Enterprise Information Systems (eBook)
XV, 469 Seiten
978-3-540-77581-2 (ISBN)
This book contains the carefully selected best papers of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Sysetms, ICEIS 2006, held in Paphos, Cyprus, in May 2006. The 4 invited papers and 27 revised and selected papers presented in this volume cover different aspects related to enterprise computing. They were selected from 63 accepted papers (out of more than 400 submissions). The contributions are grouped in sections on databases and information systems integration, artificial intelligence and decision support systems, information systems analysis and specification, software agents and internet computing, and human-computer interaction.
Preface 5
Organization 7
Table of Contents 13
Invited Papers 17
P2P Semantic Mediation of Web Sources 18
Introduction 18
XML Data Mediation 19
Basics and Backgrounds 19
Overview of the XLive Mediator 20
P2P Data Systems 21
Basic P2P Architectures 22
Structural Routing 23
Semantic Routing 23
Pathfinder P2P Mediator 24
Objectives and Architecture 24
P2P Source Discovery 26
Query Execution 27
The Semantic Layer 29
Conclusion 30
References 30
Reflective Community Information Systems 32
Internet Communities and Social Software 32
ATLAS: Metadata and Reflective Information Systems 34
Tools for Modeling and Analysis 37
Application Experiences 39
Summary and Outlook 41
References 42
Data Exchange Issues in Peer-to-Peer Database Systems 44
Introduction 44
Related Work 47
Main Issues 48
Evading Successive Query Rewriting 49
Conclusions and Future Work 51
References 52
On Enhancing Query Optimization in the Oracle Database System by Utilizing Attribute Cardinality Maps 53
Introduction 53
Contributions of This Paper 55
Basic Structure of a Script 55
Histogram Methods 55
QEP Determinations in ORACLE 67
Integration of the Methods into Oracle 68
The Core Architecture of Our Implementation 68
Selectivity Computation for Queries 70
Experimental Results 70
Test Data Sets 70
Sample Queries 71
Accuracy of the Error Estimates 72
Comparing the BT-ACM and Equi-depth for Uniform Distributions 74
QEP Selection Comparison 74
Example 1 75
Example 2 76
Conclusions 78
Part I Databases and Information Systems Integration 88
Improvement of Software Development Processes, Balancing Internal and External Organizational Aspects 90
Introduction 90
Spi and the Necessity of Taking Both Internal and External Organisational Factors as Starting Point 91
Measuring Entropy 93
Entropy and Its Relations to Complexity and Dynamics 93
Entropy and Its Relations with Business System Aspects 94
Results of the Research: Space for Improvement for Software Development Organisations 96
Experience with Process Improvement 96
Positioning Organisations on the Basis of Their Entropy Scores 97
Conclusions 99
Measuring Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Success: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach 101
Introduction 101
Background Information 103
Methodology 105
Result 105
Instrument Development and Validity 106
Data Analysis 106
Additivity of the ERP Systems Success Dimensions 106
Alternative Models 108
Discussions and Conclusion 109
References 110
Toward Data Compliance in Vaccine Industry: Interoperability to Align Business and Information Systems 113
Introduction 113
The Vaccine Industry 114
The Vaccine Supply Chain 114
The Vaccine Product 115
Vaccine Data Specifications 116
Interoperability in Vaccine Industry 118
The Interoperability Framework 118
General Requirement for Interoperability 119
Interoperability for Production Data Compliance 119
From MA to ERP 119
Type of Data to Be Translated 120
Rules Definition 121
Case Study 123
The Compliance Scenario 123
Validate Data in Sap 124
Conclusion 125
References 126
Evaluating Server Capacity for Streaming Media Services 127
Introduction 127
Methodology 129
Workload Selection 129
Server Capacity Decision 130
Data Calibration 133
Evaluation Results 135
Experimental Setup 135
Maximum Server Capacity 136
Server-Side Observations 138
Client-Side Observations 141
Prediction Model 143
Related Work 144
Conclusions 145
Part II Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems 148
On Processing Temporal Observations in Monitoring of Discrete-Event Systems 150
Introduction 150
Application Domain 151
Temporal Observations 152
Indexing Observations 154
Incremental Indexing 155
Discussion 158
Conclusion 159
Towards a Fuzzy Ontology Definition and a Fuzzy Extension of an Ontology Editor 162
Introduction 162
Definition and Use of a Fuzzy Ontology 163
Defining a Fuzzy Value 163
Updating a Fuzzy Value 165
An Example of Application: Extending Queries 167
Adding Fuzziness in KAON 168
Ontologies in KAON 169
Fuzzy Ontologies in KAON 170
Fuzzy OWL 170
Conclusions 171
References 171
Retrieval of Collaborative Filtering Nearest Neighbors in a Content-Addressable Space 174
Introduction 174
Collaborative Filtering 175
Content-Addressable Data Management 177
CF over Content-Addressable Space 178
Mapping User Profiles to Content-Addressable Space 179
Heuristic Nearest-Neighbors Search 180
Heuristic Completions of User Profiles 181
Experimental Evaluation 182
Scalability of the Search 183
Accuracy of the Search 185
Inherent Clustering 187
Completion Heuristics 188
Conclusions and Future Work 191
References 192
Ontology-Driven Knowledge Sharing for Networked Organisation Configuration 194
Introduction 194
Approach 195
Ontological Model 198
Implementation Standards and Protocols 199
Case Study 201
Knowledge Sharing within One Company 201
Knowledge Sharing across a Networked Organisation 203
Conclusions 206
References 207
HiLeX: A System for Semantic Information Extractionfrom Web Documents 209
Introduction 209
Two-Dimensional Format of Unstructured Documents 211
The Knowledge Representation Language $DLP^+$ 212
Ontology Representation in H$/imath$L$/varepsilon$X 213
The Core Ontology 213
Domain Ontologies 214
Logic Two-Dimensional Representation of Unstructured Documents 215
A Two-Dimesional Grammar for Extraction Patterns Specification 215
The H$/imath$L$/varepsilon$X System 219
Knowledge Base 219
Document Preprocessor 219
Pattern Matcher 221
Pattern Extractor 222
Conclusions and Future Works 223
Skill-Profile Matching with Similarity Measures 225
Motivation 225
An Application Framework for Personnel Development 226
The Module, “Project and Job Staffing” 228
Ontology-Based Skill Modelling 229
Project Staffing with Ontology-Based Similarity Measures 229
Similarity Measures for Skill Profiles 230
Summary and Conclusions 232
References 232
Part III Information Systems Analysis and Specification 235
Comparing and Evaluating Ontology Construction in an Enterprise Context 236
Introduction 236
Background 237
Ontologies 237
Ontology Engineering 237
Ontology Evaluation 238
Experiment 240
Manual Construction 241
Automatic Construction 243
Evaluation 244
Evaluation Setup 244
General Comparison 245
Evaluation by Ontology Engineers 246
Evaluation by Domain Experts 248
Ontology Combination and Project Scenarios 250
Conclusions and Future Work 251
Modelling and Visualisation for Interoperability Requirements Elicitation and Validation 256
Introduction 256
ATHENA Interoperability Requirements 258
Requirements Elicitation and Validation 259
RAIS Methodology and Requirements Model 259
Modelling Concepts 261
Requirements Model 261
Example 262
Validation Matrices 262
Selective Viewing 265
Editing the Model 265
Discussion and Future Work 266
References 267
An Eclipse-Based Framework for Supporting Software Development Cooperative Activities 269
Introduction 269
Cooperative Software Development 270
CSCW, Tailorability, Coevolution 270
Shortcomings of Existing SDEs 273
CooLDev: Cooperation under Eclipse 274
The Inter-activities Approach 275
Choosing Eclipse 276
Managing Inter-activities 276
Managing Tailorability and Experience Crystallization 278
Related Work 280
Conclusion 281
References 282
Managing Service-Based EAI Architectures Evolution Using a Formal Architecture-Centric Approach 284
Introduction 284
Business Case: EAI Architecture for Agile Enterprises 285
Business Case Scenario 285
EAI Engineeering Issues 287
A Software Architecture-Centric Approach for Fomalizing EAI SOA 287
Architecture-Centric Approach 287
The ArchWare Environment 288
Architecture Evolution Support 289
EAI Architecture Evolution Formalization 289
Deploying, Executing and Evolving EAI Architecture as a SOA 292
Architecture Deployment and Execution 292
Architectural Dynamic Evolution 293
Conclusion and Ongoing Work 293
Agile System Analysis and Design 296
Introduction 296
The Transition Process 297
Research Framework 298
Data Analysis 300
Specifications Comparison 300
The Role of System Analysts 304
Summary 307
References 307
Product Oriented Modelling and Interoperability Issues 308
Introduction 308
A Modelling Construct for Product Representation 310
Holon Based Models and Interoperability 312
Vertical Interoperability with the MDA Approach 313
Holon Based Models for Horizontal Interoperability 316
Holons in Action 317
Model Driven Interoperability in the Zachman Framework 319
Conclusion 321
References 322
Process Modeling Value Framework 324
Introduction 324
Research Method 326
A Framework for Increasing the Value of Process Modeling 327
Identifying Context 328
Identifying Potential Value 329
Choosing Practice 330
Framework Model 332
Applying the Framework 332
Identifying Potential Value 332
Addressing Challenges of Modeling 333
Conclusion and Further Work 335
References 336
Combining SDBC and ISDL in the Modeling and Refinement of Business Processes 337
Introduction 337
SDBC 339
Outline and Relevant Features 339
Concepts 340
The FM Example 342
Complementing SDBC with ISDL 344
ISDL: Concepts and Notations 344
Activity Refinement 345
Modeling the FM Example 346
Analysis 348
Conclusions 349
References 350
Semantic Resources Integration and Interoperability in the Construction Domain 351
Introduction 351
Methodology and Tools 352
Semantic Resources in the Construction Sector 353
FUNSIEC Methodology 353
Domain Scoping 354
Semantic Resources Identification 354
Conversion and Similarity Detection: Meta-model and Model 355
Testing and Validation 355
Maintenance 355
The OSIECS Triad 355
The FONDIL System 356
Syntactic Conversion and Semantic Analysis 357
Detection of Mappings 357
Matching the Entities 358
OSIECS Meta-model and Model 358
e-Service Provision 358
Conclusion 359
References 360
Part IV Software Agents and Internet Computing 364
Establishing the Semantic Web Reasoning Infrastructure on Description Logic Inference Engines 366
Introduction 366
Inference Systems for the Semantic Web 367
DL Systems Evaluation 368
Cerebra 369
FaCT 370
FaCT++ 370
Pellet 372
Discussion 372
DL-Based Knowledge Discovery 372
The Knowledge Discovery Interface 373
Results 374
Conclusions 376
References 377
Controlling Property Growth in Product Classification Schemes: A Data Management Approach 378
Introduction 378
Related Work 379
Problem Definition: Property Growth 380
Observations 381
Basic Model 381
Data Management Measures 382
Maximum Number of Properties 383
Optional Properties 383
Naming Conventions 384
Property Groups 384
Views on Property Lists 384
Property Templates 385
Property Inheritance 385
Discussion 386
Summarization of Effects 386
Modification of the Basic Model 386
Conclusions 387
References 388
Collaborative Visualization in Rich Media Environments 390
Introduction 390
Scenario of Use 391
Architectural Design 393
Embedding openVisaar in sTeam 393
Next Generation Whiteboard medi@rena with Visualization Capabilities 394
Related Work 399
Outlook 401
References 401
A Formal Semantics and a Client Synthesis for a BPEL Service 403
Introduction 403
A Formal Semantics for BPEL Abstract Processes 406
The Alphabet of the TA 407
The States and the Edges of the TA 407
The Clocks of the TA 410
The Overall TA Construction 411
Interaction Relation 411
Client Timed Automaton Synthesis 412
The Synthesis Algorithm 412
Incompleteness of the Algorithm 414
Conclusion 415
Part V Human-Computer Interaction 418
Multi-modal Contact-Less Human Computer Interaction 420
Introduction 420
Literature Review 421
Multi-modal Human Computer Interaction 422
Face Tracking 422
Speech Processing 423
System Description 425
System Initialization 425
Activating Mouse Actions 426
Hands-Free Applications 427
Familiarization Applications 427
Test Applications 428
System Evaluation 430
Experimental Procedure 430
Results -- Discussion 431
Conclusions 432
The ViskiMap Toolkit: Extending Mediawiki with Topic Maps 435
Introduction 435
Related Research 436
Wikis 436
Visualization of Wikis and Other Online Resources 437
System Requirements 438
Bloom’s Taxonomy Graphic Organizers 439
The ViskiMap System Architecture 440
ENWiC 440
Annoki 443
ENWiC Evaluation 447
Results and Observations 449
Conclusion 452
References 453
A Simulation Environment to Assess Driving Performances while Interacting with On-board Telematics Systems 454
Introduction 454
VTS User Interface Evaluation Issues 456
The Proposed Test-Bed 457
Integration of the Navigator in the Simulated Environment 458
Data Analysis 459
The Telemetry Analyzer Tool 460
Main Features of the Developed Tool 461
Assessing the Proposed Test-Bed 462
The Subjects 463
Methodology 463
Results 463
Conclusions and Future Work 465
References 465
Handheld Tools for Personalized and Proactive Psychotherapy 467
Introduction 467
Related Work 468
Requirements 469
Artefact Requirements 470
Architectural Requirements 471
Scope 471
Therapist Applications 472
ScoNOTES – Annotating 473
ScoFORMS – Creating Artefacts 473
ScoTHERAPY – Patient’s Tool 474
ScopALYSIS – Analysis 475
Design and Evaluation 476
Early Stage Evaluation 476
Software Prototypes Evaluation 477
Building Existing Applications 477
Evaluating in Clinical Settings 477
Conclusions 477
References 479
Author Index 480
Erscheint lt. Verlag | 1.1.2008 |
Sprache | englisch |
Themenwelt | Mathematik / Informatik ► Informatik |
Mathematik / Informatik ► Mathematik ► Finanz- / Wirtschaftsmathematik | |
Wirtschaft ► Allgemeines / Lexika | |
Schlagworte | Artificial Intelligence • Databases • data integration • Decision support system • Decision Support Systems • Enterprise Application Integration • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) • information system • Intelligence • Internet • software agent • Systems Analysis • Systems Specification • Web-Based Systems |
ISBN-10 | 3-540-77581-1 / 3540775811 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-540-77581-2 / 9783540775812 |
Informationen gemäß Produktsicherheitsverordnung (GPSR) | |
Haben Sie eine Frage zum Produkt? |

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