Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences - Rolf Zeisler, Vincent P. Guinn

Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences

Buch | Softcover
776 Seiten
Humana Press Inc. (Verlag)
978-1-4612-6777-5 (ISBN)
213,99 inkl. MwSt
The 1989 International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in theUfe Scienceswas a continuationofa seriesofconfer- encesheldbytheInternationalAtomicEnergyAgency. Thefirsttook placeinAmsterdamin 1967,thesecondin Bledin 1972,andthethird inViennain 1978. Theaimoftheseconferenceshasbeentostimulate discussions between scientists who are working as biologists, envi- ronmentalists, and physicians, and those who are working on the advancementofnuclear analytical techniques. The 1989 Conference was held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly the National Bureau of Standards)inGaithersburg,Maryland. ThefocalpointoftheConfer- ence was the presentation of results from multidisciplinary research involvingnuclear analytical techniques and their applications to the life sciences. Wehave obtained contributions from life sciencefields thatrelatethenuclear analyticalmethods to abroad scopeofbiologi- cal, medical,and environmental applications. Deliberately,our defi- nition of nuclear analytical techniques was made flexible. Methods and applications were treated in a more comprehensive way than thoseatestablished meetings.
Particularconsideration was given to contributions from developing countries. We are indebted to many people and organizations for their assistancein making this symposium possible. TheConference was organizedbytheUSDepartmentofCommerce'sNISTincooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, by supplying both financial support and scientific expertise. The meeting was cospon- soredbytheAmericanNuclearSociety,theUSDepartmentofEnergy, andtheFoodandDrugAdministration,whoprovidedbothorganiza- tional and financial support. We hope that the results of this Conference, presented here, will stimulatethe developmentofnew collaborativeresearch efforts betweenthe life sciencesand analytical fields. Acontinuationofthis series ofconferences willbe a measureofthe successofthis interdis- ciplinary collaboration.

A Short History of Nuclear Activation Analysis.- Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Biological Samples.- Neutron Activation Analysis of Biological Samples with a Preirradiation Chemical Separation.- Nondestructive Determination of Arsenic in Urine by Epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis and Compton Suppression.- CADEIA and REJECT: Codes to Complete Relevant ?-? and ?-? True-Coincidence Lines in Absolute Counting of Gamma Rays with a LEPD.- Determination of Trace Elements in Standard Reference Materials by the ko-Standardization Method.- A New Microcomputer-Controlled Neutron Activation Analysis System: Description and Applications for the Analysis of Bioenvironmental Specimens.- The Use of Compton Suppression Spectrometers for Trace Element Studies in Biological Materials.- Tomography and Elemental Analysis of Biological Systems.- Application of Polyaciylamide Gel Electrophoresis/Neutron Activation Analysis for Protein Quantiication.- Location and Quantification of Metal Ions in Enzymes Combining Polyaciylamide Gel Electrophoresis and Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission.- Analysis of Biological Samples Using Prompt Gamma Radiations Induced by 14.7-MeV Neutrons.- A New Technique for the Study of Erythrocyte Survival by Double Labeling and Use of a Well-Type Ge Detector.- Charged-Particle Activation Analysis of Biological Material.- An ?-Ray Microprobe Facility Using Synchrotron Radiation.- Radioisotope Induced X-Ray Emission (RI ?E) Studies in Life Sciences.- Nuclear Analytical Methods for Trace Element Studies in Calcified Tissues.- Fluorine Concentrations in Bone Biopsy Samples Determined by Proton-Induced Gamma-Ray Emission and Cyclic Neutron Activation.- Study of Physiopathological Phenomena in Dental Enamel by Neutron Activation Analysis.- Trace ElementContent of Biological Materials: A Comparison of NAA and ICP-MS Analysis.- Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Geological and Biological Reference Materials Using the ko-Standardization Method.- Soluble Metals in the Atmosphere and Their Biological Implications: A Study to Identify Important Aerosol Components by Statistical Analysis of PIXE Data.- Major and Trace Elements in Spruce Needles by NAA.- Transfer of Toxic Elements from the Atmosphere to Cattle and Game Animals.- Determination of Trace Elements In Aerosol Samples by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis.- Production of 134s Thermo-Generated Aerosols: Study of Their Behavior After Deposition on Spruce Trees.- Whole Body Content and Turnover of Cs and K.- Studies of Cadmium Uptake in Bone and Its Environmental Distribution.- Elemental Concentrations in Hair of Inhabitants of a Cadmium-Polluted Area.- Determination of Manganese in Airborne Particulates in a Dry-Cell Battery Factory Using ?-Ray Fluorescence Technique.- Environmental Impact of the Gold Mining Industry in Ghana.- Trace Element Determination in Scalp Hair of People Working at a Copper Smelter.- Air Quality Status in Kinshasa as Determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, and Ion Exchange Chromatography.- Mapping Technique Based on Elemental Hair Composition Data.- Environmental Specimen Banking: A Complement to Environmental Monitoring.- Alaskan Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project.- A Comprehensive Study on the Contents and Leaching of Trace Elements from Fly-Ash Originating from Polish Hard Coal by NAA and AAS Methods.- An Environmental Research on Trace Elements in Freshwater Fish by Neutron Activation Analysis.- Identifying Source of Groundwater Pollution Using Trace Element Signatures.-An Application of INAA and PIXE on the Analysis of Nutritional and Toxicological Elements in Samples of Drinkable Water.- Plastics from Household Goods Waste as a Source of Heavy Metal Pollution: An Inventory Study Using INAA as the Analytical Technique.- Reference Man and Woman More Fully Characterized: Variations on the Basis of Body Size, Age, Sex, and Race.- In Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis of Organ Cadmium Burdens: Referent Levels in Liver and Kidney and the Impact of Smoking.- In Vivo Measurements of Cadmium and Lead in Occupationally- Exposed Workers and an Urban Population.- Recent Developments in In Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis Facilities.- A Proposed Three-Phase Counting System for the In Vivo Measurement of the Major Elements Using Pulsed 14 MeV Neutrons.- Measurements of Total Body Calcium by Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis Using a 252Cf Source.- Combination of Neutron Activation Analysis, Tracer Techniques, and Biochemical Methods in the Investigation of Selenium Metabolism.- Speciation of Chromium in Plasma and Liver Tissue of Endstage Renal Failure Patients on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis.- A Search for Longitudinal Variations in Trace Element Levels in Nails of Alzheimer ’s Disease Patients.- Whole Body Elimination Routes of Gold in Humans After a Single-Dose Application of the Antirheumatic Auranofin.- Trace Element Distribution in the Hair of Some Sickle Cell Anemia Patients and Controls.- Minor and Trace Elemental Contents of Cancerous Breast Tissue Measured by Instrumental and Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis.- Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Kidney Stones.- Studies on Zinc- and Cadmium-Bound Proteins in Bovine Kidneys by Biochemical and Neutron Activation Techniques.- Metabolic Deposition ofSelenium and Cadmium into the Hair and Other Tissues of the Guinea Pig.- Carbon Determination in Human Teeth by Activation with He-3 Ions.- Vanadium Determination at the Ultratrace Level in Biological Reference Materials and Serum by Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis.- Factors Affecting the Levels Reported for Vanadium in Human Serum.- Determination of Trace Elements in Human Serum by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry: Comparison with Nuclear Analytical Techniques.- Aspects of Accuracy and Precision in the Determination of As and Sbin Biological Materials by Neutron Activation Analysis.- Homogeneity and Evaluation of the New NIST Leaf Certified Reference Materials.- Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Standard Reference Material 1941, Organics in Marine Sediment: Element Content and Homogeneity.- Applicability of Microwave Add Digestion to Sample Preparation of Biological Materials for Analysis by Partide-Induced ?-Ray Emission (PD ?E).- New Essential Trace Elements for the Life Sciences.- Neutron Capture Prompt- ? Activation Analysis of Foods.- Activation Analysis of Human Diet Samples with Epithermal Neutrons.- Determination of Selenium in Duplicate Diets of Residents of Pinhel, Portugal, by Neutron Activation.- Multielement Determination in Rice, Wheat, and Barley by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis.- Nuclear and Atomic Analytical Techniques in Environmental Studies in South America.- Use of Nuclear Physics Methods in Life Sciences in the USSR.- Applications of Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences as Exemplified by Recent Research Programs of the IAEA.- Determination of Mercury in Human Blood Serum and Packed Blood Cells by Neutron Activation Analysis.- Determination of Main and Trace Element Contents in Human Brainby NAA and ICP-AES Methods.- Levels of Some Trace Elements in Selected Autopsy Organs, and in Hair and Blood Samples from Adult Subjects of the Italian Population.- Trace Element Distribution in Human Eye.- Pigmentation and Temporal Effects on Trace Elements in Hair.- Preliminary Study of the Distribution of the Toxic Elements As, Cd, and Hg in Human Hair and Tissues by RNAA.- Study of Correlation of Se Content in Human Hair and Internal Organs by INAA.- Determination of Inorganic Components in Brazilian Medicinal Plants by Neutron Activation Analysis.- PIXE Determination of Essential Trace Elements in Some Traditional Chinese Medicines.- Inductively Coupled Atomic Emission Spectrometry and Neutron Activation Analysis for the Determination of Element Reference Values in Human Lung Tissue.- Author Index.

The book is very readable and serves as an excellent reference source for research in the fields of analytical methodology and application for a wide range of biological, medical, and environmental samples...a very good compilation of technical papers.-Analyst

Zusatzinfo XV, 776 p.
Verlagsort Totowa, NJ
Sprache englisch
Maße 178 x 254 mm
Themenwelt Medizin / Pharmazie Studium 1. Studienabschnitt (Vorklinik)
Naturwissenschaften Biologie Biochemie
Naturwissenschaften Chemie Analytische Chemie
ISBN-10 1-4612-6777-3 / 1461267773
ISBN-13 978-1-4612-6777-5 / 9781461267775
Zustand Neuware
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