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Pearson eText Access Card for Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach [Global Edition]

2022 | 8th edition
Pearson Education Limited (Hersteller)
978-1-292-41998-5 (ISBN)
44,35 inkl. MwSt
A top-down,layered approach to computer networking.

Unique among computernetworking texts, the 8th Edition, Global Edition, of thepopular Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach buildson the authors’ long tradition of teaching this complex subject through alayered approach in a “top-down manner.” The text works its way from theapplication layer down toward the physical layer, motivating students byexposing them to important concepts early in their study of networking.Focusing on the Internet and the fundamentally important issues of networking,this text provides an excellent foundation for students in computer science andelectrical engineering, without requiring extensive knowledge of programming ormathematics. The 8th Edition, Global Edition, has been updatedto reflect the most important and exciting recent advances in networking,including the importance of software-defined networking (SDN) and the rapidadoption of 4G/5G networks and the mobile applications they enable.

Jim Kurose is a DistinguishedUniversity Professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at theUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst, where he has been on the faculty sincereceiving his PhD in computer science from Columbia University. He received aBA in physics from Wesleyan University. He has held a number of visitingscientist positions in the US and abroad, including IBM Research, INRIA and theSorbonne University in France. He recently completed a five-year term asAssistant Director at the US National Science Foundation, where he led theDirectorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering in its missionis to uphold the nation's leadership in scientific discovery and engineeringinnovation. Jim is proud tohave mentored and taught an amazing group of students, and to have received anumber of awards for his research, teaching and service, including the IEEEInfocom Award, the ACM SIGCOMM Lifetime Achievement Award, the ACM Sigcomm Testof Time Award, and the IEEE Computer Society Taylor Booth Education Medal. Dr.Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Communications andof IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has served as Technical Programco-Chair for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Internet Measurement Conference, andACM SIGMETRICS. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interestsinclude network protocols and architecture, network measurement, multimediacommunication, and modeling and performance evaluation.   Keith Ross is the Dean ofEngineering and Computer Science at NYU Shanghai and the Leonard J. ShustekChair Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at NYU.Previously he was at University of Pennsylvania (13 years), Eurecom Institute(5 years) and NYU-Poly (10 years). He received a B.S.E.E from Tufts University,a M.S.E.E. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Computer and ControlEngineering from The University of Michigan. Keith Ross is also the co-founderand original CEO of Wimba, which develops online multimedia applications fore-learning and was acquired by Blackboard in 2010. Professor Ross’sresearch interests have been in modeling and measurement of computer networks,peer-to-peer systems, content distribution networks, social networks, andprivacy. He is currently working in deep reinforcement learning. He is an ACMFellow, an IEEE Fellow, recipient of the Infocom 2009 Best Paper Award, andrecipient of 2011 and 2008 Best Paper Awards for Multimedia Communications(awarded by IEEE Communications Society). He has served on numerous journaleditorial boards and conference program committees, including IEEE/ACMTransactions on Networking, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM CoNext, and ACM InternetMeasurement Conference. He also has served as an advisor to the Federal TradeCommission on P2P file sharing.

Chapter 1:Computer Networks and the Internet    

1.1    What Is the Internet?   

    1.1.1   A Nuts-and-Bolts Description   

    1.1.2   A Services Description   

    1.1.3   What Is a Protocol?   

1.2    The Network Edge    

    1.2.1   Access Networks    

    1.2.2   Physical Media    

1.3    The Network Core    

    1.3.1   Packet Switching    

    1.3.2   Circuit Switching    

    1.3.3   A Network of Networks    

1.4    Delay, Loss, and Throughput in Packet-SwitchedNetworks    

    1.4.1   Overview of Delay in Packet-Switched Networks    

    1.4.2   Queuing Delay and Packet Loss    

    1.4.3   End-to-End Delay    

    1.4.4   Throughput in Computer Networks    

1.5    Protocol Layers and Their ServiceModels    

    1.5.1   Layered Architecture    

    1.5.2   Encapsulation    

1.6    Networks Under Attack    

1.7    History of Computer Networking and theInternet    

    1.7.1   The Development of Packet Switching: 1961—1972    

    1.7.2   Proprietary Networks and Internetworking: 1972—1980    

    1.7.3   A Proliferation of Networks: 1980—1990    

    1.7.4   The Internet Explosion: The 1990s    

    1.7.5   The New Millennium    

1.8    Summary    

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Chapter 2:Application Layer    

2.1    Principles of Network Applications    

    2.1.1   Network Application Architectures    

    2.1.2   Processes Communicating    

    2.1.3   Transport Services Available to Applications    

    2.1.4   Transport Services Provided by the Internet    

    2.1.5   Application-Layer Protocols    

    2.1.6   Network Applications Covered in This Book    

2.2    The Web and HTTP     

    2.2.1   Overview of HTTP    

    2.2.2   Non-Persistent and Persistent Connections    

    2.2.3   HTTP Message Format    

    2.2.4   User-Server Interaction: Cookies    

    2.2.5   Web Caching    

    2.2.6   HTTP/2

2.3    Electronic Mail in the Internet    

    2.3.1   SMTP    

    2.3.2   Mail Message Formats    

    2.3.3   Mail Access Protocols    

2.4    DNS–The Internet’s Directory Service    

    2.4.1   Services Provided by DNS    

    2.4.2   Overview of How DNS Works    

    2.4.3   DNS Records and Messages    

2.5    Peer-to-Peer Applications    

    2.5.1   P2P File Distribution    

2.6    Video Streaming and Content DistributionNetworks    

    2.6.1   Internet Video    

    2.6.2   HTTP Streaming and DASH    

    2.6.3   Content Distribution Networks    

    2.6.4   Case Studies: Netflix and YouTube   

2.7    Socket Programming: Creating NetworkApplications     

    2.7.1   Socket Programming with UDP    

    2.7.2   Socket Programming with TCP    

2.8    Summary    

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SocketProgramming Assignments    

Wireshark Labs:HTTP, DNS     


Chapter 3:Transport Layer   

3.1    Introduction and Transport-LayerServices    

    3.1.1   Relationship Between Transport and Network Layers   

    3.1.2   Overview of the Transport Layer in the Internet   

3.2    Multiplexing and Demultiplexing   

3.3    Connectionless Transport: UDP   

    3.3.1   UDP Segment Structure   

    3.3.2   UDP Checksum   

3.4    Principles of Reliable Data Transfer   

    3.4.1   Building a Reliable Data Transfer Protocol   

    3.4.2   Pipelined Reliable Data Transfer Protocols   

    3.4.3   Go-Back-N (GBN)   

    3.4.4   Selective Repeat (SR)   

3.5    Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP   

    3.5.1   The TCP Connection   

    3.5.2   TCP Segment Structure   

    3.5.3   Round-Trip Time Estimation and Timeout   

    3.5.4   Reliable Data Transfer   

    3.5.5   Flow Control   

    3.5.6   TCP Connection Management   

3.6    Principles of Congestion Control   

    3.6.1   The Causes and the Costs of Congestion   

    3.6.2   Approaches to Congestion Control   

3.7    TCP Congestion Control   

    3.7.1   Classic TCP congestion Control

    3.7.2   Network-Assisted Explicit Congestion Notification and Delay-basedCongestion Control

    3.7.3   Fairness

3.8    Evolution of transport-layerfunctionality   

3.9    Summary   

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Wireshark Labs:Exploring TCP, UDP


Chapter 4: TheNetwork Layer: Data Plane   

4.1    Overview of Network Layer   

    4.1.1   Forwarding and Routing: The Network Data and Control Planes   

    4.1.2   Network Service Models   

4.2    What’s Inside a Router?   

    4.2.1   Input Port Processing and Destination-Based Forwarding   

    4.2.2   Switching   

    4.2.3   Output Port Processing

    4.2.4   Where Does Queuing Occur?   

    4.2.5   Packet Scheduling   

4.3    The Internet Protocol (IP): IPv4,Addressing, IPv6, and More   

    4.3.1   IPv4 Datagram Format   

    4.3.2   IPv4 Addressing   

    4.3.3   Network Address Translation (NAT)   

    4.3.4   IPv6   

4.4    Generalized Forwarding and SDN   

    4.4.1   Match   

    4.4.2   Action   

    4.4.3   OpenFlow Examples of Match-plus-action in Action   

4.5    Middleboxes   

4.6    Summary   

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Wireshark Lab:IP   


Chapter 5: TheNetwork Layer: Control Plane   

5.1    Introduction   

5.2    Routing Algorithms   

    5.2.1   The Link-State (LS) Routing Algorithm   

    5.2.2   The Distance-Vector (DV) Routing Algorithm   

5.3    Intra-AS Routing in the Internet: OSPF   

5.4    Routing Among the ISPs: BGP   

    5.4.1   The Role of BGP   

    5.4.2   Advertising BGP Route Information   

    5.4.3   Determining the Best Routes   

    5.4.4   IP-Anycast   

    5.4.5   Routing Policy   

    5.4.6   Putting the Pieces Together: Obtaining Internet Presence   

5.5    The SDN Control Plane   

    5.5.1   The SDN Control Plane: SDN Controller and SDN Control Applications   

    5.5.2   OpenFlow Protocol   

    5.5.3   Data and Control Plane Interaction: An Example   

    5.5.4   SDN: Past and Future   

5.6    ICMP: The Internet Control MessageProtocol   

5.7    Network Management, SNMP, andNETCONF/YANG   

    5.7.1   The Network Management Framework   

    5.7.2   The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)  

    5.7.3   NETCONF and YANG

5.8    Summary

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SocketProgramming Assignment   


Wireshark Lab:ICMP   


Chapter 6: TheLink Layer and LANs   

6.1    Introduction to the Link Layer   

    6.1.1   The Services Provided by the Link Layer   

    6.1.2   Where Is the Link Layer Implemented?    

6.2    Error-Detection and -CorrectionTechniques   

    6.2.1   Parity Checks   

    6.2.2   Checksumming Methods   

    6.2.3   Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)   

6.3    Multiple Access Links and Protocols   

    6.3.1   Channel Partitioning Protocols   

    6.3.2   Random Access Protocols   

    6.3.3   Taking-Turns Protocols   

    6.3.4   DOCSIS: The Link-Layer Protocol for Cable Internet Access   

6.4    Switched Local Area Networks   

    6.4.1   Link-Layer Addressing and ARP   

    6.4.2   Ethernet   

    6.4.3   Link-Layer Switches   

    6.4.4   Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)   

6.5    Link Virtualization: A Network as a LinkLayer   

    6.5.1   Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)   

6.6    Data Center Networking  

    6.6.1    Data Center Architectures

    6.6.2    Trends in Data Center Networking

6.7    Retrospective: A Day in the Life of a WebPage Request   

    6.7.1   Getting Started: DHCP, UDP, IP, and Ethernet   

    6.7.2   Still Getting Started: DNS and ARP   

    6.7.3   Still Getting Started: Intra-Domain Routing to the DNS Server   

    6.7.4   Web Client-Server Interaction: TCP and HTTP   

6.8    Summary   

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Wireshark Labs:Ethernet and Home Networking   


Chapter 7:Wireless and Mobile Networks   

7.1    Introduction   

7.2    Wireless Links and Network Characteristics   

    7.2.1   CDMA

7.3    Wireless LANs   

    7.3.1   The 802.11 Architecture   

    7.3.2   The 802.11 MAC Protocol   

    7.3.3   The IEEE 802.11 Frame   

    7.3.4   Mobility in the Same IP Subnet   

    7.3.5   Advanced Features in 802.11   

    7.3.6   Bluetooth

7.4    Cellular Networks: 4G and 5G   

    7.4.1   4G LTE Cellular Networks: Architecture and Elements

    7.4.2   LTE Protocol Stacks

    7.4.3   LTE Radio Access Network

    7.4.4   LTE Network Attachment and Power Management

    7.4.5   The Global Cellular Network: a Network of Networks

    7.4.6   5G Cellular Networks

7.5    Mobility Management: Principles   

    7.5.1   Device Mobility: a Network-layer Perspective

    7.5.2   Home Networks and Roaming on Visited Networks

    7.5.3   Direct and Indirect Routing to/from a Mobile Device 

7.6    Mobile Management in Practice

    7.6.1   Mobility Management in 4G/5G Networks

    7.6.2   Mobile IP 

7.7 Wireless and Mobility:Impact on Higher-Layer Protocols   

7.8    Summary   

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Wireshark Lab:802.11


Chapter 8:Security in Computer Networks   

8.1    What Is Network Security?   

8.2    Principles of Cryptography   

    8.2.1   Symmetric Key Cryptography   

    8.2.2   Public Key Encryption   

8.3    Message Integrity and DigitalSignatures   

    8.3.1   Cryptographic Hash Functions   

    8.3.2   Message Authentication Code   

    8.3.3   Digital Signatures   

8.4    End-Point Authentication   

    8.4.1   Building an Authentication Protocol    

8.5    Securing E-Mail   

    8.5.1   Secure E-Mail   

    8.5.2   PGP   

8.6    Securing TCP Connections: SSL   

    8.6.1   The Big Picture   

    8.6.2   A More Complete Picture   

8.7    Network-Layer Security: IPsec and VirtualPrivate Networks   

    8.7.1   IPsec and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)   

    8.7.2   The AH and ESP Protocols    

    8.7.3    Security Associations   

    8.7.4   The IPsec Datagram   

    8.7.5   IKE: Key Management in IPsec   

8.8    Securing Wireless LANs     and 4G/5G Cellular Networks

    8.8.1   Authentication and Key Agreement in 802.11 Wireless LANs

    8.8.2   Authentication and Key Agreementin 4G/5G Cellular Networks

8.9    Operational Security: Firewalls andIntrusion Detection Systems   

    8.9.1   Firewalls   

    8.9.2   Intrusion Detection Systems   

8.10    Summary   

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Wireshark Lab:SSL   

IPsec Lab

Erscheint lt. Verlag 30.3.2022
Verlagsort Harlow
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Netzwerke
ISBN-10 1-292-41998-9 / 1292419989
ISBN-13 978-1-292-41998-5 / 9781292419985
Zustand Neuware
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