UNIX for OpenVMS Users -  Philip Bourne,  Richard Holstein,  Joseph McMullen

UNIX for OpenVMS Users (eBook)

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2003 | 3. Auflage
562 Seiten
Elsevier Science (Verlag)
978-0-08-052022-3 (ISBN)
66,95 inkl. MwSt
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"UNIX for OpenVMS Users, 3E, makes it easy to see what OpenVMS and UNIX have in common, and to transfer your knowledge and experience in OpenVMS over to the world of UNIX.

Since most shops rely on more than one operating system, it is critical for system administrators and managers to understand the similarities and differences between platforms, so they can easily work in both environments while taking full advantage of the tools and applications available on each. This book offers OpenVMS professionals a concise source of information, so that they can quickly bring their expertise to bear on UNIX file management, e-mail, networking, and security.

This new edition of the book is enhanced with updated references to VMS, incorporates suggestions made by readers of previous editions, and particularly, recognizes other UNIX implementations in addition to HP's Tru64.

?Includes extensive additions to the sections on VMS logical names, on the emacs editor, and on shell programming and Perl
?Describes the interfaces common to both operating systems, with appendices covering command and editor summaries
?Adds emphasis on Linux"
UNIX for OpenVMS Users, 3E, makes it easy to see what OpenVMS and UNIX have in common, and to transfer your knowledge and experience in OpenVMS over to the world of UNIX. Since most shops rely on more than one operating system, it is critical for system administrators and managers to understand the similarities and differences between platforms, so they can easily work in both environments while taking full advantage of the tools and applications available on each. This book offers OpenVMS professionals a concise source of information, so that they can quickly bring their expertise to bear on UNIX file management, e-mail, networking, and security. This new edition of the book is enhanced with updated references to VMS, incorporates suggestions made by readers of previous editions, and particularly, recognizes other UNIX implementations in addition to HP's Tru64. Includes extensive additions to the sections on VMS logical names, on the emacs editor, and on shell programming and Perl Describes the interfaces common to both operating systems, with appendices covering command and editor summaries Adds emphasis on Linux

Front Cover 1
UNIX for OpenVMS™ Users 4
Copyright Page 5
Contents 8
Preface 12
Conventions 16
Preface to the Third Edition 17
Acknowledgments for the Third Edition 18
Chapter Plates 18
Chapter 1. Introduction 20
1.1 Evolution 23
1.2 The Future 30
Chapter 2. Fundamentals 32
2.1 System Internals 35
2.2 Command Structure and File Naming 46
2.3 Device, Directory, and File Structures 51
2.4 Special Characters 62
2.5 Using Wildcards 65
2.6 The Graphical User Interface 66
2.7 Summary 67
Chapter 3. Getting Started 70
3.1 Terminal Characteristics 73
3.2 User Environment 80
3.3 Logging Out 94
3.4 Control Key Functions 95
3.5 Editing and Recall of Command Lines 96
3.6 Online Help 101
3.7 Printed Documentation 105
3.8 Summary 105
Chapter 4. Introductory File Management 108
4 Introductory File Management 110
4.1 Displaying Directory Contents: ls 119
4.2 File Characteristics 121
4.3 Determining the Current Directory: pwd 125
4.4 Changing Directories: cd 126
4.5 Creating a Directory: mkdir 127
4.6 Deleting a Directory: rmdir and rm -r 127
4.7 Finding a File: find 128
4.8 Displaying a File: cat and more 129
4.9 Paging Through a File: less 130
4.10 Copying a File: cp 131
4.11 Renaming a File: mv 132
4.12 Deleting a File: rm 133
4.13 Summary 134
Chapter 5. Editing 136
5.1 Line-Mode Editing: ex 141
5.2 UNIX Screen Editor: vi 148
5.3 UNIX Screen Editor: Emacs 155
5.4 The Stream Editor: sed 167
5.5 Pattern Matching and Processing: awk 170
5.6 Summary 184
Chapter 6. Communicating with Other Users 186
6.1 Batch Communications: mail 189
6.2 Comparison of OpenVMS and UNIX Mail Commands 201
6.3 Interactive Communications: talk and write 202
6.4 Summary 204
Chapter 7. Devices, Queues, and Background Processing 208
7.1 Using Print Queues 211
7.2 Submitting Print Jobs: 1pr 213
7.3 Using Tape Drives 217
7.4 Background Processing 228
7.5 Batch Processing 233
7.6 Summary 234
Chapter 8. File Management Revisited 238
8.1 Advanced Directory Display Commands 241
8.2 Advanced File Display Commands 242
8.3 Advanced Directory Management Commands 247
8.4 Advanced File-Management Commands 250
8.5 Summary 268
Chapter 9. Programming 270
9.1 Compiling and Linking 276
9.2 Simplifying Compilation: make 279
9.3 Debugging Programs: error and dbx 285
9.4 Profiling: prof and gprof 290
9.5 Maintaining Libraries: ar and ranlib 294
9.6 Summary 297
Chapter 10. Shell Programming 302
10.1 Executing Scripts 306
10.2 Variables 309
10.3 Filename Modifiers (C Shell Only) 320
10.4 Variable Expansion 323
10.5 Comparison Operators 325
10.6 File Operators 329
10.7 Mathematical Operators 334
10.8 Flow Control 339
10.9 Built-in Shell Commands 365
10.10 Debugging Shell Scripts 377
10.11 Summary 379
Chapter 11. Administration 392
11.1 Installing Software 395
11.2 Startup Procedures 396
11.3 System Initialization Files 398
11.4 Managing User Accounts and Groups 404
11.5 Backing up and Restoring Files 408
11.6 Security 412
11.7 Network Configuration 417
11.8 Monitoring the Network 428
11.9 Summary 428
Chapter 12. Monitoring and Utilizing System Resources 430
12.1 Monitoring Users and Their Processes 433
12.2 Monitoring the System 443
12.3 Modifying Processes 449
12.4 Summary 453
Chapter 13. Networking 456
13.1 Communication Overview 461
13.2 Network Communications 463
13.3 Modem Communications 483
13.4 Usenet: Electronic Bulletin Board 491
13.5 Communications Between OpenVMS and UNIX 492
13.6 Summary 492
A. Command Summaries 496
B. Editor Summaries 518
C. Important UNIX Files 528
D. A Procedure for Converting OpenVMS Mail Files to UNIX Mail Files 534
D.1 Overview 534
D.2 Conversion Process 535
E. Where To Look for Further Information 546
Glossary 548
Index 562


When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.

—Mae West

An operating system is like an old friend. You may be in daily contact with him or only see him occasionally. Over the years a firm bond of friendship develops. You come to realize that he is not perfect, and still you feel comfortable with his idiosyncrasies. In short, you accept him for who he is.

OpenVMS, the traditional operating system used by many Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX and Alpha processors, is an old friend to many of us. However, you will likely need to learn a version of the UNIX operating system, for UNIX is the operating system of choice for most processors that use innovative hardware architectures. You may be attracted by the stability that UNIX provides as a development medium in a rapidly changing hardware market. After all, UNIX is the closest we have come to a generic operating system, suited to controlling a variety of hardwares from many vendors. Whatever your reasons for learning UNIX, if you are already familiar with OpenVMS, this may well be the book for you.

The book is intended to help you mold the interactive computing skills that you learned using OpenVMS into the skills necessary for computing in the UNIX framework. It is not meant to be a UNIX user's manual, nor is it designed to teach UNIX from first principles. The book draws upon the experience of observing professionals with varying degrees of Open- VMS expertise grapple with the concrete and philosophical issues of UNIX. This book emphasizes UNIX derived from Berkeley UNIX, or Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), although many of the features discussed are pertinent to any version of UNIX. Both the C shell and the Korn shell, two of the most widely used command-line interfaces to UNIX, are discussed. Thus, this text should also be useful to those migrating from Open VMS to AIX, AT&T System V, Tru64 UNIX, HP-UX, Solaris, or any other version of UNIX.

Chapter 1 begins with a brief history of UNIX and Open VMS. The ideas underlying the conception of each operating system differ markedly. To a casual user, these differences result in a UNIX user interface that appears to be quite different from the Digital Command Language (DCL) interpreter under OpenVMS. Chapter 1 does not discuss any of these differences in detail; the remainder of the book does that. Rather, Chapter 1 explains how these differences came about and gives some of the reasons for them. At first glance, such a discussion may appear superfluous to the central task of learning a subset of useful UNIX commands. However, an understanding of how UNIX and OpenVMS have evolved lets one begin to see the more subtle differences between the two operating systems, differences exemplified throughout this book. For example, OpenVMS is designed as a series of powerful, self-contained commands that the user issues sequentially. UNIX, on the other hand, is designed to be modular, so that users piece together two or more simple modules to form a single complex command string. Thus, effective use of UNIX requires more than learning a new command syntax; it requires a new mode of thinking. The best way to introduce this new mode of thought is to try to capture what the original UNIX developers were thinking when they laid the foundations of UNIX. Chapter 1 ends with a brief consideration of the future directions of UNIX and OpenVMS, based on emerging standards.

Before your hands touch the keyboard, you must grasp a number of ideas that will help prevent later frustration. These ideas are the subject of Chapter 2. First and foremost are the particulars of how the UNIX shell actually interprets a command, in contrast to the OpenVMS command- language interpreter. This discussion introduces the concepts of pipes, filters, and input/output redirection, features that give great power to UNIX and that you need to build the complex command strings mentioned above. Second are the UNIX concepts of the disk partition and file system, in contrast to the OpenVMS physical device and directory. These UNIX concepts are particularly important for anyone interested in UNIX system management. UNIX and OpenVMS operating system internals (data structures, input/output subsystems, and system services) are compared in only a cursory fashion.

With the formalities out of the way, you are ready to move to the terminal and begin getting acquainted with your new friend. Chapter 3 introduces the basic commands and files governing every terminal session and indicates how they differ from those of OpenVMS. You will learn how to tailor the environment to get the most from each UNIX terminal session. Chapter 3 concludes with two topics that OpenVMS users making the transition to UNIX find the most irksome: the recall and cumbersome editing of command lines and the use of online help and the UNIX document set.

At this point, you should be yearning for some serious interactive computing. Chapter 4 introduces a subset of file-management commands that you are likely to need in the first few terminal sessions. So as not to bewilder the beginner, we leave the more complex file-management commands for Chapter 8. In Chapter 4, you should begin to comprehend the power of the UNIX environment.

Chapter 5 follows with a comparison of the most commonly used UNIX and OpenVMS line and screen editors in preparation for some meaningful application development. Chapter 5 also introduces two utilities available to OpenVMS users as part of the POSIX environment that offer powerful features for pattern matching and subsequent file modification.

At this stage, you should be ready to communicate with fellow users and systems staff. Chapter 6 covers the basic features of interactive communications and batch communications via e-mail. For the reader who must communicate with users on remote computers, Chapter 13 revisits e-mail as part of a discussion of processor-to-processor communications.

Chapter 7 introduces the UNIX equivalents of queuing batch and print requests and making tape-drive requests. There are no surprises for the OpenVMS user when it comes to printing files in UNIX, but the same can- not be said of magnetic tape and batch processing. The use of magnetic tapes in UNIX is in some ways arcane, but the real surprise is UNIX's inability to handle batch processing. Chapter 7 explains that this is not a shortcoming, but a difference in philosophy. UNIX has no need for batch queues, since you can easily manage multiple tasks interactively.

By the time you get to Chapter 8, you will need more complex file-management commands. Chapter 8 builds upon the introductory discussion of file management in Chapter 4 by introducing new commands and options.

Chapter 9 discusses programming using a high-level language in the UNIX environment and provides insight into the programming tools for which UNIX is renowned, some of which are available as layered products under OpenVMS. Chapter 9 discusses tools for debugging, profiling, and maintaining large programs with examples from the C and FORTRAN languages.

In UNIX, programming is not restricted to a high-level language inasmuch as you can write programs using the user interface, or shell. Chapter 10 discusses features of shell programming and how it compares to writing OpenVMS command procedures.

Managing user and group accounts, installing software, managing networks, and other tasks are the responsibility of the system administrator. Chapter 11 discusses these and other tasks.

Effective use of any computer system requires an examination of how system resources are being consumed. Chapter 12 describes how to perform such an examination of the UNIX environment.

Finally, Chapter 13 discusses the use of UNIX in a distributed environment of UNIX or UNIX and OpenVMS processors. It considers connections both by fast dedicated networks and by slower asynchronous modems. The chapter groups network communications on the basis of trusted-host access—the UNIX equivalent to a proxy login. Chapter 13 includes a brief discussion of the Network File System (NFS).

Appendixes A and B summarize all we have learned by means of cross- reference tables that compare OpenVMS and UNIX commands and editor functions. The tables also provide the section number where you may find a detailed discussion of each command. Appendix C summarizes the various UNIX files introduced throughout the text. Appendix D is anomalous to the rest of the book, being a procedure to convert existing OpenVMS mail files to a common format used by UNIX mail handlers. Appendix E provides references to Web sites for further information.

While this book will give you basic competency in many areas of UNIX, we have included a bibliography for those who need a different perspective or a deeper understanding. Many will find the Web-based references invaluable as they sit by the keyboard wondering what to do next.

The text emphasizes the practical aspects of UNIX throughout. It is loaded with everyday examples of performing tasks, each of which is compared to its closest OpenVMS counterpart. Where no counterpart exists, that fact is noted. If you have some familiarity with the OpenVMS example presented and compare it to the UNIX example and read the explanation, you should become a competent UNIX user in a short time.

Both operating systems are so rich in their versatility and functionality that producing a concise text meant making some harsh decisions about what should be included and...

Erscheint lt. Verlag 29.5.2003
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Informatik Betriebssysteme / Server Unix / Linux
ISBN-10 0-08-052022-7 / 0080520227
ISBN-13 978-0-08-052022-3 / 9780080520223
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