Pro ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 -  Adam Freeman,  Dan Mabbutt,  Matthew MacDonald

Pro ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 (eBook)

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2011 | 3rd ed.
LXXII, 1664 Seiten
Apress (Verlag)
978-1-4302-2512-6 (ISBN)
56,99 inkl. MwSt
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ASP.NET 4 is the principal standard for creating dynamic web pages on the Windows platform. Pro ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 raises the bar for high-quality, practical advice on learning and deploying Microsoft's dynamic web solution.

This edition is updated with everything you need to come to grips with version 4 of ASP.NET, including coverage of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX 4, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, and Silverlight 3.

Seasoned .NET professionals Matthew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta explain how you can get the most from these groundbreaking new technologies. They cover ASP.NET 4 as a whole, illustrating both the brand-new features and the functionality carried over from previous versions of ASP. This book will give you the knowledge you need to code real ASP.NET 4 applications in the best possible style.

Matthew MacDonald is an author,educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emerging technologies. He isthe author of more than a dozen books about .NET programming. In a dimly-remembered past life, he studied English literature and theoretical physics.
ASP.NET 4 is the principal standard for creating dynamic web pages on the Windows platform. Pro ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 raises the bar for high-quality, practical advice on learning and deploying Microsoft's dynamic web solution. This edition is updated with everything you need to come to grips with version 4 of ASP.NET, including coverage of ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET AJAX 4, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, and Silverlight 3. Seasoned .NET professionals Matthew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta explain how you can get the most from these groundbreaking new technologies. They cover ASP.NET 4 as a whole, illustrating both the brand-new features and the functionality carried over from previous versions of ASP. This book will give you the knowledge you need to code real ASP.NET 4 applications in the best possible style.

Matthew MacDonald is an author,educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emerging technologies. He isthe author of more than a dozen books about .NET programming. In a dimly-remembered past life, he studied English literature and theoretical physics.

Title Page 1
Copyright Page 2
Contents at a Glance 4
Table of Contents 6
About the Authors 31
About the Technical Reviewer 32
Introduction 33
What Does This Book Cover? 33
Who Is This Book For? 34
What Do You Need to Use This Book? 35
Customer Support 35
Sample Code 35
Errata 35
PART I Core Concepts 36
CHAPTER 1 Introducing ASP.NET 37
The Seven Pillars of ASP.NET 37
#1: ASP.NET Is Integrated with the .NET Framework 37
#2: ASP.NET Is Compiled, Not Interpreted 38
#3: ASP.NET Is Multilanguage 40
#4: ASP.NET Is Hosted by the Common Language Runtime 42
#5: ASP.NET Is Object-Oriented 43
#6: ASP.NET Supports all Browsers 45
#7: ASP.NET Is Easy to Deploy and Configure 45
The Evolution of ASP.NET 46
ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 46
ASP.NET 2.0 46
ASP.NET 3.5 48
ASP.NET 4 51
ASP.NET Dynamic Data 52
Silverlight 53
Summary 53
CHAPTER 2 Visual Studio 54
Introducing Visual Studio 54
Websites and Web Projects 55
Creating a Projectless Website 56
The Development Language 57
The Framework Version 57
The Template 58
The Location 59
Designing a Web Page 61
Absolute Positioning 62
Smart Tags 63
Static HTML Tags 64
HTML Tables 64
Structuring HTML Markup 65
The Visual Studio IDE 67
Solution Explorer 69
Document Window 70
Toolbox 70
Error List and Task List 71
Server Explorer 73
The Code Editor 74
Adding Assembly References 75
IntelliSense and Outlining 78
Outlining 78
Member List 79
Error Underlining 81
Visual Studio 2010 Improvements 81
IntelliSense Gets More Intelligent 82
New Tools for Search and Navigation 83
Draggable Document Windows 85
The Code Model 85
How Code-Behind Files Are Connected to Pages 88
How Control Tags Are Connected to Page Variables 89
How Events Are Connected to Event Handlers 90
Web Projects 91
Project-Based Development 92
Creating a Web Project 93
Migrating a Website from a Previous Version of Visual Studio 94
Visual Studio Debugging 96
Single-Step Debugging 97
Variable Watches 100
Advanced Breakpoints 101
The Web Development Helper 101
Summary 103
CHAPTER 3 Web Forms 104
Page Processing 105
HTML Forms 105
Dynamic User Interface 107
The ASP.NET Event Model 108
Automatic Postbacks 109
Automatic Postbacks “Under the Hood” 109
View State 110
View State “Under the Hood” 113
View State Chunking 114
XHTML Compliance 115
Document Type Definitions 116
Configuring XHTML Rendering 117
Visual Studio’s Default Doctype 119
XHTML Validation 119
Client-Side Control IDs 121
Web Forms Processing Stages 123
Page Framework Initialization 124
User Code Initialization 125
Validation 125
Event Handling 126
Automatic Data Binding 126
Cleanup 127
A Page Flow Example 127
The Page As a Control Container 130
Showing the Control Tree 130
The Page Header 134
Dynamic Control Creation 136
The Page Class 138
Session, Application, and Cache 139
Request 139
Response 141
Moving Between Pages 143
HTML and URL Encoding 145
User 147
Trace 147
Application Tracing 151
Tracing with the Web Development Helper 153
Accessing the HTTP Context in Another Class 153
Summary 154
CHAPTER 4 Server Controls 155
Types of Server Controls 155
The Server Control Hierarchy 156
HTML Server Controls 158
The HtmlControl Class 159
The HtmlContainerControl Class 159
The HtmlInputControl Class 160
The HTML Server Control Classes 160
Setting Style Attributes and Other Properties 162
Programmatically Creating Server Controls 163
Handling Server-Side Events 165
The ServerClick and ServerChange Events 166
Web Controls 168
The WebControl Base Class 169
Basic Web Control Classes 170
Units 173
Enumerations 174
Colors 174
Fonts 175
Focus 176
The Default Button 178
Scrollable Panels 178
Handling Web Control Events 179
The Click Event and the ImageButton Control 181
The List Controls 182
The Selectable List Controls 184
The BulletedList Control 187
Input Validation Controls 189
The Validation Controls 190
The Validation Process 191
The BaseValidator Class 192
The RequiredFieldValidator Control 194
The RangeValidator Control 194
The CompareValidator Control 195
The RegularExpressionValidator Control 195
The CustomValidator Control 199
The ValidationSummary Control 200
Using the Validators Programmatically 201
Validation Groups 202
Rich Controls 204
The AdRotator Control 205
The Calendar Control 207
Summary 209
CHAPTER 5 ASP.NET Applications 210
Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application 210
The Application Domain 210
Application Lifetime 212
Application Updates 212
Application Directory Structure 213
The global.asax Application File 214
Application Events 216
Demonstrating Application Events 218
ASP.NET Configuration 219
The machine.config File 220
< machineKey>
The web.config File 222
Configuration Inheritance 224
Using < location>
< system.web>
< system.webServer>
< appSettings>
< connectionStrings>
Reading and Writing Configuration Sections Programmatically 230
The Website Administration Tool (WAT) 233
Extending the Configuration File Structure 235
Creating a Section Class 235
Registering a Section Class 237
Encrypting Configuration Sections 239
Programmatic Encryption 240
Command-Line Encryption 241
.NET Components 241
Creating a Component 242
Using a Component Through the App_Code Directory 244
Using a Component Through the Bin Directory 245
Extending the HTTP Pipeline 248
HTTP Handlers 248
Creating a Custom HTTP Handler 250
Configuring a Custom HTTP Handler 251
Using Configuration-Free HTTP Handlers 252
Creating an Advanced HTTP Handler 253
Creating an HTTP Handler for Non-HTML Content 255
HTTP Modules 258
Creating a Custom HTTP Module 260
Summary 263
CHAPTER 6 State Management 264
ASP.NET State Management 265
View State 267
A View State Example 268
Storing Objects in View State 270
Assessing View State 272
Selectively Disabling View State 273
View State Security 275
Transferring Information Between Pages 276
The Query String 276
Using the Query String 277
URL Encoding 278
Cross-Page Posting 278
Getting Page-Specific Information 280
Performing Cross-Page Posting in Any Event Handler 281
The IsPostBack and IsCrossPagePostBack Properties 282
Cross-Page Posting and Validation 283
Cookies 285
Session State 286
Session Architecture 286
Using Session State 288
Configuring Session State 289
Mode 290
Compression 294
Cookieless 295
Timeout 296
Securing Session State 296
Application State 297
Shared Application Variables 299
Summary 301
PART II Data Access 302
CHAPTER 7 ADO.NET Fundamentals 303
The ADO.NET Architecture 304
ADO.NET Data Providers 304
Standardization in ADO.NET 306
Fundamental ADO.NET Classes 307
The Connection Class 308
Connection Strings 308
User Instance Connections 310
Testing a Connection 311
Connection Pooling 313
The Command and DataReader Classes 315
Command Basics 315
The DataReader Class 316
The ExecuteReader() Method and the DataReader 317
Null Values 320
CommandBehavior 320
Processing Multiple Result Sets 321
The ExecuteScalar() Method 323
The ExecuteNonQuery() Method 324
SQL Injection Attacks 324
Using Parameterized Commands 327
Calling Stored Procedures 329
Transactions 332
Transactions and ASP.NET Applications 333
Stored Procedure Transactions 334
Client-Initiated ADO.NET Transactions 336
Isolation Levels 338
Savepoints 340
Provider-Agnostic Code 341
Creating the Factory 341
Create Objects with Factory 342
A Query with Provider-Agnostic Code 343
Summary 345
CHAPTER 8 Data Components and the DataSet 346
Building a Data Access Component 346
The Data Package 347
The Stored Procedures 349
The Data Utility Class 350
Concurrency Strategies 356
Testing the Database Component 357
Disconnected Data 359
Web Applications and the DataSet 360
XML Integration 361
The DataSet 361
The DataAdapter Class 363
Filling a DataSet 364
Working with Multiple Tables and Relationships 366
Searching for Specific Rows 369
Using the DataSet in a Data Access Class 370
Data Binding 371
The DataView Class 371
Sorting with a DataView 372
Filtering with a DataView 374
Advanced Filtering with Relationships 376
Calculated Columns 377
Summary 379
CHAPTER 9 Data Binding 380
Basic Data Binding 380
Single-Value Binding 381
Other Types of Expressions 383
Custom Expression Builders 384
Repeated-Value Binding 388
Binding to a DataReader 392
The Rich Data Controls 394
Binding to a DataView 396
Data Source Controls 396
The Page Life Cycle with Data Binding 397
The SqlDataSource 398
Selecting Records 399
Data Binding “Under the Hood” 401
Parameterized Commands 402
Stored Procedures 404
More Parameter Types 404
Handling Errors 407
Updating Records 408
Strict Concurrency Checking 409
Updating with Stored Procedures 411
Deleting Records 412
Inserting Records 413
Disadvantages of the SqlDataSource 413
The ObjectDataSource 414
Selecting Records 415
Using a Parameterized Constructor 417
Using Method Parameters 419
Updating Records 421
Updating with a Data Object 422
Dealing with Nonstandard Method Signatures 422
Handling Identity Values in an Insert 423
The Limits of the Data Source Controls 426
The Problem 426
Adding the Extra Items 427
Handling the Extra Options with the SqlDataSource 428
Handling the Extra Options with the ObjectDataSource 429
Summary 429
CHAPTER 10 Rich Data Controls 430
The GridView 431
Defining Columns 431
Formatting the GridView 435
Formatting Fields 436
Styles 437
Defining Styles 438
Configuring Styles with Visual Studio 440
Formatting-Specific Values 441
GridView Row Selection 443
Using Selection to Create a Master-Details Form 444
The SelectedIndexChanged Event 446
Using a Data Field As a Select Button 447
Sorting the GridView 447
Sorting with the SqlDataSource 448
Sorting with the ObjectDataSource 448
Sorting and Selection 450
Advanced Sorting 451
Paging the GridView 452
Automatic Paging 452
Paging and Selection 454
Custom Pagination with the ObjectDataSource 454
Counting the Records 455
A Stored Procedure to Get Paged Records 455
The Paged Selection Method 456
Customizing the Pager Bar 457
GridView Templates 459
Using Multiple Templates 461
Editing Templates in Visual Studio 462
Binding to a Method 463
Handling Events in a Template 465
Editing with a Template 466
Editing with Advanced Controls 468
Editing Without a Command Column 470
Client IDs in Templates 472
The ListView 473
Grouping 477
Paging 479
The DetailsView and FormView 480
The DetailsView 481
Defining Fields 482
Record Operations 482
The FormView 483
Advanced Grids 485
Summaries in the GridView 485
A Parent/Child View in a Single Table 487
Editing a Field Using a Lookup Table 490
Serving Images from a Database 492
Displaying Binary Data 493
Reading Binary Data Efficiently 494
Integrating Images with Other Content 495
Detecting Concurrency Conflicts 498
Summary 503
CHAPTER 11 Caching and Asynchronous Pages 504
Understanding ASP.NET Caching 504
Output Caching 505
Declarative Output Caching 505
Caching and the Query String 507
Caching with Specific Query String Parameters 508
Custom Caching Control 508
Caching with the HttpCachePolicy Class 510
Post-Cache Substitution and Fragment Caching 511
Fragment Caching 511
Post-Cache Substitution 511
Cache Profiles 513
Cache Configuration 514
Output Caching Extensibility 515
Building a Custom Cache Provider 515
Using a Custom Cache Provider 519
Data Caching 520
Adding Items to the Cache 520
A Simple Cache Test 523
Cache Priorities 524
Caching with the Data Source Controls 525
Caching with SqlDataSource 526
Caching with ObjectDataSource 528
Cache Dependencies 528
File and Cache Item Dependencies 529
Aggregate Dependencies 530
The Item Removed Callback 531
Understanding SQL Cache Notifications 533
How Cache Notifications Work 534
Enabling Notifications 535
Creating the Cache Dependency 536
Custom Cache Dependencies 537
A Basic Custom Cache Dependency 537
A Custom Cache Dependency Using Message Queues 538
Asynchronous Pages 541
Creating an Asynchronous Page 542
Querying Data in an Asynchronous Page 544
Handling Errors 547
Using Caching with Asynchronous Tasks 550
Multiple Asynchronous Tasks and Timeouts 552
Summary 554
CHAPTER 12 Files and Streams 555
Working with the File System 555
The Directory and File Classes 556
The DirectoryInfo and FileInfo Classes 558
The DriveInfo Class 561
Working with Attributes 562
Filter Files with Wildcards 564
Retrieving File Version Information 565
The Path Class 566
A File Browser 569
Reading and Writing Files with Streams 574
Text Files 575
Binary Files 577
Uploading Files 578
Making Files Safe for Multiple Users 580
Creating Unique Filenames 581
Locking File Access Objects 584
Compression 585
Serialization 586
Summary 589
LINQ Basics 590
Deferred Execution 592
How LINQ Works 593
LINQ Expressions 594
Projections 594
Filtering and Sorting 597
Grouping and Aggregation 598
LINQ Expressions “Under the Hood” 602
Extension Methods 602
Lambda Expressions 603
Multipart Expressions 604
LINQ to DataSet 604
Typed DataSets 607
Null Values 607
LINQ to Entities 608
Generating the Data Model 609
The Data Model Classes 609
The Derived Object Context Class 610
The Entity Classes 611
Entity Relationships 613
One-to-Many Relationships 613
One-to-One Relationships 614
Querying Stored Procedures 614
LINQ to Entities Queries “Under the Hood” 616
Filtering Too Late 617
Using Lazy and Eager Data Loading 618
Using Explicit Loading 620
Compiling Queries 621
Database Operations 622
Inserts 622
Creating Partially Populated Entity Classes 624
Inserting Associated Entities 624
Updates 626
Deletes 626
Managing Concurrency 627
Handling Concurrency Conflicts 628
The EntityDataSource Control 634
Displaying Data 634
Getting Related Data 638
Editing Data 639
Validation 640
Using the QueryExtender Control 642
Using a SearchExpression 642
Using a RangeExpression 643
Using a PropertyExpression 644
Using a MethodExpression 645
Summary 646
When Does Using XML Make Sense? 647
An Introduction to XML 648
The Advantages of XML 649
Well-Formed XML 650
XML Namespaces 650
XML Schemas 652
Stream-Based XML Processing 654
Writing XML Files 654
Reading XML Files 658
In-Memory XML Processing 661
The XmlDocument 662
The XPathNavigator 665
The XDocument 668
Creating XML with XDocument 668
Reading XML with XDocument 670
Namespaces 672
Searching XML Content 674
Searching with XmlDocument 674
Searching XmlDocument with XPath 677
Searching XDocument with LINQ 679
Validating XML Content 681
A Basic Schema 681
Validating with XmlDocument 682
Validating with XDocument 684
Transforming XML Content 685
A Basic Stylesheet 685
Using XslCompiledTransform 687
Using the Xml Control 688
Transforming XML with LINQ to XML 689
XML Data Binding 691
Nonhierarchical Binding 692
Using XPath 694
Nested Grids 697
Hierarchical Binding with the TreeView 698
Using XSLT 700
Binding to XML Content from Other Sources 702
Updating XML Through the XmlDataSource 703
XML and the ADO.NET DataSet 703
Converting the DataSet to XML 704
Summary 705
PART III Building ASP.NET Websites 707
CHAPTER 15 User Controls 708
User Control Basics 708
Creating a Simple User Control 709
Converting a Page to a User Control 711
Adding Code to a User Control 711
Handling Events 711
Adding Properties 712
Using Custom Objects 715
Adding Events 718
Exposing the Inner Web Control 721
Dynamically Loading User Controls 722
Portal Frameworks 723
Partial Page Caching 726
VaryByControl 727
Sharing Cached Controls 729
Summary 729
CHAPTER 16 Themes and Master Pages 730
Cascading Style Sheets 730
Creating a Stylesheet 730
Applying Stylesheet Rules 733
Themes 735
Theme Folders and Skins 736
Applying a Simple Theme 737
Handling Theme Conflicts 739
Creating Multiple Skins for the Same Control 740
Skins with Templates and Images 741
Using CSS in a Theme 743
Applying Themes Through a Configuration File 743
Applying Themes Dynamically 744
Standardizing Website Layout 746
Master Page Basics 746
A Simple Master Page 747
A Simple Content Page 749
Default Content 752
Master Pages with Tables and CSS Layout 752
Master Pages and Relative Paths 755
Applying Master Pages Through a Configuration File 756
Advanced Master Pages 757
Interacting with the Master Page Class 757
Dynamically Setting a Master Page 758
Nesting Master Pages 759
Summary 761
CHAPTER 17 Website Navigation 762
Pages with Multiple Views 763
The MultiView Control 763
The Wizard Control 767
Wizard Steps 768
Wizard Events 771
Wizard Styles, Templates, and Layout 773
Site Maps 776
Defining a Site Map 777
Binding to a Site Map 779
Breadcrumbs 780
Showing a Portion of the Site Map 782
Skipping the Root Node 783
Starting from the Current Node 783
Starting from a Specific Node 784
The Site Map Objects 786
Adding Custom Site Map Information 788
Creating a Custom SiteMapProvider 789
Storing Site Map Information in a Database 789
Creating the Site Map Provider 790
Adding Sorting 795
Adding Caching 795
Security Trimming 797
URL Mapping and Routing 799
URL Mapping 799
URL Routing 800
The TreeView Control 801
The TreeNode 802
Populating Nodes on Demand 805
TreeView Styles 807
Applying Styles to Node Types 809
Applying Styles to Node Levels 809
TreeView Images 810
The Menu Control 811
Menu Styles 814
Menu Templates 816
Summary 818
CHAPTER 18 Website Deployment 819
Installing and Configuring IIS 819
Installing IIS 7 819
Managing IIS 7 821
Deploying a Website 823
Deploying by Copying Files 824
Preparing IIS 824
The Website 825
Deploying the Website 825
Configuring the Deployment 827
Using Web Deployment 828
Preparing IIS 829
The Website 829
Transforming web.config 830
Publishing Databases 834
Deploying the Website 835
Using FTP Deployment 837
Preparing IIS 837
The Website 838
Deploying the Website 839
Variation: Deploying a Project-less Website 841
Managing a Website 844
Creating a New Site 844
Creating Virtual Directories 845
Using the VirtualPathProvider 846
Using Application Pools 850
Creating a New Application Pool 851
Assigning an Application to an Application Pool 852
Starting and Stopping an Application Pool 852
Using Side-by-Side Execution 852
Using Application Warm-Up 853
Preparing IIS 7 853
Configuring Application Warm-Up 853
Extending the Integrated Pipeline 854
Creating the Handler 855
Deploying the Handler 855
Configuring the Handler 855
Testing the Handler 857
Summary 857
PART IV Security 858
CHAPTER 19 The ASP.NET Security Model 859
What It Means to Create Secure Software 859
Understanding Potential Threats 859
Secure Coding Guidelines 860
Understanding Gatekeepers 861
Understanding the Levels of Security 862
Authentication 863
Impersonation 863
Authorization 863
Confidentiality and Integrity 864
Pulling It All Together 865
Understanding Secure Sockets Layer 866
Understanding Certificates 867
Understanding SSL 867
Configuring SSL in IIS 7.x 869
Configuring Bindings for SSL 871
Encoding Information with SSL 872
Summary 873
CHAPTER 20 Forms Authentication 874
Introducing Forms Authentication 874
Why Use Forms Authentication? 875
Controlling the Authentication Code 876
Controlling the Appearance of the Login Form 876
Working with a Range of Browsers 876
Storing User Information 876
Why Would You Not Use Forms Authentication? 877
Creating Your Own Login Interface 877
Maintaining User Details 877
Intercepting Network Traffic 878
Why Not Implement Cookie Authentication Yourself? 878
Keeping the Authentication Cookie Secure 878
Forms Authentication Is Well Tested 879
Integrating with the ASP.NET Security Framework 879
The Forms Authentication Classes 879
Implementing Forms Authentication 880
Configuring Forms Authentication 880
Credentials Store in web.config 883
Denying Access to Anonymous Users 884
Creating a Custom Login Page 885
Logging Out 889
Hashing Passwords in web.config 890
Cookieless Forms Authentication 891
Custom Credentials Store 892
Persistent Cookies in Forms Authentication 893
IIS 7.x and Forms Authentication 894
Summary 900
CHAPTER 21 Membership 901
Introducing the ASP.NET Membership API 901
Using the Membership API 904
Configuring Forms Authentication 905
Creating the Data Store 906
Database Scripts for ASP.NET Services 910
File-Based SQL Server Store 912
Configuring Connection String and Membership Provider 912
Creating and Authenticating Users 916
Using the Security Controls 918
The Login Control 919
Templates and the Login Control 925
Programming the Login Control 927
The LoginStatus Control 930
The LoginView Control 931
The PasswordRecovery Control 932
PasswordRecovery Templates 934
The ChangePassword Control 937
The CreateUserWizard Control 938
Configuring Membership in IIS 7.x 943
Configuring Providers and Users 943
Using the Membership API with Other Applications 945
Using the Membership Class 947
Retrieving Users from the Store 948
Updating Users in the Store 951
Creating and Deleting Users 951
Validating Users 952
Summary 952
CHAPTER 22 Windows Authentication 954
Introducing Windows Authentication 954
Why Use Windows Authentication? 954
Why Would You Not Use Windows Authentication? 956
Mechanisms for Windows Authentication 956
Basic Authentication 957
Digest Authentication 958
Integrated Windows Authentication 959
Implementing Windows Authentication 963
Configuring IIS 7.x 963
Configuring ASP.NET 965
Deeper Into the IIS 7.x Pipeline 965
Denying Access to Anonymous Users 969
Accessing Windows User Information 970
The WindowsPrincipal Class 971
The WindowsIdentity Class 972
IdentityReference and Role Information 974
Impersonation 976
Impersonation and Delegation in Windows 976
Configured Impersonation 978
Programmatic Impersonation 979
Getting a Token 979
Performing the Impersonation 980
Summary 982
CHAPTER 23 Authorization and Roles 983
URL Authorization 983
Authorization Rules 984
Controlling Access for Specific Users 985
Controlling Access to Specific Directories 987
Controlling Access to Specific Files 988
Controlling Access for Specific Roles 988
File Authorization 990
Authorization Checks in Code 990
Using the IsInRole() Method 990
Using the PrincipalPermission Class 991
Merging PrincipalPermission Objects 992
Using the PrincipalPermission Attribute 992
Using the Roles API for Role-Based Authorization 993
Using the LoginView Control with Roles 1001
Accessing Roles Programmatically 1002
Using the Roles API with Windows Authentication 1004
Authorization and Roles in IIS 7.x 1006
Authorization with ASP.NET Roles in IIS 7.x 1009
Managing ASP.NET Roles with IIS 7.x 1011
Summary 1012
CHAPTER 24 Profiles 1013
Understanding Profiles 1013
Profile Performance 1013
How Profiles Store Data 1014
Profiles and Authentication 1015
Profiles vs. Custom Data Components 1016
Using the SqlProfileProvider 1016
Creating the Profile Tables 1017
Configuring the Provider 1019
Defining Profile Properties 1020
Using Profile Properties 1021
Profile Serialization 1023
Profile Groups 1025
Profiles and Custom Data Types 1026
Custom Type Serialization 1027
Automatic Saves 1028
The Profiles API 1030
Anonymous Profiles 1033
Migrating Anonymous Profiles 1034
Custom Profile Providers 1035
The Custom Profile Provider Classes 1035
Designing the FactoredProfileProvider 1038
Coding the FactoredProfileProvider 1039
Initialization 1039
Reading Profile Information 1041
Updating Profile Information 1043
Testing the FactoredProfileProvider 1044
Summary 1047
CHAPTER 25 Cryptography 1048
Encrypting Data: Confidentiality Matters 1048
The .NET Cryptography Namespace 1049
Understanding the .NET Cryptography Classes 1052
Symmetric Encryption Algorithms 1054
Asymmetric Encryption 1055
The Abstract Encryption Classes 1056
The ICryptoTransform Interface 1056
The CryptoStream Class 1057
Encrypting Sensitive Data 1058
Managing Secrets 1058
Using Symmetric Algorithms 1060
Using the SymmetricEncryptionUtility Class 1065
Using Asymmetric Algorithms 1067
Encrypting Sensitive Data in a Database 1071
Encrypting the Query String 1076
Wrapping the Query String 1077
Creating a Test Page 1080
Summary 1082
CHAPTER 26 Custom Membership Providers 1083
Architecture of Custom Providers 1083
Basic Steps for Creating Custom Providers 1085
Overall Design of the Custom Provider 1085
Designing and Implementing the Custom Store 1087
Implementing the Provider Classes 1094
Creating Users and Adding Them to the Store 1100
Validating Users on Login 1104
Using Salted Password Hashes 1107
The Remaining Functions of the Provider 1109
Implementing the XmlRoleProvider 1111
Using the Custom Provider Classes 1118
Debugging Using the WAT 1119
Using Custom Providers with IIS 7.x 1120
Summary 1122
PART V Advanced User Interface 1123
CHAPTER 27 Custom Server Controls 1124
Custom Server Control Basics 1124
Creating a Bare-Bones Custom Control 1125
Using a Custom Control 1127
Custom Controls in the Toolbox 1128
Creating a Web Control That Supports Style Properties 1130
The Rendering Process 1134
Dealing with Different Browsers 1136
The HtmlTextWriter 1136
Browser Detection 1137
Browser Properties 1138
Overriding Browser Type Detection 1140
Adaptive Rendering 1141
Control State and Events 1142
View State 1142
Control State 1144
Postback Data and Change Events 1146
Triggering a Postback 1149
Extending Existing Web Controls 1151
Composite Controls 1151
Derived Controls 1154
Creating a Label for Specific Data 1154
Summary 1157
CHAPTER 28 Graphics, GDI+, and Charting 1158
The ImageMap Control 1158
Creating Hotspots 1159
Handling Hotspot Clicks 1160
A Custom Hotspot 1161
Drawing with GDI+ 1164
Simple Drawing 1165
Image Format and Quality 1166
The Graphics Class 1168
Using a GraphicsPath 1171
Pens 1172
Brushes 1175
Embedding Dynamic Graphics in a Web Page 1177
Using the PNG Format 1178
Passing Information to Dynamic Images 1179
Custom Controls That Use GDI+ 1182
The Custom Control Class 1183
The Rendering Page 1184
Using the Chart Control 1187
Creating a Basic Chart 1187
Populating a Chart with Data 1194
Binding to a Database Table 1194
Binding to a Object DataSource 1196
Binding to an XML File 1199
Binding to LINQ 1201
Summary 1202
CHAPTER 29 JavaScript and Ajax Techniques 1203
JavaScript Essentials 1203
The HTML Document Object Model 1204
Client-Side Events 1205
Adding JavaScript Attributes Declaratively 1207
The OnClientClick Property 1207
Script Blocks 1207
Manipulating HTML Elements 1209
Debugging JavaScript 1210
Basic JavaScript Examples 1213
Creating a JavaScript Page Processor 1213
Using JavaScript to Download Images Asynchronously 1217
Rendering Script Blocks 1222
Script Injection Attacks 1224
Request Validation 1224
Disabling Request Validation 1225
Extending Request Validation 1227
Custom Controls with JavaScript 1229
Pop-Up Windows 1230
Rollover Buttons 1235
Frames 1239
Frame Navigation 1239
Inline Frames 1241
Understanding Ajax 1243
The XMLHttpRequest Object 1244
Sending a Request 1244
Handling the Response 1245
An Ajax Example 1245
Using Ajax with Client Callbacks 1250
Creating a Client Callback 1251
Building the Basic Page 1252
Implementing the Callback 1252
Writing the Client-Side Script 1254
Disabling Event Validation 1256
Client Callbacks “Under the Hood” 1258
Client Callbacks in Custom Controls 1258
The DynamicPanel 1259
The DynamicPanelRefreshLink 1262
The Client Page 1263
Summary 1264
Introducing ASP.NET AJAX 1265
ASP.NET AJAX on the Client: The Script Libraries 1266
ASP.NET AJAX on the Server: The ScriptManager 1267
Server Callbacks 1268
Web Services in ASP.NET AJAX 1268
Creating the Web Service 1270
Creating the Web Method 1271
Calling the Web Service 1274
Placing a Web Method in a Page 1277
ASP.NET AJAX Application Services 1278
Authentication Service 1279
Role Service 1281
Profile Service 1284
ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls 1286
Partial Rendering with the UpdatePanel 1287
Handling Errors 1289
Conditional Updates 1290
Interrupted Updates 1291
Triggers 1292
Optimizing the UpdatePanel 1293
Timed Refreshes with the Timer 1294
Time-Consuming Updates with UpdateProgress 1295
Cancellation 1297
Managing Browser History 1298
Adding History Points 1299
Restoring Page State 1301
How State Is Stored in the URL 1301
Deeper into the Client Libraries 1302
Understanding the Client Model 1302
Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript 1303
Closures 1304
Prototypes 1306
Registering Classes with ASP.NET AJAX 1307
Base Types 1308
Namespaces 1309
Inheritance 1310
Interfaces 1311
The Web-Page Framework 1312
The Application Class 1312
The PageRequestManager Class 1313
A Client-Side AJAX Control 1314
Control Extenders 1317
Installing the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit 1318
The AutoCompleteExtender 1319
The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit 1323
Summary 1328
CHAPTER 31 Portals with Web Part Pages 1330
Typical Portal Pages 1331
Basic Web Part Pages 1332
Creating the Page Design 1333
WebPartManager and WebPartZone Controls 1334
Adding Web Parts to the Page 1336
Customizing the Page 1340
Creating Web Parts 1342
Simple Web Part Tasks 1343
Implementing the IWebPart Interface 1348
Developing Advanced Web Parts 1352
Before You Start: Creating Typed DataSets 1353
The Custom WebPart’s Skeleton 1354
Initializing the Web Part 1355
Loading Data and Processing Events 1356
The Final Rendering 1358
More Customization Steps 1359
Using the Web Part 1360
Web Part Editors 1361
Creating a Custom Editor 1364
Connecting Web Parts 1367
Defining the Communication Contract 1369
Implementing the Provider Web Part 1369
Creating the Consumer Web Part 1371
Static Connections Between Web Parts 1373
Dynamically Configuring Connection Points 1374
Multiple Connection Points 1375
Custom Verbs and Web Parts 1376
User Controls and Advanced Web Parts 1377
Uploading Web Parts Dynamically 1380
Authorizing Web Parts 1386
Final Tasks for Personalization 1387
Clearing Personalization 1387
Summary 1388
Choosing Between MVC and Web Forms 1389
Creating a Basic MVC Application 1390
Creating the Model 1390
Creating the Controller 1391
Creating the Index View 1392
Testing the (Incomplete) Application 1393
Completing the Controller and Views 1394
Modifying the Site.Master File 1397
Extending the Basic MVC Application 1397
Configuring Routing 1397
Adding Error Handling 1399
Adding Authentication 1401
Consolidating Data Store Access 1402
Adding Support for Foreign Key Constraints 1405
Customizing Views 1405
Modifying the View 1406
Adding View Data 1408
Adding to the Model 1410
Validating Data 1415
Performing Basic Validation 1416
Adding Validation Annotations 1418
Using Action Results 1421
Returning JSON Data 1422
Calling Another Controller Method 1423
Summary 1425
CHAPTER 33 Dynamic Data 1426
Creating a Dynamic Data Application 1426
Creating the Dynamic Data Site 1426
Exploring the Dynamic Data Site 1429
Understanding the Anatomy of a Dynamic Data Project 1432
Customizing a Dynamic Data Site 1433
Customizing with Templates 1433
Editing the Default Templates 1433
Creating a Custom Page Template 1434
Using Entity Templates 1435
Customizing Field Templates 1440
Customizing with Routes 1443
Understanding Routes 1443
Switching to Single-Page Editing 1448
Using Different Templates for Tables 1449
Customizing with Metadata 1453
Creating a Metadata Class 1453
Changing Display Names 1454
Changing Visibility 1457
Customizing Field Formatting 1459
Using a Custom Field Template 1461
Customizing Validation 1462
Requiring a Field Value 1462
Specifying a Valid Range 1463
Customizing Validation Using Extensibility Methods 1465
Summary 1467
CHAPTER 34 Silverlight 1468
Understanding Silverlight 1469
Silverlight vs. Flash 1470
Silverlight System Requirements 1472
Creating a Silverlight Solution 1473
Silverlight Compilation 1474
The Entry Page 1476
Creating a Silverlight Project 1480
Designing a Silverlight Page 1481
Understanding XAML 1485
Setting Properties 1487
The XAML Code-Behind 1488
Handling Events 1490
Browsing the Silverlight Class Libraries 1491
Layout 1492
The Canvas 1493
Layering Elements in a Canvas 1494
Dragging Circles 1495
The Grid 1499
Fine-Tuning Rows and Columns 1501
Nesting Layout Containers 1502
Spanning Rows and Columns 1504
Animation 1505
Animation Basics 1505
Defining an Animation 1505
The Animation Class 1506
The Storyboard Class 1506
Configuring Animation Properties 1509
An Interactive Animation Example 1510
Transforms 1514
Using a Transform 1515
Animating a Transform 1516
Using Web Services with Silverlight 1518
Creating the Web Service 1519
Adding a Web Reference 1519
Calling the Web Service 1521
Configuring the Web Service URL 1522
Cross-Domain Web Service Calls 1523
Summary 1525
Index 1526

Erscheint lt. Verlag 22.1.2011
Zusatzinfo LXXII, 1664 p.
Verlagsort Berkeley
Sprache englisch
Themenwelt Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Programmiersprachen / -werkzeuge
Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Software Entwicklung
Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Theorie / Studium
Mathematik / Informatik Informatik Web / Internet
Schlagworte AJAX • ASP.NET • Deployment • JavaScript • Navigation • Silverlight • WINDOWS • XML
ISBN-10 1-4302-2512-2 / 1430225122
ISBN-13 978-1-4302-2512-6 / 9781430225126
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