Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 -  K.J Bathe

Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 (eBook)


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2003 | 1. Auflage
2524 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-052947-9 (ISBN)
527,35 inkl. MwSt
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Bringing together the world's leading researchers and practitioners of computational mechanics, these new volumes meet and build on the eight key challenges for research and development in computational mechanics.

Researchers have recently identified eight critical research tasks facing the field of computational mechanics. These tasks have come about because it appears possible to reach a new level of mathematical modelling and numerical solution that will lead to a much deeper understanding of nature and to great improvements in engineering design.

The eight tasks are:

  • The automatic solution of mathematical models

  • Effective numerical schemes for fluid flows

  • The development of an effective mesh-free numerical solution method

  • The development of numerical procedures for multiphysics problems

  • The development of numerical procedures for multiscale problems

  • The modelling of uncertainties

  • The analysis of complete life cycles of systems

  • Education - teaching sound engineering and scientific judgement

Readers of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 will be able to apply the combined experience of many of the world's leading researchers to their own research needs. Those in academic environments will gain a better insight into the needs and constraints of the industries they are involved with, those in industry will gain a competitive advantage by gaining insight into the cutting edge research being carried out by colleagues in academia.


  • Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry

  • Outlines the eight main challenges facing Research and Design in Computational mechanics and offers new insights into the shifting the research agenda

  • Provides a vision of how strong, basic and exciting education at university can be harmonized with life-long learning to obtain maximum value from the new powerful tools of analysis

Bringing together the world's leading researchers and practitioners of computational mechanics, these new volumes meet and build on the eight key challenges for research and development in computational mechanics.Researchers have recently identified eight critical research tasks facing the field of computational mechanics. These tasks have come about because it appears possible to reach a new level of mathematical modelling and numerical solution that will lead to a much deeper understanding of nature and to great improvements in engineering design.The eight tasks are:- The automatic solution of mathematical models- Effective numerical schemes for fluid flows- The development of an effective mesh-free numerical solution method- The development of numerical procedures for multiphysics problems- The development of numerical procedures for multiscale problems- The modelling of uncertainties- The analysis of complete life cycles of systems- Education - teaching sound engineering and scientific judgement Readers of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 will be able to apply the combined experience of many of the world's leading researchers to their own research needs. Those in academic environments will gain a better insight into the needs and constraints of the industries they are involved with; those in industry will gain a competitive advantage by gaining insight into the cutting edge research being carried out by colleagues in academia. Features- Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry- Outlines the eight main challenges facing Research and Design in Computational mechanics and offers new insights into the shifting the research agenda- Provides a vision of how strong, basic and exciting education at university can be harmonized with life-long learning to obtain maximum value from the new powerful tools of analysis

Front Cover 1
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 4
Copyright Page 5
Contents Volume 1 14
Preface 6
Session Organizers 8
Fellowship Awardees 10
Sponsors 12
Part I: Plenary 42
Chapter 1. Steel industry: simulation of production processes and product performance evaluation using finite element models 43
Chapter 2. Biological simulations at all scales: from cardiovascular hemodynamics to protein molecular mechanics 49
Chapter 3. Simulations of complex systems across multiple length scales 54
Chapter 4. The role of CAE in product development at Ford Motor Company 56
Chapter 5. Nonlinear schemes and multiscale preconditioners for time evolution problems in constrained structural dynamics 60
Chapter 6. A numerical method for large-eddy simulation in complex geometries 64
Chapter 7. Aerodynamic simulation in aerospace industry: status, needs and expectations from EADS 72
Chapter 8. Consequences of modeling on tire development 77
Part II: Solids & Structures
Chapter 9. Interactions between strip and beam elements of a hollow block slab system 83
Chapter 10. Structure–medium interaction simulations 88
Chapter 11. Nonlinear vibrations of circular cylindrical panels 91
Chapter 12. On the buckling mechanisms of large-scale shell structures made of high-strength concrete 95
Chapter 13. Nonlinear seismic response of a soil deposit using the Volterra series 100
Chapter 14. Membranes and rods from lattice films and chains: modeling and computations 105
Chapter 15. Multiscale modelling of crush behaviour of closed-cell aluminium foam 109
Chapter 16. A new hybrid formulation for laminated composite materials analysis 113
Chapter 17. Higher order terms for a crack terminating at the interface between mismatched solids 117
Chapter 18. Calculation of stress intensity factors for bimaterial notches – thermal stresses 121
Chapter 19. Phenomenological modelling of structural embrittlement in perforated plates 124
Chapter 20. Analysis of a partially closed oblique edge crack under surface travelling load 128
Chapter 21. Behaviour of small fatigue cracks emanating from notches in Ti–6A1–4V 132
Chapter 22. Bounding surface plasticity for cyclic loaded sand and its implementation 136
Chapter 23. Large strain time- and temperature-dependent modeling of PTFE 140
Chapter 24. Two-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetic domains in ferromagnetic microstructures 144
Chapter 25. An impedance-based piezoelectric–structure interaction model for smart structure applications 148
Chapter 26. Development of a crashworthy subfloor concept for a commuter aircraft 152
Chapter 27. A microplane model for plane-stress masonry structures 156
Chapter 28. External forcing terms in energy-conserving based time integration algorithms 159
Chapter 29. Quasi-steady analysis of a two-dimensional bridge deck element 163
Chapter 30. An index reduction method in holonomic system dynamics 167
Chapter 31. Multiscale numerical simulation of rock slope instabilities 172
Chapter 32. RL models of pseudoelasticity for SMAs at finite strains. Formulation and implementation 177
Chapter 33. Macro–meso models for joint submitted to pyrotechnic shock 180
Chapter 34. On dynamics and large strain analysis of shells 184
Chapter 35. Finite beam elements for rotating piezoelectric fiber composite structures 186
Chapter 36. Thermo-elasto-plastic finite element modeling of an Otto four-stroke engine piston for consecutive load cycles 190
Chapter 37. Displacement and fatigue effects of a void under a cement concrete runway 195
Chapter 38. Application of graded finite elements for asphalt pavement analysis 198
Chapter 39. A reanalysis technique for structures under white noise excitation 203
Chapter 40. A spectrally formulated finite element for analysis of wave propagation in layered composite media 207
Chapter 41. Micromechanical nonlocal damage modeling 213
Chapter 42. Large-scale finite element analyses of intersecting tunnels using PCs 217
Chapter 43. Reliability considerations for 3D-shell elements 222
Chapter 44. Prediction of lateral distribution of vehicular live loads on bridge girders by the refined analysis method 226
Chapter 45. Numerical and experimental investigation of steel structural component of the new San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge 233
Chapter 46. Parallel finite element computation of contact-impact problems with large deformations 238
Chapter 47. Modeling thermomechanical behaviour of cellular structure made of brittle material 241
Chapter 48. A “global” finite element model for the simulation of failure of spot welded assemblies during impact 244
Chapter 49. Prediction of lateral impact loads imparted to bridge piers during barge collision events 248
Chapter 50. Nonlinear time history analysis for the seismic retrofit of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge 253
Chapter 51. Parallel computation methods for large-scale nonlinear CSM 258
Chapter 52. Numerical and experimental investigation of reinforced concrete key structural components of the new San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge 262
Chapter 53. Discrete analysis of the dynamic behavior of heterogeneous material 266
Chapter 54. Gradient elasticity finite element model for the microstructure analysis of asphaltic materials 269
Chapter 55. An efficient method for elasto-static analysis of rigid circular footings 275
Chapter 56. High order anisotropic finite elements for three-dimensional isotropic hyperelastic continua 279
Chapter 57. Expedient FE analysis of concrete masonry walls subjected to blast loads 283
Chapter 58. On the theory and numerics of orthotropic elastoplasticity at finite plastic strains 287
Chapter 59. Identification of parameters for a rate and temperature-dependent constitutive model 290
Chapter 60. A distortion-insensitive four-noded membrane quadrilateral that passes the patch test 295
Chapter 61. Computational fatigue crack growth analysis in layered composites 299
Chapter 62. Enhancing formability of aluminium alloys by superimposing hydrostatic pressure 302
Chapter 63. Smart structures models updating 306
Chapter 64. Master/slave algorithm for contact between deformable bodies and axial symmetries – application to 3D metal forging 310
Chapter 65. A primal class of FETI methods applied to multiple right-hand side problems and implicit dynamic analysis in structural mechanics 314
Chapter 66. Damage mechanics model based on structured deformations 318
Chapter 67. Implicit material modeling for temperature-dependent viscoplasticity using multi-layer neural networks 321
Chapter 68. Material constant sensitivity boundary integral equation for anisotropic solids 325
Chapter 69. Towards an alternative approach to geometrical modelling of shell surfaces using a parametric representation 329
Chapter 70. Quantifying uncertainty in predictions using a Bayesian neural network 333
Chapter 71. Elastoplastic behavior of two-dimensional solids with mixed-mode cracks 336
Chapter 72. Voxel modelling of 3D through-thickness reinforced composite laminates 340
Chapter 73. Sheet forming modeling by inverse approach and pseudo inverse approach with damage effects 345
Chapter 74. Weighted traction boundary element methods for strength analysis of bi-materials 349
Chapter 75. Overview of computational structural mechanics in the Department of Defense 354
Chapter 76. On displacement control within the DIRK/MLNA approach in non-linear finite element analysis 357
Chapter 77. Seismic retrofit strategy, design, and construction of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge West Crossing 361
Chapter 78. A computational strategy for solving three-dimensional tunnel excavation problems 365
Chapter 79. Generalized lateral bending analysis of thin-walled beams with branched cross-sections 370
Chapter 80. Micro-macro modeling of inelastic behavior of heterogeneous structures 374
Chapter 81. Seismic response analysis of long-span bridges using nonlinear dynamic analysis techniques 378
Chapter 82. Nonlinear time history analysis of the Million Dollar Bridge 384
Chapter 83. An intelligent finite element method for analysis of geotechnical problems 388
Chapter 84. Diffusion in cylindrically layered materials using the thin-layer method 392
Chapter 85. A rational framework for damage analyses of concrete shells 397
Chapter 86. Transient heat transfer in layered composites with random geometry 401
Chapter 87. A primal–dual constraint and order preserving technique for flexible multibody dynamical index-3 systems 405
Chapter 88. Assessment of a layerwise theory of hybrid beams for patch load 411
Chapter 89. 3D prestressed ring joints subjected to bending loads 415
Chapter 90. Direct determination of SIF and coefficients of higher order terms of mixed mode cracks 419
Chapter 91. Stress intensity factors and T-stress in functionally graded materials: a unified approach using the interaction integral method 422
Chapter 92. An anisotropic finite elastic–plastic model for fiber–matrix materials 428
Chapter 93. Locking-free piezoelectric MITC shell elements 433
Chapter 94. Acceleration of 3D crack growth simulations by the compression of BEM matrices via multipole methods 437
Chapter 95. Computational models using Trefftz functions 441
Chapter 96. Spring-back simulation based on characterization of sheet metals under reverse plastic strains 444
Chapter 97. On classical shell theories, degenerated and solid shell concepts and layered models: comparison and overview 448
Chapter 98. Modeling of a 3D shallow surface crack in a nuclear pressure pipe by a three-term asymptotic solution: J–A2 methodology 452
Chapter 99. Numerical analysis of simple and preloaded T-stub steel connections 455
Chapter 100. Recent progress on computational inverse techniques in non-destructive evaluation 459
Chapter 101. Numerical aspects of a triangular finite element with an embedded discontinuity 463
Chapter 102. Neural networks in computational damage mechanics 467
Chapter 103. Linear elastic fullerene-based composites with random properties 470
Chapter 104. Numerical prediction of the propagation of branched fatigue cracks 473
Chapter 105. Elasto-plastic torsion of composite bars with imperfect bonding 477
Chapter 106. Flexural analysis of concrete retaining walls on rough elastic half-space 480
Chapter 107. Theoretical and numerical study of a multi-scale model for composites 484
Chapter 108. Modelling the anisotropy of soft Swiss lacustrine clay 488
Chapter 109. Generalized differential quadrature method for Timoshenko beam 492
Chapter 110. A study of nano-indentation using coupled atomistic and discrete dislocation (CADD) modeling 496
Chapter 111. Finite element modeling of fatigue crack bifurcation 501
Chapter 112. Ultimate compressive strength of CHS members with flattened edges 505
Chapter 113. Application of the conjugate projected gradient method to large-scale contact problems 510
Chapter 114. Sensitivity analysis of solidification process using the boundary element method (the micro–macro approach) 514
Chapter 115. Operational dynamic testing in the presence of harmonic excitation 518
Chapter 116. Multiscale simulation of grain growth in nanocrystalline materials 523
Chapter 117. A fast 3D tunnel analysis 527
Chapter 118. Effect of grain shape on the shear deformation characteristics of granular media 531
Chapter 119. On the stress integration in large strain elasto–plasticity 535
Chapter 120. Finite element simulation of hammering hydroforming of tubes 539
Chapter 121. Parallel processing for 3D rigid–plastic finite element method using diagonal matrix 543
Chapter 122. Effect of inelastic behavior of cables on ultimate behavior and strength of a 600-m steel cable-stayed bridge 547
Chapter 123. Interval estimation of time-history response without use of direct time integration 550
Chapter 124. Novel approach for identification of the thermal resistance of the gas-gap between the ingot and mould in the continuous casting of metals 554
Chapter 125. Prediction of damage in a randomly oriented short-fiber composite plate containing a central hole 560
Chapter 126. Coupling 1D and 2D elasticity problems by using the hp-d-version of the finite element method 564
Chapter 127. A new formulation of internal forces for non-linear hypoelastic constitutive models verifying conservation laws 568
Chapter 128. Effects of vehicle speed and permeability on pore pressures in hot-mix asphalt pavements 573
Chapter 129. Modeling contact detonations with ALE3D and PARADYN 578
Chapter 130. A fast multipole boundary element method for the symmetric boundary integral formulation in linear elastostatics 581
Chapter 131. Simulation of projectile impact on the composite armored vehicle 585
Chapter 132. The Rion–Antirion multispan cable-stayed bridge 589
Chapter 133. Current challenges in the transfer to metal forming of top-down approaches to ductile fracture 594
Chapter 134. Numerical dispersion of SH waves in the thin-layer method 597
Chapter 135. A gradient-enhanced plasticity-damage approach towards modelling of forming processes 602
Chapter 136. Nonlinear dynamics and stability of compressed circular cylindrical shells 606
Chapter 137. On unilateral roller coasters 610
Chapter 138. A generalised Jacobi preconditioner for finite element solution of large-scale consolidation problems 614
Chapter 139. Continuum-micromechanics approach for determination of frost heave in artificial ground freezing 619
Chapter 140. Solution representations for Trefftz-type plate bending elements 623
Chapter 141. Modelling and simulation of thin sheet blanking 627
Chapter 142. The application of spring pendulum analogies to the understanding of nonlinear shell vibration 631
Chapter 143. Recent advances in the upper bound limit analysis of Tresca’s material 636
Chapter 144. Post-flutter dynamics of a rotating disk 639
Chapter 145. On a new reduced integration technology for thin structures in finite inelasticity 643
Chapter 146. The variational theory of complex rays for medium-frequency vibrations of shells 646
Chapter 147. Finite anisotropic plastic flow with ductile damage for sheet metal forming simulation 652
Chapter 148. On the different behaviour of porous ceramic polycrystalline materials under tension and compression stress state 656
Chapter 149. Quasi-static undrained expansion of a cylindrical cavity in clay in the presence of shaft friction and anisotropic initial stresses 660
Chapter 150. Warping shear stresses in nonuniform torsion in bridge decks of materials in contact by BEM 664
Chapter 151. Advancing crash forming analysis capabilities through solver technology 669
Chapter 152. A 3D-plasticity model for the description of concrete and its 3D-FE implementation 673
Chapter 153. Collision of vehicles with bridge piers 678
Chapter 154. Dynamic fracture modeling with a meshfree peridynamic code 682
Chapter 155. On damage modelling of laminated composite shells subjected to low velocity impact 686
Chapter 156. Dynamic stiffness of foundations embedded in anisotropic half spaces 689
Chapter 157. Finite element analysis of shells with multiple random material and geometric properties 693
Chapter 158. Rigid inclusions solved using non-singular reciprocity based BEM 697
Chapter 159. Gradient theories of ductile and brittle damage: a thermodynamical consistent framework and computational issues 700
Chapter 160. Determination of crack tip asymptotic stress field by fractal finite element method 703
Chapter 161. The sensitivity of continuous casting solidification with respect to boundary conditions 707
Chapter 162. Thin-walled spatial structures optimized using Trefftz-type finite elements 711
Chapter 163. Contact between soil and circular foundations under eccentric loading 715
Chapter 164. Nonlinear numerical dissipative elastodynamics of an optimal solid shell element 719
Chapter 165. Effects of microstructural evolution on the stability of superplastic deformation 724
Chapter 166. Towards a continuum theory for phase transformations using atomistic calculations 728
Chapter 167. Use of Trefftz functions in modelling of point and line contact 731
Chapter 168. A kinematics perspective on the micro-to-macro transition in anisotropic plasticity modeling of polycrystalline solids 734
Chapter 169. Experimental validation of a finite element model that simulates the collapse and post-collapse behavior of steel pipes 737
Chapter 170. Non-linear oscillations of continuous systems with quadratic and cubic non-linearities using non-linear normal modes 742
Chapter 171. Static analysis of 3-D gradient elastic solids by BEM 746
Chapter 172. Multi-scale finite element analysis of piezoelectric materials based on crystallographic homogenization method 750
Chapter 173. Multiscale modeling of particle-modified semicrystalline polymers 754
Chapter 174. Linear elasticity with isotropic lognormal Young's modulus: localization of stresses and strains and effective stiffness tensor 759
Chapter 175. Mechanical characterization of epitaxial polysilicon in MEMS 763
Chapter 176. Face layer wrinkling in sandwich shells of general configuration 768
Chapter 177. Simulation of 2D elastic solid with large number of inclusions using fast multipole BEM 773
Chapter 178. Neurocomputing and experimental structural mechanics: some new results 778
Chapter 179. Boundary element computation of crack root stress fields in three dimensions 783
Chapter 180. 3D stress field tomography based on photoelasticity 787
Chapter 181. An advanced constitutive model for normally consolidated clays based on multilaminate framework 792
Chapter 182. A dynamic analysis of cable vibration control on cable-stayed bridges 796
Chapter 183. Survey and applications of special purpose T-complete systems 800
Chapter 184. Electro-elastic stress analysis for a Zener–Stroh crack at the interface of a piezoelectric material bonding to a metal 803
Chapter 185. Finite element modeling of nonlinear frictional instability between deformable bodies 807
Chapter 186. Simulation of buckling tests using a mixed FEM for pressurized shallow spherical shells and the reduced stiffness analysis 811
Chapter 187. A numerical method for the treatment of image stresses in dislocation dynamics simulations 817
Chapter 188. Dynamical analysis of a thin flexible rod with both bending and torsional effects 821
Chapter 189. Special aspects of surface-related shell theories with application to contact problems 828
Chapter 190. A forward incremental displacement semi-explicit unconditionally stable dynamic frictional contact-impact formulation 832
Chapter 191. Simulation of nanoindentation via interatomic potential finite element method 836
Chapter 192. Dynamic multiscale simulation of towed cable and body 841
Chapter 193. Evaluation of continuum stress in atomistic simulation 845
Part III: Fluids 850
Chapter 194. Fuel-stratification in automotive engines with vortical flow structures: an engineering approach with numerical and experimental methods 851
Chapter 195. Time-dependent algorithms for viscoelastic flow: bridge between finite-volume and finite-element methodology 856
Chapter 196. Flow induced by superposed oscillations of a circular cylinder 860
Chapter 197. Parallel fast solver based on the vortex element method 863
Chapter 198. Numerical simulation of viscoelastic contraction flows 867
Chapter 199. Analysis of higher-order compact differencing scheme by studying flow past a circular cylinder 871
Chapter 200. High-order stabilization for Navier–Stokes CFD algorithms 875
Chapter 201. Quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication effect of clay particles on sand bed erosion 878
Chapter 202. Investigation into the fluid dynamics of a droplet in gas flow 881
Chapter 203. Recent progress on the modeling of complex flows in twin-screw extrusion 884
Chapter 204. Vorticity jumps across shock surfaces 888
Chapter 205. The elastic instability of fountain flows 891
Chapter 206. Plain Galerkin schemes that work well for the advection–diffusion problem 894
Chapter 207. Vortex formation and shedding from an airfoil at high angle of attack: a numerical study 899
Chapter 208. A presumed PDF-ILDM model for the CFD-analysis of turbulent combustion 903
Chapter 209. Numerical simulation of a single-emitter colloidal jet 907
Chapter 210. Algorithm study on interface tracking in Eulerian code 910
Chapter 211. An MLSPH algorithm for free surface flows in engineering applications 914
Chapter 212. Modelling hydrodynamics of Irish Sea 918
Chapter 213. Boundary element methods for highly convective unsteady flows 923
Chapter 214. Shallow water modeling using discontinuous and coupled finite element methods 927
Chapter 215. Proper orthogonal decomposition of by-pass transition data 930
Chapter 216. Application of WENO (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) method to computational aerodynamics 934
Chapter 217. High accuracy compact schemes and Gibbs’ phenomenon 939
Chapter 218. Application of compact finite-difference methods to numerical simulation of a non-isothermal turbulent jet 945
Chapter 219. Simulation of fluid mixing in acceleration driven instabilities 949
Chapter 220. Jet breakup and spray formation in a diesel engine 953
Chapter 221. Numerical solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations by a three-level finite element method 956
Chapter 222. Two-phase tank filling simulations of an automobile tank system 960
Chapter 223. The importance of assessing the stability predictions of polymer melt constitutive equations 964
Chapter 224. Modeling hydrodynamic focusing of liquid jets in microchannels 968
Chapter 225. Three-dimensional spherical shell convection at infinite Prandtl number using the ‘cubed sphere’ method 972
Chapter 226. Surface ripples generated by spilling breakers 975
Chapter 227. Numerical approach to solving problems of slow viscous flow backwards in time 979
Chapter 228. Numerical simulation of strength of turbulence effect on normal shock/homogeneous turbulence interaction 983
Chapter 229. A three-dimensional non-hydrostatic numerical model of free-surface stratified flows 987
Chapter 230. An irrotational/vortical split-flow approach to viscous free surface flow 991
Chapter 231. Time-dependent wave forcing in computational nearshore hydrodynamics 997
Chapter 232. A comparison of advection schemes in variable-density, highly conductive, ground water domains 1002
Chapter 233. CFD modelling in process burner development: combustion of light residual fuel oils 1007
Chapter 234. Theory of slender compressible vortex filaments 1012
Chapter 235. Numerical modeling of incompressible viscous flows: single crystal growth through the heat field rotation method 1015
Chapter 236. Parallel framework for numerical modeling of the problems described by hyperbolic equations with applications in atmosphere flows modeling 1019
Chapter 237. Axial flow in slender vortices 1025
Chapter 238. CFD studies for boilers 1029
Chapter 239. Implicit high-order geometrically conservative scheme for the solution of flow problems on moving unstructured grids 1033
Chapter 240. Regularization formulations and explicit temporal discretization for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 1038
Chapter 241. Approximation of singular concentration in compressible flows 1042
Chapter 242. The growth of magnetic field energy in conducting fluids 1045
Chapter 243. Rigorous characterization of boundary layer separations 1049
Chapter 244. A numerical strategy for accurate free surface capturing 1052
Chapter 245. Toward an arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian vorticity transport method 1057
Chapter 246. Vorticity generation mechanisms and correct boundary conditions for transverse jet simulation 1061
Chapter 247. Adaptive sparse linear solvers for implicit CFD using Newton–Krylov algorithms 1065
Chapter 248. Two models in one: mantle flow modeling on different scales beneath the North Atlantic 1070
Chapter 249. The modeling of bubbly flows around naval surface ships at high Reynolds numbers 1075
Chapter 250. Buoyant horizontal jets in a stratified medium 1078
Chapter 251. CFD based prediction of a turbulent nonpremixed methane flame using a conditional moment closure approach 1081
Chapter 252. Anisotropy model for mantle convection 1085
Chapter 253. Cycle-resolved computations of compressible vortical flows in automotive engines 1088
Chapter 254. Numerical simulation of flow in square ducts joined with a mitered 90° elbow 1092
Chapter 255. High order difference method on staggered, curvilinear grids for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 1098
Chapter 256. Comparison of regularizations of vortex sheet motion 1103
Chapter 257. An analysis of wind environment around buildings with unstructured mesh generation technique 1107
Chapter 258. Study of LES model for the vortex method 1113
Chapter 259. Preconditioned iterations for the linearized Navier–Stokes system in rotation form 1115
Chapter 260. Longitudinal sloshing effects in half full horizontal cylindrical vessels 1119
Chapter 261. Numerical study of a pitching and heaving hydrofoil 1124
Chapter 262. Tailoring the pressure drop of structured packings through CFD simulations 1128
Chapter 263. Upwind weighted compact schemes for advection equations 1133
Chapter 264. Large-eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion 1137
Chapter 265. Transient adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method with anisotropic meshes 1141
Chapter 266. Applications of exponential box schemes for viscous flows with combustion and blowing 1143
Chapter 267. Vortex shedding due to water impact of an asymmetric wedge 1147
Chapter 268. A statistical model of laminar–turbulent transition 1150
Chapter 269. Fast multipole method for acoustic radiation problems in three dimensions 1153
Chapter 270. Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible flow 1157
Chapter 271. Navier–Stokes solution by new compact schemes for incompressible flow 1160
Chapter 272. Vortex breakdown in a cylinder with a free surface 1166
Chapter 273. Microfluidics and wetting: evidence of several time scales 1169
Chapter 274. Transient evolution to periodic fluid flow and heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity due to an oscillating thin fin 1172
Chapter 275. Near-wall coherent structures in the turbulent channel flow of a dilute polymer solution 1176
Chapter 276. Finite volume formulation of compact upwind and central schemes with artificial selective damping 1181
Chapter 277. Influence of bifurcation angle on flow into a branch 1185
Chapter 278. Parallel computation of unsteady three-dimensional incompressible viscous flow using an unstructured multigrid method 1189
Chapter 279. Computing transient viscoelastic flows 1194
Chapter 280. Oblique shock–vortex interaction over a wedge 1197
Chapter 281. On the modeling of dispersed particulate flows using a multifield model 1201
Chapter 282. The effect of electrostatic forces on droplet suspensions 1207
Chapter 283. Numerical approach to 3D forward modeling of slow viscous flow 1210
Chapter 284. Calculation of the sound generated by the head-on collision of two vortex rings 1213
Chapter 285. A three-dimensional study of Taylor bubble turning in two phase downflow 1217
Chapter 286. Space-time discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for inviscid gas dynamics 1222
Chapter 287. Large eddy simulation of non–isothermal turbulent gas-particle jets 1226
Chapter 288. Vortical flow phenomena on helicopter rotors 1230
Chapter 289. The spectral volume method for the Euler equations with high-order boundary representations 1234
Chapter 290. Vortex phenomena in flows for reusable launch vehicles 1238
Chapter 291. Kinematic and dynamic dissipation in shock capturing schemes 1242
Chapter 292. Self-sustained oscillations in separating flows: simulation and stability analysis 1246
Chapter 293. A sixth order finite difference scheme for the convection diffusion equation 1250
Chapter 294. High-order compact schemes with filters on multi-block domains 1253
Chapter 295. Resolution of high order WENO schemes and Navier–Stokes simulation of the Rayleigh–Taylor instability problem 1257
Contents Volume 2 28
Preface 6
Session Organizers 8
Fellowship Awardees 10
Sponsors 12
Part IV: Multiphysics 1260
Chapter 296. Multi-phase flow simulations of injector flows 1261
Chapter 297. Applications of the generalized Boltzmann kinetics in physics of neutral and ionized gases 1266
Chapter 298. Variational fundamental equations for some electromagnetic elastic discontinuous fields 1270
Chapter 299. A dynamically adaptive arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian method for hydrodynamics 1273
Chapter 300. Numerical scheme for moving body interacting with fluid 1278
Chapter 301. An efficient statistical noise-free kinetic method for collisional rarified gas simulations 1281
Chapter 302. Numerical simulation of a guitar 1285
Chapter 303. Numerical simulation of premixed turbulent methane combustion 1288
Chapter 304. Computational method to simulate planned ditching of a transport airplane 1292
Chapter 305. Computation of the vibration modes of an elastoacoustic system using a modal synthesis method 1296
Chapter 306. Efficient partitioned solution methods for the computation of fluid–structure interactions 1300
Chapter 307. The immersed boundary method: a finite element approach 1304
Chapter 308. Aeroelastic simulation of tilt-rotors using non-linear finite element multibody procedures 1308
Chapter 309. A non-linear finite element model for the analysis of liquid-filled tanks under earthquake excitation 1312
Chapter 310. Longitudinal–radial vibrations of a circular cylindrical layer situated in the flow of fluid 1316
Chapter 311. Simulation of a fast decompression of the HDR test facility with a new incompatible fluid–structure interface algorithm 1319
Chapter 312. Coupling of discrete particle model with embedded mesh flow solver 1323
Chapter 313. Analysis and numerics for multiphase flow in porous media 1326
Chapter 314. Moisture movement and heat flow in reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire 1328
Chapter 315. A new Lagrangian–Eulerian shell–fluid coupling algorithm based on level sets 1334
Chapter 316. Multi-physics and particle methods 1337
Chapter 317. Fast multipole method for low-frequency electromagnetic scattering 1340
Chapter 318. Cavity generation for enhanced well productivities 1344
Chapter 319. Acceleration of a fixed point algorithm for fluid–structure interaction using transpiration conditions 1348
Chapter 320. Direct numerical simulation of multiphase flow systems: a Lagrange multiplier/fictitious domain method and its parallel implementation 1353
Chapter 321. Collisions of rigid bodies, deformable bodies and fluids 1358
Chapter 322. A multiple-porosity finite-element model of reactive contaminants in soils 1363
Chapter 323. EUPAC: Eulerian–Eulerian modeling of pulverized coal combustion 1368
Chapter 324. Observations of the dynamics of panels in supersonic flow 1373
Chapter 325. An exact Block–Newton algorithm for the solution of implicit time discretized coupled systems involved in fluid–structure interaction problems 1378
Chapter 326. Simulation of air pressure control valves for crankcases 1383
Chapter 327. Magneto-mechanical simulations by a coupled fast multipole method–finite element method 1388
Chapter 328. Fluid mixing in multiphase porous media flows 1391
Chapter 329. A quasi-Newton method for a fluid–structure problem arising in blood flows 1396
Chapter 330. High-order radiation boundary conditions for time-domain electromagnetics using an unstructured discontinuous Galerkin method 1399
Chapter 331. Using coupled fluid/structure interaction code to predict fighter aircraft wing response to AAA damage 1405
Chapter 332. A comparison of the Bader–Deuflhard and the Cash–Karp Runge–Kutta integrators for the GRI-MECH 3.0 model based on the chemical kinetics code Kintecus 1409
Chapter 333. Parallel multi-steps strong coupling method for interaction of incompressible viscous fluid and an elastic body 1414
Chapter 334. Analytical-numerical models for flutter of cylindrical shells in supersonic flow 1418
Chapter 335. Numerical modelling for non-linear wave–pipe–seabed interaction 1422
Chapter 336. Convection of multi-component fluid in porous medium 1427
Chapter 337. Space-time adaptive solution of fluid–structure interaction problems 1431
Chapter 338. Coupled thermo-mechanical simulation of open die-forging 1435
Chapter 339. Discrete vortex simulation of vortex excitation and mitigation in bridge engineering 1438
Chapter 340. A component-based scientific toolkit for reacting flows 1442
Chapter 341. Nonlinear vibration of thermo-elastic plates in a magnetic field 1447
Chapter 342. Subcritical bifurcation of a rotating elastic filament in a viscous fluid by the immersed boundary method 1450
Chapter 343. FCM-spectral element method for simulating colloidal micro-devices 1454
Chapter 344. The CE/SE method - a conservative compact integral scheme for computational aeroacoustics 1458
Chapter 345. Reduced models for adaptive chemistry simulation of reacting flows 1463
Chapter 346. Stochastic flow-structure interactions 1467
Chapter 347. Towards dynamically reduced mechanisms based on domain splitting 1471
Chapter 348. Continuum thermodynamic modeling of drying capillary particulate materials using an unstructured finite volume algorithm 1475
Chapter 349. Numerical simulation of thermal stability in NHMFL 45-T hybrid magnet using front-tracking method 1479
Chapter 350. Effect of capillarity and heterogeneity in the numerical modelling of multiphase flow of fluids in unsaturated porous medium 1483
Chapter 351. Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian simulations using a level set method 1489
Chapter 352. Modal analysis of fluid–structure systems: reduced models accuracy and experimental validation 1495
Chapter 353. Simulation of pollutant emission near lean-blowout in gas turbine engines 1500
Chapter 354. Efficient solution procedures for the simulation of fluid–structure interaction problems 1503
Chapter 355. A variational approach-based method for simulating the post-liquefaction behaviour of soil masses 1508
Chapter 356. Electroelastic bending and polarization switching of piezoelectric laminated actuators 1512
Chapter 357. Numerical simulations in geotechnics based on a multiphase FE approach 1516
Chapter 358. Coherent flame modelling of turbulent combustion – a validation study 1520
Chapter 359. Experimental validation of the wave based prediction technique for the analysis of the coupled vibro-acoustic behavior of a 3D cavity 1524
Chapter 360. Fluid–structure interaction in civil engineering 1529
Chapter 361. Fluid–solid interaction analysis using ANSYS/multiphysics 1533
Chapter 362. Fully coupled analysis and sensitivity analysis for electrostatic–fluid–structure interaction problems 1538
Chapter 363. Analysis of parametric uncertainty propagation in detailed combustion chemistry 1542
Chapter 364. Representation of liquid sloshing in elastic 3D tanks by equivalent mechanical systems and symmetric reduced models 1547
Chapter 365. From LES via APE to trailing-edge noise 1551
Chapter 366. Semiempirical theory and computer simulation of combustion and explosion of fuels with liquid and metal particles 1555
Chapter 367. Inlet streamwise vorticity effects on jet evolution and far field sound generation 1558
Chapter 368. Two-way coupling of a nonlinear geomechanics code with several porous flow simulators 1562
Chapter 369. Stag3D: A code for modeling thermo-chemical multiphase convection in Earth's mantle 1565
Chapter 370. A constitutive model for a three-phase porous material 1569
Chapter 371. A state–space computational model for piezothermoelasticity 1573
Chapter 372. Modeling wind-wave resuspension in a shallow reservoir: Peoria Lake, IL 1576
Chapter 373. Coarse integration of bubble flows using lattice Boltzmann simulators 1581
Chapter 374. Direct simulations of three-dimensional turbulent premixed flames 1585
Chapter 375. Local and global manifolds in stiff reaction–diffusion systems 1589
Chapter 376. Coupled finite element–wave-based approach in steady–state structural acoustics 1593
Chapter 377. Higher order staggered coupling schemes to predict the aeroelastic behavior of helicopter rotors 1597
Chapter 378. Fluid–structure coupling within a monolithic model involving free surface flows 1601
Chapter 379. The state vector method of axisymmetric problems for multilayered magneto-electro-elastic media 1605
Chapter 380. Numerical model of flow in distensible microfluidic network 1610
Chapter 381. A coupling of mixed and Galerkin finite element methods for poro-elasticity 1614
Chapter 382. Structural degradation of wind-turbine towers under combined wind and thermic action 1617
Chapter 383. A dilute mixing model in microchannels 1623
Chapter 384. A multi-integrated moment method for multi-fluid hydrodynamics 1627
Chapter 385. Thermo-mechanical analysis of solidifying concrete slab of a bridge 1630
Chapter 386. Computational simulation of a single boiling bubble in water 1633
Chapter 387. A study of steady and unsteady flow in a collapsible channel 1638
Chapter 388. On the modeling of diffusion processes in detailed chemistry post-processing for CFD 1642
Part V: Bio-Engineering Science 1648
Chapter 389. Numerical simulation of the growth of a multicellular spheroid 1649
Chapter 390. An anisotropic model of vascular tumour growth: implications for vascular collapse 1654
Chapter 391. Development of a finite element tool for stress analysis of femur and tibia incorporating anatomically realistic mechanical properties 1658
Chapter 392. A finite deformation theory for articular cartilage with orthotropic symmetry and tension–compression nonlinearity 1663
Chapter 393. Towards a multi-scale model of cartilage: coarse-graining glycosaminoglycans 1667
Chapter 394. Modelling the dynamics of tumour cords under a cell killing agent 1672
Chapter 395. Unstructured finite element method for a 3D anisotropic bidomain model 1675
Chapter 396. Finite element modeling from medical images for biomechanical analysis 1679
Chapter 397. Modelling heart tissue using a composite muscle model with blood perfusion 1683
Chapter 398. Natural strain has advantages for biotissue models and can be quickly and accurately approximated 1688
Chapter 399. A domain decomposition method for solving the Pennes' bioheat transfer in a 3D triple-layered skin structure 1691
Chapter 400. Combining parallel techniques for ecosystem modeling and management 1696
Chapter 401. A mathematical model of immune response to tumor invasion 1702
Chapter 402. Axisymmetric fluid–structure interaction model of the left ventricle 1710
Chapter 403. Mathematical modelling and simulation of interacting cell systems with cellular automata 1714
Chapter 404. Some advances in modeling multiphysics-biomedical applications 1717
Chapter 405. DNA molecular suspension flow in microchannels 1721
Chapter 406. Computers and arrhythmias: computational approaches to understanding cardiac electrical dynamics 1724
Chapter 407. Silicon microstructure for preconcentration of metallic ions 1728
Chapter 408. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow in a bileaflet heart valve using overset grids 1731
Chapter 409. Numerical simulation of aquatic locomotion on Cartesian grids 1735
Chapter 410. Immersed boundary simulation of the cochlea: recent results 1739
Chapter 411. 3D ultrasound-based CFD for carotid flow prediction: a reproducibility study 1742
Chapter 412. Chemical amplifiers 1746
Chapter 413. Three-dimensional modeling of sediment transport in a partially stratified micro-tidal estuary 1749
Chapter 414. Scale transitions in bone elasticity from the nanometer level up to cortical and trabecular bone 1752
Chapter 415. New insights in the mechanics of neutrophils 1756
Chapter 416. Bone and joints modelling with individualized geometric and mechanical properties derived from medical image: application to the evaluation of osteoarticular pathology 1760
Chapter 417. Bone structure and mechanical loading: basic science and clinical implications 1764
Chapter 418. Modeling of trabecular bone as a hierarchical material 1768
Chapter 419. Can morphogen activity be enhanced by its inhibitors? 1770
Chapter 420. Role of nanostructure on mechanical properties of nacre 1775
Chapter 421. Design of a single capillary-parenchyma1 co-culture bioreactor using a self-assembling peptide membrane 1779
Chapter 422. A hybrid modeling scheme for soft tissue simulation in virtual reality based medical trainers 1783
Chapter 423. On various techniques for computer simulation of boundaries with mass 1787
Chapter 424. Modeling of blood flow in the human aorta with use of an orthotropic nonlinear material model for the walls 1792
Chapter 425. Incorporating thermal fluctuations into the immersed boundary method 1796
Chapter 426. Structure modification of collagen associated with mineral and water content 1800
Chapter 427. A compressible anisotropic nonlinear elastic material: application to the finite element modeling of the periodontal ligament 1803
Chapter 428. Numerical modelling of bioheat transfer in multi-layer skin tissue domain subjected to a flash fire 1807
Chapter 429. Mechanical aspects of bone remodeling 1812
Chapter 430. Dynamics of airway closure: critical smooth muscle activation 1816
Chapter 431. A nonlinearly elastic homogenized constitutive law for the myocardium 1820
Chapter 432. Estimating endocardia1 potentials from a noncontact probe 1823
Chapter 433. On deriving lumped models for blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries 1827
Chapter 434. A stereologic technique to quantify the specific hydraulic conductivity of extracellular matrix using electron microscopy 1831
Chapter 435. Multiscale modeling of variable stiffness ankle–foot orthosis 1835
Chapter 436. Effect of viscosity and compression rate on the collapse phase transition of pulmonary surfactant at an air-water interface 1838
Chapter 437. Data assimilation for an electro-mechanical model of the myocardium 1842
Chapter 438. Advances in modeling of estuarine and coastal environments 1846
Chapter 439. Investigation of the biomechanical environment within the optic nerve head by finite element modelling 1851
Chapter 440. Tumour angiogenesis and cell motion 1855
Chapter 441. Modeling a piezoelectric biological membrane 1859
Chapter 442. Estimation of tidal current using Kalman filter finite element method with AIC 1862
Chapter 443. MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallel molecular dynamics simulation of a protein structure on SMP cluster architecture 1867
Chapter 444. 2D and 3D multi-physics models for flow and nonlinear stress/strain analysis of stenotic arteries with lipid cores 1870
Chapter 445. Simulation study on change in mechanical property of cancellous bone due to trabecular microstructural changes 1874
Chapter 446. Modeling a cell passing through a stenotic channel using extended immersed boundary method 1877
Part VI: Algorithms 1882
Chapter 447. Concurrent multiple impacts modelling: case study of a 3-ball chain 1883
Chapter 448. Flexible Galerkin finite element methods 1889
Chapter 449. Anisotropic mesh adaptation. Applications to transient CFD problems 1892
Chapter 450. A spectral stochastic approach to the inverse heat conduction problem 1896
Chapter 451. Orthotropic plate dynamics by a novel meshfree method 1900
Chapter 452. Computational strategy for the analysis of assemblies containing interface uncertainties 1904
Chapter 453. A posteriori error analysis for elliptic variational inequalities of the second kind 1908
Chapter 454. Multiscale computation: from fast solvers to systematic upscaling 1912
Chapter 455. Remarks on the wave-ray multigrid solvers for Helmholtz equations 1915
Chapter 456. Custom integration scheme for patch test in MLS meshfree methods 1917
Chapter 457. An added mass identification algorithm based on frequency response functions 1921
Chapter 458. High-order localized time integration for grid-induced stiffness 1924
Chapter 459. Transient response analyses by extended generic differential quadratures based discrete element analysis methods and time integration schemes 1928
Chapter 460. Fitting topography and shorelines in a 3D, Cartesian-grid model for free-surface flows 1933
Chapter 461. Propagation of non-Gaussian stochastic behavior using the polynomial chaos expansion 1937
Chapter 462. Discontinuous Galerkin methods for equations with divergence-free solutions: preliminary results 1941
Chapter 463. A numerical approach based on the BEM for computing transferred earth potentials in grounding analysis 1944
Chapter 464. Subdomains assembly with non matching time space interfaces: an efficient way to solve large structural transient analysis 1948
Chapter 465. The local modified extrapolated Gauss–Seidel (LMEGS) method 1952
Chapter 466. Numerical modeling of porous materials’ mechanical behavior with the cell method 1956
Chapter 467. Upper bounds on the response variance of stochastic systems via generalized variability response functions 1959
Chapter 468. Object-oriented programming for “fast and easy” development of parallel applications in forming processes simulation 1963
Chapter 469. Anisotropic mesh adaptation method for computational mechanics problems 1966
Chapter 470. Controlling approximation error 1970
Chapter 471. A simple 3D local error estimator for stresses 1974
Chapter 472. Anisotropic metrics for mesh adaptation 1977
Chapter 473. Stochastic solution approximation for high-complexity problems 1980
Chapter 474. Application of unified DG analysis to preconditioning DG methods 1984
Chapter 475. An implicit WENO scheme for steady-state computation of scalar hyperbolic equations 1987
Chapter 476. Inertial manifolds with CSP 1992
Chapter 477. Improved accuracy in finite element methods using fundamental solutions 1996
Chapter 478. Normalized finite element approximate inverse preconditioning for solving non-linear boundary value problems 1999
Chapter 479. On the rate of convergence and complexity of finite element normalized explicit approximate inverse preconditioning 2004
Chapter 480. An efficient multi-level boundary element method for the Helmholtz equation 2009
Chapter 481. A fast multi-level multi-grid method for the Laplace equation 2014
Chapter 482. Analysis of a filtered high-order method for CAA 2019
Chapter 483. Adaptive wavelet Galerkin BEM 2023
Chapter 484. Treatment of boundary conditions in corrective smoothed particle method heat conduction problems 2028
Chapter 485. On analytical transformations for efficiency improvements in the method of finite spheres 2031
Chapter 486. Predictability of surface temperatures from FE calibrated thermal constants 2036
Chapter 487. Capturing contact discontinuities using the unified coordinates 2041
Chapter 488. Numerical integration of singular Kelvin functions applied to plates on an elastic foundation 2045
Chapter 489. Nonlinear Schwarz–FAS methods for unstructured finite element elliptic problems 2049
Chapter 490. Asymptotically symplectic integrators of 3rd and 4th order for the numerical solution of the Schrodinger equation 2053
Chapter 491. Preconditioning discontinuous Galerkin saddle point systems 2057
Chapter 492. On the optimum value of t for a variant of the diffusion method 2060
Chapter 493. Hierarchical parallel solution of stochastic systems 2064
Chapter 494. Meshless FDM-based approach to error control and evaluation of experimental or numerical data 2067
Chapter 495. Product triangular iterative method for solution of linear equation systems with dominant skew-symmetric part 2072
Chapter 496. A posteriori truncation error detection with application to grid adaptation 2076
Chapter 497. An O(n log n) solution algorithm for spectral element methods 2080
Chapter 498. The calculation of a normal force between multiparticle contacts using fractional operators 2084
Chapter 499. Bridging time-scales in solid dynamics: asynchronous variational integrators 2089
Chapter 500. Mixed methods for interface problems 2094
Chapter 501. Automatic generation of open covers for the method of finite spheres using an octree-based approach 2098
Chapter 502. A meshless FDM applied to a posteriori error analysis of experimental data by physically based global method approximation 2101
Chapter 503. Concave finite elements for the cloning algorithm 2105
Chapter 504. Mesh-less method for homogeneous handling of fiber–fluid interactions 2108
Chapter 505. A simple technique for efficient evaluations of boundary integrals of time-harmonic elastodynamic BEM analyses for anisotropic solids 2112
Chapter 506. Fuzzy stochastic finite element method 2115
Chapter 507. Genetic algorithms applied to partitioning for parallel analyses using geometric entities 2119
Chapter 508. A mesh generator for an adaptive multigrid MFD/FE method 2123
Chapter 509. Simultaneous upper and lower bound error assessment solving local problems on stars 2127
Chapter 510. Discrete element simulations using macro-particles 2130
Chapter 511. Convergence study for the discrete particle method 2134
Chapter 512. Trigonometrically fitted Adams–Bashforth–Moulton methods for periodic initial value problems 2138
Chapter 513. Multiscale meshfree method for the analysis of carbon nanotube-based materials 2142
Chapter 514. A generalized quadrature free discontinuous Galerkin method 2146
Chapter 515. Equivalence between the spectral and the finite elements matrices 2151
Chapter 516. A new deterministic numerical method for the Boltzmann equation 2154
Chapter 517. Higher-order MDOF time integration methods 2158
Chapter 518. Agglomeration coarse corrections: convergence estimate and numerical results 2164
Chapter 519. Nonstationary response of large, hysteretic FE-systems 2168
Chapter 520. Transient heat conduction analysis in a 3D axisymmetric body by the meshless local boundary integral equation method 2172
Chapter 521. A multiresolution finite element method using second generation Hermite multiwavelets 2176
Chapter 522. A multigrid algorithm for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2182
Chapter 523. From deterministic curvature driven grain growth to stochastic models 2186
Chapter 524. Algorithms by design: issues and new perspectives for computational dynamics 2189
Chapter 525. An analytically integrated general finite element method 2193
Chapter 526. Control of discretization error for time-continuous space–time FEM through mesh movement 2197
Chapter 527. Radiation phenomena in unbounded media – a fractional calculus approach 2201
Chapter 528. On the discretized delta function and force calculation in the immersed boundary method 2205
Chapter 529. Discontinuous Galerkin finite element solution of 3D elasticity 2211
Chapter 530. The material point method in the analysis of the problem of shear bounds formation 2214
Chapter 531. Analysis of a pointwise smoother in multigrid for poroelasticity 2219
Chapter 532. On the use of radial basis functions in a local weighted meshless method 2223
Chapter 533. Large-scale limit of Monte-Carlo simulations of grain growth 2227
Part VII: Optimization & Design
Chapter 534. Discrete adjoint-based shape optimization for an edge-based finite-volume solver 2231
Chapter 535. Probabilistic failure analysis by simulation 2235
Chapter 536. Uncertainty quantification using evidence theory with a cost-effective algorithm 2238
Chapter 537. Fatigue and fracture reliability analysis under random loading 2242
Chapter 538. Multifrequency shape optimization of an acoustic horn 2245
Chapter 539. Reliability of material and geometrically nonlinear reinforced and prestressed concrete structures 2249
Chapter 540. Optimization of a reconstructed middle ear using an evolution strategy 2254
Chapter 541. Existing and future directions of the Self-Designing Structures optimization research programme 2259
Chapter 542. Genetic generation of 2D and 3D structures 2262
Chapter 543. Uncertainty-based loads analysis for spacecraft: finite element model validation and dynamic responses 2267
Chapter 544. On the significance of locking on shape optimization of shells 2270
Chapter 545. The design of acoustic resonant chambers by numerical simulation 2274
Chapter 546. Reliability structural assessment of concrete structures using genetic algorithms and nonlinear analysis 2278
Chapter 547. An interactive simulation platform and its industrial applications 2282
Chapter 548. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for structural optimization 2285
Chapter 549. Extending the service life of steel bridges through field instrumentation 2290
Chapter 550. Design of a low-profile barrier for curved alignments using finite element impact simulation 2294
Chapter 551. Mdof shear frame base isolated by SMA devices 2299
Chapter 552. Probabilistic descriptions of wind effects for database-assisted design 2302
Chapter 553. Stochastic methods for optimization of crash and NVH problems 2306
Chapter 554. Structural optimization of stiffened shells using evolutionary algorithms 2310
Chapter 555. Structural-acoustic sensitivity analysis for optimization of shell geometry with respect to lower noise emission 2315
Chapter 556. A general purpose library for stochastic finite element computations 2319
Chapter 557. Risk-based condition assessment and maintenance engineering 2322
Chapter 558. Searching for an efficient method in multiobjective frame optimisation using evolutionary algorithms 2326
Chapter 559. Bounded-but-unknown uncertainty optimization of micro-electro-mechanical systems 2332
Chapter 560. A simple homogenization method for a flat periodic plate structure 2335
Chapter 561. Relevance of support vector machines for stochastic mechanics 2339
Chapter 562. The role of uncertainties in performance-based design of dynamical systems 2343
Chapter 563. High performance computing for multidisciplinary design optimization and robustness of vehicle structures 2346
Chapter 564. Dynamic shape control of sub-regions of linear elastic beams by self-stress actuation 2349
Chapter 565. Finite element modelling of soil-structure systems in workstation clusters 2353
Chapter 566. Effect of ladder-frame on FE analysis of bulkhead/main bearing cap structure 2358
Chapter 567. Discrete optimization approach to design of reinforced concrete frames 2361
Chapter 568. Reconstruction of velocity data, using optimization 2365
Chapter 569. Shape optimization and shocks 2369
Chapter 570. Cost of reliability improvement and deterioration delay of maintained structures 2373
Chapter 571. A new visualization method of multidimensional numerical models for structural optimization 2377
Chapter 572. High fidelity models in the multi-disciplinary optimization of a frigate ship 2382
Chapter 573. Structural damage assessment with uncertainties 2386
Chapter 574. Open-loop control of three-dimensional wakes 2389
Chapter 575. Finite element modelling of intelligent structures – dynamical behaviour and the shape memory effect 2393
Chapter 576. Response surface method for optimum design of composite stiffened shells 2396
Chapter 577. Optimization of composite panels using neural networks and genetic algorithms 2400
Chapter 578. Fuzzy based approach for the reliability assessment of reinforced concrete two-blade slender bridge piers using three-dimensional non-linear analysis 2405
Chapter 579. Solution of implicitly formulated inverse heat transfer problems with hybrid methods 2410
Chapter 580. Discrete sensitivity-based evolutionary design optimization 2414
Chapter 581. Study of floor acceleration demands in moment frame structures 2419
Chapter 582. Efficient random fields simulation for stochastic FEM analyses 2424
Chapter 583. Evaluation and comparison of geometry representation methods for structural topology optimization 2428
Chapter 584. Parametric design improvement strategies using long running simulation codes 2431
Chapter 585. Evolution strategies for engineering design optimisation 2435
Chapter 586. A Parallel, open-source, internet-enabled computational mechanics simulation platform 2439
Chapter 587. A moment-based stochastic method for response moment and reliability analysis 2443
Chapter 588. A mono-level iterative approach to optimum design under system reliability constraint 2446
Chapter 589. Experience with sequential stochastic design improvement methods 2450
Chapter 590. Analysis building blocks: a rich information model context for knowledge-based finite element analysis 2453
Author Index 2460
Keyword Index 2470


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