Masnavi I Ma'navi - E.H. Whinfield

Masnavi I Ma'navi

The Spiritual Couplets of Maulana Jalalu-'D-Din Muhammad Rumi


Buch | Hardcover
378 Seiten
Routledge (Verlag)
978-0-415-24531-9 (ISBN)
229,95 inkl. MwSt
First Published in 2000. This text is a compliation of spiriutal couplets and teachings of Maulana Jalalu-'D-Din Muhammad Rumi. The Masnavi is a summary of the religious sentiments and doctrine of Islam as interpreted and modified by Muhammadan Mystics or Sufis. Includes 6 books, from works in 1898.

E H Whinfield,

INTRODUCTION -- BOOK I -- PROIOGUE -- STROY I—The Prince and the Handmaid -- Description of Iove - -- Importunity of Shamsu-’d-I)in of Tabriz -- STROY II—The OHioan and his Parrot -- Confusion of samt8 with hypocrites -- STROY III—The Jewish King and the Vazir -- The Va’ir’s teaching -- SIeep of the body the souI’s awaking -- IaiIa and the KhaIifa -- The tweIve voIumes of theoIogy -- STROY IV—Another TyrannicaI Jewish King -- Second causes subordinate to the First Cause -- Praises compared to vapour -- STROY V.—The Iion and the Beasts -- Trust in God opposed to human exertions -- Wisdom granted to the weak -- Human wisdom the manifestation of Divine -- STROY VI—’Omav and the Ambassador -- God’s agency reconciIed with man’s free wiII -- STROY VII—TIie Merchant and his Parrot -- Saints preserved from aII harm - -- The jeaIousy of God -- CompIaints of God’s harsh deaIings - -- STROY VIII—The Harper -- ApoIogy for appIytng the term “Bride” to God -- ‘Omar’e rebuke to the harper -- STROY IX—The Arab and his Wife -- Mu subdued by WOIHIt&e wiIes -- Mciaes and Pharaoh both doers of God’s wiII -- Man and wife types of the spirit and the fIesh -- Adam made superior to the angeIs -- PartiaI eviI universaI good -- STROY X—The Man who was Tattooed -- Submbeiun to the SpirituaI Director - -- STROY XI—The Iion who bunted in Compeny - -- Man must deSTROY “seIf” -- STROY X11—Joseph and the ?eIfrror -- “Not-being’ the mirror of Being -- STROY t X[II—The Prophetic Scribe -- How phiIosophers deceive themseIves - -- STROY XIV—The Chinese iuid the Greek Arti’ts -- KnowIedge of the heartand of the achooIs -- &roai XV.—The Prophet and Zaid -- CounseIs of “esert” -- Spotty XVI—’AIi’u Forbearance -- The Prophet’s whisper to ‘AWe stirrup-bearer -- Adam rebuked for scorning thus -- EpiIogue to Book I -- BOOK II -- STROY 1—The SufI’s Beast -- The poet’s doctrines veiIed in fabIes -- Why the prophets were sent -- MysticaI meaning of “DayIight” -- Eapresaiotu of reIigious feeIing -- On bIind imitation -- EviI inIIuence of covetousnea -- STROY 11—The Pauper anti the Prisoners -- Satan’s otiIee in the worId -- The “BeIoved” the cause of aII earthIy beauty -- STROY III—The K4g and his two SIaves -- The aposIoicaI -- TURT I% —1tw raIcin and the OwIs -- The right use of forms -- &roar V—The Thirsty !iIan -- “It was not ye who shot” -- STROY Vi—Inqrnan and his Master -- Iove endures hardships from the BeIoved V -- STROY VII—MowsafIdtheShephcrd -- ReIigious forms indiffreut - - -- Why the wicked fIourish -- STROY VI1I—The Man and his Pet Bear - -- He who n mercy finds it V V -- The worshippers of the goIden caIf -- STROY IX—The Gardener and the Three Friends V -- STROY X—I3ayaxId awI the Saint VV -- The sweet uses of adversity V -- God the Author of good and eviI -- EviI turned into good for the good -- STROY XI— MoIvia and IuIIs -- The vaIue of sighs -- Wisdom the “beIiever’s Iust cameI”. -- FaIse doctrines eontain some truth -- STROY X(I—The Four Hinduqtanis V -- STROY XIII—The OId Man and the Physician -- Bed principice produce bad actions -- STROY XIV—TIie Carrier end the SchoIar V -- STROY XV—The Man who Boasted -- STROY XVI—The GIuttonous Sufi -- The “mean” is reIative VV -- The ecstatic state above Iaw -- The “inner voice” its owit evidence -- Svoav XVII—The Tree of Iife - -- Svoay XVHI—The Young Oucs -- book III -- STROY 1—The TraveIIers who ate the EIephant find’s care for His chiIdren -- EviI deeds maIts prayers stinkThe man who cried “0 AIIah !‘ -- STROY 11—The ViIIager and the Townensan -- Jesus heaIing the sick -- God’s cIaims to oar gratitude -- Tests of hypeciIey Sinai III—The JackaI who aped a Peacock STROY IV—Moees and Pharaoh -- Iust compared to the snake -- Sinai V—The EIeph ant in a dark Boone -- Outward sense aesnpared to the paIm of a hand -- Noah and his sun Canaan -- ReconciIiation of Iwo traiIiIineis -- The bewiIderment f Iove annuIs thought -- STROY TI—i he Iover and his Mistress. -- True Ioven seek “i” - -- STROY 111—The Man in the Time of David KnowIedge 9’P”° In opinion -- STROY 1111—The Dove and their Teacher -- STROY IX—The Darvesh who broke his VowAII things dependent on God’s wiII -- Divine decrees apparent in their effects -- STROY X—Tbe OId Man and his Sons - -- STROY XI—IIahIoI and the Dnrvesh STROY X11—The Visions of I)aqdqi -- Ideuziñcation of the wiII wish God’s wiII -- AII reIigions in substance one -- STROY VII(cwIentn)- The Man in the Tiiese of David CriminaIs betray themseIves Iu4 compaI’ed to the murderer -- STROY XIII—The Men of SaIe - -- Not aII csa use parabIes rightIy -- The arguments of the FataIist.i -- Mercy incIines the good to devotiin- -- The despair of the prophets -- PrehabiIity the guide of Iife -- Stoer Y—The Three Fishes - -- The wise. the haIf wise. and the fooI ‘The bird’s counseIs -- STROY VI—Ifoses and Pharaoh -- The tradgiun. “I was a hidden treasure” -- Pious men ask not where heaven and heII are * -- Arguments of a Sunni and a DaIiri -- STROY VII—The ungratefuI Courtier -- Why some are made for destruction -- STROY VIII—The Prince beguiIed by a Courwean -- He who grieves the Iogos must expect tribuIation -- STROY II—The MuIe and the CameI -- The evoIution of man -- Zu’I Qarnain visits Mount QAf -- (JabrieI appears to Muhammad -- Address to Husãinu’-d-t)in -- BOOK V -- STROY 1—Abe Prophet and his Guest -- Outward acts bear witnees of the thoughts Prayers for spirituaI enIightennient -- STROY II— The Arab and his Dog -- STOUT Ut—The Sage and the Peacock “Then is nà monkcry in IsIam’ -- Prayers for higher aspirations -- STROY IV—The RMtzis of SabrawAr Satan’s snares for riien -- 5mev V—The Man who cIaimed to be a ProphetThe Prophet’s prayer - -- STROY VI—The Youth who imitated a Shaikh WorthIessness of bIind imitation -- TheoIogians bIind to things of the Spirit -- STROY VII—The Creetion of Adani -- God the “OnIy ReaI Agent’ - - -- Deashiagain STROY VIII—Mahmdd and Aydz - -- Description of him who is made one with God -- STROY I’I—The Repentance of Nanib -- Mcns mcmbcr wiII bear witue spinet him -- STROY X—The Iion. the Fox. nd the Ass -- BIind imitators exposed by their actions -- WorId’y iIIuaions to be Jmken oiI -- The monk’s search for a man -- Seimi’ XI—The MusiiIinan and the Magian Iove puts reason to siIence -- Scoteir VIII( m’nnsI)—Mahmdd Mid AyiIzIove and faith a mighty speII -- God’s deaIings manifest to the spirituaI -- STROY XII—The Devotee who broke the Wine-Jar -- fIescriptwn of one who trusts to the Iight of nazun.. -- STROY VIII(vmtiaa )--MahmI1d and Ayfi -- Iyázi’s rebuke to his peasions -- Hearing Ie*ds on to seeing -- Those who deny the Iife to come -- “We aIIot to some Iuets. to others virtues -- BOOK VT -- PauwGUE -- Man’s worth depruiIa on the objects of his aspiration -- Fear of then hindera acceptance of truth -- Prayers for guiiIssicr -- STROY 1—The SIave who Ioved his Master’s Itisughter STROY II—The FowIer and the Bird -- Tue bird’s cries for succour -- STROY III—The Turkish A nib’ and the MiiistteI Intoxication a ñgure of spiritusI ecetaay -- Reasons for knocking at the empty house -- STROY IV—The iim’cIaase of BiIáI -- Growth in grace graduaI -- STROY V—Tbe Suti and the Qzi . -- The deed regret not dying. but Iost oppntuti -- Virtue impIies triaIs overcome -- Men’s inrnebrra bear witness of Gods bounty -- STROY VI-—The Fisqir and the Hidden Treasure (Iad ruIes men by hope and fear -- “I am about to pIace on earth a.KbiIifa’ (Iad Ia nearer to us than our neck-vein -- &IOIIY V1I—The TIu’ee TraveIIers -- Iofty specuIation diverts us from GaiI -- The uses cit chastisement -- The mouse and the frog -- He who discerns God in the worId is sate -- STROYVIII—The Pensioner of the Prefect of Tahriz FoIIy of trusting to man Joseph in the Iri1n -- STROY IX—The King and his Three Sons The significance of” forms -- The Truth hidden in our phenomenaI being -- The figurative Ianguege of the Prince -- Why the answer to prayer is deIayed -- The joys of “Fruit in D& inexpressibIe -- The death of the Second Prince -- Note on ApocryphaI SuppIements to the Mantavi.

Erscheint lt. Verlag 23.11.2000
Verlagsort London
Sprache englisch
Maße 138 x 216 mm
Gewicht 635 g
Themenwelt Literatur Lyrik / Dramatik Lyrik / Gedichte
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
ISBN-10 0-415-24531-1 / 0415245311
ISBN-13 978-0-415-24531-9 / 9780415245319
Zustand Neuware
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