Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems (eBook)
XXX, 766 Seiten
Springer Berlin (Verlag)
978-3-642-25658-5 (ISBN)
The proceedings will be beneficial for both researchers and practitioners who want to utilize intelligent methods in their specific research fields.
Dr. Yinglin Wang is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Dr. Tianrui Li is a professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
Yinglin Wang is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received a PhD in 1998 from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His major research interests lie in the areas of knowledge engineering, software engineering, intelligent information processing and service computing. He has supervised 16 government funded research projects and industrial projects in knowledge management and information systems. He has taught courses of data mining, machine learning, data structure and programming methodologies for many years. He has published over 80 research papers in journals and conference proceedings, published 1 book, and edited 2 international conference proceedings. He has chaired serveral the international conferences and workshops, such as PIC 2010, ICIS 2010, ICIS 2009, and NPC 2008 Workshop, etc.
Tianrui Li is a professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University. He got his PhD in 2001 from Computer and Communication Engineering School, Southwest Jiaotong University. He worked in the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre as a Post doctorate researcher in 2005. His research fields includes intelligent information processing, data mining, mathematical modeling, could computing etc. He has taught courses of data mining, computing intelligence, discrete mathematics, and mathematical modeling for several years. He has published 90 research papers in journals and conference proceedings, edited 2 books, and 3 special issues of international journals.
Yinglin Wang is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He received a PhD in 1998 from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His major research interests lie in the areas of knowledge engineering, software engineering, intelligent information processing and service computing. He has supervised 16 government funded research projects and industrial projects in knowledge management and information systems. He has taught courses of data mining, machine learning, data structure and programming methodologies for many years. He has published over 80 research papers in journals and conference proceedings, published 1 book, and edited 2 international conference proceedings. He has chaired serveral the international conferences and workshops, such as PIC 2010, ICIS 2010, ICIS 2009, and NPC 2008 Workshop, etc. Tianrui Li is a professor at the School of Information Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University. He got his PhD in 2001 from Computer and Communication Engineering School, Southwest Jiaotong University. He worked in the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre as a Post doctorate researcher in 2005. His research fields includes intelligent information processing, data mining, mathematical modeling, could computing etc. He has taught courses of data mining, computing intelligence, discrete mathematics, and mathematical modeling for several years. He has published 90 research papers in journals and conference proceedings, edited 2 books, and 3 special issues of international journals.
Preface 5
Organizing Committee 8
Contents 13
Invited Talks 13
User-Centric Models of Temporal and Spatiotemporal
Intelligent Social Network Modeling 22
What Is Your Software Worth? 23
Personalized Recommender Systems for e-Government
Part I:
Defense and Compensation Status and Insurance
Introduction 27
Data Sources and Research Methods 28
Data Sources 28
Research Methods 28
Major Natural Disasters in Hebei Province of Defense
Urban and Rural Residents in Hebei Province Major Natural
Urban and Rural Residents in Hebei Province of Major Natural Disaster's
Urban and Rural Residents in Hebei Province Major Natural Disaster
Countermeasures 34
References 36
Design and Analysis of Credit Network over DHT
Introduction 37
Credit and Credit Network 38
System Model 38
The Process of Join 38
Credit Update 39
Route Algorithm in CN 39
Incentvie Compatibility of Credit Game 40
Simulations 41
Summary 42
References 42
Research and Realization on the Community Health Care
Introduction 43
Overall Design and Hardware Implementation of Wireless
System Framework 44
Hardware Implementation of Wireless Sensor Node 44
Parts Design 44
Topology of the Health Care System 44
Analysis and Implementation of Routing Protocol 45
Overall Implementation of Wireless Sensor Nodes Program 45
Design of PC 46
Test and Analysis 46
Transmission Distance Test 46
Wireless Multi-hop Test 46
Conclusion 47
References 47
A Novel Multi-Strategy Routing for UWB Ad Hoc
Introduction 48
Routing Algorithm 49
Network Position Map 49
Influence Factor 49
Routing Algorithm 50
Routing Strategies 50
Numerical Simulations 51
Conclusion 53
References 53
Probability Based Timed Compatibility of Web
Introduction 54
Preliminary Formalism 55
Timed Service Model Based on Normal Distribution 55
Temporal Constraints and Their Probability Based Consistency 56
Probability Based Timed Compatibility and Its Checking 57
Probability Based Timed Compatibility 57
Checking of Probability Based Timed Compatibility 58
Case Study 58
Case Specification 58
Analysis of Case 60
Conclusion 61
References 62
Designing an Adaptation Management
Introduction 63
Context Aware Mobile Payment 65
Adaptation Management Frameworks for Mobile Payment
Fourth Layer 67
Fifth Layer 69
Evaluation 69
Conclusion 70
References 71
Research of Source Mobility of Source Specific Multicast 74
Introduction 74
An Overview of Tree Morphing Protocol 75
Improved Tree Morphing Protocol 76
Simulation Experiment and Result 78
Conclusion 79
References 79
A Parallel Method for Unpacking Original High
Introduction 80
A Parallel Algorithm of Unpacking Original High Speed Rail Data (PAUOHSRD) Based on MapReduce 81
Analysis of the Original High Speed Rail Data Format 81
The MapReduce Model 82
Algorithms for Unpacking Original High Speed Rail Data 82
PAUOHSRD Based on MapReduce 83
Exprimental Analysis 86
Speedup 86
Scaleup 87
Sizeup 87
Conclusion 88
References 88
Part II:
A Design for Children-Oriented Human-Computer
Introduction 91
A Structure for Children-Oriented Human-Computer
Design Principles 92
WisPad System Design 92
Application Prototype System of WisPad: iNature 93
System Structure 93
Scene Management 95
System Evaluation 97
User Satisfaction Evaluation 97
Learning Time Evaluation 97
Conclusion 98
References 98
Place Concept Teaching through Sketch Map for Robot
Introduction 99
Prototype Mechanism for Place Perception 100
Prototype of Place Concept 100
Similarity Measure for Prototype 101
Sketch Map Understanding 103
Primitive Definition 103
Sketch Map Analysis 104
Simulation Experiment 106
Conclusion 108
References 108
Analysis and Application of Design Principle for Mobile
Introduction 110
Related Works 111
Web-Based Cycling Community 111
Mobile Interface Design 111
Interactive Design Principle 112
Methodology 112
Research Process 112
Results 113
19K Wind Mobile Web Design 113
Conclusion and Discussion 114
References 114
Navigation and Visualisation Tools Usage in Large
Introduction 116
Background 117
Navigational Patterns Research 117
Main Focus of the Paper
Developing Audit Trails 118
Recognising Navigation Patterns 119
Investigating Navigation Tools 119
Producing New Navigation Tools 120
New Research Areas, Applying Navigation and Visualisation
ARCH Project Developments 121
Discussion 121
Conclusions 122
References 122
Establishment of Interactive Virtual Exhibition System
Introduction 124
Whole Design Plan of Virtual Exhibition System 125
The Preparation of Three - Dimensional Model 126
Role Access Control Settings in Quest3D 127
Camera Switching Technology 129
Enhanced 3D Sound Control Technology of Immersed Sense 130
Two - Dimensional Interactive Interface Production 131
Conclusion 131
References 132
A Diving Posture Recognition Method Based
Introduction 133
Object Segmentation 134
Lucas_Kanade Optical Flow 134
Global Motion 136
Skin Detection 137
Projection 138
Features Extraction 138
Color 139
Aspect Ratio of Object Rectangle 139
Object Area Proportion 139
SIFT 140
Experiment 141
Conclusion 142
References 143
Part III:
Fusion of Text and Image Features: A New
Introduction 145
Related Work 146
Hybrid Framework for Image Spam Filtering 147
Keyword Detection 148
Text-Related Features Extraction 149
Image Features Extraction 151
Bottom-Layer Classifiers 151
Classifier Fusion 153
Experiment 153
Experimental Setup 153
Experimental Results 154
Conclusion 155
References 155
An Auto-Tuning PI Controller for the Speed Control of a
Introduction 157
Controller Description 158
Design of ATPIC 158
Auto-tuning Strategy 159
Stability 159
Modeling of a PMSM Drive System 160
Simulation 160
Conclusion 162
References 162
Modified Quasilinearization Method for Optimal Launch
Introduction 163
Modified Quasilinearization Method 164
The System formation of MQM 164
The Verification of the Convergent Ability of Modified Quasilinearization
The Algorithmic Process of Modified Quasilinearization Method 166
Numerical Simulation 167
The Description of the Problem 167
Simulation Result and Analysis 169
Conclusion 171
References 171
Topology Analysis and Fault Diagnosis Scheme
Introduction 173
Protection Layout in Mass Transit Supply 174
Topology Analysis Based on OOCPN Model 175
Object-Oriented Colored Petri-Net (OOCPN) 175
The Application of OOCPN into Topology Analysis in Mass Transit
The Backward Reasoning with Protection Information 179
Conclusions 180
References 181
The Design of FBG Strain Sensors Based on Data
Introduction 182
FBG Strain Sensors Demodulation Principle 182
FBG Strain Sensor Demodulation System Components 182
The Selection of Fiber F-P Filter 184
FBG Strain Sensing Properties 184
DSP Microcomputer Processing System 185
The Hardware Design of the Overall Structure 185
The Design of A/D Sampling Module 186
The Design of D/A Converter Module 186
Test Results Analysis 186
Summary 187
References 187
Negative Selection Algorithm-Based Motor
Introduction 188
Principles of Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) 189
Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) in Fault Diagnosis 190
Simulations 193
Conclusions 197
References 197
Real-Time Steel Inspection System Based on Support
Introduction 199
Defect Detection 200
Feature Extraction and Classification via MKL 201
Experiment Results 203
Conclusion 204
References 204
Predicting Subcellular Localizations of Membrane
Introduction 205
Materials and Methods 206
Datasets 206
Algorithms 206
Evaluation Protocols 207
Results and Discussions 208
Conclusions 209
References 209
Prediction Mining in the Market
Introduction 210
Analysis of Market Impact Cost in Stock Transactions 210
Variables Correlation Analysis 211
Impact Cost Prediction Model
Testing and Evaluation of Cost Prediction Model 213
Model Testing 213
Application and Comparison of the Model in the Transaction Optimization 214
Conclusion and Future Work 214
References 215
Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based on Iris Features 216
Introduction 216
The Iris Texture Feature Extraction Algorithm 216
Iris Recognition Method of SVD and DWT Combination 218
Wavelet Transform 218
Singular Value Decomposition 218
The Algorithm Description 218
The Experimental Results and Performance Analysis 220
The Experimental Results
The Attack Test 220
Conclusion 221
References 221
Improved Adaptive Algorithm for Ship
Introduction 222
Basic Theory of Ship Motion Model 223
Ship Dynamic Motion Model 223
Kalman Filter Model 223
Improved Ship Trajectory Estimation 224
Attention and Improvement 224
Improved Adaptive Filtering Algorithm 225
Experiments and Discussion 226
Conclusion 227
References 227
Research on the Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine
Introduction 229
Application of Bayesian Networks in the Field of Fault Diagnosis 229
Structure of Bayesian Networks 230
Directed Acyclic Graph 230
Conditional Probability Table Associated With Each Node 230
State Identification Based on Bayesian Networks Classifier 231
Bayesian Formula 231
Decision Rule of Bayesian Minimum Error Rate 231
Bayesian Classifier Theories 232
Establishment of Speed-Up Gearbox Bayesian Model 232
A Case of Calculation and Analysis 233
Conclusion 234
References 235
Test Selection for Complex System
Introduction 236
Multi-signal Modeling 237
Test Selection Based on Clonal Selection Algorithm 237
Biological Mechanism of CSA 237
CSA-Based Method for Test Selection
Experiments 239
Conclusion 240
References 240
A Fast and Efficient Algorithm for Intelligent Test
Introduction 242
Applied Environmental and the Nature of the Problem of the
Intelligent Generating Test Paper Algorithm Based on Chapter
Optimize the To-Be-Selected Question Set 244
Preprocess Before Generating Test Paper 244
Intelligent Generating Test Paper Based on Chapter Ratio Score and
Experiment Analysis 247
References 247
Automated Vulnerability Assessment and Intrusion
Introduction 248
Overview of Vulnerabilities 248
Definition of Vulnerabilities 248
Buffer Related Vulnerabilities 249
Fuzzing Technique and Fuzzer 250
Introduction to Fuzzing Technique and Fuzzer 250
Design an FTP-Oriented Fuzzer 250
Automated Mining Approach Based on FTP Fuzzer 251
Illustrative Experiments 252
Conclusions 253
References 253
Design of New Aircraft Sensor Bus System 254
Introduction 254
Aircraft Sensor Bus Architecture Design 254
The Design of Range-Extended Motherboard 255
Buffer-Switch Design 256
Bus Optical Isolation Design 256
Bus Emergency Treatment Design 257
Communication Protocol Design 258
The Upper Computer Software Design 259
Tests and Result 259
Conclusion 261
References 261
A Reinforcement Learning Based Tag
Introduction 262
Proposed Algorithm 263
Empirical Cases 265
Data Source 265
Evaluation 265
Algorithm Comparison 266
Conclusions and Future Work 269
References 269
Online Customer Value Structure: A Network
Introduction 270
Models 270
Methods 271
Discussion 272
Conclusion 274
References 275
A Dynamic Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Decision
Introduction 276
Features Analysis of the Main Fuzzy Ranking Algorithms 277
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Algorithm 278
Chen and Hwang Fuzzy Ranking Algorithm for Solving MADM Problems 278
The Conditions for Choosing the Most Appropriate Fuzzy
Decision Making System Simulation 280
Software Development 282
Conclusion and Future Works 284
References 284
Elementary Algebra Proof Exercises Using
Introduction 286
Parsing 287
Proving 288
Related Work and Conclusion 289
References 290
Design and Implementation of an ETL Approach
Introduction 292
An Overview of ETL Method 293
Implementation and Detail 294
Data Extraction and Data Loading 294
Data Transformation 295
Metadata Management 295
ETL Cycle and Table Partition 295
Automation 296
Log 296
Others 296
Conclusion 296
References 297
Center Conditions and Bifurcations of Limit Cycles
Introduction 298
Preliminary Knowledge 299
Quasi-lyapunov Constants and Center Conditions 300
Multiple Bifurcations of Limit Cycles 302
Conclusion 303
References 303
Extending the SCORM Standard to Support the Project
Introduction 304
Interactive Digital TV and Distance Education 305
Learning Objects 306
Extension Proposal of SCORM Standard 308
New Metadata Model 308
Authoring Tool T-SCORM ADAPTER 310
Related Work 312
Conclusions and Future Work 312
References 313
Research and Realization of Improved Layer
Introduction 314
Limitations of MapObjects 314
The Track of Solution 315
Detail of Solution 316
Conclusions 319
References 319
Automatically Extracting Chinese Aliases of Prohibited
Introduction 320
Investigating on Some Chinese Shopping Websites 322
Proposed Method: ProhibitedItemFinder 323
The Expander Component 324
The Filter Component 324
The Ranker Component 325
Experiments and Results 326
Conclusion and Future Work 328
References 329
Technological Dynamics and National Innovation
Introduction 330
National Innovation Systems 331
The Technological Trajectories within the National Innovation System 333
Complexity 334
An Example of a Complex Model 334
Conclusions 338
References 339
An ETL Strategy for Real-Time Data Warehouse 340
Introduction 340
Related Works 341
Table Records 341
Copy 341
Trigger 342
Database Snapshots 342
Capturing the Changes Based on Data Log
Design of Real-Time Strategy 343
Architecture of Capture Changed Data 343
Design of Intercept Mechanism 345
Design of Real-Time ETL 345
Conclusion 346
References 346
iDNABar: A Rapid Species Identification Toolbox
Data of DNA Barcoding and Its Flow Features 349
Species Identification 351
Key Elements to Management and Sharing in iDNAbar 352
User Security 352
Data Integrating and Tracing 352
Statistics 352
Service Interfaces 353
Discussion and Future Work 353
References 353
Regression Testing of Bug-Fixes with AI Techniques 355
Introduction 355
SUT Model and Test Cases 356
Adaptive Regression Testing 357
Longest Common Subsequences (LCS) 358
Design of the Fitness Function 358
Supervised Learning of theWeighting
Implementation with a Symbolic Simulator 360
Implementation and Experiment 360
Conclusions and Future Work 363
Urgent Epidemic Control Mechanism
Introduction 365
Model for Epidemic Spreading 366
Model Description 366
Examples Solved by the Model 368
Future Work 369
Conclusion 370
References 370
Trajectory Optimization in Reentry Phase
Introduction 371
Reentry Trajectory Optimization Problem for Hypersonic
Reentry Dynamics for CAV 373
Constraints of Trajectory Optimization Problem 374
Penalty Functions 375
Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Fish-Swarm
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 376
Artificial Fish-Swarm Algorithm 376
Numerical Simulations 378
References 380
Combining Non Revisiting Genetic Algorithm and Neural
Introduction 382
Background Details 383
Non Revisiting Genetic Algorithm 383
Back Propagation Neural Network 384
Proposed Approach 384
Experimental Results 385
Conclusion 387
References 387
Fuzzy Information Axiom Based Decision Model
Introduction 390
Literature Review 391
Fuzzy Information Axiom 392
Criteria for CAM System Selection 394
Application of the Proposed Decision Making Model 395
Conclusion 398
References 398
Determining the Importance of Performance
Introduction 400
Literature Review 401
Methodology 402
Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process 402
Steps of the ANP Methodology 403
Determination of the Criteria Importance 403
The Criteria for Performance Measurement 403
Calculation of the Importance 404
Conclusion 408
References 408
Research for Adaptive Intelligent Underwater Vehicle
Introduction 410
General Filter Technology in Underwater Environment 411
Adaptive Filtering 412
System Modeling 414
State Equation 414
Measurement Equation 414
Simulation 414
Conclusion 416
References 416
Regression Testing Based on Neural Networks and Program Slicing Techniques 417
Introduction 417
Related Work 418
Preliminary 419
Program Slicing 419
Machine-Learning 419
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 419
Framework 420
Implementation and Experiment 421
Trace Collection 421
Experiment Platform 421
Experiment with Grep 421
Experiment with TCAS 423
Discussion of Experiments 425
Conclusion and Future Work 425
Mapping a Resource Description Framework OLAP Ontology to the Business Intelligence Semantic Model 427
Introduction 427
Related Work and Background 428
Related Work
RDF and Ontologies 428
OLAP Model 429
The Target Architecture 431
The Pivot Table Level 431
The Database Level 432
The Implementation 432
Mapping from Our RDF Ontology to BISM 432
The Implementation of the Mapping Software 434
Concluding Remarks 435
References 435
A Fuzzy Inference System for Supply Chain Risk Management 437
Introduction 437
Supply Chain Risk Management 438
Methodology 439
Fuzzy Inference Systems 440
Application Study 442
Conclusion 444
References 444
Whole Flight Envelope Aero-engine Sensor Failure Diagnosis Based on Neutral Network 447
Introduction 447
Aero-engine Sensor Failure Diagnosis Mechanism 448
Sensor Failure Mode and Signal Preprocessing 448
Sensor Failure Diagnosis Mechanism 449
Design of Neutral Network Status Observer 449
Whole Flight Envelope Fault Diagnosis 450
Partition of the Flight Envelope 450
The Two-Stage Empirical Modeling Strategy 450
Computer Simulation 453
Conclusion 454
References 454
Novel Design and Analysis of a Reconfigurable Parallel Manipulator Using Variable Geometry Approach 455
Introduction 455
Geometry Modeling 457
Mobility Analysis 457
Constraints Analysis 458
Kinematic Analysis 460
Inverse Kinematic Analysis 460
Jacobian Matrix Analysis 461
Dynamics Simulation 462
Conclusion 464
References 464
Formalizing Feature Selection Problem in Software Product Lines Using 0-1 Programming 466
Introduction 466
Preliminaries 467
Feature Model Background 467
0-1 Programming 468
Problem Formalization 469
Case Study 470
A Problem Example 470
A Solution Example 471
Related Work 471
Concluding Remarks 471
References 472
COBA: A Credible and Co-clustering Filterbot for Cold-Start Recommendations 473
Introduction 473
Related Work 474
COBA 475
Filtering Phase 475
Co-clustering Phase 477
Prediction Phase 477
Experiments 478
Dataset and Methods 478
Performance 479
Conclusion 481
References 481
Pint-Sized Airborne Fire Control System of UAV and its Key Technology 483
Introduction 483
The Necessity of Airborne Fire Control System of UAV's Development 484
The Elementary of Pint-Sized Airborne Fire Control System of UAV 484
The Core of Fire Control System under Autonomous Mode 484
The Key of Fire Control System under Remote Mode 485
The Key Technology of UAV Airborne Fire Control System 486
Information Fusion Technology 487
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence Technology 487
Data Chain Technology 488
Intelligent Sensor Technology 489
Conclusion 489
References 489
Speech Enhancement via Combination of Wiener Filter and Blind Source Separation 490
Introduction 490
Methodologies 491
Binaural Noise Reduction 492
Blind Source Separation 493
Summary of the Proposed Algorithm 496
Results 496
Evaluations and Results 496
Conclusions 498
References 498
Pinyin Tagging System Research and Implementation Based on Word Segmentation 500
Introduction 500
Chinese Pinyin Tagging System Model 500
The Local Maximum Entropy Algorithm Based on the Reverse Segmentation 501
Word Segmentation Algorithm 501
Local Maximum Entropy Algorithm Based on the Reverse Segmentation 502
Pinyin Dictionary Based on the Suboptimal Search Tree 502
The Results of Experiment 504
Conclusion and Prospect 504
References 505
Using Belief Degree-Distributed Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Introduction 506
Safety Culture Assessment Database 507
The Hierarchical Structure of SC Indicators and Attributes 509
The Proposed Approach to Evaluate Safety Culture 510
Comparing BDD-FCMs 511
Application Example 511
Conclusions 515
References 515
Part IV:
Design and Implementation of Low Cost Aircraft Control
Introduction 517
Function Introduction 517
Prototype Introduction 518
I2C Bus Time Scheduling 519
Hardware Design 519
The Design of Computer Board 520
The Design of AD Board 521
The Design of IO Board 522
The Design of Power Board 523
The Design of Motherboard 523
IP Core Design 524
Tests and Result 525
Conclusion 525
References 525
Messages Analysis of Siemens PPI Protocol Data Mixed
Introduction 526
Messages Intercepted of PPI Protocol 526
Communication Process and Messages Basic Format of PPI Protocol 527
Data Mixed Storage Area Messages Analysis of I0.0, Q0.1, SMB34 and VD200 528
The Message Analysis of Read I0.0, Q0.1, SMB34 and VD20 529
The Message Analysis of Write Q0.1 531
Conclusion 532
References 532
Intelligent Control of Large Time-Delay System Based on Fuzzy Strategy 533
Introduction 533
Intelligent Controllor of Large Time-Delay System Based on Fuzzy Strategy 534
Conventional Smith Prediction Estimation Compensation Arithmetic 534
Improvment of Fuzzy Smith Predictor 535
Simulation Examples and Results Analysis 535
Dynamic and Static Performance Analysis 536
Robust Performance Analysis 536
Anti-interference Performance Analysis 537
Conclusion 538
References 538
A Development of Degaussing Current Controller Based on Magnetometer 539
Introduction 539
Structure and Basic Principle 540
Algorithm for Eliminating Interference Magnetic Field 540
Magnetic Field Detected by X-Component Sensor and Y-Component Sensor 541
Magnetic Field Detected by Z-Component Sensor 542
Test of the Instrument Performance 543
Conclusion 544
References 544
Urban Traffic Control and Monitoring – An Approach for the Brazilian Intelligent Cities Project 545
Introduction 545
Related Work 546
Traffic Control Strategy 546
Controller Agents 546
Supervisor Agent 548
System Integration 549
Results 550
Current Work 552
Final Remarks 553
References 553
Guaranteed Cost Control of Polynomial Nonlinear
Introduction 554
Preliminaries and Problem Statement 555
Main Results 557
Illustrative Example 561
Conclusions 562
References 562
On PSO Based Fuzzy Neural Network Sliding Mode Control for Overhead Crane 564
Introduction 564
Overhead Crane Model 565
Sliding Mode Controller Design 566
The Unknown Estimation Based on FNNs 567
FNN Structure 567
Weight Adjustment 569
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 570
PSO Algorithm 570
Design Steps 570
Simulation Research 571
Conclusions 572
Adaptive False Alarm Filter Using Machine Learning
Introduction 574
Related Work 576
The Comparisons among Machine Leaning Schemes 576
Feature Selection of Snort Alarms 577
Datasets Construction and Experimental Methodology 578
Results of Comparisons 579
Our Proposal 581
Architecture of Adaptive False Alarm Filter 582
Evaluation Results 582
Conclusion and Future Work 584
References 584
The Design and Implementation of Thematic Maps
Introduction 586
The Overall Design of System 587
Data Layer 587
Middleware Layer 587
Work Layer 588
User layer 588
The Workflow of System 588
Map Rendering 588
Experimental Verification 590
Conclusion 590
References 591
Part V: Intelligent GIS, Networks
Semantic Web Enabled Intelligent Geospatial
Introduction 593
Service-Oriented Geo-ontology Model 593
Four Constraints Matching Algorithm Considering Syntax and Semantics 594
Heuristic Composing Algorithm Basing on Weighted Graph
Experiment 596
Study Area and Data Preparation 596
Principle of the Intelligent Composition 597
Experimental Result 597
Conclusions 598
References 598
A Research of Approximate Entropy’s Clustering
Introduction 599
ApEn Method and Its Significance 600
DARPA Data 601
ApEn Parameters of Test 602
Conclusion and Discussion 605
References 605
A Remote On-Line Diagnostic System for Vehicles
Introduction 606
System Design 607
Vehicle Terminal 607
Monitoring Center
Experimental Result 611
Conclusion 612
References 613
Modeling Wireless Sensor Network with Spatial Constrained Affinity
Introduction 614
Spatial Constrained AÆnity Propagation for Exemplar Sensor
Experiments and Results 618
Conclusions 619
References 619
Multi-agent Communication Model and Service
Introduction 620
Agent Communication Model and Service Processing 622
“Shaikh-Guide” Based Agent Communication Model 622
Service Manipulation Process 623
Service Decomposition Algorithm 624
Task Processing and Executing 625
Performance Analysis and Evaluation 626
Application to Network Service Management 627
Conclusions and Outlook 628
References 628
Part VI: Social Issues of Knowledge
Diagnosing and Remedying Knowledge Gap
Introduction 631
The Theoretical Interpretation on Diagnosing Knowledge Gap 631
Trading Model of Knowledge 631
Four-Dimension and Eight-Grade Knowledge Distance Model 632
The Basic Path Model 633
Endogenous and Exogenous Path of Knowledge 633
Knowledge Transferring Process 633
The Safeguard Mechanisms of Making Up for Knowledge Gap 633
Establishing the Mechanism of Knowledge Studying 634
Establishing Knowledge Innovation Mechanism 634
Establishing Knowledge Sharing Mechanism 634
References 635
Route Analysis of Satellite Constellation Based on
Introduction 636
Topology Features of Walker Constellation 637
Routing Analysis 639
Scheduling Overview 639
Routing Analysis 640
Route of Minimum Number of Hops of the Least Delay 640
Route of Least Delay of the Minimum Number of Hops 642
Simulation 644
Conclusion and Outlook 646
References 647
Modeling of a MIT for the Application of a Frequency
Introduction 648
Linear Model for MIT’S Torque 649
Verification and Validation 653
Conclusions 655
References 656
Bridge Structural Health Evaluation Based
Introduction 657
Evaluation Theory 658
Evaluation Model 659
Establishment of the Evaluation Model 659
Model Implementation 660
Case Study 661
Evaluation Object 661
Results Analysis 662
Summary and Prospects 663
References 664
An Improved Active Queue Management Algorithm
Introduction 665
Research on RED Algorithm 665
Prediction of Congestion Status 666
Prediction Based on Average Queue Length 667
Prediction Based on Tracffic Rate 667
QTRC Algorithm 668
Influential Factors for Algorithm Design 668
Improved Algorithm QTRC 669
Simulation and Results 671
Conclusion and Future Work 674
References 674
HLM in the Study of Humanistic Quality Education 676
Introduction 676
Establishment of the Model 677
Model Analysis 678
Zero Model and Random Coefficients Regression Model 678
Exploratory Analysis of Latent Variables in Level-2 679
Complete Model 680
Conclusion 681
References 682
Modeling and Application of Urban Rail Transit Network for Path Finding Problem 683
Introduction 683
Network Properties Analysis 684
Modeling 685
Overview 685
Network Abstract 685
The Network Model 686
KSPF Algorithm 686
Case Study 687
Case Introduction 687
Result 687
Conclusion 688
References 688
A Novel Technique for Predicting Ship Grounding Based on Fuzzy Theory 690
Introduction 690
Factors Affecting Grounding 691
Basic Theory
Fuzzy Theory 691
Computing Model 692
The First Stage Model 692
The Second Stage Model 692
Simulation Results 694
Conclusion 695
References 695
Prefetching Strategy for Address Translation in IA-32 Emulation 696
Introduction 696
Address Translation in IA-32 Emulation 697
Prefetching Strategy of Address Translation 697
Strategy Description 697
Prefetching Window 698
Pre_TLB Management 699
Performance Evaluation 700
Conclusions 701
References 701
Log Domain Speckle Noise Reduction in Ultrasonographic Animal Images 702
Introduction 702
Literature Review 703
Proposed Methodology 704
Results 705
Discussion and Conclusions 707
References 708
Research on High Performance Services for Future Ubiquitous Wireless Networks 709
Introduction 709
End-to-End Framework and Strategies 710
Framework Architecture 710
Bandwidth Allocation According to Real-Time Traffic Pattern 710
Conclusion 712
References 712
Science and Technology Project Post Evaluation Index
Introduction 714
Preliminary Selection of the Evaluation Indexes and Design
Screening of the Evaluation Indexes 716
Analysis on Exploratory Factors 716
Constitution of Post Evaluation Measurement Index System 718
Conclusion 718
References 719
3-D Numerical Modeling of Diffusion of Nuclide in Porous Media 720
Introduction 720
Numeric Modeling 720
Percolation Mechanism in Porous Media (Darcy Percolation) 721
Governing Equation for the Nuclide’s Diffusion in Porous Media 722
Derivation of the Finite Element Discrete Format 722
Mesh, Results and Discussion 723
Summaries 725
References 726
Research on H.264 Dynamic Redundant Encoding
Introduction 727
Redundancy Algorithm Selections 729
The Dynamic Redundancy Algorithm 730
Correlation Analysis of H.264 730
Algorithm Description 731
Dynamic Redundancy Algorithm Based on Channel Feedback 733
Experiments 734
Channel Feedback Redundant Encoding Experiment 735
Experiment on Dynamic Redundant Encoding Algorithm Based on Video Correlation 735
The Comprehensive Experiment and Results Analysis 736
Conclusion 737
References 737
Optimal Trajectory and Solution of the Inverse
Introduction 739
Robotic Manipulator Description 740
The Genetic Algorithm 741
Individual Representation 741
Initialization 742
Evaluation 742
Selection 743
Crossing and Mutation 743
Results 743
Case 1: Optimal Configuration Using GA and Cubic Trajectory Selection 743
Case 2: Optimal Linear Trajectory Using GA 745
Ponderation Factors 745
Conclusion 748
References 749
Author Index 750
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 2.2.2012 |
Reihe/Serie | Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing | Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing |
Zusatzinfo | XXX, 766 p. 343 illus. |
Verlagsort | Berlin |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Informatik ► Datenbanken |
Informatik ► Theorie / Studium ► Künstliche Intelligenz / Robotik | |
Technik ► Elektrotechnik / Energietechnik | |
Technik ► Maschinenbau | |
Schlagworte | Artificial Intelligence • IEEE International Conference on Intelligent • Intelligent Information Processing • Intelligent Systems • ISKE 2011 • Knowledge Engineering • knowledge management • Systems and Knowledge Engineering |
ISBN-10 | 3-642-25658-9 / 3642256589 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-642-25658-5 / 9783642256585 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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