The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 39 - Thomas Jefferson

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 39

13 November 1802 to 3 March 1803


Barbara B. Oberg (Herausgeber)

Buch | Hardcover
760 Seiten
Princeton University Press (Verlag)
978-0-691-15671-2 (ISBN)
176,95 inkl. MwSt
A title that opens on 13 November 1802, when the Jefferson is in Washington, and closes on 3 March 1803, the final day of his second year as president. The central issue of these months is the closing of the right of deposit at New Orleans, an act that threatens the economic wellbeing of Westerners.
This volume opens on 13 November 1802, when Jefferson is in Washington, and closes on 3 March 1803, the final day of his second year as president. The central issue of these months is the closing of the right of deposit at New Orleans, an act that threatens the economic wellbeing of Westerners. Jefferson asks his old friend Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours to remind the French government of the strong friendship between the two nations. To disarm the political opposition, the president sends James Monroe, who is respected by the Federalists, to Europe as a special envoy to work with Robert Livingston in negotiating the dispute with France. Jefferson proposes a "bargain" that will result in the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory. In a confidential message to Congress, Jefferson seeks $2,500 to send a small party of men to explore the Missouri River. Congress concurs, and Jefferson's secretary Meriwether Lewis will lead the expedition. Settling the boundaries with Native American lands is a major theme of the volume. In reality, "settling" results in major cessions of Indian lands to the American government.
During the months of this volume Jefferson never leaves the capital, even for a brief sojourn at Monticello. He does, however, enjoy a visit of six weeks from his daughters and two of his grandchildren. They participate in Washington society, capture the affection of Margaret Bayard Smith, and brighten Jefferson's days.

Barbara B. Oberg, senior research scholar and lecturer with the rank of professor at Princeton University, is general editor of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

Foreword vii Editorial Method and Apparatus xv Illustrations xlv Jefferson Chronology 2 1 8 0 2 Receipt from Vincent Ducomb, 13 November 3 From Gibson & Jefferson, 13 November 3 To Benjamin H. Latrobe, 13 November 4 From Craven Peyton, 13 November 4 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, [before 14 November] 5 From J. P. P. Derieux, 14 November 6 To the National Institute of France, 14 November 7 To Connecticut Republicans, 15 November 8 To Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 15 November 9 From Benjamin H. Latrobe, 16 November 10 To Samuel Harrison Smith, 16 November 11 To Dabney Carr, 17 November 11 To Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 17 November 12 From Robert Hewes, 17 November 12 From Peter S. Marks, 17 November 13 To Thomas Newton, 17 November 14 Drafting the Annual Message to Congress 14 * I. Referral of the Draft to James Madison, 18 November 17 * II. Referral of the Draft to Albert Gallatin, 19 November 18 * III. Gallatin's Remarks on the Draft, [19-21 November] 18 * IV. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures,[on or before 21 November] 25 * V. Referral of the Draft to Henry Dearborn, 22 November 27 * VI. Dearborn's Remarks on the Draft, [23 November] 28 * VII. Robert Smith's Remarks on the Draft,[on or before 25 November] 28 * VIII. Referral of the Draft to Levi Lincoln, [25 November] 28 * IX. Lincoln's Remarks on the Draft, 25 November 29 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 18 November 30 From Albert Gallatin, 18 November 31 From George Helmbold, 18 November 32 From William S. Jacobs, 18 November 32 To Edward Preble, 18 November 33 From John Dawson, 19 November 34 From James Jackson, 19 November 34 From Archibald McCall, 19 November 35 From John Thomson Mason, with Jefferson's Order, 19 November 36 From Joseph H. Nicholson, 19 [November] 37 From Robert Smith, 19 November 39 From Arsenne Thiebaut de Berneaud, 19 November 39 From John Avery, 20 November 46 From John Carr, 20 November 46 From Albert Gallatin, [20 November] 47 Statement of Account with Edward Gantt, 20 November 48 From Richard Humpton, 20 November 49 From Carlos Martinez de Irujo, 20 November 50 To Robert R. Livingston, 20 November 50 To Thomas Newton, 20 November 51 To Craven Peyton, 20 November 52 Statement on Loan Certificates for William Short, 20 November 52 From Landon Carter, [21 November] 53 From Samuel Hanson, 21 November 54 From Joseph Marie Lequinio de Kerblay, 21 November 56 Statement of Account with Meriwether Lewis, 21 November 57 To Francis Mitchell, 21 November 58 To William Bache, 22 November 59 From Henry Dearborn, 22 November 59 From Henry Dearborn, with Jefferson's Note, [22 November] 60 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 22 November 60 To John Wayles Eppes, 22 November 61 From David Gelston, 22 November 62 Memorandum from Benjamin H. Latrobe, [22 November] 63 To John Mason, 22 November 64 To Thomas Mann Randolph, 22 November 64 To the Senate and the House of Representatives,[on or after 22 November] 65 To George III, King of Great Britain, 23 November 66 To Samuel Hanson, 23 November 67 To James Monroe, 24 November 67 From J. P. P. Derieux, 25 November 68 From George Helmbold, 25 November 69 From John Milledge, 25 November 69 To Thomas Mann Randolph, 25 November 70 From John Brown, 26 November 71 From William Duane, [26 November] 73 From Robert R. Livingston, 26 November 74 From Matthew Lyon, 26 November 76 From John Smith, 26 November 78 From St. George Tucker, 26 November 80 From Benjamin H. Latrobe, [28 November] 81 To Caesar A. Rodney, 28 November 82 To Thomas Cooper, 29 November 83 From Blair McClenachan, 29 November 84 From John Morton, 29 November 85 To Joseph Priestley, 29 November 85 From Stephen Sayre, 29 November 87 From Hippolyte Ferdinand de Widranges, 29 November 89 From Timothy Bloodworth, 30 November 90 From James Garrard, 30 November 91 From Ephraim Kirby, 30 November 92 From Philippe Reibelt, 30 November 93 From Samuel Elliot, November 96 To James Dinsmore, 1 December 98 From Alexander Fowler, 1 December 99 To George Jefferson, 1 December 103 From George Jefferson, 1 December 104 Memorial of the Kentucky Legislature, [1 December] 104 To John Bartram, Jr., 2 December 105 From Daniel Carroll, 2 December 106 To James Madison, 2 December 106 To William Short, 2 December 106 From Therese Ceracchi, 3 December 107 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 4 December 108 From Benjamin H. Latrobe, 4 December 110 From Affinity Megeath, 4 December 111 From John Brown, 5 December 112 To John Redman Coxe, 6 December 113 From Albert Gallatin, 6 December 113 From George Jefferson, 6 December 114 To Benjamin Jones, 6 December 114 From Levi Lincoln, 6 December 115 From the Navy Department, [on or before 6 December] 117 From "A True Republican," [ca. 6 December] 117 From Francis Deakins, 7 December 117 From Elizabeth Ford, 7 December 119 To Albert Gallatin, 7 December 119 To George Jefferson, 7 December 120 To S. & S. Myers, 7 December 121 From Carlos Martinez de Irujo, [8 December] 121 From Richard W. Meade, 8 December 122 To Thomas Newton, 8 December 123 From Robert Smith, 8 December 123 To Robert Bailey, 9 December 125 From Laurence A. Dorsey, 9 December 126 To Carlos Martinez de Irujo, 9 December 127 From James Mease, with Jefferson's Note, [9 December] 128 From Abraham Baldwin, 10 December 128 From John Redman Coxe, 10 December 129 To James Dinsmore, 10 December 129 From Albert Gallatin, enclosing List of Appointments, with Notes by Gallatin and Jefferson, and Gallatin's Notes on Appointments, with Jefferson's Orders, 10 December 130 To Ephraim Kirby, 10 December 133 From Robert Smith, 10 December 134 To John Steele, 10 December 134 From Marten Wanscher, 10 December 135 To John Barnes, 11 December 136 From Justus Erich Bollmann, 11 December 136 From J. P. P. Derieux, 11 December 137 To John Wayles Eppes, 11 December 138 To James Monroe, 11 December 139 From S. & S. Myers, 11 December 139 From Richard Claiborne, 12 December 140 From George Rogers Clark, 12 December 141 To Albert Gallatin, 12 December 143 From William Jones, 12 December 143 From Charles Willson Peale, 12 December 144 From Jonathan Williams, 12 December 145 From John Wayles Eppes, 13 December 147 From Harry Innes, 13 December 148 From George Jefferson, 13 December 149 To Levi Lincoln, 13 December 149 From Levi Lincoln, 13 December 150 To John Smith, 13 December 154 From Timothy Bloodworth, 14 December 155 From Gabriel Duvall, enclosing Distribution of Votes in Maryland, 14 December 156 To Albert Gallatin, 14 December 158 From Thomas Marston Green, 14 December 158 From Thomas Randall, 14 December 159 From Caesar A. Rodney, 14 December 160 From William Short, 14 [December] 162 Annual Message to Congress, 15 December 162 To John Barnes, 15 December 172 To Jones & Howell, 15 December 172 From Benjamin H. Latrobe, 15 December 173 To Thomas Mann Randolph, 15 December 174 To the Senate, 15 December 175 From John Conrad & Co., 16 December 175 From Thomas T. Davis, 16 December 176 To Thomas T. Davis, 16 December 177 From John Wayles Eppes, 16 December 177 From Jesse Franklin, 16 December 178 To James Garrard, 16 December 179 From Craven Peyton, 16 December 180 From Leonard Honore Gay de Vernon, 17 December 180 From "Jack A Dandy," [ca. 17 December] 181 From James Monroe, 17 December 182 To the Senate, 17 December 182 From Thomas Cooper, 18 December 182 From Albert Gallatin, 18 December 183 From Rufus King, 18 December 184 From Philippe Reibelt, 18 December 185 From Philip Pearson, 19 December 186 From Caesar A. Rodney, 19 December 188 From Johann Gotthilff Angerman, 20 December 189 From Joseph Barnes, 20 December 190 To Francis Taliaferro Brooke, 20 December 195 From Thomas T. Davis, 20 December 195 From Albert Gallatin, 20 December 196 From Thomas Munroe, 20 December 197 From Robert Snelson, 20 [December] 200 From Henry Voigt, 20 December 201 From Joshua Wingate, Jr., 20 December 202 To John Armstrong, 21 December 202 From Therese Ceracchi, 21 December 203 To Albert Gallatin, 21 December 205 From Peder Blicher Olsen, 22 December 206 From Benjamin Gorton, 22 December 206 To the House of Representatives, 22 December, enclosing From James Madison, 21 December 208 From Robert Snelson, 22 December 210 From Thomas Worthington, 22 December 210 From John Wayles Eppes, 23 December 211 To the House of Representatives, 23 December 212 Statement of Account with Jones & Kain, with Jefferson's Order, 23 December 213 From Francis Taliaferro Brooke, 24 December 214 From Andrew Ellicott, 24 December 214 From John Wayles Eppes, 24 December 214 To Albert Gallatin, 24 December 215 From Thomas S. Cavender, 25 December 216 To Albert Gallatin, 25 December 217 From Thomas Paine, enclosing Paine's Memorandum on Louisiana, [25 December] 217 From John Vaughan, 25 December 218 To Jonathan Williams, 25 December 220 From William Bache, 26 December 221 To the Senate, 27 December 221 To the Senate, 27 December 223 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 27 December 225 From John Smith, 27 December 225 From Indiana Territory Citizens, 28 December 226 From Arnold Oelrichs, 28 December 228 From Jean Francois Perrey, enclosing From William Henry Harrison and Others, 28 December 229 Memorandum for Henry Dearborn on Indian Policy, 29 December 231 From John Condit, 30 December 234 From Edmund Harrison, 30 December 235 To the House of Representatives 236 * I. To the House of Representatives, 30 December 237 * II. To the Speaker of the House, 30 December 238 From Carlos Martinez de Irujo, 30 December 238 From James Miller, 30 December 239 To Timothy Bloodworth, 31 December 240 To Dwight Foster, 31 December 241 To Heads of Departments, [31 December] 241 From John Joseph Rey, 31 December 241 To Caesar A. Rodney, 31 December 243 From John Vaughan, 31 December 244 From George Trisler, enclosing Circular on the Winchester Triumph of Liberty, 1802 244 1 8 0 3 From E. T. Hadwen, 1 January 246 From David Humphreys, 1 January 253 From Joseph Coppinger, 3 January 254 From William Dean, 3 January 255 To James Dinsmore, 3 January 256 From Albert Gallatin, 3 January 257 From E. T. Hadwen, 3 January 259 From Ephraim Kirby, 3 January 260 From John Reich, 3 January 264 From John Wayles Eppes, 4 January 265 Petition of William Connor, with Jefferson's Order, 5 January 266 From John Redman Coxe, 5 January 267 From William Dunbar, 5 January 268 To the House of Representatives, 5 January 271 To John Smith, 5 January 272 From Joseph Anderson, William Cocke, and William Dickson, 6 January 272 To John Barnes, 6 January 273 From Abijah Hart, 6 January 273 From Anthony Van Mannierck, 6 January 274 From Horatio Gates, 7 January 275 From George Meade, 7 January 277 From Caesar A. Rodney, 7 January 278 To the Senate, 7 January 279 From Albert Gallatin, [8 January], enclosing Andrew Ellicott to Albert Gallatin, 27 December 1802 280 From George Jefferson, 8 January 283 From James Lovell, 8 January 283 From Thomas Munroe, 8 January 285 To Owl and Others, 8 January 286 From Samuel A. Ruddock, [on or after 8 January] 290 From William Wirt, 8 January 292 From Carlos Martinez de Irujo, [9 January] 293 From James Jackson, 9 January 294 From James Monroe, 9 January 295 From Joseph Anderson, 10 January 296 From John Conner, 10 January 296 From Henry Dearborn, enclosing List of Army Appointments, 10 January 297 From Henry Dearborn, 10 January 299 From William Edgar, 10 January 299 To George Jefferson, 10 January 300 From Robert Leslie, 10 January 301 From Levi Lincoln, 10 January 302 To James Monroe, 10 January 306 From Charles Willson Peale, 10 January 306 Petition of John Baker, with Jefferson's Order, 11 January 308 From Mary Jefferson Eppes, 11 January 309 Petition of John Henderson, 11 January 310 To George Jefferson, 11 January 311 To John Langdon, 11 January 311 To the Senate, 11 January 312 To the Senate, 11 January 313 To the Senate, 11 January 316 To the Senate, 11 January 316 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 11 January, enclosing From Elias Boudinot, 1 January 318 Commission for James Monroe and Robert R. Livingston, 12 January 320 To George Jefferson, 12 January 321 To George Jefferson, 12 January 321 To James Monroe, 12 January 322 From Thomas Paine, 12 January 322 To Christopher Smith, 12 January 323 To S. Smith & Buchanan, 12 January 323 From Albert Gallatin, [13 January] 324 To Albert Gallatin, [13 January] 327 To James Monroe, 13 January 328 To Thomas Paine, 13 January 331 From Henry Dearborn, 14 January 332 From Harry Innes, 14 January 332 From Thomas S. Kennedy, 14 January 333 From Benjamin Hawkins, 15 January 334 From George Jefferson, 15 January 335 Proclamation Extending Building Regulations in the City of Washington, 15 January 335 From John Smith, 15 January 336 From William Hamilton, 16 January 337 From Peter Carr, 17 January 337 To John Wayles Eppes, 17 January 338 From E. T. Hadwen, enclosing Religious Testimony of E. T. Hadwen, 17 January 339 To Thomas Mann Randolph, 17 January 341 From Markes Vandewall, 17 January 342 Meriwether Lewis: Estimated Costs of Missouri River Expedition, [before 18 January] 342 To Mary Jefferson Eppes, 18 January 343 From Albert Gallatin, 18 January 344 To James Garrard, 18 January 347 Notes on Navy Appropriations for 1803, [on or after 18 January] 348 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 18 January 350 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 18 January, enclosing Henry Dearborn: Report on Indian Affairs, 17 January 354 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, [18 January] 357 From the Town Committee at York, Massachusetts, with Jefferson's Notes, 18 January, enclosing Memorial from the Town Committee at York, Massachusetts, 17 January 358 Petition of Augustus B. Woodward and Others, with Jefferson's Order, 18 January 360 From John Wayles Eppes, 19 January 361 From Lewis Harvie, [19 January] 361 From Edward Livingston, 19 January 363 From "A Merchant of Charleston" 19 January 364 From Robert Smith, with Jefferson's Note, 19 January 366 From Dr. John Vaughan, 19 January 367 From William Helms, 20 January 368 From John Langdon, 20 January 368 From John Lithgow, 20 January 369 To John Page, 20 January 369 To Peder Blicher Olsen, [21 January] 370 From Daniel Carroll Brent, 21 January 371 To Thomas C. James, 21 January 373 From James A. Stewart, 21 January 374 From Albert Gallatin, enclosing Estimate of Navy Appropriations for 1803, 22 January 376 Memorandum for Henry Dearborn, 22 January 379 To John Avery, 23 January 381 From Peder Blicher Olsen, [23 January] 382 To Peter Carr, 23 January 383 To Charles Willson Peale, 23 January 383 To the President of the Senate, 23 January 384 To John Reich, 23 January 384 From Robert Smith, 23 January 385 To William Tazewell, 23 January 385 To Dr. John Vaughan, 23 January 386 From H. Bredaugh, 24 January 386 From Albert Gallatin, [24 January] 386 To Albert Gallatin, 24 January 387 From Samuel McFetrich, 24 January 387 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 24 January 388 From William H. Beaumont, 25 January 389 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 25 January 390 To Samuel Hanway, 25 January 391 To Lewis Harvie, 25 January 392 From John Langdon, 26 January 393 From Robert Leslie, enclosing Plan of a Dry Dock, 26 January 394 To William Hill Wells, 26 January 398 From Christopher Ellery, 27 January, enclosing Petition of Nathaniel Ingraham, [on or before 27 January] 398 To Horatio Gates, 27 January 401 To Robert Leslie, 27 January 402 Petition of William Mattox, with Jefferson's Order, 27 January 403 To Martha Jefferson Randolph, 27 January 404 To John Campbell White, 27 January 405 From John Conrad Lange, 28 January 406 From Charles Willson Peale, enclosing Description of the Physiognotrace, 28 January 406 From Peter Carr, 29 January 409 From Albert Gallatin, 29 January 410 From Robert Smith, 29 January 410 From William Adamson, 30 January 411 From Levi Lincoln, 30 January 415 To Madame de Tesse, 30 January 416 To Madame de Corny, 31 January 417 To Maria Cosway, 31 January 418 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 31 January 419 From Augustine Eastin, 31 January 422 From Albert Gallatin, 31 January 422 From Levi Lincoln, 31 January 425 From John Washington Scott, 31 January 425 From William Canby, 1 February 426 From Henry Dearborn, [1 February] 427 From Henry Dearborn, 1 February 427 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 1 February 427 To Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 1 February 428 From James Miller and Others, 1 February 432 From William Bache, 2 February 433 From John Daly Burk, 2 February 434 From James Currie, 2 February 435 From Philadelphia Merchants and Others, 2 February 435 To the Senate, 2 February 436 From "A. B.", [on or before 3 February] 438 From Susana Carter, 3 February 440 From Joseph Eaker, 3 February 441 From Thomas Marston Green, 3 February 442 To the House of Representatives, 3 February 443 To Robert R. Livingston, 3 February 444 From Joseph Stokes, 3 February 446 To Abraham Baldwin, 4 February 447 From Robert Brent, 4 February 448 To Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 4 February 448 From William Hoge and Joseph Hiester, 4 February 449 To William Jones, 4 February 451 To Pierre Auguste Adet, 5 February 451 From Henry Dearborn, enclosing From Henry Dearborn, 5 February 452 To Marc Auguste Pictet, 5 February 456 To Charles Pougens, enclosing Jefferson's Volumes of the Encyclopedie Methodique, 5 February 458 To Justus Erich Bollmann, 6 February 462 To Jones & Howell, 6 February 463 List of Groceries for Monticello, 6 February 463 To Louis Sebastien Mercier, 6 February 463 To J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 6 February 464 To Thomas Newton, 6 February 465 To Daniel Trump, 6 February 465 To Volney, 6 February 466 From James Ash, 7 February 467 To Stephen Cathalan, Jr., enclosing List of Groceries Wanted from Marseilles, 7 February 468 List of French Wines, [on or before 7 February] 471 From Thomas McKean, 7 February 471 From J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 7 February 475 To John Joseph Rey, 7 February 475 From Edward Savage, 7 February 475 From William Wingate, with Jefferson's Note, 7 February 476 From William, Benjamin, and W. L. Bakewell, 8 February 478 From James Brobson and John Warner, 8 February 479 To George Jefferson, 8 February 480 To James Madison, 8 February 481 To Craven Peyton, 8 February 482 From Thomas Hobbes Scott, 8 February 482 To Charles Smith, 8 February 483 From Robert Smith, 8 February 484 From Albert Gallatin, [9 February] 485 From John Barnes, 10 February 485 From John Breckinridge and Others, 10 February 486 From Robert Eastburn, 10 February 488 From John Wayles Eppes, 10 February 488 To Albert Gallatin, 10 February 490 From Thomas Newton, 10 February 491 From Clement Storer and Others, 10 February 491 Topics for Consultation with Heads of Departments, [on or after 10 February] 493 To Cornplanter and Others, 11 February 496 From Samuel Hanson, 11 February 497 Letter of Credence for James Monroe, 11 February 498 From J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 11 February 499 From Elisha Bennett, 12 February 499 To Handsome Lake, 12 February 500 From Thomas Mendenhall, 12 February 502 From Robert Leslie, 13 February 504 From Jean Vermonnet, 13 February 507 From J. P. P. Derieux, 14 February 509 To Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 14 February 510 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 14 February 511 From Rolfe Eldridge, 14 February 513 To Farmer's Brother and Others, 14 February 514 From James Jackson, 14 February 518 From Charles Willson Peale, 14 February 523 To the Senate, 14 February 524 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 14 February 525 From James Burnham, 15 February 525 From Madame de Corny, 15 February 527 To Henry Dearborn, 15 February 529 From Albert Gallatin, 15 February 531 From Philip Mazzei, 15 February 532 To James Jackson, 16 February 541 From Thomas Newton, 16 February 543 To John Breckinridge, 17 February 543 From Daniel Carroll Brent, 17 February 544 From Joseph Coppinger, 18 February 545 To Benjamin Hawkins, 18 February 546 To George Jefferson, 18 February 549 From Joseph Anderson, William Cocke, and William Dickson, 19 February 549 From Samuel J. Cabell, 19 February 550 From Henry Dearborn, 19 February 551 To Thomas McKean, 19 February 552 From Craven Peyton, 19 February 555 From Robert Smith, [19 February] 555 From James Taylor, Jr., 19 February 556 From John Carroll, 20 February 556 From Thomas Rodney, 20 February 557 From Elize Winn, 20 February 558 To John Daly Burk, 21 February 559 To John Wayles Eppes, 21 February 560 From James Madison, [21 February] 560 To J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 21 February 561 To Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 21 February 562 To the Senate, 21 February 562 Statement of Account with George Andrews, [on or before 22 February] 563 To James Madison, 22 February 564 From Joseph H. Nicholson, 22 February 565 From Lyman Spalding, 22 February 566 To Joseph Anderson, William Cocke, and William Dickson, 23 February 566 From Nicholas Gouin Dufief, 23 February 567 To Joseph H. Nicholson, 23 February 568 To Craven Peyton, 23 February 569 From Benjamin Reynolds, 23 February 569 To the Senate and the House of Representatives, 23 February, enclosing Madison's Report on the Hendrick, 22 February 573 From Anne Cary Randolph, [before 24 February] 575 From Thomas Jefferson Randolph, [before 24 February] 575 To Lacepede, 24 February 576 To John Carroll, 25 February 579 Circular to the Governors of the States, 25 February 579 From Pierpont Edwards, 25 February 581 To George Jefferson, 25 February 581 From Levi Lincoln, 25 February 582 From Schuyler Livingston, [25 February] 582 To Thomas Mendenhall, 25 February 583 To James Monroe, 25 February 584 To James B. Richardson, 25 February 585 To William Wingate, 25 February 586 From Peter Hughes, 26 February 586 To Anne Cary Randolph, 26 February 588 To Benjamin Smith Barton, 27 February 588 To William Henry Harrison, 27 February 589 From Justus Erich Bollmann, 28 February 593 From Matthew Clay, 28 February 594 From Albert Gallatin, 28 February 595 To William Henry Harrison, 28 February 596 To Lewis Harvie, 28 February 597 From Alexander Moultrie, 28 February 598 To Benjamin Rush, 28 February 598 From Robert Smith, 28 February 600 Abstract of Warrants from Robert Smith, 28 February 600 To Caspar Wistar, 28 February 601 From Joseph Croswell, February 602 From Abraham Baldwin, 1 March 606 From Isaac Briggs, 1 March 606 To Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 1 March 608 From Nicolas Gouin Dufief, enclosing Invoice for Books, 1 March 609 From Christopher Ellery, 1 March 610 To the House of Representatives, 1 March 611 From Michael Leib, 1 March 611 Memorandum to James Madison, 1 March 612 To Joseph H. Nicholson, 1 March 613 To Philip Pearson, 1 March 613 To the Senate, 1 March 614 From Benjamin Waterhouse, 1 March 615 To Richard Winn, 1 March 616 From John Page, 2 March 617 To Robert Patterson, 2 March 618 Statement of Account with Rapine, Conrad & Co., 2 March 619 From Robert Smith, 2 March 621 From Joseph Anderson, 3 March 621 From John Bacon, 3 March 622 To William Dunbar, 3 March 623 From Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 3 March 624 From Joseph Hamilton, 3 March 626 From Craven Peyton, 3 March 627 To William Short, 3 March 627 From David Thomas, 3 March, enclosing From James McCrea, 13 September 1802 628 APPENDICES Appendix I: List of Appointments, 631 [13 November 1802-4 March 1803] Appendix II: Letters Not Printed in Full 636 Appendix III: Letters Not Found 637 Appendix IV: Financial Documents 641 INDEX 645

Reihe/Serie The Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Zusatzinfo 8 page illus. section - 8 duotones. 13 line illus.
Verlagsort New Jersey
Sprache englisch
Maße 152 x 235 mm
Gewicht 1134 g
Themenwelt Literatur Briefe / Tagebücher
Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte Neuzeit (bis 1918)
Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Regional- / Ländergeschichte
ISBN-10 0-691-15671-9 / 0691156719
ISBN-13 978-0-691-15671-2 / 9780691156712
Zustand Neuware
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