellates 74
References 85
Chapter 2. Ciliates off Fish 100
I. Introduction 100
II. Ciliates Parasitizing Fish 101
III. Summary and Conclusions 148
References 149
Chapter 3. Parasitic Protozoa of Molluscs and Crustacea 158
I. Introduction 158
II. Flagellate Parasites of Crustacea and Molluscs 159
III. Sarcodine Parasites off Crustacea and Molluscs 177
IV· Phylum Labyrinthomorpha 183
VI. Phylum Microspora 207
VII. Phylum Haplosporidia 222
VIII. Phylum Paramyxea 230
IX. Phylum Ciliophora 233
X. Conclusions 259
References 260
Chapter 4. Myxosporea 284
I. Introduction 284
II . Life Cycle and Morphology 285
III. Taxonomy 294
IV. Evolution and Epizootiology 299
V. Disease and Pathology 305
VI. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control 316
VII· Myxosporea as Biological Tags 320
VIII· Summary and Conclusions 323
Acknowledgments 324
References 324
Index 338
Contents off Future Volumes 348

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