Properties and Characterization of Modern Materials (eBook)
X, 452 Seiten
Springer Singapore (Verlag)
978-981-10-1602-8 (ISBN)
This book focuses on robust characterization and prediction methods for materials in technical applications as well as the materials' safety features during operation. In particular, it presents methods for reliably predicting material properties, an aspect that is becoming increasingly important as engineering materials are pushed closer and closer to their limits to boost the performance of machines and structures. To increase their engineering value, components are now designed under the consideration of their multiphysical properties and functions, which requires much more intensive investigation and characterization of these materials.
The materials covered in this monograph range from metal-based groups such as lightweight alloys, to advanced high-strength steels and modern titanium alloys. Furthermore, a wide range of polymers and composite materials (e.g. with micro- and nanoparticles or fibres) is covered. The book explores methods for property prediction from classical mechanical characterization-related fields of application, for example, from wear, creep, fatigue and crack growth, to specific surface properties, to dielectric and electrochemical values. As in all fields of modern engineering, the process is often accompanied by numerical simulation and optimization.
This book focuses on robust characterization and prediction methods for materials in technical applications as well as the materials' safety features during operation. In particular, it presents methods for reliably predicting material properties, an aspect that is becoming increasingly important as engineering materials are pushed closer and closer to their limits to boost the performance of machines and structures. To increase their engineering value, components are now designed under the consideration of their multiphysical properties and functions, which requires much more intensive investigation and characterization of these materials. The materials covered in this monograph range from metal-based groups such as lightweight alloys, to advanced high-strength steels and modern titanium alloys. Furthermore, a wide range of polymers and composite materials (e.g. with micro- and nanoparticles or fibres) is covered. The book explores methods for property prediction from classical mechanical characterization-related fields of application, for example, from wear, creep, fatigue and crack growth, to specific surface properties, to dielectric and electrochemical values. As in all fields of modern engineering, the process is often accompanied by numerical simulation and optimization.
Preface 6
Contents 8
1 Options for Nanoreinforced Cast Al–Si Alloys with TiO2 Nanoparticles 12
Abstract 12
1 Introduction 13
2 Experimental Work 14
2.1 Material Preparation 14
2.2 Mechanical Testing 16
2.3 Microstructure and SEM Analysis 16
2.4 Wear Test for the TiO2 Nanoreinforced Alloy 16
3 Results and Discussion 16
3.1 Mechanical Properties 16
3.1.1 Effect of Nanoparticles Addition 16
3.1.2 Effect of Stirring Speed 18
3.1.3 Effect of Casting Temperature 19
3.2 Microstructural Evolution 20
3.3 Wear Test Results 20
4 Conclusion 21
Acknowledgement 21
References 21
2 Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance of Semisolid Cast Al2O3 Nano Reinforced Hypo and Hyper-eutectic Al–Si Composites 24
Abstract 24
1 Introduction 25
2 Experimental Procedures 26
2.1 Materials Produced 26
2.2 Casting and Composite Manufacturing 27
2.2.1 Melting Furnace 27
2.3 Melting Methodology and Approach 27
2.4 Mechanical Properties 28
2.4.1 Tensile Test 28
2.4.2 Hardness Test 28
2.4.3 Wear Test 29
2.5 Material Characterization 29
2.5.1 Microstructural Study 29
2.5.2 Optical Microscopy (OM) 29
2.5.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 29
2.6 Statistical Analysis 30
3 Results 30
3.1 Mechanical Properties of the NMMC 30
3.2 Statistical Analysis 32
3.3 Microstructure Study 32
3.4 Results of Wear Test 36
4 Discussions 37
5 Conclusion 39
Acknowledgement 40
References 40
3 Simulation of a Crack Emanating from a Microvoid in Cement of a Reconstructed Acetabulum 42
Abstract 42
1 Introduction 43
2 Materials and Methods 44
3 Results 45
3.1 Crack Emanating from the Microvoid 46
3.2 Interaction Effect 46
3.3 The Orientation Effect 46
3.3.1 Mobile Crack (CB) Oriented-Microvoid Interaction 46
3.3.2 Mobile Crack Oriented-Fixed Crack Interaction 49
3.3.3 Mobile Crack—Mobile Crack Interaction 51
4 Conclusion 52
References 53
4 Analysis of the Optical Properties of PVP/ZnO Composite Nanofibers 54
Abstract 54
1 Introduction 55
2 Materials and Methods 56
3 Results 56
3.1 Morphology Analysis 56
3.2 UV-Vis Spectra Analysis 57
4 Conclusion 58
Acknowledgments 59
References 59
5 Multiobjective Optimization of Dielectric Material’s Selection in Marine Environment 61
Abstract 61
1 Introduction 61
2 Literature Overview 62
3 Theoretical Approach 63
3.1 Frequency Dependence 64
3.2 Moisture Dependence 65
3.3 Temperature Dependence 66
4 Proposed Solution 69
5 Conclusions 71
References 71
6 Metallurgical Quality Assessment of Modified Zn–Al–Cu Alloys 73
Abstract 73
1 Introduction 74
2 Materials and Experimental Procedure 75
3 Results and Discussion 76
4 Conclusion 82
References 83
7 Fatigue Test of the Inconel Alloy 718 Under Three Point Bending Load at Low Frequency 84
Abstract 84
1 Introduction 85
2 Experimental Materials and Methods 87
3 Results and Discussion 88
4 Conclusions 91
Acknowledgments 91
References 92
8 Development of a Finite Element Program for Determining Mat Pressure in the Canning Process of a Catalytic Converter 94
Abstract 94
1 Introduction 95
2 Finite Element Analysis 96
2.1 Geometry of the Substrate Outer Surface 96
2.2 Finite Element Modeling of the Substrate, Mat and Can 97
2.3 Finite Element Procedures 98
2.4 Comparison with ABAQUS Solution 103
3 Conclusions 106
References 107
9 Evolution of Droplet Impact on Dry Surfaces with Different Surface Characteristics 108
Abstract 108
1 Introduction 109
2 Experimental System and Techniques 110
2.1 Material 110
2.2 Image Acquisition System 111
2.3 Drop Size and Impact Velocity Measurements 111
2.4 Dynamic Contact Angle Measurements 112
3 Results and Discussions 112
3.1 Water Droplet Impinging onto Glass Surface 112
3.2 Water Droplet Impinging onto Silicon Wafer 115
3.3 Water Droplet Impinging onto DVD Disk 117
3.4 Spreading Speeds 118
3.5 Receding Speed 119
4 Conclusions 120
Acknowledgements 121
10 Numerical Optimization in Ropeway Planning 122
Abstract 122
1 Introduction 123
2 Approximate Cable Curve and Cable Car Trajectory 124
3 Setup of the Optimization Strategy 127
3.1 Cost Functional 127
3.2 Constraints 128
4 Numerical Examples 129
4.1 Case Study: Linear Profile 129
4.2 Realistic Situation 131
5 Summary and Outlook 132
Acknowledgments 132
References 132
11 The Finite Volume Diffusion Method on Nonmatched Polygonal Meshes Suited for the Lagrangian Slide Lines Calculation 134
Abstract 134
1 Introduction 134
2 Basic Equations 135
3 Construction of Diffusion Scheme on Nonmatched Polygonal Meshes 136
4 Numerical Tests 138
4.1 Linear Diffusion Problem 139
4.2 Nonlinear Diffusion Problem 140
5 Conclusion 142
Acknowledgment 142
References 142
12 Effect of Defects and Electric Field on Stress-Induced Motion of 90° Domain Wall in PbTiO3: A Molecular Dynamics Study 143
Abstract 143
1 Introduction 144
2 Simulation Method 144
3 Motion of Domain Wall with Oxygen Vacancies 146
4 Shear-Induced Domain Wall Motion Under Electric Field 148
5 Conclusion 150
References 151
13 Ce,Tb-Doped Y2SiO5 Phosphor Luminescence Emissions Modeling and Simulation 152
Abstract 152
1 Introduction 153
2 Experimental 153
2.1 Synthesis of Cerium and Terbium Activated Yttrium Silicate, YSO:Ce,Tb 154
2.2 Characterization 154
3 Proposal Model 154
4 Results and Discussion 157
4.1 Emission Spectra and Crystalline Structure 157
4.2 An Agent-Based Platform for Data Analysis 160
5 Conclusions 162
Acknowledgments 162
References 162
14 Extended Characterization of the Hardening and Failure Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steels at Dynamic Compression Load 164
Abstract 164
1 Introduction 165
1.1 Introduction 165
1.2 Formulation of the Problem 165
1.3 State of the Art—Cam Driven Compression Test Rigs 166
2 Test Rig Development 166
2.1 Requirement-Made Assumptions 166
2.2 Main Concept 167
2.3 Displacement Function 167
2.4 Design and Functional Principle 168
2.5 Measurement Equipment 169
2.6 Performance Data 170
3 First Test Result 170
4 Conclusion 172
4.1 Hydro Mechanical Cam Shaft Test Rig 172
4.2 Test Result 172
Acknowledgments 173
References 173
15 High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Plasma-Nitrided Inconel 625 Superalloy 174
Abstract 174
1 Introduction 175
2 Experimental Procedure 176
3 Results and Discussion 176
4 Conclusions 183
References 183
16 Thermal Properties of Sandwiches for Applications in Transportation 185
Abstract 185
1 Introduction 186
2 Experimental Part 187
3 Conclusions 189
References 189
17 Evaluation of Creep Resistance and Superficial Study of Titanium Alloy Treated by PIII-N 191
Abstract 191
1 Introduction 192
2 Material and Methods 193
3 Results and Discussion 194
4 Conclusions 200
Acknowledgments 200
References 201
18 Properties of WE43 Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with SiC Particles 202
Abstract 202
1 Introduction 203
2 Research Material and Methodology 203
3 Research Results 204
3.1 Composite Microstructure in the as Cast Condition 204
3.2 Composite Microstructure After the Heat Treatment 206
3.3 Mechanical Properties of the Composites in Ambient Temperature 206
3.4 Creep Resistance of the Composites 210
4 Discussion 215
5 Conclusions 217
Acknowledgments 218
References 218
19 Primary Dendrite ARM Spacing Effects upon Mechanical Properties of an AL–3Wt%CU–1Wt%LI Alloy 220
Abstract 220
1 Introduction 221
2 Materials and Methods 222
3 Results and Discussion 225
4 Conclusions 232
References 234
20 The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Mg-7Sn-1Si Magnesium Alloy 235
Abstract 235
1 Introduction 235
2 Experimental Procedure 236
3 Results and Discussion 237
3.1 Microstructure of as-Cast Mg-7Sn-1Si Alloy 237
3.2 Microstructure of Solution-Treated Mg-7Sn-1Si Alloy 239
3.3 Microstructure of Aged-Treated Mg-7Sn-1Si Alloy 241
3.4 Mechanical Properties of Mg-7Sn-1Si Alloy 244
4 Discussion 245
5 Conclusions 247
Acknowledgments 247
References 247
21 Volume Changes of Cement Composite Based on Steel Slag During Thermal Load 249
Abstract 249
1 Introduction 250
2 Materials and Methods 251
2.1 Concrete Composite Components 251
2.2 Methods 253
2.2.1 Determination of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Composites 253
2.2.2 Thermal Load 253
2.2.3 Determination of Volume Changes 254
3 Measurement Results and Discussion 255
3.1 Steel Slag 255
3.2 Preparation of Concrete Mixture from Steel Slag 256
3.3 Determination of Strength Characteristics 257
3.4 Determination of the Volume Changes of Bodies 259
4 Conclusion 261
Acknowledgments 262
References 262
22 Magnetic Alloys Design Using Multi-objective Optimization 264
Abstract 264
1 Introduction 265
2 Background 267
2.1 Alnico Magnets 268
3 Current Research 270
4 Results 272
5 Sensitivity Analysis 276
5.1 Single Variable Response (SVR) 276
5.2 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) 277
5.3 Thermodynamic Analysis 283
6 Discussions 284
7 Conclusions 285
8 Future Work 285
Acknowledgements 286
References 286
23 Basic Evaluation Technology Development of Battery Installation Safety for Electric Vehicles 288
Abstract 288
1 Background and Purpose of Study Aim 289
2 Benchmarking and Simulation Procedure 289
3 Results and Discussion 290
4 Conclusions 297
Acknowledgments 298
References 298
24 Study of the Electrochemical Properties of 316LVM Steel with TiO2 Layer Deposited by Means of the ALD Method 299
Abstract 299
1 Introduction 300
2 Materials and Methods 301
2.1 Potentiodynamic Tests 301
2.2 EIS Study 302
2.3 SEM Study 302
3 Results 302
3.1 Potentiodynamic Tests Results 302
3.2 EIS Results 305
3.3 SEM Results 307
4 Discussion 307
Acknowledgments 309
References 309
25 Design and Development of a Simplified Wear Simulator for Total Knee Replacement (TKR) Based on Pin-Disc Machine 311
Abstract 311
1 Introduction 312
2 Simplified Wear Simulator 313
2.1 Operation Principle 313
3 Materials and Methods 314
4 Results 316
5 Conclusions 316
Acknowledgment 316
References 316
26 Elaboration and Modeling of Water Molecule Sensitive Layers Deposited from Hexamethyldisiloxane 317
Abstract 317
1 Introduction 318
2 Experimental 318
2.1 Sensing Material Fabrication 318
2.2 Sensor Test 319
3 Results 319
3.1 Electrical Sensing Properties 319
4 Modeling 322
4.1 Moisture Diffusion Modeling in HMDSO Films 322
4.2 Time Comparison 322
5 Conclusions 325
References 325
27 Synthesis and Characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 Absorber Layers by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis 327
Abstract 327
1 Introduction 327
2 Experimental Procedure 328
3 Results and Discussion 328
3.1 Structural Properties 328
3.2 Optical Properties 329
3.3 Morphological and Composition 331
3.4 Electrical Proprieties 332
4 Conclusion 332
References 333
28 Fault Tolerance Methodology for Micro-volume Deposit System 334
Abstract 334
1 Introduction 334
2 Materials and Methods 335
2.1 Fault Tolerance Background 337
3 Fault Tolerance Implementation 339
3.1 Quasi Fault Tolerance Implementation 339
3.2 Sensor Fault Tolerance Implementation 340
4 Results and Discussion 343
5 Conclusions 344
Acknowledgments 345
References 345
29 Electromagnetic Compatibility Aspects of Wind Turbine Analysis and Design 346
Abstract 346
1 Introduction 346
2 Formulation 349
2.1 Integral Equation Formulation for Multiple Overhead Wires 351
2.2 Numerical Solution of Integral Equation Set for Overhead Wires 353
2.3 Computational Example: Transient Response of a WT Lightning Strike 355
2.4 Integral Equation Formulation for Complex Grounding Systems 359
2.5 Numerical Solution of the Integral Equation Set for Buried Wires 361
2.6 Computational Example: Transient Behaviour of a WT Grounding System 362
3 Closure 367
References 368
30 Customization and Numerical Simulation of a Cranial Distractor Using Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) 371
Abstract 371
1 Introduction 372
1.1 Generalities 372
1.2 Current State of the Osteogenic Distraction 372
1.3 Considerations of the Osteogenic Distraction System 375
1.4 Cases of Use of the Distraction 376
1.5 Distraction Vectors 377
1.6 Age of the Patient for the Use of Distracting 379
1.7 Anthropometry Mexican Phenotype 379
2 Statement of the Problem 384
3 Materials and Methods 385
4 Numerical Testings and Discussion of the Results 391
5 Conclusions 397
Grants 397
References 397
31 Prediction of In-Service NBR Properties by TG-IR After Storage in Mineral Oil 399
Abstract 399
1 Introduction 399
2 Experimental 400
3 Results and Discussion 401
3.1 Macroscopic Examination of Materials 401
3.2 Instrumental Analysis of Materials 403
3.3 Differentiation of Evolved Components by TG-IR 405
3.4 Correlation of NBR Composition and Mechanical Properties 406
4 Conclusion 410
Acknowledgments 410
References 410
32 Structural Integrity Analysis of a BWR Core Shroud with an Irregular Distribution of Cracks: Limit Load Analysis 412
Abstract 412
1 Introduction 413
2 Statement of the Problem 414
3 Available Methodologies for the Solution 417
4 Theoretical Basis of the Limit Analysis 419
5 Methodology Proposed in this Paper 421
6 Numerical Analysis Considering Aging Effects 422
7 Results 424
8 Discussion of the Results and Advantages of the Proposed Methodology 424
9 Conclusions 424
Acknowledgments 425
References 425
33 Numerical Evaluation of the Structural Integrity Exhibited by a TiO2 Thin Solid Film Doped with Au 427
Abstract 427
1 Introduction 428
2 Theoretical Concepts 428
3 Methodology 430
4 Results 433
5 Conclusions 437
Acknowledgmentss 437
References 437
34 State of the Art Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) Materials and TBC Failure Mechanisms 439
Abstract 439
1 Introduction to TBCs 439
2 Failure Mechanisms in TBCs 441
2.1 Oxidation 441
2.2 Hot Corrosion 442
2.3 Thermal Shock 442
2.4 Thermo-Mechanical Failure 443
2.5 CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (CMAS) Effect 443
2.6 Erosion Failure 444
3 New Material Types in TBCs 444
4 Summary and Outlook 446
Acknowledgments 447
References 447
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 30.7.2016 |
Reihe/Serie | Advanced Structured Materials | Advanced Structured Materials |
Zusatzinfo | X, 452 p. 339 illus., 222 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Singapore |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Statistik |
Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Wahrscheinlichkeit / Kombinatorik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | Electrochemical properties • fibre composite materials • high-strength steels • lightweight alloys • micro- and nanoparticles • modern titanium alloys • multiphysical properties |
ISBN-10 | 981-10-1602-X / 981101602X |
ISBN-13 | 978-981-10-1602-8 / 9789811016028 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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