Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets (eBook)
300 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-051159-7 (ISBN)
Most models in economics and finance assume that investors are rational. However, experimental studies reveal systematic deviations from rational behavior. How can we determine the effect of investors' deviations from rational behavior on asset prices and market dynamics? By using Microscopic Simulation, a methodology originally developed by physicists for the investigation of complex systems, the authors are able to relax classical assumptions about investor behavior and to model it as empirically and experimentally observed. This rounded and judicious introduction to the application of MS in finance and economics reveals that many of the empirically-observed puzzles in finance can be explained by investors' quasi-rationality.
Researchers use the book because it models heterogeneous investors, a group that has proven difficult to model. Being able to predict how people will invest and setting asset prices accordingly is inherently appealing, and the combination of computing power and statistical mechanics in this book makes such modeling possible. Because many finance researchers have backgrounds in physics, the material here is accessible.
Key Features
* Emphasizes investor behavior in determining asset prices and market dynamics
* Introduces Microscopic Simulation within a simplified framework
* Offers ways to model deviations from rational decision-making
Microscopic Simulation (MS) uses a computer to represent and keep track of individual ("e;microscopic"e;) elements in order to investigate complex systems which are analytically intractable. A methodology that was developed to solve physics problems, MS has been used to study the relation between microscopic behavior and macroscopic phenomena in systems ranging from those of atomic particles, to cars, animals, and even humans. In finance, MS can help explain, among other things, the effects of various elements of investor behavior on market dynamics and asset pricing. It is these issues in particular, and the value of an MS approach to finance in general, that are the subjects of this book. The authors not only put their work in perspective by surveying traditional economic analyses of investor behavior, but they also briefly examine the use of MS in fields other than finance. Most models in economics and finance assume that investors are rational. However, experimental studies reveal systematic deviations from rational behavior. How can we determine the effect of investors' deviations from rational behavior on asset prices and market dynamics? By using Microscopic Simulation, a methodology originally developed by physicists for the investigation of complex systems, the authors are able to relax classical assumptions about investor behavior and to model it as empirically and experimentally observed. This rounded and judicious introduction to the application of MS in finance and economics reveals that many of the empirically-observed "e;puzzles"e; in finance can be explained by investors' quasi-rationality. Researchers use the book because it models heterogeneous investors, a group that has proven difficult to model. Being able to predict how people will invest and setting asset prices accordingly is inherently appealing, and the combination of computing power and statistical mechanics in this book makes such modeling possible. Because many finance researchers have backgrounds in physics, the material here is accessible. - Emphasizes investor behavior in determining asset prices and market dynamics- Introduces Microscopic Simulation within a simplified framework- Offers ways to model deviations from rational decision-making
Front Cover 1
Microscopic Simulation of Financial Markets: From Investor Behavior to Market Phenomena 4
Copyright Page 5
Chapter 1. Classic Models in Finance: Solved and Unsolved Issues 20
1.1 Introduction 20
1.2 EUT, Alternative Models, and Noise Traders 23
1.3 Classical Analysis in Modern Finance 27
1.4 Summary 31
Chapter 2. Decision Weights, Change of Wealth, and Value Function: The Experimental Evidence 32
2.1 Introduction 32
2.2 Decision Weights and Objective Probabilities 37
2.3 Change in Wealth versus Total Wealth 47
2.4 Risk Aversion and Risk Seeking 50
2.5 Cumulative Prospect Theory: Decision Weights and Stochastic Dominance 55
2.6 Summary 59
Chapter 3. Empirical and Experimental Evidence Regarding Preferences: Absolute and Relative Risk Aversion 62
3.1 Introduction 62
3.2 Arrow and Pratt Risk Premium and the Subject’s Wealth 64
3.3 The Gordon, Paradis, and Rorke Experiment 67
3.4 The Kroll, Levy, and Rapoport Experiment 70
3.5 DARA and IRRA When Financial Rewards and Penalties Are Possible 72
3.6 The Implication of the Findings Regarding Preferences to Microscopic Modeling 79
3.7 Summary 83
Chapter 4. Inefficient Choices and Investors’ Irrationality 86
4.1 Introduction 86
4.2 Investors’ Inefficiency and Irrationality 89
4.3 The ‘‘Hot Hand’’ in Basketball and Looking for Trends in the Stock Market 103
4.4 Correlations and the Portfolio Investment Decision: How Close Are Investors to the Efficient Frontier? 109
4.5 Testing the CAPM: An Experimental Setting with Ex Ante Parameters 112
4.6 Summary 122
Chapter 5. The Microscopic Simulation Method 124
5.1 Introduction 124
5.2 A Simple Example of a Microscopic Simulation Application: Nuclear Fission 126
5.3 Considerations in Applying Microscopic Simulations 134
5.4 The Effects of Discreteness—Comparison with the Analytical ‘‘Continuum’’ Approach 137
5.5 Philosophical Remarks 139
Chapter 6. Microscopic Simulations in Various Fields 142
6.1 Introduction 142
6.2 Traffic Flow Microscopic Simulations 143
6.3 Population Dynamics, Mobility, and Segregation 144
6.4 Microsimulation in Social Science 146
6.5 The Outbreak of Cooperation, Inductive Reasoning, and Investment Strategies 148
6.6 Dynamics of Expectations: the Formation of Coalitions 151
6.7 Microscopic Simulation of the Neolithic Revolution 152
6.8 Microscopic Simulation in Marketing 153
6.9 Microscopic Simulation in Biology 158
Chapter 7. The LLS Microscopic Simulation Model 160
7.1 Introduction 160
7.2 The Model 165
7.3 Results of the Benchmark Model 174
7.4 Results of the LLS Model with a Small Minority of EMBs 179
7.5 Survivability of the EMB Investors 193
7.6 Summary 197
Appendix 7.1 199
Appendix 7.2 200
Appendix 7.3 200
Chapter 8. Various Financial Microscopic Simulations 202
8.1 Introduction 202
8.2 Stigler’s Random Tender Stream Model 203
8.3 The Portfolio Insurers Model of Kim and Markowitz 205
8.4 The Financial Life of Arthur, Holland, Lebaron, Palmer, and Tayler 206
8.5 Lux’s Intermittent Fluctuations Induced by Traders Dynamics 208
8.6 The Herding Model of Bak, Paczuski, and Shubik 211
8.7 The Market Ecology of Farmer 214
8.8 The Effects of the Number of Investors 216
Chapter 9. Prospect Theory, Asset Pricing, and Market Dynamics 218
9.1 Introduction 218
9.2 Experimental Estimates of the Value Function and the Distortion of Probabilities 219
9.3 Implications of Prospect Theory to Asset Allocation and Equilibrium Pricing 223
9.4 Prospect Theory and Market Dynamics in the LLS Model 234
9.5 Summary 243
Appendix 9.1 245
Chapter 10. Applications of Microscopic Simulation to the CAPM: Heterogeneous Expectations and the Number of Assets in the Portfolio 246
10.1 Introduction 246
10.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Expectations and Equilibrium Prices 248
10.3 Number of Assets in the Portfolio: The GCAPM versus the CAPM 266
10.4 Summary 274
Appendix 10.1 275
Chapter 11. Application of Microscopic Simulation to Option pricing: Uncertainty and Disagreement About the Volatility 280
11.1 Introduction 280
11.2 The Model 283
11.3 Results 285
11.4 Summary 295
The classical models in finance are analytical models. These models make assumptions regarding the market and the behavior of individuals operating in the market and derive their results by mathematical analysis. For example, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) assumes that investors maximize their von Neuman and Morgenstern (1944) expected utility, in addition, it makes specific assumptions of a perfect market with no taxes and no transaction costs, normal rate of return distributions, a one-period investment horizon, and homogeneous expectations.
Many of the assumptions made in the CAPM, as well as in most other models in finance, are admittedly false. First, there are experimental findings that cast doubt on the expected utility paradigm, which is the foundation of most models in finance. Second, there are also many model-specific assumptions that have been criticized. For instance, the assumption of no taxes and no transaction costs does not conform to the actual facts. It is also clear that, in contrast to the homogeneous expectation assumption, investors differ in their expectations, holding periods, decision-making processes, and so on. Although false, these assumptions are required to obtain analytical tractability. Thus, most of the cornerstone models in finance, such as the CAPM, the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, the Black and Scholes Option Pricing Model, and the Modigliani and Miller Capital Structure and Valuation Model, are based on underlying assumptions that are, at best, problematic.
There are several arguments in defense of models based on unrealistic assumptions. The first is that a model with unrealistic assumptions is better than no model at all, and one should not reject a model unless a better one is found (see Stigler, 1966). In addition, although some of a model’s assumptions may not hold in reality, it is possible that the model still provides realistic results. According to Friedman (1953a), a model’s quality should be measured by the model’s explanatory power, not by its (possibly unrealistic) assumptions. For example, even though investors do not sit down to calculate their expected utilities, the market may behave “as if” investors were expected utility maximizers. Unfortunately, the empirical results that test the various theoretical models in finance are, at best, controversial. Moreover, there are several anomalies (e.g., the January effect, the small-firm effect) that contradict the prediction of theoretical models. Thus, in the case of most finance models, the empirical findings do not support the “as if” argument.
The expected utility models mentioned previously are normative. Given a set of assumptions or axioms, the model tells us how investors should behave and how the end result (e.g., the pricing of an asset) is determined. In contrast, experimental studies analyze how investors, or more precisely laboratory subjects, actually do behave and make no normative claims regarding how investors should behave. The leading candidate to compete with the expected utility paradigm is Prospect Theory, advocated by Kahneman and Tversky (1979). Kahneman and Tversky conducted a series of experiments revealing that decision-making behavior is in sharp contradiction to the predictions of expected utility theory. In particular, the subjects make choices according to change in wealth rather than total wealth and employ decision weights (which do not obey the probability rules) rather than objective probabilities.
Thus, expected utility models in finance have been attacked on the following fronts:
1. Some of the model-specific assumptions that are commonly made(no taxes, homogeneous expectations, etc.) are unrealistic.
2. Even if the model-specific assumptions are intact (or if we justify these assumptions by the “as if” argument), experimental studies, particularly Prospect Theory, cast doubt on the validity of the expected utility paradigm, which is the foundation of these models.
3. Empirical studies either do not support or only weakly support the various models in finance.
Prospect Theory and other descriptive models of investor behavior attempt to capture some systematic elements of investor behavior. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a single theory that makes sense of the mixed empirical and experimental data (see Davis and Holt, 1993). In addition, the mathematics of these descriptive models is typically cumbersome, and therefore the implications of these models for pricing are difficult to analyze.
It seems that theoretical research in finance may have a problem: on the one hand, unrealistic simplifying assumptions are needed to ensure analytic tractability; on the other hand, these assumptions lead to results that cannot be convincingly supported by the empirical evidence. Perhaps we have been searching for the lost coin only under the lamppost.
In this book we suggest a research methodology that may expand the realm of investigation in finance. This methodology is called Microscopic Simulation (MS). MS is a methodology that was developed in the physical sciences as a tool for the study of complex systems with many interacting “microscopic” elements. Such complex systems generally do not yield to analytical treatment. The main idea of the MS methodology is to study complex systems by representing each of the microscopic elements individually on a computer and simulating the behavior of the entire system, keeping track of all of the elements and their interactions in each time period. Throughout the simulation, global, or “macroscopic,” variables that are of interest can be recorded, and their dynamics can be investigated. For example, in physics, in order to study and predict the behavior of a nuclear reactor, the multitude of atomic particles interacting in the reactor can be simulated, and the dynamics of the system’s temperature, pressure, and so on, can be investigated. The main advantage of the MS method is that, unlike analytical methods, it does not force one to make simplifying assumptions for the sake of tractability. Thus, virtually any system with heterogeneous elements and complicated interactions can be investigated.
The idea of studying complex systems by simulating all of the systems’ microscopic elements is very natural, and as such it has been reinvented in various fields of science. As a consequence, this methodology is known by several different names, such as microscopic simulation, microsimulation, and agent-based simulation. Although there may be nuances differentiating these various methods, the basic idea behind all of them is the same1.
We believe that MS has a great potential as a research tool in finance and in economics. There is no doubt that financial markets, in which a multitude of heterogeneous quasi-rational investors operate, are very complex systems. MS allows the modeling and investigation of such systems without unrealistic simplifying assumptions. Indeed, the unrealistic assumptions can be relaxed one by one, and the effect of each simplifying assumption on the results can be investigated.
Although MS is a standard tool in most natural sciences, it is not yet commonly employed in the social sciences. Indeed, physicists who realize that the powerful MS machinery they possess can solve problems in social science are starting to conduct microscopic simulations of social science systems. The purpose of this book is to present the MS methodology to the finance and economics community and to suggest ways in which this methodology can be implemented in these areas.
We believe that MS holds promise in two main research avenues:
1. Extension of existing models. With MS, one can extend the existing analytical cornerstone models in finance and investigate the robustness of these models. Namely, one can study the effect of relaxing each of the models’ assumptions on the results. Do the results of the model approximately hold when unrealistic simplifying assumptions are replaced with more realistic assumptions? Which of the important models are robust, and which break down with a slight change of the underlying assumptions?
2. New models. MS allows the researcher to explore new models without having to make restricting assumptions. In particular, one can model markets as realistically as desired. For instance, if the experimental and empirical evidence suggests that the behavior of 60% of the investors is best described by expected utility maximization, whereas for 20% of the investors Prospect Theory provides a better description, and for 20% of the investors noise or liquidity trading seems to be the best explanation, these findings can easily be incorporated into an MS model. Various fundamentalist and technical trading strategies which are observed in experiments and in actual markets can also all be modeled with MS in a realistic setting where transaction costs and taxes prevail. Finally, while classical models typically deal with static equilibrium in a market of homogeneous rational agents, with MS one can investigate dynamic models, models in which investors are heterogeneous in many respects, and models in which investors are constantly learning and changing strategies as time goes by.
This book is organized as follows. Chapter 1 reviews the main models in finance and some of their problematic underlying assumptions....
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 2.8.2000 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Informatik ► Theorie / Studium |
Wirtschaft ► Allgemeines / Lexika | |
Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Finanzierung | |
Wirtschaft ► Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Rechnungswesen / Bilanzen | |
Betriebswirtschaft / Management ► Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre ► Bankbetriebslehre | |
Wirtschaft ► Volkswirtschaftslehre ► Ökonometrie | |
ISBN-10 | 0-08-051159-7 / 0080511597 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0-08-051159-7 / 9780080511597 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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