Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3 (eBook)
IX, 316 Seiten
Springer International Publishing (Verlag)
978-3-319-22446-6 (ISBN)
Advanced optical interferometry
Developments in Image correlation (Digital &Volumetric )
Full Field Methods
Novel Optical Methods for Stress/Strain Analysis
Advances in Optical Methods
Preface 6
Contents 8
1 Comprehensive Approach to Deformation Dynamics 11
1.1 Introduction 11
1.2 Theoretical 11
1.2.1 Elastic Regime 13
1.2.2 Plastic Regime 14
1.2.3 Elasto-Plastic Regime 15
1.2.4 Fracturing Regime 17
1.3 Conclusions 18
References 18
2 In Situ Modal Analysis of Gears 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Method to Determine the Gears Oval Resonant Modes 20
2.3 Optical Method Utilized to Get the Strains in the Region of Interest 22
2.4 Procedure to Carry on the Measurements 24
2.5 Basic Properties and Parameters of the Illumination and the Observation System 25
2.6 Data Gathering and Data Processing Procedures 25
2.7 Discussion and Conclusions 27
References 28
3 High-Speed Stereomicroscope Digital Image Correlationof Rupture Disc Behavior 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Experiment 29
3.3 Stereomicroscope DIC 31
3.4 Data for Disc with Complete Rupture 33
3.5 Conclusions 35
References 36
4 An Experimental-Numerical Hybrid Approach to Analysis of Fiber-Matrix Interfacial Stresses 37
4.1 Introduction 37
4.2 Photoelastic Measurement 38
4.2.1 Phase-Stepping Method 38
4.2.2 Phase-Unwrapping 39
4.2.3 Hybrid Method for Stress Separation in Photoelasticity 40
4.2.4 Materials Preparation and Experimental Procedure 41
4.2.5 Matrix Stress Field from Photoelastic Analysis and Hybrid Method 42
4.3 Results and Discussion 43
4.3.1 Photoelastic Analysis 43
4.3.2 Stress and Strain Distribution Obtained by Hybrid Method 44
4.4 Conclusions 45
References 45
5 Stochastic Progressive Damage Process in Thick Composites: DIC-Based ExperimentalCharacterization 46
5.1 Introduction 46
5.2 Approach 47
5.3 Demonstration Case 49
5.4 Representative Test Results 49
5.5 Strain “Footprints” 52
5.6 Conclusions 53
References 54
6 DIC Strain Analysis of FRP/Concrete Bond After Sustained Loading 55
6.1 Introduction 55
6.2 Literature 55
6.3 Objective 56
6.4 Experiments 56
6.5 Results 59
6.6 Conclusions and Suggestions 63
References 64
7 Damage Detection in CFRP Components Using DIC 65
7.1 Introduction 65
7.2 Methods 65
7.3 Results 66
7.4 Discussion 68
References 69
8 Experimental Quantification of Bend-Twist Coupling in Composite Shafts 71
8.1 Introduction 71
8.2 Manufacturing 72
8.3 Testing 73
8.4 Digital Image Correlation 74
8.5 Closed-Form 75
8.6 Results 75
8.7 Conclusion 77
References 78
9 Evolution of Speckle Photography: From Macro to Nano and from 2D to 3D 79
9.1 Introduction 79
9.2 Laser Speckle Photography 79
9.3 White Light Speckle Photography 80
9.4 Electron Speckle Photography 80
9.5 2D and 3D Digital Speckle Photography 81
9.6 Application of DVSP to Rock 81
9.7 Application of DVSP to Composites 82
9.8 Conclusion and Discussion 83
References 85
10 A Nonlocal Strain Measure for DIC 86
10.1 Introduction 86
10.2 Comparisons Among Existing Methods 87
10.2.1 Savitzky-Golay Filtering 87
10.2.2 Digital Signal Processing 88
10.3 Conclusions 88
References 90
11 Highly Accurate 3D Shape and Deformation Measurements Using Fluorescent Stereo Microscopy 91
11.1 Introduction 91
11.2 Principles of High Accurate Fluorescent Stereo Microscopy 92
11.2.1 Universal Mapping Function for Spatial Distortion Correction 92
11.2.2 Principles of Stereo-Based DIC 93
11.2.3 Validation Experiment 95
11.3 Measurements During the Growth of a Biofilm 95
11.4 Conclusions 96
References 98
12 Displacement Measurement by DIC Method with Cameras of Different Formats 100
12.1 Introduction 100
12.2 Digital Image Correlation Method 101
12.3 Experimental Setup 101
12.4 Results and Discussions 102
12.4.1 System Calibration 102
12.4.2 Displacement Measurement Results 103
12.4.3 Introduced Pseudo-strain 104
12.5 Conclusions 106
References 106
13 Evaluating Thermal Stresses and Strains from Measured Displacements Using an Experimental-Numerical Hybrid Method 107
13.1 Introduction 107
13.2 An Experimental-Numerical Hybrid Method for Thermal Strain Analysis 108
13.3 Experimental Verification of the Proposed Method 110
13.4 Conclusions 113
References 113
14 Stress Analysis of a Perforated Asymmetrical Vehicle Cooling Module Structure from Unidirectional DIC Displacement Information 115
14.1 Introduction 115
14.2 DIC Experiment 116
14.3 Analytical Expression of the Displacement 116
14.4 Hybrid Formulation and Results 118
14.5 Conclusion 120
Appendix 120
References 120
15 Thermo-mechanical Properties of Metals at Elevated Temperatures 121
15.1 Introduction 121
15.2 Material and Specimen Geometry 122
15.3 Experimental Setup 122
15.4 Results and Discussion 124
15.5 Summary 125
References 126
16 Correlation of Microscale Deformations to Macroscopic Mechanical Behavior Using Incremental Digital Volume Correlation of In-Situ Tomography 128
16.1 Introduction 128
16.2 Incremental Digital Volume Correlation 129
16.3 Applications 131
16.3.1 PMI Foam Compression 131 Experiment 131 Incremental DVC Analysis 132
16.3.2 PBS Compression 134 Experiments 134 3D Image Processing and DVC Analysis 135
16.3.3 Mason Sand Compression 136 Experiments 136 Incremental DVC Analysis 136 Force Chain Characterization 137
16.4 Conclusions 138
References 138
17 Sparse Spherical Marker Tracking in Volumetric Images: Assessment of Local Measurement Errors 141
17.1 Introduction 141
17.2 Marker Tracking Methodology 142
17.3 Simulations 143
17.4 Results 143
17.5 Discussion 144
17.6 Conclusions 144
References 144
18 Flapping Wing Deformation Measurement in Hover Flight Conditions 145
18.1 Introduction 145
18.2 Setup and Procedure 146
18.2.1 Composite Wings 146
18.2.2 Aerodynamic Force Measurement 147
18.2.3 Digital Image Correlation Measurement 148
18.2.4 Post-processing 148
18.3 Results/Discussion 149
18.3.1 Tip Deflection 149
18.3.2 Wing Twist 150
18.4 Conclusion 150
References 151
19 Characterization of Cover-Plate Bolted Steel Joints with Full-Field Measurements 152
19.1 Introduction 152
19.2 Experimental Set-Up and Specimens 153
19.2.1 Specimens and Loading Conditions 153
19.2.2 Instrumentation 153
19.3 Results and Discussion 154
19.3.1 Global Behavior 154
19.3.2 Displacement and Strain Maps 155
19.4 Numerical Simulations 155
19.5 Conclusion 156
References 157
20 Connecting Rod FEA Validation Using Digital Image Correlation 158
20.1 Introduction 158
20.2 Materials and Methods 159
20.2.1 Analytical 159
20.2.2 Experimental 160
20.3 Results and Discussion 161
20.4 Conclusions 162
References 163
21 Comparison of Subset-Based Local and Finite Element-Based Global Digital Image Correlation 164
21.1 Introduction 164
21.2 Algorithm Details of Subset-Based Local and FE-Based Global DIC 165
21.3 Error Analysis of Subset-Based Local and FE-Based Global DIC 166
21.3.1 Subset-Based Local DIC 166
21.3.2 Global Q4-DIC 166
21.3.3 Global Q8-DIC 168
21.4 Experimental Comparison of Subset-Based Local and FE-Based Global DIC 168
21.4.1 Numerical Experiments 168
21.4.2 Comparison of Local and Global DIC Using Image Sets at Various Noise Levels 169
21.4.3 Comparison of Local and Global DIC Using Various Subset Size and Element Size 170
21.4.4 Comparison of Computational Efficiency of Local and Global DIC 171
21.5 Experimental Comparison by Real Experiments 172
21.6 Concluding Remarks 173
References 174
22 A Meshless Global DIC Approach 175
22.1 Introduction 175
22.2 A Meshless Global-DIC Formulation 176
22.3 Some Practical Remarks 178
22.4 Preliminary Tests and Conclusions 179
References 180
23 Out-of-Plane Motion Evaluation and Correction in 2D DIC 181
23.1 Introduction 181
23.2 Influence and Solutions to the Out-of-Plane Motions 182
23.3 Correction Method 182
23.4 Numerical Analysis 183
23.5 Experimental Analysis 185
23.6 Conclusions 186
References 187
24 A Realistic Error Budget for Two Dimension Digital Image Correlation 188
24.1 Introduction 188
24.2 Type A Versus Type B Uncertainty 188
24.2.1 Type A Uncertainty Assessment 188
24.2.2 Type B Uncertainty Assessment 189
24.2.3 On the Use of Synthetic Images 189
24.3 Error Budget Overview 189
24.3.1 Noise Floor and Extended Noise Floor Measurements (Lens Distortions) 190
24.3.2 DIC Parameter Studies 190
24.3.3 Synthetic and Experimental Studies 190
24.4 Uncertainty Assessments 191
24.4.1 Camera Motion 191
24.5 Conclusions 192
References 192
25 Accuracy Comparison of Fringe Projection Technique and 3D Digital Image Correlation Technique 193
25.1 Introduction 193
25.2 Basic Principle 194
25.2.1 Fringe Projection Profilometry 194
25.2.2 Digital Image Correlation 195
25.3 System Calibration 195
25.3.1 Camera Calibration 195
25.3.2 FPP-Based System Calibration 196
25.4 Determination of Full Cartesian Coordinates 196
25.4.1 Fringe Projection Profilometry 196
25.4.2 Digital Image Correlation 197
25.5 Experiments 197
25.6 Conclusion 198
References 199
26 Continuous Development of 3D DIC by Using Multi Camera Approach 200
26.1 Introduction 200
26.2 DIC Using the Cluster Approach 200
26.3 Component Testing Using Multi-cameras DIC System 201
26.3.1 Cylindrical Samples 202
26.3.2 Transverse Links 202
26.4 Double Side Configuration for Multi-cameras DIC in Tensile Testing 204
26.5 Conclusion 206
References 206
27 On Noise Prediction in Maps Obtained With Global DIC 207
27.1 Introduction 207
27.2 Predictive Formula for the Displacement and Strain Resolutions Accounting for the Sub-Pixel Interpolation 208
27.3 Validation of the Predictive Formulas with Synthetic Data 208
27.4 Validating the Predictive Formulas with Experimental Data 210
27.5 Conclusion 211
References 212
28 Full-Field 3D Deformation Measurement of Thin Metal Plates Subjected to Underwater Shock Loading 213
28.1 Introduction 213
28.2 Experimental Details 214
28.3 Results and Discussion 216
28.3.1 DIC Results of Fully Clamped Plate 216
28.3.2 Recovering and Discussion 218
28.4 Conclusions 218
References 219
29 A Multi-camera Stereo DIC System for Extracting Operating Mode Shapes of Large Scale Structures 220
Nomenclature 220
29.1 Introduction 221
29.1.1 Prior Work Related to Photogrammetry 221
29.1.2 Prior Work Related to Stitching 222
29.2 Theory 223
29.2.1 Calibration Procedure for Multi-camera 3D Point Tracking 223
29.2.2 Output-Only Frequency Domain Model 226
29.2.3 Correlation Tools 227
29.3 Test Setup 227
29.4 Multi-camera Test: Impact Testing 228
29.4.1 Validation of the Proposed Multi-camera 3DPT Method 228
29.4.2 Operational Modal Analysis Test 229
29.5 Conclusions 231
References 232
30 Metrology of Contours by the Virtual Image Correlation Technique 234
30.1 Introduction 234
30.2 Theory 235
30.3 Boundary Measurement Examples 237
30.4 Mechanical Applications 238
30.5 Conclusions 241
References 241
31 Uncertainties of Digital Image Correlation Due to Pattern Degradation at Large Strain 242
31.1 Introduction 242
31.2 Equal-Biaxial Straining 243
31.3 Digital Image Correlation 243
31.3.1 DIC Setup 243
31.3.2 DIC Measurements 243
31.4 Displacement Uncertainty Measurement 244
31.5 Pattern Assessment Metrics 245
31.5.1 Global Metrics 245
31.5.2 Local Metrics 246
31.6 Results 246
31.7 Conclusions 247
References 247
32 Optimization Analysis of Large-Area Full-Field Thickness Measurement Interferometry in Thin Glass Plates 249
32.1 Introduction 249
32.2 Optimization Analysis of Measurement System 250
32.2.1 Principle of AII [12] 250
32.2.2 Optimization of AII Parameters 252
32.3 Experimental Setup 254
32.4 Experimental Results and Discussions 254
32.5 Conclusions 256
References 257
33 A New Approach to Calibration of Polycarbonate Material for Photoplastic Studies 258
33.1 Introduction 258
33.2 Experimental Setup 259
33.2.1 Dog Bone Specimen 259
33.2.2 Reflection Photoelasticity 259
33.2.3 Digital Image Correlation 260
33.3 Evaluation of Photoplastic Constant 260
33.4 Conclusion 260
References 262
34 Revealing Dynamic Banding During High Temperature Deformation of Lightweight Materials Using Digital Image Correlation 263
34.1 Introduction 263
34.2 Experiments 264
34.3 Experimental Results and Discussion 264
34.3.1 Error in DIC Measurements Introduced by the Environmental Chamber 264
34.3.2 Dynamic Banding Analysis 265 QP980 266 22MnB5 267 AA5182 267
34.4 Conclusions 269
References 270
35 Strains in Shallow and Deep Notches Using Two DIC Algorithms 272
35.1 Introduction 272
35.2 Fundamentals of DIC Technique 273
35.3 Fundamentals of Proposed SIFT-Meshless Method 274
35.3.1 Displacement Measurements Using SIFT 274
35.3.2 Meshless Formulation 274 Influence Domain 275 MLS Approximation 276 Variable Domain of Influence 278
35.4 Experimental Procedure 278
35.4.1 Data Acquisition 278
35.4.2 Specimen Preparation 279
35.5 Strain Concentration Under Elastic Conditions in a Tensile Test 279
35.5.1 Experimental Conditions 279
35.5.2 Results 280
35.6 Strain Concentration Under Elastic-Plastic Conditions in a Bending Test 281
35.6.1 Experimental Conditions 281
35.6.2 Results 281
35.7 Strain Concentration Under Elastic-Plastic Conditions in a Tensile Test 282
35.7.1 Experimental Conditions 282
35.7.2 Results 283
35.8 Conclusion 284
References 285
36 Towards the Development of a Global Cn-Continuous DIC Procedure? 286
36.1 Introduction 286
36.2 Global DIC 286
36.3 C0 Shape Functions 287
36.4 C1 Shape Functions 288
36.5 Comparison 290
36.6 Conclusion 291
References 292
37 Extraction of Linear Anisotropic Parameters with Scattering Property by Mueller Optical Coherence Tomography for Stress Analysis 293
37.1 Introduction 293
37.2 Principle of OCT 294
37.3 Simulation Results 296
37.4 Conclusions and Discussions 297
References 297
38 Field Strain Measurement on the Fiber-Epoxy Scale in CFRPs 299
38.1 Introduction 299
38.2 Subset and Global Correlation 300
38.3 Specimen Preparation 301
38.4 SEM Imaging Distortion 301
38.5 Numerical Examples 302
38.5.1 Drift Correction 303
38.5.2 Spatial Correction 303
38.5.3 Global DIC Implementation 304
38.6 Conclusion 305
References 306
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 17.11.2015 |
Reihe/Serie | Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series | Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series |
Zusatzinfo | IX, 316 p. 287 illus., 230 illus. in color. |
Verlagsort | Cham |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Statistik |
Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Wahrscheinlichkeit / Kombinatorik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | DiC • digital image correlation • Novel Optical Methods for Stress/Strain Analysis • Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics • Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Meeting Proceedings |
ISBN-10 | 3-319-22446-8 / 3319224468 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-319-22446-6 / 9783319224466 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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