GO! with the Internet - Shelley Gaskin, Rebecca Lawson

GO! with the Internet

Buch | Softcover
816 Seiten
Pearson (Verlag)
978-0-13-195695-7 (ISBN)
89,80 inkl. MwSt
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Shelley Gaskin, Series Editor for the GO! Series, is a professor of business and computer technology at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California. She holds a master's degree in business education from Northern Illinois   University and a doctorate in adult and community education from Ball State University. Dr. Gaskin has 15 years of experience in the computer industry with several Fortune 500 companies and has developed and written training materials for custom systems applications in both the public and private sector. She is also the author of books on Microsoft Outlook and word processing.

Chapter 1 Introducing the

PROJECT 1A Locating a Local ISP

Objective 1 Consult a Web Site to Locate
an ISP that Offers Service in a
Specific Area 
    Activity 1.1 Searching for ISPs in Your Local Area
Objective 2 Refine Searches to Distinguish
Among the Features of Each ISP 
    Activity 1.2 Refining Your Search Results 9
Objective 3 Compare Information You
Find on the Web
    Activity 1.3 Creating a Document that
    Compares ISPs

PROJECT 1B Researching Internet History

Objective 4 Browse a Directory
for Information 
    Activity 1.4 Searching for Internet History at the
    Librarians’ Internet Index
Objective 5 Describe Events and
Technologies that Affected the
Development of the Internet 
    Activity 1.5 Creating a Timeline of Historical
    Events Affecting the Internet

PROJECT 1C Connecting to the Internet

Objective 6 Define Common Internet Terms


Objective 7 Analyze URLs, DNS, and
Server Structure


Objective 8 Identify Hardware and Software
Needed for Internet Connections


Objective 9 Explain Internet
Connection Methods


Objective 10 Describe Wireless
Connection Options

PROJECT 1D Exploring Internet History

Objective 11 Summarize the Early History of
the Internet


Objective 12 Name Early Key Developers
of the Internet

Objective 13 Describe the Unique Features
of Hypertext


Objective 14 Describe Popular Uses of
the Internet Today

Chapter 2 Browsing the
World Wide Web

PROJECT 2A Browsing the World Wide Web

Objective 1 Perform Commands with
Internet Explorer 
    Activity 2.1 Exploring the Menu Bar 
    Activity 2.2 Showing and Hiding Toolbars 
    Activity 2.3 Customizing Text Size 
    Activity 2.4 Locating Favorites and Tools on
    the Menu Bar
Objective 2 Perform Commands with the
    Activity 2.5 Exploring the Toolbar 
    Activity 2.6 Using Tabs in Your Browser Window
Objective 3 Specify a Default Home Page 
    Activity 2.7 Specifying a Default Home Page
Objective 4 Browse the World Wide Web
Using Links, the Address Bar,
History, and Favorites Center 
    Activity 2.8 Browsing the World Wide Web Using
    Activity 2.9 Browsing the World Wide Web Using
    the Address Bar 
    Activity 2.10 Browsing the World Wide Web Using
    the History Feature 
    Activity 2.11 Browsing the World Wide Web with
    the Favorites Center

PROJECT 2B Managing Web Content
with Internet Explorer
Objective 5 Print, Save, and E-mail a
Web Page 
    Activity 2.12 Printing Text and Graphics Found
    on Web Pages


    Activity 2.13 Saving Web Pages and Graphics

    Activity 2.14 E-mailing Web Pages and Links

    to Web Pages

Objective 6 Create a Desktop Shortcut to

a Web Page

    Activity 2.15 Creating a Desktop Shortcut

Objective 7 Clear the Cache, Cookies, and


    Activity 2.16 Clearing the Cache and Cookies

    Activity 2.17 Managing the History


PROJECT 2C Identifying How Browsers Work


Objective 8 Describe How Plug-ins Work


Objective 9 Identify and Compare Several

Popular Web Browsers


PROJECT 2D Examining Privacy Risks and

Security Issues of Browsing


Objective 10 Determine the Risks of

Using the World Wide Web


Objective 11 Identify Safe Browsing



Chapter 3 Searching the

World Wide



PROJECT 3A Implementing Basic Search



Objective 1 Formulate a Keyword Query to

Implement a Search

    Activity 3.1 Developing Queries for a Search

    Activity 3.2 Identifying Search Engines and Their


    Activity 3.3 Creating a Document to Compare

    Search Engines

Objective 2 Search with the Address Bar

    Activity 3.4 Searching with the Address Bar

Objective 3 Search with the Instant Search


    Activity 3.5 Searching with the Instant Search


Objective 4 Locate Expert Resources

    Activity 3.6 Exploring Expert Resources

    Activity 3.7 Creating a Document to Compare

    Expert Resources

Objective 5 Find Online Library Catalogs

and Scholarly Resources

    Activity 3.8 Finding Online Library Catalogs

    and Other Scholarly Resources

    Activity 3.9 Creating a Document to Compare

    Library Resources


PROJECT 3B Performing Advanced Searches


Objective 6 Search with Boolean Operators

    Activity 3.10 Searching with Boolean Operators

    and Advanced Search Features

Objective 7 Locate News and Opinion


    Activity 3.11 Finding News at Google

    Activity 3.12 Searching for News Using

    Advanced Search Features

    Activity 3.13 Searching for Business News


    Activity 3.14 Creating a Document to Compare

    News and Opinion Resources

Objective 8 Find Invisible Web Resources

and Specialized Databases

    Activity 3.15 Locating the Invisible Web and

    Specialized Databases

    Activity 3.16 Creating a Document to Compare

    Invisible Web Resources


PROJECT 3C Exploring Search Tools


Objective 9 Implement a Search Using a

Directory Search Site


Objective 10 Implement a Search Using a

Meta-Search Engine


PROJECT 3D Developing Search Strategy



Objective 11 Explore How a Search

Engine Works


Objective 12 Evaluate Search Results


Chapter 4 Communication

Using E-mail


PROJECT 4A Signing Up for a Web-Based

E-mail Account


Objective 1 Locate and Set Up a

Web-Based E-mail Account

    Activity 4.1 Setting Up a Web-Based E-mail

    Account 2

Objective 2 Compose and Send a Basic

E-mail Message

    Activity 4.2 Creating a Basic E-mail Message

    Activity 4.3 Creating a Signature File and

    Signing Out of Your Account


PROJECT 4B Managing Web-Based E-mail



Objective 3 Receive and Reply to an E-mail

Message with an Attachment

    Activity 4.4 Checking for E-mail and Opening

    E-mail with an Attachment

    Activity 4.5 Using the Reply and Forward


Objective 4 Print an E-mail Message

    Activity 4.6 Printing an E-mail Message

Objective 5 Create Folders and Filters

    Activity 4.7 Creating a Folder and Moving

    E-mail into It

    Activity 4.8 Creating a Filter

Objective 6 Delete E-mail from

Your Account

    Activity 4.9 Deleting E-mail and Signing Out


PROJECT 4C Exploring E-mail Systems,

Protocols, Netiquette, and



Objective 7 Compare E-mail Systems


Objective 8 Identify Appropriate E-mail



Objective 9 Minimize Nuisances Associated

with E-mail


PROJECT 4D Exploring Mailing Lists and



Objective 10 Explore Mailing Lists


Objective 11 Find Special Interest



Chapter 5 Collaborating

on the World

Wide Web


PROJECT 5A Creating Your Own Blog


Objective 1 Locate Existing Blogs

    Activity 5.1 Locating Blogs with a Search


    Activity 5.2 Comparing Blog Search Tools

Objective 2 Set Up an Account at a

Blogging Web Site

    Activity 5.3 Signing Up for a Blogging


Objective 3 Publish Posts to

Your Blog

    Activity 5.4 Posting to a Blog


PROJECT 5B Locating Newsgroups


Objective 4 Search for USENET Newsgroups

    Activity 5.5 Locating a USENET Newsgroup

Objective 5 Locate a Web-Based Newsgroup

    Activity 5.6 Locating a Web-Based Newsgroup

Objective 6 Read and Reply to Threads at a

Web-Based Newsgroup

    Activity 5.7 Reading Threads at a Web-Based


    Activity 5.8 Joining a Newsgroup and

    Posting a Reply


PROJECT 5C Exploring Other Web-Based

Communication Tools


Objective 7 Discover Wikis and Vlogs


Objective 8 Identify Message Boards,

Web-Based Forums, and

Bulletin Boards


Objective 9 Explore Instant Messaging and

Compare Instant Messengers


PROJECT 5D Comparing Synchronous

Communication Tools


Objective 10 Identify Types of IRC

and Chat


Objective 11 Define Internet Telephony

and VoIP

Objective 12 Describe Video Conferencing



Chapter 6 Locating

Resources on

the World

Wide Web


PROJECT 6A Accessing a Special-Interest

Web Site for Health



Objective 1 Perform a Directory Search

and Evaluate a Special

Interest Web Site

    Activity 6.1 Locating Health Information

    Using a Directory

Objective 2 Perform a Search for

Special-Interest Web Sites

Using a Search Engine and

an Advanced Search

    Activity 6.2 Locating Health Information

    Online Using a Search Engine

    Activity 6.3 Locating Health Information

    Online Using an Advanced Search

Objective 3 Compare Types of Special-Interest

Web Sites

    Activity 6.4 Comparing Health Information

    Web Sites


PROJECT 6B Comparing Push and Pull

Content on the Web


Objective 4 Access Weather Information


    Activity 6.5 Locating Weather Information Online

Objective 5 Install a Feed on Your Computer

    Activity 6.6 Installing and Using a RSS Feed

Objective 6 Manage Travel Arrangements


    Activity 6.7 Searching for Maps and Travel

    Directions to Businesses

    Activity 6.8 Exploring Travel Arrangement Sites


PROJECT 6C Finding Informational

Resources on the Web


Objective 7 Find People Using Online



Objective 8 Locate Legal Information and

Educational Opportunities


PROJECT 6D Locating Entertainment Sites


Objective 9 Identify Award-Winning

Web Sites and Portals


Objective 10 Compare Gaming Sites


Objective 11 Explore Multimedia



Chapter 7 Working with

Data on the World

Wide Web


PROJECT 7A Accessing Files on the World

Wide Web


Objective 1 Search for and Download

Public Domain Images

    Activity 7.1 Locating and Downloading Public

    Domain Images

Objective 2 Search for and Download an

Audio File

    Activity 7.2 Searching for and Downloading

    Audio Files

Objective 3 View a Video File Online 404

    Activity 7.3 Viewing Cooking Videos at a

    Web Site


PROJECT 7B Uploading and Download

Files and Programs


Objective 4 Store Photos Online

    Activity 7.4 Creating an Account at an

    Online Storage Site

    Activity 7.5 Uploading a Photo to an

    Online Storage Site

Objective 5 Download and Install a

Program File

    Activity 7.6 Downloading an FTP Client

Objective 6 Compress Files Using a File

Compression Program

    Activity 7.7 Compressing Files with

    Windows XP

PROJECT 7C Recognizing Issues of Ethics,

Copyright, and Fair Use


Objective 7 Explore the Ethics of

Computer Use


Objective 8 Define Copyright Laws and

Fair Use Provisions


PROJECT 7D Citing Online Sources


Objective 9 Determine When to Use a



Objective 10 Compare the MLA and

APA Styles


Chapter 8 Protecting Your




PROJECT 8A Staying Secure at Home and

In Small Business


Objective 1 Identify Security Practices

for Home and Small Business

    Activity 8.1 Viewing Videos about Home

    Computer Security

    Activity 8.2 Taking a Quiz about Home

    Computer Security

Objective 2 Evaluate the Protection Level

of Computer Ports

    Activity 8.3 Performing a Port Scan

PROJECT 8B Searching for Firewall



Objective 3 Identify Firewall Programs

    Activity 8.4 Performing a Search to Locate

    Firewall Software Reviews

Objective 4 Compare Benefits, Features, and

Costs of Firewall Software

    Activity 8.5 Creating a Document to Compare

    Firewall Software


PROJECT 8C Evaluating Threats and


Objective 5 Identify Physical and

Computer Security


Objective 6 Manage the Computing



PROJECT 5D Comparing Security



Objective 7 Differentiate Between

Identification, Authentication,

and Certificates


Objective 8 Explore Encryption Methods


Chapter 9 Conducting

Business Online


PROJECT 9A Finding a Job Online


Objective 1 Find Data on Employment


    Activity 9.1 Locating National Salary Data

    Activity 9.2 Comparing National Salary Data

Objective 2 Explore an Online

Employment Service

    Activity 9.3 Registering with an Online

    Employment Service

    Activity 9.4 Searching for a New Job


PROJECT 9B Using the World Wide

Web for Sales

Objective 3 Locate an Item at an

Online Auction Site

    Activity 9.5 Registering with an Online

    Auction Site

    Activity 9.6 Using an Online Auction Site

Objective 4 Explore an Online Storefront

    Activity 9.7 Searching for Items at eBay Stores


PROJECT 9C Collecting Payments Online


Objective 5 Define Electronic Payments


Objective 6 Compare Online Payment



PROJECT 9D Classifying E-Commerce



Objective 7 Distinguish Among

E-Commerce Models


Objective 8 Evaluate E-Commerce Sites


Chapter 10Developing

a Web Site


PROJECT 10A Exploring Web

Authoring Tools


Objective 1 Create a Web Page with a

Plain Text Editor

    Activity 10.1 Creating a Web Page in Notepad

    Objective 2 Create a Web Page with a

    WYSIWYG Editor

    Activity 10.2 Downloading and Installing a

    WYSIWYG Edit

    Activity 10.3 Creating a Web Page with a

    WYSIWYG Edit

    Activity 10.4 Modifying a Web Page


PROJECT 10B Locating Online Web Design

Tutorials and Templates


Objective 3 Search for Online Design


    Activity 10.5 Searching for Design Tutorials

    Objective 4 Locate and Use HTML Templates

    Activity 10.6 Locating a USENET Newsgroup

    Activity 10.7 Modifying a Template


PROJECT 10C Designing User-Centered

Web Sites


Objective 5 Define the Purpose of a Site and

the Needs of the Audience


Objective 6 Identify the Web Development

Team and Web Development



PROJECT 10D Developing the Page Layout

and Site Structure


Objective 7 Identify the Page Layout


Objective 8 Define the Site Structure


Chapter 11 Enhancing a

Web Site


PROJECT 11A Using Graphics on a

Web Page


Objective 1 Choose a Color Scheme

for a Web Site

    Activity 11.1 Choosing a Web-Safe Color Palette

    Activity 11.2 Adding a Background Color

    Activity 11.3 Establishing Text and Link Colors

    Activity 11.4 Modifying Font Style and Color

Objective 2 Add Graphics to a Web Page

    Activity 11.5 Locating, Modifying, and

    Saving Images

    Activity 11.6 Inserting a Graphic on a Web Page


PROJECT 11B Developing Site Structure

and Content


Objective 3 Establish Navigation with


    Activity 11.7 Downloading and Saving an HTML


    Activity 11.8 Adding Hyperlinks to a Template

    Activity 11.9 Adding Text Hyperlinks to a


Objective 4 Implement Scripts to Add

Interactive Content

    Activity 11.10 Adding JavaScript to a Web Page


PROJECT 11C Harnessing the Impact of



Objective 5 Add Audio to a Web Page


Objective 6 Insert Animated Graphics

and Video on a Web Page


PROJECT 11D Using Frames and Forms on

a Web Site


Objective 7 Create Frames for Navigation



Objective 8 Add a Form to a Web Site


Chapter 12 Maintaining a

Web Site


PROJECT 12A Managing Web Server Space


Objective 1 Locate a Hosting Provider

    Activity 12.1 Searching for Hosting Providers

    Activity 12.2 Obtaining an Account with a

    Hosting Provider

Objective 2 Develop Appropriate Server


    Activity 12.3 Creating Folders on Web Server


PROJECT 12B Moving Content to a Web



Objective 3 Test and Debug a Web Page

    Activity 12.4 Testing a Web Page for Accessibility

    Activity 12.5 Testing a Web Page for Screen Size


    Activity 12.6 Testing a Web Page for HTML


Objective 4 Use an FTP Client to Upload

a Web Page

    Activity 12.7 Creating and Uploading a Web Page

    Activity 12.8 Renaming a Web Page


PROJECT 12C Evaluating the Effectiveness

of a Web Site



Objective 5 Implement Usability with a

Focus Group


Objective 6 Measure Web Site Performance


PROJECT 12D Promoting a Web Site


Objective 7 Establish a Web Site Name


Objective 8 Plan for Search Engine


Erscheint lt. Verlag 19.2.2008
Sprache englisch
Maße 234 x 271 mm
Gewicht 1592 g
Themenwelt Informatik Netzwerke Mail Server
ISBN-10 0-13-195695-7 / 0131956957
ISBN-13 978-0-13-195695-7 / 9780131956957
Zustand Neuware
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